HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10-1989 Minutes . . . City at San Be/-nardino. (:alifornia Febt~Udt-y E3~ 19t39 Tn Common Council of the City of San Bst-nalAdino Re' Special Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mayol Wllcox Special Meeting of the Common Council of the Bernardino for" 10.30 3.m. Friday, Febr"lJdr-y 10, C:ouncil Cli.;:),rnber^s of (:1 ty H.;J.l1, 300 Nor-th "D" Bernardirlo. Califorl112. has called ,j Ci tv o'f ::;a.n 1989, in the Stt-eet, Sa.n filS purpose fOl' which t~11S Ineeting has beerl called is fo,'. 1, General Plan A. Oiscussion and (jir'ection regarding schedllJ.8 2f1(j notice ^fOi publi.c hear-in~Js fot (,;jsner-al Plan.. u, Author'lzatlon for Envicom Corpol-ation to pel-fIJi-ni addi tianal ';:;8 (vices beyorlcl contract requii'ernent at ad(jitional compell~3ation. c Resolution of t~le City ot '3lJpporting legislation to direct the State Office of Planning and ill additional tin18 tension Genel'a,} Pl,,).n^ Sa.n E~el"na.rdi(I() tl'"'le Di(i3ctOl ',JI' ReSeal"ch to gt-ai'lt t:n '::OITIP lete ~~!-I';'~: C 1 (J S (~: () :,',>3 <::::'<:'::. i C) n TI')dt the Conlffion r::ouncil ('8CeSS to Closed SeSSIon to confer witll lts att,Ot'iley regarding pendii"jQ litJgatlof'l i:)1.!r~3u,,'j,I)t to GOVG(nrnent Code Section '='J49Sb '::J(b)( 1), d:S tilers is significarlt eXpOSl!I'e to litigatlon. C::lo,::.ed SeS~~10n Tint tile confer lAl:i tl"l ()U r <~;u <1 n t to the Counci.l ConlmOi~1 C'JU i'le:: 11 recess to C 1 cJ'.::,sd ~::;e<:,s 1 on t.n it,,:;. attol'iiey regal-ding r)endin~J liti';JatJ(Jrl Government Code Section 549S0.'?(c1 so t,tldt' may decIde whet,hel' t,o ii-jitiate litigation. j ~,:;; ':) . . . 4. Closec! Session That ttlB Common Coullcil pur'suant to Gov81"nme'1t confer with its attorney whicl") has been illstructed a party as follows. recess to Closed SeSS10f"1 (:ode Beetioll 549565.Q(a) t,o r"egarding pending liti~atioll fOl'mally to l"hlCh the City "' ~~i~~.9.:f San !3ei'nz:~Ldin.Q_vs.::-.-"Ca,lifoJ'nia Constructiou tlq,naqslnent_:l_.li)C. -1 t.:;t a1 - ~:3G~:::;C Ca,'se No" 2313755 ~ :385C Case No . 236836, C:;jb.1~__J,a~;;~2H_JjS2.Q!;:j..~tiQD_.. \/:;;;." ~Ci~f S_(~.n_JLs;I na r-dJ ng, S8~)C Case Nos.: 23q714 and 23qb49; ;2.1'dQj:;d.ef.iel&~Dstl'uctioll~ompal~, et ,,1 \IS .. ..0 tv. of SBSe Case No.: 232998; ~3BSC; (;,3,5e i"lo": 2,'+2433, I , :.3 H AI)!H'! CLARK Ci ty CJel'l, C lty of San Bernat"dino, California Febr'uar'y 10, 19S9 The Special Meeting of U,e !Vlayor and Common CouncIl of U,e City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempot-e Minol', at 10:35 a lri., Friday, Feb,ua,y 10, 19fj9, in the Council (:h<:~mber'S of Colt), Hall, ,300 North "D" Street, ~)an I:iern.;:\r-(.lino" CaJifol'ni,'l. PIJLL U~LI. Roll Call was taken with the -following being present~ Mayor Pro Tempore f'tlinot"; Counei] Mernbel~;;, Estt-ada. R,eilly~ F'lor-e::::, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; City Attorney Penman, Deputy (lty Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Mayor Wilcox: [:ouncil Membe1" Pope-I_udlam. 