HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1986 Minutes City of San Bernardino, California October 6, 1986 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor wilcox at 9:06 a.m., on Monday, October 6, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Richard Bennecke, Admin- istrative Assistant to the Mayor. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Quiel. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler; Assistant City Attorney Wilson, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Schweitzer. Absent: Council Member Marks. CHANGE OF DECEMBER MEETING DATES - TO DECEMBER 8 AND 22, 198\) Mayor Wilcox asked if any Council Members were plan- ning to attend either the League of California Cities meeting or the National League of Cities Congress. Sev- eral Council Members indicated they would be attending the National League of Cities Congress meeting which is being held November 29, 1986 through December 3, 1986, which would conflict with the first Council meeting date in December. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously carried, that the Council Meeting dates in December be changed to December 8 and December 22, 1986. APPOINTMENT - FINE ARTS COMMISSION - MRS. SYLVIA CICHOCKI - MAYOR WILCOX Pursuant to a mel110ranUum dated September 22, 198b, from Mayor Wilcox, Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously car- ried, that the appointment of Mrs. Sylvia Cichocki, 747 Parkdale Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92404, to the Fine Arts Commission be approved. APPROVE MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 29, 198b Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernande2, that the minutes of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino held on the 29th day of September, 1986, be approved as submitted in typewritten form. (l) Council Member Quiel stated he would abstain on vot- ing on this matter due to the fact he was absent at the meeting of September 29, 1986. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Absent: Council Member Marks. Abstain: Council Member Quiel. CLAIMS AND PAYROLL Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, to ap- prove demands against the City and authorize the of warrants as follows: issuance (2) 1. Approve the register of demands uated: September l6, 1986 September 23, 1986 86/87 #3 86/87 #4 $l,272,848.30 l,106,810.16 2. Approve the total gross payroll for the period September 1, 1986, through September l4, 1986, in the amount of $l,326,l31.19. PERSONNEL ACTIONS Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the personnel actions submitted by the Director of Personnel in accordance with all administrative regulations of the City of San Bernardino, with the exception of the appoint- ment of Michael S. Curry, be approved and ratified. (See Item S-4, page 44 for related action) (3) APPOINTMENTS Fire Department Dispatcher I - Effective October 7, 1986 Judy G. Hines David J. Lewis Public Works/Engineering Jon B. Roberts - Field Engineer - Effective October 7, 1986 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS Animal Control Animal License Checker - Effective October 7, 1986 Yoshimi Turner David C. Maquinalez Rosemary Rice Police Department Anna P. Stanbrough - Crossing Guard - Effective September 23, 1986 APPOINTMENT/PROVISIONAL Community Development Nestor Nazario - Rehabilitation Coordinator - Effective October 7, 1986 PROMOTION Police Department Michael J. Bemis - Dispatcher II - From Dispatcher I to Dispatcher II - Effective October 7, 1986 HIGHER ACTING CLASSIFICATION Public Works/Engineering David S. Eickhoff - Engineering Aide - Effective September 22, 1986 - Duration from September 22, 1986 to December 3l, 1986 Police Department Dawn L. Zaharopoulos - Chief Dispatcher - Effective September 24, 1986 - Duration from September 24, 1986 to December l7, 1980 2 10/6/86 HOUSING AUfHORITY OF SAN BERNhRDINO COUN'fY - ALLOCATION OF ADDITIONAL EXISTING SECTION 8 CERTIFICA'fES In a memorandum dated September 25, 1986, Kenneth Henderson, Director, community Development Department, ex- plained regulations regarding the allocation of Section 8 Certificates under the Section 8 Existing Housing Voucher Program. (6) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Counci 1 Member Hernandez and unanimous ly carr ied, to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to Housing Authority of San Bernardino County approving allocation of addi- tional existing Section 8 Certificates to the City of San Bernardino. CDBG GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT (GPR) - FY 1985/86 In a memorandum dated September 25, 1986, Kenneth Henderson, Director, Community Development Department, presented the annual Grantee Performance Report (GPR) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 1985/86 Fis- cal Year and stated that said report had been submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (7 ) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, to r- eceive and file FY 1985/86 CDBG Grantee Performance Report. SALE OF HELICOPTERS - PROCEEDS FOR PURCHASE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT In a memorandum dated September 21, 1986, Gerald M. Newcombe, Fire Chief, stated that two helicopters and spare parts were listed for sale with three weekly air- craft magazines and six bids had been received. The high bid of $68,970 by Jim Smith of West Farm Air, was accep- table and was recommended for approval. Chief Newcombe also requested that certain items, as listed, be approved for purchase, utilizing the proceeds from the sale of the helicopters for payment. (8) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the sale of the helicopters be approved and that the proceeds be allocated for purchase of Fire Department equipment as follows: PRIORI'rY ITEM COST l. Vehicle, Suburban Wagon $22,000 w/command post module (l) 2. Radio, HT, w/mobile charger (6) l2,OOO 3. Hose, 4", W/fittings (25 lengths) 9,000 4. Bottles, breathing apparatus (lO) 3,000 5. Reflectors, fire hydrant marker (3,700) 4,000 6. Phone, cellular (1) 2,500 7 . Computer, portable w/printer (l) 1,000 8. Auto, midsize (2) 14,000 TOTAL 67,500 3 lO/G/86 SIXTH WARD PARK EXTENSION FUNDS - DELjvjANN HEIGH'rS COMMUNITY CENTER - PURCHASE OF WEIGHT EQUIPMENT In a memorandum dated September 19, 1986, Annie Ramos, Director, Parks, Recreation & Community Services, explained what equipment would be purchased to help refur- bish the exercise room at the Delmann Heights Community Center, which would contribute to the variety of activi- ties that can be offered. (9) Council Member strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that $812 from the Sixth Ward Park Extension Funds for the purchase of weight exercise equipment for Delmann Heights Community Center, be approved. VERDEMON'r AREA - SOUTHEASTERLY OF CABLE CANYON ROAD - FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT In a memorandum dated September 23, 1986, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that a petition had been received by his office requesting the formation of an assessment district for dedication and improvement of a frontage road in the Verdemont area, southerly of Cable Canyon Road. A deposit in the amount of $20,000 has been made by the Campeau Corporation for the development of the road. (lU) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the City Engineer and City Clerk be authorized to initiate proceedings for the establishment of an assessment dis- trict under the provisions of Chapter l2.90 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code, and that the City Engineer be directed to prepare an Engineer's Report for the proposed improvement of a frontage road in the Verdemont area lo- cated southeasterly of Cable Canyon Road, in the City of San Bernardino. WILDWOOD PARK - ELKS FIELD - CONSTRUCTION OF RESTROOM - MT. VIEW CONSTRUCTION In a memorandum dated September 17, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained that the construction of the restroom at Elks Field in wildwood Park was satisfactorily completed on September lO, 1986. The final contract price with Mt. View Con- struction was $35,939.12. (ll) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the work performed by the contractor, in accordance with Spec- ification No. 6949 be approved and accepted; and that final payment be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. DEL VALLEJO JR. HIGH SCHOOL - CONSTRUC'rION OF RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING -ADVERTISE FOR BIDS In a memorandum dated september 24, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that bids for the proposed construction of a restroom/conces- sion building at Del Vallejo Jr. High School had been prepared by the Engineering Division, and the project is ready to be advertised for bids. The estimated cost is $l87, 800, which includes a 15% contingency amount of $24,460. $165,000 has been allocated under Account No. 243-363-57521, "Del Vallejo Park - Concession Stand" to finance the costs incurred for this project. Supplemental funds may be needed to cover any contingencies encountered during construction. (12) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the 4 lU/6/86 plans for construction of a restroom/concession building at Del Vallejo Jr. High School, in accordance with Plan No. 6865, be approved; and the Director of Public Works/ City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. REHASILITA'rION OF ARROHHEAD AVENUE - CHANGE ORDER NO. ONE - MATICH CORPORATION In a mehlorandum dated September l8, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained the need for Change Order No. One to the contract with Matich Corporation for pavement rehabilitation of Arrow- head Avenue. (l3) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. One to the contract with Matich Corp., for Arrowhead pavement rehabilitation, be approved to authorize the removal of soft spots in subgrade at a net increase of $I,U91.49, remove and replace concrete cross gutter at an increase of $l,709.46, install 8" edge- line and L marker at an increase of $176.09, and remove and replace 20' of curb and gutter at a net increase of $270.27, all with a total net increase in the contract of $3,247.27, from $26l,964.00 to $265,211.26, and that the work performed by the contractor, in accordance with Spec- ification No. 6803, be approved and accepted, and that final payment be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. NICHOLSON PARK COMMUNITY CENTER - CHANGE ORDER NO. FOUR - DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION - ACCEPTANCE OF WORK In a memorandum dated September 23, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained the need for Change Order No. Four to the contract with Duncan Construction for construction of Nicholson Park Community Center. He also stated that the construction was satisfactorily completed on September l7, 1986. (l4) Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that CCO No. Four be approved to authorize the contractor to in- stall heating/cooling duct elbows in order to miss the lighting fixtures and to authorize a deduction for work performed by City contractors to correct door locks and security items; additionally, that the work performed by the contractor, in accordance with Specification No. 6781, be approved and accepted; and that the final payment be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. PARCEL MAP NO. 99.39 - SOUcrHEAST CORNER OF HUFF AND ARROWHEAD - WAIVER - JOHN DAY, ARROWHEAD-HUFF COl-lPAc'\1Y In a letter dated September 23, 1986, John Day, Gen- eral Partner, Arrowhead-Huff Company, 803 East Broadway, Suite D, Glendale, CA 9l205, requested a waiver of certain conditions attached to the approval of Parcel Map #9939, which were imposed by the City Engineer. Those conditions include a section of sidewalk paving on Huff Street, a handicapped curb ramp at the corner of Huff Street, street lighting and the undergrounding of existing Edison Company power service along the property street frontages. (4) City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions, stating that action taken today on this matter would be merely to set a hearing. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that the request for waiver of certain conditions attached to the 5 10/6/86 approval of Parcel Map No. 9939 be set for a hearing at 9:00 a.m., on Monday, October 20, 1986. COUNCIL MEMBER HENANDEZ EXCUSED Council Member Hernandez left the Council Meeting. 1986-87 SUPPLEl'lENTAL APPROPRIATION PROGRAM MIX - AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS In a memorandum dated September 24, 1986, Ken Hender- son, Director, Community Development Department, explained that the City had been notified by the Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development (HUD), that the City's 1986-87 CDBG original entitlement of $1,425,000 had been in- creased by $293,000, for a new total of $1,718,000. He stated that in order to amend the City's Grant Agreement with HUD to reflect this increase, public participation agreements must be met. Mr. Henderson listed various previously funded CDBG projects that have been closed out and have unexpended and unencumbered fund balances. (5) Ken Henderson, Director, Community Development De- partment, answered questions regarding the amount of $88,360.36, project 770 - Census Tract 42, Engineering, Grading, Etc. This matter had previously been discussed at the Ways and Means Committee, and Mr. Henderson ex- plained that information obtained from the Director of Finance, Director of Public Works, and Superintendent of Public Services, indicates that this project is no longer active and there are no outstanding billings. Based on that information, the recommendation was made that this fund be converted to supplemental appropriations. