HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-1989 Minutes . . . ~,.,..... t.,; .. ~.:. City of San Bernardino. California May 24, 1989 This is the time and place set for reconvening an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at 9:10 a.m., Tuesday, May 23, 1989. At 4:45 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of Tuesday, May 23, 1989, was recessed to 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 24, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened at Wednesday, May 24, 1989, in the Council Chambers of 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. and Common 9:10 a.m., City Hall, ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Minor, Miller: Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Richard Bennecke, Ececutive Assistant to the Mayor. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tempor~ Reilly. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. GENERAL PLAN PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This is the time and place set for a concerning the Final Environmental Impact Report. includes an environmental impact report, comments draft findings, a draft statement of overriding and a draft mitigation/monitoring program. public hearing This report and responses. considerations ( 2Al Brad Kilger, Planning Director, will be present later in the Environmental Impact Report. stated that afternoon the consultants wi th the final 1 5/24/89 . . . ~..... ,Council Member Member Minor and Environmental Impact Page 14 & 15) Miller made a motion, seconded unanimously carried. that Report be continued until 1:30 by Council the Final p.m. (See COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED Council Member Pope-Ludlam arrived at the Cokuncil Meeting and took her place at the Council Table. PROPOSED FY 1989-90 BUDGET PREPARATION- OF BUDGET CALENDAR This is the time and place proposed FY 1989-90 Budget and Calendar. DISCUSSION set for a presentation of the for discussion of the budget (1) Acting City Administrator Robbins stated that the budget materials are not yet ready to be presented. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded Member Flores and unanimously carried. that presentation be continued until 1:30 p.m. (See Page by the 14 & Council budget 15) GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION - ADDENDUM TO AUDIT TRAIL III The Addendum to Audit ,Trail III contains requests for changes in land use designation that have not yet been before the Planning CommiSSIon. (2d) Palm Avenue. ~orth of Kendall Drive - Yashimura - B-20 - Reconsideration Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded Member Miller and unanimously carried. that Council May 23. 1989. designating property located on Palm be reconsidered. by Cokuncil Action taken Avenue as Cn. Ted Yashimura. in Attachment "N" of the back-u"p, requested that the property designation be changed from RI to Rm. Brad Kilger, Planning Director, answered questions. stating that there are many instances throughout the city where an area is designated commercial in order to service the surrounding residences. Discussion ensued regarding the need for commercial centers in this area. Planning Director Kilger designations. described alternative zoning 2 5/24/89 . . . .~ ~'. ....:.- Council Member Minor made a motion, Member Miller and unanimously carried, that on Palm Avenue, north of Kendall Drive (Reconsidered again 5/31/89) seconded by Council the property located be designated RE. Nor~~west :edevelooment Area - Mt. Vernon Avenue. Nor__ of B_seline Avenue - Baseline Avenue. West of 1-215 Freeway - Townsend - B-29 & A-7 Don Townsend submitted a map of the Northwest Redevelopment Area with requested changes in designated zoning. He requested taht the property located at Mt. Vernon Avenue, north of Baseline Avenue, have an MU designation to allow IL uses and no multi- family, and that Baseline Avenue, west of the 1-215 Freeway, be designated CG-l. Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered questions regarding the time and place for discussion of this item. Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam explained that she had received new information regarding this request and feels it should be discussed in closed session. (Discussion continued after the following recess) RECESS MEETING At 9:25 a.m., the meeting recess for a five-minute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 9:30 a.m., the meeting reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Strteet, San Bernardino, California, and was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Minor, pope- Ludlam, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno; Deputy City Clerk Clark, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Maudsley. No~t~west Redevelooment Area - Mt. Vernon Avenue. North of B_s;line Avenue - Baseline Avenue. West of 1-215 Freeway - Townsend - B-29 - Continued Discussion continued regarding the request of Don Townsend, for a change in zoing designations in the Northwest Redevelopment Area. Brad concerning Plan. Kilger, Planning Director, answered questions the time frame for the final adoption of the General 3 5/24/89 ::;.rf" . Deputy city Attorney Henry Empeno. Jr., answered questions, stating that there is no problem with continuing discussion of Mr. Townsend's request until Tuesday, May 30, 1989, in order for further information to be reviewed. council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor, that disucssion concerning the zoing of the Northwest Redevelopment Area, as requested by Don Townsend, be continued until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 30, 1989. (This meeting was later rescheduled for 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 31, 1989 See Page 14 8< 24) The motion Members Reilly, Member Flores. carried by the following vote: Ayes: council Minor, pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: council Absent: