HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-Planning " 1 . cl6 OF SAN BERNARDICP - REQUEC7 FOR COUNCIL ACTON Frank A, Schuma From: Planning Director Subject: Appea 1 of Deni a 1 of Variance No. 84-29 Dept: Planning Mayor and Council Meeting of February 4, 1985, 2:00 p,m. Date: January 23, 1985 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Previous Planning Commission Action: At the meeting of the Planning Commission on January 8, 1985, the following action was taken: The application for Variance No. 84-29 was denied based upon findin9s of fact contained in the staff report dated December 18, 1984. Vote: 3-3, 1 abstention, 2 absent. Recommemled motion: That the hearing on the appeal be closed and the decision of the Planning Com- mission be affirmed, modified or rejected. (i;) LQ- ~ ( Signature F~ank A. Schuma Contact person: Frank A. Schuma Phone: 383-5057 1 Supporting data attached: _ Yes, Staff Report Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No, / t, II' , . ~ I 0.. o o ~""'J ,- p":;:,, ,1 . \L~'J '. ACQIf'EOIH.D :~.~...... ":nc>" RFr.FIIIF!)_riF r'1 ER~ SAN BERNARDINO AREA CI1AMBER OT COMMERCE 546 W. 6TH ST.. P.O. BOX 658. SAN BE'135A.R9htf17A fu'&~. (714) 885-7515 January 12, 1985 Mayor and Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North '0' Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 1M rn@rn~wrn (ID JAN 17 1985 Dear Mayor and Councilmen: CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT SAN BERr~ARm~lO. CA As you know, the Chamber's application for a variance on our parking needs, based on our buil~ing expansion plans, was denied (3 - 3 vote, see attached news article). We respectfully appeal the Planning commission's decision and request your consideration and approval. The San Bernardino Chamber of commerce has been located on Sixth Street between 'E' and 'F' in their own building since 1957. The Chamber's membership has grown from 600 members to over 1,200. The Chamber's involvement and influence in the community has increased correspondingly'. The Chamber's program of activities is such that it requires the involvement of a number of volunteers and a great nu~ber of meetings (see the enclosed Program of Action). The vast majority of the Chamber meeLings involve 20 people or less. There is, however, because of our growth, a desperate need for a facility which would allow for more than one such committee meeting at a time. The current facilities will not accomodate that. There is a weekly event called the Chamber's Koffee Klatch that attracts 75 to 85 people. The Chamber's existing facility can only seat approximately 70 people. There is an obvious need for increased capacity to handle this very popular activity which we will expect to grow to 100 or 125 in attendance each week. Currently, those attending that event use the Chamber's existing parking lot and the lot adja- cent to the Chamber (currently being used by the County but which we have received permission to use) and on the street. This is certainly not a new problem for the Chamber, 'the regu- larly scheduled commmittee meetings and activities such as the Koffee Klatch often have more cars than there is parking available for them. Never in the al~ost 30-year period of LI_'I 0' o o o time the Chamber has been in its current location has there been a complaint from the surrounding property occupants in regard to cars parked on the streets for that short period of time that they are attending those activities. As we see it there will be less of an opportunity for complaint as a result of the changing nature of this block and our surrounding area. Unfortunately, the Chamber's existing space is entirely inade- quate, however, even on those rare occasions when maximum use is realized the time period is relatively short, that is, about on hour to an hour and a half. The same would hold true for the new facility and for the most part, maximum utilization of the new space to be constructed would be only an occasional occurrance. We believe with the new facility and the increase in parking availability that there would be no more of an encroachment upon the surrounding properties than there has been in the past. To help offset the deficit in parking we have contacted the new library, GTE and the County (see enclosed letters) requesting occasional use of their parking lots. The resulting spaces will more than offset the requirements. We recognize that this is, at best, a short term solution to a long term problem. Perhaps the City and the Chamber, working through the Redevelopment Agency, could jointly participate in acquiring surrounding land to help provide adequate parking