HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-1988 Minutes . City of San Bernardino, Calrfornra Apnl 26, 19S5 ~hlS rs the trme and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meetrng of the Mayor and Common Councll of the Clty of San Bernardrno at therr Adjourned Regular Meetrng held at 9:15 a.m.. Monda~, Aprrl 25, 19S5, ln the Councrl Chambers of Crty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardrno, Californra. The Crty Clerk has caused to be posted the Notrce of AaJournment of sard meeting held Aprrl 25, 1988, and has on frle rn the Offrce of the Crty ClerK an affrdavrt of sald postlng together wrth a copy of sard order whrch was posted at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, Aprrl 25, 19S5, rn the Councrl Chambers of Crty Hall, 3UU thrth "D" Street, San Bernardrno, Calrfornra. The Adjourned Regular Counc~l of the Crty of Jan Mayor Wllcox at 5;10 p.m., Cuunc.r Chambers of Crty Bernardlno, Californra. ~ INVOCATION The Invocatron was grven by John Cole, Admrnrstratrve Assrstant to the Councrl. Meetrng of the Mayor and Common Bernardrno was called to order by on Tuesday, Aprrl 26, 19S5, rn the Hall, 300 North "D" Street. San PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegrance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Jack RelIl'l. ",;:aLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the Crty Clerk wrth the followrng berng present: Mayor Wrlcox; Councrl Members Estrada, Rellly, Flores, Maudsley, Mlnor, Mrller, Crty Attorney Penman; Crty Clerk Clark Deputy Crty Admrnlstrator Robbrns. Absent: Counell Member Pope-Ludlam. PUBLIC COMMENTS No one came forward to speak durrng the publrc comments portron of the meetrng. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN - LAND USE ALTER- NATIVES - VALLEY COLLEGE, RIALTO BENCH, WESTSIDE ThlS lS the trme and place set for a publrc hearrng on the land use alternatlves for the Valley College, Rralto Bench and Westslde areas. . - 1 - 4/.26/83 . Plannrng Drrector Srracusa pornted out to the Councrl tha~ rt r5 staff's understandrng that unless the Councrl asks Plannrng to maKe specrfic changes on ~he map, ~he Councrl is acceptrng the land use designatrons as set forth on the map approved by the Plan~rng Commrssron. (Alternatrve E) JALLEY COLLEGE - Mr. Steve Svete 4, Valley College, as AREA 4 of Envrcom gave the boundar res follows: of Area No. North: South: East: West: Nrnth street (rrregular) Crty Boundary 1-215 Freeway Rralto Bench Usrng the map, Mr. Svete explained the proposed land uses and explarned some changes that were made by the Plannrng Commissron after publrc testrmony. He stated that the area rs domrnated by two uses: single family and rndustrial. Also, thrs map contarns the broadest of any mrxed use categorres--Mt. Vernon, north of the tracks, and contarns the frrst extracted lndustr1al zone: along Lytle Creek Wash. . Staff Recommendation I Plannrng Drrector Srracusa the area at the northwest corner AvenGe be changed from RS (rnd~strral lrght). presented a recommendatron that of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Rralto (reSrdentlal suburban) to 1L She stated that staff had proposed light industrial but the Planning Commrssion changed it. The area lS rlght up agarnst the ra1lroad tracks and because of noise problems is not sUltable for furtter slngle family development. Ralph Hernandez, 190 North F1CO Avenue, asked to speak to the Council about the recommendatron. Mayor Wllcox rnformed Mr. Hernandez that publlC testlmony woule be taken after staff had flnished rts presentation. Staff Recommendation 2 The Plannrng staff recommended that the Avenue and east of the Lytle Creek Wash (rndu5trial heavyi to IL (rndustrial 11gl1t) area south of Rlalto be changed from IH Plannlng Drrector Slracusa answered questions regardlng the lSSU~ of non-conformlng uses. She stated that when a general plan is changed, the eXlstrng use is allowed to contlnue as long as it lS stlll in operatlon. If 1t becomes vacant for 180 days or lenger, then it loses rts non-conformlng use status. If a burlulng rn the category of non-conformlng use r5 50% destroyed . by flre, lt cannot be rebul1t as the old use but must transltlon - 2 - 4/26/88 . . . over cO the use deslgnated by the General Plan. If the Councll flnds eXlstlng uses they wane to allow to remaln, but not proliferate, the use can be grandfathered ln the new General Plan. Basically, the use runs wlth the land not wlth owner3hlp. :he Plannlng Dlrector emphaslzed that any new general plan wlll ~reate non-conformlng uses. :ity Attorney Penman answered questlons regarding the legal ramiflcations of a non-conforming use. "he Plannlng Dlrector explalned the obJectlves that the Counc~l mlght follow for dealing wlth non-conforming uses. ~taff Recommendatlon 3 3taff recommended that the area south of Foothlll Boulevard and west of Rancho to the bench be changed from MU (mlxed use) to IL (lndustrlal light), except for the