HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-2023_Open Session_General Comment_Miller, Simeone_RedactedMayor and City Council Public Comment Form
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Recogn x ng the urgent Need for an Eth cs and Overs ght Comm ss on
Comments: *
hank you, Honorab a Mayor Honorab e C ty Counc
we ve n a d v ded country Pub c fat ng government off c a s are not as trusted as they once were due to nstances
where pub c trust has been breached nc ud ng wth n our own c ty, nc ud ng bythe mayor s off ce he commun ty
ma nta ned is frustrat on wth h s nexcusab a ack of ntegr ty, transparency, and respons b ty wh ch a came at a
great cost to us as taxpayers As a resu t, we r ght y made our vo ces heard, he d h m accountab a at the ba of box, and
are now mov ng forward to make San Bernard no the better c ty that we know t can be However, s mp y mov ng
forward sn t poss b e or enough un ess we ensure that such breaches of pub c trust never happen aga n h s s why
urge the c ty to fo ow the examp a of other c t es and exp ore the pass b ty of estab sh ng a new non part san
comm ss on of governmenta eth cs and overs ght that rev ews and works on slues re ated to the eth cs and conduct of
a of our c ty off c a s nc ud ng our appo ntees on the var ous comm ss ons, boards, and comm ttees as we as the r
comp ance w th current awl and regu at ons n the areas of pub c trust and pub c corrupt on n add t on, a so
be eve thatth s comm ss on cou d be nstrumenta n susta n ng hea thy d scuss ons about the subject matter n our
commun ty as we as prov de them w th appro pr ate and accurate nformat on n an area that they may not be perfect y
nformed on
hank you for your t me and cons derat on
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