HomeMy WebLinkAbout286, 6-23-1903ORT:.i, "NCR NO. Ar. - An Ordin.L.nce to provide for -;;-Ile licc�.:;irC, of tr on in the City of 31-;n Bei-n-xdin(, ,,Zd re n, guliAli �, The:Bo..rd of Trustees of the (!it.,., of 9.x, Bern _--dino, do ord..--i,a .,� Sec. 1-- It, shali be unL,,wful for tn.,,r �,,,oraon, peraons, a-j.,3oci:-,tjo.,j cr ,;ur,.,or.v,ion, princii;1-1, OfA'icer, clerk, �aerv,.,,:,�t, ac.wat or emplojer;, eiwier for tli=olves o,, perzon, 1",ers,3ona, 1O.".0ciation or corpor,�tLdon or otherwise, on: 4�e J,'l C�)ndbact tr,,de Occup.,"don or cell - or ct)xry on ejthi')iI,iun, i.-4- in thi'Ordin,tneo --Pecifiedf first procured -L ith,;ut h .,vin,, 't li--on,-Je from eald City so to do, provided in :.his ordin;ince, :and if an.� such p rson, 1).-.rk3on3, a­roci:,16",ion or cc)rpor,L-;,io;_P either an, principal, officer, or employee erk; . "o, inn Gridiuct r ccxry on .-z busineso, ex;IiLi)ition, x�,.i.1n, occIAp-_J,ion or horoin,,xter menu-ioned 'i ; procured such license shall be deemed guilty of 't miBdemdn- or# U-Id upon conviction thereof zh.�11 b}: punished b.- ; fino of not re '_I: in t,,-io "n'.1ndred doll,,xe or b,, imprialonment for by, term not. excoodir,�r, ninety d,LAys, or -both suoh fine and imprison - See. 2-- rates of lionnse fo:, the: b-%,-.;ine;3k�, exribilion, ion or c,I_tiik; herein:iftnr named bo nd '-.he tbiished ',he Ci of ' B i ro xid '.,he owme shaii ba ;).dd b-i i.ho o-imors or proprief ors or the v r6on liable hcl,�-eqfor as follovvis, tn''J, is to Say: 14 X G or .,v `. r - i)mtoh-r sIto) � -rS:' r' mon ..'ra,- �. ='orever,- �sjaJ.':a' �r z,►h m-xkc , '. �..:'.f- . _ ___ .''G " ever.,} ^1" 4n 7:.t ,h ;,41T'. :'.c; bu-!,c�• er' sho,-- or -u: ')d in t n t)1 -3innis xn. id 1•. ':i: {iAv�r €. li,� .ini , Dior r, o. v,�t:, =aia rf.::;yt,3", :f:r :�cntlr., or c4^r G� e:..n ,. ohn ... -.' i-,ln - .:u-m ur .' end, ; r ;nl,;h,vi oi:.c r i c Ii, tiT,, tjA.r month. For every persoir who peddles or hawks about the streets any pine- apples or bananas, per day $10.00. 11. io'- ev """' L - .'o-:- (;v f r I.') . ;- or flV frizi u w.ur,,. no, c on �.a y,r . ,. - s � as , , J.•.�.za :rtQ tfl Lai. 1;-:r d"tGa;.th, J.i44, co -lent, h.Ly , wood, 'Gr C�L.Lj�4rd, ia o r , Lxf" of 0-. Lli rf ti -id ,Lrt,i(°jLi',i iLr—. s,-1, 1:;. k`.1��.� i�'�; -� �, i)'t• 3,� nt' �. i:`- i'tn,:l. ,i.�:a` :.l.P _ .!�`a'_C.�i Of busineim then for ever ;;.^rson of, firm eellinn or t.:LtC]?i�c� ordors i o rurchase of or tj it of laid articlea, ,tor ! onth, 14. iQr evf:r • l n)b€ur ; LLrd or de:.Uer in 11.