HomeMy WebLinkAbout29-Personnel CI.c' OF SAN BERNARDO - REQUE:)T FOR COUNCIL ic'~iON From: Mary Jane Perl ick Personnel Director Dept: Per sonne 1 RE::'D. - l'O~"'!Kl3fRf!sol uti on to authori ze the executi on I of agreement wi th Mi ss i on Dental Health 1';': Dei' 23 F" 3: eTjln for General Denti s try and Ortho- dontic Benefits effective January 1, 1986 Date: October 21, 1985 Synopsis of Previous Council action: The City previously entered into an agreement with Mission Dental Plan on October 15, 1979, with amendments thereto, to provide group dental and orthodontic services to employees and their dependents. Recommended motion: Approved the resolution to execute the terms of agreement for one year with Mission Dental Plan effective January 1, 1986, with no change in rates. ~/~i-~ - SignatuD Contact person: Mary Jane Perl ick Phone: x5161 Supporting 1ata attached: ---'ies Ward: N/A FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: No add 11 cost Source: Existina budaet Finance: j/'"" C L ./ Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item ~ ~ - _1- - - Clk OF SAN BERNARD~O - REQU~T FOR COUNCIL Ac-rtON STAFF REPORT The City's existing agreements with Mission Dental to provide dental services (including a plan for orthodontic care) expires on December 31, 1985, The attached agreement was received from Mission Dental on October 21, 1985, with no increase in rates. Monthly Rates Effecti ve January 1, 1986 $7.00 Subscri ber $12.00 Subscriber and one dependent $15.00 Subscriber and two or more dependents Employees participating in the orthodontic care plan (81-0R) ~ will pay a subscriber rate of three dollars ($3.00) directly to the dental plan. This fee is not charged to those employees participating in the basic dental plan. The maximum benefit to the subscriber for the Orthodontic Program will remain at $1375.00. 75-0264 ',,-. "'-.-' ,,,....... 1 JUSOLUTJO~ NO. 2 RESOLU~]ON OF THE CITY OF SAN BEFNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREf~ENT ~ITH MISSION DENTAL HEALTH PLAN FOR 3 El~PLOYEES' GEM,PAL DENTISTRY PLAN hITH ORTHODO',nC BE1'EFITS, EfFECTIVE JANCARY 1, 1986. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE I'.AYOR AN'D COrl,I'jON COij'-KIL OF THE C]TY 5 OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOKS: 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to 7 eXEcute on behalf of said City an AgrEement with Mission Dental 8 Health Plan, relating to employees' general dentistry plan with 9 orthodontic benefits, effective January 1, 1986, which a9rEe~ent 10 is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "An, and incorporated herein 11 by reference as fully as though set forth at length. 12 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 13ladopted,bY 14 Betnardlno the Mayor and Corr,rr,on Council of the City of San at a _ _________________ meeting thereof, held on 15 the _,___ day of ,_____________________, 1985, by U,e 16 following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: --_._-----_._----_._---._---~._-------_._-_.__._._....---..------..--------- ]8 -.-----.-.-.. ---- -_.._._--- ._---------~--_.__.__._--~-------- ---- 19 NAYS: -.----.. ---.---------. _.._--~-_.._--,- -..--- --~~-_.._-_._-_.__._----~----_._-_._-- 20 21 22 23 ABSENT: City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this _____ day 24 of 25 _.,-------~--,--_._-,-~-, 1985. 26 Approved as to form: 27 fi!:-,-' '/.f2~::,-~.u 28 City-Attorney----- Mayor of the City of San Bernardino \, - - - - (.~j)UP SUB&CRIBE::l AGREEMENT (PLAN- p~-V) GRPf 900476 '" BI-OR This Agreement is IT,ade and e.""uIM I";, _. 21 st day 01. OCTOBER ______ ,19__~_5_~ b~' ilnd be:weo..n .l:JTX 9f.SA!il_BEF:~ARD~N9...,. (he-'e'f..f1~1 'e'er'~d lOllS "SU8~CRIS[R SROUP"I_i1Cld r.,tATIONAL HE"LTH CARE SYSTEMS OF CAU~ORNIA_ jNC (oba DENTICARE. a'It! MIssion De'1:al Hl:allh Pian), a Cal,fornla cu,;:,~"(lt,on (he'e,nafler rele"ed to as the "PLAN") wh.ch operal.;ls II s~c,ah~li'd health care ser~,ce pian subject 10 the I.cer.s,ng fi'QuHefTOenls and Ope'31l0"',al .egw:a10')' sta'li:::ards enlOfc;ed by the Comm;ssir.>ne, Of CO'.i>CI.a',ons of Ihf Stateot C"li1ornJ.i! ....',cler the Knc);..Keene Heal1l'1 Care Se--v;ce Plan Act 011975. a~ i1me'ldocl. The affective dateofthis agreemenl!>hallbe...I.A.N lS.t.__________~'9_li!:l_______ ThE' address of thE' prir-oc'pa! ..dmini~kah't' off.cE' 01 the PLAN 's ,P.662 Mal;;Ar1hur Bl~d. Suite 101,lrvir.e, C<lliI01"'1I 92715 Telephone numbe'~ are (714) 752.H:.7, (714) e3:>.1~, or TOLl.FREE In Nu"ht:ln Cllhf,:,!n;a ,B:lO) 432.7019 or TOlL.fRtE in 5outl'.ern CaLlurn,s (!'\.JOi 4:~2.7158 PART I. DEFlNITlO"lS A. "AE~THE1IC DENl IS1 RY" m,.1>r.~ o...r,:al p'o.:,..:!"r"" w~,,:t, ,llE.' ,....