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05- Development Department
D _ dELOPMENT DEPARTMEI OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: KENNETH J. HENDERSON SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL Executive Director EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM (ESGP) FUNDING FOR FY1994-1995 DATE: February 16, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synousis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On February 15, 1994, the Housing Committee unanimously recommended approval of the attached Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) application, for FY 1994-95 Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) Assistance funds and forwarded consideration of said item to the Community Development Commission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(s): (Mayor and Common Council) MOTION: That the Mayor and Common Council approve submittal of the attached Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) application for$89,000 in FY 1994-95 Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) Assistance funds and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to then execute any documents necessary to effectuate receipt of said funds. / ! Adm' istrator KENNETH J. HEND RSON Executive Director --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s):Kenneth J. Henderson/David R. Edgar Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Ward(s): Supporting Data Attached:Staff Report: Attachments "A"_ "B". "C". "D" and Application FUNDING REQUIREMENTS:Amount:$ N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: N/A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission/Council Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:NJO:paw:esgpapp.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/94 Agenda Item Number: _ ,DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application For Federal Emergency Shelter Grants Program Funding For FY1994-1995 The Housing Division is currently responsible for aggressively identifying and pursuing funding opportunities in conjunction with the delivery of homeless services within the City of San Bernardino. Over the last five (5) years, the City has received approximately $177,000 in funding under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, as amended. For the 1994/95 Fiscal Year, the City is eligible to receive $89,000 in funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP). ESGP funds can be used for a variety of homeless service activities, including shelter rehabilitation, essential services (food provision, transportation), homeless prevention, operations and administration (Please see attached application). Once the ESGP Assistance Application has been approved by HUD, the Agency will then solicit Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified non-profit service providers. The RFP will include a Comprehensive Checklist which identifies the non-profit organization's service delivery and financial capacity, along with the identified use of these funds by the providers. It is the primary intent of this Agency to fund only those non-profit organizations that can provide high quality service delivery, can satisfy the HUD ESGP matching funds (dollar for dollar) requirement and can also address identified community "needs" in conjunction with this assistance. When formal RFP responses have been received, staff will then thoroughly investigate the experience levels and capacity of responding non-profits, and review proposals to ensure compliance with community needs identified in the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) document and the Home Ownership Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Description. Based upon this analysis, staff will then recommend appropriate selection of the designated non-profit service provider(s) to the Mayor and Common Council. At its meeting conducted on Tuesday, February 15, 1994, the Housing Committee unanimously recommended submittal of the attached Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Application, for FY 1994-95 Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) Assistance funds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:NJO:paw:esgpapp.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/94 Agenda Item Number: _ DEVELOPMENT DEPA.-A'MENT STAFF REPORT APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM (ESGP) FUNDING FOR FY1994-95 FEBRUARY 15, 1994 PAGE - 2 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based upon the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. *&M KENNETH J. H NDERSON, Executive Director Development De artment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:NJO:paw:esgpapp.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/94 Agenda Item Number: �T DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ITEM 11: Description of the Proposed Use of Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) Funds for Fiscal Year 1994/1995. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino propose to use ESGP Funds for one or more of the following activities relating to emergency shelter for the homeless: 1. Rehabilitation of a shelter housing homeless persons. 2. Provision of essential services to the homeless. 3. Payment of operations, including administration and staff costs for operations, maintenance, rent, repair, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities and furnishings. 4. Development and implementation of homeless prevention services. 5. Administration of the Shelter Facility. Once the ESGP Assistance Application has been approved by HUD, the Agency will then solicit request for proposals (RFP) from qualified non-profit service providers. The RFP will include a Comprehensive Checklist which identifies the non-profit organization's service delivery and financial capacity, along with the identified use of these funds by the providers. It is the primary intent of this Agency to fund only those non-profit organizations that can provide high quality service delivery, can satisfy the HUD ESGP matching funds (dollar for dollar) requirement and can address identified community "needs" in conjunction with this assistance. When formal RFP responses have been received, the Agency will then thoroughly investigate the experience levels and capacity of responding non-profits, and review proposals to ensure compliance with community needs identified in the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) document and the Home Ownership Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Description. Based upon this analysis, staff will then recommend to the Mayor and Common Council the selection of the designated non-profit service provider(s). Evaluation criteria of proposals submitted include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Technical Ouality: Evaluation of proposal in terms of quality, conciseness and completeness. ATTACHMENT A L� 2. Experience/Past Performance: Evaluation of the organization's level of experience in providing emergency shelter services or demonstrated capacity to provide shelter services if proposer has no experience. 3. Units of Service: Evaluation of the number of new beds proposed program or project will provide. 