+mber, 15. :for every cxtizt, �.;o;-;#; ter cunv-:�*i.., x 3c3lici .in:� F�:.;dn.ir,:: rol,otitchii*4; or c;r eel �µ,^;ir�� pictures of :rn lescri.��: ion, per j�f-�i�n.iihirc-; 10, !or r:v3r b� k i, ;ort,, crMr.v=;s::sr or pe :tor, 17. For evcr., at.re vanjer of mc; 4icine:;, 18. For every at.root f.Lkir of kind of nc)tic)r.--• or march Ln- di,ie not herein -mentioned, per �i L :;:_ .._ , i, f .4, kind ,f .,. i c,n- '�. -For over �-�:.ror; vor.dc:r c,r i'.:kir c� � '�;, , `�- Fgr Pv er , arson b®tt, i ink; beer yr ale, p :r r�rcrn,..l, 21. �`or every ;.}erson or firm whole&�linG ba^r, .41a, or porter b;- c or ��;;, per montl . 'or ev or T hick, coach or omnibus xUla used for c,,zr.. irk pa: ;cia:ers for pt-ky. per month, For ever- , , in ;alley, , per month Z Vor every rnstaur:<nt 1wher- no �;rines or .li;suora id, �' :, ++car ov^r in ur:ynce busineic or ro"I est;_te broker at, fixf:d 71 Lco of ousinesu in this ci;.;r�, or uny parson or firm whc lold�; con-viis ,ion or-.Liatarority or tt-, rointment wL .ent frotr. "nr vo one or _:orf; insur .r:ce coj�l�.:iies, j�or �u:rter,.===__ e :,ch; ,,roc ided, th, i -, for ev c,r..,- such inaur,.,nce biwines :, nd reel as *-e k�rokor �c;m��i.ned and doir - at one pl.-Ace :find by one ;r or firm, ..� lzc^,nNe; t � _ � -�a G = ,r�r 1 �d of or , 1 �u,.Lr ter zhali bo ch.-Lr :=,,d; and provided, fi.zrther, uhLLt for evcj­4. :� ir.L;r",,ce L)k1silla8s or r 1 e;.� i, ,a r)r,Aor doir4; husinc.; ± in this city bul. h�vin�; no fixiA r;usine,;., :herein, z,, 1icon e t,,a of .;._ -`=.- .ior day w �. h _• _'(:d. !•_, ;� IXBf� ���;,..CC1 try b-i12E�::.;, ::3 U3E:CY 1n th, is subdivicio:�, is 'e.1,11t ,t perma=ncnt offico where sick busines„ is -ha-,tct Pd fro., month to r�oftth, nd not, on 4 public or 1 i �T� or t� lod�a, rc,�t:r�, or, Place onlir t,et- or::.r desk room io used, or ,,rhea ny •temp0roxv expedient is ^�or',e , to for uemiaE�r;;r.r purl..; e, ai--; dist,in wished from a continuo,is or porm< vent, bu,iinoz,; in thio city. 96. y��r evr�r:r hot el per month, __ =, ;nd for ever- lode:in,,; - }�otase of All -Peon or :col e rooms ^, per ^ionth, and ender fifto:,, 1°G :nd r�vt, 1p.s �,h. n ei< fit rooms, ',per month. p►rnbrokor ast<4blishmcnV or p., e where ,r rr: c,o on colir�'era,l security of on r kind, per month z s n L 0 r c"y v vow w�_ w— h,.rtw.�+-�� C�Ct '� �. J �(`U �/ `RA U [ u-, E.V ,, 1 K t �i.tig . • andz•� . per non th, f tl . ��yi, Ov'ry. ADk ;,t. irL- ♦ ink, ;'li e.f, f/IQJ.tth, ♦x�4. iO, ev 'r- }'}hi�..o -;r {?,.- t ti, .tie (�ir�x ► (}F;, liior'ieah, . .1f•r e o fl 7" 'r. 'tQ ory ~ wa .-. �,^r., .._�.y',. r r - r r r r - !1 �Jv `i �*` ?:�.