HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-567 ,. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '. r .. . . ORDINANCE NO. he-56? ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REZONING CER'rAIN PAKCELS OF LAND, A!1ENDING THE LAND USE ZONING lI'.AP, WHICH IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN SECTION 19.06.020 OF THE S1',N BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE, ACCORDING TO EXHIBITS "A" AND "B" (PETITION NO. 86-15, VERDEMONT AREA PLAN) . THE I1AYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Chapter 19.06 of the San Ber- nardino Municipal Code, the real property described in Exhibits "A" and "B," attached hereto and incorporated herein be reference, is rezoned as follows: Parcel No. From To 1. R-1-18,000, R-1-7200, and PRD-9U R-l-l Acre 2 . R-1-20,000 R-1-2 1/2 Acres R-1-2 1/2 Acres R-1-2 1/2 Acres R-3-3000 R-l.-7200 3. R-l-l Acre 4. R-l-l Acre 5 . R-l-l Acre R-1-7200 6 . 7. "0" (Open Space) and R-l-l Acre PF (Public Facilities) 8. "0" Open Space PF (Public Facilities) 9. R-l-10,800 R-1-20,000 10. R-l-l Acre, R-1-20,000, R-1-7200 and PRD-3U R-1-14,400 11. R-l-l Acre R-l-10,800 12. HHP/PRD-6U PRD-14U 13. R-l-l Acre and R-1-20,000 R-1-7200 14. R-3-3000 R-1-7200 //"7 //-//"' .l'lC:"'567 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Iio. ... . 15. MHP-6U 16. R-1-7200 and PRD-14U 17. MHP 18. R-l-lO,800 19. R-1-7200 20. C-2 2l. PRD-6U 22. R-3-3000 23. R-1-14,400 . PRD-14u "0" (Open Space PRD-14U R-l-l Acre PF (Public Facilities) R-3-3600 PRD-14U C-2 R-1-5 Acres SECTION 2. The zoning map, which is incorporated by reference in Section 19.06.020 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code, is amended to reflect the changes of zone set forth in this ordinance. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- nardino at an adiourned re1ular meeting thereof, held on the uth day of December , 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Estrada, Rei lly', Duiel, Frazier, :'";tJickler NAYS: tJone ABSENT: Coune i 1 ;1embers Hernandez, :1arks ~/.;:~~~ ./ Ci ty Clerk II II II II II II II // i",' . The foregoing Ordinance No. approved this Approved as to form: ~~ 11./7.." J,. 9~..u . /'Ilt-.::;'(,? is hereby /ti'''Y/''6f ,1986. ,: I I /; . / f MC,-567. .. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 1 That portion of Sections 26, 27 and 34 Township 2 North, Range 5, West San Bernardino Base and Meridian if said Section lines were extended across the RANCHO MUSCUPIABE as per plat thereof recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 23, records of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California and that portion of the Meyer and Barclay Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 2, page 32, records of the County Recorder of Said County and those protions of the adjoining streets described as follows: Commencing at a point, said point being the intersection of the centerline of State Highway No. 31 (Highway 395) and the Northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Rex Cole Drive; thence northwesterly along the said center line 620 feet, more or less to the West line of that certain parcel described in the deed to W. L. Howarth by document recorded May 14, 1947, Document No. 83 in Book 2053, Page 198, Official Records of said County; thence North 160 06 I 10" East along said Corporate Limit line, a distance of 1275 feet more or less to an angle point; thence South 480 23' 40" East a distance of 898.58 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING said point being on the West line of that certain parcel described in the Deed to Edward B. Ballard et-ux recorded July 1, 1955, Document No. 152 in Book 3681, Page 238, Official Records of Said County; thence South 480 23' 40" East a distance of 1443.42 feet to an angle point thence North 720 35' 15" East, a distance of 533.30 feet, thence North 540 3 I East, a distance of 279.59 feet; thence 11- ,17 i t;. f; Me-567 . '" . . 1 North 41" 51' 30" East, a distance of 783.74 feet; thence North 2 61" 18' East, a di stance of 54.78 feet; thence North 39" 45' 3 East a distance of 580 feet to an angle point thereon; thence 4 North 63" 00' East, a distance of 106 feet to the most Westerly 5 corner of that certain parcel described in the document to E. 6 J. Mathis et-al recorded in Book 1691, Page 15 Official Records 7 of Said County; thence West, a distance of 25 feet; thence 8 North 29" 48' East, a distance of 382 feet; thence North 28" 9 30' East, a distnace of 100 feet; thence North 27" 46' West a 10 distance of 103 feet; thence North 12" 30' West, a distance of 11 135 feet; thence North 23" 30' East, a distance of 299 feet; 12 thence North 32" 30' East a distance of 346 feet; thence North 13 26" 30' East a distance of 44 feet; thence East, a distance of 14 30 feet; thence North 25" 59' 10" East, a distance of 377.96 15 feet to a point in the North line of said Rancho Muscupiabe; 16 thence Northwesterly along said North line of Rancho 17 Muscupiabe, a distance of 617.50 feet more or less to the most 18 Easterly corner of that certain parcel descirbed in the deed to 19 Hilan F. Keagy et-ux recorded May 20, 1964, Document No. 696 in 20 Book 6153, Page 208, Official Records of said County; thence 21 South 55" 30' 20" West, a distance of 562.51 feet to the most 22 Easterly corner of that certain Parcel No. 2 as described in 23 the deed to Lake Mohave Ranchos Uni t No.2, Inc., a California 24 corporation recorded September 15, 1961, Document 224 in Book 25 5536, Page 149, Official Reocrds of said County; thence North 26 340 29' 40" East, a distance of 50 feet; thence South 770 13' 27 16" West, a distance of 200.53 feet to a point on a North- 28 easterly line of that certain parcel descirbed in the deed to /7.. c Me-567.. - ..,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Frank J. Van Buskirk et-ux recorded April 19, 1960, Document No. 194 in Book 5114, Page 390, Official Records of said County; thence North 490 09' West, a distance of 92.70 