HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-979 Adopted: Effective: August 5, 1996 September 5, 1996 1 ORDINANCE NO. MC-979 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19 .22 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) 3 REGARDING THE USE OF PERMANENT FLAGS BY SPECIFIED USES. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 19.22 of the Municipal Code (Development Code) is amended to allow the use of permanent flags by specified uses. SECTION 2. section 19.22.030 DEFINITIONS, is amended to add a definition for "Permanent Flags": 10 11 12 13 14 "Permanent Flaqs. Any canvas, vinyl-coated fabric, acrilan, or similar material used for decorative or architectural enhancement and is not used for commercial advertising of products or services. Permanent flags are related to a cultural or civic event or goal of the City." 15 16 to read as follows: SECTION 3. section 19.22.060(C) PROHIBITED SIGNS, is amended 17 18 "C. Banners, flags and pennants, except as permitted by section 19.22.090." 19 20 renumbered as sections 19.22.100 through 19.22.160. 21 SECTION sections through 19.22.150 19.22.090 4. are SECTION 5. A new section 19.22.090 is added to read as 22 follows: 23 "19.22.090 PERMANENT FLAGS 24 Permanent flags may be installed subject to a comprehensive 25 sign program pursuant to section 19.22.040(2). Permanent flags 26 shall be permitted only if in connection with a cultural or 27 civic event or goal of the City. Standards of safety and 28 1 As amended July 15, 1996. MC-979 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 maintenance shall be assured. Such flag programs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. Permitted uses/buildings include auditoriums, convention halls, performance centers, libraries, museums, public agency facilities, approved urban design plans, and other uses/buildings deemed similar by the Director, pursuant to section 19.02.070(3). 2. Flags shall be constructed of pliable materials such as canvas, vinyl-coated fabric, acrilan, or similar materials which will withstand exposure to wind and rain without significant deterioration. 3. No sign permits for single flags and banners are permitted. 4. No cOlnmercial advertising of products or services is permitted on permanent flags. 5. All permanent flags shall require building permits as necessary for construction or installation. 6. Decorative flags shall be placed so there is no projection above the eaveline of the subject building. 7. Flag copy shall be limited to the name and date of publicized event. 8. The number and location of permanent flags shall architecturally enhance the structure on which they are placed." SECTION 6. section 19.22.150 SIGN REGULATIONS, TABLE 022.01, is amended to permit Permanent Flags pursuant to section 19.22.090 in co, COllllllercial Office Districts B-1l; CN, CG, CR and CH COllllllercial Districts C-6; OIP, IL, IH, and IE Industrial Districts and A, 2 MC-979 1 Airport Districts D-4; PP, Public Parks E-2; PF, Public Facilities 2 Districts F-2. See Attachment "A", Development Code pages II-31 to 3 III-39C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4 IIII 5 IIII 6 IIII 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 MC-979 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.22 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) 2 REGARDING THE USE OF PERMANENT FLAGS BY SPECIFIED USES. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted 4 by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 5 6 rel2ular meeting thereof, held on the ,to day of AUQ:ust , 1996, by the following vote to wit: Council Members ABSENT ABSTAIN NAYS AYES X 7 8 NEGRETE 9 x CURLIN 10 ARIAS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 x x OBERHELMAN x DEVLIN x ANDERSON x MILLER ~k~ The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this nth Au~ust day of , 1996. --.-- A \ 7 e""7?L ~ft.~ Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 21 Approved as to form and legal content: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JAMES City F. PENMAN torney ~ J fu~ By: 4 - -----= SlGl'lllf,G~l'''''' -- to\C-919 1 l ;; i r '% tP .\ t " %"~"i S> '08- ~.g sf, it 5.~';"'- t"' lii-O ~ 10 "Pti ti ~ $llit . "'"i " 1 i~~ Ii - ~ ~ i 'i 1I ~ 2, i ! ~\\\i\ ~\. I '2 'il5. i ti ,;. t.i iji l; \0 ~ \i .. .. 0 ;..!::l .. .. "' . . ='" .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ~ ,.. f,t ~ t U -:\ 15' t S ~ \ il \~ \ 1 i! . 'it ---~ -~ 1: ii\ tt l Cl .s; Ii 5z j ;< ;;,I t -:< ~~ l5. ..\ g ~)'" Ii t-a.' 1 C>~ \"l\ \ ~tf.l ~\ l" ~Z ..\ \~\ u, ~O 1\ ~S it 1 151- . ... _ 'G :'15l; S co ~ ~ G ~ t:llo !i ~ \ ~ ~c ~i. II"; \\ it ~tj -. i: z ~ .. $ g. '!! ; f/'J 1 \ ~ ~ti ! i i ~ ... 1 ~\ : ~ ~\ 1 i. I ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ \ s ~ i\ t t \ , 'I 'I i. l: 1: 1: ! i \1 \\\ ,\ \ \!\ \ ~ \1 1 .. ... Ii tl - .. 1i1-33 1~ - ----- TABLE 022.01 (con't) SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM ILLUMINATION CLASS TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT LOCATION AllOWED REMARKS l~ I C. SIGNS PERMmED IN eN. CO. CR. AND at COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS I~ , Rw... T.,.,. 81.. . Not oM III. c.n.., .. Ilutlnoll Wdor_ One .lngle Ioce 1.5 ..1. ./alan MIIy nol proloct._ tho MIIy bo I.Clllld on poropol VOl Allowable aggreoall WIN slgnfl} Ir.. thai Iclonllllcodon .ign per bid.. per ... per nch ..wen. or _y. Indude ar... at allowed permanent window .1N1l or perking ftnullaol 01 bid. .ign.. 101 fronlllgl. Iron1Ino on I MIl.. 3 aIgn. per 11I.01. 75 '.1. bu.In.... mo..lan.....ln eN.._. 100 '.1. mu. 1n1lddl1lon,1.5 ..1.01 aIgn... per-- Iaot 01... bld'.. __1IonW ~I . pIlIlIc-- It prov!doel ~arn . _'lrHIorpll!tl. Inglol. SO..I.mu. b. Siugle Teuan.... WaD or One primary .7S s.r. of total May Dot May be Yes a. Tenant space shall have a 15,000 sq. ft. canopy and up to sign area per project above located on minimum of 100 linear feet or larger in four info. eacb lineal ft. of eaveline parapet or of wall length. multi-tenant or signs per lbe building canopy b. Informational signs are .... single teoant primary bldg. walll""lllb. allowed on the primary wall ~ site-i frontage. One Secondary walls only. Two sigos for the lint primary sign must have street 100', one sign per 50 additional ~ per secondary frontage or feet up to a max. of 4 sigus. wall, parkint! 