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that the Council go on record in setting aside the amount of $88,360.36, Project 770 Census Tract 42, Engineering, Grading, etc., until it can be better determined where this money came from, with a re- port back at the meeting of October 20, 1986, and that the rest of the report be approved. COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. READING AND V~AIVING RESOLUTIONS City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the resolu- tions on the Council Agenda. COUNCIL MEMBER MARKS ARRIVED At 9:17 a.m., Council Member Marks arrived at the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolutions be waived RES. 86-387 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIREC'fING THE EXECUTION OF A FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BE'fWEEN THE CI'fY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND COMMUNICATION RESOURCES COMPANY RELATING TO 'rELEPHONE CONSULTING SERVICES. (l7 ) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-387 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: None. 6 lO/6/86 RESOLU'fION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETHEEN THE CrfY OF SAl'l BER- NARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. (Stay in School Program) (l~) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to the afternoon session. The City Adhlinistrator was instructed to have at that time the file on this matter, including the report of the task force, which was chaired by Council Member Marks. (See page 34) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-62 TO EXTEND TERM OF INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION FOR MULTI- FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR VLACH PROJEC'r THROUGH DECEMBER l5, 1986. (lb) Ken Henderson, Director, Community Development De- partment, answered questions, stating that the "up front" money had not been paid by Mr. Leo Vlach, developer of the project. Mr. Henderson also stated that permits approved by the Planning Department were due to expire sometime this week and cannot be extended. He recoilluended that the resolution be tabled and that the inducement life of the resolution be allowed to expire on November 3, 19B6. Council Member strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, to deny the request for extending the term of the inducement resolu- tion for multi-family mortgage revenue bonds for Vlach Apartments Project. COUNCIL MEMBERS HERNANDEZ AND MARKS EXCUSED Council Members Hernandez and Marks left the Council Meeting. RES. 80-38B - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ARROVmEAD OPERA INS'fI- TUTE, INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY, CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION, AND LINKS, INC., FOR FINE ARTS GRANT ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87. (18) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-388 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 86-389 - RESOLU'rrON OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTI'fLED IN PART "RESOLUTION. . ESTAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. " AND PROVIDING A PAY INCREASE FOR THE CLASSES OF FIRE FIGHTER TRAINEE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINEE RETROACTIVE TO AUGUST 1, 1986 AND THE CLASS OF TYPIST CLERK, PART-TIME (HEADSTART). (19 ) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. 7 lO/6/86 Resolution No. 86-389 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 86-390 - RESOLU'rION OF 'rHE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTI'fLED IN PART "h RESOLUTION . . . ES'fAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. ., AND ADDING THE POSITIONS OF REHABILITATION SPECIALIST, Rll03 ($1950-2377 /MO); LOAN OFFICER, Rllll ($2153-2624/MO); SENIOR REHABILITATION SPECIALIST Rllll ($2153- 2b24 /MO); COMl1UNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST, Rll14 ($2236-2723/MO); AND HOUSING DEVELOP- MENT SPECIALIST, Rll19 ($2377-289S/MO). (20) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-390 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 86-39l - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 EN'rITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTIUN . . . ES'fAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. " AND ADDING THE POSITION OF REHABILITATION COORDINATOR, R2l28 ($2346-2858/MO). (2l) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-39l was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Hernandez, Marks. RES. 86-392 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTI'rLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION . . . ESTAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. " AND ADDING THE PUSITION OF DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, R4l42 ($28l8-3435/- MO). (22) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-392 was adopted by the following vote: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Hernandez, Marks. COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. RES. 86-393 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. (23) City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member uuiel, that said resolution be adopted. 8 10/6/86 Resolution No. 86-393 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez; Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Member Marks. RES. 8,,-394 - RESOLU'l'ION OF THE CrfY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3985 EN'I'ITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION. . PRO- HIBITING PARKING UPON CERTAIN DESIGNATED STREETS OR PORTIONS 'fHEREOF ."; AND AUTHORIZING A 150 FOOT "NO PARKING ANY TIME" ZONE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BLOODBANK ROAD, EAST OF "E" STREET. (24) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-394 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Member Marks. RES. Sb-395 - A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR fu~D COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, RELATING TO STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 1-10, BETWEEN SAID CITY MiD THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. (25) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-395 was adopted vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Member Marks. by the following Reilly Hernandez, Absent: Council RES. 86-396 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO GIBSON BROTHERS JANITORLl\L SERVICE, INC., FOR PROVIDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE NORMAN F. FELDHEYM CENTRAL LIBRARY. (26) council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that said resolution be adopted. vote: Quiel, Member Resolution No. 86-396 was adopted by the following Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Marks. RES. 86-397 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO AERIAL SERVICE CORPORATION FOR PROVIDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC BUILDINGS. (27) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-397 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Member Marks. RES. 86-398 - RESOLWrrON OF THE Crry OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO AMERICAN BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY FOR PROVIDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THREE BRANCH LI- BRARIES. (28 ) 9 lO/6/86 council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-398 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Member Marks. RES. 86-399 - RESOLUTION OF 'rHE CI'rY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A BID TO CONTRACTOR WARREN DUNCAN FOR THE DEMOLITION OF THREE LOCATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID SPECIFI- CATION F-87-4. (29) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. vote: Quiel, Member Resolution No. 86-399 was adopted by the following Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Marks. RES. 86-400 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A BID TO PACIFIC EQUIP- MENT AND IRRIGATION FOR THE FURNISHING AL'W DELIVERY OF THREE PARKING CONTROL VEHICLES TO BE UTILIZED BY THE PUBLIC BUILDING PARK- ING CONTROL DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SID SPECIFICA'rION F-87 -6. (30) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-400 was adopted vote: Ayes: Council MemDers Estrada, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Member t1arks. by the following Reilly Hernandez, Absent: Council COUNCIL t1EMBER MARKS RETURNED Council Member Marks returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS WITHIN THE FOOTHILL AREA - REVIEW OF PLANS RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO REVIEW OF PLANS FOR SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLINGS WITHIN THE FOO'rHILL AREA. (3l) ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUIRING A REVIEW OF PLANS FOR SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLINGS WITHIN THE FOOTHILL AREA. (3l) Mayor Wilcox stated that differences between two neighbors, the Arrietas and the Sidaus, relating to pro- tecting the view for single-family dwellings within the foothill area, had been resolved. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel that said resolution and ordinance be tabled. Council Member Hernandez withdrew his motion and Council Member Quiel withdrew his second. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that said resolution and ordinance be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Cali- fornia. lO 10/6/86 The motion carried by the fol10wing vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Member Hernandez. Absent: None. SR. ASSIS'l'At,l'r CITY" A'l''l'ORNEY SABOURIN ARRIVED Sr. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin arrived at the Council Meeting and replaced Deputy City Attorney Wilson. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.42.010 TO DELETE MEMBER AFFILI- ATED WITH A CABLE TELEVISION OPERATOR FROM THE MEMBERSHIP OF SAID COMMISSION. (First) (32) City Clerk Clark read the title of the ordinance. The Council and City Clerk discussed previous Council action on said ordinance. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be tabled. COUNCIL MEMBERS HERNANDEZ AND Council Members Hernandez Council Meeting. FRAZIER EXCUSED and Frazier left the ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE SEC'rION 2.42. OllJ 'ro DELETE MEMBER AFFILI- ATED WITH A CABLE TELEVISION OPERATOR FROM THE ME!o1BERSHIP OF THE COM!1UNI'l'Y" TELEVISION COMMISSION, AND ADDING SEC'rION 2.42.030 TO PROVIDE FOR INDUSTRY" NONVOTING LIAISON PERSONS. (33) City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions regarding proper procedure regarding items 32 and 33, and agreed that tabling item 32 and giving first reading to item 33 was correct action. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that Item 33 be continued to tne afternoon session. (See page 47) COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. READING jillD WAIVING OF ORDINANCES City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the ordi- nances on the Council Agenda. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of all the ordinances on the Council Agenda be waived. COUNCIL ME!o1BER FRAZIER RETUID~ED Council Member Fraz ier returned Meeting and took his place at the Council to the Table. Council 11 lO/6/86 ORDINANCE Or' THE CrfY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING SECTION lO.l6.150 OF THE SAN BER- NARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE AP- PROVED VOLUNTEERS TO ISSUE NOTICES OF PARK- ING VIOLATIONS TO VEHICLES ILLEGALLY PARKED IN DISABLED OR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PARK- ING SPACES. (34) Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions regarding possible liability to the City in case of injury to the volunteers, stating they would be subject to the provisions of Workers' Compensation, as the City has al- most the same liability with the volunteers as with City employees. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said ordinance be laid over for final passage. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Frazier, StricKler. Noes: Council Members Hernandez, Quiel. Absent: None. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING CHAPTER 19.12 OF THE SAN BERNAR- DINO MUNICIPAL CODE AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND ENFORCEMENT OF ON-SITE LANDSCAPING IN THE R-3 RESIDENTIAL DIS- TRICT. (35) ORDINANCE OF THE CI'fY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST ADDING CHAPTER 19.49 TO THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTE- NANCE AND ENFORCEMEN'f OF ON-SITE LAND- SCAPING. (Substitute 3~) City Clerk Clark read the title of the substitute ordinance. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions, stating that the original ordinance to R-3 was in error, and that the ordinance should apply City-wide with regard to the on-site landscaping. City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions regarding the submittal of the substitute ordinance, stat- ing that Planning matters go directly to the City Clerk's Office for Agenda preparation, and he was not aware of it. Planning Director Schuma answered questions regarding landscape standards on file, stating that copies of land- scaping plans from all developments in the City are kept on file, which have been reviewed and approved by the ParKs and Recreation Department. A discussion ensued regarding what was included in the ordinance and what was hoped to be achieved. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to con- tinue the item to October 20, 1986, in the Council Cham- bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, direct the City Attorney and Planning to pre- pare an ordinance for Council consideration which would establish minimum standards and enforcement of the same on landscape maintenance standards for parcels throughout the City regardless of the zone district, and to present those standards for review, as well as the ordinance. l2 10/6/86 ORDINANCE OF 'rHE CI'rY OJ,' SAN BERNARDIL~O FIRST AMENDING SECTION l8.40.160, SUBSECTION C OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PRO- VIDE FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM THE TWO STANDARD ACCESS ROUTE REQUIREMENT FOR SUBDIVISION OUTSIDE THE HIGH FIRE HAZARD AREA. (Con- tinued from September 23, 1986) (36) This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of said ordinance regarding the two access route requirement for subdivisions outside the high fire hazard area. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, to continue sdid ordinance to the afternoon session. (See page 35) INDIAN BINGO LAWSUIT - CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ET AL VS. SAN MANUEL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS, ET AL CASE NO. U. S. DISTRICT COURT NO. 8S 6899 WJR (BX) - REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE - PROPOSED SETTLEMENT It was suggested that this matter be heard later in the meeting so that Attorney Terzian, Special Counsel for this case, could be present. (S-l) Council Member Harks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the matter of the proposed settlement of the Indian Bingo Lawsuit be heard at 7:30 p.m., today, in the Council Cham- bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. (See page 3 6) ORDINANCE OF 'rHE CI'rY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING CHAPTER 19.12 OF THE SAN BERNAR- DINO MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (37) Planning Director Schuma explained provisions in the proposed ordinance and referred particularly to the "l9.04.495 - Story", section which is directly extracted from the Uniform Building Code. Mr. Schumd also referred to his memorandum dated October l, 1986, addressed to the Mayor and Common Council in which he clarified the proposed t-lultiple Family Resi- dential Ordinance. He stated that all new development standards included in this ordinance would be applicable to the existing R-3-1200 Zone. He suggested amendments to the following sections and gave the particulars: 19.12.030 Conditional Use Permit Required 19.18.150 Vehicle Access Requirements 19.04.495 Story. Mr. Schuma also suggested an amendment to Resolution No. 83-48, establishing a Review of Plans procedure, by adding Section 8 Approval - Findings. Planning Director Schuma answered questions regarding density, stating that 24 units per acre is the typical density in the R-3-1800 District. He also explained con- di tions for a Conditional Use Permit under the R-3-1200 District. Planning Director Schuma explained what was proposed to ensure compatibility and harmony with surrounding areas in the neighborhoods of 700 or 800 square foot homes, by 13 10/6/86 trying to encourage the location of garages to the to the side, and landscaping that would provide separation. rear or spacial Planning Director Schuma answered questions, that the Planning Department does not review plans development with less than three units. Those are strictly through the building permit process. stating for any handled It was suggested that amended by interdelineation inserting "underdeveloped "undevelopedl'; also on line ingll to II existingll. the proposed ordinance be on page 4, lines 5 and 7 by or" before the word 15 to change the word "exit- Assistant City Attorney explained that an amendment to Resolution No. 83-48 must be done by resolution and cannot be included in the ordinance amendment. A discussion was held concerning the definition of .. Story" and whether or not it had been reviewed by the Planning Commission. Planning Director Schuma answered questions regarding the definition of "Story", stating that the definition had not been reviewed by the Planning COllUuission, and that he would recommend that it be reviewed by the Commission prior to approval. He explained that the old definition would be used until a new one had been approved. He stated that a report from the Planning Commission could be brought back to the Council by November 3, 1986. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that said ordinance, as amended, be laid over for final passage. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution and bring it back this afternoon which would amend Resolution No. 83-48 regarding the establishment of review of plans procedures according to the recommendations of Planning Director Schuma in his memorandum dated October l, 1986, as follows: Section 8 Approval - Findings B. That the building structures and devel- opment, and use thereof shall be compatible with and not detrimental to each other as well as the surrounding neighborhood, and shall likewise be compatible with and not detrimental to the zone within which such project shall be established, so property values are preserved and orderly develop- ment of the land in the surrounding area shall be assured. G. In the event the Development Review Committee can not make all required find- ings of fact in the affirmative, the Devel- opment Review Committee may deny said ap- plication for development. COUNCIL MEMBERS REILLY AND MARKS EXCUSED Council Members Reilly and Marks left the Council Meeting. l4 lO/6/86 CITY'S i.PPROPRINrED RESERVE AHOUll'rS - POTENTIAL INCOME - POTENTIAL LIABILITY NOT BUDGETED FOR - ALL UNUSED CONTINGENCf FUNDS - REPORT In a memorandum dated October 3, Director Knudson presented a report on Reserve Amounts and Unused Contingency conclusion of the report was as follows: 1986, Finance Appropriated Funds. The (39 ) "Since the possibility of continued Revenue Shar ing funds no longer exists, the city' s reserve position is critically low. This situation is the combined result of in- creased costs in the areas of insurance, Workers Compensation, and wage and benefit settlements. Less than $300,000 outside of normal budgeted costs is available. Ideally, a reserve amount of five percent or approximately $2.3 million should be available as a safeguard against revenue shortfalls or natural disasters. " Finance Director Knudson then listed a summary of the potential activity of the Liability, Workers Compensation, Special Construction, and Unemployment Funds. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously carried, that said report be received and filed. ENTERPRISE ZONE - ZONING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA GENERAL PLM, - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 23, 1986 This is the time and place continued to for discus- sion regarding the General Plan zoning within the North- west Redevelopment Project Area and how it relates to the Enterprise Zone. (4l) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the discussion regarding the General Plan zoning within the Northwest Redevelopment project Area be continued to 4:00 p.m., today. (See page 34) COUNCIL MEMBER REILLY RETURNED Council Member Reilly returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. COUNCIL MEMBER FRAZIER EXCUSED Council Member Frazier left the Council Meeting. APPEAL - BOARD OF BUILDING CO~WISSIONERS' DECISION TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE - 5718 NORTH "u" STREET - TED E. BAIR - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of an appeal filed by Ted E. Bair on the Board of Building Commissioners' decision to abate public nuisance at 5718 North "D" Street. (42) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that approval be given to grant the appeal of the Board of Building Commissioners' decision to abate public nuisance at 5718 North "D" Street by Ted E. Bair, subject to the following conditions: (1) all up to date and current plans be submitted to the Building and Safety Department within ten calendar days of this date; (2) a specific time frame, as submitted, or as modified by the Common l5 10/6/86 Council, be imposed; (3) applicant agrees to not contest in any way an immediate order of demolition if work is not substantially completed by end of agreed upon time frame. Mr. Ted E. Bair agreed to these conditions. COUNCIL MEMBER FRAZIER RETUm{ED Council Member Frazier returned to the Council Meet- ing and took his place at the Council Table. APPEAL - BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS' ORDER OF ABATEMENT - 1139 W. 19TH STREET - JOHN R. TINDALL ON BEHALF OF MANUEL B. ENRIQUEZ - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 19d6 This is the time and place continued to for consid- eration of the appeal on the Board of Building Commis- sioners' order of Abatement filed by John R. Tindall on behalf of Manuel B. Enriquez regarding property located at 1139 W. 19th Street. (38) Attorney John R. Tindall, representing Manuel B. Enriquez, was present and explained that the biggest prob- lem concerning this property was that the lot was over- built and additional space was needed. He explained that property is available to the rear of Mr. Enriquez prop- erty, and he is in the process of trying to purchase a portion of that lot. With the addition of that property, it would bring the over-built portion of the lot into conformity with the Code. Attorney Tindall, representing Mr. Enriquez, ex- plained that over the past year repairs have been made to the structure. He stated that they had just been notified of accumulated grease and oil in the attic due to improper venting of the kitchen stove. They had not been previous- ly notified of this problem. He requested an additional 90 days to make all necessary repairs. Jim Robbins, Acting Superintendent of Building and Safety, reported that they had done an inspection on Octo- ber 3, 1986, and found several violations of the Code, such as materials stored in the carport, although one bathroom had been repaired, another one was not, exterior walls and attic have not been insulated, the attic was covered with grease and oil, and the water heater was not properly vented. He stated that these two latter viola- tions presented a safety hazard. He requested that the order be to vacate the property within three days and that it be boarded up until such time as a decision is made on the rest of the activities, such as allowing the owner to apply for a demolition permit within ten days or for the City to proceed with the demolition. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MC QUEEN ARRIVED At 11:05 a.m., Deputy City Attorney McQueen arrived at the Council Meeting and replaced Assistant City Attor- ney Sabourin. Attorney Tindall answered original list of violations There are now only about five questions, stating that the incl uded about 50 items. or ten items not completed. Deputy City Attorney McQueen answered questions, stating that it seemed unreasonable that the applicant had been led to believe for a year that he could repair the property and bring it up to code, then since Friday's inspection he was told it presented a danger to life and property and must be demolished. The major problem is that it is over built for the lot, and the applicant has l6 lO/6/86 found a way to rectify that problem. Ms. McQueen also suggested that the applicant be given three days to fix those items which i'resent a danger to health and safety. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that Attorney Tindall and Acting Superintendent Robbins, Build- ing & Safety, meet and come back at 3:00 p.m., with a specific time frame that addresses the health and safety factors. (See page 30) DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MC QUEEN EXCUSED Deputy City Attorney McQueen left the Council Meeting and was replaced by Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Community Development commission/Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Wilcox in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. PUBLIC HEARING - CENTRAL CITY SOUTH OVERLAY DISTRICT - CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-22 - RIALTO AVE, ON THE NORTH, "E" STREE'r ON THE EAST, INLAND CENTER DR. ON THE SOUTH AND 1-215 FREEWAY ON THE WEST This is the time and place set for a public hearing concerning the Central City South Overlay District and Change of Zone No. 86-22, to change the land use zoning designation in the 195 acre area to C-M, Commercial Manu- facturing for property boarded by Rialto Avenue on tile north, "E" Street on the east, Inland Center Dr. on the South and the 1-215 Freeway on the west. (R-l & RS-5) In a memorandum dated September 30, 1986, Glenda Saul, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agency, gave a synopsis of previous action taken regarding the proposed Overlay Zone. Mayor Wilcox opened the hearing. Council Member Strickler stated that the question had been raised that he may have a conflict of interest if he participated in or voted in this matter. Mr. Strickler further stated that he had reviewed all the facts with his attorney, and after reviewing said facts, it was the opin- ion of his attorney that he did not have a conflict of interest. Mr. Strickler stated, however, that because the subject had been raised, and in order to eliminate any doubt, he would not participate in the discussion or vote. COUNCIL MEMBER STRICKLER EXCUSED Council Member Strickler left the Council Meeting. Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, suggested that Item RS-5 also be discussed at this time, as it relates to the subject of the Overlay Zone. COUNCIL MEMBER FRAZIER EXCUSED Council Member Frazier left the Council Meeting. RES. 86-401 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DIRECTING NEGOTIATION OF DEVEL- OPMENT AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, (RS-5) City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. 17 10/6/86 Glenda Saul; Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, stated that the Southern California Gas Company had wished to gain an exemption, which request was not agreeable to the Agency. Instead, it was suggested that the Agency and Southern California Gas Company enter into an owner participation agreement with some guidelines which would solve the problem of the outdoor storage. Jim King, District Manager, Southern California Gas Company, stated they had originally wanted an exemption because the facility at 2nd and "G" Street is used for emergency services and for customer services. The Public Utilities Commission, as well as the Gas Company require certain safety standards. These materials are stored outside so that trucks can get to them right away in case of an emergency. Mr. King further stated screening the area would be a possibility of solving the problem. Glenda Saul, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agen- cy, answered questions regarding other users in the area. Sr. Assistant questions. City Attorney Briggs answered Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the resolution be waived and said resolu- tion be adopted. Resolution No. 8b-401 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Marks, Frazier, Strickler. Rick Marks, Manager of Hajoca Corporation, corner of Mill and "G" Street, asked questions regarding the time frame. Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, answered questions, stating that the Hajoca Corp- oration situation is unique, as it is in the right-of-way of street improvements, and they are in the process of negotiations with them now for property acquisition. The Mayor and Council discussed the possibility of changing the western boundary of the proposed Overlay Zone to the western side of the property on the west side of "Ell Street. COUNCIL MEMBER FRAZIER RETURNED Council Member Frazier returned to the Council Meet- ing and took his place at the Council Table. Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs answered questions regarding the change of boundaries, stating that the boun- daries could be changed, but it would require a delay by changing the ordinance and requiring a new Environmental Impact Report. COUNCIL MEMBER MARKS RE'rURNED Council Member Marks returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, was not in agreement with any change in the boun- daries, and recommended that the project go forward with the boundaries as previously designated. l8 lO/6/86 ORD. Mc-544 - ORDINANCE OF 'rIlE MAYOR AND FINAL COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO ADOP'rING AN OVERLAY ZONE IMPOSING DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK UPON AN AREA. (R-l) City Clerk Clark read the title of the ordinance. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried by the following vote: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier. Noes: Council Member Quiel. Absent: Member Strickler. Ayes: Marks, Council Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the ordinance be waived. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that said ordinance be adopted. Ordinance MC-544 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Frazier. Noes: Council Member Quiel. Absent: Council Member Strickler. COUNCIL MEMBER STRICKLER RETUm{ED Council Member Strickler returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. PREVAILING WAGE RATE STUDY In a memorandum dated October 1, 1986, Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, gave a synopsis of previous action taKen regarding the prevailing Wage Study. On May 5, 1986, the Community Development Commission authorized an agreement with Data Gathering Center, California State University, for consultant ser- vices to present a report within 90 days. On July l8, 1986, the Data Gathering Services requested a 30 day ex- tension which was denied. On August 4, 19U6, the Commis- sion agreed to extend submittal time for 45 days to Sep- tember 23, 1986, and on September l8, 1986, Community Development Commission Resolution No. 4916 amended the agreement to officially extend the submittal date to Sep- tember 23, 1986. (R-2) The report entitled "prevailing Wage: Final Report", dated September 1986, was presented. The principal Inves- tigator: Thomas pierce, Ph. D.; Co-Investigators: Sheldon Bockman, Ph. D.; Donald Lindsey, Ph.D.; Barbara Sirotnik, Ph. D. Thomas Pierce, Ph. D. presented an oral summary of the prevailing Wage Final Report. He referred to four options for resolving the City's prevailing wage contro- versy as follows: Option A: Maintain current policy - prevailing wage and reactive enforcement. One probable consequence of this option would be that strife, confusion and dissat- isfaction associated with the present pol- icy would continue unabated. Other conse- quences include: o A relatively low rate of compliance; 19 lO/G/86 o A lower rate of open shop participation RDA and City contracts than would occur the policy were repealed; in if o A somewhat higher rate of union participation in RDA and Agency contracts than--would--occur if the policy were repealed; o The City anu RDA projects would continue to cost more under present policy that would be --t11e case if the policy were repealed; o Minorities, women, and small businesses would have fewer opportunities than would be the case if the policy were repealed; and o The relative attractiveness of San Ber- nardino to developers would be less than if the policy were repealed. option B: requirements; Active enforcement of prevailing wage The probable consequences of this Option are: o A somewhat higher rate of compliance to City and Agency policy than is presently the case; o An increase in RDA personnel devoted specifically to enforcing and monitoring prevailing wage compliance; o An elaboration of administrative and bureaucratic procedures designed to enforce compliance; o An increase in union involvement in City and RDA project - thus greater employment for union members and greater construction activity for union contractors than is the case under the current policy; o A decrease in open shop activity in RDA and City projects as compared with present policy and enforcement practice; o A slight increase in the cash economy in the local construction industry as compared with the present policy; o A decrease in minority/women and small contractor's involvement in RDA and City projects from what is presently occuring; o An effective increase in RDA-mandated prevailing wage project costs; o A slight decrease peti ti veness of the development. in the relative com- City in attracting Option C: Raise minimum threshold below which the prevailing wage policy does not apply and above which there would be strict enforcement; 20 10/6/86 This approach has been taken by a number of cities, including Santa Ana and Los Angeles (See Appendices 1 and 2 in the report for the policy statements developed by those cities). 'i'he major advantage of this op- tion is that it provides the best middle .9.!~.':!~~ solution to the prevailing wage controversy. Increasing the project cost (construction cost) threshold for activat- ing prevailing wage requirements to some substantial amount would reduce the number of prevailing wage projects to administer but would nevertheless preserve the appli- cability of the prevailing wage requirement for many RDA projects. Examination of projects subject to the RDA's unwritten prevailing wage policy from 1976-84 re- vealed an average (mean) inflation-adjust- ed project size (in terms of construction cost) of $l.25 million, with median project size of about $825,000. For an increase in the threshold to have more than a token effect on open shop accessibility to RDA and City projects, the threshold would have to be raised to at least the neighborhood of median project size. The degree to which income would be redistributed in the short run from the unionized to the open shop sector would vary directly with the increase in the threshold. Regardless, however, there would be less redistribution than if the prevailing wage requirement were repealed altogether. By increasing open shop accessibility, this option also would provide for greater minority/small business participation in RDA and City projects than would be the case if current policy were continued or strictly enforced. Under this option, larger projects would continue to be subject to prevailing wage requirements. Thus, other things constant, the City could be at somewhat of a disad- vantage vis-a-vis other cities in the In- land Empire in its efforts to attract de- velopment projects valued in excess of the threshold figure. As with Option B, both City and RDA staff would have to lend increased attention to enforcement matters (in this case, on proj- ects above the threshold level). It was pointed out by the consultant that there might be a possibility of lower construction quality in an open shop situation and the loss of benefits to workers and tax increments to governmental agencies in this option. Option D: Repeal existing policy. Under this Option, the City and RDA would no longer be required to adhere to a pre- vailing wage requirement which is inherent- ly difficult to enforce. The City would realize slight budgetary savings on public works projects. The RDA would be in the best position (among the options discussed) to attract developers to the area. As a result, overall local economic growth would tend to increase slightly over what it 21 lO/6/86 would otherwise have been. Minority / women and open shop firms and workers would benefit from such a change This Option would, however, have an adverse effect on unions and union contractors. Among the options discussed, this option would result in the greatest amount of income redistribution from unions to open shops, but would not be expected to cause a collapse of the local construction industry wage structure. CONTINUE PREVAILING WAGE REPORT - RECESS MEETING At l2:00 noon, Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously car- ried, that the Report on the Prevailing Wage Issue be continued to 2:30 p.m., this afternoon in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar- dino, California, and that the meeting be recessed to a "Waste to Energy" Workshop, at the County Building, 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, California. (See page 26) RECONVENE MEETING At 2:00 p.m., the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Strickler; Assistant City Attorney Sabourin, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Schweitzer. Absent: Council Member Frazier. VERDE MONT AREA PLAN - CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-l5 - CERTIFICATION - FINAL ENVIRONMENTAl IMPACT REPORT In a memorandum dated September l8, 1986, Frank A. Schuma, Planning Director, stated that the Planning Com- mission had adopted Resolution Nos. 86-4 and 86-5 which recommend certification of the Final EIR and Addendum prepared for the Verdemont Area Plan, adoption of the Ver- demont Area Plan, approval of Change of Zone No. 86-l5, approval of the Negative Declaration for the proposed ordinance amendment and adoption of the proposed ordinance amendment. (52) COUNCIL MEMBER FRAZIER RETURNED At 2:08 p.m., Council Member Frazier returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. Planning Director Schuma answered questions regarding the controversial nature of this project, stating that the primary issue revolves around the standards that were incorporated within the Area Plan and the method with which they were original1y incorporated. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that this item be referred to the Legislative Review Committee for their l:OO p.m., Thursday, October 9, 1986 meeting, and brought back to the Council on October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Cali- fornia. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Quiel, Strickler. Noes: Council Members Estrada, Hernandez, Marks, Frazier. Absent: None. 22 lO/6/86 Mayor wilcox opened the hearing. Helen Kopczynski, 8150 N. Cable Canyon Rd., ques- tioned why this matter should go back to the Legislative Review Committee, and stated her opposition to the project because of the density, density bonuses, land use changes, zoning changes, and standards. Planning Director Schuma answered questions, stating that there had been many comments received from people living in the area by the Planning Corrunission which were incorporated within the Plan itself. All the meetings were open and notices were sent to interested parties. Jeff Gates, a real estate agent from the Mission Viejo-Irvine Area, stated he was in favor of the Plan and thought it was excellent. Johnny Johnson, representing Pauline Faulk stated that Ms. Faulk owns l48 acres that are involved in this Plan. Mr. Johnson stated he had attended all the meet- ings, and that the Planning Commission members who made a visual inspection of the property realized the necessity of the zoning. He further stated that most of the ob- jections came from County residents. He stated his sup- port for the proposed Plan. Albert Lanseneze stated he and his wife own 15 1/2 acres in Devil's Canyon and that part of this area had been declared an open area. His property has been down zoned from R-l-l4000 to RCN-140 and he objected to this change. Planning Director Schuma answered questions, stating that most of the objectors live in single family homes or are from the University. The two main complaints are that the standards are not strict enough, and that the density proposed for the project was too lenient. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, to refer this matter to the Legislative Review Committee for a l:OO p.m., hearing on Thursday, October 9, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, with a report back to the Council on October 20, 1986. Staff was di- rected to contact all those who have had an interest in this matter of the October 9, 1986, meeting date in order to provide an opportunity for additional input. APPEAL HEARING - VARIANCE NO. 85-24 - ELDORADO BANK - l72l N. CONEJO DRIVE - CONTINUED FROM SEP'I'EMBER 8, 1986 - PROTEST HEARING - VACATION OF 17TH STREET, EAST OF CONEJO DRIVE - ELDORADO BANK, APPLICANT - CONTINUED FROl1 SEP'I'EIVlBER 8, 1981i This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of an appeal hearing on the Planning Commission's decision of denial of Variance No. 85-24, to waive Section 19.12.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to allow an encroachment into setback area in the R-3-1200 Multiple Family Residential District on property located at 1721 N. Conejo Dr., filed by Eldorado Bank, and to hear protests regarding the proposed vacation of l7th Street, east of Conejo Drive. (50 and 5l) Planning Director Schuma stated that a resolution to this matter had not been reached and recommended that it be continued for two weeks for a final solution at that time. 23 10/6/86 It was suggested that when the final solution is reached, that it be reviewed by the City Attorney, Plan- ning Director, Building & Safety Department, with specific recommendations given to the Council in time for consider- ation before the next meeting. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that con- sideration of Variance No. 85-24 and the Vacation of 17th Street, east of Conejo Drive be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. (Reconsidered. See next item) RECONSIDERATION - VARIANCE NO. 85-24 - VACA'rION OF l7TH STREET, EAST OF CONEJO DRIVE Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez that the matter of Variance No. 85-24 and the Vacation of 17th Street, east of Conejo Drive be reconsidered. (50 & 51) The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Member Estrada. Absent: None. Charles Schultz of Reid and Hellyer Law Firm, repre- senting Eldorado Bank, stated they were very close to a settlement of this issue and asked staff and Council for an indication if they would be predisposed to go along with it if Eldorado Bank agrees to do the street repair, put in street lights and guard rail. Council discussion indicated that such a decision could create liability for the City. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, that Variance No. 85-24 and the Vacation of l7th Street, east of Conejo Drive be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Member Estrada. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 86-4 In a memorandum dated September 26, 1986, Planning Director Schuma stated that at its meeting of September l6, 1986, the Planning Commission recorrunended approval of General Plan Amendment No. 86-4, for property located in the Lytle Creek Wash area, north and south of Baseline Street, east of the City of Rialto. The applicant in this matter is Neil Fisher, representing owner Willard C. Schade. (53) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE NEGATIVE DECLARA'rION AS TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 86-4 TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELE- MENT). (Lytle Creek Wash area, north and south of Baseline, east of City of Rialto) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that the General Plan Amendment No. 86-4 be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 24 lO/6/86 PUBLIC HEARING - S & S MEAT PRODUCTS - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 This is the time and place continued to for a public hearing concerning the operating procedure of S & S Meat Products, l389 W. Mill Street, San Bernardino, California. (54) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council ~lember Estrada and unanimously carried, that the public hearing regarding S & S Products be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. CERTIFICATION OF PARTICIPA'rION FOR FIRE STATION AND EQUIPMENT - ADOPT RESOLUTION - SET PUBLIC HEARING In a memorandum dated September 26, 1986, Craig Graves, City Treasurer, gave a synopsis of previous action regarding the Certification of Participation for the pro- posed fire station and equipment and presented two resolu- tions for adoption. (RS-2 and RS-3) Craig Graves, City Treasurer and Glenda Saul, Execu- tive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, answered ques- tions regarding the resolutions. RES. 86-402 - RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF NOT TO EX- CEED $2,875,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CERTI- FICATES OF PARTICIPATION (CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO 1986 PROJECTS). City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said reso- lution be adopted. vote: Marks, None. Resolution No. 86-402 was adopted by the following Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: RES. 86-403 - RESOLUTION OF 'rHE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY THE CITY OF LEASE AGREEMENT, TRUST AGREE- MENT AND AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 198b PROJECTS), APPOINTING TRUSTEE AND AUTHORIZ- ING ISSUANCE OF SUCH CERTIFICATES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,875,000. City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and that said resolution be adopted. vote: Marks, None. Resolution No. 86-403 was adopted by the following Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: 2S 10/6/86 Council Member MarKs made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, to set a joint public hearing for November 3, 1986, at 11:00 a.m., on proposed lease to the City by Agency of fire station site and improvements, computer aided dispatch system, and such other improvements as the Council and Agency may approve. PREVAILING WAGE STUDY REPORT - CON'rINUED FROl'l EARLIER IN THE MEETING This is the time and place continued to for discus- sion on the Prevailing Wage: Final Report prepared by California State -unTversity~san -BernardGlO'- prepared by Research and Data Gathering Center, dated September, 1986. (See page 19) (R-2) Thomas Pierce, Ph D., principal Investigator, Cali- fornia State University, San Bernardino, answered ques- tions concerning the Prevailing Wage Study. Joe Perez, Secretary of the San Bernardino-Riverside Counties Building Trades Council, spoke in favor of re- taining the prevailing wage provisions. He also spoke about their efforts to bring more minorities and women into the trades. Joe Bonadiman, 606 Mill Street, stated that his firm has in excess of $10,000,000 worth of construction manage- ment projects, and stated that they hire both union and non-union subcontractors, considering both quality and price, and felt that non-union workers do quality work, as well as union workers. Jim Henehan, President of Paige Electric Co., repre- senting the National Electrical Association, which is made up of both union and non-union members, emphasized the need for adequate inspection for all projects by both the City and the Redevelopment Agency to insure quality work and a means of measurement. He also stated they were trying to get more women in the trade, but they don't apply for the programs. Tony Groat, an electrician representing Lon's Electric Services, stated that 70% of construction is done by non-union workers, and disagreed that lesser quality in buildings is the result of non-union workers. He also questioned how the prevailing wage rate is calculated. Joe Doyle, resident of the Fourth Ward and IBEW mem- ber, stated that all General Law Cities, which are the majority in the State of California, pay Davis Bacon rates. He thanked the Council and especially California State University for their work on the Prevailing Wage Study. He further described the training programs and other benefits provided to union members which were gained through collective bargaining, and that non-union members had also benefitted from these provisions. Mr. Doyle recommended the adoption of Option "e" in the Prevailing Wage Study. Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs answered questions regarding how the status of public works projects are determined. The Council discussed establishing a building valua- tion amount which would trigger the requirement for pre- vailing wages. 26 10/6/86 1-- Mark Illsley, General Manayer of Huntley properties construction and Huntley Properties Development, stated there are many choices, as well as many risks, in choosing areas in the Inland Empire in which to develop. He ex- plained that cOllununi.ties that assist developers by "aiving certain requirements, such as prevai 1 ing wages, attract more development. Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, answered questions, stating that prevailing wage rates apply in projects using ta~ increment revenue only on streets, curbs and gutters, but is not required on the whole projec.t. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING A POLICY THAT PREVAILING WAGES SHALL BE REQUIRED ON CITY PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS ONLY WHEN REQUIRED BY STATE OR FEDERAL LAW, AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. l2846. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING A POLICY THAT PREVAILING WAGE CLAUSE SHALL NOT BE INCLUDED IN CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EXCEPT WHEN REQUIRED BY STATE OR FEDERAL LAW. City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolutions. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that further reading of the Redevelopment Agency resolution be waived. Joe Doyle, Fourth Hard resident and member of IBEW, stated that the electricians are willing to work towards a compromise. Mayor Wilcox questioned whether or not the prevailing wage issue would have an impact on the proposed project in the Central City South Area and spoke of the many jobs and revenue the project would generate. Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, answered questions, stating that in her opinion, the project could not go forward with the prevailing wage clause. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, to adopt the resolution with regard to the Redevelopment Agency and the deletion of the Prevailing Wage rate other than when required by State of Federal statute. Council Member Marks made a substitute motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, to continue the matter to October 20, 1986, to endorse the formation of a special committee comprised of members of the labor com- munity and building industry, as well as members of the City staff, City Council and the Redevelopment Agency, to explore middle ground solutions as recommended by consul- tants and others, and report back October 20, 1986, and City, as policy, would continue to look at each such proj- ect requesting a waiver on a case by case basis. Joe Doyle, Fourth Ward resident and member of IBEW, spoke in favor of the motion, stating the time frame would encourage debate and solution of the issue. 27 10/6/86 The substitute motion by Council Member Marks failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hernandez, Marr.:s, Frazier. Noes: Council Members Reilly, Quiel, Strickler. Abstain: Council Member Estrada. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel, that debate be closed. The Council Frazier, None. motion carried by the following vote: Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Strickler. Noes: Council Member Marks. Ayes: Quiel, Absent: The original motion by Council Member Quiel to adopt the Redevelopment Agency resolution relative to the Pre- vailing Wage carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Members Estrada, Hernandez, Marks. Absent: None. (Re- considered, see next item.) Council Member Marks Council Member Estrada, to motion. made a motion, seconded by reconsider the substitute The motion carried by the following vote: Council Members Estrada, Hernandez, Marks, Frazier. Council Nembers Reilly, Quiel, Strickler. Absent: Ayes: Noes: None. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, to adopt the substitute motion to continue the matter to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar- dino, California, to endorse the formation of a special coromi t tee comprised of members of tile labor community and the building industry, as well as City staff and Council and Redevelopment Agency, to explore middle ground solu- tions as recommended by consultants and others, and report back October 20, 1986, and City, as policy would continue to look at each such project requesting a waiver on a case by case basis. (See page 43 for committee Council appointments) The motion carried by the following vote: Council Members Estrada, Hernandez, Marks, Frazier. Council Members Reilly, Quiel, Strickler. Absent: Ayes: Noes: None. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler, that further reading of the the City resolution relative to the Prevailing Wage issue be waived, and that said resolution be adopted. The Council Members None. motion fai led by the following vote: Members Reilly, Quiel, Strickler. Noes: Estrada, Hernandez, Marks, Frazier. Ayes: Council Absent: SALE OF ORANGEWOOD PARK TO SAN BERNARDINO COt~UNITY HOSPITAl - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of the sale of Orangewood Park to San Bernardino Community Hospital. (R-3) Council Member Quiel stated that he would abstain on this matter due to a possible conflict of interest, as his Company had provided sign work for the hospital. COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL EXCUSED Council Member Quiel left the Council Meeting. 28 10/b/S6 RES. 86-404 - RESOLUTION OF THE CrfY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECU- TION OF A GRANT DEED CONVEYING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR USE IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHWEST REDE- VELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (R3a) City Clerk Clark read the titles of the three resolu- tions relating to the sale of Orangewood Park. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the resolutions be waived. COUNCIL MEMBER MARKS EXCUSED Council Member Marks left the Council Meeting. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-404 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Marks, Quiel. RES. 86-405 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF THAT CER- TAIN PARCEL OF PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS APN l43-05l-05 AND APN l43-39l-02, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MUSCOTT DRIVE, 300 FEET SOUTH OF 19TH STREET, BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TO SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. (R-3b) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-405 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Marks, Quiel. RES. 86-406 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVEL- OPMENT AGREEMENT AMONG THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNAR- DINO COMHUNI'fY HOSPITAL. (R-3c) Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-406 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Mem- bers Marks, Quiel. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MC QUEEN ARRIVED Deputy City Attorney McQueen arrived at the Council Meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL RETURNED Council Member Quiel returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. 29 lO/6/8" APPEAL HEARING - SOARD OF SUnDING COMMISSIONERS' ORDER OF ABATEMENT - 1139 w. 19TH STREET - JOHN R. TINDALL ON BEHALF OF MANUEL B. ENRIQUEZ - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of the appeal filed by John R. Tindall on behalf of Manuel S. Enriquez on the Board of Building Commissioners' Order of Abatement on property located at 1139 W. 19th Street, San Bernardino, California. (See page l6) (38) Attorney John Tindall, representing Manuel B. Enriquez, statea that Mr. Frye, an inspector from the Fire Department, had made an inspection of the attic at the house at l139 W. 19th Street, and had found no grease build up in the attic and no evidence of any fire hazard, except it was not properly vented. Mr. Tindall stated that he had told the Building and Safety Department this would be corrected within a day or two. He requested an additional 90 days to proceed with Planning Department application to get the lot line changed, take out the proper building permits as necessary and submit plans. Jim Robbins, Acting Safety, stated that the work days and the house must meet Superintendent, Building & should be completed within 90 the minimum building Codes. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the applicant be given 90 days to comply with the following conditions: a lot line adjustment for ll39 W. 19th Street, a variance from the Planning Commission for the side yard setback, make all repairs listed in the memor- andum of November lB, 1985, from Michael Perbix, Deputy City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING - RENAMING OF MUSCOTT STREET FROM FIFTH STREET NORTH TO CAJON STREET This is the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the renaming of Muscott Street from Fifth Street north to Cajon Street. (55) Mayor wilcox opened the hearing. Clarence R. Goodwin, 1456 W. 16th Street, a pastor, educator and member of the San Bernardino Community Hos- pi tal Board of Directors, spoke in favor of renaming Mus- cott Street Medical Center Drive. Matthew B. Stewart, a resident stated that there was much traffic didn't feel people avoided the area. the name remain the same. of Muscott Street, on the street and He reco~nended that Pastor James Elder, Living Water Church of God in Christ, 1545 N. Mt. Vernon, stated he was pleased with honors given in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., such as the statue in front of City Hall, and was in favor of the name Martin Luther King, Jr., if a change is to be made. Frances Holland, 1098 Muscott Street, stated she had lived at this address for 42 years and was in favor of leaving the name the same, as changing the name of the street would not change the problems that exist in the area. Thomas Chandler, Committee member of the Northwest PAC, has a business close to Muscott. He stated he felt a 30 lO/6/86 change in street name would be a cosmetic change only and recommended leaving it the same or changing it to Martin Luther King Jr. Albert Johnson, who has lived on Muscott for 23 years, stated he didn't feel it would make much difference if the name were changed, but it might help people find the medical facility if the name of the street were changed to Medical Center Drive. Jack Hill, a resident of the West Side for 55 years, stated he felt many improvements had been made in the west side, and was in favor of changing the name to Medical Center Drive and expressed his support for the San Bernar- dino Community Hospital. Bill Jacocks, President of the Westside Action Group, proposed a compromise whereby Muscott Street would be renamed Medical Center Drive and "D" Street would be re- named Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue. Trini Coburn spoke in opposition to changing the name of Muscott Street, because it would not change the image of the area and suggested leaving it the same. COUNCIL MEMBER At 5:10 p.m., Council Meeting and MARKS RETURNED Council Member Marks returned to the took his place at the Council Table. Darlene McGinnis, a resident of orangewood Estates, spoke in favor of changing the name of Muscott to Medical Center Drive and stated she had conducted a survey in the area, and found that the majority of people were in favor of Medical Center Drive. Carl Clemmons, Chairman of the Northwest Project Area PAC spoke in favor of changing the name of Muscott to Medical Center Drive, and that members of the PAC also preferred Medical Center Drive. George King, a resident of the West Side, spoke in favor of Medical Center Drive, and suggested that a new name might cause tile City to provide better street clean- ing services. Cheryl Brown, a resident of the West Side for 25 years, was in favor of changing the name of Muscott to Medical Center Drive which would contribute to the econ- omic growth in the area, by providing opportunities for business to develop in connection with the health services facility. Lydia Hall spoke in opposition to the name Medical Center Drive, as in another community a Medical Center Drive had forced the black community to leave the area. Ms. Doster spoke in favor of changing the name of Muscott to Medical Center Drive. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the hearing be closed. Council Member Frazier made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the enabling documents to change the name of Muscott Street to Medical Center Drive. 31 lO/6/86 The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler. Noes: Council Member Hernandez. Absent: None. GIBSON BROTHERS - COS'l'ODIAL SERVICES - CEN'rRAL CITY MALL - CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 This is the time and place continued to for consider- ation of contracting out the custodial maintenance ser- vices at Central City Mall to the private sector. (S-13) City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions, stating that contracting for Mall maintenance would affect six full-time and thirteen part-time City employees. It is possible that the six full-time employees could be absorbed into the work force at City Hall, but the cost benefit of contracting out would be reduced. Ed Lehmann, AFSCME, Local l22, stated that the union had not been properly notified of a reduction in forces but that staff had been told informally to start looking for another job. In a letter dated October 3, 1986, Robert D. Curci, Managing Partner, Central City Company, stated that the Central City Company had been very pleased with the cus- todial services provided by the City in the Central City Mall and felt it was more efficient and cost-effective than contracting out the services. Mr. Curci respectfully requested that the City proceed in a conservative and cautious manner to protect its own interests and interests of the businesses with whom they have agreements relative to custodial services. He explained that he believed that both the City and the Central City Company would be taking an unwarranted risk to go to contract services without a history of performance and sufficient back-up performance in the event the contractor does not perform properly. Lionel Heller spoke regarding the benefits on con- tracting custodial services with his company. Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public WorKs/City Engi- neer, answered questions about comments that were made to Mall employees. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, to continue this matter to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Cali- fornia, and direct staff, Gibson Brothers, and Central City Mall to sit down and discuss parameters of the pro- posed maintenance contract and be prepared to discuss them at the October 20, 1986, meeting. Mr. Lionel Heller, Gibson Janitorial Services, stated that he had submitted a bid bond with his bid, and re- quested that it be released. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, to authorize the release of the bid bond submitted by Gibson Brothers in light of the fact that the City is not prepared to award the contract. If the contract is awarded at a later date, Gibson Brothers will be required to submit a new bond. GENERAL REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE a. Board of Building Commissioners' Resolutions: (49 a) 32 10/6/86 SSC 1117 BBC 1118 BBC 1119 BBC 1120 BBC 1121 BBC 1122 BBC 1123 BBC 1124 750 North "G" Street 263 W. Baseline 133 South "I" Street 959 North "H" Street 2584 North Cedar 1248 West Reece Street 2934 Glenview Avenue 5718 North "D" Street Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said Board of Building Commissioners' Resolutions be received and filed. b. Before the Public Utilities COlmnission of the State of California: order modifying decision (D.) 86-04-020 and denying rehearing. (previous applications filed July l, 1983, and August 3, 1983.) (49b) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the Public Utilities Commission Order be received and filed. c. Before the Public Utilities COIlunission of the State of California: Southern California Gas Company Notice to customers of filing of application and public hearing in Application No. 86-09-030 and Application No. 86-09-029. (Relative to request to increase its rates effective January l, 1987). 49(c) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that the Southern California Gas Company Notice to customers of filing Application No. 86-09-030 and Application No. 86-09-029, relative to request to increase its rate ef- fective January l, 1987, be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for a report back to the Council at the meeting of October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. POLICY REGARDING PUBLIC U'l'ILI'rIES COMMISSION NOTICES OF INCREASES IN RATES Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that any Public Utilities Commission document relating to rate increases be referred directly to the Ways and Means Com- mittee. RECESS MEETING At 6:25 p.m., Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously car- ried, that the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Cor=on Council recess until 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino. Cali- fornia. RECONVENE MEETING At 7:40 p.m., the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll CalI was taken by the City Clerk with the fol- lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel; Assistant City Attorney Sabourin, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Schweitzer. Absent: Council Members Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. 33 10/6/86 RES. 86-407 - RESOLUTION O~' 'rHE CI'fY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMEN'f BE'fWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. (Stay in School Program) (l5) (Continued from earlier in the meeting. See page 7) In a memorandum dated October 6, 1986, Kenneth J. Henderson, Director, Community Development Department, summarized his Department's participation in the Stay-In- School Program. He stated he received a copy of the cor- respondence dated September l5, 198b from the City Attor- ney's Office to the San Bernardino Unified School District, requesting the District's comments on the pro- posed agreement. He then provided his comments to the City Attorney and Dr. Roberts and Nancy Rucker of the District. He stated that he had no knowledge of the delay in time between the action taken by the Council on April 4, 1986, as the City Attorney's Office was handling this particular agreement. Mr. Henderson also stated in the memorandum that with respect to possible changes in the parameters of the pro- gram design he found the only significant changes appear to be the difference in School District funding for the program, $260,000 in Counc i 1 Member Mar ks' report, and $239,400 in the budget attached to the staff report and tne lack of an evaluation component in the item under consideration today. The cost of the proposed evaluation component was estimated at $2,500, and only partially makes up the difference between the proposed and current budgets ($20,600). Ken Henderson, Director, Community Development De- partment, answered questions. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to amend the resolution by interdelineation to include the evalua- tion component of the program and to adopt the resolution as amended. Resolution No. 86-407 was adopted by the follo\ling vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Hernandez, Frazier, Strickler. ENTERPRISE ZONING WITHIN THE NORTHlmST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA GENERAL PLAN - CON'rINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEE'rING This is the time and place continued to for discus- sion regarding the General Plan zoning within the North- west Redevelopment Project Area and how it relates to the Enterprise Zone. (See page 15) (41) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the discussion regarding the General Plan zoning within the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area and how it relates to the Enterprise Zone be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 34 lO/6/86 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 18.40.l60, SUBSECTION C OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PRO- VIDE FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM THE TWO STANDARD ACCESS ROUTE REQUIREMENT FOR SUBDIVISION OUTSIDE THE HIGH FIRE HAZARD AREA. (36) (Continued from earlier in the meeting. See page 13) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be continued to October 20, 198b, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar- dino, California. REPORT FROM ANIMAL CONTROL - ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM FOR NO-FEE OR REDUCED-FEE ADOPTION PROGRAM TO ENCOURAGE ADOPTION OF ANIMALS BY ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS This is the time and place set for consideration of a report from Animal Control regarding alternate program scenarios which would incorporate ideas for no-fee or reduced-fee adoption programs to encourage adoption of animals from the shelter and develop a program for match- ing elderly and handicapped person with pets available at the shelter. (40 ) In a memorandum dated September 30, 1986, Paul Tur- ner, Director, Animal Control, repor.ted that during the months of July, August and September, over the past four years (1982-198S), 13.6% of dogs received were eventually adopted to a new home. Similarly, only 3.8% of cats re- ceived were eventually adopted. Mr. Turner al so stated in his memorandum that since the increase in adoption fees, the percentage of adoptions for dogs dropped to lO.7% and 3% for cats. The increased fees appear to have reduced adoptions by approximately 435 dogs and 56 cats per year. Mr. Turner explained that should the adoption fees be rolled back to $l5 and $10 respectfully, the reduced revenue theoretically would be offset by licensing the increased number of adopted animals. In a memorandum dated October 1, 1986, Paul Turner, Director, Animal Control, described the San Bernardino County program called "Seniors Adopt-A Pet", which pro- vides dogs or cats free of charge to persons 65 and older. However, there are some charges that are not borne by the County and must be paid by the adoptor, which could pre- sent a financial burden to some elderly. The following Seniors and Pets adoption Program was proposed: 1. In cooperation with the Community Services Divi- sion develop and provide a communications link between the senior citizen community and the Animal Shelter promoting pet adoptions. Provide a method for seniors to express what type of pet they would like. 2. Shelter staff or volunteers would provide coun- seling to potential adoptor so as to insure the persons are well informed regarding responsibilities. 3. Provide a "pet locator" service. 4. Pets would be vaccinated against common diseases and offered to the senior at no charge. 3:0 10/6/86 5. In cooperation with the San Bernardino Valley Humane Society, arrangement would be made for reduced spay/neuter deposit and shelter staff would make appoint- ment for surgery at the time of adoption. 