for the future development of this immediate area. The expansion is necessary, we have looked at other locations downtown and the cost is either prohibitive or parking is a more acute problem than in our current location. Our only alternative is to move out of the area. There is a great reluctance to make that kind of change. The Chamber is a business organization and we are excited about the prospect of being apart of the downtown renewal, including the library across the street, the new County Schools Administrative building at the corner of 6th and 'E', and our own new construction. We would like very much to remain in our existing location. and sincerely request your approval of the variance. JJ Encl. PARKING o 0 Homeowners protest apartment complex By ERIN KELLY that would raise the apartment Suo S..ff Wrlle< rents by about $49 to $56 and SAN BEHNARDlNO - The city make them uncompetltlve wIth Planning Commission Tuesday other complexes in the area, night delayed action on a 12().llnit Frontrunner Homes of New, apartment complex in the Califor. port Beach, t.he developer of the nia State University area after proposed proJect, was planning to hearing protests from neighbor- rent the one.bedroom apartments ing homeowners and concerns for $365 a month and the smaller from the planning staff about the t wo.bedrooms for $450 a month, small size of the apartments, Stafford said. About 15 to 20 homeowners He said the planned size of the came to the meeting to oppose the apartments was comparable to proposed apartment complex at others being built and the com- the nOr!bwest corner of Kendall plex would be an attractive asset DrIve and University Parkway., to the community. Spokesmen for the group sal~ Planning Director Frank Schu- they were concerned about ,poss.- ma toid the commission that the ble traffic congestion and did not city attorney's office advised feel that the apartme~t compl~x them to continue the issue until a would be compatible With the sm- gle-family homes that lie south of the site. The proposed development meets the zoning requirements for the site and the city staff rec- ommended that the commission approve the project. However, the staff also recommended that the size of the apartments be expand. ed to provide a higher quality d'e- velopment, Principal Planner David An' derson said the staff recommends increasing the size of the one.bed- room apartments from 606 square feet to 700 square feet and ex- panding 60 of the two bedroom apartments from 766 to 850 square feet. Another 30 two-bedroom apartments would be adequate at their proposed 008 square feet. Anderson said, Dennis Stafford, the engineer for the project, Objected to, ,,:,ha,~ he called an "arbitrary condlllon 0, .;..-;.-. "." Protest u.." j'.t o (Continued from B.1) detailed justification could be drawn up to require the larger apartments. Schuma also said his ofCice will soon be bringing a proposal to the commission that would set a mini- mum size for all future apart- ments to prevent the growing con- struction of undersize units, The City Council already has set a min. imum lot size for single.family hOmes. The commission voted unani. mously to continue the issue until Jan, 22. In other action Monday, the commission: v Approved a height variance that will allow construction of a 69-foot-high, four.story bank and office building on the east side of Business Center Drive, just north of Hospitality Lane in south San Bernardino, The Sun west Bank Building that is planned for the site will contain 38,972 square feet and will include three drive-through teller lanes as part of its bankingser~- ices. . v Narrowly denied a request by the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce to expand its headquarters at 546 W. Sixth 5t. by 3,750 square feet to accom- modate a conference room and additional parking space, The request was denied be- cause the expansion wouid re- ;. quire a total of 86 parking spaces and the chamber can only provide 30 at the site, The commission's 3-3 vote of denial most likely will be appealed to the council. , --:J " . , .0, o o o PRIDE TlfROUQlf UNITY SAN BERNARDINO AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE "" \ PROGRAM OF ACTION 1/ 9 IS 5 iIIIII. . o COMMUNI( Y SUPPORT 0 DIVISION ' Vice rresidr.nt: Drage Qu,lrles IfI The Sun The adivltles of 'he Community Support Div1510rl wIll continue to be direded at 'he preservation. enhancement and protection afOUl area's qualllyo{ll{e.In /985. emph,151s will be directed at promoting and estabtl.