HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-410 ~ 1 ORDINAl'lC'O: NO. .MC-~.l O. u 2 ORD:rNANCT~~ OF THE c:r'r~! OF SAN DERNAH.DINO ANENDlt~G CHAi?TERS ?~64, 3.5~, 3~60, 5.1~, 5.80, 8.12, 8~?j, 8.33, 8.35, 15.28, IS.7?, 16.16, 18,,20, 19.50, 19.621, 19n7!~, 19..78, AND 19..Rl OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO APPEALS TO lTIE COMMON COUNCIL TO PRovIDE FOR UN FORM t1ETHOn AND REQlJIREtmNTS OF APPEAL TO THE COMMON COUNCIL, AMfNDING SECTION 1.26.010 TO PROVIDE FOR SHORTRR TIME I,IMITATION WI~IIIN WHICII ACTION MUST BE FILED FOLLOIHNG COMMON COUNCIL Df:'~ISION PERTAINING TO DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, AND REPEALING SECTION 19.81.030 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE. 3 4 5 6 7 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 8 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 9 :;[i;CTION 1. :;ection 1.26.010 of the ';an Bernardino Municipal 10 Code if) amended to read: II "1.?6.010 Adoption of time limits of Section l091f.6 of the 12 Code of Civil Procedure. 13 Any judicial action taken to revie~l, set aside, annul or 14 vacate any decision, finding, or action taken by the Mayor and 15 Common Councilor of any commission, board, officer, or agent of 16 the City of San Bernardino shall be filed within the time limits 17 prescribed in California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 18 For abatement of dangerous buildings pursuant to the provisions 19 of Chapter 15.28 of this Code, a thirty day time limitation 20 !within whi.ch a judicial action to review, set aside, annul or I ivacate any decision, finding, or action taken by the Mayor and [common Council is imposed, due to the urgency or relief reoulred ~for th: public health and safety. I II any sentence, clause or phrase of tllis section is for any I reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision II II shall not affect the va1i.dity of the remaining portion of this Ii see t ion. " II ""("'HOll ') 11 ~),,,', _.1 L '. I... I , 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section? .6/f.020 of the 31m Bernardino t1unicipal MCr410 10 II 12 13 14 I i 1 1(" I ' _,oele 1.S amended to read: 2 "?.6L".0:W When procedure not applicable. I The appeal procedure prescribed in this chapter shall not Ilapply ,.hen other provisions of this Code, an ordinance or ~reSolution provides a method of appeal to a board, commission, Icommittee, a public hody or employee in specific cases, and shall 'not apply to law enforcement activities involving ordinances or 3 4 5 6 7 8 state law, or to the decisions of the Civil Service Board. These 9 procedures shall apply to any and all appeals to the Common Council authorized in this chapter or in other provisions of the Code, unless expressly otherwise provided." SECTION 3. Section 2.64.040 of the San Bernardino Municipal iCode is amended to read: I "2.6/+.040 Notice of appeal - Time limit. 15 Any such notice of appeal shall not be valid and shall not 16 be acted upon unless filed w'ithin fifteen days after the date of 17 the action or decision appealed from. If notice of such action 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 has not been provided in writing, and the appellant had no notice , iof the hearing at which the action was to be considered, the I - 1 ~appellant may, within five days after first becoming aware of " II such action, demand written notice thereof, and shall have ten I, II days following slIch notice in which to file the notice of appeal. i! ~A prospective appellant who was present at the time the action or Ii Ii decision relating thereto "Jas made shall be presumed to have ~constructive not~ce thereof and shall file a'notice of appeal i, Ii within fifteen days after the date of the action or decision." I SECTION 4. Section 2.64.050 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: II ! c, I.. MC-410 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 "2.6!{..050 Noti.ce of appeal .