northernmost portion along Foothill Boulevard WhlCh should be changed to CG (commerclal general). Staff Recommendation 4 fhe Plannlng Director stated the Omnltrans Flfth Street at Medical Center Drlve should be (publlC facllltles) to correct all error. lot north shown as of PF Staff Recommendatlon 5 Plannlng Director Slracusa slte between Fourth and Flfth (publlC park). recommended that the Nunez ParK Street should be deslgnated PP The Planning Dlrector stated that Recommendatlon 5 concludes the recommendatlons for the Valley College area. Ralph Hernandez, 190 North P1CO Street, stated he Ilves ln the area where the slngle famlly homes are next to the rallroad tracks and he would llke the area to retaln ltS R 1 deslgnatlon. He added that the Plannlng CommlSSlon recommended R 1 ana emphaslzed that the nelghborhood wants to be left alone. COUNCIL MEMBER At 5.40 p.m. I Councll Meetlng and POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED Councll Member Pope-Ludlam took her place at the Councll arrived at Table. the Mr. Hernandez noted that staff cltes nOlse as the Issue but they do not know what Amtrack sounds like. He cannot sleep at nIght without the sound of the tralns. CounCil Member Member Minor and designation at the Flores made a motion, seconden wi counCil unanimously carried, to retaln the RS northwest corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue and , ~ - 4/26/88 . . . Rlalto Avenue except for a CG along Mt. Vernon Avenue north of Thlrd Street. Steve Svete answered questlons about deslgnatlng land uses and stated that as a rule of thumb, they don't recommend a deslgnatlon for areas less than five acres. Anthony MarlC1C. property on Foothlll the CG deslgnatlon. parCEiS are 300 feet 500 feet deep. P. O. Box 1476, Fontana, stated he owns near Rancho. R1S concern was the depth of Presently, on the north slde of Foothll1 the deep and on the south side the parcels are ehe Plannlnq Dlrector suggested designatlng the parcels CR and allow two types of uses, perhaps CG and CR. and then explained the types of uses to be found ln CR, including large outdcor storage. Mr. MarlC1C agreed wlth two deslgnatlons: CG and CH. Mr. Melvln EII10tt. 157 North Rancho Avenue, co-owner of Elliott precislon Block at Bellevlew and Rancho Avenues. spoke regarding twelve acres of vacant property, belonging to EII10tt Block. Opposlte to the plant, WhlCh has been deslgnated MU. Thelr preference 1S to retaln the MU zoning, but to add commercial heavy (CH) to the MU. Mr. Elliott used the map to locate the property ln questlon. He suggested that Belleview be the boundary for the IH zone, lnstead of the rallroad spur which shows on the map but is no longer there. Bellevlew 1S the south boundary of thelr property. He also stated that when hlS company started to bU11d a new offlce on the property they needed the assistance of the City Attorney to clarlfy the zonlng on the rallroad property. The Planning Department stated the property was not zoned and the Clty Attorney helped them clarify that lt was zoned. COUNCIL MEMBERS ESTRADA AND MILLER EXCUSED Councll Members Estrada and Mlller left the Councll table. Mr. Elllott stated that the company lntends to bUlld a retail materials yard on part of the vacant property. Mr. Mac Elllott, the other owner of Elllott PreC1Slon Block. urgec the Councll to glve a CH zone as requested. He pOlnted out that thlS lS an out-of-the-way area of the Clty where you put the less favored uses. The company has an area on WhlCh they woule llke to put a recreatlcnal storage yard. Mr. Randy Wyatt, 350 property on both sldes of curve, stated he would llke Rancho Avenue, spoke regardlng his Foothill Boulevard and the Rancho to see all three deslgnatlons: CH. - 4 - 4/26/b8 . eG, and IL. MIxed use IS fIne, but he would lIke It to Include CH, CG and IL. He stated that the Mayor had made a commItment to the property owners for a CM zone a few years prIor and the property owners would lIke to retaIn the CM for chese large parce~s In order to allow varIOUS types of uses. :OUNCIL MEMBER MILLER RETURNED :ouncIl Member MIller returned to the CouncIl MeetIng and took ner place at the CouncIl table. Mr. Rowan Adams Jr., 7917 Reche Canyon, Colton, owner of the three acres on the southwest corner of Rancho and Rialto, and manufacturer of fancoll unIts and furnlses, stated he agreed with Mr. ~yatt for CM type uses. He dIsagreed wIth the CAC recommendatIon for CN and stated he had conducted a survey of other commercIal uses In the area and found that at the corner of Rlalte and Pepper there are 29 stores wIth fIfteen vacanCIes. At the corner of MIll and Rancho, there IS 18,000 square feet of vacan~ bUIldIng in the commercIal zone. . CouncIl Member Flores made a motIon, seconded by CouncIl Member Maudsley and unanimously carrIed, that the area south of FoothIll Boulevard and west of Rancho Avenue to the bench remain MU as set forth on AlternatIve E wIth a POlICY of lL, CG and CH as