HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-175 ,~ ... ~ 1 ORDINANCE NO. ~'1C---175 2 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 2.28.010 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE; APPROVING RULE NOS. 3 14 AND 21 OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK ON OR 4 BEFORE APRIL 28, 1982; AND INCREASING FIRE SERVICE CONNECTION AND GENERAL WATER SERVICE RATES. 5 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 6 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION 1. Section 2.28.010 of the San Bernardino Municipal 8 Code is amended to read: 9 "Pursuant to the Charter of the City, the Rules and Regula- 10 tions of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City and each I amendment thereto, copies of which Rules and Regulations are I on file in the office of the City Clerk, including all amendments filed on or before April 30, 1982, are approved for enforcement 11 ]2 13 14 purposes." 15 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective on 16 July 29 , 1982. 17 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly 18 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 19 Bernardino at a adjourned reqular meeting thereof, held 20 on the 28th , 1982, by the following day of June 21 vote, to wit: 22 AYES: Council Members Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, 23 Botts, Quie1L-Hobbs, Strickler 24 NAYS: None 25 ABSENT: None 26 27 o/~tlli71lbLlhth /' ity Clerk 28 MC-17s 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -. 1 The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this ~~z.t.aay 2 of '=?&h.e/ ;/ .-' 3 4 5 6 Approved as to form: 7 8 ~~~YI ~t~~~ City A orney 9 ]0 11 ]2 J3 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 1982. -2- . , ~ HF-'~I"~ ~;,-l;l i',~'rn~ll"r~_~,w ~~L!l:i~jl)Tl \';:it... r lJ~'j);~:-t::.t:: ~ jCJ() ~.:. ".i)1l _~;t.n~"_. S~: 1 Lil'r;-::_lrdjnl" C:difornld -~-_._- --.----------------.--..--- FLRl: SEL<.\'ICl: (1):,:;;~C.;..'IOI~ RULE X,I) l{EG(IL..\T TO'; NO.1.!, __._______.________n_..___ __ _______ \dlCrt <:l (ire service. cor1rlc'ction fo:- V:-iVdtt.:_' [i((~ t-I[otcction if~ .ic:s:':'~:.~~(:.l, t:l;-~-: :ick'f;t"ical install.:1t:ion charf-;c <J$ set forth jn Rul.e n:l(l R::-gL:12ti:,)..-: ::0. S :..;h,ll_: Jpply. Upon tht.-' c:o::lpleti')i-~ E::ld instalLILioH) tlH~ ':~.l_',/L' L~'."2.rl!i.H~ ~;'i:i12 \JI1J bl' closed (1:H~ scaled 2n": r'~'~1J.in so unti.l a ',.:ritt.:::.n (;1.::t:::- 1.':. rec:.~~iVL(: fro~il the 0'.~'n"2r of th(~ pr2::-.i::;'2::'; to h2V(~ the \..:z:ter tl:(;~..:d 0:1. f"f:cr th,} V,',qtf.':" is tur~"!r~(l Oil, the> 1:;,).-<u sllall llOt 0...: }ia~i;"".: fu;::- (>-'-:'-:1:;-_':- (;; ':-!~l.Y kind Tr:!ut~,(h:l/t.r that: l1l.:iy (:(,'2l..:::- :':0 th(~ pru:~i~jes s0.[v"':] :)i rc.a; ",_, of tho inst,~~:.atiol"!, m:d.r:.tl2n<lflct:, L:S::. f:uC.ltutt\)~'l of preS::-,:1::~, c:..: J.;lt0rrulllioll c[ Sl!PI1l)". b. TI1;,~ monthly L.:tes to be charged an:.:! ::.:ollected (or ser'.:ic2 cse-.:.: [0:: fir:::: protection ;:"-.::~oses shull he:: 28 [011C".:3: 2 inch pipe or less. .. $ 4.00 3 inch pipe. .. .. 