HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Development Department DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN I' OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: KENNETH J. HENDERSON SUBJECT: PROPOSED TRAFFIC Executive Director MODELER POSITION DATE: February 16, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On January 27, 1994, the Redevelopment Committee voted 2-1 (Hernandez) to recommend to the Community Development Commission approval of this item. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(s): (Community Development Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission approve funding of the proposed Traffic Modeler Position in the Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department in an annual amount not to exceed $26,000. Further, that the FY 93/94 Economic Development Agency Budget be increased accordingly. 'z w 104ij� Admirdstrator KENN TH J. H19NPERSON Executive Director --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. Henderson Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): All Ward(s): 1-7 Supporting Data Attached: Staff Report; Memorandum from Gene Klatt FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $26.000 Source: Bond Proceeds Budget Authority: Requested --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission/Council Notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:trfcmod.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/1994 Agenda Item Number: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed Traffic Modeler Position Attached is an interoffice memorandum and other support documentation relating to a proposed Traffic Modeler position in the Traffic Engineering Division of the City's Public Works Department. The attached memorandum states in pertinent part, "In order for the City to come into compliance with the Congestion Management Plan and Transportation Control Measures programs, it is necessary to develop a traffic model for the City and surrounding areas. This model must be compatible with the RivSan model and SCAG model as well. The model will forecast traffic impacts of development and insure compliance with AQMD regulations and continued funding." The memorandum also goes on to state, "It would be useful to your department to offer developers a traffic model, demonstrate (before development) that traffic concerns or AQMD concerns will not side track a development somewhere along the way. Provide forecast to total traffic adjacent to proposed developments for any given year based on the City General plan development and perhaps even complete minor traffic reports for the smaller projects." The Department of Public Works proposes that because of anticipated benefit to Agency- sponsored development projects, the Agency fund 50% of the proposed position at a not-to- exceed amount of $26,000. Because work on the traffic demand model is proceeding apace and efforts are being made to solicit the support of surrounding jurisdictions, it is appropriate for the Commission to consider this matter at the present time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:trfcmod.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/199 Agenda Item Number: 1 DEVELOPMENT DEPAR_ .LENT STAFF REPORT Traffic Modeler Position February 16, 1994 Page Number -2- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On January 27, 1994, the Redevelopment Committee took action voting 2-1 (Hernandez) to recommend approval of this item. Based on Councilman Hernandez' recommendation, the Committee instructed Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow to research the legality of using redevelopment funds for this purpose. This has been accomplished and Mr. Barlow advises the proposed use of funds complies with redevelopment law in general and AB 1290 in particular. As staff concurs in the assessment of benefit to Agency-sponsored programs, projects and activities, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. M"5�1 KENNETH J HENDERSON, Executive Director Development bepartment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:1agArfcmod.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 02/21/1994 L( Agenda Item Number: I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Ken Henderson, Executive Director/Development FROM: Gene R. Klatt, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Funding of Position of Traffic Modeler DATE: October 20, 1993 COPIES: Anwar Wagdy, 6.44-5 In order for the City to come into compliance with the Congestion Management Plan and Transportation Control Measures programs, it is necessary to develop a traffic model for the City and surrounding areas. This model must be compatible with the RivSan model and SCAG model as well. The model will forecast traffic impacts of development and insure compliance with AQMD regulations and continued funding. When this was first discussed, our department contacted EDA to see if they would like to participate in the program. Specifically, not in the model development but in the funding of a full time position to run the model and maintain the data. It was our understanding that indeed, EDA saw benefit in such a position. It would be useful to your department to offer developers a traffic model, demonstrate (before development) that traffic concerns or AQMD concerns will not side track a development somewhere along the way. Provide forecast to total traffic adjacent to proposed developments for any given year based on the City General plan development and perhaps even complete minor traffic reports for the smaller projects. We have proposed this position along with the model, but we understand that you have not provided funding in your budget. We anticipate the position to be in the $45, 000.00 to $52, 000. 