101 c. Sec #1 (single twanl) or #4 ~ maximum of frontage with a (multiple tenant) sites for other three signs cwtomer sign slandards .. per bwiness entrance ::l c.llutlnou ProIocdng One doubll I... 25..1. mu. po< MIIy notexlend beyond Moy only bo ._10 tho VOl .. AulhorllOd In leu 01. wallltgn. ~ Idonllllcodon .ign po< ~onlOgl. ,.... oevellno. bid, 10 which "'" OIlPI' relol'" b. AulhorilOd only _e no building aolbod< II required . . .... .&;..ld.9ualnn. WIndow One .ign po< 25% 0' tho gIou Window IellOflng permlnoel on No. exceplllgnl Allowable Iggr8Qate 01 wIndow slgn(s) 'C N '0 Idonillcodon (permonont) window IIrH upon whk:h Interior 01 exterior 01 gl811 tonatruded of .,8. shall Include Ireas 01 allowable wa. N 01:0- tho "anl.locoted. window or door. neon tub.leners signs. end/or aymbol. "f~ll\.~ 0'21.01 \C01\'O SIGN ll\'.GUU'fIONS \l~ UNO US\'. C"''f\'.GOll~ \\.\.u"Itt,..tlOl' \\E",,\\\tS \ ""."",\lIA .,,1.I,,\lIA AU.O'ffEO ."."",u" SIGtl "aG"1 \.OC"llOl' .. \\Ill. ....1 I"""aoe 01 100' ,equ\fad. ; N\lIA8E\\ sIGN ,,\\~ ~S 1'fI'E ")II"'" ...",. ."",. 'I" one (jOIid.' ,... 1u.l.~cN, aft.e\lO'l.o<t.dt..,ft. w..d"'''''...... 1>.l'\On'" bO" o<~.". .... \0 be ~I ~.,poft>\ll''"''' "",..dad .qu.' \0 4 """ ,he .... 01.... .. eu.\rI8" .lQlI"" ,,"'" :l1"I.~cG. \e~~ elfl....... loW/"", be I.... 01\118 "On. 1d~\\OO\IOlI komeG" C~,...llC", IO<8'ad "'*'" 100 ft. 01 ..loW/ be ...."ad ",Ilhln S ft. 01 ~"- \Il8""\ onYlldlelllcl. !lQh1.OI."'''' . SlIeII"'" be \OO8-lad .0.. 'I" SlIslI ,... ....V ""'" \118 ....1. (l!\8...,l>ld. ~..,. 7ft. 1O\l8.\I...fll\Old~ I. Or",.\lVII .,.....lJOIId .. tOruer radiUS ............ ..51\8 _I \18",.1 \OeII 300 ft. kOfl\8G8 .,.vbe~~ 'I" ed\8o&l"1O ""I\O\lI.oI."'.V 0" .11I. 01 .1S..I...... 1S ft., 'l!I'" 22 ft......~ ~I" one~""" 1m""' elOn "",," <P(1t """,",."ed"~ ..... lede<oI "...."'. ,. eus\rI8" pOle elO" 'l!It> .lQlI................ """. ....lleIo\llond '""""""'''' 1>. 1I.lel 10 seo. IG.I4.Q'.\O\6\' (1). f......'" 1d~\\O&Ilon d8t"'.....,d8 .. """""",'" ...,.... .. cor<\dOl ()>IeII'" Io"" \0< .lQlI ....... """'.1 of .n er....... ,.,pa\lQl\l. ...IQI\"""o<<P(1tIl'" ~\O So<\iDIl19.11.0%\l\~) f~"oy 0'" double (o<<,sile) faCe sigtl -per ~\ q\~a\ifyu,g \)"sinO's U"""-- ~ M>O'" \118 "''''''''''. 01 \118 'I" .. COI'l II """ad \0 .... ",,"ponY """'" ~.. \>U\\d11'4 .....oed In. .\nglt Q"". Wll .... f""'.....llid. _SOO ..1. tlQh8., _ ,...ll """'" \118 1>. (;ClIlIll8"'/ \OQOI "",V be ",ad \n ..~ \SOt f""" 22-11 ld~ftCa\IOlI ......\08. (;llI1IlI\n'\IOlI""'\O\\"'. t. S\Q1\I s\IllII be de.lQ""d \0 \>8 t~\\lI' wi'" 11\' ..tlI\tecIU" 01 \118 \)U\IdI...... \lO.....Il\8..,.on<I-,.. _1l\8."""",,,oI1h8 'I" WoI.1" f""'.....\ild. 22..1............ 1I1"l11d1.....Ie\el.. ,""",,,,\lIO'/\<I8Il~!-I' I>.~er'/ .... .,...\8\18< 1....... ,,",gill' It" SlIoll """IIIn ""IV "'" nO"'" 01 "'" t.n'el ldW'lftCa\lOll ~\ tna\n e-n\I-"ce. 'I" one...r ..... ..,..1......""" 6 ft. ~ Glade Of ..... 0( pto\ec\. no \6n8.f'1l \'I\\ono&oon. c. cenW' or ~........ 01 , 11. """'" .,p 01 pI""'el \'to\8C' \lOlII8G" co lond...... """"",. \~ \ .s>- ;;c. ... _.~/--- '\'A6\..f. 0'2.'2..01 ~con'\) SIGtl RIlGUV,lOtlS \\'1 \.AtlV USIl cA.-rIlGOIU clASS TfPE tAt.l\tI\ltA tWlA9ER fP,l\tAUtA S\GN t.REt. ::--- fP,l\tI\ltA S\GN "E\G\\1 ~~~ ~ tUtol6lO" tla'If')\~a\lO"9"" 'fl" Of cenoI'I ()I'<l ~.... .. eus~ 1'" bIcl.1"'....- 1fll1"'".elI ....e\inO. ~\iOlI o'lI8t'<\llQ'll1 """ It olb\<l. \fOlIll'Il. IA", ~ ~0lI' loI'I" 1'" liIl'\n8I" ,pel. Not lIl"'coed ~..I.