feet; thence North 56026' West, a distance of 83.65 feet; thence North 440 02' West, a distance of 161.89 feet; thence North 490 27' West a distance of 333.95 feet to the most Northerly corner of said Van Buskirk property; thence South 410 22' West, a distance of 1131.77 feet to the most Southerly corner of that certain parcel described in the deed to H. F. Keagy, recorded July 9, 1953, Document No. 102 in Book 5202, Page 254, Official Records of said County; thence North 450 38' West, along the South line of said Keagy property, a distance of 942.77 feet to the West corner of said Keagy property, said point being the most Northerly corner of Parcel No. 1 as described in the deed to Devore Mobile Homes Estates, Ltd., a limited partnership by deed recorded December 23, 1970, Document No. 168 in Book 7578, Page 390, Official Records of said County; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 27.83 feet; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 15.33 feet; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 6.81 feet; thence South 190 18'30" West a distance of 512 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 27.81 feet; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 52.81 feet; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 102.81 feet; thence South 190 Ii';!- {!. Me-567. - . . 1 18' 30" West, a distance of 100 feet; thence South 450 38' 2 East, a distance of 87.5 feet; thence South 190 18' 30" West, a 3 distance of 88 feet; thence South 450 38' East, a distance of 4 42 feet to the most Southerly corner of said last mentioned 5 Parcel No. 1 . , thence South 190 18' 30" West, a distance of 6 858.28 feet to the True Point of Beginning. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11-J7.l' MC-567 , . . 1 2 I Verde,tlont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.2 3 That portion of Rancho Muscupiabe and Lots "N", "0", "Po, and 4 "Q" of Re3ubdivision of Meyer and Barclay Subdivision, all in 5 the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to 6 maps ~eco~ded in Book 7, page 23 and Book 12, page 18 of Maps, 7 in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described 8 as follows: 9 Beginning at the Northeast co~ner of Lot "Q" of Block 12 10 of said Meyer and Barclay Subdivision; thence southerly along 11 the Easte~ly bounda~y of said lot "Q" to the Northeasterly line 12 of State Highway 31; thence Northwesterly along the 13 Northeaste~ly line of said State Highway, to the intersection 14 of the present corporate limit line of the City of San 15 Bernardino; thence Northeasterly along said city limit, a 16 distance of 1,275 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence 17 south 48 degrees 23' 40" East, a distance of 2,904.36 feet; 18 thence North 59 degrees 44' 20" East to a point on the west 19 line of Lot 14 of the Meyer and Barclay Subdivision, as pe~ 20 plot recorded in Book 2, page 32, record of the County Recorder 21 of said County; thence along Course A following said line along 22 the westerly boundary of said lot 14, Southerly and Easterly to 23 the point of beginning. 24 Excepting therefrom 200 feet lying westerly and southerly of said Course A. 25 26 27 28 j/ -/7 /(" MC:-567 ,.. . . 1 Verdernont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.3 2 3 Those portions of the Meyer and Barclay Subdivision as per plat 4 recorded in Book 2 of Maps, Page 32, records of the County 5 Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California, and 6 Meyers and Barclay Resubdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 7 12 of Maps, page 18, records of said County, described as 8 follows: 9 Lots 14 and 15 of said Meyer and Barclay Subdivision; 10 Lots C, E, P, and G of said Meyer and Barclay Resubdivision and 11 all those certain Parcel Maps lying within the boundaries of 12 said lots. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .; "{., !' , " .. f-' . , . Me-567 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 4 2 3 Those portions of Section 35 and 36, Township 2 North, Range 5 4 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to Government 5 Survey, and a portion of the Meyer Barclay Resubdivision, as 6 per Map recorded in Book 12 of Maps, Page 18, office of the 7 County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California, 8 and a portion of Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision, 9 as per plat recorded in Book 1 of Records of Survey, page 32, 10 in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described 11 as follows: 12 Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 13 Little League Drive, and the centerline of Ohio Street; thence 14 Northwesterly, along the centerline of Ohio Street and its 15 Northwesterly prolongation, to the Northeasterly line of Meyers 16 Road, as conveyed to the County of San Bernardino by document 17 recorded June 3, 1933, in Book 893, page 65, Official Records 18 of said County; thence Northwesterly and Northerly along said 19 Northeasterly line of Meyers Road to its intersection with the 20 present Corporate Limit line of the City of San Bernardino; 21 thence Easterly along said City Limit line to an angle point; 22 thence Northerly along said City Limit line to an angle point; 23 thence Southeasterly along said City Limit line, to an angle 24 point; thence Northerly along said City Limit line, to an angle 25 point; thence Easterly along said City Limit line, a distance 26 of 1,817 feet, more or less to the East line of that certain 27 parcel described in the deed to Richard P. Schmitz et-al, by 28 document recorded February 19, 1970, Document No. 566 in Book " 1<'" ;:\; ,II ~ ! / () t- Me-567 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15 - Parcel No.4, pg. 2 2 7392, page 128, Official Records of said County; thence South 3 along said East line to its intersection with the Northeasterly 4 prolongation of the centerline of said Little League Drive; 5 thence Southwesterly along said prolongation and said 6 centerline to the Point of Beginning. 