HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-825 1 Ordinance No. MC-825 2 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTIONS 19.02.050, 19.06.020, TABLE 06.01(G), 19.06.030(1) (B), 3 19.06.030(2), AND 19.24.040 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO PERMIT INDOOR RETAIL CONCESSION MALLS IN THE 4 COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG-1, CG-2, CG-4) AND COMMERCIAL HEAVY (CH) LAND USE DISTRICTS CITYWIDE, AND TO PROVIDE STANDARDS BY WHICH THE 5 USE MAY BE ESTABLISHED. 6 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION 1. Page 1-14, section 19.02.050, DEFINITIONS, is 8 amended as follows: 9 [See Exhibit lA, (Page 1-14 of the Development Code) attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] 10 11 12 13 14 a) Add "Indoor Retail Concession Mall. Any indoor, multi- tenant, retail or discount mall, operated during regular business hours, wherein the majority of square footage is used (or offered) for concession or leased floor area andlor wall space for which a fee, commission or lease is charged. Individual licensed vendors shall be permitted to engage in sales of either new or used merchandise.". 15 SECTION 2. Page 1-23, section 19.02.050, DEFINITIONS, is amended as follows: 16 [See Exhibit IB, (Page 1-23 of the Development Code) attached 17 hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] 18 a) Delete the words" indoor or" from the definition of "Swap Meets". 19 SECTION 3. Page 11-70, section 19.06.020, Table 20 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS LIST OF PERMITTED amended as follows: 06.01(G), USES, is 21 [See Exhibit 1C, (Page 11-70 of the Development Code) attached 22 hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] 23 a) Add: "539B. Indoor Retail Concession Mall"; 24 25 IIII 26 IIII 27 28 b) Place a "C" under CG-1, CG-2, CG-4 and CH columns. IIII IIII 1 MC-825 . SECTION 4. Page 11-90, section 19.06.030(1) (B), Table 06.03 OMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SPECIFIC STANDARDS, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 [See Exhibit 1D, (Page 11-90 of the Development Code) attached ereto and incorporated herein by reference.] 6 SECTION 5. Page 11-102, Section 7 DISTRICT SPECIFIC STANDARDS as follows: 8 a) b) c) Reletter Items I through Q to read J through R. Add New Item I, "Indoor Retail Concession Malls"; Add a "+" in the columns under CG-1, CG-2, CG-4 and CH. 19.06.030(2) , LAND USE [See Exhibit 1E, (Pages 11-102, II-102A, 11-103, 11-104, 11- 9 114, and 11-117, of the Development Code) attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a) b) On Pages 11-102, 11-103, 11-104, 11-114, and 11-117, Reletter Items I through 0 to read J through P. Add New Item I, "Indoor Retail Concession Malls Indoor retail concession malls are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall comply with the following standards: 1. Additional refuse containers may be required. 2. A centralized loading area is required. 3. A parking study may be required which addresses available off-street parking for establishments which are proposed for tenant suites within existing multi-tenant, commercial centers. 4. Indoor retail concession malls shall be considered to be one tenant for purposes of Development Code sign standards." 21 SECTION 6. Page III-53, Section 19.24.040, NUMBEROFPARKING SPACES REQUIRED, is amended as follows: [See Exhibit 1F, (Page III-53 of the Development 23 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 24 22 25 26 27 IIII 28 / / / Code) a) Add "Indoor Retail Concession Malls" after "Hotel/motels" in the USE column; and b) next to it, in the NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES column, add, "1 space per 200 square feet per gross floor area, plus 1 space per vendor space.". 2 MC-825 1 ORDINANCE.. . AMENDING SECTIONS 19.02.050,19.06.020, TABLE 06.01(G), 19.06.030(1) (B), 19.06.030(2), AND 19.24.040 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO 2 MUNICIPAL (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO PERMIT INDOOR RETAIL CONCESSION MALLS IN THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL (CG-1, CG-2, CG-4) AND COMMERCIAL 3 HEAVY (CH) LAND USE DISTRICTS CITYWIDE, AND TO PROVIDE STANDARDS BY WHICH THE USE MAY BE ESTABLISHED. 