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46- Luncheon Workshop
CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Qorpmon Council FROM: Fred Wils sty Administrator SUBJECT: Review of Final Draft— Priorities and Goals DATE: September 23, 1998 COPIES: All Department Heads Attached is the final draft of the priorities and goals developed as a result of our recent goal- setting process. This final draft incorporates all the comments and changes made following distribution of the initial draft. Please review this document carefully, and forward any comments to me by Tuesday, September 29. Also, if you would like to include any additional desired actions that may apply to the city as a whole or to a specific ward, forward those actions as well. The action items developed by Councilmembers Devlin and Lien are already included in this final draft, beginning on page 30. Comments and changes will be incorporated into the final document, which will be reviewed by the Mayor and Council at a luncheon workshop on Monday, October 5. If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me. �6 �v y� 09-16-1998 C4: 0FN FRO STRATEGIES INC TO 19093935138 P.Oc PRIORITIES AND GOALS for CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO " SETTING THE COURSE FOR THE ALL-AMERICAN CITY" DRAFT September 21, 1998 Prepared for the Mayor and San Bernardino City Council by Solution Strategies, Inc . 09-1E-1998 E4:31PM FROM SOLUTION STRATEGIES INC TO 19093845138 P.03 INTRODUCTION 04:3-1?,•1 FRU1 30LUT'CN STFrZTEGIES- :NC 7C: 19097E45139 P.04 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTRODUCTION Toge--'aer we will restore Ole City 3f San Bernard.-inc *:C it3 ':iezitage and stature as --he Al--ka!ericaa City. i'ne first S--ep is to esqtah-� ish c -- - - pr. nIples and goals ,qh i ,4' ! set our d' rectiz:r. and help keep our course stead . t1his step, we afr-- making cDnmitt,.--er-t to crOvide toundati-,n for our Cit, 's, be an a--traczive, cuit.urel--1, dynamic, ar.a -jv--ab-- e ccmmunirv. Date : Mavcr f,Dr the- 'tvaral 5 Isar: Lien fc-r- the C. c e r fc;r t:I c- h I r a�*a F-ank E . Scn.,ie,:z M. Dev-1 :.1-1 for zlne arc, Betty Dean Jzrnderscr. for the Sixth Wla,-,i tilt. S,—.,en-ii wai-d PAGE 1 09-it-1995 O4:3.P FFOM SOLUTION c-TFPTEGI=S INC TC 19093E4513E P.05 SHARED VALUES 09-1E-1995 04 32PM FPCfl SOLUTIGh STRPTEGI=S INC TC 19093e45139 P.06 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SHARED VALUES The Cii,' of San Bernarcino will ccr.du=t i *_s 'r-usiness rac_ices in keep_ng w-4 :h these adopted Shared va:.ues: � ntegrit,7 rs-r-ou .tabli 'L Yr Reszect for Human Dignity .icr.esty Fairness PAC, 09-1t-1990- E4:3cPl FROG SOLUTION STRPTEuIES INC TO 19093.345138 P.O? VISION 09-1E-1990 04:32P" FRn-M SOLUTION STRATEGIES 1NC TE: 1909_E45133 P.08 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO VISION Ti-:is `'isi_-n is intended to :ride aid inspire the f:ayor, Citl Council, `'i=y Staff, City Empicyees, and 3oaaa.. .it. as we work toret::er to reGtore the A-11-Anerican City. Our vision for the City of San Bernardino is for it to be strong and prosperous . The City of San Bernardino will be the hub of economic growth in the Inland Empire . San Bernardino will offer a wide range of housing , recreation, education, and employment opportunities for all who live and work here. A strong sense of community will continue to grow and thrive within our City limits. =Ac;_ 3 09-1E-1993 04:32PM FROM 3CLUTION STRPTEGIES INC TC 1909ZE45133 P.09 MISSION STATEMENT 09-1r-1' 32 04:33PM. FROM SOLUTION STRATEGIES iNC TC 19093245139 P. 10 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MISSION STATEMENT o :r m_ssi_cr. is -o provide quality and ccst effect .;re services tc the people of San Bernardino . We will crovide excellence in leadership t.zrc.ugr the allocaticn or puolic resources are resconsive to corununit,/ pricr_ties and :ax_rrdz_e opport �,^ities fcr economic, ellucational, an,_J cultu:ai viatility. P- 09-1E-1995 04:33PM FFCI SCLUT:ON STRATEGIES INC TG 1909 645139 F. :i PRIODRITIES �a e9-1E-1993 04:33PM FROM S50LUT:ON STRRTEGiCS INC TC 19393645139 P.12 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRIORITIES Public Safe--y Provid° Baal.: C1-V ief",-1 ceS to ,'vc-ry'�Dnc- rcor,=i^ upF rtun��y 09-1_-1995 04:34PN FROM SOLUT:ON STRPTEGI=S INC TC 19093545138 P.13 GOADS 09-IF-1999 74:34PI FROM SOLUT:ON STRFTEGIES INC TC 19 093645138 P. 14 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GOALS QUAL:TY OF LIFE 1 . Provide for a safe and secure G . Seek appCrtu ities for educa`_icn, recraati�)n, and perSGn:J. growth of t'::= citize::ry 3. Meet t:ne dice_s- se_vice neE!t.s cf * entire community. 4 . Rctivate community ou-reach and corm. ication. E:.-.ante the 1-physicai beauty of Sa: Bernard_nc. 6• Pro:xote "e image cf San -Bernardino. ECONOMIC/INF.;VSTRUCIVRE i . At-ract and re.air bu_iress that Pr:, ides and income lo'--s to San ar.d retain b:.siLness tra support ; ,! train.;.-,g an.d ovi e en-_ .+ - _ ��a_ e1r.p:oyme7t fog t'n.. ..c:1a-te_-� i P, •l_LV.I u� ..-."- �� C C�m-l:e r c,._.mil- r,J lr r-d'1__ . Te hc�s_na ,�al_ty a_.a �._ar.ce •�4. 1n. -E al .ystaK-L 12 . e tra°riC IJ. Fro\,.tae apprC4ria-�.E IPaint r a:C_ t.G S:?'Fr'-S; S" .rill sanitation sewer;, nur.� i _ right-cf-brays, and pu'ti _.. b,.:_ldings and facl__r_es in. order `_o extend i:l.ras�. 'actu_e life . oles and e z;7�.re attractive appearance . GOVERNANCE .y . 1IM -vie Of usS - any .� ' ti ^ n r:lit�: pr- - :� m.r.u:�_ca c. ti��i-hi. �.itj. an-1 tnrcughcut tie GornTMur.it . 15. Organize and plan for. the `ut�are. 15. S r-7- It'1 tji �:Ue:at_:�i i•G iiT' oVe Q°._C1eP.C y and e1 _e _tiv en, es_. . 09-1=-1999 04:34PM FFON 30LUT:ON STRATE3,=-S INC TC 19093E45133 P. .5 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 09--IE-1998 C4:Z4F•i FROM SOLUTION ST4f».TEGIE3 INC TO 19093345138 P.:b CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ,re seccnt s:ep in Setti:-19 oUr course is the teuelc:pmer.; o- an :plementatlon Plan. The Implemenzation Plan p,:ts the a_.tions intc worts t',-.at will sake o,�_ n.11-Amer_can C itv a raa_-`y . A success ui Implementation Plar. -:as wive , 7) elements: Identified Ac*_ions Programs to Carry 7 :t Rczions Timel`nes/Milestcr.es for Accomplisl-Lmer.t Process for- "chow-up Process ecr and Measurements ,..e Ir pia e.:tatic^. Pi3r. will ne r?veloced y the Tit, s_a:` a::d JresenteJ :O the City rouncii for re iie'w and apps.val . v r Si-ta re'.j °-a: ues, _lion, i,tissicn Statement, Prior; tie ar.d �ca� s wi J. eve!0ppmerit cf this p-lan. The a'c'i, ns note: the 1C�? zlflc? Girl.^:a to 7^,al SeLt1C:g P. C°S_ 3 w _ to into rC:? Tmr.er:,n uticn P;?n. FROM SOLUT:OPi STRPTEGIES TC 19097E45138 P. :7 ACTION ITEMS FOR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 09-03-:?9c 22: :_:rp" FF.O^' SJLUT I CN STRWEG I ES I t,C TO 1909-78450-8 P.0` CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Action Items for Implementation Plan Quality of Lifer 1 . Pro7ide for a safe and sacure community. Action Items • C:,ntinue to provide excellence in public safety services . • Gar-,er ana present poilce d.^.C. fire delivery strategies fcr c:nparison model . • Ier_tif; service d,�li.ve:y options for county _siands and unincorporated areas surrounding the c-t7y. • Develop and report on area specific crime preventicn strategies. • Ccntirue Police Department's " initiative" goal setting and reporting on: 1 . Violent Crimes;Gangs.'Narcotics 2 . :nf=at:.zn �- a::agemer.t 3 . Efficielcy 4 . Cco,eratf e Problem Sowing • Improve park safety. -oportunit_es for eauzation, recreation, and .ersonal of the c_tize ry. Gam'10:1 T rc".S • DeveloQ 5treil� and `Terse com.r, n :y base'. Organi za_ions. • Improve and increase youth development aciivir-es. • De•reloo Trails Duster Fran. • Eradi;,ate f-:nctional illiteracy; build cultural li_eracy. • Enhance library s�rvices. • Develop a stared base of common knowledge lthin the CO=L nl i~y. • :.,ink with Va_ley College to ensure their ccntini:ed presence in San Bernardino. • Iacr:ase park development and improvements. • Irr�preve accessibility to programs for senior citizens. • Start 'Rout= F6 Marathc;n. 3. Meet the diverse services needs of the entire community. 4. Activate community outreach and communication. Ac t i sue,Z t ems • Listen tc' the community. PAGE 8 TOTAL P.Oc 09 -1598 1C C='M FP.OI' SXUTIC�1 STRRT=G:ES INC TO 19C97845138 P.eC CITY OF SAN BERNAMINO • Support c arches, businesses, ar.d eemrr,,ur,ity organiza_ions in their effzrts to improve the city and to provide city-wide solutions. • Understand, respect, and celebrate diverse cul-ures within the community. • Work to expand bus serv_ce in targeted areas _f the corzmunity, including Nestside. 5. Enhance the physical beauty of San Bernard-nc. a , T S • Revi-alize and redeve7cp il, #ted and/or deteriorated areas. • Stop blight through enhanced cede enforcement. • Establish well-maintained res--:er.tial neighbonccccs by bringing wards up to code. Enhance and beau=ify park facilities. Preserve historic sites, including the Santa :e Dapct. rrom.ote the iziage r san 8er:ardiro. Z'=-m -I It ems • Form 'emmittee 2o1,Di 2020 to assist with developme:Zt of iriplementaticn r=an and tiro„oting our All-Americar. • De�.elo D13rketing P1an,�S`r3_egy to enhance image of the city. :mprcJe ctTMmar.icat_o bet,-een an,d t Econoruc Foundation Attract and retain business that �vides skilied and higher �r,ceme cbs to San Berr_ardi rti . Ar-race and retain 'pus mess that wiI' supp;;rt ;tb training and provide er.try-level employ_,.ent fcr the Long-tern. ur_employed.. Action I+-ems • inljentory ccmm--,n1 ty .,.;`tr�bl. :e5 (transpor-at 4 or., educational facilities, land, business cost factors, etc. ) • Match attributes to targeted employers . • Identify cur competitors. • Initiate irect contact with targeted employers or businesses as a comprehensive marketing pregra.'n. PAGE 9 FRO'! SOLUTION STRFTEGIES INC. TO 19093345:38 °.04 CITY OF SAN BEFI ARDINO 9. Revitalize major commercial corridors. Aption items • Creace corridor master plan to cr:ange !and uses to encourage revitalization_ • Integrate commercial corridors with Burro n---- ng residential areas. • coordinate �o� creation Nith resultant retail/ commerc+al demand. • Consider Par'<ing d_str_cts to sutiper*_ comr.:=__cia . corridors. • Consider lmp:.?mentin Business Improvement :�istricts (BID' s/ for commercial areas. • Research and develop a reha ilitation plan wr_ch utilizes water and yeothermal resources to promote acoroxiic growth. • General Plan Developr.ent =ode update process. I C. I: prove t;o.;sing quality and balance within. San Bernardino. A.