- Contents. The notice of appeal shall be in ,'Iriting and shan set forth (a) the specific action 8ppealed from, (h) the specific grounds of the appeal, and (c) the relief or action sought from the Common Council. In the event any notice of appeal fails to set forth any information required by this section, the City Clerk shall return the same to the appellant with a statement of the respects in which it is deficient, and the appellant shall thereafter be aIlowed five days in which to perfect and refile his or her notice of appeal." SECTION 5. Section 2.64.070 of the San Bernardino Municipal 12 Code is amended to read: 13 "7..6!.r.070 Puhlic hearinp, may be held. 14 No public hearing shall he held by the Common Council on any 15 such appeal; however, a public hearing may he held ,,,hen the same 16 is deemed by the Common Council to be in the public interest." 17 SECTION 6. Section 2.64.080 of the San Bernardino Municipal 18 Code is amended to read: 19 20 "2.6/, .080 Consideration by Council. At the time of consideration of the appeal by the Common 21 Council, if evidence is to be received, the appellant shall be 22 limited to presenting new or additional evidence which v,as not 23 available at the time of the original decision, together with 24 argument, all of which shall be limited to the specific grounds 25 26 27 28 of appeal and matters set forth in his or her notice of appeal. I, The appellant shall have the burden of establishing cause why the !I I II action appealed from should be altered, reversed or modified. [I The department or agency whose action is being considered shall 3 MC-'41O 1 I i hS'Te the I evtdence anYR The Common Council shall review tile opportunity to answer ar~uments made and rebut new 2 off ered, if 3 evidence, findings and record relating to tIle decision or action 4 and may, in the discretion of the Common Council, receive new or 5 ,additional evidence. In no event shall cumulative or repetitive i I evidence be offered. The Common Council may continue the matter , I from time to time, and at the conclusion of its consideration may I ~affirm, reverse or modify the action appealed from and may take 11 ~any action which might have been legally taken in the first ~ instance by the official or body from whose action the appeal has ~been taken. In the ruling on the appeal, the findings and action I I of the Common Council shall be final and conclusive in the I matter." SECTION 7. Section 3.52.100 of the San Bernardino Municipal 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ]5 Code is amended to read: ]6 "3.52.100 Appeal. 17 Any operator aggrieved by any decision of the City Clerk ]8 Iwith respect to the amount of such tax and penalties, if any, may i II appeal to the Common Counc il in accordance wi th the provis ions of Ii Chapter 2.6t.. Any amount found to be due by the Council shall I! II immediately become due and payable upon the service of notice." I I SECTION 8. Section 3.60.090 of the San Bernardino Municipal I Code is amended to read: "3.GO.090 Appeal. ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 I I I with respect to the amount of such tax, interest and penalties, I if any, may appeal to the Common Council in accordance with the Any distributor aggrieved by any decision of the City Clerk 26 27 28 provisions of Chapter 7.64. Any amount found to be due by the t, I _ il I I 1 Council shall immediately become due and payable upon the service 2 of such notice." 3 SECTION 9. Section 5.12.130 of the San Bernardino Muni~ipal 4 Code is amended to read: 5 "5.12.130 Appeal. 6 Any applicant aggrieved by the decision of the Chief of 7 Police with reference to the issuance, conditional issuance or 8 denial of a license, may appeal to the Common Council in 9 acconlance ,.ith the provisions of Chapter 2.6i~." 10 SECTION 10. Section 5.80.220 Subsection D of the San 11 Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: 12 "D. An order of suspension from .]hich an appeal is taken as 13 provided in this section shall be of no force or effect until 14 such appecd. i.s fully determined." 15 SECTION 11. Section 5.80.220 Subsection E of the San 16 Bernardino Municipal Code is hereby repealed. 