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted 5 by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at 6 regular meeting therefore, held on the 16th day of a 7 March 1992, by the following vote, to wit: , 8 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENI' 9 ESTRADA x - - 10 REILLY x - - 11 HERNANDEZ x - - 12 MAUDSLEY x - - 13 MINOR x - - 14 POPE-LUDLAM x - - 15 MILLER x - - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of Q~~~~ City Clerk 0 The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this ~. ' day March , 1992. . /. . / ~/ ,/f ___"I t' J ~<:~~~~i\~~'/ city of\San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: ~/I'__ 1 J&/j..z~~ /) Lr_ 3 Me 825 BASIC l'ROVlSIONS -19.02 Gross Floor Area. The area included within the surrounding exterior finish wall surface of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of courtyards. Guest House. living quarters, having no kitchen facilities, located on the same premises with a main building and occupied for the sole use of members of the family, temporary guest, or persons permanently employed on the premises. Half StoI:Y. A story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, plates of which are not more than 2 feet above the floor of such story. Home OCCl.\Pation. An activity conducted in compliance with Chapter 19.54 carried out by an occupant conducted as an accessory use within the primary dwelling unit. Hospital. An institution, designed within an integrated campus setting for the diag- nosis, care, and treatment of human illness, including surgery and primary'treatment. &tcl. Guest rooms or suites occupied on a transient basis, with most rooms gaining ac- cess from an interior hallway. Indoor Retail Concession Mall. *(See Below) Infill Development. Development that occurs on up to 4 contiguous vacant lots scat- tered within areas that are already largely developed or urbanized. Generally, these sites are vacant because they were once considered of insufficient size for development, because an existing building located on the site was demolished or because there were other, more desirable sites for development. Junk and Salvage Facility. Primary or accessory use of structures and/or land for storage, dismantling and/or selling of cast-off, unused, scrap or salvage material of any sort. Kennel. Any lot where 4 or more dogs, cats, or other small animals over the age of 4 months are kept, whether such keeping is for pleasure, profit, breeding, or exhibiting, including places where said animals are boarded, kept for sale, or hire. Kitchen. Any room, all or part of which is designed and/or used for storage, refrigera- tion, cooking and the preparation of food. T .andsca,ping. An area devoted to or developed and maintained predominantly with na- tive or exotic plant materials including lawn, groundcover, trees, shrubs, and other plant materials; and also including accessory decorative outdoor landscape elements such as pools, fountains, paved or decorated surfaces (excluding driveways, parking, loading, or storage areas), and sculptural elements. Land Use Zoning District. A portion of the City within which certain uses of land and structures are defined, and regulations are specified. * Indoor Retail Concession Mall. Any indoor, multi-tenant, retail or discount mall, operated during regular business hours, wherein the majority of square footage is used (or offered) for concessio~ or leased floor area and/or wall space for which a fee, commission or lease is charged. Individual licensed vendors shall be permitted to engage in sales of either new or used merchandise. 1-14 EXHIBIT lA 2/92 - '...., ~.' -' ..:....- C;ta61;~vate. An accessory structure for the keeping of horses or ponies for the use of occupants of the premises. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System. The classification of establishments by type of activity which is determined by its prindpal product or group of products produced or distributed, or services rendered. The purpose of the system is to facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation and analysis of data relating to the estab- lishments. This system is detailed in the Federal Office of Management and Budget's Standard Industrial Classification Manual, as amended. Stora~. A space or place where goods, materials and/or personal property is put for more than 24 hours. ~. That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the sur- face of the floor next above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space 'between such floor and the ceiling above it. Stt=t. Any public or private thoroughfare, which affords a primary means of access to abutting property. C;trnmm'. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground. Swap Meets. Any outdoor place, location, or activity where new or used goods or secondhand personal property is offered for sale or exchange to the general public by a multitude of individual licensed vendors, usually in compartmentalized spaces; and, where a fee may be charged to prospective buyers for adfmission, or a fee may be charged for the privilege of offering or displaying such merchandise. The term swap meet is interchangeable with and applicable to: flea markets, auctions, open air markets, farmers markets, or other similarly named or labeled activities; but the term does not include the usual supermarket or department store retail operations. Temporal:}' Use. A use established for a specified period of time, with the intent to dis- continue the use at the end of the designated time period. Traffic Safety Sight Area. A space that is set aside on a comer lot in which all visual obstructions, such as structures and plantings, that inhibit visibility and thus cause a hazard to traffic and pedestrian safety are prohibited. Transient Basis. A continuous period of 2 weeks or less. ~. The purpose (type and extent) for which land or a building is arranged, designed, or intended, or for which either land or a structure is occupied or maintained. Use Initiation. The implementation of a use on a parcel or occupancy of a structure, or construction of substantial site improvements after a building permit has been issued, subject to determination by the Director. 1-23 Exhibit 1 a 2/92 ~ f!? """' Q) ~Cl (/) tV .,.,:;: <1l E Q) Q) ....,<: <D 01 1:1 QJ 0 Cii (/) Q) , ~.,., , <ll c: og~ >. Q) 0- > ~8 E <ll (/) U) (/) 1:1~ _01 tV ' . 0 .c = r....Ul ~ c: "'Q)>. <ll 0 QJ <ll._ <D l!! (/) l!!Cl Q)...- .c ~ fd~ <ll= Eo (J (/) - 1:1~ ~. -<D -<llCl. ~ Q) ~ 8, <ll;tCl. (/) .~ ro c: 01 a! - <D Q) U c: <D <D- E ~ :a E ~ .S <: 0 <D tV -,g 01 'E (/) (/) <D ~- ml!! := HU -~ a: (/) <D ::I'::' -,m 0 -0 .g <ll <D- <Il ~ c: <ll c: := l!!- 'it! M oi '<Il .- .c Q) <Il (/) '0.: Lt)(/) M- oog :2 - 1:1 c(CI Lt) -t:: 010 " c: Q) <Il c: .c... o.c .co .- U') ~ Q) (/) OlM jjj:g 01 ~-6 0 <ll ~ - <ll C\l trllf) . Lt)Cl. Lt);t ~c: CD.!!! 01 Lt) ~'6 a) u.: ci - d C\i M . Lt) Lt) Lt) Lt) 11-70 Exhibit lC 2,192 t/) w - cc: ~ t/) - o ...;It/) <0 -cc: cc:< ali;o . ::J Z ~o:< ~Z!-' ...;I_t/) =oU ~z!!: <u ...;I~ <Q., _t/) u cc: ~ ~ ~ o u MC-825 ~ COMMEROAL DISTRICTS -19.D6 + + + + + + + + + Ul III ..... .j..J ..... ..... ..... () ro "" o 0:: 22 c: o ..... Ul Ul III () c: o u + + + ... o Ul 0..... '0..... c: ro H::E: H + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ >, CD CJ 0 e .5 .~ ~ - en.la "0 4-< 0.. c: ~ c: en 4-< ~ o :: en t1l en t1l 0 CJ U c: CD en '" c: en," _ () ~ C1S ... Q) :J .- Q) ~ ..... ,.., en CD en E 0 ._ t1l en .- >, 0>- ..... CDen CD U'J-.-:=~ o:3=-(I)c: ..... - ro en l!! 1il tJl '8 -. '13 c:;' c: ..... Ul E c: .j..J tJl CD U'J is - CD t1l &! :I: t1l 'Cij .2.9 tJl E c: 0 0 III .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g lL. 2 ~ .~ lL.o ::l S S C:o ~.S g~ '" en CD .- .- CD CD CD tJl t1l E en U'J U'J.- I Ul ' ::l ~~:I:-~~=~ c::I: tJl - CD - CD ~ 0 c: t1l I- t1l 0 t1l ::: CD CD ~ Ill... "J'- o tJl E tJl CD" ,""'-lL. (J ~ (J (J Q).....1Il...,0 == ~ c: ::l > ..... CD ~ U'J._ >-.9.- '- > 0' > 0'..0:: ::l 8 CD(J .5! .5! c: c: >- > 'c:':" ..:.. == (J c: ~ ~ c: c: c: c:- 'C ._::l::l 0 0 t1l 'C: ._ c: ::l CD CD CD Q) 0..... 0..... ::l <<~<<CDUCC~~~~~~~u~u~ < a:i cj ci W LL: d :i t"J ~ ...:l::E: Z 0 Cl. 0 0::, D-90 Exhibit lD 2/92 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS .19.ll6 MC-825 9. Menu boards shall be a maximum of 30 square feet, with a maximum height of 7 feet, and shall face away from the street. 10. Drive-thru restaurants within an integrated shopping center shall have an architectural style consistent with the theme established in the center. The architecture of any drive-thru restaurant must pro- vide compatibility with surrounding uses in form, materials, colors, scale, etc. Structure plans shall have variation in depth and angle to create variety and interest in its basic form and silhouette. Articulation of structure surface shall be encouraged through the use of openings and recesses which create texture and shadow pat- terns. Structure entrances shall be well articulated and project a for- mal entrance through variation of architectural plane, pavement surface treatment, and landscape plaza. 11. No drive-thru aisles shall exit directly onto a public right-of-way. I. Indoor Retail Concession Malls * (See Page II-I02A) J. MINI-MALLS Mini-malls (small scale, up to 30,000 square feet, multi-tenant shopping centers) are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall comply with the following standards. 1. All development and operational standards outlined in Section 19.06.030 (2)(F) (Convenience Stores), except for items Nos. 4 and 17 shall apply. 2. The development shall provide internal continuity, uniformity, and compatibility relating to architectural design, vehicular and pedestrian access, and on-site provisions for landscaping, loading, parking, and signage. 3. To the extent feasible, the on-site vehicular circulation system shall provide continuity with adjacent and similar commercial developments. 4. No outdoor displays or sale of merchandise shall be permitted. However, limited outdoor sales may be allowed subject to the is- suance of a Temporary Use Permit. 