~od<f\IiOl" \.~.t 01 "" ...1'" ".ell _\011I010\0 ~..!tO' o\4J'l' ton"~ ~Il ~ltOlII".. ",,-Ol1""^'InO \OI.llOllIl ~\ ...ceod 5O.t One prUnarY .15 .,t. .t ...01 M'Y"'" ao. b. SU1g\e T.......... W....r proiect abOve ...~u~l. .;gu ..... l"'r 15,\\llIl....It. ta.l1o-py four \nio. eo<b liueallt. 01 ea"ie\ine OJ \art.et ill sig.ns pet' tIlebu\l~ """",....... or priu'.ry bldg. "'oII....gth. ....g\e """"I ffOd.tag.e.01l2 s<<oudatl' ",oIlS sites {iOnlQt1 si~ll lIlus\ have street -pet secoud1.l11 fflllltage or ",011. par\W1g lot n\axUuUOl of tr.....g. with · three sigUS custoBler peT business eott""'" r~ ()I'<l'\I1'1'" -e,,," 01'" 018" .,~ ~ ....ul""'-"c:h ~\iOlI ..t'I#'ll.....wd \I",,",~ ()I'<l1"'~ ".11'" .... ,.~ \0i)IlllIt...., ~\iOlI \ ~ :c ~ loc,,1\oN Ib~ \Jll \0<819'1 o.I"'''poI o'''''Pl' M'Y"" located. on 1>""'..... or ta>>op,y \llUt.\ltl" 1\()t4 REWI"RltS "llO'HEO ~ ~ .,J -:l ~.s YfIf\llO'l \O\IO'i09l"'noillod 0.10....,. Of ..\OliO. 01 W."~"cloOI. ge'<S""~e\inOaod~ ..""'" Of "",tI\uee ~itll \I. deO.aoee 1tOfII''''''."' \e'leI III \o'lOI"1 po\~ 01 ai\Il'. . ~ ~nQ to..... &\1ll~ ",,,,loP' , <,OOll\il101od liqfI \l'OIl'.m \or oil "",..11 aod u'" in .ctOldaoe<l..m \\10 .a<\ui.......I. 0\ s.<\iOO \9.22.040\2\ b ,,_"'" .'lIl'agalO~oIl &iO"".. ~ . \o<IIl",~..aa\I\U..,dtot """"oanl&igfiOll . c. "ceoII' \. 0,," io ~lI\Cl> \<llio'l'"..ocI lUUcIU'" ... ~ ",.. il\IO\I...od aod ioI"'e\Olod~.SUch "'r.ilJ'il~0\....""m\l8l01 \01', O' "".ceI' ",,~ing UP \1>8 cenl'" ...... .. T""'" .""". ....-n ...... · ,..;n;sn"'" 01 11)0 \inear I'" 01 ",oIIlel'&th. b. lofO~ sigOS .... ollO",ed au tile priu'atl' ",011 oolY Tw" sigOS tor the r.... 11)0: ....;gu I"" SO .ddlIioool , .' I'" uP to . ...... of. sigOS' t. See 'I ~ ...,.,.,) or ,4 ,...u1"pIe """"t) si'" tor oth.r sil\U .1aJlll.rds \10. .,cepl.iQ'" tOfIl\!\ItIod 01 ..... tubO \0\10" ",~bI' .99'llIl"lO ol"n<lo'" lign(" .... ~ i<\G\I)d. ..... 01 ~...>J1> ",allli9'" $iQO' .n" \Jll u..tot'" i!\ COIo,..nd ",siQ" 1ol,,""""I\d8lI~\iCOt\O<I~'tr"'\\IOt8lI"'. TABLE 022.01 (con'O SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM ILLUMINATION CLASS TYPE NUMBER SION AREA SlON HEIGHT LOCATION AllOWED REMARKS ';': n e. Bull.... MOil/men! One double II'" 25 1.1. pet "'" 6 It lbove grade .. 4 It ShI! be .etbeck I min. ot Ve. e Min. .~..t frontege 01 100' required. I~ ldentificetion lboYe"'" ot plenllt' or 5 It hom fronlofllde b. PIanlit' ba.. .. Iandsoepe ere. to be IIndlClpe mound. pnlperty fine.. provided equel to 4 time.1he .re. 01 one tace ot Ihe sign. c. MIY be located ,,;!hin 5 ft. 01 public right olway. MCll345.19.92 f. Ceo" ldendtlcadon Cen_I... _I Ono doubl. face 15 ..1. pet' face Sign IhafI no. exceed ". Shd not be located 10 U to Ve. e. MIn. ....1 honllgl 01200 ft. required. tl1en 25 ..... pereechl.HI halghl 01 the .lrUctur. I. be . haz8ld for drt....way Dr b. Sign mey ldendfy ""'Ier endI.. up ., """1111I. Idondlle... 20 ft.. whlc:h COtner ,edIu.. 3 metor lenant.. .Y'el"I...... c. Plan.. bue Of landtclpe ... equ.llD Of 0,..1er than .. t1mellhe .e. of one fMJI of. Ilgn. d. V.,1Icel d..,enc:e 0110 ft. ",quIrod lot I....terldlng .Ign. projactlng 0.., -.... pe..