HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1988 Minutes Clty of San Bernardino, California . June 17, 1988 This lS the time and place set for an AdJourned Regular Meetlng of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at the Adjourned Regular Meetlng held on June 11, 1988, at 9:09 a.m., In the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, Californla. The Clty Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of AdJournment of said meetlng held on Saturday, June 11. 1988, at 9:09 a.m., and has on file in the office of the Clty Clerk an affldavit of said posting together with a copy of said Notice, which was posted at 1:00 p.m., on Saturday, June 11, 1988, In a conspicuous place on the door of the place at whlch the meeting of June 11, 1988, was held. The Adjourned Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Maudsley, at 1:12 p.m., on Friday, June 17, 1988, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Slxth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Callfornla. . ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese wlth the following belng present: Mayor Pro Tempore Maudsley: Councll Members Rellly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor: Asslstant city Attorney Brue, Deputy City Clerk Reese, Deputy City Adminlstrator Robbins, Absent: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam, Mlller. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. (A) BUDGET SESSIONS - FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 - PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT Manuel Moreno, Jr., Dlrector of Public Servlces, explalned the success of a weekend work program In hls department using lnmates from Glen Helen to work on varlOUS Clty proJects. These crews work Saturdays and Sundays on Clty rlght-of-ways or Clty property. (1) . Mr. Moreno stated that the Trafflc Slgnage Sectlon will be transferred to the Publlc Works Department on July 1, 1988. Mr. Moreno also explained a proposed graffitl removal program, using a graffltl team of three members, ~nd stated he lS working with the Sherlff's Department stUdying the possibillty of using ten to fifteen lnmates on a dally basls Monday through Frlday. Mr. Moreno stated - 1 - 6/17/88 . that the purchase of a new plece of equipment which uses sand and high water pressure for removal of graff1ti had been approved in the budget and requested author1zatlon to proceed with the purchase at th1S tlme. The cost of the ~quipment is approxlmately $11.000.00 Mr. Moreno stated that nothing has been budgeted for any type of paving program for residential streets or major arteries, although the PubllC Works Department will be doing some projects through FAU funds. He stated that there are some funds 1ncluded in his budget for maintenance of concrete and patchlng work. COUNCIL At 1:18 Council MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED p.m., Counc1l Member Pope-Ludlam Meetlng. arrlved at the Mr. Moreno stated that his department w1ll be able to meet all of the1r goals for next year based on the budget as preseu::C'''. He stated that funding lS available to fill the posltions that were left vacant last year. COUNC IL MEMBER At 1:23 p.m., Council Meet1ng. POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the . Deputy City Administrator Robblns answered questions regarding the purchase of the graff1ti removing equ1pment. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unan1mously carried, to author1ze the purchase of the graffitl removing equipment. BUDGET SESSION - FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 - PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Annie Ramos, D1rector, Parks, Recreation & Commun1ty Services Department, expla1ned that the Department lS div1ded into three maJor d1v1sions: Adm1nistratlon, Parks, and Recreat1on. The Admlnlstrat10n and Recreat10n dlvis10ns are further divided into the follow1ng SlX sub-d1vislons for fund1ng purposes: (2) 1. Center for Ind1viduals with Dlsabilitles (CID); 2. Senior Center on Fifth and "F" Streets; 3. Sturges Auditorium; 4. Seccombe Lake Maintenance; 5. Seccombe Lake Activity Center; 6. New Senior Center 1n PerrlS H1ll Park. . Ms. Ramos stated that the department personnel strength is 88, plus 150 - 200 part-t1me employees, used primarlly during the summer. The department serves 27 parks, 34 ball fields, 23 parkways and medians, plus 2 6/17/88 . programs at commun1ty centers, serv1cing of six swimming pools, playgrounds, and offers over 100 spec1al classes and programs throughout the year. The total budget 1S $4,806,521, which 1S 4.5% higher than last year. Ms. Ramos explained the 1ncreases and decreases 1n the aifferent