<1oll"r,d purely lor !;.osmet,c rl.Jl~','ses 8 . BENEfiTS" and "COVERAGE' mlar, Ihos,," ;;:e~,!al COIlE' se"'c.!;~ ava.!abl(' undel IhE' GROUP Sl'~S(:R:ClEH J>.GR( E.MENT Ii" WhiCh II MEMBE.R is &mol,&d C "CHILD";nc!u,je, al! r.al,,'al. ilcj:)pled. 1:,;sler, ar.c:'SIE-"c,h,idlen o COPA"ME....T'".~ a... addll'wr.a' !€'.. Ch..''J''C to a SlIBSC?;BEI'l or E"-IelOll EE ...hiCh is appre~ed bylhE' Caiil,:)rn,a COf',mi,S'O:"lerot Corporal;O"'~ whO rf'gu'atE-S Ihe PL.!"'" p,,'~~anl 10 th~ I(nc~-Kpe"e Act. ;:.rc.-.dc-d 10' in tM PLA'" (,onlr1lcl, and d'~clc~e-d ir, fh" E,iIDE....CE OF COVEP.J>.GE.,D1SClO- SURE FOl=\M E . DE...T AL FACILITIES" ,~,~an tC":':>f- ce~te<s ~e:.~cl('d by t~.€ PLA"Ilo p'o~"je dt:n!al se'\';~es fOl a,"y Mt:I,ABER F . DEPENDENT"" ".,~I"j,:,~ It:~ to:,:-....;ng .n:::'. "j"a'~ c,nly If tt,ey res,d... 0' ....Or~ with,n the PL,ll,N'$ ~e""'Ck ,,'~a {....ilh,r, 30 mil!<s ot a ge....!<lal denl,~t PLAN PROVIDER) (1) The !aw/ul s.'Cu!>I:' of a SU<:<SCRiBER (2) An u,-,"",3<:''''c:' DU'E"JDENT CHtL D 0' a SUBSC,,:8CR up 10 P'f' CHILD S ninateenth blrthtlay (:>1 An Ur,millfied "hila 0' a S:JB,sCR:etR, up 10 Iht' CHILDS :we....ly.j,JuF1h birtr,c:'ay, who 's a fuli lin,e S'"j",: t and:s ....hOlty depe....jenI0r'l SuCh SUBSCR:BEI'l lor ~,'i"'port (4) COVERAGF ~~,all i1'!>O b!< ~~Tel1d!;d bey'--,nd Ihe r.."el!<!;l1lh :..~ar a'.d twenty.lourth yeal a:;le 1o..."t",t"J"'~ ....he" a DEPE"JDENT CHILD can be co:-rti!ied by the PLA~ as .r.;ar'~ble Of "e!f-sL'S:i1lr",,~ <<:T,p10yrT1",n! by I..ason Of menfal re~ardat,;:.rt 01 ph,'s,ca' har,d'c.a~ ar,d i~ ch;elly dependenl upon Ihe SuE'-SCRI8ER to' s'-'Pr>,:,r: and n-:air.~eC,a"cf pro-'<ded proof 01 Such inc!tpacity IS furnished tolhE PLAN by the SUBSCRIBE? within 31 tlay~ ,~ftt>e rBq,)est fo' s,,(,t' prool by t".e PLAN Re:'er1.licabon 01 SUCh incapa!;.ilymey bE< r..qujrr,d by the PLAN, but not mo'elreq"entlythanonC8 annc.alt,' atter the t....e year "e"(.Id lollo""",g Ihe (Jl:.PEN;)E"IT'S alla",menl of age ~.ii'1eleen A ne...t>orn CHit D sr,ali be c.)vero:-d hom rT.c>ment of birth and a minor aclopled CHILD !.hal: ~ co_ered l'om the lime the CHILD is placed in cus1udy 01 the ad.ophe ~arent G DISCLOSURE FORM-- mfan~ tr,elorms or fT'aler:ai~ !;,Ontain,ng SuCh ,nlor''''8t<on 'egarrj.n9the BENEFITS ser..icesandlermsollhe PLAN conl'act as I~E' Con.miss.c'ner rT:a), 'E'qCh'e ~o 80 \0 allold Ihe p'.'bloc the SUBSCRIBER and E"'ROLl EES wilh a lul! ar'd ~air dlsclosu'e 01 the pro..i!.i"n!. of lhe PLAN ir. readily u"de'~h:>od la'1gua';;e ane <n a clearly {.rgan"led mannef H "ELECTivE DENTISTRY-- means denial prJ,:,edu'f'S Which are unne('i'SSa")l10 the de..tai ~ealth 01 Ihe pet,(<nl as determined by a PLAN ::Ienlist I 'EMERGE""CY CARE'- means !>e''''rrce!> rE-"je'i'd lor alle~:ah0n e' SNere pain or ble.edlng a'.d,or iro.mej:ate ,j.agnos,s a',d t'ealmenl 01 unfore!.een cond,li"n~, which. il not imrr>e,j,a1e1y diag'1()!>"'d and h"_aled "".ay INd 10 d'>.abilily, dysll.Jnct'on or d~ath 'EVI()E"lCE OF CO'JEP.AGE" ",r-ans "ny (;ertl"ca~e ag'eerToo:-nt. con('aCI brOChu'e or iet!er o( entitlemenl issCJ~d 10 a SUBSCA:BER or EN~OLLEE ~tlr"g tur1r. the COVERAGE tc wl1,!;.h the Si,;BSCR:BE.F1 or ENROlLEE;s ent,tled K ~EXCLUSION";s any prO~ls'on 01 the GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT whereby co~e'Il';le 101 a $pec;!ied l1a~ard or conclition is enti'ely elim,"a~ed l "GROuP S\JBSCR:BEP ASREEMEN,' rel",,~ 10 tl'"s Ag'<-emenl PLA"I! ane" ilny SlIBCRIBER GROUP ane' Nt;,ch e$:abl;sl1e~ tt'fle,msandcondilions which go~ern the BENEFITS (T,,-,je ala !a~le 10 an} ME'.t.BER by PLAN M "LIMn AT ION" is any pro~ision Olh!<r trar, an EXCLUSIO~ ....h:C" f"'s1ricl~ c0\1e'a2e under the GROUP SUBSCRIBEA AGREEMENT N 'MEMBER" and "ENROLLEE' m('"n a0y Sl:BSCR:8ER or DEPE"'DENT, ....ho is enrolled under tt.E' GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREE"-"ENT and is enl.tied 10 Ihe BE"-;EFITS a~II':i1ble und€:' l'l", GROUP Si..IBSCR:B[R AGREEMENT In relurn fOI th", paymenl rE'Quired 10 be made lothe PLAN under ~ucr. GROUP SUaSCRIBER AGREEMENT o . PARTICIPATI"-I(:. DENTIS .S" me".... t~.(,sejenlist~ $e1c-c!"d by t~e PLA.. 10 pro~id€ den~al se~ice~ 10' MEMBERS P . PLAN" is Nat.or,al Heallh Cale Systems o! CablOlnia. Inc a . PLAN PROVIDER" or' PLAN DENTIST" rel!<'~ te a pro.,.de' of de,,!ar ~ervices licens.ed by the S~ale 10 deli_el 01 furn'Sh these ~e'V;ces. which ha~ a c.onlract ...:th Ihe PLA"" 10 'ender ~ec~'ce~ IC af', ME'''SER ir.llccerdance ....ith the pro~ision 01 the GROUP SiJBSCRIBE.R AGREEMENT in whictl a MEMBER,s enrolled The n,,'TIes, i"cal.ons hours 01 se...ice and Olher ,nlormatoOr'l regarding PLAN PROVIDER. PLAN DENTIST or facilities may be obtal".<>1 by con~act,ng the PLAN oH.ce A 'PREF'AYMENT FEE-- IS the amount PI;!)le eaCh month by the, SUBSCR:BtR GROUP 10 ob~ain BENEFITS plo~;jed under the GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREE'I.ENT S "SERVICE AREA-- con~,sl~ oltn,:>se g"(',;raph,c re'J;on~ whiCh are within II :30 mile, radius hom the general dent,s: PLAN PROVIDEAS T . SuBSCRiBER-- 'slhe pe~!