�/ai .lA�l. �^:1�,h 1�1 M a iF t i,.a»: ii is •f�{�.! kf• 34. For every wagon, stand or place upon any public street, from which tamales or lunches are sold or given away, per month, $25. i from which peanuts, popcorn or candy is sold or given away, per month, $20. v.. :,or every .31(xc snow T,o cxrcita or memn -orio xnors' ad isuion V)o is ohs x' - d, ♦poor d.:. -, - - 11 icn 'Si, For every exxhibit of trail ed ranirr.-Us other ;.h�,n circus or memi,,�;ri-- 39 , For e Bch r ro`3n:� 3icn o., or :tlon,,: the: 2t reset a o f t!` is a I t y of a cirmw or mom ;eu•ie not exhibi tfk', f ♦hir. i ; c � .2 t t , i or eac,") oru. Y)=L3''t C1 ,z C�iL;y', w�.d �. r ! . "'or avor. nusia ftl, rope, , .ro, d:.nci <,. �3t ;SC:, Le:;,;f Y'�'en, ,�,A, . or ALheatric- l exhibition or eW er'.�,4nment, ;;nd ;.JU 'rr,Lvt%.i shows z,a en tert,:,i=mcnt:s othor th-,An tr®ce 4,bove: mont ioned(wh. re w pr.icc for •Ami a ioia is asko:i or chtarL;e:d), for e-.ch d ,.,: or d} p_:xt of a d°'y, ..�_���.. � �vid�a, th • this doe- not tt , i.. ♦o t he i : ic,u or Ai.-;usicul -nel fora-ince , b:,- box_, fide: residenix thia ci vy .for pure, -= of bo evolence, tent J in.provomi(mt or ,X _ . ` v dp , 't -, n-. p :r«on deeirir�.. take, o ut ' license, lA noW Z •7 i� �I l�ry l�l � i I.i J _ ,rll � 7 i ♦ 7' 1 f.�.��•'�.. payable i r: t dv• :non, my do so x1kk at V e ral,e o-f d'._-=pe:r Muzum . 41. For ev n d,,,_ncc hou.-o or ac,11-s, for etach 42. For each ;on t` ;:.;' � ; l nib �AZ�`I2�>i� "►t".Y��,f:; z or hire on pu:,lic t �,�s, s�. ch d.�; a of fairs, fre, r:Lce3 or a¢.h�;r publlic or onlebr-.14ons, for e;:u:h i_ , i1rovi,led h - shoal not tpely to parzons who ~u•e rc -- Mred by vhis 4rdin�zon. t,.o pr - ;. monthl., license for oimilty, i7hi:;zxt^ ;3. 17V /�j1 t h t, �G .•11� ,94d !iq';`. �ak. 1-�i"t.� rink, P•.�� month, 4� __� ;. 1 1 r� 35 For every wagon ,stand or place upon zuri public street, from which peanuts, popcorn or candy is sold or given away, per monJ. th, $20. - •ter. ror livery :,iap. anow To circus or men.���f1� admisoion fqo iN ch4kr-;e3d, w-i4J.L da , 4 w •r ion ?. nor every etiibit of trained :nim-Ua other thtAn :, oircus or men ti,eric, r;t;r '51). For a:xh n!"{}-e Sian ;�1: fiT' =L�Gr. ; the otren is Of 1:�1� city• of it circm or mmm,*mrfe not mhibitin,; dt.hin itc lire : ti, for eac , d-�.f or % m--xte of -, dav's k ,. 4`�. ;-oravor,j vtusic-Ll, rope, it a, dizci';, =�}c, ie, pr£��Fk'=i.�.AY� or theatric•i.l exhibition or ent0r :.cLina�l'nt0 ,nc',` ��.J.�{.J. ',ry;�v�,li�� riho s '. ,rl.d m* P.r t +.".�na cntl`3` o-i:ho th:;nA tho De t`tbov`3 I1.7 o:♦ oned(whr're a price for •f1mi:s:Ao4 is uskoti or chary ed), for e._:.c.h ci:.; or L of ,L &-Ly, t hdO. doe.