HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-179 ~ 1 OI:UJ:N1-\T~CL NO. MC-179 2 OIZLINAl\iCL OF 1'LL CIT'l OF [,AN EERNAEDINC AI.:iENDlbiG CHAPTER E3. 33 vF 1'1'1.': SAN IfEFJli\:KVINU LL1,j ICIPf,L COLE rrG PROVIDE FOP A HEARING 3 bLl-'Glu~ TEL BOAED OF bUILJilNG CUI"~~ I~.~SIlYNL;R~ Oi,: ACSEGSi'U::J'1T OF Cl)S'l'S l>..HU IIvrpOSITIOl'~ or LILVG ran. 1<lJIS7\LCI; l-\BATEt-1ENrl' Ir-rSTEAD OF LEARINGS 4 BY 'l'LL f.1T>.YOR ALD CO!'J'!Ui~ CC)LJNC XL i l~I,!iJ Pl=PEl\.Llt~-C SEC'rIOti 8.33. Obu OF 'I'LL SAti BLRNI-'.l.RUltj() hLL1ICI1'i\L CU!JL. 5 TbI: l'lhYUR j,I,0 COI,tHOLe COlJNC1L OF TUE CITY OF SAN BEENi\j(!JINO CO 6 Ohi ~'AII'.J AS F()LL()\~'S: 7 SLCl'ION 1. Section L. JJ. 070 of the San Bernardino i'.'lunicil>al 8 code is aniended to redO: 9 llrn tl.le event the nuisa(}ce is not abated by -the o'vJDerV'li thin 10 the t.ime preser ibecl, the St.reet Superintendent or other City 11 officer is authoriL~2d to rel:10ve, rehabilitate or repair the ]2 preHdses or to desiGnate Cin iEdependent contractor to do so, Clud J3 he s]1all keep an aCcouLt of the costs (iilcludirlg incidental 14 experlses) of abatirlg such nuisance on each separate lot or parcel ]5 of land v,..lH-:;re the \,jorK. is dune and shall render an iteuizec. repoct 16 In v/ritirj~:: to the Buard uf l-Juilding Cc;wrnissioners sho\Jing the ccst 17 of the abatelllent and the rerlLoving, rehabili tdti.nC) or repair in\~; O~c: ". ]8 the nuisance on the preE~ises and the cleuLction of any sal VUSje ]9 value related thereto. Costs of aLatelJent shall be a sf.ecial 20 C-J.SL2SSLl2Il t <:111C; 1 i~n upc)tJ. t-Y1C sulJject_p2TCRl. Proceed i n'js tor 21 hearing, assessment, and collection of costs of the abatement of 22 th~ nuisance shall be instituted Lefore the Board of Building 23 COIlL.issioll.ers pursuant to Chapter 3.68. II 24 SEC'l'Ioti 2. Section 8.33.080 of the San Bernardino I'-':IUllicil;al 25 Code is hereby reFealed. 26 I HEEEEY CEr~'rIFY that the foregoing ordina,nce was duly 27 adopted by the l',iayor and C01~LL10n Council of the City of San 28 Lerno_ruino dt a regular weeting thereuf, held on MC-179 .. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 th,; 6t.h dclY at ,July to \-dt: , 1982, Ly the f011o\iir1g vote, j\YLS: Council i'-lf?rl~-,'ers Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, Botts, Quiel, Hobbs NAYS: None AGSENT: Council Member Strickler Tl1e foregoing ordinance of , 1982. AprrCJved as to forF:: ~~~~q 18 ~l.?a/ff~ / City Clerk hereby apl'roved t~day // '" n Bernardino