<;hlng an attitude of pride and wllty In the San Bern'ardino area. SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES 1. RecognIze. through the lJeautl/lcation Commltlee. outsrandlng new construction. remodeling and maintenance ("orn with awards presented at the Annual Installation Dinner. 2. PTOolde. In coop<ratlon with the City of San Bernardino. if program of free clean-up days In the City, The program will be In dif- ferent locations throughout the city at varlou.") times during the gear. 3 . Increase. through the Cultlwll Com- mitlee. the awareness within the buslne.\S community of the Importance of the arts In bultdlng a posltiue city Image. 4. (jll1e support to all the arts organizations requesting projects and special needs which blLSfne.~ might u able to meet through volunteer help and other In-kind service. 5. Presenllhe 9th Annual Law fnforcement Dinner during Law Week (early May) to recognIze and show appredatlon 10 the entire law enforcement community. (S.B. Polire Dept, County Sheriffs Dept. Callfornta Highway PatroQ. Recognize Individual om- cas from the three agencies for outstanding professional service. 6. Prouide the Western Regional Uttle League Support Committee. Indudlng Team ].). Promote. through fund raising and tlolun- teer services. the best possible experience {or YOllng peopie playing baIL 7. Co-sponsor "Longest Day of Ool{' with the Nost lions Club to complete fundralsing effort to purchase '"Bloodmobile" for San Bernardino/Ril1erside Blood Bank. 8. Conduct community contest 10 develop new logo and de.slgn for Chamber's 1215 freeway billboards al north and soulh ends of city. I COMMITTEES BeautifJcation Committee Cultural Committee Western Regional Utile League Support Committee (Team 14) Law enforcement Recognition Committee li Jtl ~' liAHY AIRS D ISION Vice rresident: Paul Oreen Jackson Nationar Life Insurance The purpo.~ of the Military Affairs Diutsion Ls 10 promote understanding. cooperation. and Inuoluement between the San Bernardino communWes and military communities. particularly Norton Air force /i<l~. The 63rd Military Airlift lYing as well as the many tenant organilation... such as the Air force Inspection and Safety Center. Air force Audit Agency, BaUistic Missite Office anif many others all contribute to the image of the San Bernardino area. In addition. Norton makes a slgnfficant contribution to the San Bernardino area's economy. The fostering of friendship and understandinb between Norton and San Bernardino as good neigh. bars Is 0/ prime Importance to the Military Affairs Diolslon, SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES 1. Recognize with presentations. Alnnan of the Month and Year; NeD. Senior NCO and Company Orade Officers o{the Quarter. 2 . Increase membership to 31SIn the Norton Boaster Club 11'1/985. 3. Pre..fi;ent bl.monthly orlentftlons at Norton Newcomers Program and encourage more attendance by the busines.scommunfty. 4. Condud theAnnuall1l1ltary Ballin co- operation with the Redlands Chamber of Commerce and Norton Air force Base to en- hance the friendship and cooperation of our communities. 5. Conduct the Annual Military Affairs Dol{ Tournament. 6. Continue to proolde a mrnlmum $500 scholarship /0 the outstanding ROTC grad- uating senior. 7. Print 4.000 copies of the Norton Boaster Club book. 8. Support and coordinate facilities for and dl1man communities to see 'Tops In Blue." ~H"'L brv~~~~ Vice fresjden' NcGladrey. Ne. fach year thoil country decide I buslnes.sforthen of the Smarl Busi continuing to me buslnes.sper.son. 1\ buslnes.') firms mo heed for gOlJernme their future exlstenl effed In 1985, the ( nated as a SmaU Bu; and will house a com [juslness AdmlnEstrat. Aids." In addtllon.the to hold seminars and I courage wider promoti expertise and services.; the Service Corps of ReI (SCORl). SPECIFIC ACTIV 1.conductasuroeyof~ determine the kindofassisf Based on the results, proui, flve educational workshop.... for members of the San Be" and professioncll communltb 2. Continue to promote are In 'he west side through the' Bernardino Task force. " 3. fJold a series of small bust Heelings" to encourage more In the Chamber's small business di 4. Conduct a Youth festival de. encourage and Inform YOllng pea opportunities and Instill a sense o. In their community. 5. Develop a "Buy Local" ~~pal San Bernardino and the surroundin. 6.Conduct "Business fxpo 85" at Inland Center Mall prouldlng mlnlmuJ smafl business participants with an OJ tunIty for greater exposure through a j setting. In addition. promote through oS Rars and one-on.one traIning opportun small business assistance. 