HomeMy WebLinkAbout24- Finance CITY OF SAN BERM IDINO REQUEST F( .1 COUNCIL ACTION From: BARBARA PACHON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Subject: MID YEAR BUDGET REPORT Dept: FINANCE Date: FEBRUARY 10, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommended motion: That the Mid Year Budget Report for FY 93/94 be received and filed. J/10-n.-� Signature '.ontact person: Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance Phone:_ ext 5242 supporting data attached: Ward: =UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source:(Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: :ouncil Notes: 5-0262 Agenda Item No CITY OF SAN BERN! ZDINO - REQUEST F( I COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The mid-year financial report is designed to keep the Mayor and Council apprised of the financial position of the City. Each year in February the City reviews revenues and expenditures and prepares an updated projection on the General Fund for the Mayor and City Council. This report provides the City with an opportunity to take action if there are serious financial problems before the end of the fiscal year and it gives the City an early indication of the upcoming fiscal year in terms of the budget outlook. BACKGROUND The FY 1993-94 expenditure budget is $128, 560, 400 excluding the Redevelopment Agency. Of this amount, $71, 492 , 400 is appropriated for the General Fund and the balance of $57, 068 , 000 is appropriated for expenditures in capital improvements, enterprise, debt service, special revenue funds, and assessment districts. The approved General Fund expenditure budget for FY 1993-94 is approximately 2% more than last years budget. The City's budget has been balanced over the last several years primarily due to the following factors: First, a total of 75 full time positions, which represent approximately 6% of the City's work force, have been eliminated from City Departments. This number includes two positions that were deleted in FY 1993-94 . In addition to deleting two more positions in FY 1993-94 to balance the budget, there was one position downgraded and six vacant positions frozen for a one year period. Second, most City Departments have reduced their operating budgets by .approximately 8% over the last several years. Third, these cutbacks represent the fourth time the City has reduced staffing and services since FY 1990-91. In FY 1990-91, the imposition of booking fees as well as a downturn in the local economic conditions forced the City to reopen budget deliberations at mid-year. A combination of budget cuts and new revenues, which collectively saved approximately $2 . 4 million in the General Fund, were approved. Twenty-seven positions were eliminated as part of the FY 1990-91 budget cuts. In January 1992, in response to a further weakening economy, the Mayor and Council approved another series of budget reduction measures in an effort to re-balance the fiscal year 1991-92 budget. Department reductions, along with a number of other budget balancing measures including some one time sales of asset, were approved by the Major and Council. These budget reductions totaled approximately $6, 000, 000 and included the elimination of 57 additional positions city-wide. 5-0264 FY 1993-94 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE The actual FY 1993-94 beginning General Fund Balance is $5, 632, 852 . This figure includes the FY 1992-93 General Fund continuing appropriations and encumbrance carry overs in the amount of $700,241. Attachment A; Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers; provides a complete depiction of the estimated expenditures, transfers, and revenues for all funds for FY 1993-94 . This report also provides the revised estimated ending fund balance for each fund which will be used as the starting point for the FY 1994-95 budget process. Attachment B; Estimated General Fund Revenues and Expenditures; provides a more detailed summary of the revised estimates for the General Fund. As part of the mid-year budget review process, revised revenue and expenditure projections are developed which are used to more accurately forecast the ending fund balances. Based on the revised revenue forecasts for the General Fund, there is a projected revenue