Council Members Estrada, Maudsley. lOth Street 8< Western Avenue - Salomon - B-31 June Salomon requested that the land use designation for property located at. lOth Street 8< Western Avenue be changed from RS to RU, per Attachment "u" in the back-up. . Planning Director Kilger square foot lots accommodating would have to be met. answered questions concerning 7200 duplexes, and requirements that council Member pope-Ludlam made a motion, Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that of Western Avenue, between 9th and 11th Streets, RU. seconded by the west side be designated Citywide - Woods Geneva Woods, on recommendations that Attachment "V" in the _ Lea2ue of Women Voters - B-32 behalf of the League of Women Voters, made were general and citywide in nature, per back-uP. Deputy City Attorney Empeno advised that since there were no specific requests, a motion by the Mayor and Common Council is not required. Tri-Citv Area - McDonald - B-34 Rod McDonald made three recommended changes in the Tri-City area: a. that staff be allowed to interpret the floor/area ratio; b. that drive-thrus be permitted; c. that four-story buildings be permitted. Planning Director Kilger explained that Mr. McDonald's concern is that the current standards for interpreting the floor/area ratio would not work in this particular area as it is unique. He recounted that drive-thrus are not allowed in the area by recommendation of the Planning commission, which was . 4 5/24/89 ~ . . . '.... (' ~ ~ ~~ concurred with by the Mayor and Common Council. buildings greater than four stories are allowed in a Conditional Use Permit. He stated that the area with Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that the recommendation concerning the floor/area ratio has not yet been fully evaluated. Council Member Minor made a motion, that recommendation a. concerning the floor/area ratio be continued in order to get further information and that recommendations b. regarding drive- thrus and c. regarding four-story buildings, be denied. Principal Planner Bautista referred to Policy 1.17.20, which allows buildings of four stories, or 52 feet in height, for all uses, and requires a Conditional Use Permit for higher bUildings. Council Member Minor made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Flores, that recommendation a. concerning the floor/area ratio be continued in order to get further information and that recommendation b. regarding drive-thrus, be denied. Discussion ensued regarding that need for fast food eating establishments in the Tri-City area. Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that the policy that precludes drive-thrus does not preclude fast food restaurants. Woody Tescher, consultant from Envicom, answered questions regarding the calculation of floor/area ratio on small lots. He gave examples of how other cities define floor/area ratio, and stated the Development Code will contain the legal definition of the calculation of floor/area ratio. The General Plan gives the basic parameters. Planning definition of Page 75 of the Director Kilger floor/area ratio, original draft. answered questions regarding the and pointed out that it is on The motion carried by the following vote: Aves: Council Members Reilly, Flores, Minor, Miller. Noes: Co~ncil Member Pope-Ludlam. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Maudsley. Baseline & LaJunta Bristow - B-35 Richard Bristow requested that the land use designation for property located at Baseline and LaJunta be changed from RM to CG-2. 5 5/24/89 . . . ~~~ Planning Director Kilger pointed out that this item is in conjunction with Item B-52 of Audit Trail III, concerning another request from Richard Bristow that the entire block of 741 E. Baseline be changed from CG-1 and RM to CG-1. Principal Planner Bautista gave a description of staff's review of this property. Brad Kilger, Planning Director, answered questions regarding land use designations for this property. Consultant Tescher 1.32.30, regarding the Baseline Avenue. answered questions concerning Policy depth of commercial designations along Discussion ensued regarding the boundary lines of the existing trailer park being recognized. seconded by Council the CG-2 designation of 300 feet between on the west, and that Council Member Reilly made a motion, Member Flores and unanimously carried, that along Baseline be extended to a depth Baseline and Myrtle on the east and LaJunta the remaining area be designated RH. 2402 Lerov - Ghiassi - B-36 H. Ghiassi requested that property located at 2402 Leroy be the land use designation of changed from RS to RHH. It was noted that the description of Item B-36 of the Addendum to Audit Trail III lists this property in Ward 2 and it should be corrected to.read Ward 7. Principal Planner Bautista described the land uses in the area. Planning Director Kilger answered questions, stating that the General Plan encourages that the Development Code address a requirement for greater setbacks between apartment buildings and single-family residences. Council Hember Miller made Member Flores and unanimously at 2402 Leroy remain RS. a motion, seconded by Council carried, that the property located Kendall Drive & Fourth Street - Aschemever - B-37 Eric Aschemeyer requested that the property located at Kendall Drive and Fourth Street be changed from RS to CG-1. 6 5/24/89 . . . .......~ :J_v Principal Planner Bautista used the aerial and existing land use map to answer questions regarding the zoning designations in the area. Planning depth of this storage. Director Kilger answered questions regarding the parcel of land and its proposed use as a mini Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the request Aschemeyer be denied and that the property located at Drive and Fourth Street remain RS. Council of Mr. Kendall 1411 Baseline - Moran - B-38 Ron Moran requested that property located at 1411 Baseline be changed from CG-2, to CH, per Attaohment "X" of Audit Trail III. Discussion ensued regarding a petition received from many tenants of the area for a land use designation of IL. Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that an Industrial Light designation would not be appropriate because of the number of retail commercial uses. He recommended a CH designation, as it includes commercial and light industrial. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the land use designation CH start with a western boundary of the alley east of Conejo, an eastern boundary of the mini-storage, travelling down to the flood control. which would include the mini storage, the southeast corner of Conejo and Baseline, and the House of Plywood. Kendall Drive. south of Palm Avenue - Tracadas - B-39 Frank Tracadas requested that area located on Kendall Drive, south of Palm Avenue be changed from RU to CG-l, per Attachment "y" of Audit Trail III. Planning Director Kilger pointed out that Addendum of Audit Trail III is another request RU to CG~l for the property across the street. Item B-48 of the for a change from Discussion ensued regarding the amount of in the area. commercial zoning Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the area Kendall Drive, south of Palm Avenue, remain RU. by Council located on 7 5/24/89 . . ::.?- ,. . COUNCIL KEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the Council Meeting. Waterman Avenue & 29th Street - Crestview & 21st Street - Cisneros - B-40 M. Cisneros requested that property located on Waterman Avenue and 29th Street be changed from RS to CG-1 and that property located on Crestview and 21st Streets be changed from RS to CO-l. It was pointed out that the request regarding Crestview and 21st Street had been considered at a previous meeting. planning Director Kilger presented a field survey of the area. Woody Tescher, consultant from Envicom, answered questions regarding senior congregate care. council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member FLores and unanimously carried, that the west side of Waterman Avenue, from 29th to Alexander Streets, be designated CO-l. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED council Member pope-Ludlam returned to the Council Meeting and took her place at the Council Table. West Side of Macv Street. North of Hiqhland Avenue - Montrenec - B-44 Mary Montrenee requested that the west side of Macy Street north of Highland Avenue, be changed from RS to CG-1. Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding alternative land use designations. council Member Council Member Flores of Macy Street, north pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by and unanimously carried, that the west side of Highland Avenue, be changed to CG-1. RECESS MEETING At 10:40 a.m., the meeting recessed for a five-minute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 10:46 a.m., Mayor Wilcox called the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 Bernardino, California. the meeting to order in North "D" Street, San 8 5/24/89 '('IF'. t;<':" ~.. . ROLL CALL ROLL Call was taken with the following be~ng present: MaYor Wilcox; Council Members Re~lly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam , , Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy C~ty Clerk Lang Acting City Admin~strator Robbins. Absent: Council Member~ Estrada, Maudsley. "D" Street. East Side. From 15th to 16th Streets - Pankey - B-45 Dana Pankey requested that the east side of "D" Street, from 15th to 16th Streets, be changed from RH to CO-1. Principal Planner Bautista answered questions regarding neighboring existing uses. Council Member Reilly made a mption, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the east side of "D" Street, from 15th to 16th Streets, be changed to CO-1. . South Side of Hiqhland Avenue. West of Medical Center Drive - Tracadas - B-46 Frank Tracadas requested that the south side of Highland Avenue, west of Medical Center Drive, be changed from RS to CG-1, per Attachment "BB" of the baCk-Up. Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding neighboring uses and stated that Hr. Tracadas does not want his lot split. He pointed out the location of the old freeway right- of-way, stating that it is no longer needed. Council Member Pope-LUdlam made a motion, seconded by Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the south Highland Avenue, west of Medical Center Drive, including freeway right-of-way, be zoned CG-1. Council side of the old Kendall B-48 Michael Palm Avenue, Drive. south of Palm Avenue - Schneider '- Schneider requested that Kendall Drive, south of be changed from RU to CG-1. Council Member Minor made a motion, Member Flores and unanimously carried, that of Palm Avenue, be changed to CG-1. seconded by council Kendall Drive, soutb . North of Ostrems Way. Adiacent to 1-215 Freeway- Edwins - Hotel & Heiqht Limitation - B-49 John Edwins requested that hotel uses be allowed in the CG-l designation and that the height limit be increased, as tbeSe policies relate to property north of Ostrems Way, adjacent to tbe 1-215 Freeway. 9 5/24/89 ~~ ~~~ . Plan~ng Director Kilger explained that the CG-1 designation has a lim1t of two stor~~s along the freeway, w1th the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit for anything over two stories. Discussion ensued regarding hotels being allowed in the CG-1 des1gnation, and changing the height limit for all types of buildings. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that Policy 1.19.20 on Page 87 of the Draft General Plan, be amended to add, except on parcels immediately abutting a freeway where the height may be increased by Condit1onal Use Permit. Fifth Street. South Side - Garner - B-50 Charles Garner requested that the south side of Fifth Street be changed from CR-2 to CG-1. . Discussion ensued regarding neighboring uses. Council Member Minor Fifth Street Member Hiller made a motion, saconded by Council and unanimously carried, that the south side of be changed to CG-1. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the Council Meeting. Southeast Corner of Ohio and Palm Avenues - Harrison - B-51 Mel Harrison requested that the southeast corner of Ohio and Palm Avneues be changed from RL to RS. Discussion ensued regarding the amount of property involved. Council Member M1nor made a motion. Member Flores and unanimously carried, that of Ohio and Palm Avenues remain RL. seconded by Council the southeast corner COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED Council Member Pope-Ludlam returned to the Council Meeting and took her place at the Council Table. Identification Corrections of Items on Addendum planing Director Kilger related that since the request of . Jerry Lair has been previously considered. it was supposed to have been omitted from the Addendum as Item B-53. The following request from Ernest Ramirez is Item B-53 and from Steve Brodie is Item B-54. 10 5/24/89 . . . ~ Laurelwood. West of Tippecanoe - Auto Repair Uses In CR-3 - Ramirez - B-53 Ernest Ramirez requested that auto repair uses be permitted in CR-3 zoning, especially as they pertain to Laurelwood, west of Tippecanoe. Discussion ensued regarding the permitted uses in CR-3 zoning. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the request of Ernest Ramirez to allow auto repair uses in CR-3 zoning, be denied. COUNCIL MEMBER MINOR EXCUSED Council Member ~inor left the Council Meeting. Southwest Corner of Interocean Avenue and Fifth Street - Northeast Corner of Lvnwood and Mountain Drive - Brodie - B-54 Steve Brodie made the following requests: a. that the minimum lot size policy be eliminated in the RH designation as it pertains to property on the southwest corner of Interocean and Fifth Street; b. that the northeast corner of Lynwood and Mountain Drive be changed from RS to RM. Discussion ensued regarding the policy concerning minimua lot sizes. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the request for a policy change to eliminate the minimum lot size in the RH zoning designation be denied. COUNCIL MEMBER MINOR RETURNED Council Member Minor returned to the Council "Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. Discussion ensued regarding land use neighboring Lynwood Avenue and Mountain Drive. Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the as land use designation. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the RS designation on the northeast corner of Lynwood Avenue and Mountain Drive be retained. 11 5/24/89 ~ <,.: '- ...... ;,., . COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Council Member Miller left the Council Meeting. 60 Acres at Cable Lakes. West of Palm - 5 Acres West of Little Lea<<ue Drive. Next to Pet Cemetery - 25 Foot Setback ReQuirement in Verdemont Area - Schultz - B-56 Charles Schultz made the following requests: a. that the 60 acres at Cable Lakes, west of Palm Avenue, be changed from RL to RM; b. that the 5 acres west of Little League Drive, next to the pet cemetery, be changed from RL to CN. Mr. Schultz stated that he concurs with the 25 foot setback requirement in the Verdemont Area. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that the RL designations, as recommended by the Planning. Commission, remain on the 60 acres at Cable Lakes, west of Palm Avenue and on the 5 acres west of Little League Drive, next to the pet cemetery. 2~78 N. Waterman - Restaurant or Office in C_nverted Residence - Caldwell - B-57 . Mary Caldwell requested that policy be amended to permit the conversion of a residence to a small restaurant or office, as it pertains to property located at 2078 N. Waterman. Planning Director Kilger explained uses allowed in a CO-1 designation. The definition of a "limited commercial facility" has not yet been determined. Staff recommends that a restaurant be permitted in a CO-l designation with a Conditional Use Permit. He further explained that this matter will be handled in the Development Code. No formal action was taken. Foothill Areas. East of Hemlock. West of Willow Drive - Sturn - B-58 Will Sturn requested that the foothill areas, east of Hemlock, west of Willow Drive, have an RE designation. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER RETURNED Council Member Miller returned to the Council Meeting and took her place at the Council Table. Planning Director Kilger answered questions concerning the MH designation. . east they Council Member Miller made a motion that the foothill areas of Hemlock, west of Willow Drive be designated RE, but that not be removed from the MH Overlay District. 12 5/24/89 .:<'~ :....;,...... . . . Council Member Minor made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that thi~ matter be continued until later in the meeting in order for Council Member Maudsley to be present, (See Page 19) Northwest Corner of Belmont & Littl~ Le:2ue Drive _ Baseline Street at Lassen - Mitchel_ - _-59 Kevin Mitchell requested an RL designation on property located at the northwest corner of Belmont & Little League Drive and on Baseline Street at Lassen, per Attachment "LL". Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that'the northwest corner of Belmont & Little League Drive, and Baseline Street at Lassen, remain RE. 2730 N. "E" Street - Riffenbur2h - Wirth _ B-63 Two requests were received concerning property located at 2730 N. "E" Street. Ernest Riffenburgh requested that the property retain its proposed use (CG-I), and James Wirth requested that the zoning designation be changed from CG-1 to CO- 1 or CRC. Planning Director Kilger explained the consequences of the two requests for zoning this area. Woody Tescher, consultant from Envicom, answered questions regarding the previous zoning of the property and referred to Policy 1.28.10 on Page 103 of the Draft General Plan, which provides a detailed description of permitted uses. Deputy City Attorney Empeno explained the definition of vested rights of a developer. Council Member Minor made a motion, Member Miller, that the property located at be changed to CO-I. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members .Reilly, Minor, Miller. Noes: Council Members Flores, Pope-Ludlam. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Maudsley. seconded by Council 2730 N. "E" Street, Deputy City Attorney Empeno failed, the zoning remains Commission, which is CG-l. stated that as proposed since by the the motion Planning 13 5/24/89 ~~ . Northwest Corner of Western & Trenton - Jacobs - B-64 Joyce Jacobs requested that the northwest corner of Western & Trenton be changed from RS to CO-l, per Attachment "II". Planning Director Kilger explained the difficulties involved with the property, which consists of two parcels that front on Western. He answered questions, stating that a single family residence is not permitted in CO-i. Council Member pope-Ludlam made a motion, Council Member Miller, that the property located on corner of Western & Trenton be changed to CO-i. seconded by the northwest The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Minor. Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: Council Member Flores. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Maudsley. RECESS MEETING At 11:55 a.m.. by Council Member meeting recess until Council Member Minor made Miller and unanimouslY 1:30 p.m. a motion, seconded carried, that the . RECONVENE MEETING At 1:50 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 Bernardino, California. the meeting to order in North "D" Street, San ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members .ReillY, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, pope- Ludlam, Miller; Assistant City Attorney Brue, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins Absent: Council Member Estrada. RECONSIDERATION OF SETTING MEETING FOR MAY 30, 1989 Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the previous Council Action setting a meeting for Tuesday, May 30, 1989, and continuing items thereto, be reconsidered. (See Page 41 Northwest Redevelopment Area - Townsend - B-29 The request of Don Townsend concerning land use designations in the Northwest Redevelopment Area was previouslY continued to May 30,1989. (See Page 3) . Council Member Member Flores and luncheon workshop be in the MIC Room, and Miller made a motion, seconded, by Council unanimously carried, that a Closed Session scheduled for Noon, Wednesday, May 31, 1989. that Item B-29 be continued to that time. 14 5/24/89 . . . ,c-r' 0. 0~ PROPOSED FY 1989-90 BUDGET PRESENTATION - DISCUSSION OF BUDGET CALENDAR - CONTINUED EARLIER IN MEETING This is the time and of the proposed FY 1989-90 Budget Calendar. (See Page FROM for a presentation discussion of the ( 11 place continued to Budget and for 2) Acting City Administrator Robbins presented a draft of the budget to the Mayor and Common Council. He gave a brief overview of the proposed budget, and requested that meeting dates be set for consideration of the budget material. The proposed adoption date is July 3, 1989. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hinor and unanimously carried, that the budget hearing be tentatively set for June 10, 14, 17, and 21, 1989. at 9:00 a.m. GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION - FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING This is the time and place continued to for presentation of the Final Environmental Impact Report. (See Page 1) (2a) The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is an informational document. It addressed the environmental consequences that implementation of the Draft General Plan will have if adopted and carried out to its maximum extent. It offers possible mitigation measures to minimize such impacts and alternatives to the proposed project. The EIR is composed of three major sections: 1) Description of the proposed project (the Draft Plan); 2) Analysis of each topic identified in the Initial Study to be potential concern with respect to environmental impacts, cumulative (regional) impacts, mitigation, identification of any unavoidable adverse impacts, determination of the level of environmental significance for each topic, and 3) Analysis of five alternatives to the project and the potential environmental impacts of each. Planning Director Kilger presented the draft of the Environmental Impact Report and the Responses to Comments. Gibson, Vice President of Environmental Services, presented an overview of the draft Environmental Impact He responded to questions and comments, and requested for the preparation of the final EIR. Joe Envicom, Report. direction Brad Kilger, Planning Director, stated that the EIR recommended the addition of a policy concerning existing useS retrofitting themselves in noise sensitive areas. 15 5/24/89 ~r(-. . Tom Dodson, Dodson & Associates, provided a Statement of Findings of Fact and Facts in Support Thereof and a Summary Statement of Underwriting Consideration and Mitigation Reporting and Monitoring Program, Housing Mitigation Measures. Planning Director Kilger requested that the Mayor and .Common Council review the draft EIR and the handouts and give comments and suggest changes. He explained that since the EIR recommends changes to the General Plan, if the EIR is adopted as written, it will adopt language into the General Plan. Ann Larson-Perbix, Principal Planner, pointed out the recommendations in the EIR that would change the General Plan. James Richardson. Deputy City Administrator/Development, explained the information on Page 114 of ~he EIR pertaining to a 20% incentive for developers. Woody Tescher, consultant, Uniform Relocation Assistance Act, Redevelopment projects. gave an explanation of the which can applY citywide or to . Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered this is the time and place for public Environmental Impact Report. questions, stating that comments concerning the Helen Kopczynski. 