-.t ,n _tems • Promote home ownership. • Re-pr .oritize 204 set-aside commioments to '"'iraw moderate income buyers into the market. • ,_eno•re cr _educe nul_ber of subs tan 3rd rental I7tpie _eat i^f_il housing programs aired at a`fJrdable home-ownership. • Init d`_e proacti-�e pro rar. aimed at de-relcpmen_ ma_kat rate housing. • �estcre ne_yr'cor:.ccd gaali°y o f rife thrcugh 1:.a- s-n with neich�o_�r:cod associations. • Rehabilitate dete_icra=ed housing. • aUtG:*lation of ED' operation for greater speed and efficiency in providing ser,rices. I:r_0_rr e the overall quality of the roadway system. 12. Improve traffic circulation and accessibility to freeways. 13. Provide appropriate maintenance to streets, storm drains, sanitation sewers, public right-of-ways, and public buildings and facilities in order to extend infrastructure life cycles and ensure attractive community appaa_an::e. Aaz cn Items • Develop a pavement system anal comprehensive roadway mai.nterance program. • Continually investigate alternative funding sources relative to capital improvements and promote innovative and cost Saving methods . PAGE 1G 1_:29F"1 FRO"1 SOLUTION STATE 1 ES INC TO 1909384°138 P.05 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO • Continue zo improve the storm drain system as reCommended in the Storm Drair, Mas:er Plan. • Continue to improve and maintaiz the sanitary sewer systea. and encourage new connections in rural areas. • Cevelep a policy .o fund bi.,ilding and custodial Maintenance as hew facilities are added to the Citv. • Continue tc improve and maintain put•lic right-of-x:ays, =i--y trees, and streets. • Evaluate construction of pa_k.� nc; st:uct ,res in sel?ct commercial areas . • :omply with state and/or federal mandates for neaith, safety, and accessibi_ity- Governance 14. Improve :rust and communication wi:hin City gc-vernment and th_oughout the Community. Action Items • Develop a compzehenzive policy regarding ris;xeticrary ,ecisions which affect tr.a pudic, ?"o provide zonslstent responses t0 specitic quest ons. • Develop a comprehensi- _ policy fcr CoLnci_ nembe_s who seek information, to ensure appropr ate c.".ain of comr,ard decision. ma:;ing. • Deve'_op a _omprenensivc- rode cf �tr:ics%Ccnauct r_; ✓�hich everyene 15 bvi�n�, and pr'�J1:e Zei3=E�. tra 1L::.;1• a formal i ed :rac". nc ::i z;zen complaints. • Develop pro:ess for suramarizing Departmental ::la statuZz reports for easy reading and cen re ensicn. applicahle Depart:ner.t la tter regard_ng su mission sta=f repo=ts, update and a.rend as necessary, and ensure comp_iance h-:' 7,iepar::T,ents. • Review and revise as Needed --he curter:t ccm.Tittee assigr_ments and me!:hcts by wt;ch matters are referred to committee. Utilize committees for review of c.o-.piex agenda items. • Provide holistic, pact: cal training for new Council members. • Consiiar monthly meetings for Department heads to discuss ongoing projects as they may interrelate f'as an example: " development departments" could meet to discuss ongoing projects} . PAGE 11 09-23-1°98 12:??PM FRO^' S�LUTICN STRATEGIES INC TO 19093845138 P-OE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 15. Organize and plan fcr the future. P . i _n Items • Develop strategic plans within the City Departments and for the City as a whole. Use strategic plans to benchmark su zcess . • Promote regionalism. • Develop a comprehensive technology raster plan. • Perform thcrcugh, accurate cost analysis prior to any purchase of agreement, to incl!3de iu pact and costs to all applicable internal Services, i .e. , custodial and building rial.,tenance, personnel, technology equipment and services, finance, fleet, risk, etc. • Develop and implement an aggressive marketing strategy :or the City. • Link San Bernardino politically with Sacramento and Washington, DC, by retaining a political consultant whose only client is San Bernardino. • Organize the community to attract positive attent_on, such as pa=-ticipatinu in the " Empowerment Zone" process. lo. Streamll:e !:it_y operaticns tc .ixprcve efficiency and effectiveness . A"7tion =tears • Examine the p,4rchas_ng process, including approva- On bu,igeted items, to determine if the o_ r^ce=_s is as effici e.: as it st �t:1ri te. • Examine duplicated fu.zcticns wit:�:, C: =y govern.nent and eliminate duplication it warranted. • DP_G? _Oti and C_F`Le' I comprehensive finan.:ial pr i_.__pies cr " shared val4es" ) . • Develop and implement preventative mair.,�en ance and replacement standards and plans. • Examine existing Cramer provisicas to determine row changes to the Charter migt-,t improve the City' s efficiency in a variety of areas, including personnel prac:ices. PAGE 12 TOTAL P.OE 09-1E-1996 C4:_7Pl FROl1 SOLUTION STRPTEG[E9 INC TO 19093345138 P.23 ISSUES AND ACTIONS FROM CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITIZENS SURVEY MAY 21 , 1998 AND CORRESPONDING GOALS Z 09-1E-19°8 Va:sP^ FRO."! SOLUTION STRATEGIES INC TO 19093345138 P.24 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issues & Actions from Citizens Survey and the Corresponding Goal Sol:rce: :.ffus_on index s`cwing tre priori-:y of spending more money on 3 part-4cula` service. .Note. These Issues & yc_ions w �e add � resse,�! �r t:-le Implementation Fla:.. Issue: Promoting new jobs by attracting major businesses Act'_Ons: Thr--ugh the Business Advisory "oun�:il ans e{=--zts ct the City Ccuncii :4embers, develop speci�i actions to attract majcr businesses to the city. r, 8, y, lu, 9, 2 . Issue: Dealing with narcotics and gangs Actions . . ccas n7l. areas _ f c *y w: _.. co:nce:.traced drub and wan S d< 1`•'1'u`i t _ 1'y" t�i2 . iCe .�'?F artiClE':t �15f re�5�� .;e��hbcr�cods :i1of ,'rog_a:r.. :Cal . ?= i . J°e `d,a1.:= hard, pc.- E DiemoYar.d��: dated 04, !-,998 attacnpj; issue: Repairing potholes and repaving existing streets yc='ions. Us"ng -as Tax zn.J CtA=r transp rtat_C°: ana _:'Ira- �7truct!ra `undin:, incrc-ase ;re resolrces rrcr_e; as i "eisted tc recairs a:., re-.arfac-:-1 7. :1:_ pogo.'.°_S t^Jlt.?i-, 4c, rOUt'5 3f P.Otil.� d t 1 1I: '�I: 1^�at_CPS w',,.e(2 tiUzho-e5 y occur, r?i'.ov i and repair More per anle'T?t_ . GOai : # }1, 13 . 09-1E-1990 04:36FM FROM 30LUT:0N STFcPTEGIE3 INC TC 1909-e45139 P.25 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issue: Cleaning up illegal dumping Actions: Aggressive!-., p•lrsue ]i°asUrPS tc curb i,- egai dumping, an:. respond quickly :3 reports of dumping. • Clean up -J1 legal dumping wit:li . _u :lays of notificaticn. Goal . Issue: Crime prevention programs Act:.cns : Significantly increase participation and marketi.Ig ,;f the city's crime prevention programs . • .,_crate area-specific :--rime p-revention pros?ectus. • C:aate and widely a co,aLr,uni y problem- sclving ga_::e. ::or,,xuni::y orientec polr.. and rrcblem- sclving ..ain� I,; to �oru it greurs. y • S_rari,`r-e the cr_me'`_=ee ren:al ro rg prgrA- �, • Develop and pf�vide training to ..i:y residents on the c:ea^ neiy,tor'r_ocds program. Goa- : See Td" _V e arp, Zs°.ista n'_ -hie_ of Gat°� j1 (gust '-4, Issue_ Repairing sidewalks, gutters, and drains Ac_lons : Seek rew and add- ionaL f•. t ;nd zg sources for sidewalk r epa).rs . nsl-e' lnc:^G s i ne, 1✓�?+z iurding t._ tl1 5 u=pz)se. Prepare a 2-yea= sidewalk rcpa-r sck:�dule . • Propose a t -year plan to replace fail.i . ticx cu l v`rts . Kcal . q 13. PAGE .4 09-is-1' 9 CJ4 35PN FROM 3OLUT.ON STRFTEiGI=S triC TC 19093E45133 P.26 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issue: Tearing down blighted buildings ctzo^s: Continue the Mayor' s Dem-liticn lnitia`_--re and purl' !? demai'-t_z:n cf the city1.5 frost biig^ted sCru^tares . Go a! 4 1C . Issue: Improving youth and family recreaticr. activities and programs. yc�icns . Expand the city' s offered Parks, Recreation, and Corinunit;� Ser JLce.s Eepartment . • Continue to deli elcp partners ..p3, secure grants, a:l", use volunteers. • xpand the p`ay;r�)un. programs . • Reir..state the rc—Ln; c,uitur l arts prograrcis . • gand t ra-ms • �Ytend the s� E. 5'.,..• S?d5%rl. • I. ;Crease the 'z's U_f %'rer' !:i_- n az "C:<<1'U^_zy Rei n3rate t.-e ven?Gr _ ;T.p1cS proCr;:aii:. 3 . 7AC , ©9-1E-1998 C4:;9F'l FRO~i SOLUTION ST-_)�-TEGIE3 INC TO 19093845.138 P.2 AUG 0 6 1998 City of San B ruar•diun Sap. Bernardino Police Department latcroffice Memorandum To; :�:1 JaSiO�I.. Jr, r�dr,'=!i15?r1tiV 1SC] iQili From Wayne H?:-D, :assistant Chief c Subject: C; Gcals R.°terer.ce Cl:i-r.en's Curv-ev i Ditto: Copies: ISSIle :�? FRC11 SOI_:.iT i ON STRPTEG t C= INC TO 19093845138 P.2e Lcri Sassocn, Sr. Adtrir:is:rative ,knalvst ?ave August 4, 1993 Paroie, probatto : _,nC welrare fraud swceps will b- :--mductecl. to apprehend parole and probation viclato-s, as well as -Welfare raud v*,olators. • Concurrent with these steps, police ofticcrs 1I1C cc'Inmunir'.; service rep-esen'atives will 'tc o-gantzinb :;cncerned r_-sidents. This v:111 hclp prevent backsriding, into previous conditions anc prow.de ongcins fccdbaci_ a:ld evaluat.on of o1a- c forts. • Concurrently wah these o'he.- efforts, ?he Economic Deve'opment Agcncy will 'oe a partn.r .n acquiring, rehabilitating,ng, and r°.selling n?ar.y homes: as fart of phased problem soh ing. The followinv items are part of the Violent Initiative and pertain to Police Department efforts city-wide:: • Cor,ti,ue s:reel-iev.l drug suppressio{i, cooidinated �,'Ath area derect:ves. :n this project; Ca,'co'1CS lriveStigators have aggr',ss:rel} etitorctd ihc. Vamcus rlarCotiCs-"elated statutes ' n S'r\�d 3l?