the types of uses permltted, WhlC11 would be addlng ~:H ~o what was prevIously decIded upon. ~OUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA RETURNED CouncIl Member Estrada returned to the CouncIl MeetIng and took her place at the CouncIl Table. CouncIl Member Flores made a motIon, seconded by CouncIl Member Reilly and unanImously carrIed, that the area south of Rlalto and east of Lytle Creek Wash IS to remaIn IH Instead of changIng It to IL. COUNCIL MEMBER MINOR EXCUSED CouncIl Member MInor left the CouncIl MeetIng. PlannIng DIrector SIracusa requested the CouncIl take a look at the strip of RM runnIng between Fourth and FIfth Streets, west of Mt. Vernon. The eXIstIng use IS sIngle famIly resIdentIal and may have some bootlegged second unIts. She pOInted out that the lots are so small that It would take qUIte an assemblage to deve10p the area as multIple famIly. After dIScussIon, CouncIl Member Estrada made a motIon, secoLded by CouncIl Member Maudsley and unanImously carrIed, that the strIp of RM runnIng between Fourth and FIfth Streets, west of Mt. Vernon and the strIp of RM between MIll Street and the wash, west of Mt. Vernon are to remaIn RS. . - 5 - 4/26/88 . . . Mac Elllote. Elllott Preclslon Block, addressed the Councll regardlng a parcel on the south slde of Rlalto Avenue near the cornee of Rancho and Rlalto. Prevlously lt was zoned commerclal but has been changed to Rl. As the block company uses nOlsy machllery, they are concerned about a resldentlal use so close to thelr buslness. ~OUNCIL MEMBER MINOR RETURNED :ouncll Member Mlnor returned to the Councll Meetlng and took illS place at the Councll table. ~1r. R. C . Adams :ota ted he tlad talked to the owner of that vacant property. Mel Fuchs. Across the street lS a body and fender shop and a bar, and the trafflc lS "horrendous"; therefore lt would be lnapproprlate to put a resldentlal use there. rhe Plannlng Dlrector answered moblle home parks ln the area, one of resldents own thelr own spaces. questlons regarding the WhlCh lS a park where ehe The Planning Dlrector and Steve Svete recommended that if the Councll goes wlth IL HI the area that they authorlze the development of standards for the IL to make lt compatlble wlth nearby resldentlal uses. ~ouncll Member Flores made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Rellly and unanimously carrled, that the strlp Just south of R.laleo Avenue all the way from Rancho east to the flood control channel be designated as IL wlth certaln restrlctlons as far as setbacks and so forth; and the ones that border on the resldentlal areas and Just south of that area, already comprlsed of moblle home parks, be deslgnated RU and then further south from there. be designated RS. RIALTO BENCH - AREA 5 rhe boundarles for Area 5, Rlalto Bench, are as follows: North: South: Sast: 'tlest: Rlalto Bench City Boundary Rlalto Bench Clty Boundary Steve Svete of Envlcom spoke regardlng the character of the area ~nd descrlbed the varlOUS designatlons proposed. Staff Recommendation 1 Vince Bautista, Prlnclpal Planner, presented Staff Recommendatlon 1 as follows: The CG deslgnation on the south slde :)f Foothill Boulevard be changed to RU (Resldentlal Urbanj between Merldlan and the Southern Pacific rallroad tracks and to RS generally from the tracks to the Rialto bench. - 6 - 4/26/88 . . . Staff Recommendation 2 Prlnclpal Planner Bautlsta presented a recommendatlon that tne vacant/underdeveloped land north of Mlll Street, south of Foothlll Boulevard, east of Pepper Avenue and west of the Rlalto Bench should be changed from RM (residentlal medlum) to RU (resldentlal urban) Ann Slracusa answered questlons, and stated that anlmal hOspltal would fall wlthln the CG category. The Mayor and Council discussed the posslble expanSlon of Southern Callfornla Edlson Company and the deslre to ensure thelr ablll~y to expand. rhe Plannlng Dlrector recommended a CO (commerclal office) deslgnatlon ln the area adjacent to SCE as the best deslgnation for posslble expanSlon. She also addressed the mlnistorage and recommended that the RS next to the mlnlstorage be extended down to th~ rallroad spur and grandfatherlng ln the mlnls~orage. The area west of the tracks, shown as RM should be changed to RU. Mr. Ted Sirkln, the owner of property on the north slde of Foothlll Boulevard near the Rlalto Bench, and landscape contr~ctor/realtor, stated that he was pleased with the process ln general and would llKe to see a lo~ of contlnuum ln the land use p~ocess. Even though ~he moblle park on the south slde of Foothlll lS presently the mainstay of the area, one day lt wlll not De there. Eventually, there wlll be a contlnuum of commerclal on both sldes of Foothlll. He stated he concurs wlth the Plannlng Commlssion posltion of gOlng CG on the south slde. However, he dlsagrees that tne land use deslgnatlon should be chang~d tc RS as recommended by staff. Allce Stell, owner of a moblle home park at 2250 West