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!Jim, f!JeNta~
f!J1ac-l ,#.M/,..ki, .Yta/I 0/ ~~EC'D.-AOMltl. Off.
i3B5 APR 10 PM 3: 28
April 7, 1986
TO: Mayor Evelyn Wilcox
and Council Members
FROM: Wilmer D. Carter, Chair
San Bernardino Hall of Fame Committee
The San Bernardino Black Athletes Hall of' Fame Awards Dinner
began in 1973 and has grown into one of the area's most
popul ar events.
Over the years the Dinner has been held at the Convention Center
and has enjoyed some support from the City of San Bernardino.
The 1986 Hall of Fame Dinner will be held at the National Orange
Cafeteria, but will continue to be a high caliber event.
Because this affair benefits the City as well as the youth of
our area high schools and the sponsoring organizations, the
committee is requesting that the City of San Bernardino be a
co-sponsor of the 1986 Hall of Fame.
This year's Dinner will be held May 24, at 6:00 p.m. As you know,
the purpose is two-fold:
1. To salute outstanding high school athletes who
excell in two or more sports, and
2. Raise funds for academic scholarships and other
athletic activities.
I have enclosed information about the awards to be presented, the
sponsoring organizations and a copy of our tax-exempt status.
After reviewing this information, I am sure you will see the enormous
benefits this event brings to the City of San Bernardino. I will,
however, be happy to furnish any other information your Ways and
Means Committee may require.
So that we can plan a high caliber program, please call me at
714820-1700 regarding this request.
Wilmer D. Carter
Program Chair
Yrvl/ fA~
f!lJ&u~ ~/';".kJ- ~ 0/ jlan~
19649 KAURI AVENUE, mALTO, CA. 92376
1. Donation to academic scholarship fund -- Unlimited
2. Donation to building fund (organizations
long-range plan is to establish athletic
Hall of Fame for high school students) - Unlimited
3. Donation of trophies and gifts for
invited guests - $1,000 - $1,500
4. VIP press reception
(television, advertisement
media, lodging, etc) - $2,000
5. Printing of souvenir booklet,
invitations, postage, posters, etc. - $2,500
6. Underwriting of catering - approx. $8,000
*Co-sponsor will be highlighted in all
promotional material and souvenir booklet.
Y'an, f!lo~~
f!llar-l ~A/,.~ .;/tall 0/ G;CV1W
19649 KAURI AVENUE, flIALTO, CA. 92376
. .
The San Bernardino Black Athletes Hall of Fame is a joint
enterprise of two tax-exempt non-profit community based
organization: THE KUTANIA PEOPLE, INC.; and the SPORTSMEN
ATHLETIC CLUB. The Hall of Fame sponsors one major awards
dinner each year to honor local athletes (both active and
inactive) which is attended by approximately 1,000 residents
of the Inland Empire. Proceeds from the awards dinner go
. towards the youth development, and community service activities
of the sponsoring organizations.
Numerous prominent civic officials, politicians and business
leaders have joined together with some of the nation's best
known athletes and entertainment luminaries to make the Hall
of Fame. on" of SOllthern California's most arclaimed events.
'fhe awards dinner' hdS dS its ~rillldl y Focus Ulack dthletes,
but persons of a variety of careers have been recognized at
the banquet for their achievements and community involvment.
Organizations as varied as the San Bernardino Area Mental Health
Association. Home of Neighborly wervice, Presbyterian Neighborhood
HOllse, and Heddstart/preschool program have been beneficiaries
of the dinner ~l'ou'l'd, as des iqnated by the sponsoring
Attached is a partial listings of activities of the sponsoring
organizations. These activities are on-going and current plans
are to expand the level of support.
KEN NORTON, retired athlete. actor, busin,,~;slllall
JOE DYER, Director, Community and Public A1fairs. KCBS Television
Dwan Smith, Actress/Model
'll1e Kutania People, Inc. have given out a total of $3,500 in ~~arships
to graduating high school seniors. Additional, we ~ve a cont~nu~ng. .
education grant program that provides follow-up ass~stance to,the or~g~nal
scholarship recepicnts. 11 Lutal of ;;1.400 htls h," c;'I' ,tIded 1n tins effort.
We provide college registration loans to Cal State San Bernardino stlXients
elegible for financial aid, but unable to obtain it until actually
registered--upon the re<::at'lrendation of college officials. $350 has been
spent in this nanner and we have recovered $300 of the loans.