7. In cooperatlon wlth the San Bemare. Police Deparlment encourage business " volvement In the Business Crime Watch Program. ConUnue and encourage llreater participation In the hew "Notllne" telephor alert system for area buslne.s.se.s. COMMITTEES Norton Newcomers Orientation Program Norton Booster Club Il/Iitary Affairs Oot{ Tournament IIIIIIanJ Balt COMMITTEES Small BlUlness Committee West San Bernardino Commlttee 8U5/ness Dcpo '85 Buslne.5$ "Crime Watch" Committee "iIt~" J1 DEVELOI?M~T DIVISION U ~1Fi"AIH~ UI\IISION Vice President: Robert fawke Deputy District Attorney ~s's IN o o Vice rre5ident: Jolin Larsen WelLs fargo Dank The development of new busine.'iS. expa". 5;on5 of e..ti.~ting firm.'; "nd the creation of new job." arc ('S<;P./ltiilf to theecolJCJmlcgrowlh and vitality otthe San Dern{lrdirw Vi.dleyarea. The Inland Lmplre is projected to continue l?eing one of the fastest growing areas In the nation. O{ concern to the Chamber are the statistical comparisonslhat Indicate Job growth in the Inland lmpire is not keeping pace with population growth. 110re people generally mean moreJobs (retail and seruice). The business community however, should be Concerned that manufaduringjob growth. generaUy considered the most desirable. Is lagging far behind population growth. The Chamber will develop an action plan.lnclud- Ing funding. to staff an Industrial Develop- ment Department within the Chamber of Commerce to work with existing and pro- spedit.'e businesses to create manufacturing job growth here In the San Bernardino Valley. In addition the Chamber wUl continue to work closely with others Involved in eco- nomic development to create working rela- tionships that wUl enhance and profes- sionaUze our development efforts. .. :::l~a;Jll , - ,. '_. ~.O( I'..::~" Government aclillitie5 and adionsat afllelJel.s . have a srgnl/iGmt Impact on the busines... community, The Ciovemmen!.:11 A/{;'Jir.<; DivI- sion Is the lobbying arm of the Chamber, monitoring local, state and federalleglsla- tion and regulalions that wlfl effed business. City Government Is responsIble for provIding essential public services and Is the level of government clO5est to residents and business. This proximity prolJides Ihe opportunity for greater access to the government dedsion making process. Localgovernment operations can be Improved and strengthened with the assistance of the private sedor. The Chamber wilt continue to cooperate with elected and appointed officials oflhe City of San Bernar. dlno to develop programs whtch encourage sound fiscal policy and government em- clency, The CalifornIa State Legislature continual1y faces complex and difficult issues which im- pact the state's economy, The general bust- ness climate and the slate's position In re- taining and attrading business and Indlistry are significantly affected by legislative adion, Readlon to state officials enables them to understand and appreciate the needs and Interests of the business community. The Chamber will keep Its members informed and aware of the legislative deoetopments and the viewpoints and philosophies of eleded officials. .l~" '::' J?"~ ..(TO'~ lile u: '~'" ., ]r.: :() go ;nto !I<:'__' --::':)f:'7I.i~!I(OI1(ern 'c......: . ,~. ;" :t'jrf be that of t :~:' ~.::::5 0,' {h~ ..mati . _ = -.: to rt:di\e smatl : ~ 1"-' c/ the ("uclat ,.lA'" !; :_~.. contf:lCioe to ~ ;" ,..,., h.af. To take " ~. :.-. -:.i5 been desig. . -- .:." :'::s.::;:.:rc~ (erlter J.'. .:-;;-;"ofrni:5mal/ "::-:3~emcnc ,.~ ~'--:' :.:iil continue 1 :',,":.5 =r:d to en. ~ . :-:~ :'!cl'lf1ical i: := ~ :'1rough the (. '::'t~:,,_.:il'l'.j I I I n<:s ;..5in~sses to I - ",,;-:'5: desired. ,,":,r:[mum of r: ;. seminars , ~J busir:e.ss I SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES 1.conUnue to promote the deuelopment of a computerized data base of appropriate Information 'necessary for relocation decisions. 2. Develop total packa9e. Including fund- Ing plan. that will a(fow lor Implementation of an Industrial Development staff person within the Chamber of Commerce for an itrca wide economic development effort. 3.Adively work for and support the up- gradin9 and expansion of the city sewe facility. 4. Through the Chamber's City RevItaUza. tion Committee. participate adilJely In the development of San Bernardino as the pr()- fe.s.sional. commercial. financial and cultural center of the Inland lmpire. 5. Continue to conduct the American Chamber of Commerce Re...earch A'iSOda- tion!>' Inter'City Cost of Living Index survey. 6. Conduct a Spring 85' tconomlc Outlook Conference. 7. Develop a Transportation Committee to oversee concerns with the movement of people, and goods in the San Bernardino Valley area. B. Develop higher degree of rapport with l'arlous governmental agencies Inoolved In economic development ; .