HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-299 , " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 O:cr:.'Il::l\~JC:-~ 1":0. tIIC-299 ORDINANCE OF 'I'~IE CI'I'Y O.~;' SP,r~ BEIUJAP[\~~~O A~1ENDIl'~G '''ITLE 2 OF ~H'~ SAN ?ER~~ARDINO HIJNICI.L'}\I~ corlE rrQ CCE\lSOl,IDl\TE PARY 2\.i.\1D RE'.:LZEA'11ION DE?AFTMEN'I' AND :{TJ}IAN ST-,-~R"JI('S,'3 DgpART!-rS?-JT; TO PROVIDE AD:!ITIONfi~L DUTIES rr'O T~IE PARK AND RSCRE!"~'}'ION COI-1MISS ION; TO DELL~I'E PE:-,'ERE:'JC:SS TO HU~1A}'-! SS?"\'ICE3 COMMISSIG~~; A~,J!) TO REPEI\L CRAPTSR ? ,i"'. ~.. . ..;, ',J . THE MAYOR _\~TD CO~.1l'!10",1 CQUN':IL OF T~IE CITY OF SAN B'S'RNARDINO DO ORDAIN !'"t~J FOLLO~rJS: 3EC~ION 1. Se~tion 2.17.010 of the San Bernardino Municival Code is amended 1:.0 read: 1'2.17.010 General provisions. This chaDt~r establishes th8 manner of appointments, term of s8:.~vice, compensation.. meeting t.i~es; and provisions for vacating of offices of members of the EolJ_o~;lin'J boards, bureaus and co:-umissions: A. Planning Comrr.ission; B. Central City Parking Place Comm,Lssion; C. Animal Advisory Commission; D. Co~~ission for Disabled Persons; E. Boar~l of Fire ~oITtmissioners; F.. Board of Folice Com..~issioners; G. Conununity ~relevision Co~:nmission; H. Cemetery Commission; I. Bureau of Franc~iscs; J. Boa.re. of Buildi.:1g COITlmissiorlers; K. Central City Advisory Board.." SECr:'ION 2.. Chapter 2.18 of the San Bernardino Municipal Cod is amended to read: "Chapter 2.18 PARKS, RECREATION AND CO~MUNITY SSRVICES DEPARTMENT MC-299 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2.18.010 Create~. A Department of Par;':s~ Recreation and Community Services is createa which shall, be under the control and administration of the Director of the department who shall be a~pointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the Com~:[on ':ouncil. 2.18.020 Functions and responsibilities. 'The DirA.~t.or of Parks, Recreation a Il(1. COr:-L.Lluni ty ;3ervices shall carry out such functions as are assigned to the department by the Mayor and Common Council. 2.18.030 Park and Recreation Commission -. Duties. The Park and Recreation Co~mission, as established by Charter, shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and Common Co'mcil in all matters pertaining to parks, recreation, parkways an,-l human services. The Commission shall: A. Consider the annual budget of the Parks, Recreation and Co::munity Services Department during the process of its pr."paration and make recommendations with respect thereto to the Ma ...;'or and Corrn~on Cannc i 1 i B. Develop an analysis of co:mnuni t~. need s a:1(J problems and an inventory of community resources for the purpose of providing a basis for establishing departmental priorities, goals and objectives; C. Develop programs and plans designed to meet stated goals and objectives in, but not limited to, the following areas of CO:lcern: youth affairs, senior affairs, consumer affairs, discrimination in housing and employment, and community service centers; D. Cooperate with and assist in coordinating on a City-wide -2- MC-299 , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 basis the WQr~::: of those cOIn:Tluni ty ilgencies an~1 orsanizations engaged in the providing of human services; E. 'Provide monit.oring and evaluation of all COffii'uunity agencies and organizat_ions receiving City funds ::or the purpose of pr:Jviding human services; Prepare and ;)l~esent to the Mayor and Common Council an anr111al report ident.il=yinSr h'..l1nan service proble~ areas and strategies for alleviating the same, including legislation which will serve to improve hur:~an services delivery vlithin t.he City; G. Perform such other duties as may he prescribed by or,) inance. 2.18.040 ~o compensation - Meetings. Each l'Cl.ember shall serve ':vi thout compensation. I:nmediately after appointment and quali,fication, the ':ommission shall organize by electing from among its menDer,sh LP a chairman and a secretary. Rel:ular meetings shall be held at least once a month. Five meLlbers shall constitute n quorum, but a lesser nq.mber of members ma'; adjourn from time to tiree~'! SECTlml 3. ~harter 2~~O o~ the San Bernardino Municipal Corle I Human Services ':ommission, is hereby repealed. I HEREBY CERTIE'Y that the foregoing ordinance was dul:r' adopted by the Hayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a reqular meeting thereof, held on the 15th day of August , 1993, by the following vote, to '\vit: --3-- MC-29<)." :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 ";~':B~; : Council }'1embers Castaneda, Reilly, Fernandez, r~arks , stricl:ler ~~l:.-::S : Council Member Frazier }\BS?~'1T : Council Memher QuiAl ~ :A' .' ?'lWI.1/. /;' '~'/b / City Clerk The foregoi:1g ordinance is hereby approved this _L;?4_ rJa::" of AUCJust 19832 Approved as to form: 14 /,!,[?/l /"~ 1 ~-1'7'f -. ~ ~ City Attorney ,. . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 --4-