HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Public Works CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQU~~~ N~~~4~Oyli~CTION From: Roger G, Hardgrave REC'O.-ADMIN.Ol!fibject: Pub 1 i c Works/Engi neeri nlE66 FEB -6 p~~ 3: 06 1-27-86 Approval of Contract Change Order No, SIXTEEN -- Construction of New Tippecanoe Avenue Sridge over Santa Ana River, per Plan No, 6358 -- KASLER CORPORATION Dept: Date: Synopsis of Previous Council action: 08-06-84 Plans approved and authorization granted to advertise for bids, 01-21-85 -- Resolution 85-20 adopted, awarding a contract to Kasler Corporation for construction of the Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge over the Santa Ana River, for the low bid price of $4,283,034,00, 10-07-85 -- Change Order No, One approved to authorize payment for removing and replacing material which prevented piles being driven at north abut- ment of the bridge at an increase in contract price of $9,701,00 from $4,283,034,00 to $4,292,735,00, 10-09-85 -- Change Order No, Two approved to authorize payment for construction and maintaining a detour through the construction area, at an in- crease in contract price of $10,700,00 from $4,292,735,OO to $4,303,435,00, (Continued on 2nd Page) Recommended motion: That Change Order No, Sixteen to the contract with Kasler Corpora- tion, for construction of the new Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge, in accordance with Plan No, 6358, be approved; to authorize Contractor to furnish and place additional class 2 aggregate base, at the northerly end of the project, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $1,300,00, from $4,324,395,00 to $4,325,695,00, cc: John Matzer, Jr" City Administrator Warren Knudson, Di rector of F i .1,;:.;[,. {j}M~ Signature Contact person: Roqer G. Hardqr~Ye Phone: 5~ -.L____ FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Staff Report & CCO #16 $1,300 Ward: Supporting data attached: Amount: Source: Street Construction Fund Account No-,--1~2-362-5733~ uTi ppecanoe Sri cJsLe, .Af~AD60lll" Finance: .d..J... a~~. Council Noles: 75.0262 '() Agenda Item No, / . File No. 1.0471 SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Continued: 10-07-85 -- Change Order No. Seven approved to authorize payment for changing the type of material to be used in the construction of an apron at a culvert from asphalt to Portland Cement concrete, at an increase in the contract price of $290,00, from $4,303,435.00 to $4,303,725.00 11-04-85 -- Change Order No, Eight approved to authorize the installation of a 4-inch pipe PVC conduit with pull rope at a net increase in contract price of $1,200,00, from $4,303,725.00 to $4,304,925.00, 11-18-85 -- Change Order No, Nine approved to authorize funds to compensate the Contractor for "oh-the-job" training of six trainees, at an increase in contract price not to exceed $4,800,00 from $4,304,925,00 to $4,309,725.00. 12-02-85 -- Change Order No, Ten approved to authorize the Contractor to con- struct a cross-gutter on the north side of San Bernardino Avenue at Riverside Drive at an increase in contract price of $540,00 from $4,309,725,00 to $4,310,265,00. 