HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-171 'I I ORDINANCE NO. !IC -171 2 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 1.16 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOUNDARIES OF 3 WARDS TO MAKE TECHNICAL CHl\NGES WITHOUT REDRAWING ANY ,'lARD BOUNDARIES; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. MC-112. 4 THE ~ffiYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO 5 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. Section 1.16.020 of the San Bernardino Municipal 7 Code is amended to read: 8 "1.16.020 First ward. 9 The boundaries of the first ward of the City shall be as 10 follows: II All that area within the present corporate limits of the City 12 of San Bernardino described as follows: Beginning at a point on 13 the present easterly corporate limits of the City of San 14 Bernardino, said point being on the centerline of Waterman Avenue, 15 227.25 feet south of the centerline of Ninth Street; thence north 16 along said centerline of Waterman Avenue 227.25 feet to the 17 centerline of said Ninth Street; thence west along the said 18 centerline of Ninth Street to the centerline of "G" Street; thence 19 north along the centerline of "G" Street to the centerline of Base 20 Line Street; thence west along the centerline of Base Line Street 21 to the centerline of "L" Street; thence south along the centerline 22 of "L" Street to the centerline of Ninth Street; thence west along 23 the centerline of Ninth Street to the centerline of Ramona Street; 24 thence south along the centerline of Ramona Street to the 25 centerline of Eighth Street; thence west along the centerline of 26 Eighth Street to the centerline of Muscott Street; thence south 27 along the centerline of Muscott Street to the centerline of 28 leveland Street; thence east along the centerline of Cleveland ~C-171' 1 street to the centerline of Ramona Street; thence south along the 2 centerline of Ramona Street to the centerline of Seventh Street; 3 thence west along the centerline of Seventh Street to the 4 centerline of Muscott Street; thence south along the centerline of 5 uscott Street to the centerline of Fifth Street; thence west 6 along the centerline of Fifth Street to its intersection with the 7 centerlines of Foothill Boulevard and Fourth Street; thence east 8 along the centerline of Fourth Street to the centerline of Mt. 9 ernon Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Mt. Vernon 10 venue to the centerline of Second Street; thence east along the 11 centerline of Second Street to the centerline of "K" Street; 12 thence north along the centerline of "K" Street to the centerline 13 of Third Street; thence east along the centerline of Third Street J4 to the centerline of Highway I-15E; thence south along the 15 centerline of Highway I-l5E to the centerline of Mill Street; J6 thence east along the centerline of Mill Street to the centerline J7 of Waterman Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Waterman J8 venue to the centerline of Highway 1-10; thence east along the 19 centerline of Highway 1-10 to the easterly edge of the present 20 corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino; thence generally 21 northerly following the present corporate limits of the City of 22 San Bernardino to the Point of Beginning." 23 SECTION 2. Section 1.16.030 of the San Bernardino Municipal 24 Code is amended to read: 25 "1.16.030 Second ward. 26 The boundaries of Ule second ward of the City shall be as 27 follows: 28 All that area within the present corporate limits of the City -2- He-Ill- I of San Bernardino described as follows: Beginning at a point on 2 the present easterly corporate limits of the City of San 3 Bernardino, said point being on the centerline of Waterman Avenue, 4 227.25 feet south of the centerline of Ninth Street; thence north 5 along said centerline of Waterman Avenue 227.25 feet to the 6 centerline of said Ninth Street; thence west along said IOf Ninth Street to the centerline of "G" Street; thence 8 along the centerline of "G" Street to the centerline of Base Line centerline 7 north 9 Street; thence west along the centerline of Base Line Street to 10 the centerline of Highway I-15E; thence north along the centerline II of Highway I-15E to the centerline of Sixteenth Street; thence 12 east along the centerline of Sixteenth Street to the centerline of 13 "F" Street; thence north along the centerline of "F" Street and 14 "F" Street vacated to the centerline of Seventeenth Street 15 vacated; thence east along the centerline of Seventeenth Street 16 vacated and Seventeenth Street to the centerline of "E" Street; 17 thence north along the centerline of "E" Street to the centerline 18 of Highland Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Highland 19 venue to the centerline of Del Rosa Avenue; thence south along 24 is amended