Chestnut, requested that the deslgnatlon for the park be changed from RS to RU because thelr park is new. Councll Member Flores made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Maudsley and unanimously carrled, that the Edlson property be changed to CO and staff be instructed to lnvestlgate how far down to the south and east the property owned by Edlson goes and to designate it co acccrdlngly. Councll Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Flores and unanlmously carrled, that the southwest corner of Foothlll and Meridlan be deslgnated CG and the one street residentlal subdlV1Slon lmmediately south from Pepper lS to contlnue RS lf Edlson does not go south to Second Street. :ouncll Member Minor made a motlon, seconded by Counell Member Flores and unanlmously carried, that all vacant parcels from Rlalto Avenue to Foothill and Meridian and the raIlroad - 7 - 4/26/88 . tracks area be changed from RM to RU (9 units per acrel lncludlng the eXlstlng apartment complex at Meridian. ;ouncll Member Flores made a motlon, seconded by Council Member Rellly and unanlmously carrled, that from the Southern Paclflc tracks eastward to the subdlvlsion deslgnated RS (past the ffilnlstorage) lS to remaln RS but the mlnlstorage lS to be grand fathered and the RS lS to be extended to the railroad tracks. ~ouncil Member Flores made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Maudsley and unanlmously carrled, that the south slde of Rialto Avenue, on both sldes of Merldlan be changed from RM to RU (up to nlne unlts per acre) ;ouncll Member Flores made a motlon, seconded by Councll Memb-r Maudsley and unanlmously carrled, that the deslgnatlon RS for the parcels on the north slde of Mill Street WhlCh are an exter.Slon of an eXlstlng slngle family subdlvlsion be extended cver to Macy Street. . Councll Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Pope-Ludlam and unanlmously carrled, that the area north of Mlll Street that lS developed ln eXlstlng moblle home subdivlslon up to the vacant parcel WhlCh lS designated RS be chansed to RU and the RU be extended eastward to lnclude the apartment complex and additlonal moblle home complexes north of the apartment complex WhlCh are now deslgnated RM. R.ECESS MEETING At 7:15 p.m., Mayor Wllcox called for a ten mlnute recess. RECONVENE MEETING At 7:45 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meetlng of the Mayor and Commcn Councll of the Clty of San Bernardlno reconvened ln the Councll Chambers of Clty Hall, C0" North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, Callfornla. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the followlng belne present: Mayor Wllcox; Councll Members Estrada, Rellly, Flores, Maudsley, Mlnor, Pope-Ludlam, Mlller; Clty Attorney Penman, Clty Clerk Clark, Deputy Clty Admlnlstrator Robbins. Abser t: None. WESTS IDE - AREA 6 Steve Svete of Envicom gave a descrlptlon of the uses ln Area No.6 WhlCh has the followlng boundarles: . North: South: Devll Canyon Flood Control Channel Nlnth Street - 8 - 4/26/88 . . . East: West: 1-215 Freeway Lytle Creek Park Staff Recommendation 7 - Lytle Creek Levee Prlnclpal Planner Bautlsta read the recommendatlon: The area along the Lytle Creek should be changed from (resldentlal rural) to low) . followlng staff Levee In Muscoy RL (residentlal He stated that thls is the only RR designatlon on the map and recommended RL whlch would be consistent with all of Muscoy. Then the RR deslgnatlon would be deleted. Staff Recommendation 6 - Delmann Heights The Staff recommended that the Delmann Helghts area be changed from RL (residentlal low) to RS (resldentlal suburban. The Prlnclpal Planner stated that RS is more In keeping wltn the actual Slze of the parcels In the area. Staff Recommendation 8 - Cajon, Flood Control Channel and City limits Staff recommended that the area bounded by Cajon Boulevard, the Devll Canyon Flood Control Channel and the Clty Ilmits be changed from RL to RS. staff Recommendations 4 and 5 - Highland Avenue, Medical Center Drive, 1-215 Staff submitted the followlng recommendatlons dlscussed concurrently: to be 4. The north slde of Hlghland Avenue generally from Medical Center Drlve to Callfornla Street be designated CG (commerclal generOll) 5. The area bounded by the RS 30 Freeway rlght-of-way, 1-21: and Highland Avenue be deslgnated 1L (industrial Ilght) except for the CG (commercial general) along Hlghland Avenue as recommended In ltem number 4 above. The Prlnclpal Planner answered questlons of the Council and explained that a non-conformlng use retains its orlglnal deslgnatlon as long as the use of the property stays the same. The Mayor and Councll discussed some of the uses in that area lncludlng the CHP office and the bowllng alley. Staff Recommendatlon 1 - Mt. Vernon Avenue Corridor Staff recommended that the Mt. Vernon Avenue corrldor from Base Llne Street to Fourth Street be changed from MU (mixed use) to CG (commerclal general). - 9 - 