HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-821 Ordinance No. MC-821 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTIONS 1 19.04.010(2) (D. AND E.) AND 19.04.030(2) (L.- P.) AND TABLES 04.01 AND 04.03 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) 2 TO ESTABLISH LEGALLY EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY STRUCTURES AS PERMITTED, CONFORMING USES IN THE RU, RESIDENTIAL URBAN, RM, RESIDENTIAL 3 MEDIUM, RMH, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH AND RH, RESIDENTIAL HIGH LAND USE DISTRICTS CITYWIDE AND TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR ADDITIONS, 4 ALTERATIONS AND EXPANSIONS TO SUCH STRUCTURES. 5 THE MAYOR AND THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 7 SECTION 1. Page 11-2, section 19.04.010(2) (D), RU (RESIDENTIAL URBAN) DISTRICT is amended to add to the end of the 8 paragraph a sentence to read: "Multi-family units which legally 9 existed in the RU-1 and RU-2 districts prior to June 3, 1991 may 10 remain as a permitted use."; See Attachment 3 (A), (Page 11-2 of 11 the Development Code) attached hereto and incorporated herein by 12 reference. 13 Page 11-2, section 19.04.010(2) (E), (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY 14 DISTRICTS), RM, Residential Medium, RMH, Residential Medium High 15 and RH, Residential High Districts, is amended to add to the end 16 of the second paragraph a sentence to read: "Multi-family units 17 which legally existed in the mUlti-family districts prior to June 18 3, 1991 may remain as a permitted use."; See Attachment 3 (A), 19 (Page 20 hereto and Code) attached of the Development II-2 incorporated herein by reference. 21 SECTION 2. Page 11-4, Section 19.04.020, Table 04.01, 22 PERMITTED, DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED, AND CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USES, 23 is amended as follows: [See Attachment 3 (B), (Page 11-4 of the 24 Development Code) 25 reference.] 26 fill 27 fill 28 attached hereto and incorporated herein by 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SECTION 3. Page 11-12, section 19.04.030, Table 04.03, 10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SPECIFIC STANDARDS, is amended as follows: 11 [See Attachment 3 (C), (Page 11-12 of the Development Code) 12 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] a) Reletter Item L. Planned Residential Development to Item Add Item L. MUlti-Family Housing, Existing; Reletter Item M. Recreational Vehicle Storage to Item N. ; Reletter Item N. Second Dwelling Unit/"Granny" Housing to Item o. ; Reletter Item o. Senior citizen/Congregate Care Housing to Item P.; f) Reletter Item P. Small Lot Subdivision to Item Q. SECTION 4. Pages 11-23 through 11-31, section 19.04.030(2), LAND USE DISTRICT SPECIFIC STANDARDS, are amended as follows: [See Attachment 3 (D-l through D-5), Pages 11-23, 11-24, 11-27, 11-29 and 11-31, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] a) Reletter Item L. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT/SMALL LOT SUBDIVISIONS to Item M.; 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 //// KC-021 a) b) c) d) e) f) Reletter Item L. Planned Residential Development to Item M.i Add Item L. MUlti-Family Dwellings, Existing; Reletter Item M. Second Dwelling unit to Item N.; Reletter Item N. Senior Citizen/congregate Care Housing to Item 0.; Reletter Item o. Single Family Dwellings to Item P.; Reletter Item P. Small Lot Subdivision to Item Q. M. ; b) c) d) e) 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 f) 15 16 IIII 17 IIII 18 IIII 19 IIII 20 IIII 21 IIII 22 IIII 23 IIII 24 IIII 25 IIII 26 IIII 27 IIII 28 IIII MC-821 b) Add Item L. MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING, EXISTING: "L. MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING, EXISTING Additions, alterations and expansions to multi- family housing which legally existed prior to June 3, 1991, shall comply with the standards of the mUlti-family district in which the project is located."; c) Reletter Item M. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE FACILITIES to Item N.; Reletter Item N. SECOND DWELLING UNIT/"GRANNY" HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS to Item 0.; Reletter Item O. SENIOR CITIZENICONGREGATE CARE HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS to Item P.; Reletter Item P. SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION STANDARDS to Item Q. d) e) 3 Me-821 10RDINANCE...AMENDING SECTIONS 19.040.010(2) (D. AND E.) AND 19.04.030(2)(L. THROUGH P.) AND TABLES 04.01 AND 04.03 OF THE SAN 2 BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO ESTABLISH LEGALLY EXISTING MULTI-FAMILY STRUCTURES AS PERMITTED, CONFORMING USES IN 3 THE RU, RESIDENTIAL URBAN, RM, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM, RMH, RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM HIGH AND RH, RESIDENTIAL HIGH LAND USE DISTRICTS CITYWIDE 4 AND TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND EXPANSIONS TO SUCH STRUCTURES. 