7 8 9 1/, / "/". t { Me-56? . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.5 2 3 That portion of Lot "H", Meyer and Barclay Resubdivision, as 4 per plat recorded in Book 12 of Maps, page 18, records of the 5 County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California, 6 described as follows: 7 Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of 8 said Lot "H" with the southwesterly line of the present 60 foot 9 wide right-of-way of Belmont Avenue (formerly 100 feet wide) as 10 said Avenue is shown on the plat of the lrvington Land and 11 Water Company Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Book 12 1, Records of Survey, page 32, records of said County; thence 13 North 31 degrees 53' West, a distance of 449.90 feet; thence 14 North 57 degrees 31 feet East, a distance of 292.66 feet; 15 thence South 47 degrees 38 feet East, a distance of 371.28 16 feet; thence North 27 degrees 50' East to the Easterly line of 17 said Lot "H"; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said 18 Lot "H" to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along 19 the Southerly line of said Lot "H", to the Point of Beginning. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - r'l II"/?- d.. He-567 " " . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.6 2 3 That portion of Block 83, IRVINGTON LAND AND WATER COMPANY 4 SUBDIVISION, as per plat recorded in Book 1 of Records of 5 Survey, page 32, records of said County, and of Section 2, 6 Township 1 North, Range 5 West, San Bernardino Base and 7 Meridian, as the lines of the Government Survey may be extended 8 across the MUSCUPIABE RANCHO, described as follows: 9 COMMENCING at a point in the center line of Cypress 10 Avenue, which is South 27 degrees 39' 40. West 100 feet from 11 its intersection with the center line of Irvlngton Avenue; 12 thence at right angles North 62 degrees 20' 20. West 344.47 13 feet; thence by a 2,000 foot radius curved to the right for a 14 distance of 135.63 feet to the true point of beginning; thence 15 continuing by said 2,000 foot radius curved to the right, a 16 distance of 464.37 feet; thence Southwesterly 700 feet, more or 17 less, to the most Northerly corner of Lot 20, Tract No. 3401; 18 thence along the Northeasterly line of said Tract No. 3401, 19 South 46 degrees 45; 50. West 446.86 feet to a point which is 20 480 feet Northwesterly at right angles from aforesaid center 21 line of Cypress Avenue; thence parallel with said center line, 22 North 27 degrees 39' 40" East 726.57 feet, more or less, to the 23 true point of beginning. 24 EXCEPTING therefrom that portion deeded to the State of 25 California by deed recorded February 3, 1958 in Book 4428 of 26 Official Records, page 123, records of San Bernardino County. 27 Also excepting therefrom that portion lying Northeasterly of 28 the Southwesterly line of Irvington Avenue. /1-/7- (N; MC-5p7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , " . . Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.7 That portion of Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 1, Records of Survey, page 32, Records of the County Recorded, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Irvington Avenue and Llttle League Drive (formerly Cypress Avenue); thence Northeasterly along the Centerline of said Little League Drive, to its intersection with the Northwesterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line of the Southwesterly one-quarter of Block 75 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivlsion; thence Southeasterly along said line, to the Southeasterly line of said Southwesterly one-quarter of said Block 75; thence Southwesterly along said line, and its Southwesterly prolongation, to its intersection with the centerline of Belmont Avenue; thence Southeasterly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Magnolla Avenue; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of Magnolia Avenue, to its intersection with the centerline of Irvington Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Irvington Avenue, to the Point of Beginning. ~I. .~, J. /1-1. . Me-567 , . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 8 2 3 That portion of Block 77 as shown on Plat of Town of Irvington 4 and the Land of Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision of 5 a part of Muscupiabe Rancho as per plat recorded in Book 3 of 6 Maps, Page 9, records of the County Recorder, San Bernardino 7 County, State of California, described as follows: 8 Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 9 Magnolia Avenue, and the centerline of Little League Drive 10 (formerly Clearview Drive); thence Northwesterly Northeasterly 11 and Northwesterly along the centerline of said LIttle League 12 Drive to its intersection with the centerlIne of Little League 13 Drive (formerly Cypress Avenue as shown on said Map); thence 14 Northeasterly along said last mentioned centerline to its 15 intersection with the Northwesterly prolongation of the 16 Southwesterly line of the Cable Creek Flood Control right-of- 17 way; thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of said 18 Flood Control right-of-way to its intersection with the 19 centerline of said Magnolia Avenue; thence Southwesterly along 20 said centerline, to the point of Beginning. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1/-1 ? { ~ Me-567 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . . Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No.9 A portion of Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, and a portion of Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 5 West, and a portion of Section 36, Township 2 North, Range 5 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, and all those certain Parcel Maps lying within said sections, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Government Lot 9 of said Section 6, said point being station M24 in the Northerly line of the Rancho Muscupiabe as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 23, records of County Recorder of said County; thence Northwesterly along said Northerly line of the Muscupiabe Rancho, to its intersection with the centerline of Little League Drive (formerly Cypress Avenue); thence Northeasterly along the Northeasterly prolongation of said centerline of Little League Drive, a distance of 1,400 feet; thence Southeasterly along a line parallel with said Rancho Muscupiabe line, to the Southeasterly line of Government lot 8 of said Section 6; thence Southwesterly along said Southeast- erly line of said Government lot 8 and its Southwesterly prolongation, to the point of beginning. . .i 1 I : ' ~.. >< -..", Me-567, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 10 Those portions of Lots 38, 48, 54, 60, 64, 68 and 74, Irvington Land and Water Company's Subdivlsion, as per plat recorded in Book 1 of Records of Survey, page 32, Records of the County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California, and a portlon Section 6, San Bernardino Meridian Township 1 North, of said Section 4 Range West, lines were extended across the Rancho Muscupiabe as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 23 records of the County Recorders of said County, described as follOWS: Beginning at Statlon M-24 in the Muscupiabe Rancho line as shown in Book 7 of Maps, page 23, records of the County Recorder of said County; thence South 74 degrees 19' East, a distance of 291.58 feet; thence South 12 degrees 10' West, a distance of 1,208.11 feet; thence South 36 degrees 43 West to the intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the centerline of Ohio Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of said Ohio Avenue to ltS intersection with the centerline of Little League Drlve (formerly Cypress Avenue); thence Northeasterly along said centerline of said Llttle League Drive to its intersection with the Northerly line of the Muscupiabe Rancho; thence Southeasterly along said Muscuplabe Rancho line to the Point of Beginnlng. Excepting therefrom, the following: Parcel A. Beginning at said Station M-24, thence South 74 degrees thence 19' 00. East, a distance of 291.58 feet; South 12 degrees 10' 00. a distance of 89.69 /r'17~/'{. Me-567. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . I Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15 - Parce~ No. 10, pg. 2 feet; thence South 60 degrees 38' 21" West to the Southeasterly line of said 38; Lot thence Northeastezly, along said Southeasterly line of Lot 38, to the Muscupiabe Rancho line; thence Southeast- erly along the Muscupiabe Rancho line to the Point of Beginning. Parcel B. A strip of land, 200 feet wide, in sald Block 38, the northwesterly ~ine of said strip of land 200 feet wide being parallel with and distant northwesterly 60 feet, measured at right angles, from the following described survey line: Beginning at a point on a line which is parallel with and distant northwesterly 15 feet, measured at rlght angles, from the northwesterly line of said Block 38 and the southwesterly prolongation thereof, said pOlnt being distant along said parallel line, N 27 degrees 12' 24" E 366.31 feet from the lntersection thereof with the centerline of Ohio Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence N 60 degrees 17' 12" E 633.31 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of said Block 38, distant thereon S 20 degrees 48' 31" W 372.20 feet from the northerly line of the Rancho Muscupiabe, as shown on map recorded in Book 7, page 23 of Maps in the office of sald Recorder. The side lines of said 200-foot wide strip of land shall be prolonged or shortened so as to termlnate northeasterly and southwesterly in the southeasterly 1/<// J.!;. MC-567 ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . I Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15 - Paice" No. 10, pg. 3 2 3 and northweste~ly lines, respectively, of sald Block 4 38. 5 Parcel C. That portion of the northwesterly 60 feet of sald 6 Block 38 lying southwesterly of the strip of land 200 7 feet wide. herein above described in Parcel B, 8 together with the northwesterly 60 feet of that 9 port~on of said Ohio Avenue, as vacated, lying south- easterlY of the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of said Block 38. Said 60-foot dimensions shall be measured at right angles to the nOLthwesterly line of said Block 38. I. . ~ ". ~ // //,{ Me-567 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 11 2 3 That portion of Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision as 4 recorded in Book 1, Records of Survey, Page 32, Records of the 5 County Recorder, County of San Bernardino, State of California, 6 described as follows: 7 Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of 8 Ohio Avenue and Palm Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the 9 centerline of Ohio Avenue, to its intersection with the 10 Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of the 11 Northwesterly one-quarter of the Northwesterly one-quarter of 12 Block 75 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision; 13 thence Southwesterly along said line, to the Southwesterly line 14 of the Northwesterly one-quarter of the Northwesterly one- 15 quarter of said Block 75; thence Northwesterly along said line 16 and its Northwesterly prolongation to its intersection with the 17 centerline of Little League Drive (formerly Cypress Avenue); 18 thence Southwesterly along said centerline, to its intersection 19 with the Northwesterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line 20 of the Southwesterly one-quarter of said Block 75; thence 21 Southeasterly along said line, to the Southeasterly line of 22 said Southwesterly one-quarte r of Block 75; thence 23 Southwesterly along said line and its Southwesterly 24 prolongation to its intersection with the centerline of Belmont 25 Avenue; thence Southeasterly along said centerline to the 26 centerline of Magnolia Avenue; thence Southwesterly along said 27 centerline of Magnolia Avenue, to the Northwesterly 28 prolongation of the Northerly line of the Cable Creek Flood J i! ~ ,- MC-567 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 11, pg. 2 2 3 Control right-of-way; thence Southeasterly, along said 4 Northerly line of Cable Creek Flood Control and following its 5 various courses and distances, to its intersection with the 6 centerline of Palm Avenue; thence Northeasterly along said 7 centerline, to the Point of Beginning. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II-I'}~?(,. . . Me-567. . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-'15 - Parce ~ No. 12 2 3 Those portions of Block 71, 65 and 66, Irvlngton Land and Water 4 Company Subdiv~sion, as per plat recorded in Book 1, Records of 5 Survey, page 32, Records of the County RecordeL, County of San 6 Bernardino, State of California, and a portion of Tract No. 7 3167, as per map recorded in Book 42 of Maps, page 59, in the 8 office of the County Recorder of said County, and the right of 9 way of Cajon Avenue, as vacated by an ordlnance of the Board of 10 Supervisors of said County, described as follows: 11 Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 12 L"ttle League Drive (formerly Clearview Drive), and the 13 centerline of Magnolia Avenue; thence Northeasterly along the 14 centerline of Magnolia Avenue to its intersection with the 15 Northwesterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of the 16 Cable Creek Flood Control right of way; thence Southeasterly 17 along the Southwesterly line of said Flood ContLol rlght of 18 way, to lts point of tangency wlth the Northeasterly line of 19 said Little League Drive; thence southwesterly and parallel 20 with the centerline of Palm Avenue, to its intersection with 21 the centerline of said Little League Drlve; thence North- 22 westerly along said centerline to the Point of Beglnnlng. 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,. '1 (....f'l. ,Ii /".- ~. Me-56]- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . . . Verdemont ArcC! Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 13 That portion of Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 1, Records of Survey, Page 32, Records of the County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Ohio Avenue and the centerline of Palm Avenue; thence Southeasterly along the centerline of Ohio Avenue to its intersection wlth the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly ~ine of Northwesterly one-half of Block 84 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision; thence Southwesterly along said line to the Southwesterly line of Block 84; thence South- westerly to the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Belmont Avenue and the Southeasterly line of Northwesterly one- half of B1.ock 85 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision; thence Southwesterly along sald line and its southwesterly prolongation, to the centerline of Ievington Avenue; thence Northwesterly along sald centerline, to its intersection with the centerLine of Palm Avenue; thence Northeasterly along the centerline of Palm Avenue to the Point of Beginning. J/ ~ / '). .. Me-567 . . 1 Verdemonl Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86.-15 - Parcel No. 14 2 3 All of Lot 1, Block 61, Irvlngton Land and \'later Company's 4 Subdivision, as pe~ Plat recorded In Book 3 of MapD, Page 9, 5 Records of San Bernardino County, State of California and the 6 westerly one-half of Olive Avenue, adjoining said Lot 1 on the 7 Southeast, and the Easte[ly one-half of Palm Avenue, adjoining 8 said Lot on the Northwest and the Southerly one-half of that 9 unnamed street, vacated by the County Board of Supervisors on 10 February 1, 1910, adjoining said Lot on the Northeast. 11 Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot, thence 12 East along the South lIne of said lot 335.25 feet, thence North 13 185 feet, thence West at right angles 335.25 feet to the \'lest 14 of said Lot, thence South along said West line 185 feet to the 15 Point of Beginning. 16 ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM, that portion deeded to the San 17 Bernardino County F~ood Control by deed dated November 26, 18 1948, and recorded December 13, 1948, In Book 2334, Page 302, 19 Official Records. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 )!. A''; {/ i~ ~" Me-567 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . . . 1 VeLdemont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15, Parcel No. 15 2 3 Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 6505, as per p~at thereof recorded in 4 Book 64 of Parce~ Maps, pages 49 and 50, in the Office of the 5 County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California. 6 7 8 9 , . i " r' , / I' (, Me-567 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . 1 Verdemont ALea Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 - ParceJ No. 16 Those portions of Irvington Land and Wate, Company Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 1, Records of Survey, Page 32, Records of the County Recorder, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and a portion of Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian of said section lines were extended across the Rancho Muscupiabe as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 23, Records of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Parcel A. Beginning at station M-24 as shown in the Muscupiabe Rancho line; thence South 74 degrees 19' 00" East, a distance of 291.58 feet; thence South 12 degrees la' 00", a distance of 88.69 feet; thence South 60 degrees 38' 21" West to the Southeasterly line of Lot 38 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision; thence Northeasterly, along said Southeasterly line of Lot 38, to the Rancho Muscupiabe Line; thence Southeasterly along said Muscupiabe Rancho Line to the Point of Beginning. Parcel B. A strip of land, 200 feet wide, in Block 38 of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision, the northwesterly line of said strip of land 200 feet wide being parallel with and distant northwesterly 60 feet, measured at right angles, from the following described survey line: Beginning at a point on a line which is parallel with and distant northwesterly 15 feet, measured at right angles, from the northwesterly /1-1 }.