>ol'\ who i$ '(',p;:.nS'ble 10' ~aymel'\llo Ihe PLAN, 0' whose employment or othe' slatu~, e~cepllol lamily dependency. is a bas~s IOf e"g'bil.ty for ",ernt>er$h'p ir'l the PLAN U "SUBSC.~IBE.R GROUP' is th~ Ol';l"n;,al<on 0' campa"y wh,ch has ent!<red inlo a GROUP SUBSCRI~E.R AGREEMENT with the PLAN undecwhich BENEF- : S are fT,ade lH-lIiiable, to el,giblt' g'ou;" MEMBE8S snd Iheir DEPENDENTS V 'SUBSCRiPTION COST'" m!;ar,s the p'c<pa,d Cl'.alge paid by O' 0" behall 01 SUBSCRIBERS or ENROLLEES W 'SUl'lCHARGE" ",eans an add'f.ona' !ef whi(,h is (,1'.a'9t'd Ie a SUBSCRIBER or ENROLLEE lor a cove'E-c service, but wh.ch i~ 1"101 appro~ed by lhe Comm,ss,onel, prc~'ded for In Ihe PlA'" !;.onl'ac~ and d's.clo$ed I'" the EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE/DISCLOSURE fORM. X "USUAL AND CUSTOMARY fEE" mean~ I"'~ amounl which a DE....TAl PROVIDER normally or usually Charges the majority 01 his patiel'lls lor a part.cu!ar s.er~ice Th,!> 1",""~ ,-,s",o ,r.1erc""r,;,-pabl)' wllh '"FEE-FQR-SERVICE" PART II. ELIGIBILITY RULES A Persons Elig;ble 10 Become Subscribe's Any pe,son whO 1 .~ an act've j,jli.!.rr,e employe€- 0' ~EMBF.R o! a (,Ollecl,..", t>argainlng ,-,nit. associat.on or Club 0' an eleCleo official oj SUBSCRIBER GROUP or ....ho 1$ a .et<'td elT'ployee ;:.t S:'-'BSCR:3ER GR,:lUP has ,"01 P'('",ouS1y been le<mlna1ed unoer I"'DIVIDUAL 0' GROUP AGREEMENT because of Iraud 01 dEfcepl.on in Ihe use of the Services or '"cilot,!<~ of Ihe PLAN or knOW'''1glr ..erm'U"'9 s'Jct, 1raud 01 dec.epl.on by' another. and 3 r,i1S il~'ploed lor mernj)(,>'shlp, or> 10'fT'S SLJppl,,,,d by Ir.e PlA"'. and 4 les.,jes 0' wO'~s WIth.., PLAN'S service a,ea :....ilh.rt Ih;rty miles /rom II genalal denl'st PLAN PROVIDER) B EI,g.ble OEPE""DENTS may b.. enrOil!<d a' H.e t.me Ihe SUBSCRIBEI'l enrolls or any time thereafter by lilling ou1 the jo'm~ supplied by the PLAN and pay.ngt',e appii~..bl", prepaymenllee C Da1e 01 Eligibility 1 All pe'sons including lhf SUBSCRIBER "nd ehg;bl'" DEPENDENTS r.a~~ appli!;d 10' membership and for ...hOm the appropriate SUBSCRIPTION COST ~,as been ~,,'d pr'Of 10 Ihe?Oth day of tM month s~,all be ehglb1e, 10' BENEFITS comm!;ncing on the 'st day of Ihe lollowing month 2 All pe'sons ,nclud;ng (he SUBSCRiBER and ei';Jible DEPENDENTS who ha~e applied for membe'!.hip and for whom the appropriale SUBSCRiPTION COST has been pa'd t.e!wee~. Ihe 20lh day 011he, rr.onth and the last day ot Ihe month shall be eligible lor BENEFITS commencing Ihe ~sl day 01 the second m~njr, Ihprealter PART Ill. EFFECTIVE O.b.TE AND TERMI~AT'ON DATE All pars,:,n!> becomeel;g.bletor !.erv,ces a! '201 A M 01 the ettec1F~e dale indi!;.aled on IhisGROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT providing they meet alllhe el';'blh~y r..qurro:-menlS Term,nal.,:,n dalE"s bilH.d on the e~enlS and condlllons 1<!.IEtd under PART X PART tV. PRINCIPAL BENEFITS AND COYERAGES A El\jROLLEESare enl,tlpd!o de rIal se"'(;e~ a~ sel !oM:.n thf Beneir: Sct,edule whIch i!> allllched IIsAtlllchmenl A This Sche,duli'establ,she~lhe dental se'~.ces whicr, a'€' a.a.labl" 10 ENROLL F f S....,tn(\UI : ~."'ge (ces'g~.a1ed as "No Charge-- ,n lhe Schedule) and t....t\se, 5erv,ces fo, wh'ch ENROLLEES a'''' obllgaledlo pay It,e PLAN DENT AL PF10'v!DlR Tt.~ "....ounl ef sucr. C.OPAYMENTS ...h,ch It'_e PL.-AN DENT Al. PROVIDER:s permiltedtC'Charge ENROLLEES lor spec,f,( denta'!.ef~.c",~ IS s!<i 1o'1h "r.der tt." to,ad.ng 'COPAYMENT REOUIRED The EXCLUSIONS AND LtMITATIONSapplrcable 10 the Benet.t Sch!'dule a'€' sel lorth 'rr,....."c1a!('ly !01""""9 ENROllEES MUST UTILIZE A PLAN DENTAL PROVIDER UNLESS A PROPER REJE.RRAL 10 A NON-PLAJ'.. PROVIDE.R HAS BE E~ t.'ADE THE BENEfIT SCHEDULE AND PRINCIPAL nClUSIONS .AND LIMITATIONS ARE ATTACHED HERETO A.S ATTACHMENT A. THE ATTACHMENT A IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT AND MUST BE REA.O IN CONJU""CTION WITH THE AEST OF THE AGREEMENT. EX::.~.. i\ , PRI,,"CIPAl BeLL/SICNS "'~D lIMITATV '..'!,: OF BE~EfjTS Ser..res 10 ....r,.ch Ih~ MEV.I:IE:R i~e"t,llf"d an) vVo~.ers Co...-t>e"sal,on La... 0 "he PLA~ s"all..,:,.;,j~ the 5.:""~es althE l;me ofnetlCl. t>ull!-le t..l[MBER shal: e~..cule ano de:"e"-""'tbCw....enI5 0' lake Such ol"e' ac\;ciloo..........Iat t>I:: nl",;!>sSll-Y Ie I'Iss:..o'ethal the PLA.N;\> reimburs.ecl 'or ty~"ell!s pfOy'd~-:l by W~xkef's Co'n~e"..a'lon Thl~ [);CtVSION 1:>es no: a.'ply irnt.-odl-Cal P')oQ'am 2 Se~ices. wh;ch in lhe opin'on of It,(: at!e...d'"lg dent:sl, are not r'ec.-..~sarr 1011h", pa\;enrs'j",nlal !'.<;allh 3 Orlk.jon\ics .. A[~THETlC DE.NT:5TRY S Ora' 5<.l'~e'1 ,,,,,qui""9Iheselt,nlj olfr"(I,,res or ,j'sl.:>r_ak:>ns 6 TrealfC1",,,\ol ;nal'gr'Il:)Cies, c,'sls or neJp:ilsrns 7 ~;s;><-ns;"'g 01 d'u95 rlol 00,,<.811) ~."~,pl;,,,j ir, a je"tal 0t1,ce 8 In \h,- e.'en\ t"_al ~'ah','1 d(>s,'...