4/26/88 . . . ThlS dlScusslon lncludes the entire Mt. Vernon corrldor which extends south of Base Line and down to Fourth Street lnto Plannlng Area 4, Valley College. Planning Area 4 was discussed earller ln the evenlng. fhe Prlncipal Planner stated that the Planning Commission had recommended MU with a Ilmltation to CG and CO for thlS area. To slmplify this, staff lS recommending CG because MU would imply a greater mlX: residentlal, lndustrlal, etc. The Plannlng Dlrector stated that there is a difference of oplnlon as to what the commlssion recommended. She and Steve remember the MU as lncludlng Ilght industrial. If the Mayor and Councll want llght lndustrial to perpetuate existing uses, the MU des1gnatlon should be reta1ned. The Plannlng Dlrector pOlnted out that there are resldential designations south of Hlghland at the Freeway curve. Agaln, there lS a dlfference ln memory as to whether or not the MU came all ehe way up to Highland. Testimony at the Plann1ng Commlssion lndlcated that the community dld not deSlre resldential in this area. The plan for the Northwest Project Area 1ndlcates residentlal and would have to be amended to remove the resldentlal. John Hoegar, Development Special1st for the Redevelopment Agency, answered questlons regard1ng the posslbillty of amendlng the project plan for the Northwest ProJect Area. In order to have a redevelopment plan consistent wlth the General Plan we had to have a general plan designatlon that would allow resldential and commerclal. In implementing that, the Clty and communlty could get together and develop a speciflc overlay which would allow either residentlal only in highly speclflc klnds of cases or no residentlal at all. The Plannlng Director pOlnted out that offlce uses ar~ permltted wlthln the CG deslgnatlon. Staff Recommendation 2 - Medical Center Drive Staff recommended that Medlcal Center Drlve Comml.nity Hospltal to King Elementary School be (mlxed use) to RS (residentlal suburban). from south of changed from MU The MU would include CO, CG and (CHC:, but staff recommends RS to reslcential nelghborhood in the area. the ~orthwest Project Area Plan. Commercial Health Care preserve a very nlce The RS would not affect Staff Recommendation 3 - Medical Center Drive Staff recommended that Medical Center Drive from Communlty Hosp:tal to Highland Avenue be changed from MU to eHC (Commerclal Heal tn Care). - 10 - 4/26/88 . The Plannlng Dlrector explalned CHC would include senior housing and congregate care faclllties. This designation would also allow for expanSlon of the hospital. The Councll would set the parameters for the types of uses permitted. =lty Attorney Penman answered use deflnltlons would eventually MunicIpal Code. questIons, statlng have to be deflned the land in the Ann Slracusa pOlnted out that these are only conceptual defInItIons that can be refined by the review process. . Staff Recommendation 9 - Mt. Vernon and Base Line Corridors - MU and its effect on Northwest Project Area Plan Although staff does not propose a change to the Commlsslon's recommendatIon for MU (mIxed use) wIth all commercial uses on the Mt. Vernon and Base Line corrldors on AlternatIve E. staff does thIS only with the advIce to the Council that leavIng the MU deslgnation will requIre, 1) sufficIent resIdential unIts to support the desIgnatIon, and 2) a change to the Northwest Redevelopment Plan. Staff has some strong concerns that the area wIll not develop as envlsloned without an appropriate reslden~lal compcnent. By desIgnatIng the corrIdors for all-commercIal uses, the surroundlng area may not have the abIlity to support the deSlred commercial acreage. In addItIon, the MU (mIxed use) designatlon with all-commercIal uses will requlre amendlng the Norttwest Redevelopment Plan. James M. Carr, 7101 Cambria Circle, Orange, CA, spoke regardIng hIS project on Cajon and June Streets. He expressed concerns wlth the low denslty resldential designatIons south of the SIte. When hIS property of 125 acres was annexed to the CIty, 70 acres was redeSIgnated 3.9 units per acre. He stated he is worklng wIth the Clty on extendlng a sewer line past hls property to serve the Industrlal area north of the property, but ln order to make thlS economically feasible, he must be able to bUlle wIthin the RS deslgnation because custom homes cannot be bUllt In the Muscoy area. Lee Redmond, 10390 Commerce Center Drlve, Rancho Cucamonga, SUlts 260, wlth O'Donnell, Armstrong, Brlgham and Partners, stated that the partners have purchased substantially the remaInder of the lots in State College Business Park. He passed out a parcel map and requested that lots 11 and 37 near Unlverslty Parkway and Hallmark Parkway be glven an MU designatIon for lL and CG and lots. He also requested that lots 55 a~d 56, which front on Unlverslty Parkway. be deslgnated CG so that the CG can flow Into the MU for more flexlbillty. Mr. Redmond explained the uses enVISIoned for these parcels. . - 