HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-19 MCC Minutes City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 http://www.sbcity.org Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 1 Printed 4/17/2019 MINUTES FOR THE JOINT REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2019 4:00 PM The Joint Regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4:19 p.m. by Mayor John Valdivia on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, in the Council Chamber, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, CA. Call to Order Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Theodore Sanchez Council Member, Ward 1 Present 4:00 PM Sandra Ibarra Council Member, Ward 2 Present 4:00 PM Fred Shorett Council Member, Ward 4 Present 4:00 PM Henry Nickel Council Member, Ward 5 Present 4:00 PM Bessine L. Richard Council Member, Ward 6 Present 4:00 PM James Mulvihill Council Member, Ward 7 Present 4:00 PM John Valdivia Mayor Present 4:00 PM Georgeann "Gigi" Hanna City Clerk Present 4:00 PM Gary D. Saenz City Attorney Present 4:00 PM Andrea Miller City Manager Present 4:00 PM Mayor John Valdivia Council Members Theodore Sanchez Sandra Ibarra VACANT Fred Shorett Henry Nickel Bessine L. Richard Jim Mulvihill Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 2 Printed 4/17/2019 Closed Session A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and (d)(1)): i. Daniel Gomez v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-10452 ii. Nicholas Koahou v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-10147 iii. Brian Karmann v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-10485 iv. Shaun Sandoval v. City of San Bernardino, WCAB No. ADJ10663868 v. Christine Keil v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-9761 vi. Gary Shuelke v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-9727 vii. Matthew Tirre v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-9517 viii. Melvin Lucas v. City of San Bernardino, Workers’ Comp. Claim No. CSBY-10313 ix. Tina Montanez v. City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino Superior Court, Case No. CIVDS1817290 x. Washington, LLC et al. v. City of San Bernardino et al., San Bernardino Superior Court, Case No. CIVDS1905710 xi. EEL Holdings LLC v. City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino Superior Court, Case No. CIVDS1906467 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): One case. C. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b(1)): City Manager D. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation – Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): One Case INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was led by Reginald Young from Treasures of the Heart Ministries. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Marco Mercado, sixth grade student from Ramona Alessandro Elementary School. Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 3 Printed 4/17/2019 CLOSED SESSION REPORT Senior Assistant City Attorney Sonia Carvalho announced that: • the council unanimously approved settlement for workers compensation items A (i) –A (viii); • The city unanimously authorized the filing of a lawsuit under the Drug Abatement Act to cease illegal cannabis activity at the Elks Lodge, 1073 N. Mt. Vernon Avenue; • The mayor recuse himself on items A (ix) and (x), out of an abundance of caution based on potential sources of income to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. PRESENTATIONS 1. Youth Recognition - Athena Vo, San Gorgonio High School presented by Council Member Jim Mulvihill Council Member Mulvihill honored Ms. Vo for her academic achievements, including a 4.89 gpa. She also received accolades from the offices of Assembywoman Eloise Reyes and State Senator Mike Morell. 2. Chamber of Commerce & Local Elected Officials Announcements There were no Chamber announcements. Dion Taylor of Assemblyman James Ramos’ office announced events within the district, including a community block party at Norton Elementary School. 3. Citizen of the Month - Tania P. Johnson, Veterans Homeless Advocate presented by Council Member Bessine Richard Council Member Richard honored Ms. Johnson for her work with homeless veterans. She also received accolades from the offices of Assembywoman Eloise Reyes and State Senator Mike Morell. Appointments 4. Planning Commission Appointment Approved Motion: Appoint Monique Guerrero to the Planning Commission. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 5. Public Safety & Human Relations Commission Approved Motion: Appoint Peter Torres to the Public Safety & Human Relations Commission. Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 4 Printed 4/17/2019 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Public Comments for Items Not Listed on the Agenda Robert Porter, San Bernardino, spoke about the Arts fest and asked if events at the orange show could start again now that cannabis was legal. He also mentioned the Ward 3 council race. Mirna Spear, San Bernardino, spoke about her continuing issue with an erosion issue in front of her home on Norman Road near Waterman. Despite complaining two weeks ago and calling to the city, the problem is ongoing and not improved. She said her family property on the corner of Waterman and Central has been cited for a fence that has been up for 30 years. She said she feels like she is being harassed by Code Enforcement because developers want their property. Treasure Ortiz, San Bernardino, said she keeps hearing about new ideas such as substations, city jail, and animal control and asked where the money was coming from. In a fiscally solvent city, this is good, but if we do it now, how long will it last? Wants to see a sustained plan. Shirley Harlan, San Bernardino, spoke about the need for civility and said some people are not coming forward because they are scared of potential violence in the discussion of the animal shelter. She also spoke about the mayor's ordinance, saying it should have been issued 72 hours prior to the meeting. Brenda Lynch, from Angels for Animals rescue, asked where the shelter repair funds are and said transparency is owed to the residents. She asked why there wasn't license checkers, and no roof repairs. She also requested why donations are not being accepted. Majid Seraj spoke about what he said was a convoluted, unfair and inconsistent cannabis licensing process. Steven Munoz said he supports an emergency cannabis ordinance. Dolores Armstead, San Bernardino, spoke about her concern for the former Boys and Girls Club on 9th street. It has a different name, but the same issues. She said it is bad for our kids. She offered the November 1981 lease agreement, which stated that the agreement was with the Boys and Girls club. She encouraged working under the umbrella of the Fontana Boys and Girls Club. She urged city officials to contact the group. Roxanne Williams, said top police management being on leave is fishy and asked San Bernardino residents if they are watching what is going on. Victor Munoz sought an emergency cannabis ordinance. Jose Cortez, said he has seen a lot of good change in the area since he moved here in 1876 but is hurt by the areas that are not beautiful. Runoff from new construction. complained about water flowing onto his property, with no response from the city. Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 5 Printed 4/17/2019 Steven Beaver and Gina Escobar, thank the MCC for the work they are doing and support an emergency cannabis ordinance. Gina Escobar said she supports an emergency cannabis ordinance. Anthony Munoz said he supports an emergency cannabis ordinance. Lorraine Davila, spoke about spoke about how she would like to see the city turn around and said this year's Sunset Rotary club goals is a monthly service project in the community. she spoke about bringing back the Tinman triathlon. Christopher Kim said there are too many lawsuits against the city and need to be prevented. He said this can happen by listening to residents and businesses more. He said the median income in the city is too low. Andres Garcia said many people his age are excited about the City, but the gridlock, brinkmanship and gamesmanship takes away from that. He spoke about his concerns with policing and against Acting Chief Eric McBride. Mireya Gonzalez, San Bernardino, spoke via a translator, against Acting Police Chief Eric McBride and his history of decisions in other cities which some consider anti- immigrant. David Rojas, spoke in support of an emergency cannabis ordinance. Ryan Mierau, spoke in support of an emergency cannabis ordinance. Adam Stanley, San Bernardino, urged people to vote and encouraged the city to make the city expenditures trackable Ivan Garcia spoke about an alleyway near his property that is flooding, asphalt damaged, and polluting dust into the air and goes into his home. He is also concerned about illegal parking and dumping. Said he likes the work order app and that it works well. Consent Calendar Items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are voted on in a single motion, unless a council or staff member has pulled the item for more discussion. Council Member Sanchez pulled Item 13 and Council Member Ibarra pulled items 8 and 9. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 6 Printed 4/17/2019 6. Waive Full Reading of Resolutions and Ordinances Approved Motion: Waive full reading of Resolutions and Ordinances on the agenda dated March 20, 2019. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 7. City Council Approval of Commercial and Payroll Checks Approved Motion: Approve the commercial and payroll checks for February 2019. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 8. Authorize a Vendor Services Agreement with Law Enforcement Medical Services and Increase Purchase Order to $85.000 Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-39 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Vendor Services Agreement between Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc. and the City of San Bernardino and authorizing an annual Purchase Order amount of $85,000. RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 0] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard AWAY: James Mulvihill 9. Purchase of Dragon Law Enforcement Dictation Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-40 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2018/19 Adopted Budget and issue a Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 7 Printed 4/17/2019 Purchase Order to CDW Government, LLC in an amount not to exceed $141,000. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 10. Professional Services Agreement with Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-41 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement with Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. to provide broker and administration services for the City’s employee healthcare program. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 11. December 2018 and January 2019 City Board, Commission, and Citizen Advisory Committee Approved Minutes Approved Motion: Receive and file the minutes from the City board, commission, and citizen advisory committee meetings approved in January 2019. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 12. 2019-2020 National and Community Services Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) – Year One of a Three-Year Grant Award Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-42 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, ratifying the submission of a grant application for year one of the Corporation of the National and Community Services Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, accepting the grant award in the amount of $47,309, appropriating the grant funds, and allocating Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 8 Printed 4/17/2019 matching funds in the amount of $69,748 for the program for the period of April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 13. Agreement with Miller Architectural Corporation for Public Works Yard Improvements and Administration Building Improvements Approved Motion: Cancel the CIP project for this fiscal year and reconsider it next fiscal year. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Sandra Ibarra, Council Member, Ward 2 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 14. Award of Construction Contract for Meridian Avenue Storm Drain to IE General Engineering, Inc. Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-45 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the award of a Construction Contract with IE General Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $339,300 for Meridian Avenue Storm Drain; authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contingency in the amount of $33,700; and authorize the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 15. Resolution Noticing a Public Hearing Regarding Modification of Underground Utility District No. 20 Along 40Th Street Between Kendall Drive and Palm Drive Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-46 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving noticing a public hearing Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 9 Printed 4/17/2019 relative to the modification of Underground Utility District No. 20 along 40th Street between Kendall Drive and Palm Drive. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 16. Award of Construction Contract for Feldheym Library Landscape Renovation to Conserve LandCare Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-47 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the award of a Construction Contract with Conserve LandCare in the amount of $102,500 for Feldheym Library Landscape Renovation; authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contingency in the amount of $15,500; authorize the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project; and authorize the Finance Director to amend the FY 2018/19 CIP to add the Feldheym Library Landscape Renovation Project. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 10 Printed 4/17/2019 17. Award of Construction Contract for Broadmoor Boulevard Medians Landscape Improvements to Urban Habitat Landscape Contractors Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-48 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the award of a Construction Contract with Urban Habitat Landscape Contractors in the amount of $416,303.25 for Broadmoor Boulevard Median Landscape Improvements; authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contingency in the amount of $42,000; and authorize the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Staff Reports 18. 2019 SCAG General Assembly Delegate and Alternate Approved Motion: Select Council Member Mulvihill as delegate and Council Member Shorett as alternate to the 2019 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Conference and General Assembly (GA) May 1-3, 2019 in Palm Desert, California. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 19. Capital Improvement Work Plan Update for FY 2018/19 Speaker Ivan Garcia Receive and file the Work Plan Update on the FY 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program. No vote was taken on this item. 20. Resolution to Approve Property Tax Exchange Between the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, and the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District Resulting from LAFCO Annexation 3188A (Spring Trails Annexation) Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 11 Printed 4/17/2019 Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-43 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, determining the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged between and among the City of San Bernardino, the County of San Bernardino, San Bernardino County Fire Protection District, and County Service Area 70, resulting from the jurisdiction change described by LAFCO3188A. RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 1] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Richard, Mulvihill NAYS: Henry Nickel 21. Online Filing for Statements of Economic Interest (FPPC Form 700) Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2019-49 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting mandatory electronic filing of FPPC Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) using the City’s FPPC-approved vendor. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 22. Reimbursement to Neighborhood Association Council for Neighborhoods USA Conference Participants Speaker Lynne Wear Approved Motion: Reimburse the Neighborhood Association Council (NAC) in the amount of $1,800 for the Neighborhoods USA conference registration for eight (8) participants from Henry Nickel’s discretionary account. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 12 Printed 4/17/2019 23. Oral Report/Discussion on City Council Meeting Location Approved Motion: Move council meetings to IVDA board room. RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 0] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Sanchez, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill ABSTAIN: Sandra Ibarra 24. City Jail and Prisoner Transportation Service Proposals Speaker Roxanne Williams Approved Motion: Continue item to May 15, 2019. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 25. Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) Plan Implementation Speakers Shirley Harlan Roxanne Williams John Matley Christopher Gonzalez Luis Carmona Adam Stanley Luis Ojeda Esmerelda Negrete Approved Motion: Adopt Option 1, adding five community service officer positions to staff each new substation. RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 1] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill NAYS: Fred Shorett Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 13 Printed 4/17/2019 26. Request for Proposal – City of San Bernardino’s Animal Control and Shelter Services Speakers Shirley Harlan Alice Chow Jane Marcuse Jessica Lopez Approved Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Riverside County and to issue an RFP for animal control related services, including intake, coordination of veterinary care, pet adoption and licensing. RESULT: ADOPTED [4 TO 2] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Theodore Sanchez, Fred Shorett, Bessine L. Richard, James Mulvihill NAYS: Sandra Ibarra, Henry Nickel Public Hearing 27. Ordinance No. MC-1516 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Amending Chapter 2.02 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code Relating to the City Manager Speakers Tom Pierce, approve Shirley Harlan Treasure Ortiz, oppose City Clerk Hanna administered the oath to those at the meeting to speak on the item. Approved Motion: Open the public hearing, introduce the ordinance and conduct first reading. MC-1516 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, amending Chapter 2.02 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code relating to the City Manager. RESULT: ADOPTED [4 TO 2] MOVER: Theodore Sanchez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 AYES: Sanchez, Ibarra, Nickel, Richard NAYS: Shorett, Mulvihill Joint Regular Meeting Minutes March 20, 2019 Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 14 Printed 4/17/2019 Council additions to future agenda Council Member Sanchez requested discussion of implementing security cameras; Council Member Ibarra asked for an update on the Arden-Guthrie contract, to reactivate commissions, to discuss bringing the City Clerk into closed session; Council Member Nickel said he would like discussion of an emergency cannabis ordinance; Council Member Richard said she would like a discussion on food vendors and food trucks; Council Member Mulvihill said he would like any discussion of food vendors to include food carts. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. The next joint regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor and City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 in the Council Chamber located at 201 North “E” Street, San Bernardino, California 92401. Closed Session will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Open Session will begin at 7:00 p.m. By: __________________________ Georgeann “Gigi” Hanna, MMC City Clerk