shortfall over budget in the amount of $806, 200. Based on the revised expenditure forecast for the General Fund, there is a net decrease in expenditures over budget in the amount of $1, 687, 900. The net impact of these changes in revenues and expenditures on the General Fund ending fund balance is an increase of $881, 700 over the original budget amount. FY 1993-94 GENERAL FUND REVENUES As shown by Attachment B, there are two major revenue categories that account for the decrease in the City's budgeted revenues. The first of these categories is Other Taxes. The major decrease in this category is due to Utility Tax and Sales Tax revenues being lower than anticipated. Both of these revenues appear to be about 3% behind what was budgeted. During the FY 1993-94 budget process, indications were that the recession had reached the bottom and many cities were beginning to see slight increases in revenues. Based on this information, a 3% increase was budgeted for Sales Tax over the FY 1992-93 revenues received. However, actual sales tax received for the first six months indicates that the same amount received in FY 1992-93 will be the amount received for FY 1993-94 . Utility Tax is approximately 3% behind budget. One of the reasons is that Wireless Cable has been slower than anticipated in beginning to collect and remit Utility Tax to the City. City Staff is currently working with Wireless Cable to get the Utility Tax remittance process going. The second category that accounts for the City's decrease in budgeted revenues is Fines and Penalties. Specifically, the Parking Citation revenues account for the majority of this decrease. Effective January 1, 1994, the City must start sending $5. 00 per citation collected to the Criminal Justice Construction Fund, which at the time the budget was done this was not anticipated. It should also be mentioned that although the above discussion highlights the revenue shortfalls in the General Fund, there are many revenues that are either on target or above the amounts budgeted. Some of these categories include Licenses and Permits, Use of Money and Property, and Intergovernmental. Attachment D, Mid-Year General Fund Revenue Report, provides detail information on each revenue source and the revised estimates for FY 1993-94 . FY 1993-94 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES The total General Fund budgeted expenditures for FY 1993-94, after adding additional appropriations for new programs and the continuing appropriations and encumbrance carry overs is $72, 396, 600. Based on the mid-year review, the General Fund expenditures are estimated to be $1, 687, 900 under budget. These savings are mainly due to personnel savings in Departments due to vacancies, leaves without pay, etc. It should also be mentioned that Departments overall have done a very good job in controlling expenditures in the Materials/Services/Supplies category. As part of the mid-year process, each Department was requested to review their expenditures through December 31, 1993 and to provide a projection through the balance of the fiscal year relative to overall expenditures. The Finance Department then reviewed the Department projections and made adjustments as necessary. This detailed analysis, by Department, is available in the Finance Department. A summary of the mid-year analysis is shown in Attachment B. FY 1993-94 OTHER FUNDS Attachments A, C, and E provide revised estimates for all Non- General Fund revenues, expenditures, and fund balances. Based on these reports there are two Funds that should be noted as having major shortfalls. The two funds are the Liability Fund and the Workers Compensation Fund. After the mid-year review process, it is estimated that the Liability expenditures will be over budget by $540,500 and the Workers Compensation expenditures will be over budget by $283, 500. These overages are both due to higher claims being settled and paid out than what was originally estimated during the budget process. These budget over expenditures will be calculated into the FY 1994-95 charge-back allocations to Departments. Attachment A CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND TRANSFERS MIDYEAP FISCAL YEAR 1993 -1994 ADDITIONS AVAILABLE DEDUCTIONS ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE ----------------------- FOR BLDGET ------------------------- TOTAL FUND B;LANCE FUND / TITLE 7-1-93 RE'V'ENUES TRANSFERS IN PUE°CSES EXPENDITURES TRANSFER OUT DEDUCTIONS 8-31-94 -------------------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- 001 GENERAL FUND 5,632.82 68,612,800 3,146,700 17,392,352 70,10°,701 2,7 26,70C 74,437,400 2,954,952 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: 105 LIBRARY ;392! 