HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnotated Agenda 12-07-2022CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REVISED ANNOTATED AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE HOUSING AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2022 CLOSED SESSION 5:30 PM 7:00 PM – OPEN SESSION FELDHEYM CENTRAL LIBRARY • SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92410 • WWW.SBCITY.ORG Theodore Sanchez John Valdivia Damon L. Alexander COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 1 MAYOR COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 7 Sandra Ibarra Robert D. Field COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 2 CITY MANAGER Juan Figueroa Sonia Carvalho MAYOR PRO TEM, WARD 3 CITY ATTORNEY Fred Shorett Genoveva Rocha COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 4 CITY CLERK Ben Reynoso COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 5 Kimberly Calvin COUNCIL MEMBER, WARD 6 City of San Bernardino 201 North E Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 http://www.sbcity.org ANNOTATED AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2022 5:30 PM The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 5:36 PM by Mayor John Valdivia on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at Feldheym Central Library, San Bernardino, CA. CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Theodore Sanchez Council Member, Ward 1 Present Sandra Ibarra Council Member, Ward 2 Present Juan Figueroa Mayor Pro-Tem, Ward 3 Present Fred Shorett Council Member, Ward 4 Present Ben Reynoso Council Member, Ward 5 Absent Kimberly Calvin Council Member, Ward 6 Present Damon L Alexander Council Member, Ward 7 Present John Valdivia Mayor Present Robert D. Field City Manager Present Sonia Carvalho City Attorney Present Genoveva Rocha City Clerk Present Mayor John Valdivia Council Members Theodore Sanchez Sandra Ibarra Juan Figueroa Fred Shorett Ben Reynoso Kimberly Calvin Damon L. Alexander Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 2 5:30 PM CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments for Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION A) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and (d)(1): a. Kayla G. Johnson v. City of San Bernardino, et al., San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. CIVSB2124482 B) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EVALUATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 (b) (1)): City Manager 7:00 PM The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor John Valdivia at 7:10 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chaplain Paul Lujan, Victory Outreach Church lead the invocation. Mayor John Valdivia led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mayor John Valdivia announced that the Mayor and City Council on a vote of 6 -0 with Council Member Ben Reynoso absent reached a mutual agreement with City Manager Robert Field concerning his resignation, effective January 16, 2023. City Attorney Sonia Carvalho stated there was no additional reportable action from Closed Session. CITY MANAGER UPDATE At this time, City Manager Rob Field provided city-wide updates. MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL UPDATES/REPORTS ON CONFERENCES/MEETINGS At this time, the Mayor and City Council provided updates to the community. PRESENTATIONS 1. Citizen of the Month – Joy Anderson – Ward 5 (December 2022) Council Member Alexander presented the certificate on behalf of Council Member Reynoso. 2. Proclamation for San Bernardino’s Miracle on Court Street Day Mayor Valdivia and City Manager Field presented the Proclamation to Director Gutfeld. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ITEMS LISTED AND NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA At this time, public comments were heard. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 3 DISCUSSION 3. Election of Mayor Pro Tempore (All Wards) Recommendation: It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernard ino, California, either: Open nominations for a member of the City Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore, with an effective date of December 21, 2022, until the second regularly scheduled Mayor and City Council meeting in December 2023; or Postpone the nomination and election of the Mayor Pro Tempore until the next regularly scheduled meeting in January, which is January 18, 2023. RESULT: APPOINTED COUNCIL MEMBER SHORETT AS THE 2023 MAYOR PRO TEMPORE - APPROVED [4-2] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, NOES: Kimberly Calvin, Damon Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 4. Presentation on the local and regional economy by Dr. Christopher Thornberg, PHD, Director of the Univers ity of California, Riverside School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and Development (All Wards) Recommendation: It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council receive and file a presentation on the local and regional economy from Dr. Christopher Thornberg, PhD, Adjunct Professor and Director of the University of California, Riverside (UCR) School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and Development. RESULT: RECEIVED AND FILED 5. Fiscal Year 2022/23 1st Quarter Report (All Wards) Recommendation: 1. Accept the Fiscal Year 2022/23 1st Quarter Report; 2. Authorize the Agency Director of Administrative Services to Amend the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/23 Budget as outlined in the FY 2022/23 1st Quarter Report; 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2 022-268 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the 1st Quarter General Fund Budget Amendments totaling $2,088,110; allocating $1,000,000 of Measure S funds for further development of the Investment Playbook; and allocating $20,150,000 of American Rescue Plan Act Funds for the Housing Initiative and Navigation Center; and Temporary Housing Funds for American Sports University Tenants. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 4 4. Approve the following: a. Deputy Director of Operations (U) job classification; b. Sa lary range increases to the following positions : Equipment Mechanic I (Flex), Equipment Mechanic II, Technician, Community Service Officer, Forensics Specialists II, Lead Forensics Specialist, and Forensics Supervisor; c. Amendment of the city-wide salary schedule for full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal positions. RESULT: APPROVE 6 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC WORKS STAFF WHICH INCLUDES (FOUR (4) FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE WORKER I (FLEX), ONE (1) LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER, AND ONE (1) MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR) - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: APPROVED AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE $250,000 IN FUNDING REQUESTED BY PUBLIC WORKS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES, REALLOCATING $125,000 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AND $125,000 TO STAFF TRAINING - APPROVED [6- 0] MOVER: Sandra Ibarra, Council Member, Ward 2 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Calvin, Alexander NOES: Fred Shorett, Juan Figueroa ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: ALLOCATED AN ADDITIONAL 4.5 MILLION DOLLARS IN AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDS (ARPA) ALLOCATED FOR ONGOING OPERATIONAL COSTS FOR THE HOUSING INITIATIVE AND THE NAVIGATION CENTER. - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 5 RESULT: ALLOCATE ONE (1) MILLION DOLLARS OF MEASURE S FUNDS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INVESTMENT PLAYBOOK AND NERVE CENTER ANNUALLY FOR THREE (3) YEARS WITH QUARTERLY REPORTS OF ACCOMPLISHEMENTS AND SEMI- ANNUAL WORKSHOPS SPECIFIC TO THE NERVE CENTER - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: ALLOCATE $59,000 IN CDBG FUNDING FOR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2022-268 APPROVING THE 1ST QUARTER GENERAL FUND AMENDMENTS TOTALING $2,394,949 - ADOPTED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 6. Receive and file update on the former American Sports University student dormitory located at 340 West 4th Street. Recommendation Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, receive and file an update on the former American Sports University student dormitory located at 340 West 4th Street. RESULT: RECEIVED AND FILED 7. Update on the Citywide Truck Route Study Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, receive and file an update on the draft Citywide Truck Route Study. Council provided direction to staff regarding changes they would like to see to the preliminary route. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 6 RESULT: RECEIVED AND FILED 8. Notice of Intent to Conduct a Public Hearing on December 7, 2022, to Consider Adjusti n g t he Maximum Permitted Service Rates for Integrated Soli d Was t e Collection, and Organic Waste Collection, Processing and Disposal Services, Street Sweeping, and Right-of-Way Cleanup Services Recommendation Provide staff direction on its preferred rate structure option (from among Options 1, 2, and 3) in order for staff to finalize and mail the Proposition 218 notice for solid waste service rate increases. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-244 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intention to conduct a Public Hearing on February 15, 2023, to consider adjusting the Maximum Permitted Service Rates for Integrated Solid Waste Collection, Processing and Disposal Services. RESULT: APPROVED OPTION 2 - THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION [4-2] MOVER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Figueroa, Shorett, Alexander NOES: Sandra Ibarra, Kimberly Calvin ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 9. Award Design/Build Contract for the Carousel Mall Demolition (Ward 1) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Determine approval of the Design/Build Contract is statutorily exempt from environmental review pursuant to Sections 15268 and 15269 of the State’s guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act; and 2. Approve an award of a Design/Build Contract with Resource Environmental, Inc. (Resource) in the amount of $7,734,000; and 3. Approve a not to exceed amount of $350,000 to be awarded to an authorized On-Call Consultant for Project Management and Inspection; and 4. Authorize the Agency Director of Administrative Services to amend the FY2022/24 CIP to include Carousel Mall Demolition Project (“Project”) in the total project cost amount of $8,084,000; and 5. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all documents related to the Project; and 6. Approve determination by Building Official that declares the Carousel Mall is dangerous and constitutes an imminent threat to public health and safety per Chapter 15.37 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 7 RESULT: APPROVED [5-1] MOVER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Alexander NOES: Kimberly Calvin ABSENT: Ben Reynoso PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Belmont Residential Subdivision Project Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Introduce, read by title only, and waive further reading of Ordinance No. MC-1603 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approving Development Code Amendment (Zoning Map Amendment) 21-05 changing the Zoning District Classification of a parcel (APN: 0261-151-10) containing approximately 6.10 acres from Residential Low (RL) to Residential Suburban (RS) (Attachment 1); 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-245 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving Subdivision 21-12 (Tentative Tract Map 20421) allowing the subdivision of a parcel (APN: 0261-151-10) containing approximately 6.10 acres into twenty- five (25) single-family residential lots ranging in size from 7,372 to 9,700 square feet located on the southwest corner of W. Belmont Avenue and N. Olive Avenue, pursuant to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Attachment 2); and 3. Schedule the adoption of the above Ordinance to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mayor and City Council on January 18, 2023. RESULT: INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. MC-1603 - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 8 RESULT: ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2022-245 [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 11. Urgency Ordinance – Development Code Amendment 22-07 (SB 897) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Urgency Ordinance No. MC-1604 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving Development Code Amendment 22-07 amending Chapter 19.04 (Residential Zones); Section 19.04.030(2)(P) (Accessory Dwelling Units) of Title 19 (Development Code) of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code); and finding such action statutorily exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (Attachment 1). Mayor Valdivia opened the public hearing at 12:22 a.m. There were no public speakers or requests to speak. The public hearing was closed 12:23 p.m. RESULT: INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. MC-1604 - APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 12. ADOPT NEW PURCHASING POLICY AND INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. MC-1605 AMENDING SECTION 3.