HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-2005 Reg. Agenda 7 Chums and Payroll. (See Attached) MOTION: That the chums and payroll and the authOrIZatIOn to Issue warrants as lIsted on the memorandum dated August 3, 2005, from Barbara Pachon, DIrector of Finance, be approved. 8 Personnel ActIOns (See Attached) MOTION: That the personnel actIOns, as subrmtted by the ChIef Exarmner, dated August 9, 2005 m accordance wIth CIVIl ServIce rules and Personnel polIcIes adopted by the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo, be approved and ratIfied. City Administrator 9 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo authorIzmg the Mayor to execute an Amendment to the ServIces Agreement wIth R3 Consultmg Group, Inc , for assIstance concermng commercIal refuse servIces provIded by franchIsed refuse haulers (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $30,000 from the Refuse Fund.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted, and that the DIrector of Finance be authorIzed to amend the FY 2005-06 budget as mdIcated m the staff report dated July 28, 2005, from Fred Wilson, CIty Adrmmstrator City Attorney 10 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg the destructIOn of certaIn records no longer reqUIred to be maIntaIned by the San Bernardmo CIty Attorney's Office (Closed Bankruptcy files) (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 7 08/15/2005 City Clerk II RevIew and take actIOn regardmg the need for contmumg m effect the local emergency caused by the Old Waterman Canyon Fire pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 8630 (c)( I) MOTION: That the Mayor and Common CouncIl confirm the need for contmumg m effect the local emergency caused by the Old Waterman Canyon Fire Development Services LAID OVER FROM AUGUST 1, 2005 12 An Ordmance of the CIty of San Bernardmo moillfymg Chapter 1920 (Property Development Standards), SectIOn 19 20 030(8), Table 20 01 of the San Bernardmo MumCIpal Code (Development Code) related to heIghts of fences for schools (establIshed pnor to November I, 2004) m ResIdentIal Land Use DIstncts FINAL READING (Backup material distributed August 1, 2005, Item No. 41.) MOTION: That saId ordmance be adopted. 13 ResolutIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo dIrectmg and authonzmg the executIOn of a Sales and Purchase agreement and the executIOn of a grant deed for the sale of CIty property generally located on the southeast corner of Mac Kay Dnve and "D" Street m the CIty of San Bernardmo (See Attached) (Revenue to the City -- $16,000 less proportionate share of closing costs.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) Ward 3 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 14 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo awardmg a contract to DavId T Wasden, Inc , for the replacement of sewer manholes at varIOUS locatIOns m the CIty of San Bernardmo (SW05-08) per Project Plan No 11341 (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $125,000 from the Sewer Maintenance Fund. ) Ward 1 MOTION #1: That the DIrector of Finance be authonzed to allocate $128,300 from Sewer MaIntenance Funds balance to Account No 132-431- 5505- 7472 for replacement of sewer manholes at varIOUS locatIOns (SW05-08) per Plan No 11341, and 8 08/15/2005 (Item Continued on Next Page) 14 Contmued. MOTION #2: That the DIrector of Finance be authorIzed to unallocate the $128,300 m Account No 245-365-5504-7472 "Manhole Replacement/Upgrade" to CIty standard (SW05-08) and return It to the Sewer Lme ConstructIOn Fund balance, and MOTION #3: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 15 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg Standard Form of Agreement for SubdIvIsIOn Tract No 16509-2 (Lots 32 through 59) located on the west sIde of Northpark Boulevard between UmversIty Parkway and the DevIl Creek Flood Control Channel wIth Richmond AmerIcan Homes of CalIforma, Inc , wIth tnne of performance specIfied, and authorIzmg release of UmversIty Park, LLC from terms of Standard Form of Agreement for SubdIvIsIOn Tract No 16509-2 (Lots 32 through 59) as approved by ResolutIOn No 2005-114, dated May 16, 2005 (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) Ward 5 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 16 AuthorIze the DIrector of Development ServIces to execute Contract Change Order No Three to contract wIth DavId T Wasden, Inc for 9th Street Storm DraIn Improvements from W aterman Avenue to East Twm Creek Channel per Plan No 10676 and authorIze the DIrector of Finance to amend the FY 2005/06 Budget. (See Attached) (Cost of Contract Change Order to the City -- $12,806.01 from the Stonn Drain Construction Fund; total of $40,000 necessary to be transferred from the Stonn Drain Construction Fund to cover this CCO cost and shortfall in project account.) Ward 