00 per year range. We originally talked about 50% funding from EDA with the rest made up of Traffic Systems and outside developers. This would place your funding level at a maximum of $26, 000. 00 per year. As an example of the potential uses, the Caltrans building needs a traffic study. If the model were developed, data could be given to staff for a run on the model and this information supplied to your selected traffic consultant for inclusion into the traffic report. This one run along could reduce your costs Ken Henderson RE: Funding of Position of Traffic Modeler File No. 6.44-5 October 20, 1993 Page 2 for the report by $8, 000. 00 to $10, 000. 00. Additionally, the model could predict traffic needs on the street system within project areas based on proposed developments. This could be useful in forecasting the needs for infrastructure before or along with the proposed development and for controlling the expenditure of project area funds on the most needed sections of roadway. We would appreciate your consideration of funding 50% of the position as this seems to represent an equal amount of area within the community that is controlled by EDA. It also represents your anticipated usage of the model for forecasts and marketing needs. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact our office. Cordially, ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Director of Public Works/City Engineer may, - GEIv"E R. KLATT Assistant City Engineer GRK:tg l�- A G E N D A C I T Y O S A N B E R N A R D I N O City Transportation Model/Proposed int Area Model - In House Meeting - Place: 3rd Floor Conference Room Time: 2 : 00 p.m. Date: January 20, 1994 1. Introductions. 2 . Overview of the City' s transportation demand modeling effort. 3 . Joint model development proposal : - Agreement with participating cities. - The City's responsibilities during model development - technical/administrative, personnel, etc. - our responsibilities following model completion - personnel, fees, turn around, etc. - Proprietary rights of model and model database. - Breech of agreement. 4 . Proposed fee/task schedule for developing a joint model. Enclosure: fee/task schedule for the joint model. Distribution list: (1) Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator (2) Ken Henderson, EDA - Executive Director .•/••1 (3) Al Boughy, Director - Planning & Building Department (4) Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to Council (5) Ruth Parish, MIS - GIS Coordinator (6) Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer (7) Gene Klatt, Assistant City Engineer (8) Anwar Wagdy, Traffic ,Engineer oa:r;odel.7 r� 1 N N A �qA r 2 C1 fl n co to 10 n to O vm m CL v 77a •� n 0 O O• V O• W W O O N to W + •O m °o o o ° 0 0 0 CD O O O O O O _ _ N VI N N O > V1 N Vf V� W W V 2 •1 n V O V1 N O V O v m N N M N N V N N .+ N N 0 W O O O O 0 O Cl co O O O O O O O O .+ m 40 40 to v •O W W r - y� r W V V W W W 00 N O Lod t Vq %A N W ON. W C P O N N N q N i. M M M m m V W i r W N W co N O t V O -+ W -N+ N y► �p j M N Q t N A P O• W W P V� CO W W LOA W A A N N 7 404 00 N N N T q N .O J. ^ NN O IA tl VV W O N V A •pp ^ O a O A 1 r� CP M MM m N N A N N O A W P�iJ yNy A %A O W V .O A A %A •O 'O N V P •O A m d A AN' r M N N N 7CC %A O Vf VI to W V N O > > N W CD co 0. O P n 0) U" O %A v In •t o m m y� P to A a N N N N M 2 O. Or. %n %A p N W a Vhf V1 N OVD N N W t N W P q N N M v V V V pN pWp. %pA. 400 40 40 4b* P P P O O O O O O V N N N J 10 N co N O O O to O O O CO M M N N N rfyy M V N� % tWlf N 9 O P co � A A VA V ± W W O A N > V OD co N N CO W N H r .. a 0 � y � a n < m N to N N J j 7 d N N n O O Nf O N O N o O O O O O O C A n S CID d N •+ 7 n m A V 7 7 A a O -7 7 n D n N D d y O O O O O O ~ N N d Q. > s eo v O p N O -w P Vf t C. W O > •� O O O O O O N N N j N n O P P Vf d O O N D 0 0 0 0 0 0 o y 3. 0 0 o a o 0 0 Summary of Schedule for Project 31049 (City of San Bernardino Transportation Model) Tasks/Deliverables Schedule Task 0 Initial Modeling Decisions Document of key decisions 1.1 - 1.3• Task 1 Define Traffic Analysis Zones TAZ maps. tables and summary report 13 -3.1 Task 2 Develop Highway Network Subtask 2.1 Develop Highway Network 1990 Highway Network and Plots 13 - 3.4 Subtask 2.2 Develop Highway Network for GP Buildout and Other Scenarios Future year networks and plots 4.1 - 5.4 Task 3 Data Compilation and Trip Generation Process Subtask 3.1 Assemble 1990 and GP Buildout Land Use Data Summary report of zonal land use data 2.1 -7.1 Subtask 3.2 Develop Trip Generation and Trip Generation Spreadsheet Spreadsheet programs 2.1 - 6.1 Subtask 3.3 Develop Trip Generation Model Trip Generation software program 4.1 -6.1 Task 4 Traffic Distribution/Assignment Subtask 4.1 Develop 1990 Model 1990 Model Setup 4.1 -6.1 Subtask 4.2 Conduct 2010 and GP Buildout Traffic Forecast Document of future year forecasts 6.2 - 8.2 Task 5 Model Validation and Documentation Subtask 5.1 Conduct Traffic Counts Summary of traffic counts 23 -3.3 Subtask 5.2 Validate 1990 Model Validated model 5.1 -7.3 Subtask 53 Model Documentation Draft and Final Model Desorption and Validation report 8.1 -9.4 Task 6 Presentation of Model Results Final model and documents 9.4 -> Task 7 Technical Support and Staff Training Training and training materials 9.4 -> Task 8 Computer Hardware and Software Software/hardware acquisition and setup 6.1 - 9.4 TOTAL 'Note: X.X for Month.Week