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TO: Honorable Members of the Common Council
FROM: Evlyn Wilcox. Mayor
SUBJECT: American Legion Convention
March 6. 1986
Ray Schweitzer, Acting City Administrator
It has been brought to my attention that the City of San
Bernardino has the opportunity to be the site for the 1987
National American Legion Convention. This annual convention,
which is one week long, draws up to five thousand partici-
I am told that the experience of other cities who have
accommodated this convention in the past have realized signi-
ficant financial gains through sales tax and bed tax revenue
Therefore, I would like the Council to consider, in
principal, the facilitation of this conference to be held in
,San Bernardino in 1987.
In dollars and cents, this facilitation could cost the, City
of San Bernardino sixteen thousand dollars. This dollar
amount has been requested by the Convention planners as the
amount needed to help defray expenses which would reduce the
participant's cost and encourage more individuals to attend.
Before the City makes a firm financial commitment, I will
request an analysis of the financial impact this convention
will have in generating additional revenue to make sure we
realize a significant gain from our investment. At this
point, I am only soliciting your commitment, in principal, to
work with the convention planners to secure this convention
for our City for 1987.
Thank you for considering this request.
Evlyn Wilcox, Mayor
The Great 25 th
District "
American legi ~Ilp.~
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Department of California ''>>/''
P. O.
Sail BULIIlWUIlo, 924 13
~h 14t, 7916
Uu. Evtyll IlIUeOlC., MayOlL
CUy HaU.
Sail BULl'ItIItcUno, C/l. 9240 I
Vt4Il. MayOlL IlI.(leOlC.i
AI> we nave eU6cUIlud Oil 4evelU1t occaU:oll4, OWL VI.pvc.tmellt o~ Ca.U~OJl.nla.' Exeeu-
uve CommUtee wUt dec<.dl. Ml'lC.h 8 -9 whe.thf.Jt thl. 25th V.u.tJl..iet w.iU. hOllt the
JUlie 21-28, 1987 lltate conventioll.
At6o, all blcUC.I1:ted -in convVt,6/luon /lnd -in my futut plLev-ioUll te.ttVL, the pIL-irruJt.y
COIlC.f.Jtn o~ .c~ commUtee will. be OWt. ability to pa.y 601L the wuque O,tange Show
6ac.u'iuu, Th-U cOllt 6011. both The. AmeJUc.a.1l Leg-ioll /lnd The AmeJUcall Leg.wn Aux-
.i..Utvty g/lthell..i.ngll .u. u.tUrated /It $161100.00, not bclu.cUng pr:t'I.tUioung 06 the
CmUll Buil.cUng ~Olt C.I1lLC.lLll u /lnd commUteu.
AgtUll, I unlit to emp tll-ize thl. amoullt o~ mOlley wlUc.h w.iU. be expended by the
te.g-i.onn:Wl.U, thWt llpOLlAU /lnd ~ll.rili.uu, w.iU. be ill I.XCUll o~ $ 2,0'011;1.') in-
deed, rm.ny uUmlte at neall.VL to $31IMB,.CO'Q. w.iU. be llpellt .in oWt. all.l.a, Th-U .ill-
c.tudu llevl.ll.at tholLllandt. o~ doUa.1l.ll in "bed ta,," allllI.Ument6.
The ac..tua.t amoullt go.ing to .the cU:y o~ San Bf.JtmltdblO w.i.U. dl.pend Oil llu.c.h Vall..i-
abtu CU I) meal4 COll4umed lllith.i.1l the cU:y, 2) othf.Jt 4f.Jtv.ic.U and goocU. pWLc.ha4-
ed .in the cU:y /lnd 3) the IWnbUL 06 hote.l./lIlotel ILOomll u.tiUZl.d lllith.ill the cU:y.
A rm.jOJl. COIl4.idllJUluon a6~eeung au. 06 thl. above,all we.U all 0Wt. plLOllpec.t6 6011.
1989, w.iU be the a.ttitude o~ the cU:y toIckVtd .th.u. convl.ntion.