133,000 2': 10C 2,919,708 2,933,300 0 2,933,300 (13,592) 106 CEMETERY (44,902) '96,30 0 153,398 250,10" 0 250,100 (96,702) 1C7 CABLE TELEVISION 119,421) 19,000 435,100 434,?79 426,000 0 426,000 8,279 108 ASSET FORFEITURE 637,121 190,000 C 827,121 540,000 -5,001 615,000 212,121 109 PARKING 8 BUSINESS IMPPOVEMENT 4,957 162,200 0 16',157 52,300 121,000 173,300 (6,143) 110 PARKING DISTRICT 224,102 249,200 121,000 594,302 303,000 30,300 333,300 261,002 111 TRANSPORTATION 249,102 202,600 0 452,702 174,200 15,000 189,200 263,502 124 ANIMAL CONTROL (468) 455,100 350,200 804,832 698,400 0 698,400 106,432 126 SPECIAL GAS TAX 862,036 2,960,000 0 3,822,036 1,100,000 2,200,000 3,300,000 522,036 127 REFUSE 2,723,660 13,895,300 0 16,618,960 14,327,000 0 14,327,000 2,291,960 128 TRAFFIC SAFETY 1,025 108,300 0 109,325 0 175,000 175,000 (65,6751 129 1/2 CENT SALES 6 ROAD TAX 1,006,740 1,955,100 0 2,961,840 2,522,600 333,000 2,855,600 106,240 130 FISCALINI FIELD (29,099) 25,000 0 (4,099' 10,000 0 70,000 (14,299) ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 5,614,461 20,553,100 3,694,000 29,861,561 23,396,900 2,949,300 26,346,200 3,515,361 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: 241 PUBLIC PARK EXTENSION 129,055 0 48,000 171,055 177,000 0 117,000 55 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION 4,564,799 16,070,500 133,000 20,768,299 20,519,300 0 20,519,300 248,999 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION 1,590,116 343,500 0 1,934,276 1,911,600 C 1,911,600 22,676 244 CEMETERY CONSTRUCTION 10,345 7,500 0 17,845 0 0 0 17,845 245 SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION 8,105,541 989,600 0 9,095,141 5,686,000 0 5,686,000 3,409,141 246 INDIAN BINGO SETTLEMENT 711,311 215,000 0 926,311 664,900 0 564,900 251,411 247 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FEE 750 114,600 0 115,350 0 110,000 110,000 5,350 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION 3,312,144 2,832,900 0 6,145,044 5,192,600 C 5,192,600 952,444 249 CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION 0 0 283,300 283,300 283,300 0 283,300 0 250 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION 833,415 365,000 0 1,198,415 573,500 200,000 773,500 424,915 257 STREET LIGHT/SWEEPING DISTRICT 638,663 2,800,000 0 3,438,663 2,831,500 141,400 2,912,900 465,763 ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 19,896,799 23,738,600 464,300 44,099,699 37,839,700 451,400 38,291,100 5,808,599 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 629 LIABILITY INSURANCE 451,927 2,684,500 0 3,136,427 33,192,900 0 3,192,900 (56,413) 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 110,336 748,900 0 859,236 555,100 175,600 730,700 128,53E 635 MOTOR POOL 32,441 33,537,700 0 3,670,141 3,644,000 0 3,644,000 26,141 678 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE (5,487,849) 1,841,400 0 (3,646,449) 2,112,600 C 2,112,600 (5,759,049) 679 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (1,000) 1,010,800 0 1,009,800 1,027,100 0 1,027,100 (17,300) ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (4,894,145) 9,923,300 C 5,029,155 10,531,700 175,600 10,707,300 (5,678,145) ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- TOTAL ALL FUNDS 26,249,967 122,827,800 7,305,000 156,382,767 142,477,000 7,305,000 149,782,000 6,600,767 ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- *The General Fund 6-30-94 Estimated Fund Balance includes $440,000 which is the additional amount that could be needed to reach the maximum annual lease payment on City Hall. Attachment B CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES MIDYEAR FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 GENERAL FUND VARIANCE FY 1993-94 FY 1993-94 FAVORABLE/ BUDGET EST ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) ---------- ---------- ----------- ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 7-1-93: 5,632,852 5,632,852 0 ESTIMATED REVENUE: Property Taxes $7,603,000 $7,603,000 0 Other Taxes 41 ,340,900 40,493,800 (847, 100) Licenses & Permits 5, 160,800 5,204,800 44,000 Fines and Penalties 790,000 706,600 (83,400) Use of Money & Property 596, 100 725,700 129,600 Intergovernmental 8,419,200 8,501 ,400 82,200 Charges for Services 1 ,728,000 1 ,706,800 (21 ,200) Miscellaneous 3,781 ,000 3,670,700 (110,300) ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Estimated Revenues $69,419,000 $68,612,800 ($806,200) TOTAL TRANSFERS IN: $3,146,700 $3, 146,700 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $78, 198,552 $77,392,352 ($806,200) ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Mayor $616,200 $595,600 20,600 Common Council 346,200 352,500 (6,300) City Clerk 835,700 829,000 6,700 City Treasurer 19,500 20,500 (1 ,000) City Attorney 1 ,864,800 1 ,864,800 0 General Government 3,365,800 2,691 ,600 674,200 City Administrator 499,600 498,400 1 ,200 Civil Service 316,800 316,800 0 Personnel 381 ,700 381 ,700 0 Finance 1 ,293,500 1 ,249,300 44,200 Planning & Building Services 2,708,500 2,647,800 60,700 Fire 14,588,900 14,588,500 400 Police 29,038,400 28,537,300 501 ,100 Public Works 3,409,800 3,230,200 179,600 Facilities Management 3,393,600 3,382,600 11 ,000 Parks, Recreation, & Comm Service 5,380,000 5,326,700 53,300 Public Services 4,337,600 4, 195,400 142,200 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Estimated Expenditures $72,396,600 $70,708,700 $1 ,687,900 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT: 3,728,700 3,728,700 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL ESTIMATED DEDUCTIONS: $76, 125,300 $74,437,400 $1 ,687,900 ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 6-30-94: $2,073,252 $2,954,952 $881 ,700 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- *Fund balance and expenditure numbers include Continuing Appropriations and Encumbrance Carry Overs from FY 1992-93. u I w I o O c m c o o c O 1 D O 1 O 000000 1 D 0 1 0 O I I J 1 W I 4A 0 0 O 1 G 1 O O '1 I W W I N �D d 1 ,D I ID l II � I U J � I I I I I I I I �14 � II U I CL I I rJ I m I m m I I F= I Ce D ¢ 1 I 1 Vt 1 #A 1R II U _ I ?QZ I I Ii ro h I LL J-1 G 41 1 I m 0DC. 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IY O a [L c Z ❑ C M a..�-+ W a: F- ❑ J W C o a V a L _ CL O W C •-�L1 fO T _ CL Ln Z c F- L L Cr-m CL L 0. - f- LL 1- 0 L �.0 W O E C C A 0 0 d• 0 2 ¢ d m a 0 0 Q ¢ G CY: W 3F•-L f- H HCLrM UU L- f- 1� N O 0 L C G Attachment D CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MIDYEAR GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 REVISED OVER/(UNDER) ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE ORIG BUDGET DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY 93-94 ---------------- --------- --------- --------- ----- --------- --------- TAXES Sales Tax 18,991 ,940 8,354,679 19,500,000 43% 19,000,000 (500,000) Utility User's Tax 16,524,672 8,217,280 18,645,000 44% 18,000,000 (645,000) Property Tax 8,454,270 2, 152,295 7,603,000 28% 7,603,000 0 Franchise Tax 1 ,648,682 206,343 1 ,650,000 13% 1 ,700, 100 50, 100 Transient Occupancy Tax 1 ,386,935 649,088 1 ,345,900 48% 1 ,385,900 40,000 Real Prop. Transfer Tax 149,343 57,696 200,000 29% 175,000 (25,000) Sales Tax Safety 0 90,213 0 0% 232,800 232,800 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Taxes 47,155,842 19,727,594 48,943,900 40% 48,096,800 (847,100) LICENSES AND PERMITS gusl�ess Registrations 3,681 ,446 1 ,294,969 3,771 ,900 34% 3,691 ,900 (80,000) Building Permits 582,668 243,785 503,000 48% 503,000 0 Paramedic/EMS Subscr. 