-.y. t. A minimum 0120'4 of the Ilgn are. ,h8Il be dodlce'ed 10 cenler ldondllc.don MCII345-'9-92 8 Clnlilra 25 ecrl. Monumen. Ono doubI. face '20..1. pet' Sign .hall nol ..coed Shall not be locetod V.. .. Min. ,tree' franlaQe of 1,200 ft. required. , or"....., pet' .~eet face the halgh' 01 the .trudUr. 10 AI D be. haz.,d for U atr"l rronlagels less than 1.200 'HI, ~ --l -Ill. ft Idontltln .. 25 ft.. . drlwwllY or corner lhen the monumenl a1gn d.....lopmenl whIr:11everl.Io... r8dlu.. 'Iandarda for ceoler' Ie" than 25 acre. apply. b. Sign mey ldendfy up eo.. anchor tenenls. c. Planter base or tandllC8p8 lIfel equal 10 or gteller !han .. dmea the life. 01 one f.. or... sign. ~ ... d. Verdcal d.srance or 10 ft. required 'Of ~ lreestandlng signa protecting oyer vehicular passageway. ~ e. A minimum 01 20% of the sign Ilfea shall be dedlcaled 10 cenlef identification. MCIl345"9-92 g.Cenler Morunentor Ono double face 125..1. pet' 25 ft., .lIh 22 ft. mIX- May be located In land- V.. e. Center all. mUll hay. al1e8s1 300 ft. Idondllcellon poIlIlgn wI1h .Ign pet' COllier. face. Imum .Ign Ieee .. copy .eaped ..tback are.. 01 fron180. adtacentlO the rlghl-ot-way 01 (h_I,"dD decorIIdvl CO...." helghl and monumenl.. . atal' or fedltfallreew&y lupportIve Ilructurl 10 b. Refer 10 Sec. 19.14.030(6) a (7), Freew8" consllt of an .e. .qul! Corridor Overlay lone for sign r.guI8tlons. , eo Ilgn lace or copy ar... ..... \C> ~I ~ Ie h. DrIve tvu Menu board Ono per bid. 30..1. 7ft. Shaff not be located 10 u to V.. Shall lace awe.. 'rom Ilreel. reltaurants be I hazard b driveway or corner radius, TABLE 022.01 (contO SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY \~ MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IllUMINATION ClASS rtPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT LOCATION ALLOWED REMARKS .._~CMdnn t. ~ Sladon WaI enepo' .ooot 10'Il001 Wldln\l Not ollO\It ..wtlna "" 20 II. Vo. t. A C<l!Ilblnotlon 01 monumont ond .... may ldtn'4t1eatlon "anlage, me... 2 Iaet "'I'" wNc:hlwr "lnl, fNlY be "'led. but no morl than . toWl o.coed !Il.'" ot3l!ilgnl. end Mon_1 enepo'.ooot 311..1. per laco elttl b. lite "","uman. olvn olteIl b. c1tBlgnod 10 frontage, mal. 2 lncIuclotho Idont\ly ot tho .tallon. Pra olgn. oro oI_d In _donco with ItalB reaulaUOna. b. Spodtl SONICt WaI""Il'CIOlIld Ont lor 0"'" 2 d. per lace 8ft. No Spodol ..rva .Ign. .hall b. limited 10 BUell Sign. ......plolend.noI il&mau..lIl.rve. tuI\ seMt,aIr,wal8f. It I.ceed. cashier and olio" be nonlUum\Mtod. ",tal 01 . per .",lIon. ~\ I ~--_!\- ~ t. ....... Sign. W\I1dOW 25'1lo 01 tho window Gmun<! t\oOr window. only. No a. Sucn atgns sfellmited 10 lempol'ary .... metoSag.S such a' sales or !.peclal events, No business IdeO\ifltalioO It po"nllled. b. lI.to< 10 Soc. 19.22.010. Tol1\llOlll'l SIg"'. b. ConotlUCtlon F....tor1CIIno Ont .lnglo'''' 32..1. IOltOt located aD as not to create N<> e. "uthorized upon the luuante oll. till" per .110.' trlme hazard 0( OV4lf hanG QladlnO Ol' buildIng permit. \!1 ~_9o' pub"c r\atll.o\-woy. b. S\Qn shall be ,emoved prior \0 ~ cBftil\c8te o( occupancy. c. Fu\\lfO facll1y Fr..'tor1dlno. woll one per ,tree' 32..l.por Ilttl Within tho .ubjocl No SlQn aha" be removed upon ~ C'l Of J ftnant ",,001'-. _9O""lon""'. Iaet. property. ()CQ.Ipancy of the bulldingts). ~ d.l\ool E.taIo F....lJIldIno. wall Ont por .ooot 320.!. per IIt.t Within tho .ubjod No To advertise the sale 0( 16aSfli 0' ..001'-. ~onlOQO. f.... property. StruClUf8 or Wounds and 001101 \he purpose of adv.lftislnQ an agenC1 ~ OCOJpylng tM premises. III 6. Pe""aneo1 FlagS ...........t \0 Section 19.11.000. , . t; ~ ~ 'tM1U~. 