HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Minutes MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING February 7, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 12:26 pm., on Monday, February 7, 1994 . ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; John Hoeger, Project Manager, Development Department; Emily Wong, Project Manager, Development Department; Laura Muna-Landa, Development Specialist, Development Department; Shauna Clark, City Administrator; Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator; Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Steve Davies, Project for Public Spaces; Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. 11. DOWNTOWN PLAN - LUNCHEON WORKSHOP - MIC ROOM (Community Development Commission) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, introduced Project for Public Spaces, summarized the actions taken since the Downtown Plan was adopted and described the need for updating the plan. He described the renderings displayed in the room. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:Imp:cmin2rl 1 February 7, 1994 Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces, discussed the projects that had already been implemented since 1992. Steve Davies, Project for Public Spaces, showed slides of San Bernardino, both past and present in comparison with other cities. He discussed ways to improve the sites downtown in conjunction with the State Consolidated Offices and Caltrans Building. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 12:35 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHELMAN WAS EXCUSED AT 12:50 P.M. Mr. Davies discussed possible locations for a Perfouning Arts Center and the California Inn Single Room Occupancy (SRO) project. Commission Member Hernandez expressed concern regarding the proposed SRO being removed from its present site. Mr. Kent explained that PPS felt an SRO would be better suited if located off of the main thoroughfare in downtown. He recommended it be placed in a more residential location. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam questioned the location of a baseball stadium in the City. Mr. Kent stated that it is possible to locate a stadium in the downtown area. Discussion ensued regarding the locating of a small scale IMAX Theater in San Bernardino. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam discussed the complaints received by citizens regarding the diagonal parking on "E" Street. Mr. Kent explained that in order to draw attention to the downtown area, traffic would need to slow down. Mr. Kent also addressed the need to have the signage project completed for the downtown area. The luncheon workshop was recessed until 2:00 pm. MEETING RECONVENED The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was reconvened by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 3:32 pm., on Monday, February 7, 1994 . ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hemandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 2 February 7, 1994 STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Warner Hodgen, Citizen, discussed and read portions of an article written in The Sun Newspaper regarding the Mayor's comments on a proposed Baseball Stadium to be located in San Bernardino. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, expressed concern regarding the time limit placed on citizens addressing the Commission for public comments and agenda items. He recommended the Commission repeal its prior action approving the time limit until the Council made a decision on its request for same. The Commission Members requested items numbered "2", "4", "Y' and "6" be removed from the Consent Calendar. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, that the Consent Calendar items numbered "1" through "6" be adopted except for items numbered "2", "4", "Y' and "6", respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES (Community Development Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, that the minutes of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino for the meetings of January 10, 1994 and January 24, 1994 be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 3 February 7, 1994 3. INTERCEPTOR SEWER AT BLAKE STREET AND MA 'Y STREET (Mayor and Common Council) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-28 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO STANLEY F. YELICH, INC., FOR MODIFICATION OF INTERCEPTING SEWER AT BLAKE STREET AND MACY STREET. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Public Works 2. TRAFFIC DIVERTERS IN HI HLAND/ARD .N AREA (_Community Development Commission) Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, expressed concern regarding the amount of funds spent in the Arden Guthrie Project Area. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 5388 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO LAIRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., FOR INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ON NEWCOMB, MCKINLEY AND DUMBARTON STREETS, BETWEEN TWENTIETH STREET AND HIGHLAND AVENUE. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope- Ludlam, to authorize staff to develop and issue a purchase order to East Valley Water District in the amount of$137,000 which provides for the location of eight (8) fire hydrants required as a result of the proposed Arden Guthrie Street closures. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 4 February 7, 1994 Development Department 4. EMPLOYEE COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM (Community Development Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman asked if the computers purchased by Agency employees would be comparable to Agency computers. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, explained that the computers purchased by Agency employees would be comparable to Agency computers. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Curlin, to approve and adopt a Employee Computer Purchase Program for Economic Development Agency Employees and increase the FY 93/94 EDA budget by $135,000. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam indicated that during the Redevelopment Committee meeting, it was discussed that the Agency receive bids for this program. Mr. Henderson explained that a presentation was made at the Committee meeting from Professional Computing, a local computer consulting firm. He stated that staff visited the site of the fimi and recommended the item remain the same. Mr. Henderson briefed the Commission on the purchase program procedures stating that payments would be made to the Agency by its employees on a semi-monthly basis through payroll deductions. Discussion ensued regarding the City's participation in such a plan. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Miller. Noes: Commission Members Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 5. 1994-1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM MIX AND PROGRAM OBJECTIVES (Major and Common Council) Councilman Hernandez questioned the budget for this program and also the program management costs. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, discussed those items paid for out of these funds. Councilman Oberhelman expressed concern regarding the funds needed to support the program. He questioned whether or not the program was justifiable. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2r1 5 February 7, 1994 v' Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, reiterated the cost and the need for the program stating that he would provide the Council with a breakdown of all funds connected to this program. Mr. Steinhaus indicated that the Agency was requesting approval of this item in order to receive applications from individuals for the upcoming 1994/1995 CDBG program year. Councilwoman Miller made a motion, seconded by Councilman Negrete, to approve the 1994- 1995 CDBG Program Mix and Program Objectives, and authorize staff to solicit applications for the 1994-1995 funding cycle. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curtin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Councilman Devlin. Abstain: None. Absent: None. CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 24, 1994 6. ARROW VISTA STANDING INVENTORY (Community Development Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, to terminate the development agreement. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Devlin. Noes: Commission Members Negrete; Curtin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, indicated that staff attempted to develop a termination agreement between the developer and the Agency but was unsuccessful. Commission Member Oberhelman made a substitute motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, to file a breach of contract and request the development agreement be terminated. (No vote taken) Discussion ensued regarding the agreement approved at the last week between the developer and the Agency. Commission Member Hernandez requested copies of that agreement. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a substitute motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, to continue the matter regarding the Arrow Vista Standing Inventory to February 21, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curtin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Devlin. Abstain: None. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES K1H:lmp:cmin2r1 6 February 7, 1994 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR RECESSED M TING At 4:18 pm. Chainnan Minor recessed the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission for ten (10) minutes. MEETING RECONVENED The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was reconvened by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 4:32 pm., on Monday, February 7, 1994 . ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. Mayor Minor explained that due to the number of individuals present to speak on certain items of the agenda, the remainder of the agenda would be taken out of sequence. 10. SAN BERNARDINO CIVIC LIGHT OPERA - CALIFORNIA THEATRE (Community Development Commission) Chainnan Minor gave a brief overview of the previous actions related to the Civic Light Opera. He spoke of actions necessary in order to resolve the delinquent CLO loan. He stated that the Commission could forgive the loan, purchase the CLO, make the loan a grant or proceed with foreclosure. He recommended the Commission elect to purchase the California Theatre from the CLO. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 7 February 7, 1994 Keith Stava, General Manager, CLO, indicated that the CLO would like to sell the theatre to the Agency. Commission Member Curlin asked how the foreclosure would affect the operations of the CLO. Mr. Stava explained that all of the CLO assets were tied up in the theatre. If the Commission elected to foreclose on the building, the CLO would have nothing left. He stated that the CLO was more then willing to sell the theatre. Mr. Stava stated that the CLO had invested approximately $750,000 in capital improvements in the theatre. Commission Member Miller voiced her concern regarding loaning the CLO funds for its operations and the CLO still not performing. Mr. Stava discussed necessities needed in the building such as fire sprinklers in various areas and also things needed in order to eliminate the debt of the theatre. Warner Hodgdon, Citizen, emphasized how the theatre was an important part of the City. He offered his services to the City in assisting with the development of a plan for the CLO. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN WAS EXCUSED AT 4:58 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN RETURNED AT 4:59 P.M. Commission Member Oberhelman discussed ways to resolve the CLO delinquent loan. Commission Member Oberhehnan made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to leave the foreclosure action in place, continue this item until the first meeting in March, and to authorize the Chaimman to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to initiate negotiations with the CLO. (No vote taken) Sam Catalano, Carousel Mall, spoke of previous actions dealing with the California Theatre. Evlyn Wilcox, Board of Directors, CLO, discussed the need of the CLO to sell an asset, appraised at $700,000. Steven Brown, 1231 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, discussed his employment with the CLO and the importance of keeping the theatre open. Scott Lane, 448 South Eureka, San Bernardino, indicated the necessity to act quickly on this item so that the CLO would not lose any additional capital. Mr. Stava stated that each day that the CLO is closed causes more difficulties. He explained that although it has shows scheduled each month, it has postponed its spring session due to the lack of funding. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 8 February 7, 1994 Dr. Chuck Terrell, San Bernardino Schools, recommended that the motion read be amended to suspend the foreclosure pending the report from the Ad Hoc Committee. He offered various solutions to the concerns voiced by the Commission Members and offered his services to assist them as needed. Commission Member Hernandez recommended a neutral committee operate the CLO in the event the Agency purchases the property. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam reiterated on the need to preserve the California Theatre. She recommended the Commission act quickly on this item and also that an audit be conducted of the CLO. Chairman Minor requested the Commission to authorize him to negotiate the sale of the CLO to the Agency for $500,000 minus the $100,000 currently owed to the Agency. He explained that the funds used to purchase the CLO could be taken from the $1 million set-aside for the Performing Arts Center. Commission Member Miller explained that the CLO could never become as established as an Performing Art Center due to its size. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, recommended that benefit concerts be held at the CLO to raise funds for support. COMMISSION MEMBER HERNANDEZ WAS EXCUSED AT 5:39 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER HERNANDEZ RETURNED AT 5:43 P.M. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Curlin, to select an auditor to review the books of the CLO, and to determine the actions needed to reopen the theatre for the spring session. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Curlin; Pope-Ludlam; Devlin. Noes: Commission Members Negrete; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Discussion ensued regarding the need and assignment for the Ad Hoc Committee. Commission Member Negrete recommended that the item be brought back on March 7, 1994, if nothing could be accomplished by February 21, 1994. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to receive and file the attached correspondence from the San Bernardino Civic Light Opera Association; that the foreclosure proceedings be suspended; that the matter be continued to February 21, 1994 with the option to continue to March 7, 1994; that the Mayor appoint an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of members of the Community Development Commission, members of the Civic Light Opera Executive Board and members of the community independent of the Community Development Commission and Civic Light Opera; and that negotiations be initiated with the Civic Light Opera. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 9 February 7, 1994 The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Member Curtin. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Chairman Minor appointed Commission Member Negrete and Commission Member Miller to sit on the Ad Hoc Committee. RECESSED MEETING At 6:02 pm. Chairman Minor recessed the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission for ten (10) minutes. MEETING RECONVENED The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was reconvened by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 6:12 pm., on Monday, February 7, 1994 . ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzann Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. RS-1. SAN BERNARDINO BASEBALL STADIUM (Major and Common Council) (Community Development Commission) Mayor Minor stated that in lieu of additional information just received regarding the baseball stadium, he would like to continue the item until February 21, 1994. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:Imp:cmin2rl 10 February 7, 1994 Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, to continue this item until February 21, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Hemandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Commission Member Curlin. Absent: None. 8. FREEWAY HOME CENTER (Community Development Commission) (Redevelopment Committee Recommendation) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, stated that on December 20, 1993, the Commission took action directing staff to work with Steward and Associates for the purchase of the Freeway Home Center. He explained that staff and Mr. Gene Wood, Consultant, had attempted to assist Steward and Associates in obtaining a loan guarantee for the $2.5 million, but due to insufficient cash flow, low occupancy factor and non fee simple property, a loan guarantee could not be acquired. Mr. Henderson stated that the RTC had agreed to offer Ofinancing to Mr. Steward, Steward and Associates, for the purchase of this property. He indicated that the Agency would not have to guarantee the RTC loan, only the portion of funds provided by Mr. Steward. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, again explained that the loan from RTC was just learned by staff earlier that morning. He indicated that if the loan does not close prior to February 28, 1994, it would cost $50,000 to extend the escrow. Al Steward, Steward and Associates, emphasized that the Agency would only have to guarantee the 20% down payment required for the loan. He indicated he would like for the Commission to approve the form motion in the event a problem arose with the RTC loan. COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHFLMAN WAS EXCUSED AT 6:20 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHELMAN RETURNED AT 6:21 P.M. Mr. Henderson explained that if the Commission wished to approve a pass-through loan to Mr. Steward, it could be done in connection with the form motion on the agenda. Discussion ensued regarding the loan terms for RTC and the Agency. Commission Member Devlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhelman, to continue this item until February 21, 1994. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Devlin; Miller. Noes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Abstain: None. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 11 February 7, 1994 c Mr. Steinhaus indicated that staff would like to explore the option of the RTC loan before obtaining a pass through loan for Mr. Steward. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, to authorize and direct staff to submit a $2.5 million loan application to a private lender for the purpose of reloaning such loan proceeds to Allan Steward, Inc., with the understanding that the loan application submitted by staff will make up only the difference between the acquisition price of $2.5 million and the RTC financing with all of the above subject to review and approval of Allan Steward's financial capacity, approval by the Community Development Commission of an Owner Participation Agreement, execution of a personal guarantee by Allan Steward, and authorize staff to submit $50,000 to extend escrow and Allan Steward would personally guarantee payment of that money. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 6:34 P.M. Mr. Steward explained that he would prefer to have both the above motion and the form motion listed on the Agenda approved in the event he experiences difficulty with the RTC loan. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER RETURNED AT 6:36 P.M. Mr. Steinhaus indicated that staff could bring this item back to the Commission on February 21, 1994, in the event the RTC loan was not approved. Gene Wood, E. H. Wood and Associates, explained that his only involvement with this item was attempting to find loan guarantee financing for Mr. Steward. He gave comments on his personal opinion regarding this type of a loan. Mr. Steward briefed the Commission on various project that he brought to the City of San Bernardino. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Devlin; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: None. CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 24 .1994 7. FOCAL BID PREFERENCE (Mayor and Common Council) (Community Development Commission) Mayor Minor explained that clue to the length of the meeting, an individual who was present to speak to this item had to leave. He requested this item be continued to the next meeting. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that this item be continued to February 21, 1994. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmiru2rl 12 February 7, 1994 The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Commission Member Curlin. Absent: None. 9. U. S. BANKRUPTCY COURT RETENTION COMMITTEE (Community Development Commission) (Redevelonment Committee Recommendation) Discussion ensued regarding suggestions for the Bankruptcy Court Retention Committee. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, to approve the attached list submitted by its Redevelopment Committee for the purpose of establishing a U. S. Bankruptcy Court Retention Committee, with the deletion of Council Members Hernandez & Pope-Ludlam, and that Council Members Devlin and Miller be added. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. CLOSED SESSION 12. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION At 6:58 pm. the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission recessed to Closed Session for the following: D. to give instruction to the Commission's negotiator on the purchase of property pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. The real property which the negotiations concern is generally located at: 402 North "D" Street: END OF CLOSED SESSION --------------------- 13. ADJOURNMENT At 7:10 pm., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, March 7, 1994 at 11:00 am., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 13 February 7, 1994 Respectfully submitted: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Executive Director/ Secretary to the Commission REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION MINUTES KJH:lmp:cmin2rl 14 February 7, 1994