11 - 4/26/33 . The Planning Director stated that thlS IS a small area for a MU deslgnatlon. Councll Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Maudsley and unanimously carrled, that CG be approved for lots 55 and 56 located north and south of Hallmark Parkway between Unlverslty Parkway and Campeau Drlve and MU wlth a POllCY of IL and CG be approved for parcels 11 and 37 located on Campeau Drive between Mc Arthur Boulevard and Georgla Street. The Planning Dlrector stated that under IL deslgnatlon outslde storage IS allowed wlth approprlate screenlng. . John Edwins, 445 South Arrowhead, SUlte B, San BernardIno, CA, stated he represents College Parkway Developers WhlCh has slxteen acres of commerclal at the southeast quadrant of the 1-215 freeway and Unlverslty Parkway. The property, presently zoned CM is in the process of being developed. They have no problem with beIng redeslgnated CG; It IS their understandlng that:G includes all uses In a C2, C3, C3A and C4 Zone. He asked Council to be cautlous that as the final standards and POllCies are adopted that the flnal standards will start eliminatlng uses. It lE a great concern that they are belng zoned down to CG and as polIcies are adopted, their uses become limlted and the amount of square feet they can use would make a blg difference in the development In that partlcular piece of property. The Plannlng Dlrector stated that the Interlm pollcles Indicate that durlng thlS perlod of tlme from the tlme this goes to the State to the adoptlon of the plan, that those would be the compatIble zone dIstrlcts and the uses in those zone dIstrIcts would be allowed In this Interlm perlod. The final adoptlon of the general plan could change the allowable uses. There are no guarantees for a given use but the general concept for CG wlll be uses of a CG nature. ~lllle Garrett, 1830 West 20th Street, San Bernardino, speaking on behalf of the 20th Street Homeowners Assoclatlon, reminded the Council that the people residing in the area have a well kept resldentlal neighborhood, would like to keep It that way, and do not want more mul tlple family dwelllngs In the ar'ea. Mr. Garrett cItl.:ens complex rent of $800 to area that had no also questloned the development of senlor on Medlcal Center Drive and Highland, charglng $1000 per month, WhlCh seemed lllogical for an services to offer seniors. Morsell Johnson, 444 E. Foothlll Boulevard, SUlte C, Rlalto, Real Estate Broker, and representIng the Westside Leadershlp Coalltlon, presented hlS concerns about the economlC development . In the Wests ide on the arterials, especially Mt. Vernon. Base - 12 - 4/26/88 . Llne and Highland. He stated that the NWPA redevelopment plan ltself actually conflicts wlth the needs of the community, preventing commerclal development in the Mt. Vernon Area. The finan=ial institutions left because the area no longer catered to the tuslness lnterests. Ar. Johnson stated he felt the area could support commercial if so deSignated, and that the economic base needs to be bUllt. Only the new shopplng center can take advantage of the deslgnations in the NWPA. He reiterated that Hlghland, Mt. Vernen and Base Llne should be commercial general. John Hoegar, Development Speciallst, Redevelopment Agency, answered questions regarding the cost of amending the NWPA plan WhiCh could range as high as $200,000. Costs vary on the extenslveness of the amendment, and the number of plans affected. Mr. Hoegar pOinted out that amending the plan could mean reopening it for attack. fhe Planning Dlrector stated that RDA would be obllgated to change any plans that conflict With the final general plan. Mr. Hoegar explained the overlay idea. S0~t~ overlay cost $125,000. ... Samuel Johnson, 1708 Mt. Vernon Avenue, explained how the NWPA plan restricts his ability to expand hlS buslness. He stated that thiS plan did not have the communlty at heart. Mr. Johnson agreed that Mt. Vernon, Highland and Base Line Streets should be designated eG. The Central City Morsell Johnson stated that the NWPA plan created economlC decline, and emphasized that hlS community should not be segregated and dlfferent from any other community. He requested commercial designations for Base Line, Highland and Mt. Vernon. It was painted out that opening up a Redevelopment Plan could mean renegotiating the taxing agreements With the County. Wesley Jefferson, 1321 West 21st Street, representing the San Bernardino branch of the NAACP, stated that there should be no multifamily units. The area needs commercial. The community expressed itself before the CAC and the Planning Commission and was ignored. He added that economic development is more a function of income than population. He complained about the NWPA plan stating that RDA has sent the area through a bureaucratic maze instead of resolving the problems of the community. ... Mr. David Lechuga. 