HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-2005 Jt. Mtg Agenda -Water District CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 300 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Website: www.sbcity.org Mayor Judith Valles Council Members: Esther Estrada Susan Longville Gordon McGinnis Neil Derry Chas Kellev Rikke Van Johnson Wendy McCammack AGENDA JOINT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MONDAY, APRIL 25,2005 - 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS The City of San Bernardino recognizes its obligation to provide equal access to those individuals with disabilities. Please contact the Director of Facilities Management (384-5244) two working days prior to the meeting for any requests for reasonable accommodation to include interpreters. CALL TO ORDER. PRESENT ABSENT PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A three-rmnute lIrmtatIOn shall apply to each member of the publIc who wIshes to address the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn. No member of the publIc shall be penmtted to "share" ills/her three rmnutes wIth any other member of the publIc CLOSED SESSION 1 Pursuant to Government Code SectIOn(s) 1 04/25/2005 MOTION: That the Mayor and Common CouncIl and Commumty Development COmmISSIOn recess to closed seSSIOn for the followmg A Conference wIth legal counsel - eXIstmg lItIgatIOn - pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54956 9(a) B Conference wIth legal counsel - antIcIpated lItIgatIOn - sIgmficant exposure to lItIgatIOn - pursuant to subdIVISIOn (b) (1), (2), (3) (A-F) of Government Code SectIOn 54956 9 C Conference wIth legal counsel - antIcIpated lItIgatIOn - ImtIatIOn of lItIgatIOn - pursuant to subdIvIsIOn (c) of Government Code SectIOn 54956 9 D Closed SessIOn - personnel - pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54957 E Closed seSSIOn wIth Cillef of PolIce on matters posmg a threat to the secunty of publIc bUIldmgs or threat to the publIc's nght of access to publIc servIces or publIc facIlItIes - pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54957 F Conference wIth labor negotiator - pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54957 6 G Conference wIth real property negotiator - pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 54956 8 END OF CLOSED SESSION 2 Jomt publIc hearmg of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo and the Board of DIrectors of the San Bernardmo Valley MumCIpal Water DIstnct related to the North & South Lake Area ProJects (See Attached) ResolutIOn of the CIty of San Bernardmo adoptmg the Facts, Findmgs and Statement of Overndmg ConsIderatIOn, CertIfymg the Final Program EnvIronmental Impact Report, adoptmg the MItIgatIOn Momtonng and Reportmg Plan for the North Lake Area ProJect and the South Lake Area ProJect, adoptmg General Plan Amendment No 05-06, and tablmg General Plan Amendment No 05-07 (Resolutiol1l1ot available at time of pril1til1g.) MOTION #1: That the hearmg be closed, that fun readmg of the resolutIOn be waIved, and 2 04/25/2005 MOTION #2: That the CIty of San Bernardmo Mayor and Common CouncIl adopt the ResolutIOn willch certIfies the Final EnvIronmental Impact Report (SCH 2003121150), adopts the MItIgatIOn Momtonng and Reportmg Plan, adopts the Facts, Findmgs, and Statement of Overndmg ConsIderatIOn, adopts General Plan Amendment No 05-06 (CIrculatIOn), and tables General Plan Amendment No 05-07 (Land Use) 3 ResolutIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIl of the CIty of San Bernardmo approvmg Amendment No 2 to that certaIn Loan Agreement by and among the CIty of San Bernardmo, the San Bernardmo Valley MumCIpal Water DIstnct, and the San Bernardmo RegIOnal Water Resources Authonty (See Attached) (Resolutiol1l1ot available at time of pril1til1g.) MOTION: That full readmg of the resolutIOn be waIved, and that saId resolutIOn be adopted. 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA A three-rmnute lIrmtatIOn shall apply to each member of the publIc who wIshes to address the Mayor and Common CouncIl/Commumty Development COmmISSIOn on a matter not on the agenda. No member of the publIc shall be penmtted to "share" ills/her three rmnutes wIth any other member of the publIc (Usually any Items heard under tills headmg are referred to staff for further study, research, completIOn and/or future Council/COmmISSIOn actIOn.) 5 AdJournment. MOTION: That the meetmg be adJourned. NOTE: The next Jomt regular meetmg of the Mayor and Common CouncIl/Commumty Development COmmISSIOn IS scheduled for 1 30 p m., Monday, May 2, 2005, m the CouncIl Chambers of CIty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardmo, CalIfornIa. 3 04/25/2005 NOTICE: Any member of the publIc may address tills meetmg of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn on any Item appearmg on the agenda by approacillng the rmcrophone m the CouncIl Chambers when the Item about willch the member desIres to speak IS called and by askmg to be recogmzed. Any member of the publIc deslflng to speak to the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn concernIng any matter not on the agenda but willch IS wItmn the subJect matter JunsdIctIOn of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn, may address the body at the end of the meetmg, dunng the penod reserved for publIc comments SaId total penod for publIc comments shall not exceed forty-five (45) rmnutes, unless such tIme lIrmt IS extended by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn. A three rmnute lIrmtatIOn shall apply to each member of the publIc, unless such tIme lIrmt IS extended by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn. No member of the publIc shall be penmtted to "share" ills/her three rmnutes wIth any other member of the publIc The Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn may refer any Item raIsed by the publIc to staff, or to any COmmISSIOn, board, bureau, or COmmIttee for appropnate actIOn or have the Item placed on the next agenda of the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn. However, no other actIOn shall be taken nor dIscussIOn held by the Mayor and Common CouncIlICommumty Development COmmISSIOn on any Item willch does not appear on the agenda unless the actIOn IS otherwIse authonzed m accordance wIth the provIsIOns of subdIvIsIOn (b) of SectIOn 54954 2 of the Government Code PublIc comments wIll not be receIved on any Item on the agenda when a publIc hearmg has been conducted and closed. 4 04/25/2005