HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-13-1985 Minutes City of San Bernardino, California . September 13, 1985 This is the time and place heretofore set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at the Adjourned Regular Meeting held on Monday, September 9, 1985, at 9:05 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of Adjournment of said meeting held Monday, September 9, 1985, at 9:05 a.m., and has on file in the office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said Order which was posted on Tuesday, September 10, 1985, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., in the Council Cham- bers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. . The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor wilcox at 9:10 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Olen Jones, Jr., Immanuel Baptist Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Frazier. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler; City At- torney Prince, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Matzer. Absent: Council Members Marks, Quiel. . EXTENSION OF HOSPITALITY LANE FROM WATERMAN AVENUE TO SAN TIMOTEO CREEK - CITY'S SHARE Mayor Wilcox stated that Item 15 of the Agenda relat- ing to the report from the Ways and Means Committee and the Redevelopment Agency Committee on the allocation of $293,000 for the City's share to extend Hospitality Lane from Waterman to San Timoteo Creek had been referred to the Redevelopment staff and the Redevelopment Committee. ( 15) LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT - AUGUST 22, 1985 Council Member Strickler, Chairman of the Legislative Review Committee, presented the report of the Legislative Review Committee meeting of August 22, 1985. The follow- ing items were discussed: (16) 1. Proposed ordinance amendment relating to pavement of impound yards The Committee recommended acceptance of the ordinance as amended. - 2. Exis!i~~~onco~forming automobile impound yard The item was continued to allow City Attorney Prince to speak with Attorney Elvin Meek. 3. Ordinance amendments concerning boards and com- missions The Committee recommended acceptance of the ordinance with certain changes. 4 . counts tion to Proposed increase of deposit for new refuse ac- The Committee recommended approval with an addi- the language. . Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously carried, that the report of the meeting of the Legislative Review Committee of August 22, 1985, be received and filed. COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT - AUGUST 22, 1985 Council Member Reilly, Chairman of the Council Per- sonnel Committee, presented the report of the Council Personnel Committee meeting held on August 22, 1985. The following items were discussed: (17) l. tabled. Head Start wage rat~ideline~ The item was . 2. Resolution adopting personnel manual The City Administrator was directed to-reviewancCamend the manual, coordinating with the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director, in accordance with his recommendations for a full merit-based system without Civil Service tie, and report back to the Committee. 3. Fiscal Year 1984/1985 istrative Budget adjustments full Councn-discussion;---The was directed to provide a full cy employees and salaries. Redevelopment Agency Admin- The Committee recommended Deputy City Administrator list of Redevelopment Agen- Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the report of the Council Personnel Committee meeting held on August 22, 1985, be received and filed. . WATER DEPARTMENT COMMISSIONERS - REPLACEMENT OF _ CITY CHARTER ARTICLE IX, SECTION 160 In a memorandum dated August 29, 1985, Council Member Hernandez, requested that all Water Board Commission mem- bers be replaced. Attached to the memorandum were a copy of Article IX of the City Charter and Minutes of the Regu- lar Meeting of the City of San Bernardino Board of Water Commissioners, dated August 6, 1985. (18) It was agreed that the matter of the replacement of the Water Department Commissioners be continued to Monday, September 23, 1985, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. NUNEZ PARK - TRASH ENCLOSURE - REJECTION OF ALL BIDS In a memorandum dated August 29, 1985, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that five bids had been received for the construction of a trash enclosure at Nunez Park. The bids ranged from $23,334 to $37,518. The low bid was 18.5% higher than the engineer's estimate for the construction. (20) . Annie Ramos, Director of Parks, Recreation and Com- munity Services, stated that all bids for the trash enclo- sures for Nunez Park had come in higher than anticipated and requested that all bids be rejected. Ms. Ramos answered questions and stated that the Department is look- ing into the possibility of using City forces for some of the work. 2 9/13/85 . Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that all bids submitted for the trash enclosure at Nunez Park (Plan and Specification No 6713) be rejected. SUBROGATION CLAIM - FARMERS INSURANCE Pursuant to a memorandum dated August 15, 1985, from Ronald Solheim, Director, Emergency Services and Risk Management, Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously car- ried, that the Director of Emergency Services and Risk Management be authorized to settle the subrogation claim by Farmers Insurance in the negotiated sum of $2,213.30 as a full and complete release in the property damage portion only in the claim of Lindsey vs. City of San Bernardino, Risk Management File 85A-020 and San Bernardino County Superior Court File No. 226905, the result of a traffic accident at or near the intersection of Golden and Lyn- wood, City of San Bernardino, on January 9, 