1 MOTION #1: That the DIrector of Finance be authorIzed to amend the FY 200512006 budget by transferrIng $40,000 from Account No 248-368-5504-7316, "SD04-08 State Street Storm DraIn" to Account No 248-368-5504-7429, "9th Street Storm DraIn from Waterman Avenue to East Twm Creek (SD04-12)", and MOTION #2: That the DIrector of Development ServIces be authorIzed to execute Change Order No Three to contract wIth DavId T Wasden, Inc for 9th Street Storm DraIn Improvements from 9 08/15/2005 Waterman Avenue to East Twm Creek Channel, per Plan No 10676 for $12,806 01 17 AuthorIze the DIrector of Development ServIces to execute Change Order No Two to contract wIth ElIte Bobcat ServIce, Inc for TIppecanoe Avenue Widemng (Phase III) and HarrIman Place (Phase III), per Plan No 10373B (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $29,265.37 from the Street Construction Fund.) Ward 3 MOTION: That the DIrector of Development ServIces be authorIzed to execute Change Order No Two m the amount of $29,265 37 to contract wIth ElIte Bobcat ServIces, Inc for TIppecanoe Avenue Widemng (Phase III) and HarrIman Place (Phase III), per Plan No 10373B 18 AuthorIze payment to Willdan Associates for engmeerIng plan checkmg servIces from Fiscal Year 2004-05 Contractual ServIces (Account No 001-190-5502 (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $29,097.50 from the General FWld.) MOTION: That the DIrector of Finance be authorIzed to pay Willdan Associates $29,097 50 from aVaIlable funds m FY 2004-05 contractual servIces, Account No 001-190-5502 Fire 19 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo authorIzmg the San Bernardmo CIty Fire Department to enter mto an Agreement wIth the Office of San Bernardmo County SuperIntendent of Schools RegIOnal OccupatIOnal Program to provIde mentorIng servIces from July I, 2005 through June 30, 2010 (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. Human Resources 20 ResolutIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo amendmg ResolutIOn No 2000-264 relatmg to Implementmg provIsIOns of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) SectIOn 414(h)(2) and authorIzmg a pre-tax payroll deductIOn plan for servIce credIt purchases (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) 10 08/15/2005 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 21 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo authorIzmg the Mayor or her desIgnee to execute Amendment No 3 to Contract 02-1166 wIth the County of San Bernardmo to provIde youth mentorIng servIces for the perIod of July I, 2005 through June 30, 2006 (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $14,800 from the General Fund budgeted in FY 2005/2006 for this program.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 22 ResolutIOn ratIfymg the subrmttal of a grant applIcatIOn to adrmmster a program contmuatIOn grant from the CorporatIOn for NatIOnal and Commumty ServIce (CNCS) m the amount of $57,658 to contmue the adrmmstratIOn and operatIOn of the RetIred and Semor Volunteer Program (RSVP) for the perIod October I, 2005 through September 30, 2006 (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $40,695 in matching funds from the General Fund and the RSVP donations trust accowlt.) All Wards MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 23 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg the destructIOn of certaIn CIty records of the Parks, RecreatIOn and Commumty ServIces Department. (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. Police 24 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo authorIzmg the executIOn of a Memorandum of Understandmg (MOU) for the San Bernardmo PolIce Department to partIcIpate as a member of the CalIforma Department of JustIce Bureau of NarcotIc Enforcement Inland Crackdown AllIed (INCA) task force (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) All Wards MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 11 08/15/2005 SBETA 25 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo authorIzmg the CIty of San Bernardmo Employment and TraImng Agency ("SBETA") to enter mto a lease agreement wIth Arrowhead ProfessIOnal Center, L P , for the lease of prermses at 600 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardmo, CalIforma. (Document and Resolution not available at time of printing.) Ward 1 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR COMMITTEE CONSENT Recommended for approval at the July 16, 2005, meetin~ of the Le~islative Review Committee - Members present: Kelley and Johnson 26 AuthorIzatIOn to proceed wIth the annexatIOn of an Island of umncorporated terrItory generally located north of HIghland Avenue, east of Golden Avenue (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $4,600 from the General Fund.) Ward 7 MOTION: That the DIrector of Development ServIces be authorIzed to ImtIate proceedmgs for the annexatIon of an Island of umncorporated terrItory generally located north of HIghland Avenue, east of Golden Avenue Recommended for approval at the July 25, 2005 meetin~ of the Police Ad Hoc Committee - Members present: McCammack, Lon~ville and Johnson 27 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo repealmg ResolutIOn No 99-86 and establIshIng standard CrIterIa for Towmg CarrIers to provIde tow servIces for the CIty of San Bernardmo (Document and Resolution not available at time of printing.