~ tc- toe "c~;:>'laL!..d 10' anI' je,-,\al ~r,,:<,-jure C;erst w,1I ~ b<'>Hle b) IhE- patient 9 Sim,i~e~...-h'c.t M€ r"mb'J's~bl~!:1) '''S-j'anc.",or rei'..bu'!>ilbl" ",r,de' anyvthE-1 grovp O' Maltl' se"Y'c.e r:a'1S The PLAN s".all p'o~i:j€'th('se"Y;cas alt~.e I:"'E- of Cl(>,.~d but Ihe "I"-'/.8ER st.al' e,(-cdle SAt> ,j(>(u;"oi!'11S ""'L-I":.iIry Ie assu.e thaI t~ PLt!"N 's reirT.bu'~ lor S....ch BE"lEFLTS 10 l QSS ()' t~,..tt ol derrlu'I"S or b"dii.'",')rk 11 Any pl'~~_",j'.1'e 01 irr';:.laCltat,on 12 Gen",'a! anC!st~,esia 13 SH..-'Cd I~.at :.an"01 be pe'1o....ed ~",~a,;$.. of I"E '<I"O'.t.r31 "'e.allh of the p;,~;enl B Ce'-<,air "e.vic",s a'e s.,b)i>Clto a CCPAY'~E~T (def",,-d r.,,-ei[1 as ar a,jdil;0"a: am.Jur'JI SUBSCR;BER or D[Pi:....CENT,,~ al: pay PARTIC:PATlNG DE"<TI5o"l"S di'Kt'y). as Is~ed ", l'.e aT:ilC''11''':; B-'!,')el'1 SC.,(,-,j.1le C In (),je' I;. "'a~e an "i:-po.nlme('\ MEMBES:<S rn';5tlel',"~'\Clf)E-lhi;! nunbe' o( lhe de....ial olf,ee w....Ch t...ey l',ll'<f !>e:.,.cled The t;,S! a"..e,r:'~.enl ,,,~,,-,:LI,,,~ will "~';al'y :;'t !,:.' \'lE- p'J' p,::>,.. o! tii~,f)g.. curr,pltTt ~;:,\::.1 lul' rr"Jutt, ~-'r:ys e'iirn'~;;l'~)f'l, db,,:oping al'eal ".,,,,nl pl!in a"c 'j",:",-,,;nin9 ",r. t'sllr'.~le 0' COMS O",;r'9 t~.e <"s' ,,;';';Jin:,r_~'l1 '-I.U..-19ERS...-i1' t>I'- ;;'("',:li"~ wi", tt,~i, j:o,t,s(,i~,<,d t'~3,'7lenl pian and ",;th the f"",~ (0' each oenlal ~':>cedu'e MEMBERS m.:s' pal I~e t~"'~ Ii~i",d ;>t, th"" ,j('~c'.p!,v'" of P""':_','al 8E~lFlTS AND COvERAGES d".:-cll~ 10 Ihe d"ntal c,(!,,;e w!',6-'e :'talrt".ent 's re,_er'.ed o Tt,,,- PL~'" will p~)' up Ie a 'T.a""'ulT; o' $"(. 0C o.er 'unl-"e: 7'!'ilr ~'e' t-..lEMBlR I"r out-01-\he a'ea, e''''ergenc, s",'..-;ces ;e"c",rd? lc M[MBE!=!~ WhO r..Q'.1<'e, ~,-,crl S8',"~es w"'e~.lh",) are ,r,,~,!: I~,;,'l Ihl~~' (30, miles hom a Pc.A"" DE!<O"!' AL PROVIDE!=! l.J[M8Ei"lS ca., d('~e',T,i~_c ....~'elhe' or not they are m,~"etl'.ac, \hL~y:~Oj r,i,,~ ~...-ay [,om a PLA>,J DE"'T AL P!'<OVIDER b) lei",p>,(.onin9 on.. ollhe PLA"Ite:..ph'Jne 'luf'",be,rS Sucr.lel€'phone num~rsshall be ,,,,,,:jil'~' "Cc.,,"~~~le 10 MI:'vI8F_RS ",r"j ate c;-Jr,!","(-d (.on Ihe I"s! page of t"l'5tl,g'~ment l"'EMBERS rn'-'5t ~",:;;-phone the PLAN p';or loob~a,ning ovt-o!-I~,;;-ar('a E'J1tR'.,E"'CY CARE Hc"'';ve', wher'J 'I I!. r'Ol poss,bl~ 'ollhe 'vIEMBER 10 p'O.'OE pr,o. ""I.ce cc..e'1>ge ....,li bE' p'o~'ded If not'ce IS gvl:n 10 ~~,e, PLA'" ....,th.e'.:8 hOu's 0' ii, ~O'Jr as ;')~,S'blE' Ih.,'ea!ter EI..,ERGE"lCY SERVICES a'e, IhoSE !-(,~I/,(.e5 'e.qud<"d 10' lho alie..,al,on 01 se..ere pa,r 0' blE'",d.n~ ,;c,d '0' ,n'r:"l",j.a~e d'~Qr'c's:s.and, 1'<"tn-,e'lI ol...r.lore~;;-en cO'ld,t,ons, wh,eh, If not ,rr,meo'alely dLa9r'J::!>eC Ilnd Iruled may ;ead to Ij,!>..olbty dysf...rocl,or. O' Joalh The PLAN w,lI 'elmbu'Se, ENROLLEES 10' Sl.ICh services up 10 a IT,a...,m,,,,, amo~nl ol $50 00 per confract yea' per MEMBER fa, 5e'II'c."'5 by ..oro-p:an p'J,';d,,'!. 10' oJI-ol-P,e-a'(''s E'..lERGE'>ICY CARE' upon p'eser'Jli1I'On by t.,,, MEMBE!=! of acopyOlthebill homthe treal'''9 dent,st "rod II ce.e' leHe, f,olT' t~E'..lEMBER e~p!a;nir'9 the Ci'cumsta....ces which'~eve r'M! lelhe el"'.e'i1ency \teatn.enl MEMBERS must s'.1bm,t s..reh dc>cwme'lla"iJr. I" the PLAN wII~lIr. ;l(',jar5 01 tece,p! 01 $uCI'- em<l";jenCy 5,,"""ce 1r'J Ir,e e,'e'11 a 'J.(lJ1SER reqJ;".s "me':l!mc) serv,ce ",nd thE MEMBER isle% 11'."nlh,r1y (30) mile~ flonr, a PLA"-i DENT AL P!=!OVlDER lhe MEMBER musf cor'a.::t n,e PLA'" DEI'{; Al PROVIDER IC w~,a, he;s a~signed atone oflhe Pi..AN'S telephone n'.1mb€:rs 1r~I(>d 0;, Iheli-sl ~ageollhis Ag,;:,emenl te. 'eca'.~ ".struCI,"";. as 'Cone.. lC P'Cl~""'C 10 vb!a,'" er-r,B'i);;nC} ~er...cesIr01T a PLAN ?ROVIDER MF:MBERS r"'.ay ob~a,'" E'..-1E.I"lGENCV CARE f'om a non-p!a" pr?..-,je' ",,'lh," Iht ~F"'::~ a'~a.;lnt)..fle' cunt"ct,tlQ It,ei. ass;ilc.(<d DeNTAL PI"lOVIDER '" lhe Pi..A"<and t>ei'l~ advosM !t,al no PlAN P!=!OVICE~ r5 a'a'!ab:e HQ",e,et, tf ,I 's no' P(l; ."b:e (0' tr,e MEMBER 10 p'o<lde pno, not'ce co..e'lige w,11 be- ;>'0.',j",1 ,I c,u~rce.s grven to l!"Ie PLAN wil~..r'_ 45 hO:.J'5 0' a~ 5:>0" as j)05sible tOII:",'i"9 'dce'pl ()! Si;"Yices The PLAr, will 'e;mb"r!>e ENROLLE ES 10' suc~ s,e...ices ,-,pIc a iT.lillimurt". amount o' sso or per c~r,t'IiC! yEoa' pE-r MEI-,I.BER lor 5"..i:es b) 1'>0",p1ar. p,o..ije'510r in-area EMERGE.....CY C.tr..RE upon pres"ntaf,on by lhe MEMBE.!=! Of a ('o;:,y ot the btl: I'o",lhe \. eal,r'9 lj"nt:SI and a ("o.e' iet~e' I,orr, tr.e MEMBER e.pla,n;ng Ihe circumstances wh,ch g,..e r:se 10 the eme'9.:.nc)' tre:almenl ME'vlBE!=!S mus' S:IPm'l t...,s dXun'e",tilt,on IC the PLAN ',,:al,-,!;; 10 s"ct, err';:":lency :r<<atmenl w,thln 90 days of 'ece,pl 10 S<e"Y.ces Th" IOfE-gO;'l9 p.C'..,s,on5 relat,n9 to I~'e $:'( n~a"mulT. 