2217 PAC, and representing the Associationl recommeclded Second Avenue, Chairman Wests ide Homeowners tha~ the existing of the NWPA and Tenants residential - 13 - 4/26/88 . subdivislons be retdlned, objected to MU on Medlcal Center Drlve north of the hospltal at Hlghland Avenue, conslstency between RDA plans and the general has been deallng wlth these lssues Slnce he Proje~t AI"ea lawsult In 1982. suggested there be plan, and stated he flIed the Northwest ~r, Lechuga revlewed each of the staff recommendatlons and gave alS obJectlons or concurrence. Jurlean McGinnls, 1624 Susle Lane, San BernardlflO, representing the Orangewood Estates Homeowners Assoclatlon, agreeJ with the recommendatlon that the 77 vacant lots between Pennsylvania, Susle Lane, Cummlng Way and 19th Street, remaln In the Rl (RS) deslgnatlon. ~heryl Brown, a resident of the Westslde since 1959 and Vlce Chalrman of the Plannlng Commlsslon, spoke regardlng a need for a balance in the Westslde, just llke the rest of the communlty. Mrs. Brown stated that the Westslde has ltS share of apartments and low income but does not have large lots or some place where people can move up. ThlS component is misslng from the ~lan. If Delmann Helghts had a different reputatlon, lt would have been the place to do that. . ?lannlng Commlssloner Brown also stated that the results of a survey of Verdemont people showed that Verdemont resldents would come down to the Westslde, Hlghland area, to shop because the Verdemont resldents don't want commercial In thelr area. Mrs. Brown stated that the Commlsslon's declslons were not put forth to the Council and expressed her belief that the Plann1ng Staff's recommendatlons mlght overrlde what the CommlSSlon recommended. She stated she would clarlfy what the Commlssion had recommended and talked regarding the MU deslgnatlons on the Westside. She felt that all uses In the MU could be sustalned, for example the CO. She also stated that IL had been added In to brlng some jobs In the area, but staff lS recomillendlng that the deslgnatlons be Ilmlted to CG. Cheryl Brown stated that on Medlcal Center Drlve south of Communlty Hospital, the MU was thrown 1n at the last ffilnute by the Plannlng Commission. Mrs. Brown added that she did not want CHC (commercial health care), because some of the uses deslred for the area would not flt the CHC designatlon--restaurants, fast food are preferred, The Plannlng CommlSSlon deslgnated MU on the north slde of Hlghland from Medlcal Center to Callfornla, to allow offlces or a llght lndustrlal use. . Another issue was RR, resldential rural, WhlCh Mrs, Brown requested be retained because "horses are blg business", On t11e - 14 - 4/26/88 . channels, Mrs. Brown stated she felt an rndustrlal park would be appropriate. She also spoke regardrng the resIdentIal designatIons In the Redevelopment Plan for the Northwest Project Area, and presented a concern that the tax increment money from the SIxth Ward is gOIng to the golf course, and that the Redevelopment dollars spent on HospitalIty were misdirected and should have been spent on the Westside. John Hoegar, Development SpecIalist, Redevelopment Agency, pointed out the golf course is in the State College Project Area; not t~e Northwest Project Area, and that he thought that State College had In fact loaned money to Northwest, not the other way around. Plannrng DIrector Siracusa spoke regarding the recommendatIon for CHC WhICh would permIt and encourage hospital related uses to congregate. A lot of thIngs permitted in general commercIal would also be permitted In this desIgnatIon, includIng restaurants, flower shops, etc. The dIfference would be the hOUSIng uses, such as senIor hOUSIng and congregate care. . :heryl Brown. PlannIng CommiSSIoner, expressed her InItial concerns about providIng for expanSIon of the hospItal and recoffimended that the Council look at both srdes of Western Street for eHC uses and hospItal expanSIon. PlannIng Director Siracusa answered a question of the Mayor regardIng an RU desIgnation along Medical Center DrIve from the hospItal, north of HIghland. There IS an area south of Highland that 18 RU, Cheryl Brown stated that the Planning take the MU down all the major corrIdors. comm~nityts desire for commerclal ffilxed use. CommISSIon voted to She emphaSIzed the Steve Svete from of what the PlannIng Highland and recommend property. He also spoke designatIon. Envlcom spoke regardIng hIS understandIng Commission wanted for the RU south of that staff take a look of the vacant regardIng the approprIate uses for the CO Robert McCLIntock, 3263 Mayfield Avenue, from Holcomb and McCLIntock, Inc., stated that the total plan needs some total fleXIbility. He spoke In favor of more SIngle family and apartment development, and stated that many young people cannot afford detached housing and the crty needs somethIng for ever1'one. Mr. McClintock stated that land is IrmIted and densrties are . a big rssue. He questIoned whether or not the Crty can grow wrth - 15 - 4/26/88 . . . the Influx of people