HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-1989 Mintues r . . . . -";;-' ~'''''~'_~~~''':,. ';o~J:~"~~:_~",,:-~;;~r:1'iit~--:"f-:,:r~';;F~:~tf ~,":':"~il{~ :./ f";l'ii l"V"~i,:'{'{/'if(~ ~1l'f'.l_;:' City of San Bernardino, California May 10, 1989 This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at 9:10 a.m., Monday, May 8, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Order of Adjournment of said meeting held at 9:10 a.m., Monday, May 8, 1989, and has on file in the Office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said Order which was posted at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 9, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor Council of the City of San Bernardino was called Mayor Wilcox at 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, May 10, Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Bernardino, California. and Common to order by 1989, in the Street, San ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Members Reilly, Pope-Ludlam. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Executive Assistant to the Mayor Richard Bennecke. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Estrada. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION - CONTINUED ITEMS Discussion was held regarding the amount of for consideration at this Council Meeting and Continued Items. material planned Agenda Item 1c, (lc) 1 5/10/89 . . . ;g,;; . '~,"'7.:~:~, ":i!,'~-'-;'~-"1\I:':"~''iI::~llV"~;;f'-:S: ....", :~~~-- - '-;-'-~,- -- --";~F---'-c'-Y:--':------~'=C-}\, Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that Agenda Item 1c, Continued Items, be continued to the Council Meeting scheduled for 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 17, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION - CHAPTER 1, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - SUBSECTION 1.0, LAND USE This is the time and place set for consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendations on Chapter 1, Community Development, Subsection 1.0, of the Draft General Plan, regarding land use. The Planning Commission's recommendations are based upon the original draft text, which was submitted for review to the Mayor and Common Council, to the Planning Commission and has been available to the public. (la) Discussion ensued regarding the format of this meeting. It was pointed out for the information of the audience that the text of the land use element is scheduled for consideration at this time. Final action on the text will happen at a later time, as changes may be suggested during review of the land use map. The land use map is scheduled for discussion at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 13, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. In a memorandum dated April 10, 1989, the Planning Department provided a "Summary of Land Use Designation Changes from the Interim Policy Document", as recommended by the Planning Commission. Woody Tescher, consultant from Envicom, explained Table 3, entitled "General Plan Land Use Categories", on page 42 of the Planning Commission's recommended changes on the Draft General Plan. He presented Table 4, entitled "Estimated General Plan Buildout Changes From Existing Use", on page 49 of the Planning Commission's recommended changes on the Draft General Plan. He explained that the information on Table 4 is the net effect of the General Plan on the land. It includes the City and its sphere of influence, and the development of vacant lands, intensification of development and recycling of land to another use. Woody Tescher, consultant from Envicom, gave an overview of the following twelve issues pertaining to the goals, objectives and pOlicies of the City for land use and urban design: 2 5/10/89 . . . . ''';'''';1J:'&:~':IC''''"_':\'!;~"''~:;5_~;<J,<,,,;Jr:j,~I::<i::' . '''l:;;',;."., ~",I~-<;i~' '-",-1 1. What types and amounts of land use should be accommodated in the City? 2. How should land uses be distributed throughout the City? 3. What should be the functional role, uses permitted, and physical form and character of the City's land use districts? 4. What should be the future role and character of Norton Air Force Base? 5. What should be the future role and character of the railroad yards? 6. How should buildings in the City be maintained? 7. What should be the physical and visual quality of development? 8. How should development be linked with the provision of supporting infrastructure? 9. How should development be related to the City's environmental resources and hazards? 10. What should be the relationship of land use development to pUblic safety? 11. What lands should be annexed to the City and what should be their priority. 