5 6 7 8 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino at a regular meeting therefore, held on the 17th day of February 9 Council Members: 10 ESTRADA 11 REILLY 12 HERNANDEZ 13 MAUDSLEY 14 MINOR 15 POPE-LUDLAM 16 MILLER 17 18 , 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT x x x x x x x Ci@~ ~ /91r-- day 20 0 f February , 1992. ?~? //1 .;.;'/ .;/ /,/ , 19 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved tl 21 22 W:R. Ho~comb, ayor city of San Ber ardino Approved as to 23 form and legal content: 24 JAMES F. PENMAN 25 City Irttorne(y :: /J'" 1 ~,~~-- 28 4 J11i'-?i2j RESIDE'ITIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 2. The pt;rpose of the individual residential land use districts is as follows: A. RE (RESIDENTIAL ESTATE) DISTRICT This district is intended for low density residential units located on large lots and conveying an "estate" character with a minimum lot size of 1 gross acre per unit. B. RL (RESIDENTIAL LOW) DISTRICT This district is intended to promote the development of low-density, large lot, single-family detached residential units with a minimum average lot size of 10,800 square feet. The RL district allows a maximum density of 3.1 units per gross acre. C. RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) DISTRICT This district is intended to promote the development of single-family detached units in a suburban setting with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet, and a maximum density of 4.5 units per gross acre. D. RU (RESIDENTIAL URBAN) DISTRICT These districts are intended to promote the development of detached and attached units, duplex, mobile home parks, and small lot subdivisions as part of a planned residential development where the intent is to con- solidate lots to achieve maximum open space. The RU-1 and RU-2 dis- tricts require a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. However, on exist- ing lots of record, recorded prior to June 2,1989, a minimum lot area of 6,200 square feet and existing lot widths and depths are permitted. The RU district allows a maximum density of 8 units per gross acre, and per- mits the development of senior citizen and senior congregate care housing at a maximum density of 12 units per gross acre with a marketing feasibilitv study and a conversion plan. Multi-family units which legally existed in the RU-l and RU-2 districts prior to June 3, 1991, RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICTS may remain as a permitted u~~.use. C> E. These districts are intended to promote the development of multi-family townhomes, condominiums, and apartments. . All multifamily land use districts require a reduced density if the mini- mum lot size for the district is' not met, and shall comply with maximum densities provided in Table 04.02. Multi-family units which legally existed in the multi- family districts prior to June 3, 1991, may remain as a permitted use. \ , '- (Additions to text are underlined) U-2 Attachment 3 (A) 2/92 II-4 2/92 Attachment 3 (B) /1i~-,CJ21 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 2. LAND USE DISTRICT SPECIFIC STANDARDS In addition to the general development requirements contained in Chapter 19.20 (Property Development Standards), the following standards shall apply to specific residential districts: TABLE 04.03 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SPECIFIC STANDARDS Specific Standards RE RL RS RU RM RMH RH CO-1.2 CG-2 CIR-2 A. Accessory + + + + + + + + + + Structures B. Day Care Facility + + + + + + + + + + C. Density Bonus/ + + + + + + + + + + Affordable Housing or Amenities D. Front/Rear Yard + + + + + Averaging E. Golf Courses & + + + + + + + Related Facilities F. Guest House + + + + G. Minimum Room Size + + + + + + + + + + ( H. Minimum Dwelling + + + + + + + + + + Size L Mobile Home & + + + + + + + Manufactured Housing J. Mobile Home Park + + + + + + + or Subdivision ** K. Multiple Family Housing + + + + + + M. Planned Residential + Development N. Recreational + + + + + + + Vehicle Storage o . Second Dwelling + + + + + + + Unit/"Granny"Housing p. Senior Citizen/ + + + + + + + Congregate Care Housing Q. Small Lot Subdivision + ** L.Multi-Family Ho~si~g, + + + + Key: "+" applies in ili~~~.M~e district 11-12 Attachment 3 (e) 2/92 IJl C -/32/ RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 3. All multi-family developments shall provide recreational amenities within the site which may include: a swimming pool; spa; club- house; tot lot with play equipment; picnic shelter - barbecue area; court game facilities such as tennis, basketball, or racquetball; im- proved softball or baseball fields; or, day care facilities. The type of amenities shall be approved by the Director and provided accord- ing to the following schedule: Units Amenities 0-11 0 12-50 1 51-100 2 101-200 3 201-300 4 Add 1 amenity for each 100 additional units or fraction thereof. 