�noxi1:3te�v 33c Scarc:". \+?!' a„^.t lI: 11'�!. In 1998. the rat: of SCI�,'li;C 3. t::., same As a 0: t.1:5 Eti^rt, '?ei�tll':irl':�)!�'� strcct C�3aiC1; ., .'ce .l' ':°3S.°.d :I $Ii:l ?CCOr'.e .:i_r:a.,1 n,y1 :I'10 is 7Si ?C4 tc locat°' :_IC. tc i;ll XtraC:C.!li?r� t''• c"ICt'cerile!"' cos'.S to umpact cct�:e: where d-u: reli?l:-c offense_ rlc:,rish \Vhpri aas r.:-o�c.Ct 'began, there we.� land:orC° `N'70 W'<;r' C'::1:lCC 1" C-tli.::Ied nlali tl-,at :h:.'% 'nad pr^b!e-ns v"Q7CrrICS. C>;:e :6i1!lta i 3s 1:_ as 7°tl'.' part:'1112rly ;r. J and has i:. 7 ;u 'rl 1-w\ 1 1 a t :r T' c per' copal ued i°ieilQ-ar wait :he co�l�e al or of t' `:- A'v_n:ev and ( ,dc E nfo:ceaIer'', Dcparur:ant area �)::t�cr5, `r' l is proc(CSs `� to ` ^ a•�,T.��oi '{ ;i- �._ .� 1, - q.- t f � _. :; al a I A b:ll fora ;pro:. .. .v 4 ,t:... .,,�:. _ ..�r\lccs tl... '��el: sel? to ta= fir"'X:'rV Svc _i2`,'C been uSlnF zt'.,11 Uvut_�tloIls t-, restrain Zan r, trr'+ engaging in c.n ilina.' acluvr . [O 1 e v'tr, vv:. 1:1J E1:? ::1 a-:1:11St Ol?_ 'vC:it'. ti811� 11?._ l.zll.ed rG t'!:ee blcci;s 0. S:I'C�',: " '.i.[altr !.P;",'.�'li 1'°.' )1-?^�• � $ �!:1 Ia: :. �,11 G:1 C Sri:r.:t"::.1 ;youth gang inti:�l:�aatio:?. • �ti'< ";O:k:r1� On de.,ciap!ng ur.d :rnplcI cnt:Ili ai i:lgll-impact cur{'ty C (0rae17len; ;i'C'{'Yl:? . 11i° iiT U:Er Qir'CCrS ,ii:5 d'reed ta` i:1li+; :?t' 1-ad in �orductins lrfev.' I:iCrC:l ,�• ' k''. �l'drS b�.t. '1yj:in1 f 3 ii C3I tl?i. N1«„ ltt?1e vl;t1-\Vi \ti:ll be 1ltl1,l,::ncnLei11L1:, ”. t'1:; suT'rElllc- snlot1, with ::1'. 1^t'.Glpart0i: that CIi::G«r'Jtrl.'aPC rl'i;Stit'il;r: V.':il .: . C',�iil',i .^.1.c.. 11'. ..�.. ,aa:. 04:42-PM FFOM SULUT:ON STRf-TEG:_S INC T P.29 Lori Sassoon, J:. AC11T inisuativt 4,naTyst Page. -3- August =, 1998 • We have an ongoing hotel'Motel narcotics educatio7l reducrivr: progrom. This new pro;ec` has been successful beyDnd our ;predictions. it has resulted in substantlal seizures of I:iirCOacs and illegal narcot, 2SSCi.. • %tJiCn1 cr"l!?iPi 77: S,-2 0"',i-0grG?.icrCIrCPr'evrmiz.Jn. Onc Ui ll :-. stratezlts de"-:Iopej t0 %--duce the Iltlnber aria flcquen— Of hz)-m'.CF<Ics is t0 Cd:'gCt C°.)er:ing e:S*r1c1S wl;!: an erage numb'�r e Violent crimee and narcotics activi'�' with 111tensi ied ''zero tole-ance" enforcer.-lent. Quarterly, the Crime Analysis Unit wii'. profile each ::ldIvIdual reponL,'- d striCI and ldetnif./ °7: top 11.; rCpo tiro d Sll'! -.,. �'le het:-l:lllll�:j ia�tOrS :or selec.in:g these top 10 w.11 be the number o=reported shcol:ir•gs, assaults ','ith a deadly wealpCn, amid oth r assxted crirneS lnvolviI:'P weapons or aarcotics activity. Once dhesc target rerOrting d:S•rlcts llav(: bccll the Multiple mf )rcemcnt Tearrl, 1�1:rCO:ICS. Tra-''c, Arid and Blue:^.',. detecttvt' .s wifl conc,,Iit1'ato tiiOiT C^.fm;erne : InVCstl'gativ'C ac%07i, In these tl reduce .:pomi l criril S. 1 tsults :Viii i)c '.rclU,ied i.^t OU �' r: e b 1`r.a- r i' rov:ded tr r:CeClitl''° StafT. ililii..111 V" G, l:i., rie,U.�� 0 -5: Crone P,-evenrior. Prngraws • �','_ :�i':e create a gel,era s:i� a= .. _ ; ,. �r,rn�' ;,rc',e r:i� ; p,o_�ectus T'l:s is a c"-sll,aG: '0 meet i..:w CI'. tC:,:5 i3C11:_ our C 11j- UE?jzC'.!' _ is to address Jt Cr'.%i_, its " ' "^•S b::'I't a d J`.4:7d`, [3l :� 1{ jC _. .t.('' 1. .. { ;Q i mil�`,c:,',: 'r!::1 ^.rea• Al: lh;e 7:Obtcnrs' as °atif Lt� 1%y JOaI the COt:1:1T.;tlit� ...li.i tl:e ?11CC �'Jit:''ii1:C:a. • �.i'° °t°_ C'_'1t111 GCOL" ?74I11::171'O�?It'r'- i.1(J':QgLe:c�-, :115 �i11jC �z�ilf COiiiaal mil ]i.-dept1: x;,l_r.al,r11 7�f the 'problcrn-solving" p!cces;, a :iesciiptior. Ot tiic `'c:_..,. ne,' h-r1 ooc's rIYO /'i:n: ?ad the avalla>C..I'L o` V ^CU?. l� 1 ubl'C In � �Ca: �. lv. S•:: ICES v • 1Y': 2r. W� 1011?, tJ >tI'ellat::Crl cornrnimlt:i invo:,,e-dent of Oi'c°15. faca i rC?. Co,mn'land Ofl'.ce:rs troal C:.Cl:sliifl 117 variowr Co::- 4 C3. 111:5 7 it ail'v 3C'1 1 ;ilk,,-,I - ,ft' Vllt er1'-zn;;e Cormnl.:Il:t '•poti:i, partric Ships and is a necCSsnrY iC:^.117u:t t Ui S:ICGCS5il1! nr+7biel . s:_iv:n- the b0 1 _S t0 h'a.' u. lr er,! f'." O:IIe .i'10 f•^.a:iilnS '.�:t': a �t'c'ater !11.:111?:( 0' Citl7C.':j. l+Ilt�'CrSI?llcl i];1Llr L:?::Geri?5; a'lQ al�QrC.S$ Ci1C5.. iS:iltOS. 09-1r-1993 04:40PM FFOM SODUT:ON STFATEGI=S INC TC 19092e45133 P.30 Lori Sassoor_, Sr. Administrative Analyst Page -4- August 4, 1998 Pr0•.'ide community-criented policing and problem-s!: ving t-a:17111£ iV corilmltn:ty groups. In Fctruar:' of 1908, the department held comrlt:nity meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to share :hc d-eparLlient's p-obiem-solving philose by and gaim input fror ire ccnrnur.liy on how, to i.'iprove co:laooIatien in areas of common concern. The lnf.�r:i,at:or. ga:-..e;d from these meetings �'as used it the dc,'eloprnent and publication of the con:mural:',-- rohlenl ::olvtng guide. Strengthen the crane f'Co renal h0us1;:0 rIC rOr^ within th dep2rt.rtenr. OiflCCrS from all the area co*rznands have artcndcd tra.'vi:la on the crime_iree rcr.ta7 housing,orograrn. Also attending these programs have been i r:)perty owrters and landlords. This interacticr. has provided a better understanding of the program for both citizens and office;s. Concurrent with these grog-an s, cecl, ilrea off cc has been cc,t:ipn cd with literature about the 0'in-.? `CC 1-er,tal hOUS;rg U? ?or"QII7, as well as the ?tame and telephone number of' progaa:. COOr:ll nator, police 0tit-�ers :id. COInrI'J.11:iIV sCrv:CC 'G7r3SGnt3tiVC'S are ao'vti prepa?e;d t0 perform site. C'valuatloris Ot ap.ir incni �:olnnl is a,,i other t'?rta� p-operti'�s. 0-:vtl.p an--, prod idC training to city rtsldltnlb ou are C:CCl: nCt h t0;j.UJC�S?YC��,1'CilYi. The l ° D T11C prcg; Fun--)se !s e :educe cl::an up rcn tal Dioreri:,._, aml Crop; r-,, v,al'.l San Bernardino. U :n-42-' tool iS "'he c ' `i r. t25e d UJII: iGi53liCp SiG COIL i:^' J_ unlcipal Cod-- �,:L:;f1UJ;s -. an offend r to I,-:-- ` t{al 4ciiun I0: -o a! ar.do rienta'' str'pss. a cn d110`�s t c� to b sOl:';ht t11r0:'':i snlal` c`a:rtls _ t, well a3 t e CCPt°':- for Lets::'.`.. ::�sc';lit:Gr.. il"ie ,rU�r31.. 'S �B`.! _.�e11 tJ �'1�;:>t'�e: :a`•S' ;. :al n -c -i ��n �r. ✓�..:� an. 1IMPICr1:CI1t '.1L1'l�c.'!'•, pcllcinJ ar. orob:cr,; scl�:r.� e'orts ,-c'Yan it th' , ali Initialiv. cctn zc' tir;gs .vcre iced On : hie rr.cctiljbs w city, i ;s -� t w S ..'.:l t:^:i `.11t_ WS`;tla Slr`CIl's�l11CP ;l7?1:1'1 L. ,'.L�,'-110i;CC lei;fl'_�i;liil)`� .� :^.}.'. ...:J a l• to rt II1....CCIi " I•'.Ce . 1Jeiag create"' rol ';:Oadcest}n- on -lip :oval s'C:C c sS CIl !I11121. T: is 2l1t121pattd ". ll: VC i'CaCI\' ;l':. C'_trl!'S of 09-1E-199-8 04:4`.PIM FROM 30LUT:0N STFPTEu?ES INC TC. 19093E4513_ P.31 MAYOR AND COUNCIL ENBER DESIRED ACTION'S FOR IMPLEMENTA.T I ON PLAN 09-1c-1996 04:41P"! FRO^ SOLUTiC'IN STPFTEG:SS ?NC TO 1909394513e P.3e CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Councilmember Jerry Devlin Specific Actions For City As A Whcle: : . St- m= .nter.ar.ce, repair cn a routine tas;s . Repa:.r. replace s<<dewa_ks; c.:rb= and new trae U-�anz:^-g standard. 3. Colrip_.a:ice wLth n ti as required Vv law. ti . 'More proa'zi're app:cac1 -,-I seek:Ing grants (from all so'.irCeo) xCr ir.frastr�ct:vre reca:r, upgrate5, and r-2placemer.t. Fcr the Fifth ward: I-3- f_` _a^.ps r-adi.r ; e. t `--n,. IS, % . ea:. a": ?_ati cat icn in dc.;r':tcw n are _ . e . tvurd �tzeet, 72 asel_ne, r""_;;:lan(.-,, A :.e fc11_,,,-ng are fc. tr:e F_tt_z ward: C- ,e at .,ittlP. [s0'�ntain . tet'r!'2n i{er.-aa-' l ?na 4t'. -'- - -reef . 4-denin', ;,f the 'br_ -), a b?_,v_ .:: Pine. anci Fair. f __:ores an—` res._rfac.r_ _ca^t :a� s -- _ a_'J31.;5, as ntFlere.4, ir. _-,.Zr C_t?bl_S he ... =x.11<)-.JiI:�:T are -p-u-terr, goal: t,:_ the F.`_r'• Ward: Cre a:e a rc-=r.xa`Y, WP.' Cr as53s Cdr _ _.x- _'ve-s tv Mast--r .ar, .f Universit'!; . ' __eewal of`-_ ..c.ps a` I-1-c and i`.--_E Leag-.,e Cr_ve. ;;r:ii e represent, nq t`:e Fifth roar d : _ is m- aoa:. t: aiso ass-437- :he n?'.. 114ay__ '_i: t! e bu51^P_SS ^= fllr_.: r z,___:`(a cur C thrc,-,a iii . Ci1PtZ ir:y :h,. quality c'- �1 09-1E-1956 �4:42F°1 FFOl SOLJTION ST?GTcuiE3 INC TO 19093845138 F.33 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Councilmember Susan Lien Specific Actions For City As A Whole: 1 . Maintain a positive open fcrum wmare dec_sions are ma,ae with resoec_ for human. values _r the La 'er soc_e` a.-.d ac:�u iudTir,at_t c* _he real of a_1 things . . G . Tzar.-.it-Lon from. current C,a budge_iny ".at defines goals that produce quantifiable results. Make actions the basis fo= programs and ac_i vities that ge_ funded. _-ontinue to _ncreas- the repair, t:Urrade, and replacement of c_t infrast.�:cture for tcrtorr��� . 4 . Set mayoral a::d conci l lea. l:ne fc- the ccm;Lotion of definitive h'�riC;. _ ten. anc i y,;�_=_ p.La_s `_G re:.taiiz Ec:i Be.:nardir.o. For the Second Ward: 1 . t.11= r: :lEr5 ip5 i.tS1C� c �. 1t51d? the .1.1 zc str ngt::En nome anti c,�ner=h_p, e!�plc.-ne:._ cpp rtun�t_er yc?;t.h develcpment, and hus_ness civ` l 'c _?adC_Si1': an a3513Co^:C? t� �se :'ask Force to a su:_cessf-.11 and re ;e :el^pr:°mot of t`e Ibert 5___e` s_ :e. 3. ? ,3ist -onsti`:le^ts _._ am,i pro:�_em reso,Jt-isn. 4 . cu=__ acloc_ations and ::o,munaty b-lase_` nSLit'.. .1 :r 3. FAGC i �� 0'�-1�-1695 04:42PN FROM SOLUTION STRFTESIES [I;C TC 19093645139 P.34 NOTES FROM THE FIRST MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL APRIL 15 , 1997 09-1t-1?9S �a:�3Pt1 FROM SILUT:OPI STRATEGIES INC T�: 19093E45133 P.35 SI TODAY ICrea:e spirit of rarity • Have e-ample:of cJtano Sze Bart Brrnadna os a 7ouperacror. a-a r d respect j • Clem Scn in al.' L+.;fererrt placr with new J emQng a'1(including neignbvrhoods-no Tore image sc trct cx;i�en will ^onvnunity/ cctrriain ; wart re stav here -wa.xurg • i • R¢stare prime arcl oaauty of Grid runrung path; Stre rhe►t;�`ordctnerua! � I uailev; reap seise Glvc perrki and recreation I values i cor!r moat✓and care I FriCrlfy { I P.estcre hope cK° oppar:-.,Wiry I •. .Strengr�en ccmniunieatioer I �ocur or,f�r�e ajchilc�i-en I for c:tizexs he:wee Cow cii• i � f i 1?VTL�Ia,1+iiy'7T S Itrtitre: � I :'el artmer f• crs.