022.01 (con'\) SIGN llIlG\JU'TlONS 11'/ UND \JSll C....TllGOll~ ",,~IlAW IllWIN"1\OlI RE,,"R\lS ""~\"w ""....u" lOC"1totl "llO'llEO r c~s TlPE "weER 9\0" "REA slGtl tlElG"1 1 \I> 1\1 "ND \1<: INI)\JS'TRIA.l' DIS'TR1C'TS "Nn" "lR\'QR'f ...., .:> D. S\ ,NS l'ERM1'T'TI\D 1 1 ~ Shall ""'... I",."ed ~.. .. ,. """,1>1",,1100 "I "." end 0,,,,,,,(001I' "*""",,",,ISlQI' 000 \lO".... 000 ..1. 01 sill" 'II" sill'" .hsll nol l"0\0"- to.' \0 Cf..\. u..tt\C I\Q.f't. 11'Iay be uaed~ hO'fCe'iet'. the\1 s\oQ\ll1...... ....... ..,ch obO" .~. MonU"'oOl """,blOOd 01" shOll "'" .sGood \II. ",~Irll "'"' foOl 01 sIII"".8 ft. obO" (lItdo '" halOld lot dd-OY cnaJ\mU"' ,\00 ..ea and flO mOl'elh6R ......... ~l1O"\IOO "",,,,,,,,,,,,01 o ft. obO". or (fOln8f rad\UI. al 3 sill'" po< bosl....... ondi'" ",,,,,... '" lor<!""" doI."""",d If1 \hO b. Plao\O' ..... '" loodoG8l'" .,.. 0<\001 en ....l. C\\Y EOW..... 1\0110 .sooed ~. \0 Of Q'eate1 thl1'\ '\h8 area 01 008 \tlCI WellSlon 1lIO'.t ota'~o. \'11<'''''''' I" F<_oy one d.ouble s.cUoo 19J1.OS0(4) (off,,,,e) fOCesitlB 1"'< qoolif)'ing \)UsU\e5S t.~l"""" SlIt' ~ \ ..ceO"'or~ 000.1..... 8 ~. obO". Q,e<\e '" "",s. Shall "",...\OClIled ~" a. P\e.J\tel baS' Of \andscape af.. equat EO"".... 0009"' 01 0 1I.""""'''''' 01 ",an'" 10 a' \0 Cf.atevalne to OI! Weat., than tM Ifta 0' one ,ace ~ \ll0n'4~ ,..",,,,",",,1 ..... 00...... - '" Ieod"'""" ....und. halOld '.' dd""8Y ot8S\Qo. ""'''''''....fl\lIlOl Of corner ,ad\UI. as b. $\1011 tOf\taI" ~ me "om' "I m. "'.....c\IOlI. dolonn\o'd If1 \hO center Of f."Q\eCl. no ten,n\ \0'oe"'3\\0I't CIl'/EOWnoo" one ,.1. 01 sill" MeY noll"o\OCI ,- ~.. a. Snan contain on\V ~ name and ... auo'"''' '11011 000 \lO,....I.. .....\00. pro<lUG101 m''''"'''''''Y. \ll0n'411ca\lO!l porl<\nQ\OI ... po< ..,ch b, " 110" plOQfat1l s\'\al\ De feQ.U\Ied tof lnlOl&QlI. "'"' foOl 01 deve~'s w\th '3 01 ",Ofe tenens\ ~- ~""IOQO' Soc,;oo 19.22.040(2\. \\2'.1.9"' aft. ~.. a. \Otoodocl \0 lisl only me n'''''' one! c. au-".... f'''.,.,.t\nQ 000 l'"' ,.... .. addresses ol on-site occupaols- Ill'''''''' ~"" - t). Sha\t be designed " pllf1 0\ O'Iefa\\ ~""l&QlI' .\00 prOQlom. lIol""""ouml>" ...1. oft. lIo\ll1,,",5 ft. ..mock y" COPY \i.n'o\led to di18ct\ono.1 \nlOfm&.t\OM d./lclvl.Ol'/I '11011'" ,",,,, plOl"'rIY ine'. ,odl8S "8fl\t80C9~ Of "sJ\.t" but 00 t DI'oc\loOol f''''Ulf\IllOll .-....., 10 dhec\l.Of\S \0 \ndiwda\ businesses, l"".,Ido oclO<\UoIO ~\ \n1o<mo1l"'" f\l.rsuant to F<-ay One double s.cUoO 19.22.(l8(l(4) (off,si,e) faCe sig.n -per ","alif)'ul!; business TABLE 022.01 (con't) SIGN REGULATIONS BY V,NO USE CATEGORY CLASS -nPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIGN AREA e. \IUsl- \rtl....\iDlI WIflllojIQlwal slf'. Or.o per ....'" wil<<lllQ entrance U.l 3. 1V'""""N !liml 4. "....0.0.0111.'3. ",...,,,.,,,,1'. S<<:lim1 19.n.l19U. Eo BPII!l......IIIt1I'O 1M nlf PP. "'1lI1C pAR\\. I fecllll., W.U' Or.o per..eM 01 ~ .... per lden~l\(;alio~ f"....~ paMnQ lo\ ttonllgt. !..