's t'" abj,l,ot'10 the: e"''''llene; p'e.'enli..e and per,o,l!:,nlal t'eatmenlS lellc<ct~ in Ihe Benefit Sc>,eclule If a PLA" PRO'.'IDER', ",a;:able, tt'e '~!::I,.lSER wil: bE; i"str"eled Ic see him 01 her, The MEMBEP Will be 'e5;;>on5::,le1o' "opa,men~ a!>desC'ibed in the AII",ch",en: A 10' iln)' t'fa\me-,l 'E':e'."'d If Ir.~ err.e'~,""'cy is r,iI',died by tho: emollet-'s !>s,signed PLA"-l DE""TIST peyrne"~ "di ~;n acco.dance wilh the 'lon--emelgen;y p'''~.:.d;J'es MEMBE!=!S w.II pay the COF~YMENTS as I;sldd in I~'~ al!i1Ch~t! d~sc"p1ion 01 ?rinc<pai BE'>IEFITS A'>ID COVERAGES under 'COPAVMENT !=!EOUI!=!ED" 10' each proc€'d",'e cOIT';Jieted "r"''''s~ CO;:AYME~TS must toe pa,d di'eclly 10 the den\a~ c>tf;c~ ""here I'estrr,en!;s re>;e;l/\!'Cl PART V O.HER CHAAGES'COPAYME~TS MEMBE!:IS will ;:.ay thE' COPAYME"OTS a~ IrstE'd in the al~achE'd de~c"pt,on 01 Pr"'Clpal BE"-lEFITS A"lO COVEP.AGES under "COPAVMENT REOLiIREO' 10' ('i1Ch p'xedw'e com..i"Il'-d The!>e CDoAYMENTS must bE- ..aid j"ectty 10 Ihe den\al ofhce ....I',e'e IrealmentlS tet;ei~ecl PART VI. DE.~TAL RECORDS Tr,e, jen!al 'eco'd501 SUaSCRlgEP a',o CEPEI<,)CENTS c.on~~,n;ng se......ces perfo,m..d hereunde' shal: ,,,,mair, the p''Jperty olthe PARTICIPATING OE""1"I5oTS FA.RT VB CHOICE OF DENTAL PROvlDEA OENTAL I'AClLlTlES A Eilcr. Pl."'" MEMBER '5 er.co,-,'a;Jed I' ~e:",ct iI d","II51 lr.:>rT a"'0r'J9 Ihe PLAN PROVIDERS E'l'01!e.: ME'..lBERS o'a lamily rr'Jsl '-'sethe sa~e denlist. ,t\t PU".... shal! a~slsl IhE PLAr--.. 1,I,EM3E.R;; ~elect,.,; a dentos~ ",hen(>~e' S'jC~' MEMBER 'equests sueI'. a!>~,st&.'-':::e ;nfo,rr,at;or, ,ega'd;nglhe services a'!l.,at:t arid Ihe 10Cill<,. ".,j -,Ou'S o~ PLA/'.; PROVIDERS r"':";ay be ob~a.r",.,j by calhng the PLAN olf,ce a! o...e Of I'>e te;ephone numt>e'5i,stee abo..e. In "'~, e.'ent. the, PLAI<,) "I f:",.1BEF. 5"0,Jld cor,:"c: tht PlA"J at an", o!the 101l-lare '"\umb"r5tode\etm;"''' whe-Ih<<, t~,e, PLAN PROV'DER they h!l.t selecled tS ~I'" a.'a':able, In Iht e"l>nl C' an t'''''''Q<-''cy, tl)e PU"'''-i s>-'o'..rlo bt' con'ac!ed al the !>.!Ime numt.el'$ B De":a: 5e'II'ces pr:!v,dl-cl by thiS Ag'eemenl a'e I,rn,ted!e 5t'"'~es .,erlv'med by Ir'05€- dentists wo-~rnw ,n PLA"-i DENTAL FACILITIES. orth~Ov!s;dtl de,-,tl~~s jes;gnal<<d b'y PLA"l 0' b)' a PLAN DENTIST tr' conr,e-clton wilh a referral made 10' definite t'a!llment 0' ccms....llalion C The PLAN 'es",'\o"s the r.ghtlO 'eas,,'gn MEMBERS al any lime 10 a dlffe'ent PLA'>I DENTAL FACIliTY of MEIvIBEA'S Choice. D MEI,.lBERS ma) c.hang", 'aci!i:ies w'lh a Ih,rty {JOi day wr;"en nOlice and app'o"a: ollhe PLAN E Only hcen&",cl PAHTICIPATI/l.jG DENTISTS shai: ha..e Ihe "ghllO e~amine MEMBERS and 10 determine Ihe p.olessional s.ervices 10 be perlormed purS..ranllo lh'~ c.;:tOUP SUBSCRIBE.R AG!=!EEI..IEN1" L.aO'i'ty 01 SUBSCRIBER or E"lFlOlLEE 10' pa,'m",nl (1) In the e..enllhe PLAN li1i+51~. pay a DE!<OT Al PROVlOER wltr, whom thE PLA"I has 3 conl'aCI fo' service lhe MEMBER shall no! be liable 10 the OE'>IT AL P!=!OVIDER 10! any sums o.....d b, Ihe Pl...AN (2i in I~E" e.'enl Ihe PLA'" fads to pay a "oncont'aclln9 DENT AL P!=!OVIDE!=!, Ihe, MEMBER may be liabie lothe r'Jor\conj'IlCling DENTALP!=!OVIDER lor thecasl ofse,,'ices rer,de'ed (3' Upon 11'>e lE"mlr,at,)" of a PRO'''IDE''l co"lract b..lweer,lhe PLAN a"ld & con!'acting DEN1" AL PROVIDE.R, Ihe PLAN shall be l;able lor cOlle'ed se,...ces tend<-red t, Ih~ DENTAL PROViDER lolhe' 1I'.an 10' eOp~ymenls) 10 the MEMBER who reta,ns el,gtb,hty under the I"lDIVIDUAL Of GROUP SUBSCRIBeR AGRE.EMENT Ot by operat,on of law u'lde. the ca.e of Ihe DENTAL P!=!OVIDER allhe time 01 suet, term;nillion until the !>e'v,;::es be;ng 'e',derecl to the MEMBER by Ihe DENTAL PROVIDER are compleled, unless Ihe PLA.N makes reasonable and medically "P~'OP"&t,,, prO~'5'0n 10' the assumpl,on of s"ch s;:,rv<ces by a conl'act,ng PROVIDER P~RT VIlt. RENEWAL PROVISIONS A ABe. Ihe conl'ilC' period, Ihe SUBSC!=!LBE,R GROUP may r",.ew Ihls GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT, subject 10 any changes in COPAYMENT or I"'e BENEFIT pac~age made by PLAN by ftlirng 0,,1 a 'ene..allo.m and paYing all mon'es due PART IX, INDIVIDUAL CONTINUATION Of BENEFITS A ThE MEMBER whO becomes ",el'9.b1e f:Jr GROUP COVERAGE may arply wilhin thirty (30) days lrom I'>e dale ollerm,nalion 01 tne G!=!OUP COVERAGE 10 con""ue co,e'age, unde' ion I"-iDIVIDUAl SUBSC!=!IBE!=! AG!=!EEMENT Of Ihe type lor wh,eh he o. she is Ihen eligible Con"efsion to ,M 'vidual co.'er"9(' s",all apply to the DEPENDEN1IS) ,nClud;ng a DEPENDENT Spouse and a DEPENDENT CHilD, of Ihe cor,..-er1ing MEMBER _In (lde,hor'J a CHILD w~.o ~pcom'.'5 or,el'9,bl'.' 115 a !amrly DEPEI\IDENT can c.onl/en 10 ,nd'~,duat co..e,age upon the same condll'ons as appl'ed 10 a MEf..-1BER Suc~, application l'nay be II(Ce;:>Ipd 0' te~('(!ed allhe "pl,on 01 Ihe PLA.N_ nc aulomal,c r'9nt of lr'Jdl..,dulll COr'JI,'luatoor'J 01 beneftlS eKisls Those te'mor,a!