12. How should the pUblic continue to participate in land use decisions? Mr. Tescher continued his describing the Implementation Programs by the City to implement the go~ls, standards of the land use element. overview presentation which shall be carried objectives, policies by out and Vince Bautista, Senior Planner, presented the Planning Commission's recommendation to combine Tables 1 and 2 on pages 19 and 21, concerning existing land uses. Discussion ensued regarding the manner in which the information on Tables 1 and 2 was combined into one table as recommended by the Planning commission. A typographical error was corrected on the recommended Table 1, changing the amount of acres for single family land use from 10,466 to 19,466, which resulted in the adjustment of the totals quoted in Table 1. It was original two Plan, instead the general consensus of the Council that the tables concerning land uses be used in the General of the recommended combined Table 1. 3 5/10/89 . . . ,!S~,. .~.' ,. . t~C ',","-~~;-.' v.-::t,:?JiJfj",i'",:? -.p ;:"'"T4. ":~;~r;~~',"'~><o ~:"~-,i~.:Ji::(,~-,~,"":~TT'-:- ~:.3;:,r':<_'~'l>Jfjr;---i{1"l-'~, Woody Tescher, consultant, answered assurance for the City that senior citizen turned into apartment units. He referred 1.12.11, regarding the requirement that submitted, with a corresponding reduction in if the project is not occupied by seniors. questions regarding projects will not be to page 69, Policy a conversion plan be the number of units Henry Empeno, Deputy City Attorney, explained the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Occupancy processes. Brad Kilger, regarding Policy units to standard Planning Director, provided further information 1.12.11, concerning the conversion of senior units. Consultant Tescher answered questions regarding the setting of age qualifications for occupants of senior housing. Senior Planner Bautista continued the overview of the Planning Commission's recommendations. Woody Tescher answered questions, explaining the flexibility provided by the Planning Commission's recommendation of the addition of POlicy 1.7.20 on page 64, concerning specific plans and overlay districts. Senior Planner Bautista provided the Planning Commission's recommendations concerning the Hillside Management Residential designation. Planning Director Kilger pointed out that a map has been drawn depicting the boundaries of the Hillside Management Overlay District. He provided clarification regarding Policy 1.14.11, stating that under the proposed alternative of turning property designated MH into a Hillside Management Overlay District, boundary lines will be more flexible. He explained that at the time of development, developers will provide a slope map defining areas that have less than a 15% slope, which will be reverted to the underlying zone district density. Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the recommended addition of Policy 1.14.15, and stated that the Conditional Use Permit process would not result in too much of an increased workload. 4 5/10/89 (t . . . . .~~ -",;.--~-. ,"" ":" ~~-.'f ' ,~,~~1'~ -i\.';';~':,-",.~_ ,J'-"7",;-':~~- ,;; "'T-~~~-~-~-7 He answered questions regarding the recommended change to Policy 1.16.13a on page 81, reducing the minimum contiguous area of two acres to one acre being committed to residential use, so that the minimum requirement would not make residential use prohibitive in the downtown area. Woody Tescher, consultant, answered questions concerning policies 6.8.2 - 6.8.6, addressing parking provisions. It was agreed that the subject of signage, Policy 1.17.37 on page 86, would be discussed at a later time. Discussion ensued and the Council agreed that POlicy 1.17.38 on page 86 should be amended to provide for public and Planning Commission review of a specific or development plan for the Tri- City/Commercenter area. Senior Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that Hospitality Lane is included in the boundaries of the Tri-City Commercenter area, where drive-thrus are not permitted. Consultant Tescher answered questions regarding the development of hospitals in earthquake fault zones. RECESS MEETING At 3:00 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called for a 15 minute recess. RECONVENE MEETING At 3:20 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called Meeting to order in the Council Chambers "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. the Adjourned Regular of City Hall, 300 North ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Members Reilly, Pope-Ludlam. Senior Planner Bautista resumed his overview of the Planning Commission's recommendations on Chapter 1, Community Development, Subsection 1.0, Land Uses. Discussion ensued regarding concerning permitted uses in Since the words "and offices" permitted in the designation. the wording of Policy 1.30.10 Commercial Heavy designations. are omitted, offices will be 5 5/10/89 . . . . ""~. .!" .:~'~t:n~_~..~i2ff,r~.-:iii:.}"':~'!"";--'~ ~, '--?i-~,W~};,:;:;~~~~----'-;Tl----"'-~ Consultant Tescher answered questions regarding adequate security for parking structures that are not readily visible. Discussion ensued regarding the review of The reuse of Norton Air regarding POlicy 1.37.14 proposals for the reuse of Force Base was discussed. on page 115 public sites. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that Policy 1.37.14 on Page 115 of Chapter 1, Subsection 1.0 of the Planning Commission's recommendations on the Draft General Plan, be omitted. Senior Planner Bautista continued his overview of the Planning Commission's recommendations. Discussion followed concerning Policy 1.45.1, page 120, regarding billboards. Deputy City Attorney 1.45.1, 1.45.2 and 1.45.10 billboards. Empeno pointed out that Policies contain a procedure for control of Woody Tescher, consultant, answered questions regarding the intent of the billboard policies. Planning Director Kilger requested direction from the Mayor and Common Council in order for billboard pOlicies to be formulated with their intent. Discussion ensued regarding the regulation and/or prohibition of billboards and the issue of removing a business from the community if billboards are prohibited. The policy as recommended by the Planning Commission would not eliminate the business. As old signs are abandoned, they would be handled by code enforcement personnel and new signs would be prohibited. Consultant Tescher pointed out that Policy 121 establishes design standards for the billboards. (Discussion ensued later regarding Page 7) 1.45.3 on page replacement of billboards - see Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding Implementation Program 11.9, Architectural Design Review, on page 135. He stated that it is a recommendation, not a mandate, that one or more architects be retained on City staff at all times. He explained that the architects could be on staff full or part time, or as consultants on an as needed basis. 6 5/10/89 " . . . .i' . '/;j"'(7f ~"i" ..,., ~~J.'~0~':C'i.."".''':t''i;' -;"'f,' ~'. ,:;i,:i'i..''' Woody Tescher, consultant, explained that the Planning Commission's original question was, "Should the City have an Architectural Design Commission?". They felt it is not necessary at this time and Implementation Program 11.9 was formulated to address the City's needs. Planning Director Kilger pointed out that the Development Code will include design guidelines. Jim Richardson, Deputy City Administrator/Development, suggested that the requirement that architects be retained at all times could lead to a problem and theoretically could hold up a development application. Discussion ensued, but no recommendation of a change was made at this time. Jim Richardson, Deputy City Administrator/Development, stated that state law permits the City to purchase billboards. He suggested that research be conducted concerning the possibility that the City would be Obligated to purchase billboards that it determines should be taken down. Senior Planner Bautista identified changes by City staff and the pUblic that the Planning commission's recommendations the following suggested have been given since were written. Density - gross acres vs. net acres - The recommendation was made that throughout the land use element, wherever reference is made to gross or net acreage, that the reference be changed to simply read "acre", which implies the gross acreage. Open Space - Discussion of this subject was deferred to the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 1989. A handout entitled, "Overview of Land Use and Urban Design Policy" was provided to the Mayor and Common Council, as a clarification of what is considered open space. CH, C02 and RU Designations - A handout will be given to the Mayor and Common Council before these land use designations are reviewed on May 17, 1989. Senior Congregate Care Facilities decision concerning the type of use the downtown area was pointed out. - The need for a policy and density requirement in 7 5/10/89 . . . , Discussion ensued regarding refining the standards for senior congregate care facilities and the use of the new St. Bernardine Hospital facility as criteria for future developments. Ken Henderson, Director of Community Development, answered questions, stating that the St. Bernardine Hospital project consists of 154 units on 1.21 acres. He spoke regarding standards for a new project in the downtown area. Planning Director Kilger requested initial direction concerning senior congregate care facilities in order to prepare a proposal for the May 17, 1989, meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the need for senior congregate care facilities, their possible location and size. RECESS MEETING At 4:45 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called for a ten minute recess. RECONVENE MEETING At 5:05 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called Meeting to order in the Council Chambers "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. the Adjourned Regular of City Hall, 300 North ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Members Reilly, Pope-Ludlam. James