to read: 20 Del Rosa Avenue to its intersection with the 21 resent corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino; thence 22 generally southwesterly along the present corporate limits of the 23 of San Bernardino to the Point of Beginning." SECTION 3. Section 1.16.040 of the San Bernardino Municipal 25 26 "1.16.040 Third ward. 27 The boundaries of the third ward of the City shall be as 28 allows: -3- Me-l71 1 All that area within the present corporate limits of the City 2 of San Bernardino lying southwesterly of the following described 3 line: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly corporate 4 City limits line at the centerline of Highway 1-10: thence west 5 along the centerline of Highway 1-10 to the centerline of Waterman 6 Avenue: thence north along the centerline of Waterman Avenue to 7 the centerline of Mill Street: thence westerly along the 8 centerline of Mill Street to the centerline of Highway I-15E: 9 thence northerly along the centerline of Highway I-15E to the 10 centerline of Third Street: thence westerly along the centerline ] 1 of Third Street to the centerline of "K" Street: thence south ]2 along the centerline of "K" Street to the centerline of Second ]3 Street: thence westerly along the centerline of Second Street to 14 the centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue: thence northerly along the ]5 centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue to the centerline of Fourth ]6 Street: thence west along the centerline of Fourth Street to its ]7 intersection with the centerlines of Fifth Street and Foothill ]8 Boulevard: thence northeast along the centerline of Fifth Street ]9 to the centerline of the Flood Control Channel known as Lytle 20 Creek Wash: thence northerly along the centerline of said Flood 21 Control Channel to the centerline of Base Line Street: thence 22 westerly along the centerline of Base Line Street to its 23 intersection with the westerly corporate City limits line of the 24 City of San Bernardino, said point being the Point of Termination." 25 SECTION 4. Section 1.16.050 of the San Bernardino Municipal 26 Code is amended to read: 27 "1.16.050 Fourth ward. 28 The boundaries of the fourth ward of the City shall be as -4- Me-17l .1 1 follows: 2 All that area within the present corporate limits of the City 3 of San Bernardino described as follows: All that property lying 4 north of and northeasterly of the following described line: 5 Beginning at a point on the present corporate City limits line, 6 said point being 465 feet north of the intersection of the north 7 line of the Rancho Muscupiabe and the northerly prolongation of 8 the centerline of "F" Street; thence south along said prolongation 9 a distance of 465 feet to the north line of said Rancho Muscupiabe; 10 thence southeasterly along said north line to the centerline of 11 Mountain View Avenue; thence south along the centerline of ]2 Mountain View Avenue to the centerline of Fiftieth Street; thence 13 west along the centerline of Fiftieth Street to the centerline of ]4 Pershing Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Pershing 15 Avenue to the centerline of Forty-Eighth Street; thence westerly 16 along the centerline of Forty-Eighth Street to the centerline of ]7 Electric Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Electric 18 Avenue to the centerline of Fortieth Street; thence west along the 19 centerline of Fortieth Street to the centerline of Second Avenue; 20 thence south along the centerline of Second Avenue to the 2] centerline of Kendall Drive; thence southeasterly along the 22 centerline of Kendall Drive to the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue; 23 thence easterly along the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue to its 24 intersection with the centerline of Thompson Place; thence 25 easterly along the centerline of Thompson Place to its 26 intersection with the centerline of Parkdale Drive; thence east 27 along the centerline of Parkdale Drive to the centerline of 28 Waterman Avenue; thence north along the centerline of Waterman -5- Me-]71 ] venue to its intersection with the centerline of Fortieth Street; 2 thence east along the centerline of Fortieth Street to its 3 intersection with the centerline of Valencia Avenue; thence south 4 along the centerline of Valencia Avenue to the centerline of 5 IParkdale Drive (37th Street); thence east along the centerline of parkdale Drive a distance of 830 feet, more or less, to the east 6 7 line of a 30 foot alley; thence north along said east line to its 8 intersection with the centerline of Avery Street; thence easterly 9 in a straight line to the intersection of the centerline of Thirty- 10 Ninth Street and Harrison Street; thence east along the centerline II of Thirty-Ninth Street to its intersection with the corporate City ]2 