HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1054 Adopted: August 16, 1999 Effective: September 16, 1999 1 2 ORDINANCE NO. MC-1054 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTIONS 19.06.010(2)(G), 19.06.020, TABLE 06.01, AND 19.10.030(3) OF THE SAN BERNARDINO 3 MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO REVISE THE DEVELOPMENT 4 STANDARDS AND PERMITTED USES AND INCORPORATE DESIGN GUIDELINES, AS PER THE PAS EO LAS PLACITAS SPECIFIC PLAN FOR CERTAIN AREAS 5 ALONG MOUNT VERNON AVENUE. 6 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION 1. Page II-61, Section 19.06,OI0(2)(G), CG-4 (Commercial General- Theme 8 Center[sJ District is amended to read as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "G, This district is intended to promote the upgrading and enhancement of Mount Vernon Avenue, between 4th and 9th Streets, by establishing an ethnic-themed specialty commercial center, including retail, restaurant, entertainment, gift shops, and similar uses. Additionally, this district shall facilitate the reuse of the railroad depot and adjacent properties for retaillspecialty commercial and similar uses. Design guidelines for the Mount Vernon Corridor (Paseo Las Placitas) are contained in Chapter 19,10, Special Purpose Districts, Section 19,10,030(3)." (See Attachment A, Page II-61 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by 17 18 reference. ) SECTION 2. Pages II-64 and II-67, Section 19.06.020, Table 06.01, Commercial 19 20 Districts List of Permitted Uses, are amended as follows: (See Attachment B, Pages II-64 and 21 II-67 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a) Add a "c" to Section B (7), Automotive Related Uses, Service Stations in the CG4/SP, b) Add a "D" to Section I (12), Retail Commercial, Office Supplies/Equipment in the CG4/SP, /111 I ", . MC-I054 1 SECTION 3. Pages II-148 through II-157, Section 19.10.030(3), Land Use District 2 Specific Standards, Specific Plan 91-01, Paseo Las Placitas, Mount Vernon Corridor, MC 830 3 4/6/92, are amended as follows: (See Attachment C, new Pages II-148 and II-149 of the 4 Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5 6 7 8 9 11// 10 /11/ 11 /11/ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L_ a) Delete previous pages II-148 through II-157 and replace with new pages II-148 and II-149. b) Renumber previous pages II-150 through II-188. 2 .... " MC-I054 1 ORDINANCE. . . AMENDING SECTIONS 19.06.010(2)(G), 19.06.020, TABLE 06.01, AND 19.10.030(3) OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE 2 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO REVISE THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND PERMITTED USES AND INCORPORATE DESIGN GUIDELINES, AS PER THE 3 PASEO LAS PLACITAS SPECIFIC PLAN FOR CERTAIN AREAS ALONG MOUNT VERNON AVENUE. 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and joint 6 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a regular 7 8 9 10 5 meeting thereof, held on the 11 12 13 16th day of August Council Members: AYES ESTRADA x x LIEN x MCGINNIS x SCHNETZ , 1999, by the following vote, to wit: NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 18 \ / / ~ .11 (' /h" l' v' \?"'~41L-{. /U. j... ,,/l../L. \city Clerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this 1'111 day of August ,1999, ~;.X';A' 0 f.~ ~ean Anderson Mayor Pro Tem 19 20 21 22 23 Approved as to form and legal content: 24 25 JAMES F. PENMAN City ttorney 26 27 28 3 ATTACHMENT "A" COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - 19.06 MC-1054 F. CG-3 (COMMERCIAL GENERAL-UNIVERSITY VILLAGE) DISTRICT This district provides for the development of properties adjacent to California State University at San Bernardino along North Park Boulevard, Kendall Drive, and University Parkway for commercial and personal service uses to meet the needs of students, faculty, and visitors, G. CG-4 (COMMERCIAL GENERAL-THEME CENTER[S)) DISTRICT This district is intended to promote the upgrading and enhancement of Mount Vernon Avenue, between 4th and 9th Streets, by establishing an ethnic-themed specialty commercial center, including retail, restaurant, entertainment, gift shops and similar uses. Additionally, this district shall facilitate the reuse of the railroad depot and adjacent properties for retail/specialty commercial and similar uses. Design guidelines for the Mount Vernon Corridor (paseo