€'d pu'sl,;a,,1 Ie SeCI,on X Ai2i ar'Jd SecI,:;on X B14) may nol be olfe'ed Ihe opponu'l'ly 10 eon~er1lo indiv,dual co..e,age B The PLA~ re!>!':'..-es thE-option loaffe' con..e's;on p"""ege5 lothe MEMBER who becomes ,nel'9,ble 10' co..e'lIge u"der Ih,s GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREEI..IEN1" due to Ihe lerm,O'_<lI,O" 01 th's Ag,eemenl Should eon..ers;on 10 indr~idual co..erage be offered 10 the MEMBER application mvst be IT;ajf' wrll),,, (30 days of notrCE' 01I'leiI9Ib,I,I) to (onl,nuE' co..e'age uncle' e SUBSCRiBER AGREEMENT Of the tyPE' 10' wh,ch >'Ie Of she is "'el,g,ble Con~er510n to I"j'"dual CO"e,'~9E- st-,al! arplt to lhe DE.,'ENDEN1"15), mclud,ng /I DEPENDENT Spouse and DE.PENDEN1" CHILD. of Ihe cOr'J..ert,ng MEMBER upon the sa",e, te.m5 a.-,d co"d.t,on~ as apploed 10 the con..ert,ng MEMBER C A ro,'e'ea DEFENDEN1 SPO.JSE who c!;ase~ 1C t>E" a qwal'!'~d !amily ME:MB!:R b,' reason ot lerm,r.ali::r~. Of rnanillge O' dtath 011he employee or SU8SC,,;SE.'" w,11 bf allo.ded Ihe $;':'",1" (,,""e's,on rrghls "nd cOr'Jd'100ns Il'ilf\!ed Ie MEMBERS u',de' th,~ S~CI,on IX. s"h~eclions A and 8 PA.RT X TERMI"IATlON OF BENEFITS A ElE"-ilf It~, ~.r,ilt' Ct,,~'" '.Jj:'un Ir'E'Ic>llr""c,g ('~..nls 1 Fa,jc..e o~ MEMEllR I"par tt'e PREPAYMEN~ f' E (1:; SU:Jsv,l,e' G'l'Up If H'f S.JB5oCRI8ER has :...."r, Ou!y "~I;'.<-~ ""c bdl..d for thE" chargf'ar'dal leasl ':.da)s "'a~e'i1psed s,nce thE' dalE. of "Olll,callon Ho,",ever, mtne e,ent I~,al an E"<!=!OLlEE 's undt"go,~,gHl;a:rr.enll::l' ano....go;ngcondition, he she may c;ont,nue te re,:e:ve \Iealmenl 1<0'" a Pl.-AN PROVIDER. bul musl a9'€'e 10 pay PPDVIDER on a "lee fo' serv'ce" or . usual and ("ustoma') fet/'bas,s F'i1..rd 0' df-~,epll"" In Ihe use o( IhE" se'..'ce5 0' (ilcrlllr('~ ot I"~ PLAN or ~nowln9:y pe'm,n.n9 suc.h ('auel 0' OE"cept'Of\ by !If'lolher . \. - - 3 Iflt>f SUBSCR'Bt.R G"100P :&~",'m;"al~d, SueSCFlIBEP. ,~d: to(- O~l(d.j 1M" "r\'Ofl Of ,;.0":'....,,031'0" 01 benef,:~ u"'::j(,. ar, i"ld",cbai Ag'",emenIU d..!.cr,~d In A"l>cM:nenl A MEMBE.R !.~,i'" -';l'..e" 3C >;jay~ pUO' I'\OI,ce of term'''a~' '",>1 SU8SCP.IBE.R GROUP. e BEN[FITS &"'al; CE'BSe upon tl>e lo!l;::wi"ii e'..... ".,tl the SIJBSCR'BER or MEMBER I)" "en Ilo!,'ied anc at leilsl 15 days hal. eiaps.f:'d since s.aid nOI,I,c31'on 1 Upon dale olenlcyinlol"t:.t,me 'l'lihta'} s.er>,ce 2 Upor- Cille of DEt"E-.OE",T CHll DRENS rr.il"'l>ge 3 Upon DE;:>iO"IDENT CHILD 8I103.,,,')g ":;Ie 0119 or:24 or pr'OI r"w:a.e wM' I~'€' €l~""..l;,,n Of a DEPENDENT CHilD that 1',3; ~e" cer1,lLed t'y the PlAN as ,n(',i1"ab1e 01 self's':s~a,I'''''w employ.~;en\ by ,,,,ason of me"tai '",ta'dal,OI" 0' phys,ca, .'"',al'd,cap a....d 's eh,el'y de~r)d'i!'" vpon the SUBSCRIBER 10' ~'4!PO~ and rT'a,""er,ance p'ov.de.:! p'ool 0' Such ,n(.ap,,<:IIy IS ILJrn,~h..d to the PLAN by t"'e SUBSCRIBEP. wlIh,n 31 da)'s of the req"lest k.' Such p',oof by the PLA"" Reee'lIf'cabo'" Q1 sue" inccap(;lci!y may b€ 'eq<Ji'('d by Ih€ PLAN, bul nol mo'e f'eCl,-,ently than Of'S" annually afte' Ihe !....O-tea, pe';:xj foliC-WIng the DE.PE~DENT CHILD'S a!1ainmo::nl olsge r)ine:t:en .. If it t><.Gomes i.,.,.,r's~;ble. a'ler 'ea~o"able e!lurts to es:"'~': .,., ar,d rr,ai'1\alr a :.al,slaCl'Jry de"Iisr-pa\'e'1t 't':a~ic.rshi!: w,~'" a"\, I~EMBER 5 Illhe SUBSCRIBE!=; ha~ t~en te, 'nir,.ll",d horr. Ihe GRC" ':- 0' has vOI...":anly lelt ~alO GROUP In s'-'ch cas.e SUdSC~:gE.R S a"c hi5 el,gible DEPENDENTS BE"'EFnS will telm,',;;;te 6 Ir. Ihe e.enll.,e arJ;:,I.cab;" s<;>j:'e)....'Cor,r, Nh;U' ~I" je~~t!..d i" th.. Sf: "'1::., 11 S SCHF. DIJLE \At\it(.hrnE:,.,t A:, are '"r?t ;,a.o It (".0~',~~ rn,=.,~~ ilr& ,,;;>t made lor one 'a""i'\, m",rr,be' on'y I"-il' ;><"50"'5 6E'~[fITS ,,"'II; ~&"IT';r,llle FART XI CA"lCFLLATION A "'Clt_,(> 01 (".llnce:!at.(,,., 5',i1lt be mari~e 101h~ SI.IBSC"18E.R at Ihe S,;BSCRi9I::.R S add'f'~~Of r..co'C, ""d I" 5"ch evenl of Cll"Cel:al<or. 0\ Ml::MBER A The M[M3E.P 'N.I; ~,a..~ :he ~"';'Clt1J."tyl~' '.3... th~ Ci'lr,~.(:r!:at,or. ,~',ii'....t'j ty' t~lf' CUf"lm;~,~;,ne' 01 C(J'por"I;~"S "",Jer 5li'(I,or 1365 O't!,~ KnC'~,Y."'ene AoI B Th", PLA"Is"la!' '/dh'f, Ihlrly ,:32, '~a)'~ .~f ':~"(.cti,,,k!n ,.-1,...", loth!;- U['~:~[R \',e >-,'o-'ara portion o'lhe r-'ur_O'} ;'_'1'dl01h", P:",I.,\i ..."Iet CO"i'~r'onds 10 ilny une,p"ed pe',od fo' ....,,'C., pily''l8r,1 ",W] t>003n 'i'ee _<>d, IClget~e' w,II'. aITlO'-'rl\~ jue or> c:a,ms, 11 an)'. k$S a.,y a"-'ounl$ dUI; PLAN C Ac["'p~a'lce by \,,~ Pi.."'.... Of t',€' P'0.'''' ME'",S[R PRlPAYMENT ,Ef all", lerm;nal_on of lh'~ GROUF" SU8SCRIB[R AGREEME"'T "'''.: Nill-,out lequlr;n~ a ne'" ,,~,plt(at'or, ~',al; '.c" .