HomeMy WebLinkAboutR09-Redevelopment Agency _ I ,.,,, IL o o o o . IEDEYELlI'IEIIT AIlEIICY IF TIlE CITY IF SAIl ~IIIIA!lDl.O - REQUEST FOIl A&EIIDA ITEM ACYlOII IlEPARTlEIIT: REOEVELOPIt:NT AGEIICY FRIll: GLENDA SAUL, E~CUTIVE DIRECTOR SUllolECT: CEIITRAL CITY COIlIt:RCE CEIITER PARKING LEASE - WOOLWORTH BUILDING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 1985 SYIIOPSIS IF PREVIOUS CCIIIlSSIOll/COUIICIL ACYlOII: 2-21-83 Resolution No. 83-53 ldopted I Perking License Ind EIS_nt Agre_nt, Centrll City C_rce Center, Woolworth Building. 1lEC0IlIt:1IlED 1llJI'10II: (MYOIl AIlD COIIlOII COUIICIL) I) Move IpprovIl In concept of Allendilent to Plrklng License Ag_nt between RDA . Centrll City c-rce Center (Woolworth Bldg.) to provide thlt lelse pl,Yllllnts shill c_nce upon first accupancy of the rehabedWoolworth Bldg" Ind Instruct Agency Counsel to preplre approprllte _ndilent. b) Move thlt the Agency rell1burse the City for thtl Cost of Mllntenlnce of 211 spICes In 3-level plrklng structure, frClll rents to be recehed frClll Centrll City C_rce Center (Woolworth Bldg.) Ind C_rce DevelOplllnt Assaclltes (Andreson Bldg.) ~h~ ~t'// GLENDA SAUL Executive Director CONTACT PEISON: Glendl Slul PHOIIE: 5081 SlI'POIlYlllG DATA ATTACHED: YES lIARD : 1 FlIlIDllIG REQUIRElEIITS: MOUNT , lI/A PRlIdECT: CCN "lI0 ADVERSE III'ACT 011 CITY: COllIICIL NOTES: AIlEIlDA ITEM NO. 681J DATE 2-18-85 :::#9. rn "'" " o o o o , REIlEYELOPIENT &llty I'IF THE CITY I'IF $All BER~"_'lDIMO - REQUEST FOR MEIIIlA ITEM ACTlOll SfAl'l' REPORT a) In 1983, the Agency entered Into an Agre_nt with the owners of the lloo1worth Bldg., leasing to thell 80 total spaces In the 3-level parking structure - 35 on the 3rc1 level and 4S on the ground level which were constructed by the Agency. The Agency constructed those 45 spaces on land leased by the Agency fl'Oll Central Cll;y C.,any (15 yr. lease) the cost to the Agency, under the Lease Ag_nt is '17,510 ennually. Under the tenu of the lease, the owners of the lloo1worth Bldg. pa.y to the Agency '13,000 per year for five years, for a totel of $65,000 to rell1burse the Agency for the cost of construction of the 45 spaces on the ground leyel (referred to as the .~. site). lloo1worth is also obligated to pa.y ~O.oo per ..nth per space to the Agency for lease of the total 80 spaces. This equates to a yearly payMnt of '19,200. Mo payMnts have bHn received to date. The lessee Is '17,600 In arrears. The LessH Is requesting a -.dlflcatlon to his ag_nt to provlda that lease payMnts shall not c....nce until first occupancy of the building. Staff recognizes the difficulties encountered and rec....nds that the agreellnt be uended to reflect this change. b) Under a separate Agr....nt, the Agency and Cll;y have approyed a Parking License Agreellnt with the owners of the Andreson Bldg., leasing to Andreson 131 parking spaces on the 3rc1 level of the parking structure. Andreson pa.ys ~O.oo per ..nth for the spaces equating to a yearly rental lncCllll to the Agency of '131,440. Mr. lIa.yne Overstreet has requested that the Cll;y be rell1bursed for the cost of Maintenance of the 80 spaces leased to lloo1worths and the 131 spaces leased to Andreson. Staff has no probl.. with the request. The current ..lntenance cost figures approved by Council for the 3-level parking structure Is '5.10 per space per ..nth. 80 1I001worths ~ Andreson 211 Spaces x '5.10 x 12 . '12.913 In ~uly, 1985, this cost will Increase to '5.60 per space per ..nth. Staff rec_nds relllburslng the City for the established ..Intenance costs of 211 spaces In the 3-level structure fl'Oll rents to be received fro. Central City C_n:e