�canrmrority srre'rgtnen crime prrt.•eM."On + Job Base.'�occc'-paying jabs moils so that paop:e wi/1 forreopie whe me here "nr to move to Sm • 1'3ulh 2Qil.CQtZ,'�it a saper:or i .',zrnarainv SSht701.CyyfQT: • G:Sf-Ir EC?^0 t7 Openness ber+•een j government agencies I t �?cc:ounl;:bilirr-establlsl;e,�. goals with bercAnuz-ks f • cJCrgs area taiag of the paV • Ccl.'abo.rar=ve efforts-Ovoid I c:,�::c?trot+3,fSet'"�t:BS ^e:veer i sc,'C.ols. CoiL'7,_ . j • �:�mfna,e fear cetwren cr�ar,:a:ic^sgolr.6 er sane S.5S • pr:M;s o�:ignr ' • ?sd:tctior: :r,resrstct►rct ,C range Xul;nn9vartor. I • C:es:are scnTt D/?Safe neignlrorncod so thC:peQC;c ! ale not afraid to sit ou:bt `-onryard, kr;- I s Carl Yo ourscdr to p.rsvrl rv?k Home from school i j • L"Mize past to maka buiidirs I j .�iGtKS fUr rttt�e j I a • =try r}•.a:'s coming together cs a mi:-s^-.7ng-think as ; • Sant des4�n,^.tiorr as. 11- i i A.-iericl2 City -- _: • P.egain zero;cl of city btocxj 09-16-1993 04:47PM FFGn 30LUT:0N STFPTEGIES INC TC 19093645139 P.36 RESQURCES jys;er-abandant;geothe-oral.•soft :- Supple end Cost of L4=d.- ,arge number of Lndeveloped land in Southemf=,d Western pert of City J. Ciry owns a lot of propsrry J. lnternaticral.;irpcn Rwnvay 5. Climote 6. Retirees with vast inw-rience �'olurucer organi_a:lons 4 Edutationai System` City School, VO;Zey College, Gnirerslry :. Pratimiry?!:eereatiereal fccilities 19. Little Leag«e Western tZegsonal Facility and strong;i:zle/rogue aFg<vsistuian Rail Access-mtrr•. f=diry-Mrtroljnk 1?, c.ecelle r: medical facrlftfes iaea:Iy =td r:earby-. Yet Hospu4L Loma Linda, St. 5er±ardire's, Comry Medical Censer's bun Center,etc. 1}. SMOn2 sister cirfes programs with 12 cities chrougl or r the world 14 Diverse ethnic groups is. Gte•children 16. La�•o, pool -. High tech ind-,xyy Recreatior oppor:urines-soccer complex, baseball st,Za&'unt,parks I 9. Symphony Orchestra 2v ,rational Orange Show :1. Center for L+dividuuk wuh Disabiti!ieS ?'. Two major law errforcerner,;,zyerriar-Sher ff;Deparrnetu and Police Department 3. .i'c✓ner.'a Corridor hurches- '6? C;ups ty Sear F. YSr�rw7 t kOx Or tics, rahry Lore _ � ✓UwrltOwn�:7Sfrf7Q 23, "ou-thowe v .�erghLTornnaci,�ssociariorx; 30. Excellent Fr:ewaj s ste,r- 3:. '.;r:1,1ar 'e!C/SYfrto 3' `.-LFTA Co"dcr 3� P: tfC 14-gym 31 in:rz2Se in new OuSinews Best J;sj cr pre:, rednr:s pr:.-ram ;n Counr.- r Sx:ellrnr grant waters ar Polxe.Dept. caul in Ciry 04:43PM FROM SCLUT:CN STFPTEr,I_S me TC 19093E45139 P.37 I5S IES LN-DEMTIAL WAR S- FIRST V ARD; 1. :Kt. Vernon Cassidy needs updating;infrastructure and revitallzation 3. Houses owned by Santa Fe workers—SD+years old—need to tear down/f=thru A R I Keep hones viable for today's families 4. Make SBL-L4 viable S. Bring Ward up to code SEQQND WA": I. Revitalize Baseline Corridor 1 Blighted Ara¢s—involve Neighborhood Associations in solutiec I Find viable use for vacant CouXty Uedical Center 4. Enhance/Beautify,Perris Hill Park and Fiscalini Field 1)74o4r,rV.'rjeation areas) Iff,M I. Off ramps to Westside 1. Keep San Bernardino valley College in San Bernardino;halp relocate if necessary 3. Revitalization of Santa Fe Station (Netrolink) 4. Consider establishing railroad rnuseurn at Santa Fe sfatro., 3. Update old houses wirrg 515d! 6. Realign ward boundaries FOL`RI.H WAR JD: 1. 40"'Streer Shopping Cewers .-tnrtex unincorporated land Replace deteriorated housing or,Lynwood FIFTH w AP?; 1. geed Fire Station '. Rebuild pockets of old hones 64prowftrad Suburban Farms) 3. Homes near Little League Western Regional Headquarters need revitaliza:ics S LXTH NN RD: New conrrnercial shopping (markets, bank,gas station) ?. Need to tie to rest of the City 3. Housing u old,needs rehab 4. Opportunities to develop vacant land SENTNTH WAD: 1. Full golrcourse. 3. Arden-Guthrit problems 09-1C-1998 `4:44P-N1 FRC`1 SOLUTION STRATEGIES INC TO 19L93345138 P.38 GOALS ?. Regional goals • Pecple can earn a good llvirg • Create synergy-like Ontario • Partner with Orange Show for a Convention Center • Build a riverwclk through river=beds on O*a?Te Show property • Porential to be a regfonal attraction :. Link our assets to make them more successful-strengthen the who/e 3. Water project- &se water resources to oarmer with Rialto ro create Lytle Creek rNerwalk- stud)e all CDtiorr Look at vacant County Hospital land :� f�er�..!1 signaga 0. T arget mgior mal ujracrurers to ivcate hv-z Downtown movic shearer-monaor convac:performance S. Seek jund:ng to keep C ourrho:;o Say:Berncremo 9 Re-surv<, en.-ire C!1y street lighrng-neve►works complere,y !+) Address low water pressure in t n:rd GYzrd !1. Bring Inlard Center.Vial.'into Ciry!???-tr afrpnaf,1; in ?. Stn—c Roure 6.1laratitcR `3 Cz; Lira(e divers; o{100 different Altura!groups !� Streamina �urear.cxcn. S Exrend bike .'anes ir.0 W'es:side i6- Do aka.,%virh or reduce ur.'lity: and,Mello Roos Dismiers 17. Decrease absentee landlords; increase owner-occupitd homes tenfold d In::ail czt ewcy on�r'aspita!!ry lane to alleviate tr�t'c congestion t'r. Listen cc C�fnmwHN 3 09-1E-199e 04:44PM FROM SOLUTION STRPTEGIES INC TO 19093945138 P.39 '0. Pstabitsir another!role league,'�zrLr sofrball lecg,;e Il. fnceease eMployment terfoid ?1. Repurcrio,: J. GL UE' EMEMEAL GOALS OF INI Iog �Yp C0jrNCfL • Provide leadership needed to deveiop rIratCg C clan that wit, address vor�ls CnurCil tnternr fy1rdernal y • ,�ggresrive y pr�rst�e ouAicwe fu7td,•'teg f°r City—Niratever;i tckes Councilwoman zstrada • Be reaiistic-no pie in sky projects • STai&er. out EDA—open cvemces: make risings better Off- • Better u:i[L=rfor,ot'EDA • M.I. Vernon Corridor Col rrl w'Oplm 'ica. • Get economic engine going • pr,�LIde fOh trafnirrg • Rebui!d southeast end—need curbs and Meters on Caro;?ne Sr,cc: • Address 'sss:e of the homeless; '—tplore oro-:],aing homeless shriter :.sing Cin-owned �uil'�irb or Waterwan Avenue, u:ili:e existing resources, such as Grace -nape: • Fr=ee Center — Currently wing mobile units to Vre.,;dr heal.1h care 'Zor c Lir:dq , explore hOW City can assist in establisr,Ing permanent health units such a: 'Vx done with Casa Ramona • Establisr more boz:ng pragratnr ar R..uben r zmpos Center; hel11 reduce nigh .morta:ay among Latino yo:;th Q2tYtl6iII'c.I' ,clwecz: • 'Rebuild 4e Street Stopping Center • Stop decline of comtrercial corridor whicir cou;d spread to neighberhoodr cou CLIMM 1?2vlir.: • 4eeh.n city government to mace more cost al�'ec.•;ve; i.c.. cornbirrng devaremerts • Gel City Co:ineil out of Redevelopmew • Widen "F"Street 0'3-1E-1398 C4:44P"l FROM SOLUTION STRPTEGIES INC TO 19093345158 P.40 V • Inrrall on and o,ff ramps for Litelt League Drive o c w+o a A etso • Brfng Q bank SIerrnc�cer, and gas station tc amide • FaPcarded bus service-residc=cw-entlp walk 1042 block to catch bur Address problem of iu7e sewer system COnnecront on RrL+oaa-citggmnu car.'t affb>d to hco k up TCTAL P.40 AGENDA City of San Bernardino Mayor and Council Study Session IV October 05, 1998 FOCUS: The City of San Bernardino Values -* Vision * Mission -* Goals -► Commitment -► Action -* Success Opening Remarks Mayor Valles Overview of Study Sessions I-III Solution Strategies, Inc. Objectives for Today's Session Solution Strategies, Inc. Discussion Mayor and Council Commitment Shared Values Vision Mission Statement Goals of Council/Staff Teams Priority of Issues (Citizens Survey) Recommended Goals MOTION: The Mayor and Common Council adopt the Shared Values, Vision, Mission Statement, and Recommended Goals; And, sign the Commitment statement. Overview of Next Steps Fred 1Nilson Development of Implementation Plan Solution Strategies, Inc. Closing Remarks Mayor Valtes i • • • • "SETTING THE COURSE FOR THE • • ALL-AMERICAN CITY" • • • NARrj R • � l • O • 4 � • O • 0 0 • LD i • • PRIORITIES AND GOALS • • for the • CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO • • • October 05, 1998 • • Prepared for the Mayor and San Bernardino City Council by Solution Strategies, Inc. • • AQ 5 9? • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • • MAYOR AND COUNCIL • COMMITMENT TO THE • • CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Together we will restore the City of San Bernardino to its proud heritage and stature as the All-American City. The first step is to establish guiding principles and goals which will set our direction and help keep our course steady. In taking this step, we are making the committment to provide the foundation for our City to be a safe, attractive, cultured, dynamic, and liveable community. Date: Judith Valles Mayor Esther R. Estrada Councilmember for the First Ward Susan Lien Councilmember for the Second Ward Rita C. Arias Councilmember for the Third Ward Frank E. Schnetz Councilmember for the Fourth Ward w Jerry M. Devlin �. Councilmember for the Fifth Ward Betty Dean Anderson Councilmember for the Sixth Ward Norine Miller Councilmember for the Seventh Ward PAGE 1 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SHARED VALUES The City of San Bernardino will conduct its business practices in keeping with these adopted Shared Values: Integrity Accountability Respect for Human Dignity Honesty Fairness PAGE 2 VISION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO VISION Our vision for the City of San Bernardino is for it to be strong and prosperous. The City of San Bernardino will be the hub of economic growth in the Inland Empire. San Bernardino iI offer a wide range of housing, recreation, = y education,`jand employment opportunities for all who {live and work here. A strong sense of community will continue to grow and thrive within our City limits. PAGE 3 MISSION STATEMENT CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide quality and cost effective services to the people of San Bernardino. We will provide excellence in leadership through the allocation of public resources to City programs that are responsive to community priorities and maximize opportunities for economic, educational, and cultural viability. PAGE 4 GOALS DEVELOPED BY COUNCIL/STAFF COMMITTEES (NOT PRIORITIZED) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GOALS DEVELOPED BY COUNCIL/STAFF COMMITTEES (NOT PRIORITIZED) QUALITY OF LIFE COMMITTEE 1. Provide for a safe and secure community. 