6. Shelter staff would provide on-going educational assistance to the pet adoptors, assisting with training problems. 7. Proposal to reduce dog license fee 50% ($2.50/yr) for senior citizens is included in proposed new Animal control ordinances, presently under revision. This program would not require additional personnel or funding and yet could make pets available to elderly persons who have previously found the costs prohibitive. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendation from Paul 'rurner, Director of Animal Control, to reduce adoption fees to $l5 for dogs and $lO for cats. The City Attorney was instructed to amend the Municipal Code accordingly. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to in- struct the Director of Animal Control to report back to the Council within 90 days (January 5, 1987) on the effect of reducing adoption fees. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to approve the Seniors and Pets adoption Program as outlined above, and to instruct the Director of Animal Control to proceed and institute said program. Margo Tannenbaum, Action for Animals, requested dis- cussion on her proposal for enhancing adoptions at the City animal shelter. The program would utilize volunteer workers and include the support of the business community and local veterinarians. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the request from Margo Tannenbaum to discuss her adoption program be referred to the Animal Advisory Commission and the Ways and Means Committee for a report back to the Council. COUNCIL MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. SAN MANUEL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS - BINGO - CASE SETTLEMENT - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING Council Member Marks presented a proposed agreement with the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Carolyn Richards, and Western Entertainment Corporation in settle- ment of the dispute arising from the construction of In- dian Bingo facilities on Victoria Avenue, and explained the components of the agreement. (City of San Bernardino, et al vs. San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, et al, Case NO~~~ District Court No. 85 6899 WJR [Bx]). (S-l) The proposed agreement as presented included the following provisions: 36 10/6/86 1. Payment of a total of $1,150,000 over a period of seven years. An initial payment of $50,000 is made upon execution of the agreement, and $250,000 will be paid in quarterly payments in the next year. Subsequent payments of $150,000 will be made in the next five years with a final payment of $lOO,OOO. The City is guaranteed to re- ceive the first $115,000 with the remainder paid from 5% of the gross receipts of the bingo games. 2. The City will be spending $l50,000 immediately to close off Piedmont at Victoria and to extend piedmont easterly. Fifty thousand dollars is identified for traf- fic light signalization improvements at Highland and Vic- toria. 3. Under the agreement, residences on the west side of victoria, across from the bingo project, will be pur- chased for future parking needs. The agreement provides that such property shall be used in accordance with exist- ing or future City zoning for the property and that no- high rise parking structures may be built on the existing parking area or on any property purchased on the wests ide of Victoria. Further, the agreement provides that the parking lots may not be used for swap meets. 4. Under the agreement, the residence located on the northeast corner of Victoria and piedmont will be pur- chased for continued single family residential usage. 5. Substantial environmental concerns have been addressed and mitigation measures, including noise attenu- ation, visual blight, outside lighting adjacent to the residential areas, removal of trash and litter, and prop- erty drainage from the bingo facility are assured under the agreement. 6. The legal dispute between the City/County and the Tribe and Bingo Management Company arising out of the City/County environmental lawsuit and the City's adminis- trative appeals through the BIA are amicably resolved through the settlement. The City Engineer incorporated into the cul-de-sac bid package most of the design alternatives recommended by the neighborhood during recent public meetings. 'rhe bids are scheduled to open on October 28, 1986. At the next regularly scheduled Council meeting following the bid opening, Mr. Marks will call for an open hearing on the alternatives in order to ensure that the neighborhood has maximum opportunity for input and participation in the alternative selected for contract. The class action settlement further stipulates that $300,000 will be placed into a homeowners compensation fund to mitigate loss of property values caused by the Bingo Project. Further revenue expenditures are contained in a proposed agreement with the County which will be presented at the Council meeting on Monday, October 20, 1986, in the afternoon session (after 2:00 p.m.) In addition to the above-mentioned Indian Bingo Set- tlement Agreement revenue-use stipulations, the proposed City/County expenditure agreement provides for the fol- lowing: l. Construction of a box culvert on Lynwood Avenue west of Victoria to eliminate the dip in the road at the location of the flood control channel, at an estimated cost of $250,000. Pedestrian and vehicular safety will be significantly enhanced by this project. 37 lO/6/86 2. Any additional funds received or available pur- suant to the terms of the settlement between the City and the San Manuel Sand of Mission Indians shall be deposited in a separate fund for utilization to accomplish public improvement to mitigate the effects of the Indian Bingo operations within the area bounded by Arden, Lynwood, Victoria and Highland Avenue. Council Member Quiel stated he would not participate in discussion or voting on this matter due to a possible conflict of interest, due to the fact his business had provided a sign regarding the Indian Bingo Facility. COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL EXCUSED Council Member Quiel left the Council Meeting. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions. Richard Terzian, Special Counsel, was present to answer questions regarding the terms of the agreement and explained how funds will be distributed. Bill Richards, 2804 E. Piedmont Drive, San Bernar- dino, asked questions about the manner in which residents will be able to apply for compensation for damages. It was pointed out that everyone who receives money from this agreement will have to sign a release. Shiela Kohrell who lives on the west side of Vic- toria, stated that the second lot on the north side of her property was vacant, and wanted to know what would happen in the event that she wants to sell her property and the owner of the lot north of her does not, since the agree- ment provides that a minimum of three parcels must be sold. RES. 86-408 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AMONG THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CAROLYN RICHARDS, THE SAN MANUEL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS AND WESTERN ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION RELATING TO nlE SETTLEMEWf OF LITIGA'rION. (S-I) City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of the resolution be waived and said resolu- tion be adopted. Resolution No. 86-408 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Marks. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Quiel, Frazier, StriCkler. COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL RETURNED Council Member Quiel returned to the Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table. COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA EXCUSED Council Member Estrada left the Council Meeting. PLANNING AND BUILDING & SAFETY - PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION OF WU.AGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES - DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES In a memorandum dated September 20, 1986, James Rob- bins, Acting Superintendent, Building & Safety, presented a staff report outlining a plan to reorganize the Planning 38 10/6/86 and Building & Safety Departments management responsibilities under mental Services. and the consolidation of a Director of Develop- (43) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that the proposed consolidation of management responsibilities under a Director of Development Services concurrently referred to the Legislative Review Committee and the Ways and Means Committee with a report back at the meeting of October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT - 2S, 1986 - COUNCIL MEMBER QUIEL In the absence of Chairman Strickler, Quiel presented the report of the meeting tive Review Committee held on September following items were discussed: SEPTEMBER Council Member of the Legisla- 25, 1986. The (44) l. Ordinance amending MC Chapter 19.12 ~taining to Mult~le Family Residential District - The COlllmittee reco~nended that thedefTnition of "story" in the Uniform Building Code be adopted. Maximum building height shall not exceed 35 feet. Addition- ally, there will be no R-3-l200 zoning after the effective date of the ordinance, but property already zoned R-3-l200 would be grand fathered under the old guidelines. The City Attorney and Planning Director were directed to draft the proposals agreed upon and present to the Council for approval. 2. Parking requirements for medical and dental offices - The Committee recommended that the standards for calculating the parking requirements for medical and dental offices be ten spaces for the first 2000 square feet of floor area, plus one space per l75 square feet of the remaining gross floor area. The COlllmi t tee further recom- mended that the Planning Director place the recommended standards on the next Planning Commission agenda for their recommendation to the Council. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the proposed ordinance re- ducing the parking standard requirements for medical and dental offices to ten spaces for the first 2000 square feet of floor area, plus one space per 175 square feet of the remaining gross floor area, and that this ordinance is to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and forwarded to the Mayor and Cornmon Council as soon as possible. 3. Ordinance - outdoor sales/auto sales and storage auto accessories - The Commit- tee recommended that a separate ordinance be drafted. The Planning Director was directed to contact the spokesperson for the automotive dealers to incorporate their recommendations for Committee considera- tion. 4. Waiver of building fees - Western Re- gional Little League - Council Member Quiel requested the Committee consider waiving 39 10/6/86 building permit fees, in the amount of $6,853.41, for the Western Regional Little League building at 6701 Little League Drive. The committee unanimously recom- mended approval. council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the building permit fees for Western Regional Little League building at 6707 Little League Drive in the amount of $6,853.4l be waived. 5. 2ve~~i~t Committee for Workers' Com- pensation and liability claims - Tabled. 6. Resolution authorizing City Administra- tor to act as a representative of the City to apply for disability retirement -Tabled. 7. ~~uest for waiver of storm drain fees - Tract No. l0979, east of pine Avenue and north of Irvington Avenue - The Committee received-alreport-from Council Member Quiel and agreed that the Director of Public works/City Engineer needs a policy guide- line rather than an ordinance to permit installation of storm drains over and above normal development by a developer. There would not be a waiver of fees but a parti- cipatory agreement to refund the developer a cost not to exceed the amount of storm drain fees paid. If there is a downstream requirement foreseen, the City would not make a refund. the Committee recommended that the City Engineer bring the policy guidelines to the Council for approval. A refund was recommended for Tract No. 10979. A one page document was presented entitled Guidelines i~~_~articiEation by the City in the Cost of Construction of Master Plan Storm Drain Facilities by Developers, which described the Purpose, Description and Procedure. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that the matter of the waiver of the Storm Drain fees in Tract No. 10979 be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar- dino, California. Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the report of the Legislative Review Committee meeting of September 25, 1986 be received and filed. REPOR'r OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMI'rTEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 29, 1986 Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that the item concerning the report of the Ways and Means Committee meeting of September 29, 1986 be deleted, as no meeting was held. (45) REPORT OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING - OCTOBER 3, 1986 - COUNCIL MEMBER REILLY Council Member Reilly, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, presented the report of the Personnel Co~nittee meeting held on October 3, 1986. The following items were discussed and presented in the order they were presented: (46) 40 lO/6/86 I 9. PERS Compensation Resolution (Mr. Mat- zer)-=-Committee recommended that the City Attorney present the issue to the Mayor and Common Council at the October 6, 1986, meeting. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the PERS Compensation Resolution regarding Mr. Matzer be con- tinued to October 8, 1986, at 7:30 a.m., in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. l. ~na!Y~i~ of salary setting - Risk Man- ~ment Director and Emergency Services Director - The Committee recommended that two positions were appropriate and recom- mended the salary for Risk Management be set at Range 4147 and for Emergency Ser- vices be set at 4137. The request for "y" rating of the Communications Information Aide to Intermediate Clerk typist was con- tinued. RES. 8b-409 - RESOLU'rION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION. . ES'rAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. " ADDING THE POSITIONS OF DIRECTOR OF RISK MANAGEMENT, R4147 ($2998-3654/MO); DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, R4l37 ($2649- 3228/MO) AND FIELD ENGINEER, R4144 ($2889- 352l/MO) AND DELETING THE POSITIONS OF SENIOR FIELD ENGINEER AND ASSISTANT DIREC- TOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND RISK MANAGE- MENT. City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and that said resolu- tion be adopted. Resolution No. 86-409 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, Strickler. 