Center (lIoo1worths) and C_n:e Develop..nt Associates (Andreson Bldg.) 681J 2-18-85 LlII 1.1 o o o o . StOOWlY or UDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH LEASE or "J" SITE nOM CCC AND Sl1ILEI.SE TO WOOLWORTH'S 1. Redevelopment Aaency Pay- able to Central City Co. A. Lease US-Year) Years 1-5 $ 920/Mo. 6-10 1,SOO/Mo. 11-15 2,500/Mo. B. Taxes C. 21% of Redevelopment Aaency Cost of Parldna Control Operational Costs ~ D. Option (Any t1llle durina term) Montbly YearlY: $ 920 $1l,040 445 95 $' 1,460 5,336 1.134 $17.510 $135,000 2. Redevelopment Aaency Paid $20,240 To Date To CCC Lease (4/83 - 4/84) Tu Re1lllbursement $ 6,061 U1/4 Years) Parkina Control Tower 577 (21% of Total - One Time Cost) Parking Control Operation 1,440 (21% of Total - Ongoing Cost) Total Cost To Date (1/85) $28,318 Received 3. Lease Payments to the Monthlv Year1., To Date Redevelopment Agency from Woolworth's 45 Spaces - "J" Building 35 Spaces - 3 Level 80 Spaces @ $20/Mo. $1,600 $19.200 -0- (Past Due $17,600) o " o 4. !ledevelopllellt Aaellcy Con - Tenallt Iaprovelle1lte C01l8tructiOll - 45 Spacea 5. Woolworth' a Reilllburselle1lt to Iledeveloplllellt Aaellcy For Coat of Collstructi01l 5 Yeara @ t13,000 Totalli1l& t65,000 t46,8l5 11.11 Jj o Yearly iP,OOp o .' Received To Date '26,000 22K 1- IIrli1 JI o o o o . , J tfi\\'tb DECOsm4~ f,(~..,(.)ll.t bttrA- .:' {..\II (: ;11<\ ,..;.'(1/..... , ' ' .,:;.., ,\ Ilt",,",,"b.:r 3, 1984 Jbnorab1e Mayor and Members of the Q..'"UII Cbunci1 300 North "Il" Street San Bemardino, CA 92418 Re: ParJdng License and Easenent With ~m Rights, entered into 1lpril 21, 1983 between the O:rmunity. Developtelt O:mnission of the City of San Bernardino and Central City Ccmnerce Center, a California general partnership. Dear Mayor and Council, '!be Central City Ccmnerce Center partnership bought the Woolworth ~lding at 4th and "E" Streets with the intentim of rehabilitating this illpressive structure to make it a CXlmerstale of a revitalized damta.m San Bemardino. Since acquiring this building, we have been aggressively seeking c:amercia1 and professional tenants who would ocmnit to 1cng-term leases and for whan we would .imnediate1y begin the rarode1ing process. ~ we executed the referenced License, we anticipated being able to secure a IIl!ljor tenant or tenants wi thin the tine paraneters outlined in paragraPl 2 of the docurrent. Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to meet these tine limitations. !.easing dcMnta.m San Bernardino space has proven to be a particularly dif- ficult proposition. Paragraph 2.3 of the License requires certain paynents fran the partnership: annual payments to reimburse the City for CXlSts incurred in oooverting "J" ~lding parJdng spaces; and IlD1th1y parJdng space rental. 1'<<> of the annual $13,000.00 payments have been made and we will, of ex>ur5e, make the next three paynents as they <:me due. H:lwever, because of the unexpected difficulties we have had in finding suitable t.eriants, we request that the accrued and continuing nonthly fee of $20.00 per space for the 80 spaces be waived, and that these JICllthly fees JX>t be required until we have secured a IIl!ljor tenant or tenants and the neoessaxy rarodeling has been c:mpleted. Waiver of the nonthly requirenent until the spaces will be used by building occupants and custaners will substantially assist the partnership in making the enterprise tI1L1tually beneficial. As we have up to nt3I1, we agree to alleM the use of the spaces by the general public until the occupancy of the building. Respec~~~ Sdtted , '/6~~' cu;t~~Z /Nicholas J. us is t:.. Managing Partner 'fentra1 City Center