HomeMy WebLinkAboutS03-Public Works File No. 1.0471 C." OF SAN BERNARD'IO - REQUIIT FOR COUNCIL A~ON From: Roger G. Hardgrave Public Works/Engineering Subject: Approval of Contract Change Order No. TWENTY -- Construction of New Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge over Santa Ana River, per Plan No. 6358 -- KASLER CORPORATION Dept: Date: 4-1-86 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 08-06-04 01-21-85 --- 10-07-85 10-07-85 Recommended motion: Plans approved and authorization granted to advertise for bids. Resolution 85-20 adopted, awarding a contract to Kasler Corporation for construction of the Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge over the Santa Ana River, for the low bid price of $4,283,034.00. Change Order No. One approved to authorize payment for removing and replacing material which prevented piles being driven at north abut- ment of the bridge at an increase in contract price of $9,701.00 from $4,283,034.00 to $4,292,735.00. Change Order No. Two approved to authorize payment for construction and maintaining a detour through the construction area, at an in- crease in contract price of $10,700.00 from $4,292,735.00 to $4,303,435.00. (continued on 2nd paqe) That Change Order No. Twenty to the contract with Kasler Corporation,. for construction of the new Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge, in accordance with Plan No. 6358, be approved; to authorize Contractor to increase the width of three driveway approaches from 16 feet to 26 feet, at an estimated increase in contract cost of $2,900.00, from $4,327,275.00 to $4,346,175.00. cc: Ray Schweitzer, City Administrator Warren Knudson, Director of Finance Contact person: Roqer G. Hardqrave Supporting data attached: Staff Report & CCO #20 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $2,900 Account No: 242-362-57339 "Tippecanoe Bridqe AF-AD60(l)" Phone: 5025 Ward: 1 Source: Street Construction Fund Finance: j)/' C~ . Council Notes: 7~262 Agenda Item No. ~... .J . SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS couNtll ACTION Contin~ . 11-04-85 Change Order No. Seven approved to authorize payment for changing the type of material to be used in the construction of an apron at a culvert from asphalt to Portland Cement concrete, an an increase in the contract price of $290.00, from $4,303,435.00 to $4,303,725.00. Change Order No. Eight approved to authorize the installation of a 4-inch pipe PVC conduit with pull rope at a net increase in contract price of $1,200.00 from $4,303,725.00 to $4,304,925.00. 10-07 -85 11-18-85 Change Order No. Nine approved to authorize funds to compensate the Contractor for "on-the-job" training of six trainees, at an increase in contract price not to exceed $4,800.00 from $4,304,925.00 to $4,309,725.00. 12-02-85 Change Order No. Ten approved to authorize the Contractor to con- struct a cross-gutter on the north side of San Bernardino Avenue at Riverside Drive at an increase in contract price of $540.00 from $4,309,725.00 to $4,310,265.00. 12-02~85 Change Order No. Eleven approved to authorize the Contractor to excavate unsuitable material to a maximum depth of four feet, dis- pose of the material and backfill with suitable material at an estimated increase in contract cost of $4,000.00 from $4,310,265.00 to $4,314,265.00. 12-02-85 Change Order No. Twelve approved to authorize the Contractor to break up P.C.C. surface found below the wearing surface on Tippecanoe Avenue on a Time & Material Basis (Force Account) at an estimated cost of $4,100.00 and to delete part of the scarifying of A.C. at a credit of ($720.00) for a net increase in contract price of $3,380.00, from $4,314,265.00 to $4,317,645.00. 01-06-86 Change Order No. Thirteen approved to authorize the Contractor to pro- vide additional maintenance to the detoun on Tippecanoe Avenue, in the vicinity of San Bernardino Avenue on a Time and f1aterial basis, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $4,300.00, from $4,317,645.00 to $4,321,945.00. 02-03-86 __ Change Order No. Fourteen approved to provide seven additional No. 5 pull boxes at an increase in cost of $1,650.00, from $4,321,945.00 to $4,323,595.00. 02-17-86 Change Order No. Fifteen approved to remove an existing concrete wall with interferes with the installation of a storm drain, by force account, at an estimated increase in contract price of $800.00 from $4,323,595.00 to $4,324,395.00. 02-17-86 -- Change Order No. Sixteen approved to furnish and place additional class 2 aggregate base, at the northerly end of the project, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $1,300.00, from $4,324,395.00 to $4,325,695.00. 