6.00 I, 1nch pipe. ., 8.00 6 inch pipe. .. . .. J 2. on 8 inch pipe. .. .. 16.00 10 . , pipe. 20.00 111Cl1 .. 12 inch pipe. .. . 24.00 Said montIlly rates sll~lll be due a:l~ f2yable in accordullce ~ltll th~ identical. t(:r~s, condilions and pen2~ties 3!i set forth in Rcl~ an: RC;;;lllation 'No. 6 entitled 'IPayn:c:;';I": o~ Bills". c. If vater is used through a fire ser\'ice connectii):1. foc: any other pu:q,,--::;e th:tn f.~::-:tingll:Lshing of fires, the Bua:d shall have th2 ri8h~ to p.L::.ct.:: ;~ meter on the. fire servJcc connectiui: 2.t the O\VilerT s c:-:pen5;::~, or sl~l.it c:r the entir0 water supply [rum such pr2~ises. Upon installa~ion of St~ctl meter, th(~ \.:atcr rates as prescribed in Rule and Kegt.:.latio:1 ;':0. 21 h>2I:".::in sha] 1 apply, in addition to the service charge as herc.inbe:ore SL'"!t fJr:h in Rule and Regulation No. 14, Paragraph (b). d. The Board shall 11<1ve tll2 right ~o ta~e a domestic, cocilerci21 or industrial service connection from t'!1e fire serv_tcL' cOYlnection at the cllrb to supply the same premises as those to wllle}l the fire serviC2 connection belongs. The Board. shall 21so havC' the right to detcn;~.:nt; the proportion of the installation CDsts properly chargeable to cc;.ch service connection, if suet1 segregation of costs sllall become necessary. (~. The Buard reserves tll~~ right to install on all fire f.iervjc;e cOilnc.::tion:; n check valve of a type approved by th~ Nation.:ll Board of FirL~ Cm!e!"- writers, and to equip tJ1e sam~ witl1 2 by-pass meter; such in3t~11ations shall be at the expen~:;e of tll(~ O'...'Tler o( the. property, and the regu.J.;l:"- do:ucstic \.Jatcr rates CIS set forth in Rule and RC'L~ulation roo 21 her~of shall apply for all \.]ater used through such service e:.:cept for fir\.: pr()tcctioll PUI-ll0S~S urlly. ----T . . . ; > . . . S..'.n 'LL'~.;Lli-din,j :.jl.,:-:ic:j>~l1 \','.IL~-'r J)l!P;i~t:::(~i!t :;:Ji} ;;.- "i''' - S t r(:(' l S.!: t'" :-r. inill:'~!, Coo; 1 if');-:':":"1 MC-175 \-,'/\1'ER !~i\TES KULE M;[) RECliLATJCJ,; c;o. 21 CE1~ER~L WATER SERV!(:E 1':'1':: ~(111('\.:lr~i_.!. r.?tL('':~ sh,t1J b(~ c..:h<.lr);r~cl [(lr 2.11 \.:~ter ft;r:-:l:--.;L~::l for l:it"h:::r C:I.,ml'~stj_,::, C(;::-::7.~r~-:.:i;-~l, or industric-ll. us!.:.'_ \.;itlii:--:. t1:2 Ci.::y c: Sar: i;;;.;t."i"-t,.,,i,:;;'!,.), G:' for 2:1)' n:.:hc~: purpose for ,.!htch no (lthi...:r L.::te:'l.s S:_',:-'Cii' ::'('~1, 1.\11 in o.Xr=0S~ or 50J cu. ft. per f.1onth.. '"... .37;;::. p2~' 1(<) c:\.... it. HINI~1m-1 cere ,cOOT (,i~':T E? SV:E ;-!O;;T tiL Y CHARGE AL!J):,i "L~CE -- ----.--. _..~~-- --- ----------- -----.-- 51 ::; i~lCh ~ 3.00 500 , 3/ " 1-r'l:h If. 00 500 1 inch 4.75 500 1':, inch 8.50 500 2 L1Ch 11. 00 500 3 inch 18.50 5Ul 4 inch 26.00 50') 6 ir:ch 33.50 500 8 inch 42.60 500 ][J 1 ~"~ I, 53.00 50) ...-j, U inch 63.40 501 \.;;::t~r fu~nish~d fol.- fi1unicipal use uithin the City of 52:1 Be~!larJin:) shall b~ 14.3C per 100 cu. ft.