Las Placitas) are contained in Chapter 19.10, Special Purpose Districts, Section 19.10.030(3), H. CG-S (COMMERCIAL GENERAL-VERDEMONT AREA) This district is intended to provide for the continued use, enhancement, and new development of retail, commercial service uses and other related commercial uses along 1-215 and major transportation corridors and intersections within the Verdemont Area to serve the needs of residents; reinforcing existing commercial corridors and centers, and establishing new locations as new residential growth occurs. MC 863 3/24/93. I. CR-l (COMMERCIAL REGIONAL-MALLS) DISTRICT This district is intended to maintain and enhance Central City and Inland Center Malls and adjacent properties as the principal region-serving retail centers of the City. J. CR-2 (COMMERCIAL REGIONAL-DOWNTOWN) DISTRICT This district is intended to permit a diversity of regional-serving uses in the Downtown area including local, county, and state governmental/administrative, professional offices, cultural/historical and entertainment, convention facilities, hotels/motels, financial establishments, restaurants, supporting retail and services, educational institutions, public open spaces, and residential and senior citizen housing, Development of sites exclusively for residential uses shall have a minimum contiguous area of I gross acre, with a maximum density of 47 units per gross acre. Senior citizen and senior congregate care housing shall permit a maximum density of 130 units per gross acre, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 11-61 1/94 \TTACHMENT "B" COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - 19.06 MC-10S'4 - <:: " 8 '" 0.. U'" Cl 000 UU 0 0 U " > " '" 0 U- Cl Cl U UCl " U 0 - == - 0 OOU UUUUO u U " :E' ;::l ~..,. OOU 'bo UO en rii U ~ r.1 ~ 00 ~ ~'" ;:J -0 U 0 U U ~ " - - r.1 's ~'" Eo< .... Cl ClCl UO Eo< " U .... ~ ~ " ~- 0 ClCl U U ~ U r.1 .::: ~ u ,,0.. >< .~ 0 Cl U .::: U~ ...:l ~ ..,. ...:l en -< - "", U Cl ClCl U UCl Z 'C U 00 0 - en r.1 .... '6 00 Eo< "", 0 ClClU UU UCl ;:J .... 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S S S .~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ 00 <.) <:> <:> 00 ~ .- " - S'~ " oa3Vl2- "Cl~ r.1 N ::::~ '" " ~ '" ~.- S~'Q.- " " <:> ~ U Vl QJ .~ .9 .~ ~ g <<<E-<UU_CIl> ...:l .,j, ~ .~ ;> 'J::: ;::l <,.;;, "'C .E > ~ " 8 0 o <1) "'0 8 11) ::l 0 fr :< ~ .....:~~ ..,fll"i...or--:oo ail -< C! Z < U 'iJ .S Q. S -<UI-4~C\I " 00 Q\ .::: i) 0..;> Eo< .... E-<~ j ..,: o:l II -64 1/97 MC-lOS:4 .' COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - 19.06 '" I u'" 00000 000 u 0000 u '" u- 00 0 000 u u 000 u =: 0 0000 u 0000 U ~.". 0 U ~'" 0000 0000 u UOOOO U ~'" 00000 000 UO 0 00 U ~- 0000 000 UO 000 U "g; 00000 UOOOO UU UOOOO U~ ..,. "", 00000 UOOOO U UOOOO U "", 00000 UOOOO UUOUOOOO U "'" 00000 UOOOO UUOUOOOO U:::' 0", 0000 00 00 U 0_ 0000 00 0 00 U Z 00000 UOOOO U 0 0 U 00 r.1 00 ;:J ~ r.1 Eo< Eo< ~ rs: I'<c o Eo< 00 .... ...:l 00 Eo< U ;l Eo< 00 .... ~ ...:l < .... U ~ ~ ~ o u .... <:> .,j, <:> r.1 ...:l ~ < Eo< >< f-- ;; f::: U < W;l '" ;> o z < ...l ..!l " "O~.s ,,~ . "0 0 S <U:::::::"'C g ~ C1) ~ - .g 0 '8 'S: ~ ~ 0-- ... go 0 Q. a " -E x f: ..... u.:l Cl:l ..0 _ ~ .::1 rn~.D ~ B . " '" " ~ .: ] .E '" " .;a !:::.s ::a ~ en 8 ~ ~.~ ..... Q.) c...- i:: _ '" ,i:; "'" - VI 'u '0 ~ ~ ...... 1-< 00 Q.) i=l ~ ~ dol (Il .- o S'~ ;:I ~ Eo~]= p..U~......<9 ::r: ~ o :a ~B o tI) v E55 B tIl i:: ;.::: e .g ~ Cl:lCl:l ..........~ Z~ U'il e. ~ .~ ~ j~i~goOO _ClJiU_1-< ~d)O-5"O ~ ~ i::' ~ ~ Qloo::r:... ""';NM..&lI"'i ~ " -a " ~ - ~ 0 .- - .", " - [;j W;l ~ ..0 . '" e b~ Q) ..... .D S 3 . - ~ " - .", ~ .E ..0 0 " " 0 " ..... v':::; ..o-s~ ~ ,~ ~ s.~ !:: "0 ': .. ].~ ~.s en cn Il.) ~ .......~.g;go .;S ~::a "0 ~ et:;Q)~~ 11) Q.) "0...... Q.) g3 g:a-E~ oB>'C'::l9 U<1.l=~ _~"'o'" ..... l-o.......$! ~ ~ ";3 ';::l <U 0 <U '+-< i:: ~ U OIl o:=: .... ~ ~ ..... 'i:l 0 "'>> ~i ~ g,o S '" ::I... _ V:>8<u U'l .8 gp 'E '::::..:!:1.~ 0 ~ ;:I c";3 c.. u ..=o&::E g. ~ u...d 1-<.... {I) ~ i:: 0 ~ :E ;:I 0 .- 11) Z :=- ~ Z 'c;j21 8: 8.. ';; <1) rn "'0 UJ Cd ;::1'- <1) en .:!3 E c 8 .... (IJ r.n g. 1-0 <1) cn'Oll)Cl:lc ..... Q.)= 0 .9 g.~e!::o ~ ~<1)~ci5 V) ~..c:Il)~U 0.. "Oa,j"O en U > I-; ...... Vl._ <lJ ~ .- 8 8 rI'1 ct:: ~ 8 C'::l 'ca ~;::I 8 t:I -a = ~.... ::E 0.. 0 t) 0 $.!a 0 _ c.. u.. 