HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Session o o o . , .....0 ~~J .., '. II ,...... "'..l/ ..... ~ " I .... I. eA.....;; ~I ~. <c' . C I '1' Y o r SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROPPICE MEMORANDUM 8507-421 "OBJECT: Councilman Strickler John Matler, Jr., City Administratorr Council Support Provided RDA ,,-,) : _::::::::srROM: .. -----.. .- I:OPII8: July 18, 1985 Mayor Wilcox (6409) - -------.---nATI I ----------------------------------------------------------- Tn response to your request, attacbed is a report on City ~ouncil expenses cbargeable to tbe RDA. The report is based ~n the information provided by the Council staff and tbe '985/86 Budget. __________- ___....JM/djn ________--Attachment - ..~. C I '1'? OPSAN 81IFiAIt~I INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8S07-702 NO o , '1'0: John Metzer, Jr., City Administrator FItOM: Susan Cbo~nior Management Analyst SUBJECT: Council Support Provided RDA DATE: COPIES: July 17, 1985 (6408) ------------------------------------------------------------- '1'be following expenses proposed to be cbarged to RDA are based on information provided by Council staff. '1'be cost breakdown is as follows: Council Expense: (based on ~ of total available time spent on RDA programs and ~ctivities). Local Travel/Meeting Expense Conference/Meeting Expense Telephone (in Council Residences) Sub Total $ 8,820 3,270 uo U2,SlO S~aff Suppor~ Expense: (based on 1S! of total available time spent on RDA related activities) Salaries and Benefits Materials, Services' Supplies for' General Office $34,000 5.950 Sub Total $39,950 TOTAL EXPENSES CHARGEABLE '1'0 RDA I 52.UO $52,460 represents approximately 16' of tbe total Council budget of $329,726. SLC/md - .\ c C I T Y OFC?AN INTEROFFICE [: ERN 9R MDlDRANDUt'l DIN 0 o 8507-209 TO: EVLYN WILCOX - MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FF:OM: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: Weekend Coverage-Park Maintenance DATE: July 19, 19:::5 (6407) COPIES: Jack Matzet-, City Administratot-, Warren Knudson, Finance Dit-ector. At the last Budget Hearing an increase in weekend coveraSE fol lowing has been prepared for det-ation: you requested information on in park maintenancE. The your information and consi- !2%t~BQb!t'!!h In the past several years, weekend and hol iday pa.rk maintenance has been done only ()n special occasions, durin3 heavy use seasons, and only at the larger, highly used parks. Maintenance has been limited because of budget constr-aints. and the difficuJty of hiring pai-t-time workers in sufficient nu~ber, who were dependable enough to put them in the parks to work without constant supervision. Past experience has shown that to have effective mainte- nance with part-time personnel, ~lore super~)~ion at each site is requit-ed. This requires utilization of supervisory personnel on weekends with corresponding manhours of super- vision and experience being lost during the regular work week on the day-to-day maintenance scnedule. Over a period of a few months, this loss of manh.)urs of experienced pe,-sonneJ seriously impacts maintenance schedules and reduces standards of ma i ntenance. Fol lowing are two alternatives for providing seven (71 days per week, year-round mai~tenance at City Parks and Rect~eation faci I ities: Bl:t~t:!l.'!!1>:g_t'!2..._! - Hi '-e add it i c.na I fu II-t i me pe'"sonne I. Hire eight un additional Utility increase maintenance personnel in each six (6) to eight (:::) personnel. personnel, the following pat~k5 would days a week: Cultu,-al Center Lyt I e C,-eek La Plaza Worker I personnel to lead persons area from With this increase in be covered seven (71 Johnson Hall NUllez Ninth Stt-eet \ 'C; INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM,c:t507-209 Weekend Coverage-Park MaintenanCE July 16, 19:::5 Page 2 o o Encanto Blair Ric. Vista ~~ildl,.,lood Hat-t- i son Canyon Mi II Center Ket"w i n Nicholson Hudson De I mar", He i ghts Dei Vallejo Pe,oris Hill C (I I (I ny Meadowbrook Other areas may be added as required. Adding these personnel would reduce the acreage per park maintenance person from 13w5 per person down to 10.07 This, in turn, would increas. the standard of park maintenance throughout the city. EXPENSES Pet-sonal Set-vi ces 8 Uti I ity Workers @ $ 12,480.00 35.2 I. Overhead ~1 ate ,. i a I s I S e r v ice s I Sup p lie s Tot a I No additional equipment outlay 99,840.00 35,144.00 _1...Q1Q...QQ $ 136,024.00 ~l!g[n~!l~g_~Q..._g - Hire part-time personnel supet~v i 5 i on. with full-time Hire part-time personnel to work a four day (Saturday - Tues- day) wo,'k week fo,' a total of 31,616 moanhours annua II y. These part-time personnel would be supervised by full-time supervisory personnel from either the Park Maintenance Leadperson or Park Maintenance Worker III positions. The total part-time hours would provide for limited coverage on Monday and Tuesday of each week to compensate for part of the Jost manhours by those full-time pe,'sonnel, who supe,'vised the weekend work. EXPENSES Part-time salaries - C31,616'hours @ $ 3.50 per hour) overhead: Compensation Insurance UnempJoyment Insurance MateriaI/Se,'vices/Suppl ies Total *Note, Weekend supervision of employees: *$ 110,656 $ 1,770 __LnngE $ 112,703 _L__l...Q1Q $ 113,74~' part-time personnel by 4 qualified \ .c: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM:()8507-Z09 Weekend Coverage-Park Maintenance July 16, 19:=:5 Page :;: o o 4 Supervisors @ $ 9.60 per hour for $ 31,948 per year. .-. .-,.-;..-. -=', .