2/ lO/~:'~':} . . . INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Executive Assistant to the Councll Phil Arvizo. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by COllilCil Member 11i11er. PUB UC COMI1ENTS Thore wore no comments from the public. PRESENTATION Representatives from the Chinese Community Group, Cllinese Student Union Association, University of CalifornIa. San Bernardino, gave a dance presentation in celebration of Chif18se New Year. honoring the Year of the Snake NOTICE DE MEETING Deputy City Clerk Lang answered questions, stating that all member"s of the Common Council had been served with notlce of this 1a1 Meeting called by Mayol Wilcox and Sigilsd aCI\flOwledge merits are on file. Cl.OSED SESSION Council Member Maudsley made 3 motion, seconded by Council ~'18rnber Flores and unanimously C>7l1 r-ied~ that the Mayor' a.nd Comrnc)n Council recess to Closed 8855iol1 pursuant to the following Govel nrnent Code Sections ~ 54956..'CJ(b)(1) pending litigatlon, lihC).'ltion; to c:onfOl as there with its attorllsy regard1ng 1S significant eXpOSU1"e to ( ';:: 'J 54956 gee) - to contel- witl") its attor~ne~' l-egal-ding pending litigation, so that the Council may decide whether to initiate litigation; (3) 54956.9(a) - to confer with 1ts attorney regarding pendinC) litiC)ation, which has been instructed formally to which the Clty 15 a pai-ty 3S follows~ ~4) (:it::L.......of SaJl BerncHdi.no Vs.. r~an.gg5ment, In~_~5LL~l ,- SE\~:;;C Case No,: Ca 1 i to r' n:L,il...._ Co os. t Lll,-,..!; i em 238755, SB~-)C Case No.: 236836: G..:;;illJ,J~;__"b-cv:~l<. e 0~_?..9J;2j,~:A.,t..;1_~Hl~_ C iJ~.Y~J S 9JL!.~tf3 i-_[La r' d j.JJ.Q ) S 8 see c~;3 f3 Nos__ 239714 and 239649. 7 '"' "2,. 10/89 . . . ~jt, u bb 1 ftti~~Lt:,j_,_,.QQnsJ~L1di':; t :L.o IL__ C QJ!I p.:3, li-y',,- 8 t ,_,__.:;;l,L~\:~L-J~~ uf ~,_,:~)._S!!."J Qf2LD.i0Lgj.JJO. at ;~l SBSC Case No.: 232998~ :~~424-:3,3 " SBSC C,3.se l\jo,,: CLOSED SESSION (:jt LO.44 doom", the Closecl :;:;85sion I;.J2\S c3.11f::d to order by l'1ayc)I p(U Ternpore I"iinor In the Conference Room of the CDuncl.J Chc\mber'3, Clty Hall, 300 North "r)" ::;treet, c;.3.n BernardIno, Ca Ii"f Cr r"'nia. PClI_L C(11_L, Roll (~all was taken with the tol,lowing being present: Mayor PI'O Tempot'e MInol'; (:OLlllCil Members Estrada, Reilly, F'lor-es, Malldsley, i'11i10r. Miller~ Seniol' Assistant City Attorney Barlow. Uef',uty Clty Cle(L L,<ng, Acting City Administrator Robbin",. Absent. Mayol" Wilco>:~ r:OUF1Cil Member Pope-Ludlam. Also rlr-esent. weiB. Director r<11{Jc~( [Jeputy Ci ty I~ttorney Empenu ,3.nd Pldlin:lI'''lq RECESS CLOSEU SESSION (:itll:;'"")4 '-::J."m"~ t~ile 11eeti n~J of the MayoI and I:':~el"nai".:.::l i.no" ( l()sec! CDmrnc'I"1 ':.3e ~':-' c.:.~ I. (] n recessed Lo ti'r8 of the City i.~J COl,1 nc i 1 uf {::'';:,I: RECONVENE MEETING (it 11: S4 ._~..m" ~ r'1.