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. 12 08/15/2005 END OF COMMITTEE CONSENT CONTINUED ITEMS Development Services CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 1, 2005 28 AuthorIzatIOn for the DIrector of Finance to exchange FY 200412005 AB 2928 Funds for FY 200412005 Gas Tax Funds for three-pavement rehabIlItatIOn proJects (Backup material distributed on August 1, 2005, Item No. 24.) MOTION: That the Mayor and Common CouncIl authorIze the DIrector of Finance to exchange $146,888 m FY 200412005 AB 2928 Funds for FY 200412005 Gas Tax Funds for three-pavement rehabIlItatIOn proJects CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 1, 2005 29 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo adoptmg the 200512006 through 200912010 CapItal Improvement Program. (Backup material distributed on August 1, 2005, Item No. 35.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted, and that the DIrector of Finance be authorIzed to amend the FY 200512006 budget to mcorporate the completed FY 200512006 CapItal Improvement Program (CIP) mto the Final FY 200512006 budget as documented on the spreadsheets attached to the staff report dated July 25, 2005, from J ames Funk, DIrector of Development ServIces CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 1, 2005. 30 ResolutIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo adoptmg the Five-year CapItal Improvement Program (2005-2010) for Measure "I" local expendItures (New Attachment A) (Backup material distributed on August 1, 2005, Item No. 36.) MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. END OF CONTINUED ITEMS 13 08/15/2005 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Recommended for approval at the Redevelopment Committee meetin~ on July 19, 2005 - Committee Members Present: Estrada and McGinnis CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 1, 2005 TO BE HEARD AT 5:00 P.M. R31 PublIc hearmg - 2005 DISposItIOn and Development Agreement wIth Watson- Westndge, LLC - 143 72-acre resIdentIal development located north of FoothIll Dnve and east of Sterlmg Avenue (Document not available at time of printing.) Ward 4 (Mayor and Common Cowlcil) A ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg that certaIn Purchase and Sale Agreement by and between the CIty of San Bernardmo ("CIty") and the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") relatmg to the sale of CIty property located north of FoothIll Dnve, east of Sterlmg Avenue (135 6 acres AP# 0155-361-25) m the CIty of San Bernardmo (Resolution not available at time of printing.) B ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg the 2005 DISposItIOn and Development Agreement ("DDA") by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") and Watson-Westndge, LLC ("Developer") (CIty and Agency property located north of FoothIll Dnve, east of Sterlmg Avenue (AP# 0155-361-25,0155-381-11 & 45 - 143 72 acres m the CIty of San Bernardmo) ("Property") and makmg certaIn findmgs thereto related to the development of the property (Resolution not available at time of printing.) (Community Development Commission) C ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg that certaIn Purchase and Sale agreement by and between the CIty of San Bernardmo ("CIty") and the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") relatmg to the sale of CIty property located north of FoothIll Dnve, east of Sterlmg Avenue 14 08/15/2005 (135 6 acres AP# 0155-361-25) m the CIty of San Bernardmo (Resolution not available at time of printing.) (Item Continued on Next Page) R31 Contmued. D ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg the 2005 DISposItIOn and Development Agreement ("DDA") by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") and Watson-Westndge, LLC ("Developer") and authonzmg the Agency ExecutIve DIrector to execute SaId DDA relatmg to the sale and development of certaIn CIty and Agency property located north of FoothIll Dnve, east of Sterlmg avenue (AP# 0155-361-25, 0155-381-11 & 45 - 143 72 acres m the CIty of San Bernardmo) ("Property") and makmg certaIn findmgs thereto related to the development of the property (Resolution not available at time of printing.) Mayor to open the hearing . . . MOTION: That the hearmg be closed, and that saId resolutIons A-D, be adopted. Recommended