HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-145 ------,--.-- 1 OTIDIl,ANCE NO. MC-145 2 ORDlj,ANCE Of' Till: CI't'Y OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING TITLE 6 OF Till ,;l.U'lERNARDINO ~1UtHCIf'l\L CODE TO PROVIDE FOR SALE OF DOGS, CA';'S AtW CERT.'UN LIVESTOCK BY PUBLIC Si\LE BY SEALED BIDS; AND TO PROVIDL FOR NOTIFICATION CONCE1UJING AND DELIVERY OF CERTAIN OTI1EH LIVES'l'OCK TO THE STATE DIRECTOR OF FOOD hND AGRICULTURE IF NO'l' HCCOVEH.ED FROM THE CITY \'iI'1'HIN FIve DAYS PURSUANT TO THE S'N,TE AGI,ICULTURAL CODE. 3 4 5 6 THl~ ("AYOH AND CO~U1ON COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF SAN BERNhRDIUO DO ORDAIbj AS FOLLmlS: 7 8 SECTIu~ 1. Section 6.24.15U Subsection A. of the San 9 Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: 10 Ill\.. 'The animal control officer rnay receive and dispose of 11 dogs del i vered into his possession by the owner. He shall Cllanje 12 the sum of seven dollars for each dog, and t'""O dollars and fifty 13 cents for each puppy under the age of four months. If the o,mer 14 requests pickup service, an additional fee of six dollars shall be 15 charged for transporting the dog or puppy. The aninal control 16 officer may sell any do'] or puppy voluntarily placed in his 17 pOEsession for. the sum of fifteen dollars, or for the Sllil of 18 twenty-five dollars if the dog or puppy is sold for researd. 19 purposes. If two or more persons are interested in thp purchase 20 of a particular dog or puppy, the animal control officer shall 21 conduct a publ ic sal e by sealed bids. 'fhe dog or puppy shall be 22 sold to the highest bidder, except if one bidder desires to provid 23 a holite for such animal and another wants the animal for research. 24 In such event, a do'] or puppy shall be sold to an individual 25 desiring to provide a home for such animal rGther than for researc 26 purposes. All bids must exceed the sale price of f.ifteen 27 dollars.1I 28 S~C'"lU~ 2. Section 6.24.16U of the San Bernardino Municipal MC-145 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Code is amended to read: "6.24.160 Disposal of cat or kitten. The animal control officer may receive and dispose of any cat or kitten delivered into his possession by the owner. He shall chilr'Je the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for each cat or kitten. If the owner requests a pickup service, an additional fee of six dollars shall be charged for transporting the cat or kitten. The animal control officer may sell any cat or kitten 9 voluntarily placed in his possession for the sum of ten dollars, 10 11 12 or for the sum of fifteen dollars if the cat or kitten is sold for research purposes. If two or more persons are interestect in the purchase of a particular cat or kitten, the animal control officer 13 shall conduct a public sale by sealed bids. The Cctt or kitten 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 shall be sold to the highest bidder, except if one bidder desires to provide a home for such animal and another wants the animal for re~)earch. In such event, a cat or kitten shall he sold to an individual desiring to provide a home for such animal rather than for research purposes. All bids must exceed the sale price of ten dollars." SECTION 3. Section 6.34.010 of the San Bernardino [.lunicipal Code is amended to read: "6.34.010 Authority to apprehend - Fees. A. Livestock - other than bovine animals. 24 Any livestock other than bovine animals found running at 25 large in the city shall be apprehended by the animal control 26 f:':icer. The owner of any apprehended livestock shall pay 27 apprehension fees and daily board and Citre fees prior to 28 recovering the 1 i vestock from the animal control office. -2- MC-145 I IAPprehension fees and board and care fees shall he S(.t by r..solution of the ~1ayor and Common Council. Unclairned 1 i vestock 2 3 may be disposed of by a public sale by sealed bids. The livestock i 'shall be sold to the highest bidder. 4 l1inimum bid anounts shall be 5 detcermined by the Director of Animal Control. Unclaimed lives.tock 6 not oispose(1 of by a public sale by sealed bids h,ay be destroyed 7 after seven calendar days. 8 B. Livestock - bovine animals. 9 Any bovine animal found running at lar<Je in the city 10 shall be apprehended by the animal control officer. Hithin five II days of the apprehension, the owner of any iippre1'endeo bovine 12 animal shall pay apprehension fees and daily board and care fees 13 prior to recovering the bovine animal frow the animal control 14 office. hpprehens ion fees and board and care fees shall be set by 15 resolution of the Hayor and Cornman Council. 16 Notice to State Director; delivery of unclaimed bovine c. 17 animals to State. 18 Within five days frOTA the date of apprehension, the 19 Director of Animal Control shall notify the State Director of f'ood 20 and Agr ieul ture of an}T unclailned bovine animal, horse, mule, or 21 burro, and shall turn over to the State Director of Food and 22 l\griculture any bovine anirdal, purouant to the provisions of the 23 California Food and Agricultural Code, Sections 17UOl, et seq." 24 I l-UmEBY CL:HTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly 25 adopted by the Hayor and Common Counci 1 of tne c:i ty of San 26 Bernardino at a requ1ar meeting thereof, held on 27 the , 1982, by the following vote, 15th day of March 28 to wit: -3- MC-!45 1 AYES: Counc i 1 l,'jetdber~j 2 Botts, Quiel, HObbs, Strickler Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, 3 None NAYB: 4 None 1\.B3EN1r: 5 6 7 The foregoing orrlinancc 8 of 'i//t.(;L! I 19U2. 9 10 11 Approved as to form: ~r~ ~. .orney ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AE';;;WAtJ<-4"41h .> Citv Clerk " is hC?Y approved this /r::/,( day ~fa~ ! ~1. -f the City /? Pro Tempore -4-