5. Every parcel with a structure shall have a trash receptacle on the premises. The trash receptacle shall comply with adopted Public Works Department standards and be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated. The receptacles(s) shall be n-102 Exhibit lE-l 2/<:;2 -) ~ - . MC-825 * 1. Indoor Retail Concession Malls Indoor retail concession malls are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall comply with the following standards: 1. Additional refuse containers may be required. 2. A centralized loading area is required. 3. A parking study may be required which addresses available off-street parking for establishments which are proposed for tenant suites within existing multi-tenant, commercial centers. 4. Indoor retail concession malls shall be considered to be one tenant for purposes of Development Code sign standards. Page II-I02A - u_-l I 2/92 COMl'vfERClAL DISTRICTS -19.06 MC-825 screened from public view on at least 3 sides by a solid wall 6 feet in height and on the fourth side by a ",lid gate not less than 5 feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The wall and gate shall be ar- chitecturally compatible with the surrounding structures. ''Ii' K. MINI-STORAGE Mini-storage fadlities are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall be constructed in the following manner: 1. The minimum site area shall be 20,000 square feet. 2. The site shall be entirely paved, except for structures and land- scaping. 3. All on-site lighting shall be energy efficient, stationary and directed away form adjoining properties and public rights-of-way. 4. All landscaping shall be installed and permanently maintained pursuant to the provisions of Chap~ 19.28 (Landscaping Stand- ards). 5. All on-site signage shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19.22 (Sign Standards). 6. The site shall be completely enclosed with a 6 foot high solid decorative masonry wall, except for points of ingress and egress (in- cluding emergency fire access) which shall be properly gated. The gate(s) shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when in use. 7. No business activity shall be conducted other than the rental of storage spaces for inactive storage use. 8. All storage shall be located within a fully enclosed structure(s). 9. No flammable or otherwise hazardous materials shall be stored on-site. 10. Residential quarters for a manager or caretaker may be provided in the development. n-l03 Exhibit lE-2 '2/92 '. COMMERCIAL DISTRICI'S -19.06 MC-825 11. The development shall provide for 2 parking spaces for the manager or caretaker, and a minimum of 5 spaces located adjacent or in a close proximity to the manager's quarters for customer park- ing. 12. Aisle. width shall be a minimum of 25 feet between buildings to provide unobstructed and safe circulation. 13. Every parcel with a structure shall have a trash receptacle on the premises. The trash receptacle shall comply with adopted Public Works Department standards and be of sufficient size to accom- modate the trash generated. The receptacles(s) shall be screened from public view on at least 3 sides by a solid wall 6 feet in height and on the fourth side by a solid gate not less than 5 feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The wall and gate shall be architectural- ly compatible with the surrounding structures. 14. Storage facilities located adjacent to residential districts shall have their hours of operation restricted to 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, and 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on Sun- days. L. MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING Refer to Section 19.04.030 (2)(1<). M. RECYCLING FAOLmES FOR REUSEABLE DOMESTIC CONTAINERS Recycling facilities are subject to permit review in all commercial and in- dustrialland use districts according to the following schedule: T~ of Facility Reverse Vending Machine(s) Districts P~rmittM All Commercial and All Industrial Permit Required Development Permit and up to 5 reverse vending machines Small Collection CG-l, CG-2, CR-3 (So. of 1-10) and All Industrial Development Permit Large Collection CH and All Industrial Conditional Use Permit Ught Processing All Industrial Conditional Use Permit Heavy Processing All Industrial Conditional Use Permit a-11M Exhibit lE 3 2/92 \-V:yL't'l-C.t\.....U"\..... Ul::J.i. lUeT;:, - 19,00 MC-825 13) Donation areas shall be kept free of litter and any other undesirable material. The containers shaII be clearly marked to identify the type of material that may be deposited. The facility shaII display a notice stating that no material shaII be left outside the recy_ cling containers; ~ 14) Signs