8150 Cable Canyon Road, spoke the draft EIR and made suggested changes. to how information could be made easier to understand. She the EIR does not contain Open Space zoning, as government code, and requested clarification of deficit of parklands~ in favor of statistical stated that required by the cities She stated that the EIR does not assess the impacts on the water table of allowing the continuation of development of septic systems in the Northwest Redevelopment Area, specificallY the Industrial Park. She requested a zoning and land use designation matrix be included in the General Plan. Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered questions, and advised the Mayor and Common Council not to close the public hearing at this time, as additional information will be coming from staff and from discussion on the final EIR. Discussion ensued regarding continuing the public hearing on the draft General Plan and EIR until 9:00 a.m., May 31, 1989. No formal action was taken. . 16 5/24/89 . . . ,,,,~ ...,., - t.O"'-J= RECESS MEETING At 3:30 p.m., the meeting recessed for a ten minute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 3:45 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 Bernardino, California. the meeting to order in North "0" Street, San ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope- Ludlam, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins, Absent: Council Member Estrada. GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION - ADDENDUM TO AUDIT TRAIL III The Mayor and Common Council continued their consideration of the Addendum to Audit Trail III. Ti~Decanoe Avenue. South of Central Avenue - Staff- D.=ll Staff requested that the parcel of land on Tippecanoe Avenue, south of Central Avenue, which is currently zoned PF, be changed to IL. Planning Director Kilger explained that uses currently permitted by the Overlay District will continue to be permitted after the General Plan is adopted. Senior Planner Bautista explained that the Overlay District recognizes this parcel as commercial. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded Member Minor and unanimously carried. that the parcel Tippecanoe Avenue, south of Central Avenue, be changed IL. ' by Council of land on .. from PF to East of California. South of SR-30 -Staff - B-66 Staff requested that the land located east of California Street and south of SR-30 be changed from RS to RM. Council Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the propertYd located east of California Street, south of SR-30, be change from RS to RM. Sierra Way at 27th Street Staff requested that the Way at 27th Street, which changed to RS. - Staff - B.-67 parcel of land is currently located on Sierra designated CG-l, be 17 5/24/89 :::08 ''''': l..,; . An error was pointed out on the request for action list, which showed this property being designated CO-l, council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the property located on Sierra Way at 27th Street, be changed from CG-l to RS. South Staff Staff of 40th designated Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the property located on the south side of 40th Street, east of Kendall Drive, which is currentlY designated RM, be changed to CG-l on the 2000 scale map. Side of 40th Street. East of Kendall Drive - - B-68 requested that Street, east RM, be changed the property located on the south side of Kendall Drive, whichis currently to CG-l on the 2000 scale map. t." , COUNCIL MEMBER FLORES EXCUSED council Member Flores left the Council Meeting. . wa~:~m~n :venue. No~th ~f ~~:hl~~d ~venu: - Wate~m:n Av e B tween Z7t an 2 eets - Staff - B-69 Staff requested that property located on Waterman Avenue, north of Highland Avenue, which is currently designated RS, be changed to CG-l on a 1000 scale map. ,. Planning Director Kilger noted that an error was made on the irequest for action list. A second request was omitted regarding Waterman Avenue, between 27th and 23rd Streets, for lots facing ~aterman to be designated RU. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimouslY carried. that Waterman Avenue, north of Highland Avenue, be changed from RS to CG-l on a 1000 scale map, which includes the existing shopping center; and that the lots facing Waterman Avenue, between 27th and 23rd Streets, be designated RU. C' Creek North 0 Staff requested that property ~f Highland Avenue, be changed from - B-70 City Creek, north . Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that. the property 'located at City Creek, north of Highland Avenue, be changed from PFC to RL. 18 5/24/89 . . . 589 1490 Lvnwood A petition Avenue, requested Avenue - Petition - B-71 from residents in the area that this property be changed of 1490 Lynwood from RM to RS. Senior Planner "Bautista explained that the received from residents against the changing of two lots to more than single family. He stated that Planning Commission recommend RM. petition was single family staff and the Planning Director the lots are very narrow with an RM designation. Kilger answered questions, stating that and their development is more flexible Council Member Miller made a motio~, that the property at 1490 Lynwood Avenue be designated RU (9 units to the acre). The motion died for lack of a second. Planning Director Kilger answered questions concerning access to the property and the difference in requirements for multi-family and single family developments. in the audience and answered of the lots. The two lots combined The property owner was questions.. regarding the size are apprcximately 1 1/10 acres. Ccuncil Member Pope-Ludlam made a acticn, seconded by Council Meaber Reilly, that the property at 1490 Lynwocd Avenue be designated RH. The mction failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Haudsley, Pcpe-Ludlam. Noes: Council Members Hinor, Miller. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Flores. Deputy Cc_issicn's by action of City Attorney. Eapeno advised that the Planning recommendation .of RM stands unless otherwise changed the Hayor and Common Council. Foothill Areas. East of Hemlock. West of Willow Drive - Sturn - B-58 - Continued From Earlier In Meetinsr This is the time and place continued to from earlier in the meeting for consideration of a request from Will Sturn that the foothill areas, east of Hemlock, north of Willow Drive, be designated RE. (See Page 12) Council Member Haudsley Hember Minor and unanimously east of Hemlock, west of underlying RL. made a motion, carried, that Willow Drive, seconded by Council the foothill areas remain MH with an 19 5/24/89 :; n" {> ~'t..' V . Between Baseline and 14th Street. East of Perris - Bricklv - B-75 Jim Brickly requested that property located on the north side of Baseline on the 1-215 Freeway have a CH-type designation. After discussion, Council Hember Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Council Hember Haudsley and unanimously carried, that the property located between Baseline and 14th Street, east of ?erris, which is currently designated CG-1, be changed to CH. North of Walnut. Between Huscott & Artesian - Brandt - B-76 Ronald "A. Brandt requested that property located north of Walnut, between Huscott and Artesian be designated 1L. Planning Director Kilger pointed out that currently designated RU and that an 1L designation existing mobile home park non-conforming. the property is would make the Council Hember Haudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Hember Hinor and unanimously carried, that the property located north of Walnut, between Huscott and Artesian be designated RU, as stated on Hap 1. . 400 S. Allen Street - Rohr - B-77 Hartin Rohr requested that the CH fabrication as it relates to property Street. designation allow steel located at 400 S. Allen Discussion ensued regarding neighboring uses to the property and what is entailed in steel fabrication. Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered questions, stating that if the Hayor and common Council wish to have the zoning designation remain as it is; there is no need for formal action. North Side of Brvant. East of LU20 - Ludwi2 En2ineerin2 - B-79 Ludwig Engineering requested that the north Street, east of Lugo, be designated CQ-1 or T for to allow parking. side of Bryant the rear parcel Senior Planner Bautista answered questions concerning the request". Discusaion ensued regarding the implementation policy governing extending commercial lots back into residential areas, and replacing it with a city-wide policy. . 20 5/24/89 . . . 591 . . Woody Tescher, consultant, answered questions regarding a city-wide policy change concerning commercial lots. Brad Kilger. Planning Director, explained Development Code will set up clear guidelines. . that the Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that Policy 1.22.30, which reads: "Permit the commercial lot depths to be expanded to accommodate the inclusion of parking with the commercial Use, unless this adversely impacts adjacent residential neighborhoods," be deleted, and replaced with a new Policy 1.7.21 which will allow the depth expansion of the commercial lot citywide. Avenue at Route 330 - Cal Trans - B-80 has expressed concern "regarding the Highland Avenue at Route 330 from RS to HiJrhland Caltrans designation of change in CG-l, Planning Director Kilger answered questions, stating that until the land i,s purchased, it needs to have an underlying land use designation. Council Member Maudsley made a motion,- seconded 'by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the future right-of- way area at Highland Avenue, aDd Route 330'be designated RS. " -.-' 1045 Vine , , 1045 & 1076 Spruce Street - 948 & 1261 EiJrhth Street - 1258 Vine Street - 1240 Massachusetts - Pope-Ludlam - B-87 - B-92 < Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam requested that property located at and 1076 Spruce Street, 948 and 1261 Eighth Street, 1258 Street and 1240 Massachuse~ts, be" changed from RS to RU. ~ . . ...~...*-.t;..~\i ',._~ ;.:'~ '.~~i;',:,!..~ _... . Vince Bautista, Senior.. PJ:~er., answere,dc questions, stating that the area is currently designated single family residential, but it could be made RU, excluding the IL. Ken Henderson, Director Community Development, explained the background concerning these lots. He stated that developers obtained CDBG loans to build duplexes on these lots when zoning was in place to build the duplexes. The lots have since been changed to RS and this request is an attempt to correct the problem that the developers now face. Some of the lots are irregularly configured and are smaller than 7200 sq. ft. He described the area as retail in nature, and stated he does not feel that single family dwellings would sell. 21 5/24/89 . r Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the area and stated that the area was designated R-2, which allowed single family or duplexes, but not higher. Deputy city Attorney Empeno answered questions, stating that there is an argument for spot zoning if the individual parcels are designated higher than the remaining area. Discussion ensued regarding the neighboring area and alternative methods of zoning for the parcels and/or area. council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by council Member pope-Ludlam, that the individual lots be zoned RU. Planning Director Kilger answered questions, stating that some of the lots are too small for duplexes, even if they are zoned RU. He provided information regarding the addition of an RU District in the General Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Council Member Minor and pope-Ludlam withdrew their motion. . Ken Henderson. Director of Community Development, answered questions concerning the developers' CDBG loans on the properties. He pointed out that the Enterprise Zone incentives expire in November, 1989, and that all incentives are being reviewed, including infill. He stated that these are the only vacant parcels on which this would have an effect. council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by council Member Maudsley, that the individual blocks in which these parcels are located, be designated RU. Planning Director Kilger answered questions, and made ~uggestions regarding the creation of an RU-2 designation. He ~tated that this could be done in concept and staff would review it and come back if adjustments are needed. , ,~ Council Member Minor and Maudsley withdrew their motion. creation- of an RU-2 Discussion ensued regarding the designation. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by council Member pope-Ludlam and unanimouslY carried. that the RU-2 designation to allow duplexes on existing 6200 sq. ft. legal lots of record, be approved in concept; that the language for the RU-2 designation be brought back to the Hayor and Common council for review, and for boundaries of the designation. . 22 5/24/89 . . . ~('.') v\.."v Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that the individual blocks where the subject properties are located, be designated RU-2, including the lots on Massachusetts and ~J" Streets. County Credit Union - Fourth Street & LU20 - Council Member Reilly - B-93 Council Member Reilly requested that the County Credit Union property located on Fourth Street and Lugo, be designated CO-I. Senior Planner Bautista answered questions concerning the neighboring area. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the County Credit Union property located on Fourth Street, qp to the north line of the County Credit Union property, between Sierra Way and Lugo, be changed from RH to CO-I. Duffy Street - 9 Lots B=.ll City Attorney James 70-78, in Tract 3948, designated PP, so that no single faaily homes that Train Derailment. in Tract 3948 - City Attorney - Penman requested that nine lots, Nos. on Duffy Street, near Mesa Street, be structures will be built replacing the were destroyed in the Southern Pacific Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered questions, stating that the agreement with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company requires that the railway negotiate for fair market price of the homes prior to the derailment. . Planning Director Kilger answered questions concerning alternative designations for this property to. assure that no facilities of any kind will be built on this property. He explained that the Public Commercial Recreation (PCR) designation shows as one of the uses "open space", and that -this can be assured by putting an easement over it. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, Member Miller and unanimously carried, that Tract 3498, Duffy Street, be designated PCR. seconded by Council Lot Nos. 70 - 78, Old California Hotel Site - Fifth & "E" Streets - Council Member Reilly - B-95 Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller, that the Old California Hotel site at Fifth and "E" Streets, be reconsidered. 23 5/24/89 .. no , ~1'-1,,-; ~ '-"..L. . The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Minor, pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: Council Member Maudsley. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Flores. Planning Director density in the area. Kilger answered questions regarding council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the Old California Hotel site at Fifth and "E" Streets, be changed from CR-2 to RH. Ken Henderson, Director of Community Development answered questions, and requested that the downtown area have an increase in its density designation, as it related to the Old California Hotel site. He stated that there is a developer interested ;in the property; however, parking will need to be subterranean and the additional costs involved cannot be supported by the existing allowable number of units. Planning Director Kilger answered alternative zoning designations. questions regarding . Council Member pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that the downtown area be designated CR-2 with a base of 54 and a 100% density bonus, with a maximum cap of 130 units per acre for senior congregate care only, that Policy 1.16.23 on Page 83 be amended in the downtown area only, and the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission. The motion Members Rielly, ,Maudsley, Minor. failed by the following Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Absent: Council Members vote: Ayes: Council Noes: Council Members Estrada, Flores. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member pope-Ludlam left the council Meeting. RECESS MEETING At 5:55 p.m., the meeting recessed for a five-minute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Wilcox the Council Chambers of City Bernardino, California. called the meeting to order in Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San . ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken Wilcox; Council Members City Attorney Empeno, Administrator Robbins. pope-Ludlam. with the following being present: Mayor Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Absent: Council Members Estrada, Flores, 24 5/24/89 1- - ::;~5 voc..," . CONTINUATION OF REMAINING ITEMS & ADJOURNMENT Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the remaining items be continued to 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 31, 1989. Discussion ensued regarding items from this meeting having been continued to May 30, 1989. It was decided that instead of meeting on May 30, 1989, the Mayor and Common Council would next meet on May 31. 1989. At 6:05 p.m., Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that any items needing further action be continued to, and that this meeting be adjourned to 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 31, 1989. gM/~ O~/7 If'- Deputy Ci( C rk . No. of Items: 2 No. of Hours: 7 . 25 5/24/89