for approval at the Redevelopment Committee on July 5, 2005 - Committee Members present: Estrada and McGinnis R32 ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg and authonzmg the ExecutIve DIrector to execute Amendment No I to the Theatncal Arts InternatIOnal OperatIOn and Management Agreement for the CalIforma Theatre ("2005 Agreement") (See Attached) Ward 1 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. R33 ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg and authonzmg the ExecutIve DIrector of the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") to (1) execute a Redevelopment ProJect Study and Redevelopment AssIstance Agreement by and between the Agency and HSB 1-215, L P, SE 1-215, L P (collectIvely referred to as "HIllwood"), (2) execute Amendment No 2 to the Terra Nova Plannmg and Research, Inc Agreement, as subsequently amended, and (3) 15 08/15/2005 authonze the ExecutIve DIrector to prepare and subrmt a $2,000,000 grant applIcatIOn to the Econormc Development AdrmmstratIOn (EDA) related to the Improvements to the UmversIty Parkway 1-215 Freeway mterchange (former CullIgan sIte and Agency property - State College Redevelopment ProJect Area) (Document and Resolution not available at time of printing.) Wards 5&6 MOTION: That saId resolutIOn be adopted. R34 Ramona Semor Complex, Inc and HIghland Lutheran Semor Housmg - 2005 HOME Grant Agreements (See Attached) Wards 1&7 A ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg and authonzmg the ExecutIve DIrector of the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") to execute the 2005 HOME Grant Agreement by and between the Agency and Ramona Semor Complex, Inc , a non-profit corporatIOn - 1519 West 8th Street (Mt. Vernon Corndor Redevelopment ProJect Area) B ResolutIOn of the Commumty Development ComrmssIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg and authonzmg the ExecutIve DIrector of the Redevelopment Agency of the CIty of San Bernardmo ("Agency") to execute the 2005 HOME Grant Agreement by and between the Agency and HIghland Lutheran Semor Housmg, Inc , a non-profit corporatIOn - 2355 North Osbun Road (IVDA Redevelopment ProJect Area) MOTION: That saId resolutIOns A & B, be adopted. 35 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA A three-rmnute lIrmtatIOn shall apply to each member of the publIc who wIshes to address the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn on a matter not on the agenda. No member of the publIc shall be perrmtted to "share" hIs/her three rmnutes wIth any other member of the publIc (Usually any Items heard under thIs headmg are referred to staff for further study, research, completIOn and/or future CouncillComrmssIOn actIOn.) 36 AdJournment. MOTION: That the meetmg be adJourned. 16 08/15/2005 NOTE: The next Jomt regular meetmg of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn IS scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 6, 2005, m the CouncIl Chambers of CIty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardmo, CalIforma. 17 08/15/2005 NOTICE: Any member of the publIc may address thIs meetmg of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn on any Item appearmg on the agenda by approachIng the rmcrophone m the CouncIl Chambers when the Item about whIch the member desIres to speak IS called and by askmg to be recogmzed. Any member of the publIc deslflng to speak to the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn concermng any matter not on the agenda but whIch IS wIthIn the subJect matter JunsdIctIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn, may address the body at the end of the meetmg, dunng the penod reserved for publIc comments SaId total penod for publIc comments shall not exceed forty-five (45) rmnutes, unless such tIme lIrmt IS extended by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn. A three rmnute lIrmtatIOn shall apply to each member of the publIc, unless such tIme lIrmt IS extended by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn. No member of the publIc shall be perrmtted to "share" hIs/her three rmnutes wIth any other member of the publIc The Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn may refer any Item raIsed by the publIc to staff, or to any comrmSSIOn, board, bureau, or comrmttee for appropnate actIOn or have the Item placed on the next agenda of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn. However, no other actIOn shall be taken nor dIscussIOn held by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development ComrmssIOn on any Item whIch does not appear on the agenda unless the actIOn IS otherwIse authonzed m accordance wIth the provIsIOns of subdIvIsIOn (b) of SectIOn 54954 2 of the Government Code PublIc comments wIll not be receIved on any Item on the agenda when a publIc hearmg has been conducted and closed. 18 08/15/2005