shaII be installed pursuant to Chapter 19.22 (Sign Standards). AdditionaIIy, the facility shall be clearly marked with the name and phone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation; 15) No dust, fumes, smoke, vibration or odor above ambient level shaII be detectable from adjacent residentially designated parcels; and 16) The facility shaII maintain adequate on-site refuse containers for the disposal of non- hazardous waste. N. SENIOR OTIZEN/CONGREGATE CARE HOUSING STANDARDS Refer to Section 19.04.030 (2)(P). o. SERVICE STATION (GASOLINE) STANDARDS Service stations are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shaII comply with the following standards: I. New service stations shaII be permitted only at the intersections of major and secondary arterials, and their intersections with freeway off-ramps. A maximum of 2 service stations shaII be per- mitted at each intersection. The use shall not adjoin a residential land use district. 2. The minimum parcel size shaII be 15,000 square feet, with a minimum street footage of 100 feet on each street. 3. All activities and operations shaII be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, except as follows: a. The dispensing of petroleum products, water and air from pump islands. b. The provision of emergency service of a minor nature. 0-114 Exhibit lE-4 .2/92 . ~ CO.\1.\<ItK\..LAL Dl:, r Rl\.. ",. i"vI> - MC-825 20. Where an existing service station adjoins property in a residential land use district, a 6 foot high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed at the time the station requires a permit for the on-site improvement/modification. Materials, textures, colors and design of the wall shall be compatible with on-site development and adjoining properties. When the wall reaches the established front-yard setback line of a residentially designated lot abutting or directly across an alley from the service station, it shall decrease to a height of 30 inches. 21. Restroom entrances viewable from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way shall be concealed from view by planters or decorative screening. 22. Noise from bells or loudspeakers shall not be audible beyond the property line at any time. 23. All parking, loading, circulation aisles, and pump island bay areas shall be constructed with (PCC) concrete. 24. No pump nozzle on self-service islands shall be equipped. with hold open devices. P . SERVICE STATION CONVERSIONS A structure originally constructed as a service station and which is proposed for conversion to another allowable use shall require upgrading and remodeling for such items as, but not limited to, removal of all gasoline appurtenances, removal of canopies, removal of pump islands, removal of gas tanks, removal of overhead doors, additional street im- provements or modification of existing improvements to conform to ac- cess regulations, exterior remodeling, and any additional standards as re- quired by this Development Code. Q. SINGLE FAMILY/OFFICE CONVERSIONS R. SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY (SRO) FACILITIES II-117 Exhibit lE-5 2/92 OFF-STREIT P A.RKI"G ST A.'DARDS -19.24 Me 825 ll$ ~ Commercial Uses Hotels!motels Indoor Retail Concession Mqlls *(See Below) Luoe-n-tune Multi-tenant auto-related facilities Offices, general: } gfa. up to 2000 sf. 2001 to 7500 sf. 7501 to 40000 sf. 40001 and greater Office, medical! dental Restaurants, cafes, bars and other eating and drinking establishments (gfa. includes outdoor seating! eating area) Restaurants, with drive-up or drive-thru facilities (including outdoor seating areas) Delicatessen! donut shop ") Retail commercial * Indoor Retail Concession Malls NUMBER OF REOUIRED SPACES 1.1 space for each bedroom, plus requirements for related commer- cial uses, plus 1 space for each 50 sf. of gfa. of main assembly room, plus 2 spaces for manager's unit. For facilities visable from any freeway, on-site parking for "big rigs" shall be determined at project review. I space per bay, plus 1 space for each employee, plus 2 space queueing lanes for each bay. I space for each 200 sf. of gfa., plus 1 space for each employee. 1 space for each 200 sf. 1 space for each 250 sf. 1 space for each 300 sf. I space for each 350 sf. 10 spaces for first 2000 sf. ,plus 1 space for each additional 175 sf. over 2000 sf. 1 space for each 35 sf. of public seating area, plus 1 space for each 200 sf. of all other gross floor area, with a minimum of 10 spaces. 1 space for each 100 sf. of gfa. plus one lane for each drive-up window with stacking space for 6 vehicles before the menu board. 1 space for each 100 sf. of gfa. 1 space for each 250 sf. of gfa. 1 space per 200 sq. ft. per gross floor area plus I space per vendor space. III -53 Exhl;)lt ~_ 2/92