HomeMy WebLinkAboutS01-Library "J!!!' (~ o o o December 6th,l984 REC'D.-ADMIN. OF'. I98S JAM -8 AM 9: 34 The Honorable Mayor and Common Council City of San Bernardino 33 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mayor and Council: On November Bth,1984, a committee representing the concerns of citizens of San Bernardino, attended a meeting of the San Bernardino Library Board of Trustees to present the en- closed letter. The issue involved is the Board's maintenance of quality, appropriate library services to the Hispanic community. In view of the reception the committee received, it is easy to understand the cause of neglect given limited English and monolingual Spanish speaking library patrons. The bla- tant racism expressed towards this committee made it seem as if we had stepped back 30 years in time. The rude and authoritarian attitude that prevailed through- out the meeting began with Mr. Larry Harvey, President of the Board shaking his finger at the committee while explain- ing how the meeting would be conducted. Clumsy leadership set the tone and tenor for the balance of the Board members. The Board would not consider the issue as outlined in the enclosed letter. They felt that in expressing the needs of our community, we were attempting to subvert their authority. The committee's communication of the Villasenor Library's Hispanic patrons needs was thwarted by the Board led by Mr. Harvey and Board member Kathy Grossman. They used tactics of invalidation and confrontation, saying "...Do you have a library card? Do you live in the service area? I think the letter was written by the Branch Librarian. Yes I'm laughing at you. Don't waste your time with them. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know to send a memo..." Such questions and statements reveal that the Board: OIs ignorant of the subtleties of standard administra- tive procedures and the responsibilities of supervi- sion. oIs prevented from obtaining input to properly repre- sent the community at large because of its condescen- sion and arrogance. OIs incapable of being objective in considering our request that they fulfill what they have contracted to do. OIs unconcerned about working with minority communi- ties in a multicultural setting. ,S-I _J U.111 o o o o The Community is furious over the treatment received from these appointed public servants. It is best that the Board President resign or be replaced because the treatment given these representatives of our community by Mr. Harvey shows that his attitudes have in- validated the public trust placed in him. The City of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino Library System has and deserves better leadership than this. The Board as a whole needs to review the definition of its role/responsibilities and training to carry out those res- ponsibilities in a manner that serves the needs of the library system's multifaceted patron community. This issue of invalidation and "falta de respeto" is the focus of our long range planning- immediately we are con- cerned with the issue outlined in our enclosed letter. In addition to the replacement of the San Bernardino Public Library Board President, we ask for your attention and active support in working with the Library Board of Trustees to implement the enclosed points to the fulfill- ment of their contractual and fiduciary obligations. We await your response and look forward to working with you to promote the best interests of our community. Sincerely, Contact persons: Leno Diaz 8862773 Davia A. Lechuga 8848502 . " '- 'wi 0 ~. ~-,,47 Bi 1 Greeley .- FORMER PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC LIBRARY titf::;:ahilZ. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce KA HY AMBROSIO, CHAIRPERSON SOMOS HERMANAS UNIDAS PROJECT REDIRECT ~L q ~ ~~-a. EMMA CASAS, PRESIDENT SOCIAD NACIO~AL IGNACIO SARAGOZA ~ CONNIE MONGE C IR FRED SANCHEZ, P ST COMMANDER CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS LENO DIAZ, FORMER ER LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC LIBRARY "Ii" o 7(2t~~r-- Concerned Citizens o , ~~R~ eM) , T PARA LOS PUEBLOS JO T ~l] i^ ~ v.