~!ment :-; 5an s' D[nner t : ":cnt in SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES 1. Conduct a mInimum of {our legislative luncheons and two breakfiJ5ls with elected officials and Chamber members. 2. Sponsor and coordinate the annual trip to Sacramento with other county chambers. 3. Hold Candidates' forums as needed. provIding Chamber members an opportunity to meet and hear candidates running for elected office, 4. Sponsor trip to Washington D,C. to coin. <Ide with the Annual Heetlng of the U.s. Ch~mber of Commerce. providing an oppor- tunity to meet with federal officials on Issues of concern. 5. Provide the Paul Revere Committee (or Immediate action In support or opposltlon tobtlts. 6.. Work with Chamber's City ReuItalizatlon Committee and CIty Ciovernment to deuelop a parking ordinance designed to solue long term parking needs of the City. 7. Participate In Ute plannIng, develop. menl and adoption of the City's 1985.86 Budget , :~:o , :'":ob \ ":.'U. I I I i I I J::') I;' !;, 8. Renew discussions wIth the City Council 10 place a cap on the City utility tax to encourage new business devdopment. COMMITTEES CiolJernmental Mal,., CommIttee Pau' Revere Committee (Telephone nelwork) Sacramen 10fWashlngton Trips " COMMITTEES fconomlc Development Committee Wi15!e lValer l1anagement Committee o rdj~ r-" t'~J~i?)' ',- ~ ,.SEJ\C~ ---\ ":f~::;:::.:;I- , ,""'",',;:,,'~' \ ' -,', , '~~;~~ \ ,~ \~ SAN BERNARDINO AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE /PROGRAM OfF ACTION 1985 PRESIDENTS STATEMENT The Program of Action is a state- ment of goals that the Chamber of Commerce will wqrk toward accom- plishing in the forth-coming year. Whether or not the Goal is ac- complished depends upon the ef- fort and desire of the Chamber membership. What does this mean to you? It means that you are the most important ingredient in on formula for accomplishments, Your active participation is the difference between success and failure in the Chamber's realizing its goals, We need you and every other citi- zen in our community to unite and work toward our goals, which we . feel are a statement of our dedi- cation to an on-going quality of life in our community. We need all seg- ments of our community on our team, We want to be successful for all. A deeper sense of pride is real- ized when we unite our effort in accomplishment of goals. Our over-all goal for our year is pride through unity for all citizens of San Bernardino. ~~ o tIJtl. Iill IIJI 0 0, .,; ..... ~ g ..... '" 0" ..... " mOl 0- n- tD Q; E !! .c ~ 0- 0" E - " ~ "'= '" .c .- '" - E t: cti C E C '" 11>- 0 0 '" <> Q.ClJQ)U '0 <:: ~ &a; "- 'in ~ '-epuo " .s? ~ :3 VI:O c Q: ~ o CI) c 0 .,; ... >.s=. .- "C;; - cu"- c: '" -g CD UI.~ .c .! ~ ~ii:g~ 0 "" 0 -, =:CC:=> E E z &f .- 0 0 E 0 "OJ >- "; c3 >- - " '" - :J . C I 0 ii; .. ~of1)(l).o>. m>.CiiEO_ .!! ~ ECI).e-:J,"O~ ... G>~.~ g fij-- .!: 0 .s ;U~5"O~~ U1a.o.COroO COOUlO..c o Q) ......- 0> f1) 0> :!!~c6Qi?: .!; G) .;!: -.;:: C1J "';::.0 . Q; "OCE:iEca '" Q) :J,.~ ro CI) E UI'-Eo.c>' '" I (1)(1.1 l)a.> :5 ~g.5E(1)5 t: ca.u~.c.... 0' '0 :c c CLl 0;.2 'iij t: " :!::O..ceC(/) t: 'S; 0 E ~ UI'" 0..'- CD 0 ~ (l) CD C > 'iij is 'iij '0 ~ EX.~;='';:: c: OcoCG.c:JO :~ 'S; 'e S ~cEl-o.2:!. - t: is " 0 t: I: 0 ~ Ql 0 E c: ~ 10 t:: E :~ 'iij f! ~ f.t~c :5 0 0. t: :~ 'jij co '" 0 > I: u ,-.- C'tI " 0. 0 ';;; is 0 0 - I: " Cf)occn - 0 u 0.- .;;; c:( 0 '" o_:3c .E <:: =' Ql 'S; III 'iij OJ 'CuE.- III 'S; " .- Q) E IV -'< .!! U) ~ is "- III iij :E 0: U "OiioCi '" .!a >.0 'jij Ql is - Q) CI> 0 0 ~ .;" III - t: I: 0 ~oo8. Q - - 'iij Ql '0 'c U t: c:( t: :Of~~ c: 'E ,S! =' ,S! E III ., =' -I: en G.l Q) Q) E - >.lIl - t: E' .- s: ... c '" 0 III "- III "- Ql \ " Qi.c: ~"iii !'! E I: "- III iij U Ql E 0 Ql - =' > .000:) .- 0 0. :: E 0 0 E:E'co.o .E U 'g "" 3: E B g E 0 W 0 :E en w C) 3: .... 5(.1)41J c:O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c.cL.......o ~ lD.2 _ lD co Q) .ccn_Oc.c .....:;cc......... "" :c~8~ "" .. Oa:Ul =e:t II) ... - ZUlo :z: ::, ceDa: lII;(O :t: a:::iEUl cti: CO' 0 <<::iE ::, 0 ZJ: CO IX: a:u::iE :t; Ul 0 Olll;( 0') ... "'<0 OJ ctL&,. Cl ZUl - <a:1L IX: Q.O ,... '" 1Il<0 - ru. 1It:I _ "0 OITY OF SAN BERNCOINO PLAONING DEPARTMENT SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE WARD 4 12-18-84 1 l&J (/) <t o ~ w ::;) o III a: "- <t l&J a: <t Variance No. 84-29 Amended #1 APPLICANT: San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce 546 W. Sixth Street OWNER: San Bernardino, CA 92410 Same Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately .52 acres located at 546 W. Sixth Street, San Bernardino. The applicant requests a variance of Code Section 19.56.090(H) from the minimum required