4. Off-street parking spaces for multi-family residential developments shall be located within 150 feet from the dwelling unit (front or rear door) for which the parking space is provided. 5. Each dwelling unit shall be provided a minimum of 150 cubic feet of private enclosed storage space within the garage, carport, or im- mediately adjacent to the dwelling unit. 6. Driveway approaches within multiple family developments of 12 or more units shall be delineated with interlocking pavers, rough-tex- tured concrete, or stamped concrete and landscaped medians. 7. All parts of all structures shall be within 150 feet of paved access for single story and 50 feet for multi-story. 8. Common laundry facilities of sufficient number and accessibility consistent with the number of living units and the Uniform Build- ing Code shall be provided. 9. Each dwelling unit shall be plumbed and wired for a washing machine and dryer. L. 10. Management and security plans shall be submitted for review and approval for multi-family developments with 12 or more dwelling units. These plans shall be comprehensive in scope. MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING, EXISTING Additions, alterations and expansions to multi-family housing which legally existed prior to June 3, 1991, shall comply with the standards of the multi family district in which the project is located. (Additions to text are underlined) \ " n-23 Attachment 3 (D-1) 2/92 In t - fiZ( RESIDENTIAL DISTRIcrS -19.04 M. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT/SMALL LOT SUBDIVISIONS Planned Residential Development (PRO) including Oustered Sub- divisions and Small Lot Divisions are permitted in Residential Urban Land use districts subject to Development Permit review. Attached and detached single-family dwelling units are permitted. The purpose of al- lowing these types of developments is to promote residential amenities beyond those expected in conventional residential developments, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well planned neighbor- hoods through creative and imaginative planning as a unit, to provide for appropriate use of land which is sufficiently unique in its physical charac- teristics or other circumstances to warrant special methods of develop- ment, to reduce development probleIns in hillside areas and to preserve areas of natural scenic beauty through the encouragement of integrated planning and design. 1. Density The underlying residential land use district or the Hillside Manage- ment Overlay District shall determine the maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a PRO or Small Lot Subdivision. Where a parcel or parcels have more than one land use district, the maxi- mum number of dwelling units shall be determined by adding together the allowable density for each land use district area. Den- sity transfer throughout the PRO project area is permitted for the promotion of clustering units in those areas suited to development, and thus preserving the open space and natural features of the site. (See Hillside Management Overlay District for restrictions to on- site density transfer.) ( 2. Minimum Lot Size The minimum lot size for a detached single-family unit in a Small Lot Subdivision shall be 5,000.square feet. PRO's may create lot sizes to accommodate the creation of attached single-family dwell- ing units or Clustered Subdivisions. 3. Site Coverage Structures shall not occupy more than 40% of the gross site area. 4. Structure HeightINumber of Attached Dwelling Units Detached single-family structures shall not exceed 2-1/2 stories, or 35 feet. Attached single-family structures shall not exceed 3 stories or 4:: feet. The maximum average number of single-family units at- tacr.ed :n any mar~i.er to form a single structure shall be 6. il-24 Attachment 3 (D-2) 2/92 mt -/:}Z/ RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 N. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE FAOLmES Developments within the multi-family land use districts and with 12 or more dwelling units, shall provide recreational vehicle storage facilities. The storage facilities shall be reviewed as part of the Development Permit and shall be constructed in the following manns: 1. Centralized storage areas shall be provided for recreational vehicles, boats, etc., at a minimum of 1 space for each 8 dwelling units. Any fractional space requirementshall be construed as re- quiring 1 full storage space pursuant to Chapter 19.24 (Off-Street Parking Standards). 2. Individual storage spaces shall measure not less than 12 feet by 30 feet, and shall have direct access to a driveway with a minimum paved width of 25 feel 3. Storage areas shall be paved and drained. 