2. Seek opportunities for education, recreation, and personal growth of the citizenry. 3. Activate community outreach and communication and work to meet the diverse service needs of the entire community. 4. Enhance the physical beauty of San Bernardino. 5. Promote the image of San Bernardino. ECONOMIC/INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE 6. Attract and retain business that provides skilled and higher income jobs to San Bernardino. 7. Attract and retain business that will support job training and provide entry-level employment for the long-term unemployed. S. Revitalize major commercial corridors. 9. Improve housing quality and balance within San Bernardino. 10. Improve the overall quality of the roadway system. 11. Improve traffic circulation and accessibility to freeways. 12. Provide appropriate maintenance to streets, storm drains, sanitation sewers, public rights-of-way, and public buildings and facilities in order to extend infrastructure life cycles and ensure attractive community appearance. GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 13. Improve trust and communication within City government and throughout the Community. 14. Organize and plan for the future. 15. Streamline City operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness. PAGE 5 PRIORITY OF ISSUES IDENTIFIED IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITIZENS SURVEY MAY 21 , 1998 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRIORITY OF ISSUES IDENTIFIED IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITIZENS SURVEY MAY 211, 1998 1. Jobs 2. Safety 3. Roads 4. Blight Eradication 5. Infrastructure Preservation 6. Recreation 7. Community Outreach PAGE 6 RECOMMENDED GOALS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECOMMENDED GOALS FOR ADOPTION BY CITY CONSOLIDATED AND PRIORITIZED BY ISSUES J IDENTIFIED IN CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITIZEN SURVEY MAY 21, 1998 1. Jobs Attract and retain business that provides skilled and higher income jobs. Support job training. Provide entry-level employment for the long-term unemployed. 2. Safety Provide for a safe and secure community. 3. Roads Improve the overall quality of the roadway system, including traffic circulation and accessibility to freeways. 4. Blight Eradication Enhance the city's physical beauty by revitalizing major commercial corridors and improving housing quality and balance. 5. Infrastructure Pr6i eirvati , Provide appropriate maintenance to streets, storm drains, sanitation sewers, public rights-of-way, trees, and public buildings and facilities in order to extend infrastructure life cycles and ensure attractive community appearance. 6. Recreation Seek opportunities for education, recreation, and personal growth of the citizenry. 7. Community Outreach Activate community outreach and communication. Promote the image of San Bernardino. Governance Improve governance by: • Building trust and communication within City government and throughout �\ the community. • Organizing and planning for the future. • Streamlining City operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness. PAGE 7 Awk "SETTING THE COURSE z FOR THE ALL-AMERICAN CITY" DEVELOPING THE PLAN FOR GOALS IMPLEMENTATION "THE PLAN" 0 for the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO October 05, 1998 Prepared for the Mayor and San Bernardino City Council by , Solution Strategies, Inc. Z16 l ' A, /�� DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLAN FOR GOALS IMPLEMENTATION "THE PLAN" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Development of the Plan for Goals Implementation "The Plan" The Plan identifies the steps and actions that need to be accomplished to reach the City's goals. Following The Plan and sticking to the Goals will make the City's vision of San Bernardino as the All-American City a reality. The Plan is the road map for success. To ensure The Plan will achieve results, it should include the following six elements: Identify Actions to Reach Goals Demonstrate how Actions will be Accomplished Specify Who is Responsible to Accomplish Actions Establish Timelines/Milestones for Accomplishment Establish Process for Follow-up Establish Process for Evaluation and Measurements The Plan will be developed by the City Staff and presented to the City Council for review and approval. The City's Shared Values, Vision, and Mission Statement will guide the philosophy and principles of this Plan. The Goals and their order of priority serve as the foundation for The Plan. The actions noted on the following pages were identified during the goal-setting process during workshop sessions with the Mayor, Council, and Staff and through the Council/Staff Committees. These actions have been categorized with the appropriate corresponding goals. The actions will serve as a starting point for development of The Plan. PAGE 1 ACTION ITEMS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF "THE PLAN" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Action Items for The Plan Quality of Life 1. Provide for a safe and secure community. (Safety) Action Items • Continue to provide excellence in public safety services. • Evaluate City fire protection and formally adopt emergency service standards. • Identify service delivery options for county islands and unincorporated areas surrounding the city. • Develop and report on area specific crime prevention strategies. • Continue Police Department's "initiative" goal setting and reporting on: 1. Violent Crimes/Gangs/Narcotics 2. Information Management 3. Efficiency 4. Cooperative Problem Solving • Improve park safety. • Focus on areas of the city with concentrated drug and gang activity, using the Police Department's Distressed Neighborhoods Pilot Program. • Significantly increase participation and marketing of the City's crime prevention program. • Create area-specific crime prevention prospectus. • Create and widely distribute a community problem- solving guide. • Provide community oriented policing and problem-solving training to community groups. • Strengthen the crime-free rental housing program. • Develop and provide training to city residents on the "clean neighborhoods program". 2. Seek opportunities for education, recreation, and personal growth of the citizenry. (Recreation, Community Outreach) Action Items • Develop strong and diverse community based organizations. • Improve and increase youth development activities. • Develop Trails Master Plan. • Eradicate functional illiteracy; build cultural literacy. • Enhance library services. • Develop a shared base of common knowledge within the community. • Link with Valley College to ensure its continued presence in San Bernardino. PAGE 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO • Increase park development and improvements. • Improve accessibility to programs for senior citizens. • Start Route 66 Marathon. • Expand the City's programs offered through Parks, Recreation, and Community Service Department. • Continue to develop partnerships, secure grants, and use volunteers. • Expand the after-school playground programs. • Reinstate the roving cultural arts program. • Expand tiny tot programs. • Extend the summer swim season. • Increase the hours of operation at community centers. • Reinstate the Senior Olympics program. 3. Activate community outreach and communication and work to meet the diverse services needs of the entire community. (Commmunity Outreach) Action Items • Listen to the community. • Support churches, businesses, and community organizations in their efforts to improve the city and to provide city-wide solutions. • Understand, respect, and celebrate diverse cultures within the community. • Work to expand bus service in targeted areas of the community, including Westside. 4. Enhance the physical beauty of San Bernardino. (Blight Eradication) Action Items • Revitalize and redevelop blighted and/or deteriorated areas. • Stop blight through enhanced code enforcement. • Establish well-maintained residential neighborhoods by bringing wards up to code. • Enhance and beautify park facilities. • Preserve historic sites, including the Santa Fe Depot. • Aggressively pursue measures to curb illegal dumping, and respond quickly to reports of dumping. • Clean up illegal dumping within 10 days of notification. 5. Promote the image of San Bernardino. (Blight Eradication) Action Items • Form Committee 2010/2020 to assist with development of the Implementation Plan and promoting our All-American image. • Develop Marketing Plan/Strategy to enhance image of the city. • Improve communication between City Hall and the community. PAGE 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Economic Foundation 6. Attract and retain business that provides skilled and higher income jobs to San Bernardino. (Jobs) Action Items • Through the Mayor's Business Advisory Council and efforts of the City Council Members, develop specific actions to attract major businesses to the city. 7. Attract and retain business that will support job training and provide entry-level employment for the long-term unemployed. (Jobs) Action Items • Inventory community attributes (transportation, educational facilities, land, business cost factors, etc.) • Match attributes to targeted employers. • Identify our competitors. • Initiate direct contact with targeted employers or businesses as a comprehensive marketing program. 