parking for an office building with assembly in order to construct a 3,750 square foot addition to the existing Chamber of Commerce facil ity. PROPERTY Subject North South East West EXISTING LAND USE Extng. facility & vacant lot Single-family residential Site of new library Commerci a 1 County parking lot ZONING C-4 C-4 '0' C-4 C-4 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Hotel-Motel, office, mul-fam res. General Commercial Park Hotel-Motel, office, mul-fam res. Hotel-Motel, office, mul-fam res, GEOLOGIC / SEISMIC DYES FLOOD HAZARD DYES OZONE A ( SEWERS 1m YES ) HAZARD ZONE lU]NO ZONE ~o OZONE B oNO HIGH FIRE DYES AIRPORT NOISE I DYES iXl YES HAZARD ZONE ~NO CRASH ZONE Jij)No oNO ..J o NOT o POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Z 0 APPROVAL ~ APPLICABLE EFFECTS 0 WITH MITIGATING fi 0 CONDITIONS Z(I) MEASURES NO E.I,R. 1IJ(!) o EXEMPT o E.I.R. REQUIRED BUT NO ILO rn ::2:z ILffi DENIAL Z- SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS 00 WITH MITIGATING ~2 0 CONTINUANCE TO a::Z MEASURES (1)2 :;:ii: 0 Z ~NO o SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS 0 ILl SIGNIFICANT SEE ATTACHED E,R. C, W EFFECTS MINUTES a:: NOV. 1981 REVISED ,JULY 1982 SKY II 1 1 L - lill '~ITY OF SAN BERN01DINO PLtO\llNG Di:::PARTMENTO CASE Variance do. 1;4-29 O[BStE~~V,a;M'"~O~S ~~~~7~:~{;:d<:_lO_84 PAGE 2 r- 1. The applicant requests approval of a variance to waive San Bernardino Municipal Code Section 19.56.050 and .090 to allow construction of an addi- tion to an existing building without meeting the minimum requirements for parking. The subject'property is located on the north side of Sixth Street between "E" and "F" Streets at 546 West Si xth Street. The bui 1 di ng is / currently and wi 11 conti nue to be uti li zed by the San Bernardi no Area Chamber of Commerce. 2. The property is zoned C-4, Central Business District. The City of San Bernardino General Plan designates the property for Hotel-Motel, Office and Multiple-Family Residential uses. The zoning and General Plan to the north, east and west are the same as the subject site. To the south of the property is' zoned Open Space and is the location of the new Library f aci 1 ity. 3. The subject property encompasses 22,500 square feet and includes two par- cels. One of the'parcels is the current 10catiDn of the Chamber of Commerce and parking lot. The subject proposal wi 11 .expand the bui lding and parking lot to the adjacent vacant parcel to the west. 4. Surrounding land uses include: Single-Family Residential to the north; site of new Library to the south; Commercial uses to the east and a county parking lot to the west. 5, The existing building encompasses 3,264 square feet of office area and has an existing parking lot in the rear Which accommodates 11 parking spaces. The eKisting parking lot is served by a 15-foot wide driveway which takes access from Sixth Street. The existing 15-foot driveway is wide enough for one-way traffic only; however, since it is the only point of ingress and egress, it is utilized for two-way traffic. If the requested variance application receives approval, the building will be expanded 4,180 square feet onto the adjoining parcel. The proposed addition will include a 2,205 square foot conference room and 1,975 square feet of office space. The new construction proposed will also include the i nsta 11 ati on of 19 new parki ng spaces and a dri veway to provi de an addi- ti onal poi nt Df ingress/egress from Si xth Street. The new 15-foot dri veway will allow for a separated one-way entrance and exit only to improve on- site circulation. 6. Through the new construction proposed, a total of 30 parking spaces will be provided on site. San Bernardino Municipal Code Section 19.56.050 and 19.56.090, however, require a total of 86 parking spaces to serve the existing building and proposed addition. The parking requirement is based upon 3,264 square feet of existin9 office which calls for 13 spaces, 1,975 square feet of new office callin9 for 9.8 spaces and a 2,205 square foot conference room which, according to the Code, calls for one space for each 4. L j . CITY OF SAN BERN RDINO PLA O[BSE~Vt\T~ONS NING DEPARtMl::NT CASE Variance i~o. &4 29 Ampnc1pc1 in AGENDA ITEM 4 HEARING DATE 12-18-84 PAGE --3.. r " 35 square feet of floor area or 63 spaces. The total parking space requirements would~ therefore, be 86 spaces of which only 30 can be pro- vided on-site, hence the applicant has filed the subject variance to allow a waiver of the Code, requirement. The applicant is therefore requesting a waiver of 56 parking spaces or 65% of the parking requirement. ' I f the parki ng requi rement were based upon th at whi ch is requi red for retail uses, one space per 250 square feet of floor area, the total building with the addition, 7,444 square feet would require 30 spaces, and this could meet the code requirement. 