'S 0 Cj 8 ~ CE:: Vi ...... ";3 ::c: ~ ~ >> OJ ci5 13 ~ - t I-; I-< ~::E ~'c <U 7a ;> CJ) ~ <1) E .0 g 8 ~ .,.!., :E ~ u '0 a 2 0 E 0 ~ "d .S' CI) .S 0 ~ S & uo~o::r:...l.s...l::E::E::Ezo", ""';NM-.itri .O......:NM \Or---OOO'\....................-I II -67 2/94 ATTACHMENT "C" SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS - 19.10 MC"-105>1 7. Compatible and in harmony with surrounding development and land use designations, 19.10.030 LAND USE DISTRICT SPECIFIC STANDARDS 1. Golf Courses and Related Facilities Golf course developments are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall be constructed in the following manner: A, State-of-the-art water conservation techniques shall be incorporated into the design and irrigation of the golf course; B. Treated effluent shall be used for irrigation where available; D, Perimeter walls or fences shall provide a viewshed window design along all public rights-of-way, incorporating a mix of pilasters and wrought iron fencing or equivalent treatment; and D. All accessory facilities, including but not limited to, club houses, maintenance buildings, and half-way club houses shall be designed and located to ensure compatibility and harmony with the golf course setting. 2. Single-Family Housing, Existing Additions, alterations, and expansions to single-family units which legally existed in special purpose land use districts prior to June 3, 1991, shall comply with the RS, Residential Suburban, District Standards, MC 823 3/5/92. 3. Specific Plan 91-01, Paseo Las Placitas, Mount Vernon Corridor A, Permitted uses within Paseo Las Placitas shall be as established in Chapter 19,06, Table 06.01. B, New development and rehabilitation of existing structures shall be in compliance with the design guidelines in the Paseo Las Placitas Specific Plan. C, Plazas, fountains, courtyards, outdoor eating areas, and similar uses may be permitted in the required building setback, subject to the approval of the Review Authority, D. Commercial parking may be provided on-site or off-site elsewhere within the Paseo Las Placitas in a public parking area. E. Parking required by Chapter 19,24 may be reduced up to 20 percent by the Review Authority, provided that off-site parking areas have been established and developed. 11-148 7/92 MC-1054 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS - 19.10 F, Signage is permitted pursuant to Chapter 19,22, consistent with the design guidelines in the Paseo Las Placitas Specific Plan. G. Landscaping is required pursuant to Chapter 19,26, consistent with the design guidelines and species list in the Paseo Las Placitas Specific Plan, H, Public improvements (i.e., street dedication/widening, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc.) shall be required, consistent with adopted City standards and requirements. 4. Specific Plan 92-01, University Business Park MC 856 12/21/92 A. The following development standards for new construction apply to all three designations within the University Business Park, Gross Lot Area (for new subdivision) UBP-I = 20,000 sq, ft. UBP-2 = 10,000 sq. ft. UBP-3 = I acre Front Setback All zones = 10 feet Rear Setback All zones = 10 feet Side Setback (Each) All zones = 10 feet Side Setback (Street Side) All zones = 10 feet Lot Coverage (Maximum) All zones = 50 percent Structure Height (Maximum) UBP-I = 2 stories or 42 feet UBP-2 = 2 stories or 35 feet UBP- 3 = 3 stories or 42 feet B, No outside storage shall be permitted within the UBP-2 and UBP-3 designations. In the UBP-I designation, outside storage may be permitted only if adequately screened with decorative walls. C. All uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed structure, except for parcels fronting on Georgia Boulevard. Limited outside uses (e,g" patio dining areas and nursery sales limited to plants and trees) shall be approved with a Development Permit. Miscellaneous Outdoor Entertainment in the UBP-2 zone shall require a Conditional Use Permit. D. There shall be no visible storage of motor vehicles (except display areas for sale or rent of motor vehicles, where permitted), trailers, airplanes, boats, recreational vehicles or their composite parts; loose rubbish, garbage, junk or their receptacles; tents; equipment; or building materials, in any portion of a lot except for parcels fronting on Georgia Boulevard. No storage shall occur on any vacant parcel. Building materials for use on the same premises may be stored on the 11-149 1/94