^ ~ ~ Q-1) ESTHER MURILLO /nro/Y~~ MAX GASCA, PRESIDENT CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS ])Wv~a,~ DAVID A. LECHUGA, WESTS I DE HOMEOWNERS & TENANTS ASSOCIATION 11.1'111 ," . o i<:CVGmber 2, 1984 o o o ?o: City Librarian, Library Board of Trustees San Bernardino Public Library San 5ernardino, California The li~rary is on record as supporting the following concept: Chicanos require specialized materials and services- specifica:l~' in a tilingual format- if they are to relate to public libraries as ~eaningful institutions. The library system has accepted tens of thousands of~611ars in federal funds under this concept; \,hile agreeing 'to hire a professional, bilingual librarian to serve the Spanish speaking community. Why was a bilingual, bicultural librarian a necessary element of this funding? Because the library system does not know ho'" to serve the needs of the Spanish speaking without someone with s~ecializedknowledge, training and ability. In this case, the City Librarian does not understand the needs of the Spanish sp- eaking community. The greater problem is that he refuses to accept the recommendations and judgment of the one person ():", the" library staff who is best qualified to serve the Spa:1ish st:'ea'~J.n; cClrJl'\::1i ty . since the City Librarian has adopted this post~re, we take this opportunity to reaffirm that Blanca Madrigal Armenta understaDcs, intri:1sically, the needs of the Spanish speaking co~~unity. She is providing, through her professional knowledge, judgment and specialized skills, the services that are desired by the co~"unit;', She is viewed as a highly qualified person, especially respected <'.s ar. e:-:ar.,ple of achievement and peFsonal conduct. Her crec.ibi 1- i ty, in the community, as an hone.3t, dedicatee. ane; tr'2sb.;orth\' ~ublic servant is undeniable. Since the library is on record as desiring to provide service~ i'.S expressed by the Spanish speaking community, W'20 '^'ish tc eXIJresi'> c~r desired services in no uncert~in terms: 1. The recent memo "Clarification of res:uirec. services" is unacceptable and must be re- scinded. The City Librarian is in DC PCS- ition to determine the needs for translctio:c services and, in effect, has stopped these services at Villasenor. This is unaccept- able to the community. We insist that the libra~y staff provide these services to those in need. The most qualified person to make these judgments is the Villasenor Branch Librarian. She has provided this service in a very efficient anc disc~eet manner for several years. Tne recent at- tempt to red~ce this service canr..ot be t.ol- erated. . - IL -- - 1,IL11 I o 2. That JC) staff membe~at the Villasenor Branch ~ be instructed to provide these bilingual ser- ices. In cases where the staff is not aualified to provide bilingual services- or refuses to provide bilingual services (including speaking, reading in English and Spanish) - they must be ,trained to provide bilingual services on a level that meets the needs of the community. There have been instances where Spanish language services have been denied patrons; even, at times, refusing to serve children in Spanish when they needed Spanish language instructions to fully /use the library. We want to make it clear that , this is unacceptable to the community and must be corrected immediately. 3. These specialized services are needed at the branch at all times. Having one person who meets bilingual needs is a meager attempt to meet the criteria, of services as stated many times by the library. The Villasenor staff needs to be supple- mented by qualified people from the Central li- brary in times of sickness, meetings, or what- ever might call the librarian away from the branch. We should, at all times, be served by staff capable of meeting the needs of the community. 4. The City Librarian must re-establish open and pro- fessional lines of communication with the Villa- senor Librarian. He must make certain that his ac- tions have not undermined the authority or effec- tiveness of this valued community position. We expect recommendations and judgments received from the Branch Librarian be given proper consider- ation in a professional manner. We will not allow this public liason position, so repected by the Westside community, to be disregarded or ignored. In a minority area that has lived without proper services for generations, it is a long, hard road to develop community confidence in power structure institutions. This confidence is accomplished through daily example of dedicated service, consistently admin- istered. Years of painstaking work can be shot down by one quick, authoritarian use of power. In this case, the damage has been done. We will not allow the situation to go uncorrected. The Library Board and Administration have now heard from several, large, representative groups in the Westside community. There should be no doubt about the services we desire. IJ1'11j , o -0 o o The undersigned support the letter to the City Librarian and the Library Board of Trustees of the City of San Bernardino, dated October 4,1984. Lh"tz/ tl ,x!t"~~j David A. Lechuga, Westside Homeowners& Tenants Association &- jjU~~~4 Bfll Greerey ~ Former Principal tibrarian San Bernardino Public Library /- ./ ) J' " , ,? ~ K thy Ambrosio, Chairperson Somos Hermanas unidas Project Redirect ~ ..........