12-02-85 -- Change Order No, Eleven approved to authorize the Contractor to excavate unsuitable material to a maximum depth of four feet, dispose of the material and backfill with suitable material at an estimated increase in contract cost of $4,000,00 from $4,310,265,00 to $4,314,265,00, 12-02-85 -- Change Order No, Twelve approved to authorize the Contractor to break up P.C,C, surface found below the wearing surface on Tippecanoe Avenue on a Time & Material basis (Force Account) at an estimated cost of $4,100.00 and to delete part of the scarifying of A,C, at a credit of ($720.00) for a net increase in contract price of $3,380,00, from $4,314,265.00 to $4,317,645,00, 01-06-86 -- Change Order No, Thirteen approved to authorize the Contractor to pro- vide additional maintenance to the detour on Tippecanoe Avenue, in the vicinity of San Bernardino Avenue on a Time and Material basis, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $4,300,00, from $4,317,645,00 to $4,321,945,00, 02-03-86 -- Change Order No, Fourteen approved to provide seven additional No, 5 pull boxes at an increase in cost of $1,650.00, from $4,321,945,00 to $4,323,595.00. 02-03-86 -- Change Order No, Fifteen approved to remove an existing concrete wall which interferes with the installation of a storm drain, by force account, at an estimated increase in contract price of $800.00 from $4,323,595,00 to $4,324,395.00, - CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT It was discovered during construction that the roadway profile grade on the northerly end of the project, approximately between Station 36+00 to 37+50, must be raised in order to meet the existing street grade, Additional Class 2 aggregate base will be used to make this adjustment in grade of the roadway to match the existing pavement, The total estimated project cost, based upon the actual low bid price, contained an amount of $713,215 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost of this change order, We recommend that Change Order No, Sixteen be approved, 75-0264 \,;1'1'7 'l" 0AN BEHNAHJ: ::J ~'MC-15 PF, e-e.;.) ROAD CONTRACT CIfANGE onDER NO, 08-SBrlo-O-SBd 15 SUPPL. NO,__ 50mn -1- OF -L- 5tH US HOERAL NO.IS) AF-AD-60(]) CONTRACT NO, --2J 58 To KASJ)m CORPOHATI.QN Coohodo' You ore here.!'y directed to mokc the herein d01<ribcrl rhor.Qe, from the pions and _pe<:lliu;rlion\ or do thc following de~(fi~d work nol indvd..d in the pluns unci sp('(Ifi((l- 1ion1 on Ihi, (Ontract NOTE: T"i, (honge ordor i, not eHe<tivfl until nrprov~d by Ill. Enqin('lu. Des<ripljr>Jl 01 work 10 ~)e done, eslimale 01 4uonlities, ond rrores to t,c poul ~QreQule b~tw('en orJdllionol work 01 rantroel prio\ o'I",..d prire und !(JIle oClounl. U"lcn olherw,se 11c1ed, role1 lor rentol of equipment (over only such time Olo equirmenl ilo Qctuully (Jscd and no oHowunce will be mode lor flUe lime. Chongef('questcdby En crincer ~:J..::::..::~____ lhe Ius! pCfeenjoij'C 1hown i~ the nel o((:umululed in(feoU~ or decreosc from the originul q,mrllily in till;' t ngmee"1 blimote 1. Extra work at force account Adjust plan Station profi18 grade 36+00 and 37+50 at between Tippecaboe AJrenue centerline of improvement. Estimated Cost $l,JOO.OO (stimated COlot D<<rea~ S orlncreoseS1 '300.00 By rca~oo of thi1 order the lime of <omplelion will be (ldluslt'd 0\ follows. No adjustment {1~1 ~V;A-'}'(. {/v/ ;;; G/arl J. Verner, J\esident Engineer ""'" J-L(J-1~ Submitted by: App'oval Roxommonded, 1/ ""'" Appro...d: fng'ne'$" by Dot. Wo, Ih~ unJ"''''Il"..J {oullo<_f!'.. huve gr....... ,,,,,,10.1 (o"l.d..r"'"...nro II". d""'I,l"I"Or>O~t' ..,d ".....bv "\I"'''. .111"'1""1"',,,1 II "I'fl"''''''', 1""1 we ....,It p.o..,d.. 011"'1"'1"".."'.1...,,,..,, '~II m",..,ool" ."u'pl 0\ moy ,,11"0'''';1. b. nolo.... ubo...., and p..rfO!", un ""'V1~''''--''''l]ry I..., II... w<>,~ ..too.... 'I"",j.ed. (mu ..,II ""'''pl,,,luU ...orm""'lh..,..lor 'h" P';<"1 ~ow"ubo...,. A"'P"~" /-:;/~ ' c...,""'" KASLER COGJ'OR~TJON . Or _"~a,v! pJ Jt-il,1 . T;,'. 4~)<':i ~A:k~,i H tI" (e"I.<Klo, doe. not _'un o(U!,lorw:o 01 In" D,J,.. h'1 on.."hon i\ dN,,{~d t().... .1lqUl.'C'm"nh 011'" ,~,',eol'on 01 to rrOUllld,"\I WIth tho Drder.d WI)'" und '1Iin", 0 ....fln_ prol..,with....'h.l;m.......onlloo<.I..d.