- f'6 Me-567 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 line of said Block 38 and the southwesterly prolongation thereof, said point being distant along said parallel line, N 27 degrees 12' 24" E 366.31 feet from the intersection thereof with the center line of Ohio Avenue, 60 feet wide; thence N 60 degrees 17' 12" E 633.31 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of said Block 38, distant thereon S 20 degrees 48' 31" W 372.20 feet from the northerly line of said Rancho Muscupiabe. The side lines of said 200 foot wide strip of land shall be prolonged or shortened so as to terminate northeasterly and southwesterly in the southeasterly and northwesterly lines, respectively, of said Block 38. Parcel C. That portion of the northwesterly 60 feet of said Block 38 lying southwesterly of the strip of land 200 feet wide, herein above described in Parcel B, together with the northwesterly 60 feet of that portion of said Ohio Avenue, as vacated, lying southeasterly of the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of said Block 38. Said 60 foot dimensions shall be measured at right angles to the northwesterly line of said Block 38. Parcel D. The northwesterly 60 feet of Block 39 of said /1-17- Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision together with the northwesterly 60 feet of that ;, " w t.;. Me-567 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ . . 1 Ve~demont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 3 2 portion of said Belmont Avenue and of said Ohio 3 Avenue, as vacated, lying southeasterly of the 4 northeasterly and southwesterly prolongation of the 5 northwesterly line of said Block 39. 6 Said 60 foot dimension shall be measured at 7 right angles to the northwesterly line of said Block 8 39. 9 Parcel E. The northwesterly 60 feet of Block 40, of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision together with the northwesterly 60 feet of that portion of Belmont Avenue and of Irvington Avenue, vacated by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County recorded in Book C, page 250 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of said Recorder, lying southeasterly of the northeasterly and southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of said Block 40. Said 60 foot dimensions shall be measured at right angles to the northwesterly line of said Block 40. Parcel F. The Northwesterly 60 feet of the Northeasterly 290 feet of Block 41, of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision together with the Nortwesterly 60 feet of that portion of Irvington Avenue, as vacated, lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly line of said Block 41. Parcel G. A strip of land 120 feet wide, in Block 51 and in Block 52 of said Irvington Land and Water Company , ,"r f!c, /f < / /. I'''' Me-567 . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86--15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 4 2 Subdivision, and in Cajon Avenue adjoining said Lots 3 51 and 52 on the northeast and on the southwest, 4 respectively, as vacated by Resolution of the Board 5 of Supervisors of said County dated May 29, 1929, a 6 certified copy of which was recorded in Book 510, 7 page 106 of Official Records in the office of said 8 Recorder, the southeasterly line of said strip of 9 land, 120 feet wide, being parallel or concentric 10 with and distant southeasterly 80 feet, measured at 11 right angles or radially, from the following 12 described survey line: 13 Beginning at a point on the center line of 14 Kendall Drive, 80 feet wide, distant thereon S 58 15 degrees 07' 14" E 192.02 feet from the northwesterly 16 terminus of that certain course described in deed 17 recorded May 29, 1943, in Book 1602, page 224 of 18 Official Records in the office of said Recorder, as 19 having a bearing and distance of N 57 degrees 20' W 20 6993.00 feet; thence S 70 degrees 24' 39" W 1422.13 21 feet; thence N 70 degrees 24' 39" E 1796.92 feet to 22 the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly and 23 having a radius of 480 feet; thence northeasterly 24 along said curve, through a central angle of 39 25 degrees 30' 44", an arc distance of 331.02 feet; 26 thence N 30 degrees 53' 55" E 176.19 feet to the 27 beginning of a curve concave southeasterly and 28 having a radius of 520 feet; thence northeasterly !1-11v((~ , ' Me-56" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 5 along said curve through a central angle of 25 degrees 26' 20", an arc distance of 230.88 feet; thence N 56 degrees 20' 15" E 862.12 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave northwesterly and having a radius of 469 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 29 degrees 07' 50", an arc distance of 233.88 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with the center line of Pine Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on said map of land of Irvington Land and Water Company and distant southeasterly therefrom 15 feet, measured at right angles; thence along said parallel line, N 27 degrees 12' 25" E 0.48 feet to the center line of Irvington Avenue, as shown on said last mentioned map. The side lines of said 120 foot wide strip of land shall be prolonged or shortened so as to terminate northeasterly in the southeasterly line of said Block 51, and so as to terminate southwesterly in the northeasterly line of Kendall Drive. Parcel H. That portion of Block 51, of said Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision described as follows: A parcel of land lying easterly of the easterly line of that parcel of land as conveyed to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, by deed recorded July 27, 1948, in Book 2268, page 146 of Official Records, described as Parcel No.1, all in j/-/? .