HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-Council Office .. - I..,. - --- - 'Clt1 OF SAN BERNARl"~'''O - REQ'.~ST FOR COUNCK?'J'4TION From: Councilman Steve Marks Subject: Highland Area Plan Dept: Council Office D.~: September 20, 1985 Synopsis of Previous Councilection: 9-13-85 Council approved the cessation of any further action on the plan and directed the Planning Director to negotiate with San Bernardino County for funding support in the amount of $50,000 and report back to the Council on October 1, 1985. Recommended motion: That the Common Council discuss the Highland Area Plan. Sci ~ ~~~ Con~ct person: Councilman Steve Marks Phone: 383-5178 N/A SuPponinll dBta attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: Fin.nee: Council Notes: ...._ft"ll.ol;."I / A_nA. h._ ~Ift / /f. 1- I, ,..-' , , r' \. ". C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8508-310 TO: Mayor Wilcox and Common Council FROM: Frank A. Schuma, Planning Director SUBJECT: Highland Area Plan DATE: August 26, 1985 (6448) COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------- The Highland Area Plan was started in August 1983 at the direction of the Mayor and Common Council. The Highland Study Area is approximately 29 square miles in area and is roughly 60 percent County and 40 percent City. The same ratio applies to housing and population. The Study Area extends east from Waterman Avenue to the Forest Service boundary on the north and east, and south to Norton Air Force Base and the Santa Ana River. The planning process started with a land use survey of the entire study area. This included field reconnaissance, aerial photos and tax assessor printouts. All land uses were mapped and structural conditions noted. The City worked with the County Land Management Department to put the land use information into their computer system. Existing General Plan and zoning data were also added to the computer program. The County provided reports and maps based on all of this data. Staff collected and analyzed data for five Technical Reports which will be used in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report. The Reports include: Public Services and Facilities, Historic and Demographic Perspective, Traffic and Circulation, Environmental Factors and Land Use. In April, 1984, a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAe) was formed with twenty-five members representing City and County neigh- borhoods. A Technical Advisory Committee was also formed to advise staff on technical matters. The CAC began by estab- lishing issue statements of problems/concerns in the Highland Area. The Committee then developed Goals, Objectives and Policies pertaining to the issues. This process extended to January, 1985. From February to July, 1985, staff prepared three land use alternatives for the Committee's review. The preparation process included meetings with County staff to establish the ~~4 'i, '-..... I~~EROFFICE MEMORANDUM: 8508-310 Highland Area Plan August 26, 1985 Page 2 alternatives. Staff presented this information to the Citizen Advisory Committee and public on August 12, 1985. \ . . FRANK A. SCHUMA Planning Director mkf I. Salaries Outside Typing Printing Map Printing Postage Consultants ........... .....,/ HIGHLAND AREA PLAN Costs to Date Subtotal County Computer Mapping (Pending Billing) TOTAL 109,467 1,474 2,854 451 330 8,000 122,576 12,000 134,576 August 26, 1985 \ - ~ COUNCIL AC'tION COR"RESPONDENCE To Frenk A. Schu.e Plennlng Director Septe.ber '7. ,,8S Iub)lc:t Hl,hland Ar.. Phn 0.. Meedllll Oa. Septe.be r '). 1985 ^"ncIIl-. No. 211 ActIon . The P'ennlng Director wes directed to notify Indlvlduels on the Committee of action teken by the Council et this .eetlng end to clerlfy that the City Is In e holding position on the Hlgh'~d Aree Plen Issue and to request the Committee to stand by. . ~~ . .. . . , ~ . .. -.;:J ..;,~ .~ .= (X) . !-"f: SC:dc ""'"' :lI: . ...... -., ~ ..=- T. '.~ C) C;'" C) cc:: "eyor WIlcox ./ Councllm~n Strickler .//2'td/ MAUNA CLARK Oty QIrk . " ,". . ," ..' ., -::. ,1. " . t. .. ..~.~. . l " '. .'1'''', " . ,,' .". .....' . '. '., ..., ," .' , , jY'~/ t, \,".~ l10arb oft;uptruisors (ltonntg of t;an IItmarbino ,- '--' ...., , , . . ~ " ~. '" " " -, ~',"J:'!f'l/: ". J "f J" 9, Ss '~:,y , BARBARA CRAM RIORDAN SUPERVISOR THIRD DISTRICT r....'