1985, involv- ing a City of San Bernardino vehicle. (19) Ronald Solheim, Director, Emergency Services and Risk Management, answered questions of the Council. . SALE OF CITY PROPERTY - 1215 COLIMA ROAD In a memorandum dated August 26, 1985, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained the history of the property located at 1215 Colima Road, which was acquired by the City for $4,079.43 for delin- quent taxes. A request was received that the City sell this parcel. Since its prior use as a park facility is no longer feasible, it was recommended that the sale be ap- proved and the funds from the sale be deposited to the General Fund. (21) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the Real Property Section of the Public Works Department be authorized to proceed with the sale of the City property at 1215 Colima Road. City Administrator Matzer answered questions. . COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL ARRIVED At 9:20 a.m., Council Member Quiel arrived at the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY - RIALTO AND PENNSYLVANIA In a memorandum dated August 26, 1985, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained that the property located at Rialto and Pennsylvania was originally acquired in conjunction with the construction of the Rialto Avenue overpass. A request was received that the City sell this land. There is no present or prospective use for this parcel for public purposes and it was recommended that the proceeds from this sale be de- posited in the Street Construction Fund. (22) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the Real Property Section of the Public Works Department be authorized to proceed with the sale of the City owned land located between Rialto Avenue and and Belleview Street, west of Pennsylvania Avenue. . PARK EXTENSION FUND EXPENDITURES - FIRST AND SIXTH WARDS - PARK IMPROVEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT In a memorandum dated August 28, 1985, Annie Ramos, Director, Parks, Recreation and Community Services, re- quested and listed improvements that will enhance the 3 9/13/85 esthetics of various recreational sites as well as con- tribute to the public's enjoyment and convenience. (23) . Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that $11,467 from Sixth Ward Park Extension Funds and $520 from First Ward Park Extension Funds for improvements and equipment at Johnson Hall, Delmann Heights, Gutierrez Field, San Anselmo Tot Lot and Encanto Park be approved; and that cement picnic tables be used at Encanto Park instead of aluminum tables, and the difference of the cost of $450 be split between the First and Sixth Wards Park Extension Funds. HIGHLAND AREA PLAN - STATUS REPORT In a memorandum dated August 26, 1985, Frank A. Schuma, Planning Director, outlined the background of the Highland Area Plan and included a list of costs to date which total $134,576. He stated that the Plan was started in August 1983 at the direction of the Mayor and Common Council and encompasses approximately 29 square miles, roughly 60% County and 40% City. (24) . Planning Director Schuma explained that one of the first tasks that was assigned regarding the Highland Area Plan was the Plan for Services that was to be submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) in conjunc- tion with the City's efforts for annexation of the High- land area which identified the level of services that each department would be able to provide in the event of annex- ation to the City. Mr. Schuma stated, however, that the primary purpose of the Plan was not intended to be used as a part of the annexation. He also spoke of the City's responsibility regarding not only property within the City limits, but also that which is in the City's sphere of influence. Mr. Schuma explained that all areas east of Waterman Avenue were included and the boundaries identi- fied were co-terminus with the boundaries in the sphere of influence. . Planning Director Schuma gave the chronological steps that have occurred relative to the Highland Area Plan which began in June, 1983, and required the hiring of additional staff. Twenty-four strategic areas within the Highland Area were identified as neighborhood target areas and individuals identified who would represent those neighborhoods. Goals, objectives and policies were estab- lished. In December, 1984, the preliminary process had been completed and discussions were held concerning vari- ous alternatives for land use. Meetings with the County Planning Department and the Citizens' Advisory Committee were also mentioned. The Council discussed County support of the Highland Area Plan, and the need to update the General Plan accord- ing to State law. Planning Director Schuma answered questions of the Council regarding the costs of updating the General Plan. He stated that the cost for the entire Highland Area Plan would be about $190,000; for the entire comprehensive General Plan the cost would be approximately $370,000, which does not include the cost of the Highland Area Plan. . A discussion ensued regarding LAFC's role in pre- zoning of property. Counci 1 Member Quiel Council Member Strickler, work on the Highland Area made a motion, seconded by to direct staff to cease all Plan; request the County Board 4 9/13/85 . of Supervisors to support the continued participation in the Plan to the extent of $50,000; and to continue the matter to Monday, October 7, 1985, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Cali- fornia, for a response from the County Board of Supervisors. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez. Absent: Council Mem- ber Marks. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, to di- rect the Planning Director to notify all individuals on committees of action taken by the Council, that the City is in a holding position, and please stand by. COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ EXCUSED Council Member Hernandez left the Council Meeting. . READING AND WAIVING OF RESOLUTIONS City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the resolu- tions on the Agenda. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that further reading of all the resolutions on the Agenda be waived. RES. 85-357 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUESTING THAT THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES INITIATE A STATEWIDE BALLOT INITIATIVE REGARDING JOINT AND SEV- ERAL LIABILITY. (25) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-357 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. . RES. 85-358 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985/86. (26) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-358 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-359 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BER- NARDINO RELATING TO THE CITY'S UTILIZATION OF MINORS IN THE JUVENILE WORK PROGRAM. (27) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. . Resolution No. 85-359 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. 5 9/13/85 . RES. 85-360 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6433 ENTITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION . . . CREAT- ING AND ESTABLISHING POSITIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO"; ESTABLISHING THE POSITIONS OF SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR AND PROJECT COORDINATOR IN THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AND DE- LETING THE POSITION OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFI- CER IN THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. (28) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-360 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. . RES. 85-361 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR SUBDIVISION TRACT NO. 12674, LOCATED AT THE EAST SIDE OF STATE STREET BETWEEN KENDALL DRIVE AND SHERIDAN ROAD, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC DEDICATIONS AS SET FORTH ON SAID MAP; AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE STAN- DARD FORM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID SUBDIVISION, WITH TIME FOR PERFOR- MANCE SPECIFIED. (29) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-361 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Str ickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-362 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO FISHER'S GRADING AND EXCAVATING FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LASSEN STREET. (30) . Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-362 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-363 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE ANNEXA- TION OF INHABITED TERRITORY LOCATED NORTH OF THE REDLANDS FREEWAY, WEST OF TIPPE- CANOE AVENUE. (31) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier, that said resolution be adopted. . Resolution No. 85-363 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. 6 9/13/85 . RES. 85-364 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANTING A QUITCLAIM DEED TO CLIFF R. CAREL AND ASSOCIATES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT COURT STREET AND ALLEN STREET. (32) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-364 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-365 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE AT DEL ROSA AND BASELINE WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. (33) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier, that said resolution be adopted. . Resolution No. 85-365 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-366 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE FURNISHING AND DELIVERING OF ONE NEW SEWER AND STORM DRAIN CLEANING MACHINE IN ACCOR- DANCE WITH BID SPECIFICATION F-85-29. (Haaker Equipment Company) (34) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-366 was vote: Ayes: Council Members Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Hernandez, Marks. adopted by the following Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Absent: Council Members . RES. 85-367 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR A GRANT ALLOCATION WITH IN- LAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION. (35) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-367 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-368 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES E. AND CAROL A. MASSEY, RELATING TO THE USE OF A NON-CON- FORMING SIGN. (36) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. . Resolution No. 85-368 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. 7 9/13/85 . RES. 85-369 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH JAMES KENNEDY AND JEAN KENNEDY RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FOUR-FOOT BLOCK WALL WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 3282 NORTH ARROWHEAD AVENUE. (37) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-369 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. . RES. 85-370 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO REIM- BURSE VOLUNTEERS FOR OUT OF POCKET LOSSES INCURRED IN ASSISTING PERSONS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS INVOLVING ACTIVITIES NORMALLY PERFORMED BY CITY GOVERNMENT OR ACTIVITIES RELATING THERETO, AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 81-151. (38) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-370 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 85-371 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-245 ENTITLED IN PART "RESOLUTION . . . FIXING AND DETERMINING THE FEES AND CHARGES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND RUBBISH ."; AND AMENDING SECTION 2 TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN DEPOSIT RATES FOR NEW COMMERCIAL REFUSE ACCOUNTS. (39) . Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-371 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. READING AND WAIVING OF ORDINANCES City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the ordi- nances on the Agenda. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that first and final readings of all the ordinances on the Agenda be waived. . 8 9/13/85 . ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING SECTION 2.56.001 OF THE SAN BER- NARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD PARAGRAPH A TO PROVIDE THAT NO APPLICATION FOR AN AB- SENTEE VOTER BALLOT SHALL BE VALID UNLESS MADE ON THE FORM ISSUED BY THE SAN BERNAR- DINO CITY CLERK, AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS FOR CONSOLIDATED ELECTIONS AND NONAMBULA- TORY PERSONS. (41) City Attorney Prince answered questions regarding the constitutionality of said ordinance. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that said ordinance be laid over for final passage. The motion carried by Council Members Estrada, Strickler. Noes: Council Council Member Marks. the following vote: Ayes: Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Member Hernandez. Absent: . COUNCIL MEMBERS QUIEL AND FRAZIER EXCUSED Council Members Quiel and Frazier left the Council Meeting. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 19.56.370 OF THE SAN BER- NARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE THAT IMPOUND YARDS SHALL BE EXCEPTED FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 19.56.380 THROUGH 19.56.420 WHICH REQU IRE IMPROVEMENTS. (First) (42) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be referred to the Planning Commission. . ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND, AMENDING THE LAND USE ZONING MAP, WHICH IS INCOR- PORATED BY REFERENCE IN SECTION 19.06.020 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (PETI- TION NO. 84-12, A RECTANGULARLY-SHAPED PARCEL OF LAND CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 8.5 ACRES HAVING A FRONTAGE OF APPROXIMATE- LY 560 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE OF PALM AVENUE AND BEING LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 588 FEET NORTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF OHIO AVENUE), AND ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. (44) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be laid over for final passage. ORD. MC-473 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN FINAL BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 2.56.140 TO ADD SUBSECTION B TO REQUIRE CLOSING OF THE ROSTER OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS 30 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF ANY MUNICIPAL ELECTION. (45) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said ordinance be adopted. . Ordinance MC-473 was Ayes: Council Members Strickler. Noes: None. Quiel, Frazier. adopted by the following vote: Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Absent: Council Members Marks, 9 9/13/85 . ORD. MC-474 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN FINAL BERNARDINO REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND, AMENDING THE LAND USE ZONING MAP, WHICH IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN SEC- TION 19.06.020 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNI- CIPAL CODE (PETITION NO. 85-5, AN IRREGU- LARLY SHAPED PARCEL OF LAND CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 59.2 ACRES LOCATED APPROXI- MATELY 100 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF KENDALL DRIVE AT THE NEAREST POINT AND APPROXIMATELY 640 FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTER- LINE OF KENDALL DRIVE AT THE FURTHEST POINT), AND ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARA- TION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. (47) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said ordinance be adopted. Ordinance MC-474 was Ayes: Council Members Strickler. Noes: None. Quiel, Frazier. adopted by the following vote: Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Absent: Council Members Marks, . ORD. MC-475 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN FINAL BERNARDINO REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND, AMENDING THE LAND USE ZONING MAP, WHICH IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN SEC- TION 19.06.020 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNI- CIPAL CODE (PETITION NO. 85-7, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LANKERSHIM AVENUE BETWEEN FIFTH AND THIRD STREETS), AND ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. (48) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said ordinance be adopted. Ordinance MC-475 was Ayes: Counc il Members Strickler. Noes: None. Quiel, Frazier. adopted by the following vote: Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Absent: Council Members Marks, . ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADDING SECTION 19.78.025 TO THE SAN BERNAR- DINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO CLARIFY THAT STAN- DARDS OF THE UNDERLYING ZONE SHALL APPLY TO A USE ESTABLISHED UNDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, TO PERMIT THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ALLOW TWELVE MONTHS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PER- MIT, AND TO PERMIT A REQUEST FOR DEVIATION AS A VARIANCE TO BE PROCESSED CONCURRENTLY WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND REPEAL- ING SECTION 19.78.020 SUBSECTION 21. (First) (49) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be referred to the Planning Commission. GENERAL REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the following items be filed: (50) a. civil Service Eligibility Lists for: . Crossing Guard - Open Equipment Mechanic - Open & Promotional Senior Stenographic Clerk - Promotional 10 9/13/85 . Storekeeper I - Open Coach Operator - Open Lifeguard - Open Library Page - Open Custodial Aide - Open Planning Aide - Open & Promotional Plan Checker - Open & Promotional Intermediate Typist Clerk - Open & Promotional Custodian - Promotional Dispatcher I - Open Senior Animal License Checker - Open b. Report relative to Reserve Sewer Capacity Rights - Raymond D. Schweitzer, Deputy City Administrator. c. Application of General Telephone Company of California, before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, for authority to increase intrastate rates and charges for telephone services. . d. Application of Luther R. Munoz, dba Stagecoach, for certification to operate passenger service between Los Angeles International Airport, Ontario International Airport, Long Beach Municipal Airport, Orange County Airport, Burbank Airport and Palm Springs International Airport, ship piers in San Pedro and Wilmington, and customer's homes in San Bernardino, Highland, Redlands, Lorna Linda, Colton, Rialto, Grand Terrace, Mentone, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Beaumont, Banning, Cherry Valley, Hemet, Sun City, River- side, Corona, Palm Springs, Indio, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Pomona, Ontario, Upland, and Fontana. e. The following Board of Building Commissioners' Resolutions: . BBC 1022 BBC 1026 BBC 1027 BBC 1028 BBC 1029 BBC 1030 BBC 2762 BBC 2767 2322 Kendall 2268 Genevieve 2926 N. Miramonte Dr. 964 N. Acacia 647 W. 21st Street 1663 W. Cleveland 3199 N. California 963 N. Sierra Way f. Seven alcoholic beverage applications for the following new and transferred licenses: NEW Roaring 20's Family Pizza Parlor, Inc., dba Roaring 20's Family Pizza Parlor 122 West 40th Street On Sale Beer & Wine Driftwood Dairy, Michael H. Dolan, Pres./Stockholder, dba Driftwood Dairy 735 E. Base- line Off Sale Beer & Wine TRANSFERRED . Kassees, Easa S. & Sylvia E., dba Jack's Market 320 S. Arrow- head Ave. Off Sale Beer & Wine 11 9/13/85 I ' . Rahmani Nem- otollah, dba Cicero's 2855 N. Water- man Ave. On Sale Beer & Wine Gang Hyo Lee & Soon Myung, dba Tony & Son's Market 1001 Seventh Street Off Sale Beer & Wine Yong Nam Lee, dba Lee's Liquor & Market 3480 Del Rosa Avenue Off Sale General Yun Gunh Hearn, Dong Soon Hearn, Harry H. Hearn, dba A A & B Liquor 355 W. Base- line Off Sale General COUNCIL PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT - SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 Council Member Reilly, Chairman of the Council Per- sonnel Committee, presented the report of the meeting of the Council Personnel Committee Report held on September 5, 1985. The following item was discussed: (S-l) . 1. Fiscal Year 1984-85 - Redevelopment Agency Admin- istrative Budget The Committee recommended salary adjust- ments and retroactive payment to July 1984 for management and mid-management employees. The Redevelopment Agency Director and City Administrator were to discuss and bring to Council the proper range to be established for the Executive Director. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that the report of the Council Personnel Committee meeting held on September 5, 1985, be received and filed. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT - SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 The Report of the Ways and Means Committee meeting held on September 5, 1985 was presented. The following items were discussed: (S-3) . ,1. Redevelopment Agency Budget (a) Car leases - The Committee recommended the City Administrator evaluate purchase vs. lease system. (b) The Committee recommended that all overnight travel expenditures, except those of the Commission and Director, be reviewed by the City Ad- ministrator before approval. (c) The Committee recom- mended $50,000 be provided for a financial/management and compliance audit. The City Administrator, in consort with the Redevelopment Agency Executive Director, will provide the Committee with names and costs of reputable firms available to perform such an audit. (d) The Committee recommended that a bi-annual workshop seminar be conducted by the Redevelopment AgEncy for the Commission, for con- tinued dialogue and update on Redevelopment Agency issues. 2. Hospitality Lane Extension The Committee recom- mended that thip item be discussed by the full Council. , Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the Ways and Means Committee Report of September 5, 1985, be t~led. . . 12 9/13/85 . MINOR STREET WIDENING - FIVE VARIOUS LOCATIONS - REJECTION OF BIDS - AUTHORIZATION TO RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS In a memorandum dated September 3, 1985, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that one bid was received for minor street widening at five various locations within the City in the amount of $88,604. This bid was 65% over the engineer's estimate of $53,686. Mr. Hardgrave recommended that the bid be re- jected and authority be granted to re-advertise. (S-5) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the bid received on September 3, 1985, for minor street widen- ing at five various locations, in accordance with Plan No. 6749, be rejected; and the Director of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized to re-advertise for bids. . TRAFFIC SIGNALS IN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT - MODERNIZATION - APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK In a memorandum dated August 29, 1985, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that improvements to the traffic signals in the Central Busi- ness District were satisfactorily completed as of August 21, 1985. (S-6) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the work performed by the contractor, in accordance with Spec- ification No. 6403, be approved; and that final payment be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. RES. 85-372 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH VARIOUS WATER AGENCIES TO EXTEND THE FEBRUARY 25, 1985 AGREEMENT TO PRODUCE ADDITIONAL WATER FROM THE ARTESIAN ZONE OF THE SAN BERNARDINO BASIN AREA AND FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS. The City Clerk read the title of the resolution. City Administrator Matzer answered questions. . Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the resolution be waived and that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 85-372 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Marks, Quiel, Frazier. RES. 85-373 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE RATIFICATION AND EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH GTEL RELAT- ING TO THE FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR THE NEW CENTRAL LIBRARY. The City Clerk read the title of the resolution. . Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the resolution be waived and said resolu- tion be adopted. 13 9/13/85 . Resolution No. 85-373 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Marks, Quiel, Frazier. NEW CENTRAL LIBRARY - GRAND OPENING COSTS In a memorandum dated September 13, 1985, Council Member Strickler presented an itemized cost breakdown for the grand opening of the new Central Library from Stephen L. Whitney, City Librarian. The total cost was $5,530. Mayor Wilcox stated that the Library Ad Hoc Opening Day Committee had met and made revisions to the original request for funds. (Discussion on this matter was continued after the following item) . MOBILE HOME PARKS - EMERGENCY FUNDS TO AID RENTERS Council Member Hernandez introduced an item relating to problems at mobile home parks where some owners have increased rents, which created hardships for tenants who could not afford the increase. Mr. Hernandez asked if Community Development money could be used as a loan to help the tenants. City Attorney Prince answered questions, stating that City funds cannot be used for private purposes and felt that the use of General Funds for loans would be illegal. Mayor Wilcox suggested that this matter be discussed as Redevelopment Agency business and have staff work with the City Attorney's Office to research the question of the use of Community Development monies. No official action was taken. NEW CENTRAL LIBRARY - GRAND OPENING COSTS Discussion continued on the request for funds for the grand opening of the New Central Library in the revised amount of $5,530. . Mayor Wilcox stated that the original request for $6,000 for the grand opening of the New Central Library was based on what was spent on the opening of the Villa- senor Library. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council member Strickler and unanimously carried, to ap- prove the expenditure of $5,530 for the specific purpose of the Grand Opening of the New Central Library. RECESS MEETING At 10:40 a.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council recess for 15 minutes. RECONVENE MEETING At 10:55 a.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. . ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler; 14 9/13/85 City Attorney Prince, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Matzer. Absent: Council Member Marks. . RECESS MEETING - CLOSED SESSION AT 10:55 a.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council recessed to a Closed Session to discuss pending litigation under the authority of Govern- ment Code Section 54956.9 (b) (1) CLOSED SESSION AT 10:55 a.m., the Closed Session of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Wilcox in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler; City Attorney Prince, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Matzer. Absent: Council Member Marks. . Also present: Assistant City Attorney Sabourin. CITY CLERK EXCUSED At 12:05 p.m., City Clerk Clark left the Closed Session. DEPUTY CITY CLERK REESE ARRIVED At 12:05 p.m., Deputy City Clerk Reese arrived at the Closed Session. CITY CLERK CLARK RETURNED At 12:10 p.m., City Clerk Clark returned to the Closed Session. DEPUTY CITY CLERK REESE EXCUSED At 12:10 p.m., Deputy City Clerk Reese left the Council Meeting. . ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION At 12:20 p.m., the Closed Session of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adjourned to the Adjourned Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING At 12:20 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler; City Attorney Prince, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Matzer. Absent: Council Member Marks. . APPOINTMENT OF AUDREE TAYLOR - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.56.001 - PLACE ON NEXT AGENDA It was directed that the appointment of Audree Taylor as Senior Recreation Supervisor, be placed on the next Council Agenda. It was further directed that "Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Section 2.56.001 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to add Subsection B making violation of the Section a misdemeanor" be placed on the next Council Agenda (September 23, 1985). 15 9/13/85 . ADJOURNMENT At 12:20 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council was adjourned. ~gn6l~~/ , City Clerk . . . 16 9/13/85