d1v1s1ons, mak1ng up the total budget f1gures as follows: Adm1n1strat1on - 12% decrease; Parks D1v1sion - 4% increase; Recreation D1v1sion - 4% increase; Center for Ind1V1duals with Disabil1t1es - 11% 1ncrease; Sen10r Center, 5th and "F" Streets - 7.5% increase; Seccombe Lake Maintenance - 17% decrease; Sturges Auditorium - 68% increase (Th1S large 1ncrease is a result of this be1ng the f1rst year for a full year's budget and full-t1me person); Ms. Ramos stated that most of the increases are due to the m1nimum wage and cost of living rates. . She stated that in order to assist 1n the complet1on of a balanced budget, they have deferred purchas1ng some park maintenance equ1pment, but that it would be necessary next year. She stated there w1ll be a vacancy factor of b, and that f1lling these pos1tions would glve them a full complement of 88. Ms. Ramos expla1ned that there has been a reorganization in terms in supervision in work1ng crews, which has been helpful 1n ma1ntenance work, and that the use of the A-Team from Juven1le Hall, and CCC workers has been of tremendous assistance. She also explained that labor saving equipment had been purchased. Ms. Ramos answered quest1ons, stat1ng that volunteer workers are used in many recreational act1vit1es. Th1S past year 27,000 hours were given for a sav1ngs to the C1ty of approximately $115,000. Patty Gonzales, Admin1strative Assistant to the Mayor, stated that many complaints had been received regarding the cond1tion of the parks dur1ng Easter vacation, and 1t appeared that they are not be1ng cleaned after weekend use. Ms. Ramos answered questions, stating that there are not enough funds 1n the budget to h1re part-t1me help to clean the parks each week pr10r to the summer season. Most of the part-t1me help 1S h1red 1n May for use during the summer months. . o - J - 6 III 188 . Patty Gonzales suggested that thlS matter be discussed aL the mid-year budget review next year with the ldea of identifYlng addltional funds to be used to hire part-time help earlier in the year to clean the parks. Deputy City Adminlstrator Robbins stated that the Parks. Recreation & Community Services Department had been completely reorganized and there have been many savings. MAYOR WILCOX ARRIVED At 1:46 p.m., Mayor Wllcox arrived at the Council Meetlng. A discusslon ensued regarding the condltlon of the parks fOllowing weekend use. John Kramer, Recreation Superintendent, and James Parker, Park Superintendent. answered questions. CITY CLERK CLARK ARRIVED At 1:49 a.m., City Clerk Clark arrived at the Council Meeting. COUNC IL At 1:50 Council MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED p.m.. Council Member Pope-Ludlam Meetlng. returned to the . Ms. Ramos answered questions regardlng the forthcomlng bond issue. stating that the City will be getting close to $400,000, which will be used for acquisltlon and development. Mayor Wilcox stated appearance and commended SerVlces Department. the parks are much lmproved in the Parks. Recreation & Community CITY CLERK'S OFFICE - LEGAL ADVERTISING City Clerk Clark stated that her office is responsible for advertising ordinances after their adoption, and other legal advertlsing. ThlS has been done routlnely ln T1lg S~n newspaper to meet the requlrement of publlcation in a newspaper of general circulation. (3) . Ms. Clark stated she had received a complalnt from the '2~ec_:!,.nct Rm>grte.:r:: regarding the lack of City legal advertising in their publication. She stated she had explalned to them that the advertising was part of a line item budget and the provislon for advertising ln Th~ ~u~ was established a year ago in the budget preparation. It nad been her opinion that she couldn't advertlse ln the ~X.eClnct Reporter because lt wasn't a newspaper of general clrculation. The Charter requires pUblication in a paper of general circulation. She explained she later received documents lndlcating that the Precinct RepQ~t:~~ was a - 4 - 6/17/88 . newspaper of general circulation which was confirmed in a legal oplnlon from the City Attorney. Ms. Clark stated she had agreed that she would go before the Mayor and Council during the budget hearings and request an lncrease in the budget to do additlonal publication in other newspapers, in addition to The ~1,ln. Ms. Clark stated that if publication is done in the IL~cj._n<:::t. Re:Qort~J::, there would probably be requests to publish in other minority publications as well. It was pOlnted out that the rre~j.Q~t E~porter'~ clrculation has lncreased tremendously and carries many large buslnesses' advertisements. City Clerk Clark read a letter dated May 6, 1988, from Arthur P. Townsend, Publlsher, p~_~<:::in~t. Reporter, ln