to the communlty, and advocated hlgh rIse apartment houslng to meet the needs. The Mayor, CouncIl, and PlannIng Staff dlscussed the actions that ~ould need to be taken. :OUNC1L MEMBER ESTRADA EXCUSED :ouncll Member Estrada was excused from the Councll Meeting. :ouncil Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Pope-Ludlam and unanlmcusly carrIed, that the Mt. Vernon Avenu9 corrldor from Base Llne Street to Fourth be changed from MU (mlxed use) to CG (commerclal general) :ouncll Member Pope-Ludlam made a motIon, seconded by Councll Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that Medical Center DrIve from south of Communlty Hospital to Klng Elementary School be changed from MU to ES. ~ouncll Member Pope-Ludlam made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Maudsley and unanImously carried, that the following staff recommendatlons be continued to Wednesday, May 4, 193B, at 9:00 a.m., In the Councll Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San BernardIno, Callfornla. 3. Medical Center DrIve from CommunIty Hospital to Hlghland be changed from MU to CHC. 1. Norch side Highland, MedIcal Center Drive to CalifornIa Street, desIgnated CG. 5. Area bounded by RS 30 Freeway rIght of way, 1-215 and HIghland Avenue, deslgnated 1L except for the CG along HIghland as recommended In item 4 above. 9. Although staff does not propose a change to the CommIssions recommendatIon for MU with all commercial uses on the Mt. Vernon and Base Llne cor- ridors on AlternatIve E, they do so only with the advice to CouncIl that leavlng the MU deslgnatlon wIll requIre 1) sufflclent residencial unIts to support the deslgnatlon, and 2) a change to the Northwest Redevelopment Plan. Staff has some strong concerns that the area wIll not develop as envlsloned wIthout an approprIate residentIal component. By desIgnating the corrIdors for all commercial uses, the surroundIng area may not have the abIlity to support the desIred commercIal acreage. In addltlon the MU desIgnatIon wIth all- commerclal uses will requIre amending the NWPA plan. Steve Svete of EnVlcom answered queEtlons. - 16 - 4/26/88 . . . Clty Attorney Penman answered questions regardlng the process. He stated it was strange to him that the Mayor and Councll are belng asked to make the land use deslgnatlons without a deflnltlon of thelr land uses. council Member Minor made a motlon, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanlmously carrled, that the following staff recommendations be approved: 6. The Delmann Helghts area be changed from RL to RS, 7. The area along the Lytle Creek Levee In Muscoy be changed from RR (resldentlal rural) to RL (residential low) 8, The area bounded by CaJon Boulevard, the Devil Canyon Flood Control Channel and the Clty llmits be changed from RL to RS. CLOSED SESSION - PENDING LITIGATION Councll Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Reilly and unanlmously carried, to recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Sectlon 54956.9(a) to confer with ltS attorney regarding pending lltigation whlch has been lnitl~ted formally and to which the City lS a party, as follows: Kend<'!lJ-L-et aL.Y.. Cl tv. of San Ber-J!.9rdi,noL et . a I-=- 3uperlor Court Case 233233; '~lo.ty'.of San C.L'-ill~ln,g,. 239193 Bernardlno v SaQ Bernardlno Baseball - San Bernardino Superior Court Case DE1:J:'.tnn€l.."..C::lj::Y.9J.$.5lnlt€l.Xllar.din.o. - San Bernardino Superior Court Cases 214093 and 222068 ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk wlth the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Rellly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam. Miller; Clty Attorney Penman, Clty Cler~ Clark; Deputy Clty Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Membpr Estrada. RECESS CLOSED SESSION At 11:15 a.m., the Closed SeSSlon of the Mayor and Common Councll of the City of San Bernardino recessed to the Adjourned Regu.ar Meetlng of the Mayor and Common Councll. RECONVENE MEETING At 11:15 a,m., the AdJourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Lommon Councll of the Clty of San Bernardlno reconvened In - 17 - 4126/8ti . . . the c'ouncll Chambers of Cl ty Hall. 300 Ncrth "D" Street. San Bernardlno. Californla. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk wlth the followlng belng present: Mayor Wilcox: Councll Members Rellly, Flores, Mauds'ey. Mlnor. Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman, Clty Clerk Clark; Deputy Clty Admlnlstrator Robbins. Absent: Councll Membe:'" Estrada. A,!JOURN MEETING A~ 11.15 p.m., Councll Member M1nor made a motion. seconded by C~uncll Member Maudsley and unanimously carrled, ~hat the AdJoucned Regular Meet1ng of the Mayor and Common Councll of the Clty ~f San Bernardino adJourn to Thursday, Aprll 28. 198~, at ~:uO 1.m., 1n the Oak Room on the campus of Californla State Unlverslty San Bernardlno, 7700 North University Parkway, San Bernardino. Califorlila. ~/:7#-!~~/ / Clty Clerk - 18 - 4/26/88