8. Revitalize major commercial corridors. (Jobs, Blight Eradication) Action Items • Create corridor master plan to change land uses to encourage revitalization. • Integrate commercial corridors with surrounding residential areas. • Coordinate job creation with resultant retail/ commercial demand. • Consider parking districts to support commercial corridors. • Consider implementing Business Improvement Districts (BID's) for commercial areas. • Research and develop a rehabilitation plan which utilizes water and geothermal resources to promote economic growth. • General Plan Development Code STET. 9. Improve housing quality and balance within San Bernardino. (Blight Eradication) Action Items • Promote home ownership. • Re-prioritize 20% set-aside commitments to draw moderate income buyers into the market. • Remove or reduce the number of substandard rental units. • Implement infill housing programs aimed at affordable home- ownership. • Initiate a proactive program aimed at development of market rate housing. PAGE 4 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO • Restore neighborhood quality of life through liaison with neighborhood associations. • Rehabilitate deteriorated housing. • Automate EDA operation for greater speed and efficiency in providing services. • Continue the Mayor's Demolition Initiative and pursue demolition of the city's most blighted structures. 10. Improve the overall quality of the roadway system. (Roads) Action Items • Using Gas Tax and other transportation and infra- structure funding, increase the resources (money and staff) devoted to street repairs and resurfacing. • Fill potholes within 48 hours of notification. In locations where potholes repeatedly occur, remove and replace the surrounding asphalt in order to make the repair more permanent. 11. Improve traffic circulation and accessibility to freeways. (Roads) 12. Provide appropriate maintenance to streets, storm drains, sanitation sewers, public right-of-ways, and public buildings and facilities in order to extend infrastructurelife cycles and ensure attractive community appearance. (Infrastructure Preservation) Action Items • Develop a pavement system and comprehensive roadway maintenance program. • Continually investigate alternative funding sources relative to capital improvements and promote innovative and cost saving methods. • Seek new and additional funding sources for sidwalk repairs. Consider increasing CDBG funding for this purpose. • Prepare a 2-year sidwalk repair schedule. • Propose a multi-year plan to replace failing box culverts. • Continue to improve the storm drain system as recommended in the Storm Drain Master Plan. • Continue to improve and maintain the sanitary sewer system and encourage new connections in rural areas. • Develop a policy to fund building and custodial maintenance as new public facilities are added to the City. • Continue to improve and maintain public right-of-ways, City trees, and streets. • Evaluate construction of parking structures in select commercial areas. • Comply with state and/or federal mandates for health, safety, and accessibility. PAGE 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Governance 13. Improve trust and communication within City government and throughout the Community. (Community Outreach) Action Items • Develop a comprehensive policy regarding discretionary decisions which affect the public, to provide consistent responses to specific questions. • Develop a comprehensive policy for Council members who seek information, to ensure appropriate chain of command decision making. • Develop a comprehensive Code of Ethics/Conduct to which everyone is bound, and provide related training. • Develop a formalized tracking process for citizen complaints. • Develop a process for summarizing Departmental monthly status reports for easy reading and comprehension. • Review applicable Department Director letter regarding submission of staff reports, update and amend as necessary, and ensure compliance by departments. • Review and revise as needed the current Council committee assignments and methods by which matters are referred to committee. Utilize committees for review of complex agenda items. • Provide holistic, practical training for new Council members. • Consider monthly meetings for Department heads to discuss ongoing projects as they may interrelate (as an example: "development departments" could meet to discuss ongoing projects). • Provide ongoing customer service training for staff who provide front line service. 14. Organize and plan for the future. (Governance) Action Items • Develop strategic plans within the City Departments and for the City as a whole. Use strategic plans to benchmark success. • Promote regionalism. • Develop a comprehensive technology master plan. • Develop and implement an aggressive marketing strategy for the City. • Link San Bernardino politically with Sacramento and Washington, D.C., by retaining a political consultant whose only client is San Bernardino. • Organize the community to attract positive attention, such as participating in the "Empowerment Zone" process. PAGE 6 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 15. Streamline City operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (Governance) Action Items • Examine the purchasing process, including approval of budgeted items, to determine if the process is as efficient as it should be. • Examine duplicated functions within City government and eliminate duplication if warranted. • Develop and implement comprehensive financial principles (or "shared values"). • Develop and implement preventative maintenance and replacement standards and plans. • Examine existing Charter provisions to determine how changes to the Charter might improve the City's efficiency in a variety of areas, including personnel practices. • Perform thorough, accurate cost analysis prior to any purchase or agreement, to include impact and costs to all applicable internal services, i.e., custodial and building maintenance, personnel, technology equipment and services, finance, fleet, risk, etc. • Provide periodic training workshops for department managers regarding changes in operations policies or procedures. PAGE 7 ISSUES AND ACTIONS FROM CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITIZENS SURVEY MAY 219 1998 AND CORRESPONDING GOALS DEVELOPED BY COUNCIL/STAFF COMMITTEES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issues & Actions from Citizens Survey and the Corresponding Goals Developed by Council/Staff Committees Source: Diffusion index showing the priority of spending more money on a particular service. The Actions noted below are included in the actions listed for development of the Implementation Plan. This summary demonstrates how issues raised in the Citizens Survey were included in the goals developed by the Council/Staff Committees on the Quality of Life, Economic/Infrastructure, and Governance. Issue: Promoting new jobs by attracting major businesses Actions: Through the Mayor's Business Advisory Council and efforts of the City Council Members, develop specific actions to attract major businesses to the city. Goal: # 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 2. Issue: Dealing with narcotics and gangs Actions„ Focus on areas of the city with concentrated drug and gang activity, using the Police Department's Distressed Neighborhoods Pilot Program. Goal: # 1. (See Wayne Harp, Assistant Chief of Police Memorandum dated August 04, 1998 attached) Issue: Repairing potholes and repaving existing streets Actions: Using Gas Tax and other transportation and infrastructure funding, increase the resources (money and staff) devoted to street repairs and resurfacing. • Fill potholes within 48 hours of notification. In locations where potholes repeatedly occur, remove and replace the surrounding asphalt in order to make the repair more permanent. Goal: # 12. PAGE 8 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issue: Cleaning up illegal dumping Actions: Aggressively pursue measures to curb illegal dumping, and respond quickly to reports of dumping. • Clean up illegal dumping within 10 days of notification. Goal: # 4. Issue: Crime prevention programs Actions: Significantly increase participation and marketing of the City's crime prevention programs. • Create area-specific crime prevention prospectus. • Create and widely distribute a community problem-solving guide. • Provide community oriented policing and problem-solving training to community groups. Strengthen the crime-free rental housing program. • Develop and provide training to city residents on the "clean neighborhoods program". Goal: # 1. (See Wayne Harp, Assistant Chief of Police Memorandum dated August 04, 1998 attached) Issue: Repairing sidewalks, gutters, and drains Actions: Seek new and additional funding sources for sidewalk repairs. Consider increasing CDBG funding for this purpose. • Prepare a 2-year sidewalk repair schedule. • Propose a multi-year plan to replace failing box culverts. Goal: # 12. PAGE 9 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Issue: Tearing down blighted buildings Actions: Continue the Mayor's Demolition Initiative and pursue demolition of the city's most blighted structures. Goal: # 9. Issue: Improving youth and family recreation activities and programs. Actions: Expand the City's programs offered through Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department. • Continue to develop partnerships, secure grants, and use volunteers. • Expand the after-school playground programs. • Reinstate the roving cultural arts programs. • Expand tiny tot programs. • Extend the summer swim season. 