~'~\(: 1',<- (0'01' ,,~';',5 1hough il ~,,,(j r,e,.:.' I.:.' .Tt,"ii1I-:-d un:,.s, the PLA",: .....;;>-"r".ve (5:, b...5i"<;55 de\,5 of rh;€"pl 0' l>;'Jeh ;;atl'l(:r.reilher 1 'elundo patmE:nt or 2 i5sCles 10thI:' GROUF a "e,,"' G~OUP S.;BSCRiBlF, 4GREE"-IENT a(,corr,;-anied br W,iUE:ll noli,,1:' s'ati"9 ,~ieil.rly Ihc~e '""s;><-ccI5 ill wh,en the new co";'a,,l d,llers frorr, Ihe l",rm;r;31€'d c0'llract in BEo..;EFI1S COViRAGf S, or olhe'w,se D The provislQns 01 Ihls Par. appl~ lCo a:: le,rr""at.ons, mcluding lho~e d",~cri:'03d _n Part X Ollh;s Ag'~e-rn6rnt E II Ie-,mir.ation ac,,-,'s dele to fa't,,'e 10 rr.a"e CCPAn,.1EN1S, RElt':ST A~ EI"'ENT OT BENEFITS will NCur al the t.~girlning 01 Ihe ne~l "",onth alter paym6rnt 01 del,nq',J",nl ~,ay.,.,,,n~J. ha_f be..n rr,,,de PART XII, RIGHT OF PLAN TO CKANI3E BE'-IE.FlTS A PLAN le5,,'~e5 tt'e ',gt,1 10 c".ange Ihe- 8E"IEFITS, COPAYME"ITS OR PRU''''YME...,T FEES 10 MEMBERS B T~,e PLA,N s'"'.all r"\oT c€"crfas.e Ir "ny mane,.,.r \~e BE....EFITS 5rat...d In t~,e GROUP SU8SCR:BER AG::tEEME"'T e.ct'p! afte' a p",ioo of alleasl If,..ty (:<\0,' ca~'~ I'om "r'd al~er th.. ~'C'S:3;re .:aid ",,,j r',ad.r'g 10 th", other p~") alth" alt,e, p"rt{s li,jdra~5 01 '('co'd ""Ih 1101; PLAN of ...r.t1",r, noti::e 01 s'-,ch p'OP0l\..dchar,ge C ThE Pl"A... \>hall r,OI incr",,~€, c,r de, If,~~e t~.;:. F'REF-AYMENT FEES or DECREASE BE"lEfIT~,e.:epl al:",r a ,,~r;(.!do! allea5r tl1i~y {3~~ ja)'5 'rorT' Cind al\e' postage pa;(j ma:1ln9 te J.a.jMEMBE~ allhf ME'..lBER'Saddles.5 olr..CO',j with the PLAN 0' .....'i1\"'n '"lOhce,<;>f s,-,ch "'Copol\ed ,nc'e3~€'0' drcrease Notl/,eat,on 01 alle'lIt,on or ,ev'5,on grver, to thE: SUBSCRIBER GROUP FI<-p,..~,,',lat've must t:>e dIS5em,r.1>tee 10 Ihe SUBSCRIBERS and the ENROLLE.ES in the GROUP no late' Ihar Ih,rty (30) ea)'s (.orr. 'e"e.ptlhe'eof and m",~1 prOv'de Ihirty ()OJ cays nOI_ce to Il'.e MEMBER pfiof Ie such inc.'ease or deoeaH In P1=lEFAYMENT FEESo, doc'ease Ir_ BE'<I:.F'TS. PART XIII PREPAYMENT FEE A The PREFAYME!\Il FEE r5 the rr,oc,th"y fee' ...qulled 10 ",.a.n:a,,; ce->e'ilge ~ndE:r IhlS GROUP S'.J8SCRIBER AGRE[I"'ENT Tf-iE PREFAYloI1E"'l f [E SCHE DU:...E 15 A TT ACHED I~ERE. Te AS A TT AChMENT B THE F'REFAYMENT FEE SCHEDULE tSA"IINTEGRAL PART OF THIS AGREP"'ENT "!\Ie MU~1 8[: READ IN (:ONjU"lCTlON WITH THE RE5T OF THE ASFI[EMENT MEMBERS of Ii SllBSCRIBE~ GROUP $~,al: pal' Pf<E.F"'YMEl\iT 'EES di',-"otl, lolhf SUBCRIBER GROUPw"'c~ WI!' in lu,npa~ Ih(; PLA'" MEMBER ShOuld ctlfoc~...,tr, SUBSCRIBE.R GROUP 10 d"t",m,n" It,e d~lldll"e ane mell-,:;>d Of paymenllol hi~ CQntribur,on if a'1Y, lothe PREPAYMENT FEES SUBSCRiBEf' GROUP 5hal! ~"en 10''''''G the PREPA'fMENT FEE 10 t'le PLA.N M<;>nthly PREPA"ME.....T FEES musl be re:eived by the P~AN on or belo'!! the Iwe"I,e(h cay of tr,e monl" to i~s,,'<, eIt9,01l,I,lo' s.1!f.,ce on the k51>::e, 01110" lOIle-w_ro9 rrlu'1I~, S,-,c~, pa~ment! shal' t>e (".ade .II O' senl10 Nat.O"'.al H",allh C"re S).,terr:5 01 Calil"''',a_ Inc 18662 MacA'1~u' 91.d Sc,,'e 101, i'v.ne Cal;IOm'l! 92i15 8 Paymenls re~e".,d b)' the PLAN 0' ,~s a",lh::>,.Zi:'O a;jenl prio' 10 Ihe dJf" eaTe, wll: rr:.Il.~E: MEMBERS of the SL'BSCRIBER GROUP arId t~ei' ehgible DE'?ENDE"lTSel.g.bl" to' 9E~EFITScorr,'nenCI"g or, If,€, juE- cate 10' IhE- pfr:r,od pa,d 10' Patmenl5 'E'~e'~'~c a!le' the due dale ",rll [".a"" MEMBERS and Ihe" e1;9_bl.. DEPE"'DE....TS el,~,bl" 10' BE"'EFITS on th€' dwe dale 01 Ih€' sub~t"quenl monl', MEMBE!'lS should conlact the SUBSCRIBER GROUP 10 det""mir1€, Ihe- de~1:""f "r.d rnE:thod 01 payrrlenllo the Gloup C The PLAN wii: n,:)1 inv, il$f or :j<-l't ~~€- tr,€- PR[P"'YMENT FEES en d~C'(,a~f BE"lEFITS "~c,,,pt alter 3 ;:>E'no<:J 01 at ;",asllhirty (30j cays horr.anc" after p,'stage pa.d rr,adlf,g Ie ~a,'J M(I.r18ER a: MEWoBER!: "dd'~ss 01 '<'CurG wMltr-.e PLAN of .....:Ien noliCE- 0' S;J(h p'oposed incr",sse O' decrease Notil,::al<)f'lOr all", at'0f, or 'e.:s,o', g..en 10 :',e 5UE'.SCFI:8E.R GROUP Rf'p'E'sental,vf m,,~1 be d'5S!:rm''lal",d 10 lhe SUBSCRIBERS ana ENROLLEES in I"e GROUP "0 :ater !"af' t.W!, :3(1, Ga)'s I':;'ITI '...::e,pll'l,,'eo1 and mc;s' p'O._d1O thi~y (30j carl. notice 10 Ihe MEMBE~ pnor \0 s,-,ch Inc'ease or d~'t-a~e ir, PREP'" ",~ENT FEES or d<-v"a~e ,f' SE'..:EFITS D Each MEMSfP ~.alr r,ay 0' a"Il"g"lo' peyl'"'enl 01 apph~at>lE' CQP,I,.YME"'TS. i1 an)' a~ pro"idli'd in Atrachrr:en: A Incas.. ol'ailu'el, doso, the fights at r.....EMBERS 0' the.' e"glbi<, DEF'ENDE...i5 (",a) boc 1""rHl~alli'o on !<fleen (15) cays' nollce and may De reln~taled,only by 'e"e...ae applicatIon and ,,,en,o;;rne'" ,r "C((:Jr,j~nce wII~ ali lE-q,....'e~"nt5 of Ih,~ Ag'H:me'll. Ary appl.c.;ble COPAYMENTS afe dNarled II'> th& BE"'E.FiTS schedule E",lqOLLEES will not be: I€rm,r.atc'd ~a~<-c upor, fa;:u'€' Ie- pay '-let: 10' s""vlce" or "u5L;al and CL:sl:;'fT".ary lee' for services nol (o"erE!d by lhe PLAN, PART XIV, LIABILITY OF MEMBERS IN THE EVENT OF NONPAYMENT BY THE DENTAL PLAN In lhe evenl the PLA.... fails 10 pay a PLAN PROVIDER with whom the PLA'" "a_~ a conl,aetlor s-ervice: the MEMBER shall not be liabl& 10 Ihl! PLAN Pj:lOVIDERfo, any SUtl":5 ov>",j by the PLAN In Ih.. event lhal ll-,e h"allh PLA"l fal!sto paya noncontr/tclmg p'o".::le'. Ihe MEMBE.R ma~ be Ioablelothe nOr"lconlractir>g p,ov.je' 101 Ir'e cosl Of tr-.e ~erv;ce5 .el'de'ed PART XV. TERMINATION OF PROVIDER Upon te,mi,at,on of a PROVIOER cor,l'acl 1M PLAN 5!,al1 be liable (oll-,e, Ihar, fO' COFAYME"ITSI 10' coveree ~erv.ce~ rec"je'ed b)' SJCh PROVIDER 10 a SUBSCRiBER or EN"lOLl EE ",too re-H,n5 f'1;gibill!