To date, we do not InVI. IIIlLC.h .incUc.auon o~ a welcome Jl.eeeption a.nd lluppollt 6Il.0m
SIlIl BVLrrvuUno. Both Otllt IIp.Ut.iU and oWt. cnallC.u ~0Jl. 4/.IC.CUll would 111. .u~ted by
the lutofAltedgl. .that the City o~ Sail Bf.Jt""cU,., Mli..U c.ovf.Jt thl. COllt 06 thl. COIlVI./l-
UOll 6ac.lUtiu At .the. Na..tC.oIII.t I. SlIDlII ~01.Ll1d4 and . ,
w.Ul . Sail" 1"
We toofl 60ilWall.d to a happy CUllOc..Ut.UOIl when/.i~ we get /lpp'Loval ~0IL.th.i.6 1987
CDIlVl.llt-i.o1l to be ,hUd .ill thl. 01Ulngl. Show Cl.llttJI..
I. H. Bita.ddoc.k.
Ge.1IVlIZl. CA IWulltIl
c.c.: CUy C ounc.U.
..' .....'
. ". .~~
. ,.,~.
__~_.k. .
o Anne Rhodes
o Approved
o For your approval
o See me about attached
o Per your request
o For yout signature
o For your comments
o For your information
o File
o Take necessary action 0 Return
o Redo and resubmit
o Reply
o See reverse side for comments
o Draft (letter) (memo) for (my) (your) signature
c/ ~ ~ '/1/i O/JI.V .2 f'tS-'do,,^-,'Y\Jt/YJ;k? c-
John Matzer. J r,
! I Date
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. ~,....---~._' ,.---..._"-"---.~._- --...----~_.,_. '_~_h'-.__..._",~----'--t .__._._,
To John N. Matzer, Jr.
City Administrator
From Martha Johnson, Mgr,
Convention Center
American Legion 1987 Convention
April 11, 1984
D~e -. ,
I have received a request from the American Legion
efforts to hold their June 21-28, 1987 convention i
Palm Springs a>>d possibly Long Beach will also be c
o assist them in their
San Bernardino.
This convention would bring from 5,000 to 6,000 people to our City and
require 2,000-2,500 rooms, for one week. Meeting room requirements in-
-j::lude one for 1,600, one for 3,000, and a dinner dance for 4,000 or more,
-Based on our current availability of sleeping rooms, we would need to house
some persons in Colton, Grand Terrace, Redlands, and Riverside, This is
feasible and can be accomplished, however it will require coordination
between all hotels, motels, the Orange Show, and the clients.
Including the costs for hotel/motel rooms, convention delegates spend
between $125 and $150 per day. For one week, with 5,000 delegates, at
$125 per day, this means that there would be direct spending in our
City of a minimum of $4,375,000. Approximately $1,575,000 would be ~or
hotel/motel rooms. The balance of $2,800,000 would be spent for other
items and services.
This $4,375,000 is recirculated and creates the following spending:
Direct Payroll & Job Creation..",.""",.""...$1,093,750
Indirect Payroll & Job Creation"""".""",." 656,250
Induced Payroll & Job Cre~tion".","",...,",., 875,000
, $2,625,000
Direct Spending................................... 4, 375 I 000
Total Local Spending,..".""",.,.,."",."".,$7,000,OOO
Non-Local Related Services,...""...."".,..,." 1,750,000
Total Minimum Revenue".",..,.""...,..".,$8,750,000
There are three conventions, plus several meetings held during the week.
It begins with a group called "40 and 8" on Sunday, then the American
Legion and the Auxiliary begin on Wednesday and end the following Sunday.
The "40 and 8" and the Auxiliary would hold their conventions at the
Ramada Hotel and Convention-Center. The American Legion would meet at
the Orange Show, There would be several'luncheons and dinners for various
groups throughout the week,
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To John N. Matzer, Jr.