0 Increase the hours of operation at community centers. • Reinstate the Senior Olympics program. Goal: # 2. PAGE 10 AUG 0 0 1998 Cite of San Bernardino San Bernardino Police Department Interoffice Memorandum To: Lori Sassoon, Sr. Administrative Assistant From: Wayne Harp, Assistant Chief of Police Subject: City Goals Reference Citizen's Survey Date: August 4, 1998 Copies: Issue #2 Dealin,- with Narcotics and Gangs Goal: Use the eight new police officers to focus on areas of the city with concentrated drug and gang activity. The first area to be targeted by the eight officers obtained pursuant to the COPS Universal Hiring Grant will be 9th Street north to Magnolia and Sierra Way west to I-215. The area will also include Baseline north to 16th and Sierra Way east to Waterman. This area is referred to as the downtown corridor. It is primarily residential. The five reporting districts, which comprise the "downtown corridor," are significantly higher in part I crime rates than the city average. This is the first area selected for our Distressed 'Neighborhoods Pilot Program. We will approach this area with what we refer to as a phased problem-solving approach. This phased problem-solving approach consists of the following components: • Notify neighborhood residents that the following enforcement actions are forthcoming. • Municipal Code violations regarding property maintenance and upkeep will be enforced. This will give residents an opportunity to take corrective action. Code Enforcement, as well as personnel from the Fire Department and City Attorney's Office will be critical components of this effort. THE SBPD IS COMMITTED TO PROVIDING: PROGRESSIVE QUALITY POLICE SERVICE; Lori Sassoon, Sr. Administrative Analyst Page -2- August 4, 1998 • Parole, probation and welfare fraud sweeps will be conducted to apprehend parole and probation violators, as well as welfare fraud violators. • Concurrent with these steps, police officers and community service representatives will be organizing concerned residents. This will help prevent backsliding into previous conditions and provide ongoing feedback and evaluation of our efforts. • Concurrently with these other efforts, the Economic Development Agency will be a partner in acquiring, rehabilitating, and reselling many homes as part of phased problem solving. The folloivinng items are part of the Violent Crimes/Gan-s/Narcotics Initiative and pertain to Police Departmennt efforts city-ivide: • Continue street-level drug suppression, coordinated Nvith area detectives. hl this project, narcotics investigators have aggressively enforced the various narcotics-related statutes. They served approximately 365 search warrants in 1997. In 1998, the rate of search warrant service continues at the same level. As a result of this effort, neighborhood street dealers have decreased in number and become increasingly more difficult to locate. • We have begun using our ability to bill for extraordinary law enforcement costs to impact properties where drug related offenses flourish. When this project began, there were approximately 12 landlords who were notified by certified mail that they had problems on their properties. One particular landlord has been identified as being particularly euregious and has been sent a notice of violation. The property has continued to deteriorate. With the cooperation of the City Attorney's Office and Code Enforcement, as well as Police Department area problem-solving officers, the property is in the process of being abated. A bill for approximately $4,000 in police services has been sent to the property owner. • We have been using civil injunctions to restrain gangs from engaging in criminal activity. This program has proven to be very successful. Our ongoing civil injunction against one youth gang has helped to free blocks of streets within individual neighborhoods from criminal youth gang intimidation. • We are working on developing and implementing a high-impact cui feiv enforcement program. One of our officers has agreed to take the lead in conducting curfew enforcement programs, both daytime and nighttime in the next several months. Nighttime curfew programs will be implemented during the summer er season, with a anticipation that a daytime curfew/truancy program will be conducted in the fall. Lori Sassoon, Sr. Administrative Analyst Page -3- August 4, 1998 • We have an ongoing hotel/motel narcotics education reduction program. This new project has been successful beyond our predictions. It has resulted in substantial seizures of narcotics and illegal narcotics assets. • Violent crimes "hot spot"program/crime prevention. One of the strategies developed to reduce the number and frequency of homicides is to target reporting districts with an above-average number of violent crimes and narcotics activity with intensified "zero tolerance" enforcement. Quarterly, the Crime Analysis Unit will profile each individual reporting district and identify the top 10 reporting districts. The determining factors for selecting these top 10 will be the number of reported shootings, assaults with a deadly weapon, and other assorted crimes involving weapons or narcotics activity. Once these target reporting districts have been identified, the Multiple Enforcement Team, Narcotics, Traffic, and Area and Bureau detectives will concentrate their enforcement investigative actions in these areas to reduce reported violent crimes. Results will be included in our monthly crime briefings to be provided to executive staff. Issue #5: Crime Prevention Programs Goal: Sigrzificarztly increase participation and marketing of the city's crime prevention programs. • We have created a general and area-specific crime prevention prospectus. This is a unique model designed to meet the challenges facing our city. Our objective is to address crime and fear of crime, as well as blight and disorder. Each area commander will create an area-specific model focused on identifying addresses, crime trends and patters which impact their area. All available resources will be brought to bear on the problems, as identified by both the community and the police department. • We are creating a connzuznity problem-solviuzg guide. This guide %vill contain an in-depth explanation of the "problem-solving" process, a description of the "clean neighborhoods progranz," and the availability of various local public services in a "resource guide." • We are working to strengthen community involvement of officers. Each area command has involved officers from each shift in various community activities. This ongoing effort will enhance community-police partnerships and is a necessary component of successful problem solving. The goal is to have officers become more familiar with a greater number of citizens, understand their concerns, and address those issues. Lori Sassoon, Sr. Administrative Analyst Page -4- August 4, 1998 • Provide community-oriented policing and problem-solving training to community groups. In February of 1998, the department held several community meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to share the department's problem-solving philosophy and gain input from the community on how to improve collaboration in areas of common concern. The information gained from these meetings was used in the development and publication of the community problem solving guide. • Strengthen the crime fi-ee rental housing program within the department. Officers from all the area commands have attended training on the crime-free rental housing program. Also attending these programs have been property owners and landlords. This interaction has provided a better understanding of the program for both citizens and officers. Concurrent with these programs, each area office has been equipped with literature about the crime free rental housing program, as well as the name and telephone number of the program coordinator. Police officers and community service representatives are now prepared to perform site evaluations of apartment complexes and other rental properties. • Develop and provide training to city residents on the clean neighborhoods program. The clean neighborhoods program began in the D Area. The program's purpose is to reduce crime, clean up rental properties and increase property values throughout San Bernardino. Our primary tool is the use of a public nuisance statute contained in our Municipal Code. It allows neighbors of an offender to bring legal action for emotional and mental distress. It also allows for relief to be sought through small claims court, as well as the Center for Dispute Resolution. The program is designed to empower law-abiding residents to regain control of their neighborhoods. • Develop and implement COPS "marketing publicity" strategies. Marketing community policing and problem-solving efforts began in the Fall of 1997. Initially, community meetings were held. One recommendation that was repeated throughout the meetings was that community leadership development workshops be held throughout the city. It ",as felt that this would strengthen community-police partnerships. A television market'ng piece is being created for broadcasting on the local cable access channel. It is anticipated that this finished product will be ready to air during the second half of 1 998. COUNCILMEMBER DESIRED ACTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Councilmember Jerry Devlin Specific Actions For City As A Whole: 1. Maintain and repair streets on a routine basis. 2. Repair/replace sidewalks and curbs and implement new tree planting standard. 3. Comply with ADA as required by law. 4. Be more proactive in seeking grants (from all sources) for infrastructure repair, upgrades, and replacement. For the Fifth Ward: 1. (VMS 1-3-6) Off ramps heading west from IS215. 2. Cleanup/blight eradication in downtown area i.e. Ward 2 (E Street, Baseline, Highland Ave.). The following are short-term goals for the Fifth Ward: • Completion of the widening of E Street, at Little Mountain. • Widening of H Street, between Kendall and 40th Street. • Widening of the bridge between Pine Avenue and Palm. • Filling of potholes and resurfacing roadways. • Repair of sidewalks, as needed, in the older established neighborhoods. The following are long-term goals for the Fifth Ward: • Create a roadway encompassing Cal State University (in conjunction with Master Plan of University). • Freeway off-ramps at 1-15 and Little League Drive. While representing the Fifth Ward it is my goal to also assist the new Mayor in the business of further revitalizing our City through jobs, blight and crime reduction, and improving the quality of life. PAGE 15 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Councilmember Susan Lien Specific Actions For City As A Whole: 1. Maintain a positive open forum where decisions are made with respect for human values in the larger society and good judgment of the real worth of all things. 