7. The applicant has responded to the four necessary findings in order for a variance to be approved. The following are the necessary findings with the responses from the applicant and Staff. A. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, which do not apply generally to other property in the same zoning district and neighborhood. Applicant's Response: The circumstance is that this community function is long established" in thi s 1 ocati on. .. it is the best interest of the conrnunity, speci- fically the business and political community that it remain so. Staff's Response: There are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to ,he property involved which do not apply generally to other property in the same zoning district and neighborhood. The par- ticular site has insufficient area to acconrnodate the proposed use and expansion proposed. The establishment of the use and interests of the business and political community for which it serves, are not adequate justifications for approval of a'variance which represents a major de- viation from adopted City codes. B. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. Applicant's Response: As stated in "A" above. Staff's Response: The applicant is currently enjoying a full property right in the use of the building as it exists. The applicant has. every ri9ht to expand ..... . , CITY OF SAN BER DINO PL NING DEPARTMENT CASE Variance ilo. 84-29 Amended #1 AGENDA ITEM 4 HEARING DATE 12-18-84 PAGE 4 0, rt:')) ~ rr= lL5.) \\ n ~ "'it n n f\ 11 S " .,. O~{)lk:n Wff~ IJ UVU'~~',\ ,. the building onto. the adjoining parcel. However, the building can only be expanded to' a si ze whi ch can be accommodated on the parcel wi th the provision of a~equate parkin9 to meet minimum code requirements. The applicant is proposing to construct a building on a parcel which is too small to accommodate the size of building planned and on-site parking. C. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the zoning district and neighborhood in which the property is located. Applicant's Response: No more so than it has been in the past 25 years plus. Staff's Response: The granting of the variance would be materially detrimental to the, , pub 1 i c welfare and i nj uri ous to property in the zoni ng di stri ct and. neighborhood. The applicant states that one particular weekly event is expected to draw 100 to 125 people in attendance. In the worst case, with 125 people and 30 parking spaces on site, approximately 95 vehicles will be required to,park on the street, in the library parking lot or in the county parking lot. This significant over- flow of vehicles will be materially detrimental to the public wel- fare in that significant traffic congestion, illegal parking and noise problems will arise creating a very negative effect on the neighborhood. Additionally, the granting of this variance will be i nj uri ous to property and improvement si n th e nei gh borh ood because the overflow vehicles will be forced to park in other parking lots when the street Decomes full which will significantly impact and burden those parking lots which were not designed to accommodate vehicles from other uses. If this variance to reduce required parking spaces by 65% were ap- proved, it would set a precedent that other property owners in the area and city in general could use as justification for similar var- iances of parking reduction. D. That the granting of such a variance will not be contrary to the ob- jectives of the Master Plan. Applicant's Response: As stated in "C" above. Staff's Response: The San Bernardi no General Pl an calls for the pr<:>moti on "through proper planni ng standards" of commerci al faci liti es whi ch are con- ..... '. , , .ciTY OF SAN BERN~DINO PLA~NING DEPARTMENT. CASE Variance l~O. &4-29 O[6SERVAr~ONS ~~~~~71i~: \~-18-&4- , PAGE 5 r '/ , veni ent to the resi dents of the Pl anni ng Area and to "encourage the 9roupi ng or compati b 1 e commerci a 1 acti vi ti es "whi ch provi de adequate parki,ng." The requested vari ance woul d not be in keepi ng wi th the pri nci p 1 es and objectives of the San Bernardino General Plan noted above as the request would neither conform to "proper planning standards" nor pro- vi de "adequate parki ng." RECOMMENDATl ON: Based upon the observations and ne9ative findings of fact above, Staff recom- mends denial of Variance No. 84-29 Amended #1. Respectfully submitted, FRANK A. SCHUMA Planning Oirector ,diAM, ~ . SA AH KNECHT Associate Planner ~ ... . Q .