\j .,.~' ~ Me-567 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , ' . . Verdemont A~ea Pldn, C02 No. 86-15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 6 the office of said Recorder, and lying southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Kendall Drive. Said parcel of land being that part of said certain portion lying northwesterly of a line which is parallel with and distant southeasterly 80 feet, measured at right angles, from the following described survey line: Beginning at a point on the center line of Kendall Drive, 80 feet wide, distant thereon S 58 degrees 07' 14" E 192.02 feet from the northwesterly terminus of that certain course described in deed recorded May 29, 1943 in Book 1602, page 224 of Official Records in the office of said Recorder, as having a bearing and distance of N 57 degrees 20' W 6993.00 feet; thence S 70 degrees 24' 39" W 1422.13 feet; thence N 70 degrees 24' 39" E 1796.92 feet to the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 480 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 39 degrees 3D' 44", an arc distance of 331.02 feet; thence N 30 degrees 53' 55" E 176.19 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 520 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 25 degrees 26' 20", an arc distance of 230.88 feet; thence N 56 degrees 20' 15" E 862.12 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave northwesterly and II - /7- / (. Me-56]' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15, Parcel No. 16, pg. 7 /, 7' II ~/. . having a radius of 460 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 29 degrees 07' 50", an arc distance of 233.88 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with the center line of Pine Avenue, 60 feet wide, as shown on said map of land of Irvington Land and Water Company and distant southeasterly therefrom 15 feet, measured at right angles; thence along said parallel line, N 27 degrees 12' 25" E 0.48 feet to the center line of Irvington Avenue, as shown on said last mentioned map. , , .,. Me-567- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . Ve~demont Area Plan, Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parce.L No. 17 That portion of Blocks 42, 46 and 52 of the lands of the Irvington Land and Wate, Company, as per plat recorded ln Book 1, page 32, Records of Survey, said tract being also shown upon the map recorded in book 3 of Maps, page 9, records of sald County, lying northeasterly of the northerly line of that certain parcel of land, as conveyed to the State of California, by deed recorded October 25, 1955 in book 3772, page 93, Official Records, described as Parcels "A" and "B" and easterly of the easterly line of that certain parcel of land as conveyed to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, by deed recorded July 27, 1948 in book 2268, page 146, Official Records, described as Parcel No. I, and southerly of the south line of Kendall Drive. Excepting therefrom all that portion conveyed to the City of San Bernardino by deed, recorded January 5, 1981, Document No. 81-000526, Official Records of said County. A portion of Block 52, Irvington Land and Water Company Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book I, Records of Survey, page 32, and also shown on plat recorded in Book 3 of Maps, page 9, both records of said County, said portion described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Easterly line of that parcel of land described as Parcel #1 in document to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, recorded in Book 2268, page 146, Official Records of said County, with the Northeasterly line of that parcel of land described as Parcel "B" in document to the State of California recorded in Book / /'-- /? /' Me-567 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . - ~--, . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan, COZ No. 86-15 - Parcel No. 17, pg. 2 2 3772, page 93, Official Records of said County; thence along 3 said Northeasterly line of Parcel "B", South 50 degrees 04' 24" 4 East (recorded South 50 degrees 24' East) 57.73 feet; thence 5 North 4 degrees 26' 09" West, 108.75 feet; thence North 49 6 degrees 47' 37" West, 63.76 feet to the Easterly line of said 7 parcel of land described in document recorded in Book 2268, 8 page 146, said Easterly line being a non-tangent curve, concave 9 Easterly, having a radius of 1935.00 feet and a central angle of 3 degrees 21' 15", the beginning tangent thereof bearing South 4 degrees 49' 41" East; thence along said non-tangent curve Southerly, 113.28 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion of Block 52. lying Northwesterly of a line which is parallel with and distant southeasterly 80 feet, measured at right angles, of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Kendall Drive, 80 feet wide, distant thereon South 58 degrees 07' 14" East, 192.02 feet from the NorthWesterly terminus of that certain course described in deed recorded May 29, 1943 in Book 1602, page 224, Official Records of said County; thence South 70 degrees 24' 39" West, to a point on the Southwesterly line of Kendall Drive, said point being the true Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 70 degrees 24' 39" West, to the Northeasterly line of said parcel of land conveyed to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Iii J '" / . /! ' i~ MC":S67 II I I i 1 I I I i 2 I , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . , . . Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 18 That portion of Section 36, Township 2 North, Range 5 West and that portion of Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Government lot 9 of said Section 6: thence Northeasterly, along the Easterly lines of said Government lots 9, 7 and 8 of said Section 6 a distance of 1400 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence North- westerly a straight line to the intersection with the North- easterly prolongation of the centerline of Little League Drive (formerly Cypress Avenue); thence Northeasterly along said pro- longation to the Easterly line of that certain parcel described in the deed to Richard P. Schmitz, etal, by document recorded February 19, 1970, Document No. 566 in Book 7392, Page 128, Official records of said County; thence Northerly along Easterly line of said parcel, to the present Corporate Limit Line of the City of San Bernardino; thence Easterly and Southerly, in a generally Easterly direction, along said City Limit line and following all it's various courses and distan- ces, to the Northerly line of Government lot 4 of said Section 6; thence Easterly along the Northerly lines of Government lots 4, 3, 2 and 1 of said section 6 and leaving said City Limit Line, to the Northeasterly corner of said Government lot 1; thence Southeasterly along the Easterly line of Government lots 1 and 8 of said Section 6, to the True Point of Beginning. . "I /1' / 1" h MC-?67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , . .. . . . Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 19 That portion of Blocks 42, 43, 45 and 46 Irvington Land and Water Company, Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 1, Page 32 Records of Survey, said tract being also shown on the map recorded in Book 3 of Maps, Page 9 records of said County and those vacated streets adjacent to said Blocks, more par- ticularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 19, Tract 7439 as per plat recorded in Book 95 of Maps, Pages 48, 49 and 50 records of said County, said point being on the Northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded October 25, 1955 in Book 3772, Page 93, Official Records of said County, thence along the boundaries of said tract 7439 the following courses and distan- ces; thence North 54. 17' 11" East, a distance of 260 feet; thence South 35. 42' 49" East, a distance of 15.31 feet; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Tract 7439, a distance and following all its various courses and distances, of 924.01 feet to the Southwesterly line of Kendall Drive 80.00 feet wide; thence leaving the boundaries of said Tract 7439, Northwesterly along said Southwesterly line of Kendall Drive, a distance of 636.05 feet; thence South 32.08' 50" West, a distance of 976.01 feet to said Northeasterly line of said State property; thence Southeasterly along said State property, a distance of 360.17 feet to the point of beginning. II- /7" ( Me-56?- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - - - --....- '. . .', . . . Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 20 Lot 13, Tract No. 2404 as per map recorded in Book 34 of Maps, Pages 52 and 53, records of the County Recorder, San Bernardino County, State of California. II /J- If., Ke-567 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . . , . If' . . 1 Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 21 2 3 That portion of Lot 1, Tract 2404, in the County of 4 San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in 5 Book 34, pages 52 and 53 of Maps in the office of the County 6 Recorder of said County, and that portion of Rancho Muscupiabe, 7 as per map recorded in Book 7, page 23 of Maps, in the office 8 of the County Recorder of said County, being a portion of the 9 Northeast quarter of Section 18, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the official plat thereof, as the lines of the Government Survey may be extended across said Rancho Muscupiabe and lying Northerly of the Northeasterly line of Kendall Drive, as the same was conveyed to the County of San Bernardino by instrument recorded in Book 39, page 59, of Official Records. 17 EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Fay B. Davis, a married woman, 18 by Deed recorded April 5, 1955, as Instrument No. 144, in Book 19 2612, page 155, Official Records, described as follows: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Beginning at the most Southwesterly corner of Lot 1; thence Southeasterly along the Southerly line of said lot and said Southerly line extended, a distance of 200 feet; thence North 320 10 I 30" East, parallel to the West line of said Lot 1, to the Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 210 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said Lot; thence South 320 10' 30" West, 616.32 feet along the Southwesterly line of Lot 1 to the point of beginning. // ,.~ t..., ( i. ,f }i1> Mc-567 . . . '. , . . , . 1 Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 22 2 3 That portion of Parcell and Remainder Parcel, as delineated on 4 Parcel Map 6437, as recorded in Book 60, Pages 99-100 of Parcel 5 Maps, described as follows: 6 Beginning at a point on the most Northerly corner of Parcell, 7 said point being on the West line of University Parkway; thence 8 South 710 09 I 08 n West, to the most Westerly corner of said 9 Remainder Parcel; thence South along the Westerly line of said 10 Remainder Parcel to a point of intersection with the North- 11 westerly line of University Parkway; thence Northeasterly, 12 along the Westerly line of University Parkway to the Point of 13 Beginning. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /1 / ,. Me-567 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . . ~ t"...".. . . Verdemont Area Plan Change of Zone No. 86-15 Parcel No. 23 All that portion of Sections 5 and 6, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to Government Survey, described as follows: Beginning at Station No. 26 of the Survey of the Muscupiabe Rancho, said point of beginning being on the East line of the property of the City of San Bernardino, as accquired by Deed from the Muscupiabe Land and Water Company, recorded June 30, 1921, in Book 724 of Deeds, page 8; thence South 390 3D' East, 600.90 feet; thence South 00 25' East, 1151.44 feet; thence North 390 3D' West, 600.90 feet; thence North 00 25' West, 1151.44 feet to the point of beginning. , ,..... " J ( '0'1 "/ 1/ ~../ f~ ; 1!J