'L CIYI OF SAN BERNARDWO - REQU'iT FOR C:OUNCIL A1iION STAFF REPORT After the construction of three driveway approaches leading to the service roads on the Santa Ana River levees, the Flood Control District requested that these approaches be widened from 16 to 36 feet. The District explained that these driveways are going to be used on a daily basis by large trucks carrying broken concrete and pavement from construction sites, to be disposed of along the sides of the river levees. This volume of truck traffic was not known until after the driveways had been constructed. In order to reduce the. public liability of trucks making a turning movement in and out of these driveway approaches, we recommend that the driveways be widened to 26 feet, in order to prevent trucks from swinging into another traffic lane, and possibly creating a traffic hazard. This work will be done on a labor and material basis, at an estimated increase in contract cost of $2,900.00, from $4,343,275.00 to $4,346,175.00. . The total estimated project cost, based upon the actual low bid price, contained an amount of $713,215 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost of this change order. We recommend that Change Order No. Twenty be approved. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Continued: 04-07-86 -- Change Order No. Seventeen on the agenda to be approved to furnish . and install 18 L.F. of 12"CMP on Tippecanoe Avenue, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $320.00, from $4,325,695.00 to $4,326,015.00. 04-07-86 -- Change Order No. Eighteen on the agenda to be approved, to authorize payment for construction of additional sidewalk under Item 24, to meet handicapped requirements, for an increase in contract price of $1,260.00, from $4,326,015.00 to $4,327,275.00. 04-07-86 -- Change Order No. Nineteen on the agenda to be approved to authorize payment for the construction of a catch basin and approximately 140 L.F. of 24" RCP at an estimated increase in contract cost of $16,000, from $4,327,275.00 to $4,343,275.00. URGENCY CLAUSE The Contractor is nearing completion of this project, and needs authority to proceed in time to complete this extra work before he pulls off the project. In the event these driveways are not widened as a part of this project, the City could possibly be subject to leqal action if an accident occurs. Widening these driveway approaches in the future would be more disruptive and expensive, and have to be financed with City funds. 1s..0264 \lJ.',I; 1 V~ i)/ln JJJ:,l\I1J'I\Ull'V .' FOMI MC-S. ......0,<<, lOAD. . . CONlIlACT CIlANGWO[R NO. 08-SDdo-0-SI1d 20 . SUI'I'L. NO. SUEET -1- OF . 1 sums 'EOCRAl NO~Sl AF-AD-6o(l) CONTRACT NO. 6'358 to KASI,ER CQRPORATION Conhodo' You o,.l\er~by_ dirrcfed to mole till:: I\f':rein described chonges Irom tho pions ood specifications or do ,he following delCribcd work not induded in till! plo"s and specifieo- *' on lI.i$ conlfCKt. NOIE: Thi, chango order it not ftftflclivellnlil approved by tho [nqinftflr. Dtw:riplion of wOfk to be done. estimote of qlJonhlic\. ond prices to be pair!. Segrcoolt' Ldwcen additional work 01 controct price. agreed pi ice ond force account. Unlcn otherwi\t~ stoted, roles fo., rcnlal of equl.opment cover 0111y ludl time 0$ c'Iuil'ment is oCNolly used and no ollowonce will be- mode lor idle time. Chong. ,.qu.".d by San Bernardino County I"lood Control tho Io$t perc~ntoge ,hown i$ the net occumulaced increole or decroa$O horn the original quanlity in Ihe Engine-cr', Estimate 1. Extra Work at Force Account: Construct 26 Ft wide driveways from Tippecanoe Avenue at three locations to Flood Control levee roads, as directed by the Engineer, where shown on contract plans as 16 Ft. wide. driveways. '1\ Estimated Cost $ 2,900.00 -- &timoted Cost Decrease $ In< $ 2,900.00 or rease #.pptowollt.con""eM.dl Iles~clent J~ng~neer Dot. ? .. z1 ~ ~/., ay femon of this order ti,e lime of comrktion will be odiu11ed os 'ollnWl: -~"'db... Doto """<Md, lno__r 1,y Dot. We, ,I.. vndcon;Q_d u"t110<Iof, 1'0". Vi""" (molul (O(l,iWIfCtI;ontoll.. d,oNJIII f',opoW'd GIld h.f",loy (>\,lIce, illl';_I""I,<,\ol I' (\J.pfowc-....lt.ol wo ....ill f'"'ovido 011 O'IU;f1n,enl.lu,nnh 011 molluioh. ."Ur' 0' mot 011..,,,,;.. L. ...ofed aLa.... on'" palfurm 011 ..,....,C\ oe<.uory tor the wolL ClW'" lpaciltod. utId Will ~(trl ollvUj.wymcn. th.,clof tho p,ien dtown abo.... Au.pk"" DaI. C"',."or KASJ,ER CORPORATION .r tit" ""~ C"hh~,," "lMIt fOnt ,ton .....(..,....". a4 .Iok older. hit. (I11."tiCN' h di,e,..d to II.. '.'fIj,.meW' ollh. 'l~ifKolton al to puw;eoding with .h. ollo..,.d """II.. ond "''''V n ....'itlc". . _........ .....L,;;............. ......._..._~....J.