Wirth, 1980 N. Sierra Way, spoke before the Mayor and Common Council and provided a four-page letter concerning zoning of land in the Inner City. He proposed that the following policy be added to the text of the General Plan: "Any lot within the area designated as San Ber- nardino's Inner City, a section of the city bounded on the north by Highland Avenue, on the south by Fifth Street, on the west by Interstate 215 and on the east by Sierra Way inclusive, shall be given a maximum allowance of 5% for the purposes of meeting minimum lot size requirements for uses permitted under the land use designation the lot has been given; provided that any development proposal approved for said lot shall contain no variance to any city building or development code requirements." 8 5/10/89 . . . ~' i~ David Mlynarski, Monnig Development, Inc., spoke regarding staff's handout depicting gross and net acreage calculations. He stated he is not concerned with the definition of an acr~, but is concerned with the utilization of land and lot sizes. He suggested that land use calculations be made before deductions are made for streets and dedications, and that 3.4 - 3.5 would be a more appropriate density. Courtney Buse, 3808 N. Osbun Road, read from a four-page handout entitled, "Suggested Revisions to City of San Bernardino General Plan". David Schulze of the San Bernardino Valley Board of Realtors, spoke in favor of Policy 1.25.10, regarding the reuse of the railroad station building and development of adjacent properties between Second Street and Viaduct Blvd. He suggested that Policy 1.30.10, regarding permitted uses in a Commercial Heavy zone, be amended to include retail service and office commercial uses. He agreed that it should not include neighborhood commercial uses. Mr. Schulze requested that zoning in the area Mill Street on the north, the 1-215 Freeway on Inland Center Drive on the south, accommodate expansion of existing businesses. bounded by the west and the possible Mr. Schulze stated that he conducted a who feel that provisions should be made in application of the granny flat law. poll of area realtors the General Plan for Planning Director Kilger stated that he would look into the requests of Mr. Schulze. John Stubblefield of Stubblefield Enterprises, read into the record a letter dated May 10, 1989, to Mayor Wilcox from Attorney Darlene Fischer Phillips of Hill, Farrer & Burrill, who repre- sents Mr. Stubblefield. The letter discussed the following issues: 1. The Draft Plan does not provide for sufficient housing to meet the City's obligation under State law; 2. The Draft Plan does not make adequate provision for moderate and low income housing; 3. The Draft Plan Hillside Management Policies and Standards are based upon inadequate analytical data; 4. The Hillside Management Standards Ignore Social and Economic Realities; 9 5/10/89 . . . 5. The seismic safety setback requirements are unduly restrictive; 6. The Process by which the MH policies have been derived is defective. The letter urged the Mayor and Common Council to consider the serious repercussions that the proposed housing and land use pOlicies will have on the City's housing supply for years to come and particularly to re-examine the premises and data underlying the current MH policies, refer them back to the Planning Commission and staff for further analysis and demand adequate and sensible recommendations from the consultant and staff before taking action. Deputy City Attorney Empeno stated Mayor and Common Council with copies of letter and the City Attorney's response just submitted by Mr. Stubblefield response to it. that he will provide the the Planning Commission's to it, and of the letter and the City Attorney's Ken A. Miller, Flood Control Engineer with the Transportation/Flood Control Department of the County of San Bernardino Environmental Public Works Agency, and David Lewis, Real Property Agent with the Engineering Contract Services Department of the County of San Bernardino, presented a letter dated May 10, 1989, with eleven pages of attachments, addressed to Mayor Wilcox from Ken Miller. The letter expressed concern regarding the designation and zoning of 62 acres located west of Auto Plaza Drive and north of Fairway Drive. The following proposed text changes to the San Bernardino City Draft General Plan were expressed in Mr. Miller's letter: 1. Objective 1.18 - Provide for the continuing development of the San Bernardino Auto Plaza as the principal center of new car dealerships, serving local residents and adjacent communities and promote other compatible regionally oriented retail and office uses. 2. Policy 1.18.10 In addition, allow commercial region-serving retail uses and commercial office uses westerly of Auto Plaza Drive in accordance with their respective "density/intensity and height", and "development and design" guidelines. 10 5/10/89 . . . r ~:. 