HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-455 ~ . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , , 20 , II 21 I II 22 II 23 I! 24 25 26 I: 'I " 27 II !I 28 II II I I . . 01!ilI;IANC~: NO. MC-455 -'--'-'-"'--' .----- oErl~l:NANC:'~ O:~,: "'-'HI: r,I'.:"~Y 07 ?AJ:) ?';-'-:Ll'.iAP)):r:r,.TO Al,i?Oi)i~j')C C:T!Ar:-T'~;_;_:' ~ 1 'I OF r~~HF: .'~~ (,i',~ ,[;E";~u\rAr~DIl'~() tV'~',!ICI?Al. COD}": 'J'O IHCT:.S,A.~-'-,? -pr:r,:rt. LTTE;:: :.=OJ:? TH-7F.ACTION \iTnI,A~~"rOl:J'-~, AnD ('lAKInG ~C:.;:CHNICAI, C;'{At,lGi~;:~,:~F:LA'-;-'T'~'::~ '1'(\ rl I :";D,;\n~~~ ,~i:1 O~) :.~ ~ '_~HE r1AYOP !d~f) COt'1~10N COnNeTT, (,:",' h'; c:!:r~':, OF .<:'.}'l.H }":i~~)Af~f)T~J0 1)0 O}{DAIN AS F'OT,I.,QW8: :;1':(:,,0'01< 1. Chaf.'tc:y l~~_? 01- -U,I.2 ?8.Il He:-nard.:inc t-1un5_r:~~-' I \~Ul....~ 2 II ,I Ii I' II i' Ii l~. ampnlj~d to r~ad: "CY:[n~ t'.::::' "1 'I ..",rJ_,I~}ij~J., .\.' ~.::.!A:~,'"\'-{ :I ., I~. ~\.nt.) 1)!-':Gl.Fn2JJ::d ~ ~Ih(:. ~~,.1.:i-: , :c \:_l~"12n c .:...u..:- ,:,'q~/ Gj~.~:e-nDe cecJare.d .to :'I~ .-. ~i~demeanc~ 0~ d?~]Rre(i to t2 unlawf~l with no desigr12tiorl ~Q ~n t;",? n2,t~.tre of t-.1~l(-: o.e::-r2:tiS2 b;1 ~-l!s Cher~''''~r nr C:..'ln o:rdinanc2, eyc.ept '_n ca.("~er, vrllr~!"~ a diEEQr2n-i-. offenn~ or' a dif[p~::-ent puni3hr~2n-;: :1-::: ~rp.Dcribs<i by ol'ILi.fl,flnr:c: or 2ny' a.PDli<:8_ble l~HJ 0::' this .~t(~t2, '1';:: 5_r.l[1ri:;onnent 5_Tl tl.;e c01.Jnty ";8.i1 not~ C~~CC2ec':~p(:: si:.: r;l(:n;.1-_T~_!:, G~ 'c' fin;::: not !~),:('.pr-;diDZ fi.ve h1)r;d.rerl d<)l1.ar:,~, 0"1: hot.h Sl.1('.}1 irTrpr:i ~.:or:.merd. an,.' r . LJ_DP. e .-<, Thp n1Jr~j.r'h.mr:Ft .;~or -?_:':l"; 0"::" '?:nse (~eclB.r2d to t~e 0n inf'::-ac-t~:_()n -(,:,y 1',hc (~h2,rt9r ()~C .sn Gr'I":: in.:.:;nc~, r?XC7:'o':,:~;.ns ~}lci,c~s ~,1l:1er-s 2 diff~rent of{~nse 01: a d5.Efet'~r't ~)un~shm~nt is pr~~c~il)e0 tlV crd i~v~nce or" any app]j,cat,l~ law o~ th~~_~.~ ~::;tn-i~e, fin(~ not ,; c. ~;::-:C~20:1_n.'1 (,n.'?_ J:':.ilYld:::-0.(~. do:ila1::'::: c l_e! ", CirJ~: violation; a :?5n,:,,; not eXCe2Q~E~ two ht!~~red dollars for a Rsconrl violati_on ~11~r~cf v!:L tCl in one V~8r; and 2. :f:i. nA f)()t 2xr::epd ins five htJno.T2r.l do] 1 at' for eacb 2.d.dj_'l-ional ~J:i_olation therpo~ l,dthin one\/p.a:r~ iJp0n sop-vi.et.ion of q fourth vl_o1.9.tion th.er!~of vd.'tJ-)in ODe yef:lr, the 'v:i..olr-itor J_G ?:u:i" I t.y c~' .Z misd2cH=fll:"_CT, ~,lh:~c.h lJ.T-'0n cor;vtr'.tJ.0n MC-455 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 1 thereof is punishahlJ'; .2.:.;; :i.n ~t~_h8p.ction A. 2 1$12.()20 S2carate Offens~m 3 Evpry perDon continlling or committing 1~lle violation of aflY 4 provisions of all ordinance declaring any act or OmlSSJ.on to be 5 unlawful in 0;:l1.ilty of <9 S20arate offentH~ for ea.ch and every day 6 or portion of any day during whicll any violation of any provision 7 of h ' . ~,uc._ 01'C1. :l_n:Jnce Ls comr::'litted.11 8 I HER~nY CERTIFY that the [o!"egoing ordinan~e was dl11y 9 adopted [.'? the i"1{~y(n' 8nd Common Council of the City of San 10 13eInanJ3-no at an~.:.dj~!~Ened_Re'l':J.:~.':'~____._._ meeting thereof, held 11 on the 13th (lay o[.___}~~y____ _ _____"__ J 199~:; ~ by th~ 12 following vote, to wit: 13 AYES: Council Meml:H~T:-.s Casta;:leda, Feil1v, I-Ierj.).andez; _~_______.'W_'__M._"""'__'__'_'_"__'_______'_M_ 14 ..9E i~h.!._.~?.t:~ickl ~r 15 NAYS: None ----~~----_...---__.____ ______________.__M_._.__.____._..___...__. 16 .A.BS\Nrr: C~~_I2C i 1 ri~~e r_~~~ar k s '__~.E~ z i e E_._._____'"__.__~__..__M._~__._. 17 18 ---.___.._._~;(:i'c;?~.~;0_.------_ . Ci ty C'f~k 19 The foregoing ordi.nance is hereby approved th:1.,"} h. day , OT --.I:1a.,}t"-.~.....-.-.______._.____M__M ' 1995~ J~ t y-6~r---[;anr:ernBDII"D"o" Approved as to form: 1 / ;:,--/.. <7 ..... yt;/ ~0/~;11':<:U#S' ('..... ~{~~'r:~-~--_._-'-- .,l'-Y A..torney I