- no'. t$s, ,l: .0 the,, 4t ri c , �j. or it.�TI:Jio�_1 performs me" b;;r bor,. fi.do reaidesrte thicl city �.Ur A'I SA4 '.'}i ]•Z`..?. o% IJanevolance ilAeiJ.i .-I %tvrov`jlriont. Vi11 provided, i,h o rx:•, p •.r°F;un desirsr, o tt-An o, ut omaa pwjable ' n � dv :rice, mt.,, do so sty at the r��.�,c of �a � rr r rUMM 41. :nor vvor d ,-nco hou.-o or call.-,r, , lCo 42• n'or V(wh ;}t. �.}o: dlg.J ��• V Li�N }J 4ta j4i�:: Nll public d::ys, smxch :.ys off Mfrs, rrxo3 or o thor, public z=usv e:nw- or „nlebr-,`J na, for o;wh, not apply to per tonn who -Lre r.n..tired b;Y this Ordinance, to month1 - liconse for Simi ltv- bu:,.ino o.s . +'or .,v(,j, , .i,wo-hor:ie dray, 1, 0c;6rt or vohicle ue'. •or the delivory of freiJit or k cauds in Lhin city cur rlit'8, for e ..Lch i-'4- t,hre' :_iC)iii'�h + - ne. o4rnor ie u,.ii p y` a ' icense o� �•■ ----; pz'C�vided, edc t of sodd dr-iys, r:i _,ons, c"i is or vehicles shall have: , ie, ;i6le numb or hosted corispicuvusly therson, of :.,hick nunber ;.:I, record _hail be kept by the City Marshall in xrie of ice; provided, ' f ur:.1-' or, 'f,hait: all job, express '," a, ,ona and dr:.qs , Then not emplo�red in .r 1..isfor or transpor-It ati:on, ::!Call keep -,nd rems,in at stations or . t, places to be astAgned to each of uh+em {subject to ',.I 1 o�,�,c;r provisions of ,his Ordintxice argil}.tiny t,t� :.hem} by she };arna,�, `lu-norintendent, ;xici i:• the. ownor or driver of Much job, expro:l;i Pr tE;on or cam.'v fail or ne-Ject. to keep or observe ouch :-3tul,ion, zX > licenae shall be revoked on complaint and proof of the i-tei; i,o the Bo:tm of '°it f 'Aru,,tn^s. �1 `or every person 1;nao,zvt U fixed. of businoss in this Gi+ , ii3 in,- ;,odds, .a ros or merch=dise, per month, r:rovidor'4 0 .,a sMr. wiis does not ap i--, to sales or buNinesa upon which .iicon3e3 .,re elseYt',':e_•e imposed in this 4rdinc,nce. �! i�or ever. _ lcr:;on zellin .goods, wares or merchzaidise at aiw ,ion . ; je r 4 �-' •, For every person who peddles about the streets .any plants or shrubs, tier month, $2.00. :.ausi:-es:,, of ocilirig fruit or voCet,4ables in stands frontix ; an tnea ;,ublic :�1,re i,s, or upon w ons o; vehicles, or on foot, pea- month, �i.r � ..•tom-� � .r.�-r.Y'2fr+i.r. . #+�� Y=i.�"sEhyA M, 50. For ever;, drug; store, or pl­,.ce ..here drugs and medicines are sold .:nd taut up in pursuance: of the proscriptions of rq uLtrl;.;. iicen,3c;d phyei iarls, .:md n.re•,e vinous, malt, alzIm alcoholic or I VC:YG) G:^ 11' :Lti':'. Y' �l;yf Vi:+Z)U:3, Tli.til., 1C:GhClic i)7' Oviii;r fn:os- ic.