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. (ALL WARDS) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Introduce, read by title only, and waive further reading of Ordinance No. MC-1605 amending Section 3.04 of the Municipal Code of the City of San Bernardino, California, and 2. Adopt Resolution 2022-246 adopting the Purchasing Policy for the City of San Bernardino. Mayor Valdivia opened the public hearing at 12:24 a.m. There were no public speakers or requests to speak. The public hearing was closed 12:31 p.m. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 9 RESULT: ITEM CONTINUED TO JANUARY 18, 2023 [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 13. Public Hearing on Annexation No. 25 to Community Facilities District 2019-1 (Ward 4) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Hold a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-247 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, calling an election to submit to the qualified electors the question of levying a special tax within the area proposed to be annexed to Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 25); and 3. Hold a special landowner election and canvass the election; and 4. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-248 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, declaring election results for Community Facilities District No. 2019- 1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 25); and 5. Introduce, read by title only, and waive further reading of Ordinance No. MC-1606 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San B ernardino, California, amending Ordinance No. MC-1522 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to pay annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of landscaping, lighting, water quality improvements, graffiti, streets, street sweeping, parks and trail maintenance, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of San Bernardino Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services); and 6. Schedule the adoption of Ordinance No. MC-1606 for January 18, 2023. Mayor Valdivia opened the public hearing at 12:32 a.m. There were no public speakers or requests to speak. The public hearing was closed 12:33 p.m. RESULT: ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2022-247 [6-0] MOVER: Sandra Ibarra, Council Member, Ward 2 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 10 RESULT: ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2022-248 [6-0] MOVER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. MC-1606 APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 14. Public Hearing on Annexation No. 21 to Community Facilities District 2019-1 (Ward 1) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Hold a Public Hearing; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-249 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, calling an election to submit to the qualified electors the question of levying a special tax within the area proposed to be annexed to Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 21); and 3. Hold a special landowner election and canvass the election; and 4. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-250 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, declaring election results for Community Facilities District No. 2019- 1 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 21); and 5. Introduce, read by title only, and waive further reading of Ordinance No. MC-1607, of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, amending Ordinance No. MC-1522 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to pay annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of landscaping, lighting, water quality improvements, graffiti, streets, street sweeping, parks and trail maintenance, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of San Bernardino Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services); and 6. Schedule the adoption of Ordinance No. MC-1607 for January 18, 2023. Mayor Valdivia opened the public hearing at 12:36 a.m. There were no public speakers or requests to speak. The public hearing was closed at 12:37 p.m. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 11 RESULT: ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2022-249 [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2022-250 [6-0] MOVER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso RESULT: INTRODUCED FOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. MC-1607 APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso CONSENT CALENDAR Items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are voted on in a single motion unless a council or staff member has pulled the item for more discussion. RESULT: APPROVED THE CONSENT CALENDAR AND PULLED ITEM NO. 19 FOR A SEPARATE VOTE. COUNCIL MEMBER CALVIN RECUSED HERSELF FROM ITEM NO. 28 [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 15. Maddy Act Local Appointments List Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 2022-251 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the Local Appointments List. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 12 16. City Board, Commission, and Citizen Advisory Committee Minutes Approved in September/ October/ November 2022 Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Sa n Bernardino receive and file the minutes from the City board, commission, and citizen advisory committee meetings approved in September, October, and November 2022. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 17. Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino City Unified School District for the Youth Council Program (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) and the City of San Bernardino (City) for the Youth Council Program; and 2. Authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute the MOU between the City and San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) for the Youth Council Program with additional authorization, in consultation with the City Attorney’s office, to make amendments and execute said MOU consistent with Mayor and City Council direction and to ensure appropriate program oversight. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 18. Administrative Policies - Clean Fleet, Media Relations, and Communication and Incident Notification to Elected Officials (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, review and approve the following proposed administrative policies and adopt the resolutions as presented: 1. Clean Fleet Policy (Resolution No. 2022-252) 2. Media Relations Policy (Resolution No. 2022-253) 3. Communication and Incident Notification to Elected Officials Policy (Resolution No. 2022- 254) Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 13 RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 19. Emergency Rental Assistance Program Update and Obligating ERA 1 Reallocated Funds (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Receive and file an update on the City’s Emergency Rental A ssistance Program (“ERAP”), including direct service funds administered by Inland SoCal United Way 211+ (“Inland SoCal 211+”). 2. Adopt Resolution 2022-255, accepting (2) two disbursements of Emergency Rental Assistance 1 (ERA 1) Reallocated Funds received from the U.S. Department of Treasury (“Treasury”) in the amount totaling $352,383.14, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the ERA 1 Professional Services Agreement with Inland SoCal 211+ for the full administration of ERA 1 Reallocated funds ($341,811.65), increasing the total not to exceed amount by $24,666.82, for a new not to exceed amount of $713,814.99 for program administrative expenses by Inland SoCal 211+. All other ERA 1 Reallocated Funds will be spent on direct payment assistance as required by law. 3. Authorize the Agency Director for Administrative Services to process a budget amendment for revenues and expenditures in the amount of $352,383.14, and increase the ERA 1 program purchase order accordingly, subject to any future ERA 1 Reallocated Funds received from the Treasury. 4. Adopt the Emergency Rental Assistance Sub-Committee recommendations to prioritize 1) Utility Debt, and 2) Eviction Prevention Services with any remaining or future disbursements of emergency rental assistance reallocated funds. RESULT: APPROVED STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION WITH THE ADDITIONAL REQUEST TO RECEIVE A QUARTERLY REPORTING TIMELINE FROM INLAND SOCAL 211+ TO THE AD HOC COMMITTEE [6-0] MOVER: Sandra Ibarra, Council Member, Ward 2 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 14 20. First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement with Asociacíon de Emprendedor@s Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino approve the First Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement with the Asociacíon de Emprendedor@s to extend the period in which to expend Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to March 31, 2023. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 21. Development Code Amendment 22-05 Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Ordinance No. MC-1601 amending Section 19.02.020 (Definitions), Chapter 19.06 (Commercial Zones), and Chapter 19.10 (Industrial Zones) of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code (Title 19) to update development standards for Commercial Cannabis Activities in accordance with Chapter 5.10 (Commercial Cannabis Activities) City of San Bernardino Municipal Code (Attachment 1); and finding that the Amendment is Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 22. Approval of Commercial and Payroll Disbursement (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California approve the commercial and payroll disbursements for November 2022. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 15 23. Approving a Contract with Columbia Capital to Provide Financial Services for Community Facility Districts (Wards 3, 4, 6) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approve a contract with Columbia Capital in an amount not to exceed $55,000 that will be paid by developers and from bond proceeds for financ ial services related to Community Facility Districts, and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the agreement. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 24. Accept the Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Resolution No. 2022-243: 1. Authorizing the City Manager to accept the FY 2019 Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant, and 2. Authorizing the Agency Director of Administrative Services to amend the FY 2022/23 Adopted Budget appropriating $177,154.51 in both revenue and expenditures. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 25. Notification to Civilian Governing Body and Local Community for the potential intent to request controlled equipment from the Federal Government (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, review and approve the proposed “Notificat ion to Civilian Governing Body and Local Community” letter, as required by Presidential Executive Order 14074 governing the potential acquisition of controlled federal government property. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 16 RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 26. Execution of Amendment 2 to Professional Services Agreement to PM Group, DBA The Printery, in the amount of $83,500 for the design, print, and mail preparation of City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department trimester brochure for FY2022-2023 Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Resolution 2022-256 authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute Amendment 2 to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) between the City and the PM Group, DBA The Printery (“Printery”), for the design, print, and mail preparation services of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (“PRCSD”) trimester brochure for FY2022-2023. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 27. Allocation of $25,000 from the Cultural Development Impact Fund for the repair and maintenance of City-wide memorial plaques and statues for FY 2022-2023 Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 2022-257 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: Authorizing the Agency Director of Administrative Services to allocate funds in the amount of $25,000 from the Cultural Development Impact Fund for the repair and maintenance of City-wide memorial plaques and statues for FY 2022-2023. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 28. Approve the awards for Visual and Performing Arts Grant to winning applications ($72,700) and future grant options for non 501c(3) applicants ($25,300) for $98,000 in total Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 2022-258 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the Visual and Performance Art Grant awards to Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 17 winning applications ($72,700) and future grant options for non 501c(3) applicants ($25,300) for $98,000 in total. Council Member Calvin recused herself from this item due to her employer being an awardee. RESULT: APPROVED [5-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Alexander RECUSED: Kimberly Calvin ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 29. Agreement with Cal Stripe, Inc., for Street Striping and Pavement Marking Services (All Wards) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Maintenance Services Agreement with Cal Stripe Inc., for street striping and pavement marking services; and 2. Authorize the Agency Director of Administrative Services to issue a purchase order in the amount of $270,000. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 30. Agreement with Yunex, LLC., for Streetlight Pole Replacement Services Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Be rnardino, California: 1. Adopt resolution No. 2022-259 authorizing the Agency Director of Administrative Services to amend the FY 2022/23 General Fund Operating Budget in the amount of $450,000; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Maintenance Services Agreement with Yunex, LLC., for streetlight pole replacement services; and 3. Authorize the Agency Director of Administrative Services to amend the FY22/23 budget in the amount of $450,000 to the Public Works Operations and Maintenance General Fund; and 4. Authorize the Agency Director of Administrative Services to issue a purchase order to Yunex, LLC., in the amount not to exceed $450,000. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 18 RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 31. Adoption of Ordinance No. MC-1602 (Ward 3) Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No. MC-1602 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, amending Ordinance No. MC-1522 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to pay the annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of landscaping, lighting, water quality improvements, graffiti, streets, street sweeping, parks and trail maintenance, a reserve fun d for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of San Bernardino Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services). RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 32. Approve Final Tract Map No. 20258 (Ward 6) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Resolution No 2022-260, approving the Final Map for Tract No. 20258 (Subdivision 18-17) involving the subdivision of a parcel containing approximately 1.06 acres into six (6) single family residential lots for a future planned residential development located at 575 N. Meridian Avenue (APN: 0142­325­04) within the Residential Suburban (RS) Zone; and accepting the public dedications as set forth on said map; and authorizing execution of the standard form of agreement for the subdivision improvements. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 33. Construction Contract Award – Paul Villasenor and Howard Rowe Libraries Improvements (Wards 1,7) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Approve the award of a construction contract with US Builders and Consultants of Irvine in the amount of $355,900 for Paul Villasenor and Howard Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 19 Rowe libraries improvements; and 2. Authorize construction, construction contingency, and inspection costs in the total amount of $401,000 for Paul Villasenor and Howard Rowe libraries improvements; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all documents for Paul Villasenor and Howard Rowe libraries improvements with US Builders and Consultants; and 4. Authorize the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 34. Maintenance Agreement with San Bernardino County Tra nsportation Authority (SBCTA) for Tippecanoe Station Operations and Maintenance Agreement (Ward 1) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the Maintenance Agreement with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) for Tippecanoe Station Operations and Maintenance Agreement. Authorize the City Manager to execute the maintenance agreement. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 35. Progressive Design Build - California Theatre Improvements Project (Ward 1) Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopt Resolution No. 2022-261: 1. Approving an award of $4,561,400 to Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc. for the renovation of the California Theatre Improvement Project in accordance with the executed Progressive Design­Build Contract; and 2. Authorizing the Agency Director of Administrative Services to record a budget amendment in the amount of $2,370,431 from Measure S Fund to increase the purchase order with an amount not to exceed $4,870,431. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 20 RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 36. Construction Contract Award – Old City Hall Building and Regal Theater Air Conditioning Units Replacement (Ward 1) Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 2022-262 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1. Authorizing the Agency Director of Administrative Services to amend the FY 2022/24 Capital Improv ement Plan, recording a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $211,067.14 to the Public Use Facilities Fund for the Old City Hall Building and Regal Theater Air Conditioning Unit Replacement; and 2. Approving the award of a construction contract with Quality Light and Electrical in the amount of $545,161.20 for Old City Hall Building and Regal Theater Air Conditioning Replacement; and 3. Authorizing construction, construction contingencies, and inspection costs in the total amount of $610,000.00 for Old City Hall Building and Rega l Theater Air Conditioning Replacement; and 4. Authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all documents for the construction of Old City Hall Building and Regal Theater Air Conditioning Replacement with Quality Light and Electrical; and 5. Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 37. Resolution Declaring Intent to Annex Territory: Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services): Annexation No. 28, Tax Zone No. 29 (Verdemont Ranch) (Ward 5) Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 2022-263 of the Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intention to annex territory into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of San Bernardino, adopting a map of the area to be proposed (Annexation No. 28) and authorizing the levy of a special taxes therein. Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 21 RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 38. Resolution Declaring Intent to Annex Territory: Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services): Annexation No. 29, Tax Zone No. 30 (Valley View Industrial) (Ward 3) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-264 of the Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intention to annex territory into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of San Bernardino, adopting a map of the area to be proposed (Annexation No. 29) and authorizing the levy of a special taxes therein. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 39. Resolution Declaring Intent to Conduct Public Hearing to Order Street Vacation of a Portion of E Drake Drive between E Central Avenue and E Mill Street, and West of S Foisy Street and Reservation of Utilities Therein (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-265 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intent to conduct a public hearing to order the vacation of a portion of E Drake Drive between E Central Avenue and E Mill Street, and West of S Foisy Street and reservation of utilities therein. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 40. Resolution Declaring Intent to Annex Territory: Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services): Annexation No. 32, Tax Zone No. 33 (SB Travel Center) (Ward 6) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-266 of the Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intention to annex territory into Community Facilities Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 22 District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of San Bernardino, adopting a map of the area to be proposed (Annexation No. 32) and authorizing the levy of a special taxes therein. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 41. Resolution Declaring Intent to Annex Territory: Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services): Annexation No. 30, Tax Zone No. 31 (Popeyes LL) (Ward 5) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-267 of the Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino, California, declaring its intention to annex territory into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of San Bernardino, adopting a map of the area to be proposed (Annexation No. 30) and authorizing the levy of a special taxes therein. RESULT: APPROVED [6-0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 42. Explore options for increasing both bike and pedestrian lanes of existing roadways in the downtown area as part of the General Plan Update and the Downtown Specific Plan (Wards 1,3) – Council Member Reynoso RESULT: APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION AT A FUTURE MEETING WITH THE ADDITION OF A SAFE STREET PLAN [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 43. Resolution to realign the California Big City Mayors Coalition to include cities with a minimum population of 220,000 (All Wards) - Council Member Alexander Regular Meeting Annotated Agenda December 7, 2022 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 23 RESULT: APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION AT A FUTURE MEETING [6-0] MOVER: Sandra Ibarra, Council Member, Ward 2 SECONDER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 44. Urban forestry program that includes a tree-planting program, a review of city rules regarding the preservation of trees on both private property and within the public right of way, and urban greening/foresting events (All Wards) – Council Member Sanchez RESULT: APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION AT A FUTURE MEETING [6-0] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso 45. Moratorium on Truck Terminals/Parking (All Wards) – Council Member Calvin RESULT: MOTION FAILED [2-4] MOVER: Kimberly Calvin, Council Member, Ward 6 SECONDER: Damon Alexander, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Kimberly Calvin, Damon Alexander NOES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Calvin, Alexander ABSENT: Ben Reynoso ADJOURNMENT The meeting of the Mayor and City Council was adjourned on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 12:53 a.m. The next joint Special meeting of the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor and City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, in the Council Chamber located at 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino, California 92410. Open Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. By:_________________________ Genoveva Rocha, CMC