- . "l~ ~:\~1i:: ~~ .-. ~"'~\~\",-~.I l?" , .... r .,;,. o ~ . rt~ . III i,J j' h j;i : I !L\'l~ ~~ llii~: :!~lr~Nnl,~1 ..- "- .' r, " .~ . ."""""'~t . ,. ;r . ----.,; !i~ ~~ .. > l! . .. . .. ~ t . . \ . ~. ~" , -, << .. < . " '% , c , ~ . .. >. .. .- . ~~ . " ~O .s~ ,< l' , ~. . ,I o ....." o :~U.',.'II.:) ,.' . 0 I' It I. ,. .. I.......... I I." M ." t".' Jl3I1J"J'\I03 HI "" ...0'" ~ DH n,," .. '".,,~ ..... '..' "........,. <d.1VC~' '. I'V' .......... ~l: D.' I' Y 's. N ;;; '. ..... '.... ..........~ j .. - .\.N"'3Q ,,:'_10' ::II.... . """Y .~._- -- -..;...........1.1." .....;.... L! , II { ~:.... .. .', ~i" ~.t, ., II> ~~~ s;. , !:: . j'l C> i hi t l~ z:" .; l' ".' o' . . . ;. .. ->J1] ~ I . , 0 , . aJ " " 0 " n 0 "II: .c- o ~~ . ,! .,,:: A 8 :~ . ':1 0 .. , .,' ., u' ~~ -. L' 8-. ~it b I> a , . "'-~ .!1! (,:.,.' J... j " r;;:~" Q!<< . ~~; a ~J . . . . . . i tl_ ii:! tl~ tl ;:l> ... ()!> q~ i' '1" ~. ~~~3 u' '11..' d;r~ :;: ...&1.... ., ~ C.. ill" .... -z:; a . . .--:-.-,- . o . ~~; .. 1 e !; 6-7 R . 1.. I . . .. .. . . - . . . ,. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . \ I- &J u C l- II) :r I- x II) CITY OF SAN BERNA INO PLANNI DEPARTMENT LOCATION 4! R~2, . ~ I R~2 ~ ~ llJU, UIJ ~R-3ItJI ~: : . - 10TH . ST.' 10 Tn. ':' ~ _ . R-3 Z LIDrnN~, N"' I R-3~8!] ~;, .. f'lo-' I ~ on3 ~~ ! , ... I ' C 4 ~ I If) 3t II t '" 0: ~ -. . 0 I . O. , =800 I N".O: R-3T. 0: !I: ", & [[]"! .~A 0 IC-41' .' ~ ~ . ~ ST. 'a"' bjJ~~;A [J' ""', B!jC'':''4' Ea" .'.," GOTH .sr.z ' ',' :t N R-3, "c-..:.' . C-4C':'3' '? '" " R-:3 : R-3,' ~ - .-!:. I . R-3. ~ . . U I. . Z , ,::l< ,'..,' . ,C-4 ,0:' . . 1: (\J' ". '.. C-I ~I . - . ....,. - '. A'?'"' ~ 2 Q:' " : . . J,@3.~' ~~I'~~':'~ ,"o~::" 1 O-,~JT"'- ~~'I ]2 0::::: R-,tJ ~~,: '-' . SCHOO" () R 3 , " - ~ R':U~~.:.J" R-~ .~ C-4 .:" C-3A C4 , ~. ~--I I ~ r.:rft ~~' ~7TH ST. 8~-4 . C-4@t7:~4EST. . ~ T R-3 ~ . N - ~J~ R-4 R-4:C . T q- I&. ..' /.>. I. 3 -;- ~ :s: R-3 R4 R-4 u.' 1 <If" v- · , N'~.'" _. .-- ,~ " "",,, II '~H ST, 'Tit SY. -::I l~ .,E] fe-'AJ If:-]...LIB c-4 ",OIlC>. Ell.'. " 'BG . '--~1 r..-":';--:--1 PARr. C-4 _3FIM'2, C-3A ~....A_J ."" "II ;". r-4 C-4 C-4' - ~' R-4 0 ' 0 v . "- -3.J':'.'.!I:'~:2J~ ~ @E158 I C-3~ ." "1 l. . C-3A" fl- C-M ,e-4.", . '; ". .;; A-1P C- , . . ' . ..,' '. c., ~ ~~,'4TtI ' "nAl'-'EB" 0 A-P 'A-P '. [I,' '(;_~ C-4, '. c.' .' 'I"'C7-4',~' C-4 ~. . ',' . ~. , . ~ '. C-4 ~ .," C-'1' C-M C'M C- 4 . . - I I - ==:-:1 !r.i:il . . . ." () A-P " I C-~ l~ ' " - 0' ~rc:\~~~~, ~ ~~U_'3A.J'.~211D ~ST_ :T~=l'R1' 'R2I10 . :.1 '~r" ~,~. ~~:-; ~_~ ~ 7 l!:_-=-~^J. C-'3A '. C-3-A . C-5A C;~M:;; . C-M, _' Lc _MJ -' C M I.: 0 r--' 1U'i..l" '------1:;;"", . ~_~~ 1'\ ('_l~1 xl r~~A _ .. r:::-::1~ , C?s'ad berna.t8ino ~blic librari > '-'::-";"",' >>j.-, -' ;,~tt BOARO OF TRUSTEES LARRY B, HARVEY President EOGAR C, KELLER Vice President KATHLEEN A, GROSSMAN SecretaiV .. JACK L, HILL STEPHEN WHITNEY City Librarian COODINGTON BRANCH, 1003 East Highland INGHRAM BRANCH 1505 West Highland Avenue ROWE BRANCH 108 East Marshall Boulevard VI LLASENOR BRANCH 525 No. Mt. Vernon Avenue ~L ~....,'....;::,r- ~"" (i)::y_~_:'>::.";,;_,,,:"'k~ .. .. ,. .".......<..,'";'-,~ -.- 401 NORTH ARROWHEAD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 92401 TELEPHONE: (7141383.5080 January 24, 1985 Mr. William J. Wood, Executive Vice President San Bernardino Area Chamber Of Commerce 546 W. 6th Street San Bernardino, CA. 92402 Dear Bill: The Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Public Library at their regular meeting of January l7, 1985, discussed your request for occasional use of the park- ing lot at the new Norman F. Feldheym Central Library which faces your property. The Board is pleased to agree with your request. They suggested some of your larger gatherings (such as can- didates forums) might even be scheduled in the new Library's lecture hall. Library representatives have actively participated in your functions for years and we are delighted to cooperate. The Library Board added two stipulations, however. They asked that your organization in turn consider allowing Library users access to your parking in the evenings and on weekends when we in turn might have overflow requirements. Also, they reserve the right to reevaluate the agreement in the future, if one party or the other is uniquely overburdened as a resul t. Thank you for all the support the Chamber has given the Library in the past. We all look forward to a long and happy relationship in the future as we be- come immediate neighbors. ncerely, A- Stephen Whitney City Librarian cc. Library Board of Trustees l "~'\; ~~