HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-2020 MCC Special Mayor John Valdivia City of San Bernardino Council Members 201 North E Street Theodore Sanchez San Bernardino, CA 92401 Sandra Ibarra http://www.sbcity.org Juan Figueroa Fred Shorett Henry Nickel Bessine L. Richard Jim Mulvihill MINUTES F OR THE S PECIAL M EETINGOF THE M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO,M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY,M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR H OUSING A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY,M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE H OUSING A UTHORITY,AND M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S AN B ERNARDINO J OIN P OWERS F INANCING A UTHORITY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2020 5:30 PM The Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor John Valdivia on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, in the Web-Conference. CALL TO ORDER Attendee NameTitleStatusArrived Theodore SanchezMayor Pro-Tem, Ward 1Present Sandra IbarraCouncil Member, Ward 2Present Juan FigueroaCouncil Member, Ward 3Present Fred ShorettCouncil Member, Ward 4Present Henry NickelCouncil Member, Ward 5Present Bessine L. RichardCouncil Member, Ward 6Present James MulvihillCouncil Member, Ward 7Present John ValdiviaMayorPresent Genoveva RochaActing City ClerkPresent Sonia CarvalhoCity AttorneyPresent Teri LedouxCity ManagerPresent Special MeetingAgendaApril 8, 2020 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor John Valdivia led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA There were no public comments submitted for the Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council. STAFF REPORT 1.Mt. Vernon Bridge Replacement Project Funding Recommendation It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California: 1.Approve use of future year Measure I Major Street Project Program/Arterial Sub- program funds to ensure full funding commitment to the City’s share of the Mt. Vernon Bridge Replacement Project; and 2.Authorize and direct the City Manager to submit a request to the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) allowing the City to leverage up to a five-year advance of Measure I Major Street Project Program/Arterial Sub- program funds and execute any documents required for the request; and 3.Direct staff to return to a future meeting with an Amendment to the Cooperative Funding Agreement for review and approval. City Manager Teri Ledoux informed that Public Works Director KristenJensen and Alex Qishta Deputy Public Works Director would be providing a presentation to the Mayor and City Council. Public Works Director Kristen Jensen informed that Staff was looking for a commitment from the City Council after having reviewed the new impacts and increases in the cost of the project that the City would be willing to leverage five years of the Measure I arterial funds through SBCTA to cover the additional funding needs of the project. Mayor Valdivia asked, and Ms. Jensen confirmed that the requested amount was ten million to cover additional costs. Councilmember Mulvihill inquired, and Mr. Qishta informed the Measure I Arterial funds were used for various street projects such as the 40th Street Widening, State Street Extension, F Street Widening, Mt. Vernon Bridge, and 5th Street Rehabilitation. Staff confirmed that if the funds are transferred, the projects mentioned would not be affected. Ray Wolfe, of the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority(SBCTA), informed that the SBCTA was tracking the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on funding. He stated that as long the curve could be flattened, the economy would correct itself in a few months. Mayor and City Council of the City of San BernardinoPage2Printed 5/15/2020 Special MeetingAgendaApril 8, 2020 Councilmember Ibarra inquired, and Ms. Jensen informed that the project cost came in higher than initially anticipated. Councilmember Figueroa motioned to approve the item and commented that the project was long overdue and spoke on the bridge's unsafe conditions. Ray Wolfe spoke on the urgency of moving forward with the project dueto the risks associated with the bridge condition. Councilmember Nickel asked, and Paula Beauchamp, of SBCTA and Director of Project Delivery and Toll Operations, explained why the cost of the right-of-way was expensive. Councilmember Richard inquired, and Ms. Jensen confirmed that the street projects mentioned by Mr. Qishta would not be impacted. Mayor Valdivia thanked the Public Works and the SBCTA Staff that have worked on the project. RESULT: Approved as recommended \[7-0\] MOVER: Juan Figueroa, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Figueroa, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill NOES:None ADJOURNMENT The Special Meeting of the Mayor and City council was adjourned at 6:01 p.m. The next joint regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor and City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 via web-conference.Closed Session will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Open Session will begin at 7:00 p.m. BY: Genoveva Rocha, CMC Acting City Clerk Mayor and City Council of the City of San BernardinoPage3Printed 5/15/2020