~LC' hours :::: e!:!!!Hu~r:Y Alternative No.1 provides the best maintenance for a day week, year-round schedule because: j 1. Fu II-t i me pet"sonne I at-e p."ovi ded, who do not requi ,-e additional supervisory personnel on weekend duty. ~. The number of acres per maintenance worker would be reduced from 13.5 per person to 10.07. This, in turn, wi I I result in better maintenance at all fac i I ities throughout the City. 3. Past experience has shown that maintaini.flg enough part-time personnel on staff to do the required work in an effective manner wi I I be difficult at best and nearly im- possible. Presently, there is difficulty in acquiring and keeping part-timers long enough to train them in their tasks. The main reason for this difficulty is that the pay ($ 3.50 ~.e'- hour) with no benefits is too low. Consequently, the individuals hired are continuing to seek ful I-time or higher paying jobs. Many times, individuals have been processed, given a physical examination, approved for empJoyment by Mayor and Counei I, and never report to work, because they take another job or decide the pay is too low to tie themselves down from being abJe to actively look for better job s . 4. In addition, weekend maintenance programs severly impact general park maintenance in that "p""ermanent full-time supervisory personnel working Saturday and Sunday are off during the regular five (5) day work week. This shift in the regular maintenance schedule, added to vacations during the summer months, significantly impacts maintenance of the parks throughout the city at the peak vegetation growing and faei I ity use season. seven Therefore, it is the recommendation of this Department staff that permanent, full-time per sonne I be hired to provide seven days per week Park and Recreation faci I ity maintenance throughout the City. This provides for work rotation sched- ules, which have experienced, full-time individuals working every day, the.-eby maintaining continuity in all maintenance schedules in a professional manner. tZ ~ xec~ ANNIE F. RAMOS Director Parks, Recreation and Community Services AFR:paf .~ o C I T y o F Q A N B ERN 9R INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8507-1506 DIN 0 ~/~ , TO: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR OF PARKS,RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FRO~i : ANNE RHODES, SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: PAL DATE: JULY 10, 1985 (6401) COPIES: In December 1984 when we began to review and plan for the 85/86 budget we were informed that the renewal of revenue sharing to cities was in doubt. As I reviewed our programs to look for ways of saving dollars without sacrificing services it was determined that the PAL program did not appear to require the amount of consultant' time presently allocated. Frequently, when I visited the senior center, there were volunteers manning th. PAL phones. The consultant usually left the center by 1:00 p.m. and also assigned a volunteer to help in the mornings as wel I. There had been no problems with the volunteers manning the program as they learned quickly and the process is not cumbersome. Based on the observations the question arose that we may not be running the program as cost effective as possible. For exa~ple the annual consultant ~0~t5 are $9,794 which ~~uates to) $4.71 per hr assum i ng it requ ires full.,f _t i me or 2,080 hours annual coverage. The cost goes up to '$7.53 per hr when figured at 5 hrs a day for 1,300 hrs per year which appeared a more accurate time allocation. Actually, through my own observation all ce.ntacts are usually completed by noon. In addition, there has been considerable emphasis nationwide on jobs for the elderly. I saw the success of our Senior Service Aide jobs where we have elderly working part time, and doing a good job, as a possible solution. When costed out, a Senior Service Aide at $3.35 per hr, 4 hrs a day or 1,040 hrs a year comes to $3,484. By eliminating the consultant costs and substituting a Senior Service Aide and volunteers, we can do several things with no negative impact to the program. 1. Reduce the cost of the PAL Program. 2. Hire older workers in keeping with national trend and highly compatible with a senior center. 3. Institute the peer concept of seniors helping seniors which should enhance the program. 4; Increase the use of vol~nteers. FISCAL It1PACT ...;.- .' . o INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM:<:t507-1506 PAL July 10, 1985 Page L ~f.f.Q!:![!i ~1L~2 OI-338-252,Senior Citizens $14,2Y4 Center Professional & Contractual Set.v ices 01-338-002,Senlor Citizens $15,000 Center Part Time Salaries 01-338-194,Senlor Citizens $ 1,320 Palm Answering Service Phorle Service $ 2,220 Some years ago when I developed the A Ide i t was bas e d upon the bel i e f severa I th i ngs: o o s:~L~2 ~lffg[g!:!fg + - or no change $ 4,500 (-$9,794) $20,904 (+5,904) $ 1,320 (No. Change) $ 2,220 '(Nc, Change) NET SAVINGS LS!..!'!2Q job of Senior Service that we could accom>oIish 1. Run the center cost effectively by having part time seniors as opposed to regular higher cost staff help in those non-intensive type situations. 2. Enable seniors. most of whom are on I iroited, fixed incomes, to earn money and yet not affect their berlefits. /- 3. Increase the number of elderly who are an active part of day to day activities at the Senior Center. This plan has worked so well over the years, it would seem Dnly good business to apply it to the PAL Program as it enables us to continue a fine service at reduced cost. I present this plan as sound from both a fiscal and program point of view. ~ ANNE RHODES Superintendent of Community Services AR:u