- 1 l""""~'" II.... pu...a",,1 10 s<<:tioo 19.11.U9O. W.IIQ1~ Or.o .1nQIe to.. slf' per bld., per ....10l!*"i"ll 101\lOlllOQO. 1Iax. 3a\Q1lper walftOl'. .~ MAXIMUM SIGN ~EIGtIl LOCAl\ON M ""in wilding 8II~.nee. en. 111. 711. \.51'" 01 a\QIl II.., ...1 "",jocI abOVO \IlIl ... per..ch oevo\InO. ......1oIl1.lbld. ~on' ....... 100.1 ....ll aIgn "... .,ad<l1ion1.S.1 01 ai9' .... per ooch i""" (oaI.t .. bld'" ,.o' el...lion h public ..,..""" \I """,\clOd 110m' ..."ue.' 01 paMnQ lot 00 .... "", ILLUMINA l\ON ALLOWED - -- tIo 110 110 M.y bo Ioca\ll<l on \he p".ropel y", o,,,,...\lf. n 1 .... "" REMARI<S lntende<l lOl"o.ido only name, addl.... lel"""""" bIlsl.... hoU". end.....1l"""Y \nloona~n lot o<:ClJll8"t Intended only to idennly \he name.nd .ddl." o'a public o. quasi. public \aC\Ii!l 01 .. .woved by \l1O eonmt"ion. wended only lO \dennly 111,,118'" .nd .ddlo" 0" public or qu.si.public la<ili!l or.. owoved by \Ill Comn1won. ~l\oI'lOtl.Il99'O\JIl\e -..0110\9,,0\ ".01l1al1 in<ludO .'.0' o'ollowed poI""nonl windoW oiQlll. ,U'l ... '~ ,,," ~ ,e ,( ! s.mo a.l~" Skjr&....,..t In ell. co. eR. ell Con11\orciol o;.~\e\l -~~-- L BPII!l_UITn'O 1M 1M!: pf. -' IC f..... mF!I n1!11IIICl a \ 1 facility wall" Or.o pe"..'OI ~..I. per ~ lden~1lon fr....~ pllrIIIl1Illo\~lIO'!..- > 1 l'.""anelll!lags pursuant to s.<tioo 19.22.09U. ll. BPII!l_IllTttO III 1M!: 11'. _r.II'1C D1llllll!ltlllCll t PallO u.l'\IC'-' ......itic P\IllllloUnI Vernon Collldo'l Me lI30 4-6.92 l.ll!nI#.t-m lliD"".NoIPm gt._C"M\\II. a. \!UIlnI" lden~lion TABLE 022.01 (conlt) ~ SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY I ~ " ~ MAXIMUM MAXIIIUM MAXIMUM ILLUMINATION CLASS TYPE NUMBER 8ION AREA 8ION HEIGHT LOCATION ALLOweD REMARKS b. lluolnoll PraIK*>D Ono doubIo loco 25 0.1. ..... per Moy nololl1ond beyond Moy only be ._10 1Ile Yo. .. AUlhorizod In lieu ot . willi .Ion. 1d....1IcotIon .Ign pot 1ron1og.. loco. _Ino. bid. 10 which Ihe CDPI' ..10.... b. Aulhorlzod only _. no buHdlng ._de 10 required. c. _non W1ndcM 0n0.1gn por 25'llo of.... gI... WIndowlollorinQ pormIlIed on No. o,eepI ligna Allowoblo IllQfOO.to 01 w'"- 'Iont.) ldon1lllcodon l~ wt.- ... upon which In_Of._ olgl... c:ontlnJded 0' are. ahalllndude area of aftowabl, WI' ....oIgnl._. I wt.-.._. neon tube "ftefl sign.. ondIot .,mbol.. d. IIuolno.. Manumenl Ono doubIo loco 32'.1. !ft._a_Of4ft. MJI' nol ere... Ir8fftc Yo. .. MIn. atreel fronlage ot 1sa requhd. Idondllcotlon sign pot .- ...... "'" ol pion,", Of hazard at ODfM1'8 Of b. P_ bu... 1__ _... b. fronIooo. Iondacoped mound -.,.. Moy nol be plOvlded equal 10 4 11m.. lhe area of one (berm) Ioaoled wtlhln 100 ft. ol 1_ ot !he IIlgn. .., R dl.IJtCl. c. Moy be Iocaled wl1hln 5 ft. of public righi-of-way .. DrIve fvu Menu boord Ono per bid. ilO.... 7ft. Sllollnol be 1_led.o .. Vo. Shall face May rrom !he neet, al .........11 II be. hOl'''' for_or or corner radlul, ~I 2. ~. T.1W1I aann.. ~ CIolIII .. IluIlnoll W" Of_ 0n0.1ngIo loco 1.5 d. ololgn Moy nol pnojoCl'_ !he Mey be Ioco..d on perllpol Yo. .. At! shopping cenlers ,hall develop . ldon1l_on por bid. per _I -per- _.... Of_y. COOfdlnated sign program lor an tenants Of porlIIng 101 InoeI ft. of bod. .nd use, In accordance with rhe ",,"-. Mu 2 InonIIng on . requirements of Section 19.22.040(2) ~ .Igno por buoInon. ...... NoIIO o,coed b. A'owable aggregate wall sign area shall 75 '.1. In .ddlllon. Indude window ar..fa) used for ~ 1.5 '.1. ...Ign permanent IIlgnlng. ~ -per- c. A center Is one In which businesses and 11101I11o?i oIth. Ib'ucture. are designed In an Integrated C'l WI. rur IIltY8lton and Interrelated deYelopment. Such design ~ W . pubic .n1r""",, "Independent 0' the number of structure., 10 pnMded!rom . lots, Of parcels m8\dng up 1he center. r. 