~ und",' Ihls GROUP SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT or by Jperalion 01 law and who's ,-,.,de, lhe ca.e 01 sa.a DENTAL PRO';l~DER at Ihe t..,.,e 01 such term,nat,on. "ntlllhe ca'e being 'ende'ed 10 Said SUBSCRIBER or ENROLLEE by s....ch PROVIDER i~ comp1eled 01 u'1llllt,,,, PLAN ma"€5 'I!e\>onable a"d ml"dlcally appfopr.ate p,ovlsion 10' 11-,e assumption 0'1 such service~ by anolher ...:>r~:ac!lng PROVIDER PART XVI. GE'-IERAL PROVISIONS A Thi5 Agr('",m",nt inci,j(jlf'g any a",<-ndment5 1~lerelo, CvnSlitut"'5 Ihe enti'e ag'eement berween the parties B Tr'le PLAN i~ su':l)ecIIQ the ,€'qu:''''lnen\~ 01 Chaple' :2:? 01 D,v's,on:2 01 the Heallh and Safely Cod" 01 the Slate 01 Calilornia and Subcl'1aple' 5 5 01 C.,aple' 3 01 TIt.€' 10 ollr'le Cal.IN",a Adm,nr51'''lr'.1:' Code. a"d any p' o~rSlon requ"ed 10 b€ rn IhrS oonlraCI by ellhe' of the abOve shall brnd the PLAN ",hel~er 0' rooT p'o".o(<o IIllh" (cor,\'acl C ,h,S ',.I,-"mt>e'~""p C'Jnl./tct 'e;<!&(<', ;;,r,d :;;",ce!5 all o\~.e' cont'acI5. il any. iss.u<>d rQ MEMBER Ile,ein o Ir, Ir'e even1 01 any conlrov1Or5)' t>e~W"Con Ih~ ME.I.r18EA. a CEPE"lDENT,o' Ih" ~'ell5'at.!a""01 personat ''''p'e~",nta''vE:5 01 a MEMBER o. DEPENDENT, a, 'h~ ';:~\>I; may be, ;;,',d the PL'IN a5 ,nd'v,d,-,a'& 0' Crlh"'fw,se. ""'h,,,the' InvolVing II cla,m on 1011. cont'act 0' othecwlse, wh.ell a.e nOl ade-qulltely 'esolved in the QPln'On ollh", MEMBER a DEPENDENT, 0' heirs-aHa... or personal ,ep'esenlahve of a MEMBER 0.' DEPENDENT, by the PLAN'S 9">"'.a....ce pfoced"r..s..lr-.e s.a".,€' 5hall D10 S"bml!ll:'d Ie a,bllrat,on In a(coldanc(> "'Ith lhe rules 01 Ihe Amencar. Arbllral'on Assoc'ahon. and Judgment on the a"a'd r1Or,'je'ed by the .A.'':l.trat0' or A'blt'alo'~ may:->e enlered InanyCour1 ha"on9Jv"sd,cl,on thereof A,bllrat,on may nol be on,_t;aTed.he-wever. unlit the gr,e,anOf- p'0:edure5 "a>", tl",en e~',a"sled Thu5, thetomplalnt musT hav€' been g'ven not.ceol tile d.spos.tlon oll1,s complalnl bylhe PLAN. 113_<' apPfaled 10 Ihe P,-,b:'C Pohcy Co.,.,n-;,~r('e ...h.cl1 t.a5 ,ende'e-<:j a d€'cls'on and grven not'cethereollolhe complaonaf'll, pno. 10 In'l.atlng a.bil,allon A'u.t,at'ur, may be In<t'alt:'d!;y a") M,,),rIBEF! by 5end,"'g alettE:' to the PLAN oll,ee In the evenlol afbll,al.on, Ih10 plevall>ng party in sa,d p'oeeedlngs ~f,a:: be ent,lied Ie ar awa'd Of 'f.il;Of,,,ble attorney5 If-e5 alld any cO$I~ Inc,-,rred E The PLAN Will prav'df ...""er. not,ee ...ith.n a '~~~Gnob!e lime \0 MEMBER ,n the evenl 01 any term.nalt(m 0' breach 01 cont'act by, or inability 10 pedo,m O!, any (.Onlract"'9 PROVIDER" the MEMBER may bar rr;alenaliy and adve'sel~ atfected the'eby Any nohee ,...nd",' 11-,'5 Conl'acl may tit- g'.e" by Un,l"o Stales mall, p05tlige pa.d, addressed a510llows Na!lor.ai Health Ca,,, S)'~tem~ of Cal,lurn,a In( 1866< MacArlhvr Blvd, Su'te 101 Ifv,ne,Califo""ag2i15 IflcaMEMO-:ER To Ihe late5' IidO'f'~5 pro",jec !orlr'le MEMBER on enrollment 0' c~.a"g€ o! addre~5 lorms aClually dehwr"ed 10 Ihe PLAN If to Ihe SU:JCRI6E.R GROUP Tf"leprlon" ( CO"\d(1 P".~:)n . L - - - - - ~ :~:T Tfh~l:~:;:~!ES;~~'::~~:'TI~~H;~Q~~ ;~~~~'::~';:~L~i.~~~~'~:WT "nONS ,_TTACHMENT A) AND THE PREPAY. MENT FEE SCHEDULE (ATT.ACHMENT B) If THEY Ai'lE NOT ATTACHED CONTACT YOUR EMPlOYEE BE~EFtT RE.i"RESE",U,TIVE OR THE PUN BY M.....'l.IN Pl:RSON, OR BY TElE.PrlONE~ TOLL FREE iN NORTHE.RN C4.11fO;:V4IA (SClO) "32:-70\9 OR TOLL FREE IN SOUTHERN CALlfO~NIA (&:xl) "32.11S1. THE BENEFIT SCHEDULE AND PRE.PAYMENT fEE SCHEDULE A.RE tNHGRAL PARTS Of THIS ....GREEMENT AND MUST BE REA.O IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REST Of THE AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHE.REOF, this A~reern","II-,as ooen ~~<"C"_u~",c' as 01 the day a~,d yell' 1,'s1 ....r;:len a~..e ATTAO,'''",B . NAT> 'ALH(AcTHCA:;:;:22a~ ?SE.FAYME...1 HoE ~C~~EI)UlE "'ONTHI.. Y DUES: 7.00 <;Jt's"bef 12.00 _ S'.}~'s,:,.t>~. Q;,-j 0"': :j~;:." "j",nl $,15.00 S'.,b~v;::Je' a',.~ !."...o 'J' fT..:.':' 1,,,,, ..:J",nls _ 1.~0'.t"':r t,d"..,...~t. ,..:,.:.r. Fee $, 0 Githa only $3,OO(mo. Ortho with General O~nt;stry no charge. SUBSC"IIBER G;o!OUP By "1ayor 'V!:c.~77'f)l /,4 / ~7f/14{t,,/yj;,,-6L~ WILLIJ~ H. HORNBAKER, D.D,S. Approved as to fo~m: ~~'I"'I./1 -_~. t.:;" ;-1.-/'//~.I...;t:')'Y~ Ci ty-A orney'-'- ..-----~------------- \ "..I