17 SECTION 12. Section 8.12.170 of the San Bernardino 18 Municipal Code is amended to read: 19 "8.12.170 Appeal. 20 i I In the event that any person believes that unreasonable I I restrictions or unnecessary and extraordinary hardship or damage i will be imposed on him or her by the enforcement of any of the ., II provisions of this chapter or by the application of any of the i 'standards hereof adopted or by the adoption or application of any 21 22 23 24 25 ndes or regulations by the electrical inspector, or from any :1 rulings or determinations of such inspector, such person may I: 26 27 ii II appeal therefrom to II 'IIi th the pr.ovis ions II 5 the Common Council in writing in accordance 28 of Chapter 2. otl ." MC-410 . SECTION 13. Section 8.27.110 of the San Bernardino 2 Municipal Code is amended to react: 3 "8 . 2 7 . 111) l' b . t . t t .-. ~earings on 0 Jec 10ns 0 assessmen . 4 Upon the hearing, the Board shall make such modifications in 5 the assessment as are warranted by the evidence oresented. The 6 decision of the Board is final, subject to a right of appeal to 7 the Mayor and Common Council pursuant to Chapter 2.64 of the San 8 Bernardino Municipal Code. Any such appeal must he filed with 9 the City Clerk '",ithin ten days of the decision of the Board of 10 Building Commissioners~" II SECTION 14. Section 8.33.060 Subsection A of the San 12 is amended to read: 13 llA. Hhenever any person is aggrieved by any final order of 14 the Board of Building Commissioners concerning the abatement of a 15 jnuisance, such person may appeal to the Common Council in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.64. No proceedings 16 17 or action shall lie against the City nor against the Council nor 18 I ithe Board nor any member thereof, nor against any officer, agent, i ~or employee of the City to review or enjoin the enforcement of , lits determination or orders of the Common Council made pursuant jhereto, or to recover damages for carrying out such orders in a ili lawilll and reasonabl e manner unless such action is commenced 'within thirty days from and after service of notice of the I, f' ,. d d . . C I C C . ] " I'. 1OCl1ngs an ,etennlnatlon or tIe ,ommon ,0unCl.. j I jMunicipal Code is amended to read: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S}~CTION 15. Section 8.36.120 of the San Bernardino 26 27 "8.36.120 Appeal. 28 Any interested party may appeal the decision of the City 6 Mr-lll(\ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Administrator to the Common Council in accordance with the 2 provis ions of Chapter 2 .IiL, ." 3 SECTION 16. Section 15.28.090 Subsection A of the San 4 Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: 5 "A. Hhenever any person is aggrieved by any final order o:i: 6 the Board of Building Commissioners concerning correction of 7 substandard conditions or the abatement of a nuisance, such 8 person may appeal to the Common Council in accordance with the 9 provisions of Chapter 2.64. No proceeding or action shall lie against the City nor against the Council nor the Board nor any member of either thereof, nor against any officer, agent, or employee of the City to review or enjoin the enforcement of its determination or orders of the Council made pursuant hereto, or to recover damages for carrying out such orders in a lawful and reasonable manner, unless such action is commenced within thirty ,days from and after service of notice of the findings and !determination of the Board, or, after timely appeal, within I thirty days after notice of the decision of the Common Council." I SECTION 17. Section 15.72.100 Subsection A of the San I Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: I "A. The Common Council is designated as the appeal board. ~Interested persons may appeal a decision of the City Engineer in " II II accordance wi th the provis ions of Chapter 2. 6lt." II , SECTION 18. Section 16,16.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: I' ii "16.16.060 Appeal. Ii II An Applicant may appeal to idenial of a permit, or from the the Common Council from the terms and conditions of a permit. 