343,420 161 ,506 316,000 51% 316,000 0 Mechanical Permits 225,434 91 , 164 174,000 52% 174,000 0 On Site Permits 128,827 111 ,908 100,000 112% 163,000 63,000 On Site Plan Check 89,331 71 ,548 90,000 79% 100,000 10,000 Construction Permits 48,609 57,517 60,000 96% 90,000 30,000 Fire Licenses/Permits 50,822 24,914 49,000 51% 51 ,000 2,000 Street Cut Permits 35,214 17,675 28,400 62% 42,400 14,000 Mobile Home Park Permits 26,270 11 ,999 26,000 46% 26,000 0 Misc Licenses & Permits 1 ,047 5,535 14,000 40% 13,000 (1 ,000) Misc Planning Lic/Permit 14, 186 6,507 11 ,000 59% 11 ,000 0 Misc City Clerk Permits 8,771 12,065 10,000 121% 18,000 8,000 Grading Permits 6,725 2,772 7,500 37% 5,500 (2,000) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total License & Permit 5,242,770 2,113,864 5, 160,800 41% 5,204,800 44,000 FINES AND PENALTIES Parking Citations 374,500 222,540 450,000 49% 390,000 (60,000) General Fines 31 ,397 2, 175 313,000 1% 313,000 0 Vehicle Abatement Fines 131 ,757 1 ,831 27,000 7% 3,600 (23,400) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Fines/Penalties 537,654 226,546 790,000 29% 706,600 (83,400) USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Land & Building Rental 378,469 38,795 232,100 17% 232, 100 0 Interest Earnings 833,858 13,218 200,000 7% 350,000 150,000 Parking Rental Fee 64,324 10,026 80,400 12% 60,000 (20,400) Sale of Property 977,467 59,061 80,000 74% 80,000 0 Misc. Use of Money 4,663 1 ,945 3,600 54% 3,600 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Money & Property 2,258,781 123,045 596,100 21% 725,700 129,600 INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle In Lieu 6,241 ,327 2,367,186 6,100,000 39% 6,100,000 0 EDA Reimbursement 1 , 151 ,804 390,774 1 ,624,300 24% 1 ,879,000 254,700 Homeowner's Exemption 250,646 26,957 215,000 13% 215,000 0 POST 192,652 58, 180 180,000 32% 142,500 (37,500) State-Mandated Costs 186,389 54,019 150,000 36% 75,000 (75,000) Attachment D2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MIDYEAR GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 REVISED OVER/(UNDER) ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE ORIG BUDGET DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY 93-94 ---------------- --------- --------- --------- ----- --------- --------- State Aid-Civil Defense 40,941 13,749 54,900 25% 42,600 (12,300) Highland-Cross Guards 44,597 2,282 50,000 5% 37,900 (12, 100) County Aid-Cross Guards 44,910 2,432 40,000 6% 2,400 (37,600) Trailer Coach Lic 0 356 0 0% 0 0 Off-Highway Vehicle Tax 4,860 0 5,000 0% 5,000 0 SBIAA Reimbursement 0 1 ,871 0 0% 2,000 2,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Intergoverment 8, 158, 126 2,917,806 8,419,200 35% 8,501 ,400 82,200 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Plan Check Fee 461 ,866 193,926 402,400 48% 402,400 0 Storm Drain Utility Fee 176,830 152,877 250,000 61% 250,000 0 Weed Abatement 233, 197 80,232 215,300 37% 192,600 (22,700) Building Demolition 300,734 105,810 166,000 64% 166,000 0 Alarm System Fee 92,325 52, 144 135,000 39% 95,600 (39,400) Planning Develp Project 132,462 46,610 102,000 46% 102,000 0 Building Permit Review 102,280 28,042 73,600 38% 56,000 (17,600) Misc Park & Rec Receipts 28,132 11 ,910 45,000 26% 35,000 (10,000) Plan Review Fee 34,310 15,311 41 ,500 37% 31 ,000 (10,500) Public Wk Subdivision 15,813 27,628 40,000 69% 42,000 2,000 Non Subdivision Str Imp 18, 129 41 ,716 30,000 139% 54,000 24,000 Planning Subdivision 30,939 8,095 27,000 30% 16,000 (11 ,000) Sturges Rental/Lease 28,383 14,223 26,700 53% 27,800 1 ,100 Class Registration Fee 20,952 11 ,859 26,000 46% 26,000 0 Planning Environmental 19,839 14,073 25,000 56% 25,000 0 Misc Public Work Charges 31 ,053 11 ,487 20,500 56% 18, 100 (2,400) Park Energy Fee 17,763 7,950 20,000 40% 20,000 0 Swimming Pool Fee 17,650 31 ,651 20,000 158% 35,000 15,000 Park Rental/Concessions 10,923 6,311 17,000 37% 15,000 (2,000) Ballfield Prep. Fee 10,022 5,469 15,000 36% 15,000 0 Misc. Planning/Building 25,487 7,017 14,500 48% 14,500 0 Signal Maint/Energy Fee 35,318 32,508 11 ,500 283% 46, 100 34,600 Str Light Energy Fee 8,542 4,733 4,000 118% 5,000 1 ,000 Utility Collection Fee 9,397 4,506 0 0% 9,500 9,500 Election Filing/Copies 21 ,057 7, 199 0 0% 7,200 7,200 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Charges 1 ,883,403 923,287 1 ,728,000 53% 1 ,706,800 (21 ,200) MISCELLANEOUS Water Fund Contr. 1 ,380,224 765,295 1 ,445,000 53% 1 ,445,000 0 Sewer Line Maint. 932,508 377,004 965,500 39% 965,500 0 Admin Service Charge 715,216 357,502 715,000 50% 715,000 0 Off Track Betting 249,883 101 ,276 260,000 39% 250,000 (10,000) Drunk Driver Reimburmt. 