which he criticized the City Clerk for her advertising and hlring policies. He also stated that the Super lor Court of San Bernardino County had declared the p~~clnct Eep~rter adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulatlon cn July 24, 1974. . Clty Clerk Clark explained the lengthy process which lS required in preparing ordinances for publlcation, and still meet the 15 day publishlng deadline. She also explained that Engineering bids are advertised. The law requires that they be publlshed five days apart. However, the Precinct E~Rorter only publishes every seven days. Clty Clerk Clark stated, that to be legally safe, she wanted to contlnue publishing in 'r'he ~1,ln and if the Council decides to appropriate the additional money, to publish ln another newspaper: the Precin<:::~ ReRorter. She stated her present budget amount lS $6,000 for the ordlnances and another $1,200 for special notices. She stated that because of the lifting of the building moratorium, there would be an increase ln the number of ordinances adopted. City Clerk Clark suggested one option could be that if the amount for legal advertising were doubled, she could put all the newspapers on a rotating basis and use a different one each month. A discussion ensued regarding legal advertising and it was generally agreed that publishing continue in The S~Q. . Assistant City Attorney Brue stated she felt that the Clty should advertlse ln The SUQ as a mlnimum, as many of the other papers being discussed are geared to certaln segments in the communlty. It was her opinlon that the use of other papers ln which to advertlse is a POllCY deC1Slon. - 5 - 6/17/88 . Assistant City Attorney Brue answered questions regarding posslble litigation, stating that the City should look into the matter thoroughly, so that if the matter went to court, it could be stated that a determination had been made on the basis of considered information. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that the City Admlnistrator, along with the Clty Clerk, be cirected to study the question of placing legal advertising ln local newspapers other than The Sun, and report back with recommendations to the Council. CITY CLERK CLARK At 2:35 p.m., Meeting. EXCUSED Clty Clerk Clark left the Councll . PISTOL RANGE - PERRIS HILL PARK - EMERGENCY REPAIRS Deputy Clty Admlnistrator Robbins stated that emergency safety repalrs should be made at the Plstol Range ln perris Hill Park using this year's budget. He stated that the funds will come from either the contingency fund or the liabllity fund, as there is clearly a liability problem. He stated that the long term question is whether or not to move the range to another ~ocation. If that is the case, the process of finding a cUltable location will be started. (3) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, to authorize the installation of the necessary safety lmprovements to the Pistol Range in Perris Hill Park. lncludlng berm and telephone poles along the side to provide a noise baffle. BUDGET ADOPTION SCHEDULE Deputy City Admlnistrator Robblns explained that the date of July 18, 1988, has tentatively been set for adoptlon of the 1988-1989 budget. In order to accomplish this, he explained that a statement is needed indicating that the Council is willing to approve what has been presented in the General Fund; and, secondly, a date must 0e set to go over other funds that would be incorporated into the budget process. He suggested a date between July ) - 8, 1988. (3) MAYOR WILCOX EXCUSED At 2:40 p.m., Mayor Wilcox left the Council Meeting .ind Councll Member Maudsley assumed the duties of Mayor ?ro Tempore. . - 6 - 6/17/88 . COUNCIL MEMBER At 2;40 p.m., Councll Meetlng. POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Councll Member Pope-Ludlam left the Councll Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that a meeting be scheduled for 9:00 a.m.. Frlday, July 8, 1988. in the Management Informatlon Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, C 1 ty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA. to 6iscuss funds other than the General Fund. A discussion ensued regarding scheduling of various items at the meeting of June 20, 1988. Members of the Council expressed thelr pleasure in the progress of the budget proceedlngs and congratulated all who were involved. ADJOURNMENT At 2:51 p.m.. Council Member Minor made a motlon, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adJourned to Monday, June 20, 1988. at 9:00 a.m., ln the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" St.reet, San Bernardino, California. . IfJtfZ~~ 7f(e4~ Deputy City Clerk No. of Items: No. of Hours: 5 1 3/4 . - 7 - 6117/88