�tirz in loo,3 luant,i-tin t �l c�~�c uua.-, not on wd ! :n,sed pr3i~iM, in wwid PLzo of bussiriest, of p r r-onth. RJi, nor everv� 'br rt.siwur;. *, ew'.inE %t, house, or whcfe 1 pi.r. ituotm or ndxed li. Tour or wine, alej beer, Or :.n, vinut_ts, :it or fermented li gour is sold, &iven away or fii -ni.�1i^�:, pr;a rnonth, L: � 5:. ; car every place ��ore spirituous, vircus, malt or mixed li Y;;rr, tro �cld or - 'vc;:2 a„rarr in quantities not ies.- ih,mn one qu... -rt ,n� h, .-.vcr;• U.1con, b;.; or place;, inclttidii; club roans, ..:,ir•P:t1caUs, V i loi:s, milt or t7ixod li(:Luors ar(. cold or Liven ,cl:.:.es le.;,.; thwa one quart, per month, provien.04, :!helever .,s lunch of aziir kind or dascri� wi?ri i; vOd t :',a,r of tho, places afuresaid, .,hether for p .. or X74 ..u'. �. ddit oral lic Zise :.hall tee obtained, for rdAch o t -' f .�� .�: I be cn.ar�;od. • .. ' 1 4I b/ V A.A d. V6of BPiri :uns.s o:, vinous likours, :,ho doer not, sell in �,,uuntitles. less '...,.z1 (,nn .-Ilon,per murth, � _t � �1,)rc}vided, that this does not ai:J)1"1 to t,ho;e who -'r =ulufacture .Yii f' Q; brandy exclusively fro:,,- -r � :irr 0,7 5.5. 'c every z g ore p j , .� , .� ,cC o,,h-- than ;4 saloon, where spiri•t- tkcus, vinous, mt.lt or lai.-Ked liquors are solo or c,,-nen away in than. one quart , per month, 5�.. 56. In c•:.ses nh- ere foct or w" on peddiars, or venders of any kind, solicitorz or canvt;,swers may co, i, solicit or canvans morn thin ore ;-'Y Of for L4 sQric3s of days, the Board of Trustees mc,; �.1C� 113C On up )lZo�j'.lon for :3uch b;1.:2 nEne. :o-rjot.4. Le�ye l: }':,•`_ion sh.-L 1 con uct 0r ao xj w- oirl .3 n :..i: F �+6d iac Noreinhcfon mentioned, :tither zror" a:...;,d:: c;r ;7.:ti,anu l D�::hi c lwidl� uibWd i \r••fti tIor J ,ttihJoui, Lhe , `i t• c d !.hp, occ Z,.ii:i.�iv Or o?:� for (ii• ow' Iioy,2 0i �,i•o .,x.,, frcxztS.rxi-; con the-L:, per! -ion of :•hr, public atru,.,t,s •, c •z such', s��_ �:{ .� � :ors:: � ' or vehiclan r.. , bo + „� ,, ..� v t,. ,c � �,,., ��, :�ra�: ,,,� ��. �.; ..,�i� bytri J. h_.�� �; �y} dV�+ �.nl�{-� aa (` ii •.+,C{1 lxc:%.�i.�C; (i a� no.., 'N :. .�.•i .:( c.;On i�v.y•ar��ini or. s ,dCA i btx.A inew,- :• i th(,W, s,--...id e t;ns : t, al,UA li. sae do oru:d, t.;- of tt dal.o:.mor, --nd yid evor.) dt :y lie ;,h. ,:il c:.: r on .,dd ehai 1 conal.it'.1. to a ne,.'' xd, :;c C)'4:'.�t`t3 of loin2e., w-ld coavic':xf;n; r ,, f ,. r+n r o . a 0 W L., p,r, -ion .,rider ..hi,r !,. oti i ac, 9,,n shall be, pu�xai� :d t;_; fin of not; mo.- . thix,-_...-, or it N-iscned fvr not. :?are t,.; ti .ya. or bo-f- attch fine avid Sea. 3. �&. I. TM. r r1e r �',e of for ;,h(; tir Aaa, occtlp,.,l'-ionc, iwci.;J.