2. Bis~_~~~agement Interviews - Oral classification - The Committee was pre- sented-two-resumes that did not meet the required qualifications for this position. The Committee recollUllended denial of consid- eration on both. 3. Consolidation of Management responsi- bilities - Director of Development Services - Based on a lengthy report and justifica- tion presented by Jim Robbins, Building and Safety, the Committee recommended review by the full Council and reco~nended the salary range for this new Director, if approved by Council, be set at 4170 ($3984-$4851). 4. Planning Department staffing - Item continue~---------------------- 4l 10/6/86 5. ~na~~is~~ngineering Department Positlon - 'rhe Committee, after reviewing the--recommendation made by Personnel, recommended combining the proposed Park Engineer position with the Traffic signal Design engineer to create the class of civil Engineering Assistant II at the sal- ary range of l1l9 ($237, - $2895). Annual cost for creating this new position was estimated to be $1700 per year. RES. 86-410 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION. . ESTAB- LISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN. ."; AND ADDING THE POSITIONS OF SAFETY OFFICER, RlllS ($2262-27S6/MO) fu~D CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT II, Rl1l9 ($2377-2895/MO) AND DELETING THE POSITIONS OF EMERGENCY SER- VICES AND SAFETY OFFICER AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN ENGINEER. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-410 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quie1. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, Strickler. 6. ~oli~f Acting position - Item con- tinued to allow Mr. Schweitzer, who had departed meeting, to speak to it. 7. Evaluation of Department Heads Item conti"rlUedto-allow - Mayoran.d-Mr~Schwei tzer the opportunity to present their views. 8. !:~J21oy~es~~i~!:ance--Rro.9.E~~ - The committee recommended that the Personnel Director go forward with the revised RFP for the Employee Assistance Program. All agreed that this is a viable and necessary service for City employees and their family members. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to author- ize the Personnel Director to go forward with the revised RFP for the Employee Assistance Program. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that the Personnel Corl1lUittee Report of the meeting held on October 3, 1986, be received and filed. INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES IN ASSESSMENT FOR DISTRICT NO. 972 (NW SAN BERNARDINO) In a memorandum dated September 16, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, gave the background on the establishment of a landscape maintenance district in the northwest San Bernardino area as delin- eated on a map whiCh was included with the memorandum. Hr. Hardgrave indicated there were two choices in acting on this matter, one if the Council wishes to include City owned property, School District and State property in the 42 lO/6/86 district, and two, if the Council wishes to eliminate the City, School District and State from the assessments. (47) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that this matter be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar- dino, California, for clarification on boundaries and for information on who will be paying assessments. PREVAILING WAGE COMMITTEE - APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS In previous Council action taken earlier in the meet- ing, direction was given to form a committee to explore middle ground solutions to the Prevailing Wage issue for a report back to the Council on October 20, 1986. (R-2) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that Council Members Marks and Quiel be appointed to serve on the prevailing Wage Committee. CLOSED SESSION - TIPPECANOE AVENUE BRIDGE PROJECT A request was submitted for a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 549S6.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been iden- tified formally and to which the City is a party. The title of the litigation is City of San Bernardino et al ~~~~~!y~_~~veE~~de,_~!~! (Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge project), Superior Court Case No. 223224. (48) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the request for a Closed Session regarding pending litigation (Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge Project) be continued to 7:30 a.m., October 8, 1986, in the Management Information Cen- ter (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION - WALSH ET AL VS. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO A request for a Closed session to discuss threatened and pending litigation. (Walsh et al vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case- No~199364T------ ( S-12) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the request for a Closed Session to discuss threatened and pending Litigation (Walsh et al vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 199364) be continued to 7:30 a.m., October 8, 1986, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. CONTINUING IMPACTION REPOR'r FROM RIALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - JANE SCOTT, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, BUSINESS. In a letter dated September 25, 1986, Jane E. Scott, Assistant Superintendent, Business, enclosed a Rialto Unified School District Declaration of Continuing Impaction for the current year, and requested that the report be accepted. It is their intent to request a change to Mitigation Fees in lieu of SB201 fees if Proposition 53 does not pass. (S-2) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Quiel and unanimously carried, that the request to accept Declaration of Continuing Impaction Report from the Rialto Unified School District be referred 43 10/6/86 to the Legislative Review COlillLlittee for a report back to the Mayor and Council. PAVEMENT REHABILITA'rION OF 40TH STREE'r BE'rWEEN KENDALL DRIVE AND ELECTRIC AVENUE - AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS In a memorandum dated October l, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that the preliminary estimate for this project was based upon a "worst case" scenario, under which the concrete pavement would be removed. $226,700 was allocated from SB 300 funds to cover the City's share of the total project cost. The final estimate of the City's share is $101,528, which leaves an estimated balance of $l25,l72, which would be covered by a transfer of other funds to a new account for widening 40th Street between Electric Avenue and Mt. View Avenue. (S-3) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that the plans for the rehabilitation of pavement on 40th Street, between Kendall Drive and Electric Avenue, in accordance with Plan No. 7047, be approved; and the Director of Pub- lic Works/City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids; that the transfer of $75,000 of SB 300 Funds from Account No. 242-3b2-57316, to Accounts No. 001-402-56408, 00l-402-56401 and 00l-402-56402, in equal amounts of $25,000 be approved; and that the transfer of $2S,000 in General Funds from each of Accounts No. 00l-402-56408, 001-402-56401 and 001-402-56402, to Account No. 242-362-57374, "Widening 40th Street, Electric to Mt. View" be approved. ENGINEERING DIVISION - MICHAEL S. CURRY, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR - TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT In a memorandum dated October 2, 1986, Roger Hard- grave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained the reasons for his request to appoint Michael S. Curry to the position of Construction Inspector for a period of up to six months. (S-4) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to approve the temporary appointment of Michael S. Curry to the posi- tion of Construction Inspector for a period not to exceed six months, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to whether this action would conflict with the MOU. READING AND WAIVING OF AIL RESOLUTIONS ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the resolu- tions on the Supplemental Agenda. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that fur- ther reading of all the resolutions on the Supplemental Agenda be waived. RES. 86-411 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ASSIGNMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO AND GTE LEASING CORPORATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM. (S-5) City Administrator SChweitzer answered questions concerning the study which was to be submitted from GTE concerning the benefit of fibre optics, microwave or 44 10/6/86 leased lines and stated that he would have the study to the Council on October 20, 1986. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-411 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, Strickler. RES. 8b-412 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF TWO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE HEADSTART/STATE PRESCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF HOMAN RESOURCES AGENCY FOR SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY AND THE PARKS, RECREATION AND COM- MUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO THE HEADS TART PROGRAM AT THE DELMANN HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTER. (S-7) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said Resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-1l2 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, Strickler. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SEEKING THE SUPPORT OF THE LEAGUE OF CALI- FORNIA CITIES FOR LEGISLATION LIMI'rING LIABILITY EXPOSURE FOR PARK AND RECREA- TIONAL FACILITIES. (S-6) Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to October 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. (Reconsidered. See next item) RECONSIDER ITEM S-6 Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that Item S-6, a resolution regarding support of the League of Cali- fornia Cities for legislation limiting liability exposure for park and recreational facilities, be reconsidered. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SEEKING 'rHE SUPPOR'r OF THE LEAGUE OF CALI- FORNIA CITIES FOR LEGISLATION LIMITING LIABILITY EXPOSURE FOR PARK AND RECREA- TIONAL FACILITIES. (S-6) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to 7:30 a.m., October 8, 1986, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RES. 86-4l3 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF SCHOOL FACILITIES FEES TO BE PAID TO THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT WITHIN THE MUTUAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT PENDING FURTHER REVIEW. (S-8) 4S lO/6/86 Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No 86-413 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, Strickler. RES. 86-4l4 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOFFREY SCOTT WRIGHT TO PEID'ORM CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE PLAN- NING DEPARTMENT. (S-9) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-4l4 was vote: Ayes: Council Members Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Frazier, Strickler. adopted Reilly, Council by the following Hernandez, Marks, Members Estrada, ORDINANCE OF 'rHE CI'rY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRST AMENDING CHAPTER 5.04 OF 'rHE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUSINESS LICENSE RATE ADJUSTMENTS. (S-lO) City Clerk Clark read the title of the ordinance. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, that first reading of the ordinance be waived and said ordinance be laid over for final passage. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION l5.57.040 SUBSECTION B RELATING TO CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FEES AND FIXING A DATE UPON WHICH DEVELOPMENT PERMITS WILL BE SUBJEC'r TO SUCH FEES AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF. (S-ll) Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be continued to 7:30 a.m., October 8, 1986, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RESURFACING FIFTH STREET FROM MERIDIAN EAST TO THE CUL-DE-SAC In a memorandum dated October 6, 1986, Council Member Hernandez presented a request to approve resurfacing of Fifth Street from Meridian east to the cul-de-sac, and attached a cost estimate for the project of $4,lOl from Manuel P. Moreno, Jr., Director of Public Services. (New Business) Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, to approve the resurfacing of 5th Street from Meridian east to the cul-de-sac. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ESTASLISHING HIGH- LAND-DELMANN HEIGHTS QUALITY WATER SUPPLY AUTHORITY. (New Business) City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. 46 lO/6/86 Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived. Assistant City Attorney Sabourin answered questions. Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to 7:30 a.m., in the Manage- ment Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ORD. MC-545 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SAN BERNARDINO MUNICI- PAL CODE SECTION 2.42.0l0 TO DELETE MEMBER AFFILIATED WITH A CABLE TELEVISION OPERATOR FROM THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMUNITY TELE- VISION COMMISSION, AND ADDING SECTION 2.42.030 TO PROVIDE FOR INDUSTRY NONVOTING LIAISON PERSON. (Continued from earlier in the meeting. (33 ) See page 11) Council Member Member ~Iarks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be adopted. Ordinance MC- 545 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Frazier, StriCkler. ADJOURNHENT At lO:12 p.m., Council Member Marks made amotion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the Meeting be adjourned to 7:30 a.m., October 8, 1986, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. A//#t0g~ / City Clerk Number of Items: 81 Number of Hours: 11 47 lO/6/86