2. Transition from current line-item budgeting to performance budgeting that defines goals that produce quantifiable results. Make actions the basis for programs and activities that get funded. 3. Continue to increase the repair, upgrade, and replacement of city infrastructure for tomorrow. 4. Set mayoral and council deadline for the completion of definitive working ten- and twenty-year plans to revitalize San Bernardino. For the Second Ward: 1. Build partnerships inside and outside the city to strengthen home rehabilitation and ownership, employment opportunities, youth development, and business revitalization. 2. Provide leadership and assistance to County Medical Center Re-use Task Force to advocate for a successful move, demolition, and redevelopment of the Gilbert Street site. 3. Assist constituents in service delivery and problem resolution. 4. Build strong neighborhood associations and community based institutions. PAGE 16 NOTES FROM THE FIRST MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL APRIL 15, 1997 VISION TODAY ONE YEAR FIVE YEARS • Create spirit of unity, • Have examples of change • See San Bernardino as a cooperation, trust& respect • Clean San Bernardino in all different place with new among all (including neighborhoods—no more image so that children will complaints want to stay here— walking commtrnity� • Restore pride and beauty of and running paths • Strengthen fundamental valley; real sense of • Give parks and recreation values community and care priority • Restore hope & opportunity • Strengthen communication • Focus on future of children for citizens between Council, • During Mavor's tenure: departments, and community strengthen crime prevention • Job Base; good-paying jobs efforts so that people will for people who are here want to move to San • Youth educated in a superior Bernardino school system • Bustling economy • Openness between government agencies • Accountability—established goals with benchmarks • Gangs are a thing of the past • Collaborative efforts—avoid duplication of services between City, schools, County • Eliminate fear between organizations going after same SSS • Points of light • Reduction in resistance to change and innovation • Restore sense of a safe neighborhood so that people are not afraid to sit out in front yard, kids can go outside to play and walk home from school • Utilize past to make building blocks for future • A city that's coming together as a unit—strong—think as One vs my • Seek designation as All- America City • Regain control of city blocks RESOURCES 1. Water-abundant; geothermal: soft 2. Supply and Cost of Land: large number of undeveloped land in Southeast and Western part of Citv 3. Citv owns a lot of property 4. International Airport Runway .i. Climate 6. Retirees with vast experience . Volunteer organizations 8. Educational System: Citv School, Valley College, University 9. Proximity of recreational facilities 10. Little League Western Regional Facility and strong little league organization 11. Rail Access-intermodal facility-Metrolink 12. Excellent medical facilities locally and nearby - VA Hospital, Loma Linda, St. Bernardine's, County Medical Center's burn Center, etc. 13. Strong sister cities programs with 12 cities throughout the world 14. Diverse ethnic groups 15. Our children 16. Labor pool 17. High tech industry 18. Recreation opportunities-soccer complex, baseball stadium,parks 19. Svmphony Orchestra 20. National Orange Show 21. Center for Individuals with Disabilities 22. Two major law enforcement agencies-Sheriff's Department and Police Department 23. Alameda Corridor 24. Churches-262 25. County Seat 26. "Restaurant Row"on Hospitalitv Lane 2'. Downtown cinema 28. Courthouse 29. Neighborhood Associatigns 30. Excellent Freeway system 31. San Manuel Casino 32, NAFTA Corridor 33. Pacific Rim 34. Increase in new businesses 35. Best disaster preparedness program in Country 36. Excellent grant writers at Police Dept. and in City ISSUES INDIVIDUAL WARDS: FIRST WARD: 1. alt. Vernon Corridor needs updating; infrastructure and revitalization 2. Houses owned by Santa Fe workers—50+years old—need to tear down/fix thru A" 3. Keep homes viable for today's families 4. _Luke SBIAA viable 5. Bring Ward up to code SECOND WARD: 1. Revitalize Baseline Corridor 2. Blighted Areas—involve Neighborhood Associations in solutions 3. Find viable use for vacant County Medical Center 4. Enhance/Beautify Perris Hill Park and Fiscalini Field(pools, recreation areas) THIRD WARD: 1. Off-ramps to Westside 2. Keep San Bernardino Valley College in San Bernardino; help relocate if necessary 3. Revitalization of Santa Fe Station (Metrolink) 4. Consider establishing railroad museum at Santa Fe station 5. Update old houses using $15M 6. Realign ward boundaries FOURTH WARD: 1. Ox'Street Shopping Centers 2. Annex unincorporated land 3. Replace deteriorated housing on Lynwood FIFTH WARD: 1. Need Fire Station 2. Rebuild pockets of old homes (Arrowhead Suburban Farms) 3. Homes near Little League Western Regional Headquarters need revitalization SIXTH WARD: 1. New commercial shopping (markets, bank,gas station) 2. Need to tie to rest of the City 3. Housing is old; needs rehab 4. Opportunities to develop vacant land SEVENTH WARD: 1. Full golf course 2. Arden-Guthrie problems 3. Highland Avenue Commercial Corridor • Needs preservation improvement • Plan for dealing with land and building uses • Requires health/safety/aestlietic improvements 4. Between Highland Avenue and I-30 Freeway— Transition area—need to stop transition and move back to owner-occupied homes 3. County pockets—consider contracting services (fire, code,police) to provide continuity of Service WHOLE CITY 1. All need to know each other's Wards 2. Need more assistance for small businesses—character loans 3. Cohesiveness among business associations to provide city-wide solutions 4. Bring churches together 5. Need long-range plan inter-dependent among whole community — stop arguing over resources 6. More partnering to maximize resources 7. Address infrastructure—streets, sewers, water 8. Do what would benefit largest number of residents—i.e., reduce sewer rates 9. Prioritize use of dollars based on Mayor and Council criteria and stick to it! 10. Avoid bad business decisions—scrutinize them carefully;stop giving $ away 11. Need good, accurate, truthful information 12. Provide better training for elected officials • Basic training • Analysis of legislative role 13. More cooperation in funneling things thru the Mayor's Office—not 7 mayors 14. Flow through to the Council—know what's going on before the meetings 15. Feed information back to the Council from the Mayor 16.Appoint independent board as Community Development Commission; keep Mayor as Chair 17. Get agenda packets earlier, have earlier cut-off dates to allow time to study agenda issues 18. CITY CHARTER 19. Council Agendas are too small—not enough info 20. Create Council Analyst position for professional analysis of agenda items 21. There is no established communication between Mayor and Council; offices need to be in close proximity to each other 22. Lack good constituent complaint tracking system which shows resolution status of complaints 23. Watch micromanagement GOALS 1. Regional goals • People can earn a good living • Create synergy— like Ontario • Partner with Orange Show for a Convention Center • Build a riverwalk through riverbeds on Orange Show property • Potential to be a regional attraction 2. Link our assets to make them more successful—strengthen the whole 3. Water project -- Use water resources to partner with Rialto to create Lytle Creek riverwalk — study all options 4. Look at vacant County Hospital land 5. Overall signage 6. Target major manufacturers to locate here 7. Downtown movie theater—monitor contract performance 8. Seek funding to keep Courthouse in San Bernardino 9. Re-survey entire Ciry street lighting—never works completely 10. Address low water pressure in Third Ward 11. Bring Inland Center lLIall into City (???— it already is in City) 12. Start Route 66 Marathon 13. Celebrate diversity of 100 different cultural groups 14. Streamline bureaucracy 15. Extend bike lanes into Westside 16. Do away with or reduce utility tax and Mello Roos Districts 17. Decrease absentee landlords; increase owner-occupied homes tenfold 18. Install cut away on Hospitality lane to alleviate traffic congestion 19. Listen to community 20. Establish another little league/girls softball league 21. Increase employment tenfold 22. Reputation 23. GL LIE INDIVIDUAL GOALS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL Mavor Valles: • Provide leadership needed to develop strategic plan that will address goals Council sets — internally/externally • Aggressively pursue outside funding for City— whatever it takes Councilwoman Estrada: • Be realistic—no pie in sky projects • Straighten out EDA —open avenues; make things better • Off-ramps • Better utilization of EDA • :LIt. Vernon Corridor Councilwoman Lien: • Get economic engine going • Provide job training Councilwoman Arias: • Rebuild southeast end— need curbs and gutters on Caroline Street • Address issue of the homeless; explore providing homeless shelter using City-owned building on Waterman Avenue; utilize existing resources, such as Grace Chapel • Frazee Center — currently using mobile units to provide health care (Loma Linda); explore how City can assist in establishing permanent health units such as was done with Casa Ramona • Establish more boxing programs at Ruben Campos Center; help reduce high mortality rates among Latino youth Councilman Schnetz: • Rebuild 401"Street Shopping Center • Stop decline of commercial corridor which could spread to neighborhoods Councilman Devlin: • Realign city government to make more cost effective; i.e., combining departments • Get City Council out of Redevelopment • Widen "E" Street • Install on and off ramps for Little League Drive Councilwoman Anderson: • Bring a bank, supermarket, and gas station to Westside • Expanded bus service —residents currently walk 10-12 blocks to catch bus • Address problem of'idle sewer system connections on Ariiona—citi_ens can 't afford to hook up