limits line; thence generally easterly and southerly along the 13 corporate City limits line to its intersection with the 14 center lines of Marshall Boulevard and Mountain Avenue; thence east ]5 along the centerline of Marshall Boulevard to the centerline of 16 Del Rosa Avenue, said point also being on the present corporate ]7 City limits line; thence generally easterly and northerly along ]8 the present corporate City limits line to its intersection with ]9 the centerlines of Arden Avenue and Marshall Boulevard; thence 20 south along the centerline of Arden Avenue to its intersection 21 ith the north line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 22 Railroad right-of-way; thence southeasterly along the north line 23 of said right-of-way to its intersection with the centerline of 24 ictoria Avenue, said point also being the present corporate City 25 limits line; thence south along the centerline of Victoria Avenue 26 to the centerline of Base Line Street, said point being the 27 Point of Termination." 28 SECTION 4. Section 1.16.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal -6- Me-171 I Code is amended to read: 2 "1.16.060 Fifth ward. 3 The boundaries of the fifth ward of the City shall be as 4 follows: 5 All that property witin the corporate City limits described 6 as follows: All that property lying northwesterly of the 7 following described line: Beginning at a point on the present 8 corporate City limits line, said point being 465 feet north of the 9 intersection of the north line of the Rancho Muscupiabe and the 10 InortherlY prolongation of the centerline of "F" Street; thence II south along said prolongation a distance of 465 feet to the north 12 line of said Rancho Muscupiabe; thence southeasterly along said 13 north line to the centerline of Mountain View Avenue; thence south 14 along the centerline of Mountain View Avenue to the centerline of 15 Fiftieth Street; thence west along the centerline of Fiftieth 16 Street to the centerline of Pershing Avenue; thence south along 17 the centerline of Pershing Avenue to the centerline of Forty- 18 ighth Street; thence west along the centerline of Forty-Eight 19 treet to the centerline of Electric Avenue; thence south along 27 east along the centerline of the Crosstown Freeway to the 20 of Electric Avenue to the centerline of Fortieth 21 treet; thence west along the centerline of Fortieth Street to the 22 enterline of Second Avenue; thence south along the centerline of 23 'econd Avenue to the centerline of Kendall Drive; thence 24 outheasterly along the centerline of Kendall Drive to the 25 enterline of "E" Street; thence south along the centerline of "E" 26 treet to the centerline of the Crosstown Freeway (Highway 30); 28 enterline of Arrowhead Avenue; thence south along the centerline -7- Me-Ill 1 of Arrowhead Avenue to the centerline of Highland Avenue; thence 2 west along the centerline of Highland Avenue to the centerline of 3 "E" Street; thence south along the centerline of "E" Street to the 4 centerline of the southerly Seventeenth Street; thence west along 5 the centerline of Seventeenth Street and that vacated portion of 6 Seventeenth Street to the centerline of "F" Street vacated; thence 7 south along the centerline of "F" Street vacated and the 8 centerline of "F" Street to the centerline of Sixteenth Street; 9 thence west along the centerline of Sixteenth Street to the 10 centerline of Highway I-15E; thence north along the centerline of ]1 Highway I-15E to its point of merger with the centerline of the ]2 Crosstown Freeway; thence north along the centerline of the ]3 Crosstown Freeway to the centerline of Highland Avenue; thence ]4 west along the centerline of Highland Avenue to the centerline of ]5 Highway I-15E; thence northwesterly along the centerline of ]6 Highway I-15E to the corporate limits of the City of San ]7 Bernardino, said point being the Point of Termination." 18 SECTION 5. Section 1.16.070 of the San Bernardino Municipal ]9 Code is amended to read: 20 "1.16.070 Sixth ward. 21 The boundaries of the sixth ward of the City shall be as 22 follows: 23 All that area within the present corporate limits of the City 24 of San Bernardino described as follows: Beginning at the westerly 25 intersection of the centerline of Highland Avenue and the 26 centerline of the Crosstown Freeway (Highway 30); thence south 27 along the centerline of the Crosstown Freeway to its point of 28 merger with the centerline of Highway I-15E; thence south along -8- . . Me-Ill I the centerline of Highway I-15E to the centerline of Base Line 2 Street; thence west along the centerline of Base Line Street to 3 the centerline of "L" Street; thence south along the centerline of 4 "L" Street to the centerline of Ninth Street; thence west along 5 the centerline of Ninth Street to the centerline of Ramona Street; 6 thence south