-ii.flns i4nd. hc;—,}inb(,.1'C. -c- :;x•:0cifind b; ml l.hc 0:4:e :;,re hr.,n :, �.:��;>3�r.��� fa �-v� ii=.=:.�►� the Cit,1 of i:In horn.,Lr•rUn,.,a, Fund t,hc ;,late; Hht;. l ba, i)_dd 1;, � he '.r mma .P'jrk" :.�s4zch ►en.;iraa no;, ira dv :.noc . �. All ,tuna, l�r Ii.cenae;N 0m :�rk..r;,(: 1;;� in .dv 4:-�cc: fro: x ,:�;,iri r �; of .h iaz..uunc�o o°' •u L :, c n r . lA.c n .o; providnc? }.��;. -; L•- + y t perac� , m,�. � � r i ?'e , l�r ,(I ,C a).�,4' .a f ,ue; i�C 2"' '' 'i►'.asni ..� Qa .... i r i•. ., I' c�.a ,; E �y, �'•y , � a� q� /� Ct 7 gyp �y{ yq �} 1 t Y1 Tir'n! �•w-� �.irr w�tii.. d at,iAi m ant. J,. ir. t� 1• /,� �p � � 9+� y yy ih5.6Y *. .ca Ufa •,uch l icon.;t., . N .-- ;>. ',f:Li%ah•`:,1 of :i:dd immix ,y •�}iiLIa i+ on or 0ciPor `. !-1i,'• i) c-tt d:L.; of c v,, !-.ont,h, dc:liv:i-r `A, t,hi: (;i±.: 0*.Lo, k .,ho delinLstieni, ii:3 imd Acenaec mcolloct-nd 1).r him fcx. :.hn prcvL.1Wv—oniJ,# :d •,t.;o a Misr of ull p-.r.3ona t;:, haws cc;- la ' c, %-Lis knowl,4 -o or a• he balievns are not. upon 1. in liccmm .i :� , -nd' c,h w•,_od -, i *-h !-he �t .�_,of licnwle. .nd;in.� ,� the and^r o :;,;Cit.y t:l:f' j'.'K' , ;dl mone .; J,*or -vo i._ t:c: b;f hzra 1?: aach ,i(::Il.h� :',•► d 1)�% i'a[s 2:iiCatai'.�• +�ae3 E,Jf Ii:; :, r� I of �. ix:3t,f;^:7, �.:�t'f7`,Z;f: aith }.:::i iL''•`i[ unt, detuirataunnt, r- — -- ; .n e �• .::i . Ordin axe. !.o e.-..:,h pors or. so rr:p--i t,Pd tox.im, u.ld for o ozia r :f;c,rt,pd t,c t,h=:` lark, liable to ie�;r�se IM"ter i._:i" �r.�irz::nct,, c �.Z .,i. mod by t1ho (Ut Clerk, and notate he azoimt of iic ,n;; ; tlieroon, jrd on or before the first day such licen.ie t)ot,ins to rim, to deliver ouch license to tho 1'or coil-c "Jon ;h, �jnt; hill cri��h t�t'ie s,:;me. goc. :. :'d;) i!F a':1ti .31a11 :el' or . ;ivy; :.::.7 , Sine, beer, ale,Alt vl!1C1 a, n_' sj:ir.ituou3 or intoxic .tin„ liquors of zxy kind -within of' !e Oil_-;- of. 3,.An Bcrn.-,rdino, between the hours of l.' C'c.L -;X , ddaijit of wr d- :i �5 o'clock ` . of �.�c n���, W_ccceIar�,i --.7 of Tru.:te -...-. : , for ;cod c .u.-.e shown r:;xld in the e�.eroi. ;,') o '. ;:sir i>c lice puwt—rrs rcvoko � nw.` liconso L:.:tzod imdor li C c: in.tric or P .r ,: of O:•d inances, conf jR.,ting he,! Any license issued under any void subdivision of Ordinance No. 47, of the City of San Bernardino, after dune lst, 1903, shall be reissued to ; ucb 'Po'son for the same length of time without additional expense, ?L- pro; idc.t^t of ure Bo:;.rd-of-Trust;eow of the Ci is of Sun, Bern r:iine. r -.