3. A Policy 1.18.32 be included - Require a traffic study prior to the approval of development westerly of Auto Plaza Drive which is five acres or more in size or the subdivision of property which creates buildable parcels of five acres or less in size. This requirement may be waived if a Specific Plan is approved that addresses traffic issues. Discussion ensued regarding the land use designation given this parcel of land. Senior Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that a traffic study has not been completed for this area. The area is presently designated CR-4, for automobile sales and related uses. Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding studies on auto sale designations. Discussion was held concerning mitigation measures for any traffic problems at this prime location. Senior Planner Bautista explained the history behind the zoning designation on the property. Discussion followed concerning the original intent of using this land for auto related businesses and encouraging dealerships to relocate into this centralized area. Planning Director Kilger suggested that the CR-4 designation be expanded to include additional uses and stated he would get further information regarding absorption of this property by the Redevelopment Agency, traffic information and flood control problems on the west portion of the land. Inez Wirth, 1908 N. Sierra Way, requested that her son, who spoke earlier in the meeting, be allowed to use her speaking time allotment, as she is having problems with her hearing aid. Deputy prerogative granted. City Attorney Empeno stated that it is the of the chair as to whether Mrs. Wirth's request be Don Townsend of the Northwest Project Area Committee spoke regarding Table 3, "General Plan Land Use Categories". He expressed concern regarding the CG-2 designation on the Mt. Vernon corridor north of Baseline, as this zoning does not allow light industrial. 11 5/10/89 . . . ., ~'i, Planning Director Kilger answered questions concerning land uses in the MU and CG-2 designations, and the reasoning behind the Mt. Vernon corridor being designated as CG-2, which includes multi-family residential. Mr. Townsend described current light industrial uses on Mt. Vernon Avenue. He requested that Mt. Vernon Avenue north of Baseline be designated MU and that Baseline Avenue be designated CG-l. James Wirth, 1908 N. Sierra Way, was permitted to speak on behalf of his mother, Inez Wirth. He suggested a change in POlicy 1.12.11 to safeguard against senior citizen complexes being converted into mUlti-family use. He proposed that POlicy 1.12.11 be amended to read as follows: Permit the development of senior citizen and congregate care housing to a maximum density of 14 units per net acre and height of two stories provided that a marketing and financing analysis is conducted which determines long-term feasibility for any project of 20 units or greater; and in every case, a plan is prepared for the conversion of seniors units to standard units, with a corresponding reduction in the number of units, if the project is not occupied by qualified seniors; and all Code requirements are met. (11.1) Mr. Wirth referred to a letter dated May 10, 1989, from Council Member Reilly to Planning Director Kilger, to which was attached a copy of Mr. Wirth's letter as introduced earlier in the meeting, regarding lot sizes of less that 7,200 square feet. In the letter, Council Member Reilly recommended that a statement be made in the text of the general plan and the development code that all legal lots of record may be built upon within the City of San Bernardino, not just the Central City area. After the meeting, on May 12, 1989, Mr. Wirth provided the City Clerk's Office with a "Bullet Summary of Oral Presentation" with an itemized description of his suggestions. Lois Willis, 1338 N. "E" Street, presented a petition bearing approximately 20 names of residents and business owners of the 1300 block of North "D" Street. They are requesting that the proposed zone change of their one block area on North "D" Street to RU, be changed to Commercial/Office in order to coincide with the proposed zoning of the neighboring area on North "D" Street. 12 5/10/89 . . . ~ ..~ In a letter dated April 27, 1989, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis of 3155 N. Sepulveda Avenue, (Lois Willis) requested that the proposed spot zoning of RU in the 1300 block of North "D" Street be eliminated and that "D" Street be uniformly zoned Commercial/ Office from below Baseline to Highland Avenue. Planning Director Kilger stated that information will be available for review by the Mayor and Common Council at the meeting scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 1989, concerning land use. ADJOURNMENT At 6:35 p.m., Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the meeting adjourn to Saturday, May 13, 1989, at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. No. of Items: 2 ~,~~ Deputy City Clerk No. of Hours: 5 13 5/10/89