~.... I-oJ rr:p 2 v~ 3 JOHN L1GHTBURN DISTRICT COORDINATOR PATRICIA LEJA FIElD REPRESENT A TIVE September 16, 1985 SYLVIA ROBLES FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Members, City council City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 MARIE TEETERS FIELD REPRESENT A rIVE Honorable Members, In response to the recent Sun Company article, September 14, 1985, regarding the City's Highland Area Plan we would like to make the following comments. To our knowledge, the City of San Bernardino never formally re- quested financial support from the County to off-set the cost of the City's Highland Area Plan. We have never been aware of a 'plan' that would be a joint-venture between our two jurisdictions. In deed, the City has no obligation to plan the unincorporated ter- ritory nor should it have. Simply stated, we were advised that the City would be conducting an area plan in conjunction with the Mayor's annexation campaign and that the County would provide the City cer- tain mapping and staff support services. To be correct, any monies to be funded by the County in support of an area plan would be for the study of the unincorporated area only. To construe otherwise is most unfortunate and we regret any misunderstanding that may have occurred. We trust that this letter will better clarify our position on this matter. Thank you for this opportunity to share with you our views. Sincerely, ~~L_ ROBERT HAMMOCK Supervisor, Fifth District Sincerely, L CRAM RIO S pervisor, Third District RH:BCR:bc Attachment cc: E. Wilcox, Mayor F. Schuma, Planning Director J. Jaquess, Land Management Director Wayne Sargent, Editor, Sun Co. Gerald Bean, Publisher, Sun Co. San Bernardino County Government Center. 385 North Arrowhead Avenue. San Bernardino. CA 92415-0110. 1714\ 3R3_'~11 -- I.. r"" ......... -- ......... '\ \ \ v.,\~~ Council calls halt to Highland plan By MARK LUNDAHL Sun 51.ff Writer SAN BERNARDINO - The City Council called a halt Friday to pre- paration of a comprehensive mas. ter plan for the Highland area, voting to stop further study wlllle giving the county a chance to pitch in part of the COBt. The Highland Area Plan, which would update the master plan for both city and county land east of Waterman Avenue. was initiated by the city in 1963. The 1190,000 plan was intended to be a joint county-city venture. But council memhers complamed Friday tllat the county lias particI' pated only minimally in the pro. ject and lias contributed no mono ey. Planning Director Frank Scllu. ma reported tllat tlle city lias com. mitted $134.576 so far to the plan. "I don't see wllere tlle county lias spent a nickel." said Coun. cllman Jack Strickler. "I see an. ottler $41.000 that still needs to be spent and I still don't see a nickel coming from the county. "WlIy continue to go forward? I don't see why our obligation is to plan county land." The council voted 4-2 to cease all work on the Highland Plan and seek $50,000 meanwhile from tlle county Board of Supervisors, "Do you want to find out if tlle county is interested?" saId Coun. cllman Gordon Quie!. "Let"s ask them for '50.000. Let's find out where they are." Voting against the proposal were Councilmen Jack Reilly and Ralph Hernandez. Councilman Steve Marks was absent after be. ing hospitalized Wednesday for dizzy spells, Marks was released from St. Bernardlne H08pital Fri. day afternoon. Reilly said the city ought to finish the plan if annexing por. tlons of Highland is desirable in the future. "To go halfway through tbis plan and quit, that's kind of a slap in tlle face," he said. The Highland Area Plan was launched about the time San Ber. nardino officials started their m. tensive hut ultimately unsuccess- ful effort to annex Highland. "But tlle primary purpose of tlle plan was never intended to be part of annexation efforts." Schu. ma told tlle council. The city planning director said the present master plan for the area is outdated and falls to meet tlle needs of current growth. Sclluma said a 2a-member clti. zen advisory committee formed to consider the plan 18 ready to reo view tllree possible land.use alter. natives tllat recently were drawn up by city planners.