~,1 Fred Sanchez, Pos . omman~er Catholic War Veterans 'Z,J:-,~ J-- N:i!ck Nort n Concerned Citizens /k7.iJ~ Max Gacsa President Catholic War Vete=a~s ---- ~ / Los Pueblos .....p c/ ,.- -d.~'YI /1/ (//".<!..--:J , .:::r- Leno D~az c/ Former Member, Library Board of Tru~ees, San Bernardino Public ~ibra=y \ --!~)/z~2Z Esther Mata President, Hispanic Cha~ber of Commerce 11 ( .' '--'----I? . I ') I Ii d C::=r" ~ /\ /1 \ J ,\ , \ ),-",cl( Esther Murillo cL(/ ';PdA~4 , /7' /, /(, "..A"/->7 i ~...{ vc-' Dr. Tom Rivera //,/ ~ Emma Casas President, Sociadad Nacional Ignacio Saragoza j-']-~-' , e.1Jft~c/V fkv!vz, . / . Conn~e Monge .Cah~r I ). ;--<__ d 7I..w;~c~ J~se M(/j i~~ '-\ President, - .Y.:abajadores Unidos Su~ect Clarification of required services j '-If I JI iVic.lVtO ~-{/~\k\l)U \\!i -:--~:)-~- From Steve lfui tney City Librarian Date Hay 7. J 984 f, ,'I Y o:~ S/-\k\\ bl:Hi~j-\HDll\\O :/)~~-----:-- . .~:~------~ "" To Library ,.- Designat<!d bilingual employees A.~ ~co\'ed Date \,'hile three positions within the Library have been designated "s qualifying for bilingual pay, it occurs to me there ~ay be room for confusion about the criteria or l~vel of ability required. There" may also be rooJO...,for clarific~t:ion of the services the Li- brary is expected 1:'6" provide the public., The City Administrator in his memo to you of December 29. outlined four criteria: 1. An employee who can read J \,'ri. te or speak bilingur.lly; 2. An employee who has been relied upon in the past; 3, Not more' than.. one enlployee per floor (1. e. City Hall); 4. Host:)mpo~l~ntlYJ .the Dep;n:lillcntls justified needs [or such an employee. There .is no reference to the quality of the ability required nor to the services the Library is e;<pect'ed to perform, The L~brary th~n reserves these determinations to itself, The l.ibrary expects you to converse '.lith users ,,'ho corne in or t~1\?ph0ne .:;.nd are Spani.c;;h speaki.ng only. From time to time the Libr3ry requires trans]ation of brief Spanish entries into English for purposes of ord~r- ing 2nd cataloging new book materials , Si.milarly the Libr3ry ,nay n~~d English translated int? Spanish for public relations fly~rs.a~d the like. T:~e Libr.:=ry i.s not prcp.1red to offer tLll1s]ation sC'rvice to :.:'hc S~':1':''':':1.1 public;except of" mihor nature. .The Libr~ry docs not "ish to conflict with i~terprcter services in the pri.vatc s(>.ctor.' Nor does the Lihr<]ry 'wish to assume risk for' liability incurred by possible mjsinl~rpret;ltj0n. Any req\lest~ rcc~iv~~,.from tl,e 8cncT~1 public for tr~lns]aljon s~rvic~ 5n (":-:CC3S of the most 'Cursory nature ,shollld be directed to .my '::t:ti.:nt.iL~:i ~:ld for my ~pproval. r reserve the ri.ght to prioritize <:!.\'8.iJohle staff tjme \...'irhin the Library, to'refer requests Lo other C'ity employees or to refer the user to appropri.a te commercial set-vi.ces \...ithin the comii1\mi ty. In 1 ike fi:2;"lOer I may from time to time approach you with a request lor assistance from another Library emplo)'ecz, City dcp;ntl:1Cnt or member of the 8C;I(;1"2.1 public, if I 'have made a detennination tl)e ne~d is appropri:!te. Th;;nk.you for the fine wor!< you have done to'date. I hope this S"l'\'~s ,. ""Hy '''y p.""" "''']'''''"'''' "h"h ,:,y "",. ..'_ - ---' ~':::~::!.'~-~ ~,-:,:~~,:,-=-:,-~. Steve \,~'.;,tney, City l,ibrarian ;' ) CI Cl'l Y 0 fJ 'if:!;: :::r.~!'j:;'JE , .'. ~ I~ , . o 1'111'J o o o C" 1 iforni a State li brary LSCA Application A12 Program Proposal 3, a PR0GRA~1 (1) Statement of the Problem: ~ The Inland Library System includes eleven member public libraries in Inyo, Riversjde(and,San Bernardino counties. This area covers 37,399 square miles, a larger land mass than many states or even countries. Sli9htly more than 190,000 Mexican-Americans are found here in urban barrios with concentrations of low-income and disadvantaged families; suburban areas where middleclass Chicanos have, successfully integrated; as well as isolated pockets in rural desert areas. Providing quality library services to Mexican-Americans 'under such geographital con- ditions poses immense logistical difficulties. ,Within the proposed target area a recent Needs Assessment Survey was conducted door-to-door in census tracts clearly identified as having a hi9h proportion of Spanish-speaking or Spanish-surnamed. (See Appendix: Library Needs Assessment Of The 'Spanish Speaking.). From its findings, the survey clearly demonstrated traditional library services fail to meet the expressed needs of the Chicano community. Chi~anos require specialized materials and services, -- specifically in a bilingual format -- if they are to relate to public libraries