City Administrator
From Martha Johnson, Mgr,
Convention Center
American Legion 1987 Convention Center page 2 April 11, 1984
Approved Date
The persons seeking to hold the 1987 convention in San Bernardino are:
Henry Mazzott.e,
Roy Morgan ,
25th District Commander and
Past Post 14 Commander
Past State Commander and
Past Post 14 Commander
Past Post 14 Commander
John Holmes,
Mr.Mazzotte has asked that we help promote San Bernardino as the 1987
'convention site in the following ways:
Within the next 30 days, he expects the
to come 'to San Bernardino for two days.
rooms will be needed.
Sate Convention Committee
Up to six complimentary
2, Host or co-host a dinner and cocktails in a nice restaurant for
12-15 persons. He suggested a steak dinner at the Smugglers,
These persons would include the State Convention Committee, the
local Convention Committee, the Convention Center Manager, a
representative of the Chamber of. Commerce, and a represenative of
the Orange Show.
3. Prepare and give each of the six a packet,
4. That the Convention Center Manager and other representatives be
present at the American Legion Convention in Fresno this June,
5, Host at least three cocktail parties of two hours each, The
mini~um dates are June 21,22;23, 1984,
6, Have handouts, such as buttons, bags, etc, for all delegates,
Some of these should be imprinted to reflect the 1987 convention,
7, 'Provide 100 special, higher quality handouts for their dignitaries,
8, On June 21, 1984, make an invitational presentation, after which
they will vote on the 1987 site, .
I can coordinate all of the above requests, however there are some points
which. must be considered.
A. There are no promotion funds in my 1983-84 Budget, As none of the
budgeted advertising money has been spent, perhaps there could be
a budget transfer,
B, The City will benefit from having this convention, but so will the
Ramada, the Hilton, the Orange Show and all other motels and
. .
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John N. Matzer
City Administrator
American Le~ioni987
From Martha Johnson, Mgr,
Convention Center
convention page 3
April 11, 1984
Approved Date
C, Perhaps the promotion could be a joint effort between the City,
the Chamber of Commerce, the Ramada Hotel, the Hilton Hotel, and
the Orange Show.
D. Addressing their requests, my suggestions are:
1. Complimentary rooms may be available at the Hilton or at
one or more motels.
2. The cocktails and dinner could be co-hosted by all major
3, Packets for this delegation of six can be provided by the
Convention Center,
4. I feel that at least six persons should ..attend _the,. Fresno
Convention. It would be nice to include Miss San Bernardino.
5, The cocktail parties can be held in a room being obtained
by Post 14, which would enable us to take our own alcohol,
It would require approximately 12 cases of ~ gallon contain-
ers, plus mix, imprinted plastic glasses, ice, stirrers,
imprinted napkins, and some sort of snacks.
6, The handouts would need to be ordered, There would need
to be more than one thing, as there should be something
different to give each day.
7. The 100 special gifts would need to be ordered,
8. I would be glad to present a verbal invitation, There also
should be a slide presentation. The slides at the Convention
Center are very outdated, but I feel there are enough be-
tween those, others in the City government, and the Chamber
of Commerce to put together'a good presentation,
E. I feel that all costs should be shared, rather than have the City
totally responsible.
F, If we undertake this venture and are successful, there will be
much coordination needed later.
Mr, Mazzotte feels we have a very good chance of being selected,
I would like very much for us to be able to secure this convention, how-
ever, I am concerned over the follow through, A convention of this size
would require a considerable amount of assistance,
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John N. Matzer
. City Administrator
American Legion 1987
From Martha Johnson, Mgt.
Convention Center
convention page 4
April 11, 1984
I will be happy to contact those businesses who are most in a position
to assist in this project and coordinate .the efforts. Before this is
done, I would appreciate your consideration and comments.
Mr. Mazzotte olans to send a letter of invitation to the Convention
Committee within a week, I have asked him to wait until I determine what
we are able to do.
.??;~ ~QTv
Martha Johnson, Manager
San Bernardino Convention Center
cc: Hayor W,R. "Bob" Holcomb
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