7 MC-410 IJ Such appeal shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2 2.64." 3 SECTION 19. Section 18.20.130 of the San Bernardino 4 II Municipal Code is amended to read: ,I , I I i I I I I I , - Appeal. 5 "18.20.130 DecIsion by the Commission 6 The decj.sion of the Commission shall be final. unless an 7 appeal is taken to the Common Council in accordance with the 8 provls ions of Chapte:c 2. 6Lf." 9 SECTION 20. Section 19.50.050 of the San Bernardino Ii I Municipal Code is amended to read: 10 II , i I Commission shall make findings and render a decision in writing. "19.50.050 Findings and decisions - Appeal. 12 Within forty days after the conclusion of the hearing, the 13 14 A written report of the findings and decision of the Commission 15 shall be filed with the Common Council and mailed to the 16 applicant at the addresB shown on the application. Failure to 17 report a decision to the Council within forty days shall be 18 25 : deemed to constitute a deni.ql ~ , I ,I il il I' II I' 'I I, :1 I ,I i' I' " :1 I' il appeal is taken to the Common Council in accordance with the I' Ii II 'I I, " " ii Ii II I The decision of the Commission 19 shall be final unless an appeal is taken to the Common Council in 20 accordance with the pro vis ions of Chapter 2.6/,.." 21 SECTION 21. Section 19.68.130 of the San Bernardino 22 Nllnlcipal Code is amended to rea.d: 23 " Decision - Appeal. 24 The decision of the Commission shan be final unless an 26 provisions of Chapter 2.6Lf." 27 SECTION 2.2.. Section 19.74.140 of the San Bernardino 28 Municipal Code is amended to read: 8 MC-410 23 24 1 "Section 19.74.1/;0 Decis::_on - AppeaL 2 The decision of the Commission shall be final unless an 3 appeal is taken to the Common Council in accordance with the 4 provis ions of Chapter 2. 6LI. " 5 SECTION 23. Section 19.78.070 of the San Bernardino 6 Municipal Code is amended to read: 7 "J.9.78.070 Decision hy the Commission - Appeal. 8 The decision of the Commission shall be final unless an 9 appeal is taken to the Common Council in accordance \'lith the 10 provi s ions of Chapter 2. 6ft. " 11 SECTION 24. Section 19.78.110 Subsection E of the San 12 Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: 13 "E. Any person aR;grieved or affected by the decision of the 14 Commission may appeal to the Common Council in accordance with 15 the provisions of Chapter 2.6/.." 16 SECTION 25. Section 19.81.010 of the San Bernardino 17 Municipal Code is amended to read: 18 "19.81.010 Filing. 19 Any action pursuant to the provisions of Title 19 of the 20 I Planning Commission or the Parking Place Commi.ssion, or of any I administrative officer for which appeal procedures are not I otherwise provided, may be appealed by the applicant, any City il officer or other interested person aggrieved by or adversely 21 22 affected by the action, to the Common Council in accordance with 25 the provisions of Chapter 2.64. In addition, the Common Council 26 Imay, on its own motion, calise any sllch decision to be appealed. I, 27 I The filing of an appeal stays proceeding~ until the determination 28 ! of the appeal." 9 MC-41,O I , i ,1 1 I 2 3 . SECTION 26. Section 19.81.030 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is hereby repealed. I HERE:BY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordi.nance 'flas duly 4 II adopted by the Mayor Bnd Common Council Bernardino at a __r:BQ:l1laL of the City of San 5 meeti.ng thereof, held 6 on the day of _.,_ Sppt-puillar , 1984, by the following J 7t-h 7 II vote, to "Tit: II Ii !I i I 8 AYES: Council Members __c&lstageda, Reilly~"rni'Lndeb,_ 9 !v.iar].;.s. Ouiel... P_+.:..~~i.~....._~trickler_~______ 10 NAYS: _.NonL-.._____ II ABSENT: None 12 13 ~~ / Ci ty Cerl< 13 ,j%,,!,,__ day 14 15 The foregoing ordinance is 16 of -.i?~tember 17 sa~iino-- I 18 I , i Approve<l as to form: 19 ' I~. _ ,C' 20 i /~f '/,/ ,y/ L" I / ' 1/? y; )' ,,<, ~ t .0' I _'L.C4., ""~ v- / o-.J ~ ~l foil Ci ty"Mtorney---'7/7"--- (-c~' /~/ I / I 22 ii " i, 23 II :! 24 Ii 25 Ii II 26 27 28 10