as meanin9ful institutions. Library Staff must be trained to re- cognize and solve these specialized needs. Alternative and innovative collections of materials, methods of promotion, and styles of pr09ram- min9 must be developed. Other findings pertinent to this proposal a,e: --Eighty-six percent of those interviewed speak some Spanish, and sixteen percent are solely Spanish-speaking. Twenty-one percent re- port they are more comfortable conducting their conversations in Spanish. --An abysmal unfamiliarity with the library as a public service was evident. Seventy-five percent did not have a borrow~r's card; and a startling forty-two percent were unaware the library's services even included books. --The need for bilingual library services was determined to be a trend that will persist in the'future, since fifty percent of the parents surveyed who had school aged children prefer bilingualism for their chil dren. ' --Forty-eight percent of the current use of those surveyed was by or for their children. Only two percent expressed any ne9ative attitude about the library. -- J1W:I!i ;''-',,_.,,-~,.. "~"_._'"' . CI1C OF SAN BERNARDO> - REQU~T FOR COUNCIL Ac:)ON STAFF REPORT At their meeting of January 8, 1985, the Bureau of Franchises received the attached proposal from Courtesy Services of San Bernardino, Inc., for an increase in rates for ambulance services. The Bureau of Franchises consid- ered the proposal and then unanimously recommend to the Mayor and Common Council that the following rate structures be adopted: Proposed Rate Present Rate (1) Response to a routine non-emergency call Unscheduled emergency call, additional $120.00 54.50 $80.00 30.00 (2) Each mile or fraction of a mile 6.00 4.75 '. (3) Waiting time per 15- minute period, or portion thereof after first 15-minute period without charge 11.00 1. 00 per minute (4) Night service charge, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 35.00 20.00 Courtesy Services of San Bernardino, Inc., based their rate request on increased costs in several major areas in- cluding ambulance attendants wages, bad debts, insurance and administration. The last rate increase in ambulance rates was granted on July 13, 1982. Courtesy Services of San Bernardino, Inc., operates under a franchise agreement with the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Steve Rice, President of Courtesy Services of San Bernardino, Inc., will be present at the hearing to respond to any questions. 75-0264 -- .0 san bernaPdino ~ublic libra~ ,. .. . tf . I ..80ARD OF TRUSTEES .( '; . I , . . LARflY B. HARVEY President EDGAR C. KELLER Vice P....ident -' o. ,. KATHLEEN A. GROSSMAN :- . Secmary , JACK L. HILL ., STEPHEN WHITNEY City Ubrari.n CODDINGTON BRANCH 1003 Ellt Highle.nc ;, .,' INGHRAW- BRANCH ..1505 Wes.t Highland A\llenue i ~ ROWE BRANCH 108 East M"s.!lall 80alevard \ ;.. VILLASENOR bRANCH S25 No. Mt. Vern::n'-, Avenue ... 1:. , . .~ . . r. .' , . DEe 05 1984 401 NORTH ARROWHEAO AVENUE SAN BERNAROINO. CALIFORNIA 924C TELEPHONE: 17141383.5080 November 30, 1984 ~tt. David A. Lechuga Westside Tenants & Homeowners Association 1524 West 7th Street San Bernardino, CA 92411 Dear Mr. Lechuga: The Board of Trustees of the San Bernardino Public Library has dis- cussed the concerns presented by you, Mr. Enrique Armenta, Mr. Leno Diaz, Mr. Bill Greeley and Mrs. Esther Murillo, at our regular Noverr- ber 13 meeting, on behalf of the Paul Villasenor Branch Library and its services to the community. Following review and input from staff, the Villasenor Branch Library has been authorized to offer free translation services (English/Spanish, Spanish/English) to the general public with the amount of time and/or material to be limited by the sole discretion of the Branch Supervisor. ~edica1 and legal translations will be excluded to avoid potential liability. The Library will continue to make every possible effort to insure staff at the Villasenor Branch Library are orally fluent in both Spanish and English. Proper and effective lines for communications have been reviewed with the Branch Supervisor to the satisfaction of all. Thank you for your continued support of the Library and the services it offers the community. Sincerely, .Lc-.r-r-::\ -~. --+4c,,~' .>c -"1 LarrY'i. Harvey, President(~ Board of Trustees cc. Kathy Ambrosio, Somos Hermanas Unidas, Project Redirect Nick Norton, Concerned Citizens Armando Navarro, Congreso Para Los Pueblos Unidos Esther Mata, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Jose Mujica, Trabajadores Unidos Dr. Tom Rivera Connie Monge Cahir Esther Murillo Leno Diaz Bill Greeley Max Gasca, Catholic War Veterans Fred Sanchez, Catholic War Veterans Emma Casas, Sociadad Naciona1 Ignacio Saragoza 51