'tree. or ~ pftlng Iol. NoHO .,_ 50 ..1. III , 25% 01 !he gl... Window lettering pormlltOd No. 'llCOPIlIlgn. Allowable aggregate of window slgn(s) .... ~I b. IIuolnou - On. .Ign per ~ _1IcotIon IpomIOI\OlI1) - area upon which on Interior or exteria( of oonatrudttd 01 are. shall tnc.lude ereas of 8IIowable !he IIlgn ,.Iocotod. glass window or door. neon tube leuer.. wall signs. "fABLE. 022.01 (tOn't) ~ I SiGN RlIGULATlONS ll'/ LAND USlI ct;nIGOR'l '" .... I'" tl\AlItAUtA MAX\tAuM MAXIMUM ILLUtAlNA1\ON ,..,PE NuMBER SIGN AREA SIGN t\EIG\\l LOCA1\ON ALLOWEO REtAARI<.S CLASS 61.1. ll'" tact 1\810" ....1''''' enillJelI88Ih Sign. .n'" \)8 uni\ollll In ",\of 'M (\esig<l c. 1luSI..... u...,............ ()n8 per ....\ft...... ce.nol'l or martl"88 will> 1 It ,.,. ." \e1l8lIl \(\en1il\C8""' w\tIin \ll8 <:en"". ~liOlI \dDublelaC8\ c\al!ant8 \1Ol1I oId""aI\I ""'" lD _" point 0' .ign. ()n8 doUble"" 25 ..1. ,.. \IICIl ,U\)Oll8G!'tIe0l41t Sha" De sell>8c1<. tnin. 01 ~.. ~u\l"O!iIad \of dalaCl1ad ~ ",,~no" in 4. eusIn8S8 ~ 'b<H8l1lPO' ~ or Sit bonl \1Olll or .\tIe .vuc1Ut8 01 nol 1eS' \ll8II S.OOO ..1. \dIIl1l\11C&liOlI landSC81'8IllCWn4. ~\\n8 "IS'.I. per la" S\glI slIell not...-'" 5\18" nolDe \oCt"'" SO .. ", ~.. .. lAin. .veel \1011\\90 012\10 It 18<\';".0. .. cenWl t.\OflImenI ()n8 doUble .... b. 5">9" may ;dan\ilj ..,nlOI.ndlor up'" ~ "" eech ",eel nO\Qltol \118 s\lIlcllJl81t \)8 .118t8.d ,.,. ",..-y or '!ma\Ol_nlO. \1OfIl8.. idan_or101t."""'" tOt"" l8Qu', c. l'\anlO' \)8$8 or \t.r<\SC8P" .... equ.1 ", .... I. \eSII. or 1f.,leI \h8n 4 !in\6S \h9 .... 01 ..... ,...olasilf1. ~~ d. V..,;cal tle8t8..... 01 \0 It _ired"" b...\8lI<ling sign& I"oIllCtng ",or ~ ve\ttUleI pesS89'f"BY. I"l $.~- ~""'" wind<"" ofly. Ilo .. sueh .ilf1.... \irnilad I> """"",'rj e. "'""'" SlOJI' ~ 2f>'t. 01 \I18_rdDW ma~ outh.. _\a' o. special ... "'....,.. l\O "".i..... i(\en1i\iC'\iOII i. "",..lied. b ~", Set. \9.22.01O,leml"'rel)' s;gns. ()n8.,;.q..... ~..l. \0 laaI l.OC*"'" SO as ....' lD ..... Ilo e. ~\J\llOliled ul"'n \118 Is""'..... 01' \!l b.~ f'''''w.rofIr4 va\IIC war4 or.....l18llO lfacifO 0' \)Ui\din91"""": ~ t\9'll'" ""'"' I"'tI\c~.oI''''Y' b. S\glI'""" De $IT1l.ed pOo' ", ~. ce!\ifita\"oI~y. ~ f....~ wall ()n8 "" ,v"" ~..I."" ,,,,, W"I\lIiII\I18SU\)\eC\ Ilo Sign slIell \)8 ,,,,,,,,,ed ul"'n ~ c. fU1Ul' fllCll_ P"'P""'I' ....panc'I 01 Il1e bUi1d\n9\s\. 0l18<\1f1\ orfl\nl!llW' \1OIII8IJllor-nl. ,.... ~..I."'" ,"" Vlit1\n\l18su\)\eC\ l\O 10 edV~" \h9 _Ie or \ea$8 01 ; 4. f\88\ E_ f'~ wall ()n8""'v"" ~. s\lUCW. or QIOIlt'lls'M no' ,.,. \118 01--' ........ ,.... 1"'1l"''' 0,..t<1J1isIn9 an .gencY C ....pYInQ tI8 p,"".... '2 . -:::::.;::':.:::~;::::-.._--~......-. ~ , :0.:::::...---........-........-.... 'i \ ............... - ......~." -....... ---........................ b. one morN"",,\ el\lll up \D ell\8ll -------