along the centerline of Ramona Street to the 7 centerline of Eighth Street; thence west along the centerline of 8 Eighth Street to the centerline of Muscott Street; thence south 9 along the centerline of Muscott Street to the centerline of 10 Cleveland Street; thence east along the centerline of Cleveland 11 Street to the centerline of Ramona Street; thence south along the 12 centerline of Ramona Street to the centerline of Seventh Street; 13 thence west along the centerline of Seventh Street to the 14 centerline of Muscott Street; thence south along the centerline of 15 Muscott Street to the centerline of Fifth Street; thence west 16 along the centerline of Fifth Street to the centerline of the 17 Flood Control Channel known as Lytle Creek Wash; thence north 18 along the centerline of said Flood Control Channel to the 19 centerline of Base Line Street; thence west along the centerline 20 of Baseline Street to its intersection with the westerly corporate 21 City limits line; thence generally northerly along the corporate 22 City limits line to its intersection with the centerline of 23 Highway I-15E; thence southeasterly along the centerline of 24 Highway I-15E to its intersection with the centerline of Highland 25 Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Highland Avenue to 26 the Point of Beginning." 27 SECTION 6. Section 1.16.080 of the San Bernardino Municipal 28 ~ode is amended to read: -9- Me-Ill . I "1.16.080 Seventh ward. 2 The boundaries of the seventh ward of the City shall be as I follows: 3 4 All that area within the present corporate limits of the City 5 of San Bernardino described as follows: Beginning at the 6 7 8 9 intersection of the centerline of Highland Avenue and the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue; thence east along the centerline of Highland Avenue to the centerline of Del Rosa Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Del Rosa Avenue to its intersection 10 with the present corporate City limits line; thence generally 11 ]2 easterly along the corporate City limits line to its intersection with the north line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad 13 ]4 right-of-way; thence northwesterly along said right-of-way to its intersection with the centerline of Arden Avenue; thence north ]5 ]6 along the centerline of Arden Avenue to the centerline of Marshall Boulevard, which is also the corporate City limits line; thence westerly along said corporate City limits line to its intersection ]7 ]8 with the centerlines of Del Rosa Avenue and Marshall Boulevard; ]9 thence west along the centerline of Marshall Boulevard to its 20 intersection with the centerline of Harrison Street. said point 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 also being the present corporate City limits line; thence north along the corporate City limits line to its intersection with the centerline of Thirty-Ninth Street; thence west along the centerline of Thirty-Ninth Street to the centerline of Harrison Street; thence west in a straight line to the intersection of the centerline of Avery Street and the east line of that certain 30 foot alley which is 830 feet, more or less, east of the centerline of Valencia Avenue; thence south along said east line to the -10- ~C-17l - . < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 centerline of Parkdale Drive (37th Street); thence west along the centerline of Parkdale Drive to the centerline of Valencia Avenue; thence north along the centerline of Valencia Avenue to the centerline of Fortieth Street; thence west along the centerline of Fortieth Street to the centerline of Waterman Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Waterman Avenue to the centerline of Parkdale Drive; thence west along the centerline of Parkdale Drive to the centerline of Thompson Place; thence westerly along the centerline of Thompson Place to the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue to the centerline of Kendall Drive; thence south along the centerline of Kendall Drive to the centerline of "E" Street; thence south along the centerline of "E" Street to the centerline of the Crosstown Freeway (Highway 30); thence east along the centerline of the Crosstown Freeway to the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue; thence south along the centerline of Arrowhead Avenue to the centerline of Highland Avenue, and the Point of Beginning." SECTION 7. Ordinance No. MC-112 is hereby repealed. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th . 1982, by the following vote, day of June to wit: AYES: Council Members Castaneda, Reilly, Botts, Quiel, strickler NAYS: None ABSENT: Council 11embers Hernandez, Hobbs ,a .4fr7////,J/,Uh / City Clerk -11- MC-'-l71 . . 1 2 f 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J~une The foregoing ordinance form: . 1982. o >7f-. day -12-