4. Storage areas shall be completely screened from exterior view by a combination of landscaping, masonry walls, fences or other comparable screening devices 8 feet in height, subject to the ap- proval of the Director. O. SECOND DWELUNG UNITf'GRANNY' HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS Second dwelling units require a Development Permit and shall be con- . structed in the follo~g manner: 1. No more than 1 second dwelling unit shall be permitted on any parcel or lot. 2. A second dwelling unit may only be permitted on a residential lot on which there is already built 1 owner occupied single-family detached dwelling unit (main unit). 3. A second dwelling unit may not be permitted on residential lots already having 2 or more dwelling units. 4. The parcel upon which the second dwelling unit is to be established shall conform to all standards of the land use district in which it is located. 5. Any increase in the floor area of an attached second unit shall not exceed 30% of the existing living area of the main dwelling. 6. The total area of floor space for a detached second unit shall not exceed 1200 square feet. ll-27 Attachment 3 (D-3) 2/92 ~JJ( -[:2/ RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 P. SENIOR OTIZEN/CONGREGATE CARE HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS Senior group housing developments are subject to Development Permit review and shall be constructed in the following manner: 1. A bus turnout and shelter on the on-site arterial frontage shall be dedicated if the project is located on a bus route as determined by the Director. 2. Dial-a-ride transportation shuttles shall be provided; number to be determined during project revie~ 3. The parcel upon which the senior group housing facility is to be established shall conform to all standards of the underlying land use district. 4. The senior group housing shall conform with all local, state, and federal requirements. 5. The number of dwelling units shall be based on Table 4.02 (Residential Development Standards). 6. The minimum floor area for each residential unit shall be as follows: Studio: 410 square feet One-bedroom; 510 square feet if kitchen-dining living areas are combined. 570 square feet if kitchen-dining living areas are separate. Two-bedroom: '610 square feet if kitchen-dining living areas are combined. 670 square feet if kitchen-dining living areas are separate. 7. The main pedestrian entrance to the development, common areas, and the parking facility shall be provided with handicapped access pursuant to Section 19.24.050. 8; Indoor common areas and living units shall be handicap adaptable and be provided with all necessary safety equipment (e.g., safety bars, etc.), as well as emergency signal/intercom systems as deter- mined by the Director. 0-29 Attachment 3 (D-4) 2/92 lii/' ..:7Zj RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS -19.04 f. Senior citizen/ congregate care parking requirements may be ( adjusted on an individual project basis, subject to a parking study based on project location and proximity to services for senior citizens including, but not limited to medical offices, shopping areas, mass transit, etc 15. The project shall be designed to provide maximum security for residents, guests, and employees. 16. Trash receptacle(s) shall be provided on the premises. Trash receptacle(s) shall comply with adopted Public Works Department Standards and be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated. The receptacle(s) shall be screened from public view on at least 3 sides by a solid wall 6 feet in height and on the fourth side by a solid gate not less than 5 feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The wall and gate shall be architecturally compatible with the surrounding buildings and structures. The receptacle(s) shall be located within close proximity to the residential units which they are intended to serve. 17. Residential occupancy shall be limited to single persons over 60 years of age or married couples of which one spouse is over 60 C years of age. lB. Developers of Senior Citizen/Congregate Care housing which have a density larger than that allowed in the underlying land use district, shall provide a marketing analysis which analyzes long term feasibility and a conversion plan of Senior residential units to standard units, with a corresponding reduction in the number of units to equal the density allowed in the underlying land use district if the project is not occupied by Seniors 60 years of age or older. The feasibility study and conversion plan shall not be required if the project is sponsored by any government housing agency, the City's Development Department or a non-profit housing development corporation. IT the proposed project is to be located in the CO-I, CO-2 land use district the conversion plan shall address the transformation of residential units into the uses allowed in the Commercial Office land use districts. 19. All parts of all structures shall be within 150 feet of paved access for single-story and 50 feet for multi-story. Q. SMALL LOT SUBDMSION STANDARDS Standards for small lot subdivisions are located in Subsection L (Planned ( Residential Development Standards) of this chapter. D-31 Attachment 3 (D-5) 2/92