4. Target Population: Evaluation of how the organization's shelter will serve the following targeted populations. a) Families with Children b) Elderly/Mentally Ill Homeless c) Veterans d) gingle Men and Women Transients 5. Compliance with specific eligibility requirements (such as: legal, private nonprofit organizations; tax-exemption under subtitle "A"). ATTACHMENT A t) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESGP) FY 1994/1995 Funds will be obligated amoung the five categories of eligible activities as follows: Elieibility Activity Dollar Amount Rehabilitation (576.21(a)(1)) $12,000 Essential Services (576.21(a) (2)) $17,000 Operations (576.21 (a)(3)) $42,100 Homeless Prevention (576.21(a)(4)) $9,000 Administration $8,900 TOTAL $89,000 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY "Certification of Consistency with the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy" I, Tom Minor, Mayor of the City of San Bernardino, authorized to act on behalf of the City of San Bernardino certify that the activities proposed by the City of San Bernardino are consistent with the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy submitted by the City of San Bernardino on December 9, 1992, and submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on December 17, 1993. TOM MINOR, Mayor Date City of San Bernardino ATTACHMENT C CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Local Government Grantee Emergency Shelter Grant Program Certification by the Chief Executive Officer I, Tom Minor, Chief Executive Officer of the City of San Bernardino, certify that the City of San Bernardino will ensure the provision of matching supplemental funds required by the regulation at CFR 576.71. I further certify that the local government will comply with: 1. The requirement of 24 CFR, Section 576.21 (a)(4)(ii), providing that the funding of homeless prevention activities for families that have received eviction notices or notices of termination of utility services will meet the requirements that (a) the inability of the family to make the required payments must be the result of a sudden reduction in income; (b) the assistance must be necessary to avoid eviction of the family or termination of the services to the family; (c) there must be a reasonable prospect that the family will be able to resume payments within a reasonable period of time, and; (d) the assistance must not supplant funding for pre-existing homeless prevention activities from any other source. 2. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.51(b)(2)(v) concerning the funding of emergency shelter in the hotels or motels or commercial facilities providing transient housing. 3. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.73 concerning the continued use of buildings for which emergency shelter grants are used for rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for the homeless, or when funds are used solely for operating costs or essential services concerning the population to be served. 4. The building standards requirement of 24 CFR 576.75. 5. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.77, concerning assistance to the homeless. 6. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.79, other appropriate provisions of 24 CFR Part 576 and other applicable Federal laws concerning non-discrimination and equal opportunity. 7. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.80 concerning the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. ATTACHMENT D 8. The requirement of 24 CFR 576.80 concerning minimizing the displacement of persons as a result of a project assisted with these funds. 9. The requirements of 24 CFR Part 24 concerning the Drug Free Work Place Act of 1988. 10. The requirement of the National Affordable Housing Act (Pub., L. 101-625, November 28, 1990) contained in Section 832 (e) (2) (c) that grantees "develop and implement procedures to ensure the confidentiality of records pertaining to any individual provided family violence prevention or treatment services under any project assisted", under the Emergency Shelter Grants Program and "that the address or location of any family violence shelter project assisted" under the Emergency Shelter Programs "will, except with written authorization of the person or persons responsible for the operation of such shelter not be made public" 11. The requirement that the recipients involve, to the maximum extent practicable, homeless individuals and families in constructing, renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under the ESG Program, and in providing services for occupants of these facilities (42 U.S.C. 11375 (c) (7), as added by Section 1402(b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992). I further certify that the City of San Bernardino will comply with the provisions of, and regulation and procedures applicable under, Section 104(g) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 with respect to the environmental review responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and related authorities as specified in 24 CFR Part 58. I further certify that submission of an application for an emergency shelter grant is authorized under State and/or local law and that the City of San Bernardino possesses legal authority to carry out emergency shelter grant activities in accordance with applicable law and regulations of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. TOM MINOR, Mayor Date City of San Bernardino ATTACHMENT D APPLICATION FOR 2• Date Submitted Applicant Identifier FEDERAL ASSISTANCE March 1, 1994 S A-MC-06-0539 E E OF SUBMISSION: 3. Date Received By State State Application Identifier ICATION ' PREAPPLICATION Construction ❑ Construction 4. Date Received By Federal Agency Federal Identifier XJ Non-Construction ❑ Non-Construction 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name: Organizational Unit: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Address (give city, county, state, and zip code): Name and telephone number of the person to be contacted on matters Involving this application (give area code) 201 NORTH "E" STREET, THIRD FLOOR KENNETH J. HENDERSON SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401-1507 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (909) 384-5081 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (ENTER APPROPRIATE LETTER IN BOX) a 9 5 _ 6 0 101 01777= A. State H. Independent School Dist. B. County I. State Controlled Institution 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: C. Municipal of Higher Learning D. Township J. Private University New ❑ Continuation ❑ Revision E. Interstate K. Indian Tribe F. Inter-municipal L. Individual If revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es): G. Special District M. Profit Organization A. Increase Award C. Increase Duration ❑ El N. Other (Specify): B. Decrease Award D. Decrease Duration 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: Other (Specify): U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEV 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC T-1 _ 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: ASSISTANCE NUMBER: TITLE: EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM SEE ATTACHMENT "A" AND "B" 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (cities, counties, states, etc.): CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 13. PROPOSED PROJECT: 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Stprt Date Ending Date a. Applicant , b. Project Within 120 , days- of 07/01/95 DISTRICT 41 AND 42 DISTRICT 41 AND $@ Grant Award 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: 16. IS APPLICANT SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a. Federal $ 89,000 •00 a. YES. This preapplication /application was made available to b. Applicant the State Executive Order 12372 process for review on: .00 DATE: c. State $ .00 d. Local b. NO © Program is not covered by E.0. 12372 $ .00 El review Or Program has not been selected by State for e. Other $ 89,000 .00 f. Program Income 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? $ .00 g. TOTAL 178,000 00 r_1 YES IF"YES," attach an explanation. a NO To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this application/preapplication are true and correct. The document has been duly authorized by the overning body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. a. Typed Name of Authorized Representative b. Title c. Telephone number TOM MINOR MAYOR (909)384-5133 d. Signature of Authorized Representative e. Date Signed Marth 1, 1994 SF-424 (San Francisco) Previous Editions Not Usable A„thorized for Local Reproduction (.