~)vor Pro Tempore Meeting to ol-der ill the Council Chambers "D" ::3treet, San f3er'n,:1i'(Jil-lc" C,:'\l-LfcJi""nia. t1inOl called the ~:jpeci.::;\l of C:i t.y Hall ~ 30() r~ol't.i"'1 ROU. CALL Roll Call was taken with the followlrlg beIng pi-eserlt: 1~~YfJr Pl'() TernpOf-e Minor~; Counci.l I-"Iombe,'s, Estrada, Reilly~ Flot'es, MauJsley, Minoi", Mlller; (:ity Attorney Penn1311. Deputy City Clerk larlSJ~ Acting City Admin:L'2,t.ratot Robl:<in?:".. Absent. !Vlc\YUI Wilcox~ (:OUf"IC,11 rt!elYlber Po~)e.'L"..i(:ll,~(ITI. GENERAL PLAN DISCUSSIDN AND DIRECTION - SCHEDULE AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ThIS 15 the time and place set for discussion regardIng staffJs request for dir-ection concerillng the schedule and rlcltice cd' public hear"in:as fOt" the Genera] Plan r^evl'5,ion. (J{~j rjr'~1d :<'llget', fot' the SCi1sduling 1182\ I 1 ng'3. Plarlnlng Directol' and not,icil1g of prclvicl,:::d ). i"ec.c)lIImen(:j,9.t.lt)f1 tl~e Gel-lel'a] Plail publ~c 4 101 ;,'::) . . . C:C)U ('Ie: i 1 I"!eillbe i- 1'1 i 11 e r made .:3. !nO ti on, 'seconded b'y' Cau nc i 1 Melnbet' Maudsley and unanimously car~ried. that the schedule notificatlon pr'ocess be revised as follows: rattler tilan linliting the public review of the draft land use map to a single all-d~y opel1 tlouse on Satui~day. Febr'lJdl"Y 25. lQG9, 3 f18wspaper notified tion will be made some time il"' March (when the dl-aft land use nlap is completed); the Planniilg Department will provide a station possibly in tllS City Hall lobby an118X, whel-a, on a daily basis, people will h.3ve an oppor-tunity to come in arld meet wittl a staff POi-SOI'l and r"eview the draft land use ITldrl, GENERAL PLAN AUTHORIZATION FOR ENVICOM TO PERFORM ADDITIONAL SERVICES BEYOND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS This L~: the [1me a.nd place::: '3et for COil~.:;i(:lerdtion c)f authorizing Envicom Corporation to perform additional services bt?jl.:)ncl the ol"igin.,3.1 cont(3,ct rc~quir'ements a.t. 3,llditiona,l compen::;atI0n. ( lf3 ) Council Member Mille," made 3 motion, seconded by COllrlCll Mambal Maudsley and unanimously carl~ied, that EnvicoITI Cot"por-ation be autilorized to pei"fol-m ldditional ser"vices beyond contract r-equil'ements at additional compensation. RESOLUTION OF THC CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO DIRECT THE DIRECTOR OF THE: ST(HE OEEIC[ O[ RI.JiI1NING ,;ND R.E:SE:f:iRCH F) GRANT AN ADDITIONAL TIME EXTFNSION TO COMPLETE rHE GENERAL PLAN (IC) Council Member (1il.Jet rn.:;3,de a rnotion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unarlimously cai--f'led, that the afor'enlentloned I'ssolution be tabled, as the Genet-a] Plan will be cornpleted 1"1,:\y ,31., 1.<:;)139, ()DJDUHI'I 11E[TIIK, At 11.57 a.m., Council Member Estrada made a rnotion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley dild uI1allirnously carriec:, that t,(12) rlHset:ing a.djourn to the Regul3.r' i"'leeting of ti-i8 Mayu) .;\)"1,1 l:ommOll Council of the rity of San Bernal-dino to be held at 9:00 ,J, iTI"j l'1onday~ f:'ebnJ(3.ry ~'O, L"~:3q, No" of Iterfl':;;: 3 .. /] cr/ '-././ "_j~./~~,~~ / ?CX:::y}&J Deputy City Clerk ~ 1"-10" (Tf H 0 U r s " 1 hr. 22 min. 5 /10/:3':::;