In this area the Black athletes Hall of Fane has directly assisted local
athletes who have needed funds to crnpete on National teams inCluding the
U.S. National Jr. Track and Field Team, the U.S. Jr. Olyrrpic Wrestling
Team, the Handicapped Olyrrpics, A.A.U., etc. - $1,600 has been donated to
various athletes in this nanner. Mditionally, \\'e provided air fare to
lDuisiana State University for a female athlete who received a full
scholarship; but did not have air fare.
'!he Sportsmen Athletic Club has. long sponsored and managed teams in Little
league Baseball (CAe) and Pony league baseball, as \\'ell as basketball
tournarrents at SBIIC, Hernandez Center and NJrton AFB. '!he Hall of Fane, via
the Sportsmen have sponsored CO-ed softball teams, male softball, a female
softball team in city leagues. During the last three (3) years the
Sportsmen have sponsored the areas nnst Successful female track and field
team outside the school system. Kutania People has assisted with this
major venture which inVOlves a large number of youth, unifoIlllS, refreshments
and trips.
-~ .--'--'-.-.- ---
Approximately 180 youth have particicpated in the Kutania Comnunity Intern
Program for 11th and 12th grade students. The program is geared toward
mtivating these students to attend college, or vocational type schools while
providing exposure to the cultural, educational and political spheres.
InvolvertEnt in the conmunity is a mainstay of this program. Over 4/5ths
of these youth have attended 0r graduated from college. Three students are
current~y in med~cal sC~lOOI; one in law school. Kutania provides scholarships
t<;> the ~nterns,. Job ass~stance in the Sl.lllm;r mnths and follow-up financial
a~d and counsehng.
Each year in conjlUlction with the 4-H Youth Program and the City
of San Bernardino, Kutania has sponsored a carrping experience
(up to three days) for 60 to 120 eleJIEntary age children with our
interns serving as colUlselors. This includes bus transportation,
tents, sleeping bags, food and medical supplies.
For two (2) years the group sponsored a tutoring program for
eleJTEntary age children.
Alternative pran for high school students throughout SB/Riv Counties
sponsored by Kutania Interns.
Recognized official event for Miss Black San Bernardino - and to
detennine one of the participants on the City of San Bernardino's
Iboo Parade entry -- sponsored by Kutania People.
A group sponsored awards event for vollUlteers not nonnally recognized
by others.
- 2-
. ,~,~
Internal Revenue Service
District Director
Department of the Treasury
Employer Identification Number:
Accounting Period Ending:
June 30
Form 990 Required: I!I Ve. 0 No
Del': ,1M! I :1 '9~1.
I> Kutania People, Inc.
341 W. Second st. Ste 6
San Bernardino, CA 92401
Person to Contact:
ll. nT''''',!f''T
Cnllta(;t It'lt'phonf' Number:
(213) 688-4889
Dear Applicant:
Based on information supplied. and assuming your operations will be as stated
in your application for recognition of exemption. we have determined you are exempt
Crom Federal income tax under section 50l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
We have further determined that you are not a private foundation within the
meaning of section 509(a) of the Code. because you are an organization described
in section 110(b)(1 )(A)(vi) and 509(a)(1) .
If your sources of support, or your purposes. charaoter, or method of operation
change, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your
exempt status and foundation status. Also, you should inform us of all changes in
your name or address.
Generally. you are not liable for social secuttty (FICA) taxes unless you file
a waiver of exemption certificate as provided in the Federal Insurance Contributions
Act. If you have paid FICA taxes without filing the waiver, you should contact us.
You are not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA).
Since you are not a private foundation, you are not subject to the excise taxes
under Chapter 42 of the C01e, Howe"~r, ~.6u are nnt a'1.tnmaticali'y "',,'''"pt. fr()m ot.her .1
Federal excise taxes. If you have any questions about excise, employment, or other
Federal taxes. please let us know.
Donors may deduct contrihutions t.o you as provided in section 170 of the Code.
Bequests, leeacies. deviRPs, trnrlsfors, or Rifts to you or for your use 'are
deductible for F'nd~l'al ""tat" '!!h] f ift I."" p\ll po~es if t.hny meet the applicable
provisions of sections 2055. 210G, and 2522 of the Code,
The box checked in the heading of this letter shows whether you must file
Form 990. Return of Organization Exompt f,'om Income tax, If Yes is cheoked, you
are required to file Form 990 only if your gross receipts each year are normally
more than S10.000, If a return is required. it must be fUed by the 15th day of
of the fifth month after the end of your annual accountinr; period, The law imposes
a penalty of SlO n day, \II' to " """.imnm of $:',000. when a retuI"II is fUed late.
unless there is reasonable cause for the dOlay,
P.O. BOil 2350. Los Angeles, CIUf. 90053
letter 947(00) (5-77)