0 80 103,000 0% 200 (102,800) Sale of Photos 62,871 41 ,052 90,000 46% 72,400 (17,600) Police Misc. Receipts 43,145 30,585 49,500 62% 56,500 7,000 Misc Public Sery Receipt 43,958 22,500 49,000 46% 54,000 5,000 Refuse Space Rental 0 41 ,000 41 ,000 100% 41 ,000 0 Property Auction 14,663 17,405 30,000 58% 28,700 (1 ,300) Misc. Other Revenue 318,637 15, 139 30,000 50% 30,000 0 Investigation Fee 2,500 1 ,325 3,000 44% 2,400 (600) Attachment D3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MIDYEAR GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 REVISED OVER/(UNDER) ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE ORIG BUDGET DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY 93-94 ---------------- --------- --------- --------- ----- --------- --------- Litigation Settlement 0 0 0 0% 0 0 Refunds & Rebates 17,777 3,664 0 0% 7,000 7,000 Booking Fee Reimb. 1 , 131 2, 126 0 0% 3,000 3,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --------- Total Miscellaneous 3,782,513 1 ,775,953 3,781 ,000 47% 3,670,700 (110,300) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- TOTAL GENERAL FUND 69,019,089 27,808,095 69,419,000 40% 68,612,800 (806,200) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Attachment E MIDYEAR ✓ENUE REPORT FOR NON-GENERAL FU.._8 FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 REVISED OVER/ ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE (UNDER) DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY94 BUD ----------- --------- --------- --------- ----- -------- -------- 105 LIBRARY FUND 1618 State Aid-Libraries 99,678 13,846 103, 100 13% 89,000 (14, 100) 1850 Miscellaneous Receipts 11 ,426 4,927 10,000 49% 10,000 0 1851 Library Fines 37,337 16,664 34,000 49% 34,000 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Library Fund 148,441 35,437 147, 100 24% 133,000 (14, 100) 106 CEMETERY FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 40,730 9,609 26,000 37% 26,000 0 1775 Cemetery Burial Fee 69,925 30,427 78,000 39% 65,000 (13,000) 1776 Sale of Vases 3,074 1 ,042 2,300 45% 2,300 0 1777 Sale Concrete Boxes 42,211 16,607 50,000 33% 40,000 (10,000) 1778 Sale Cemetery Plots 65,313 27,243 70,000 39% 65,000 (5,000) --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- -------- Total Cemetery Fund 221 ,253 84,928 226,300 38% 198,300 (28,000) 107 CABLE TV FUND 1905 Litigation Settlement 130,000 0 0 0% 0 0 1922 Sale of Property 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1670 EDA Reimbursement 0 18,000 0 0% 18,000 18,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Cable TV Fund 130,000 18,000 0 0% 18,000 18,000 108 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 19,535 2,492 12,000 21% 5,000 (7,000) 1927 Asset Forfeiture 446,463 91 ,398 235,000 39% 185,000 (50,000) --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Asset Forfeiture Fd 465,998 93,890 247,000 38% 190,000 (57,000) 109 PARKING/BUSINESS IMPR FUND 1302 Parking/Business Imprv. 159,338 58,366 161 ,700 36% 161 ,700 0 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 260 500 52% 500 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Parking/Business Fd 159,338 58,626 162,200 36% 162,200 0 110 PARKING DISTRICT FUND 1010 Special Assessment-Land 166,356 68,379 171 ,000 40% 186,000 15,000 1011 Special Assmnt-Phase II 27,834 12,352 30,000 41% 38,000 8,000 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 27,883 5,512 10,000 55% 11 ,000 1 ,000 1530 Rental Fee-Parking 15,340 4,708 13,000 36% 14,200 1 ,200 1670 EDA Reimbursement 99,943 0 0 0% 0 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Parking District Fun 337,356 90,951 224,000 41% 249,200 25,200 111 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1626 Rideshare Reimbursement 222,533 72,348 180,000 40% 197,600 17,600 1670 EDA Reimbursement 6,000 3,000 3,000 100% 3,000 0 1906 Water Department 0 347 3,000 0% 3,000 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Transportation Fund 228,533 75,695 186,000 41% 203,600 17,600 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Attachment E2 MIDYEAR 'ENUE REPORT FOR NON-GENERAL F0. FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 REVISED OVER/ ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE (UNDER) DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY94 BUD ----------- --------- --------- --------- ----- -------- -------- 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND 1320 Animal License 156,669 66,547 150,000 44% 150,000 0 1410 General Fines 19,956 9,804 20,000 49% 19,000 (1 ,000) 1430 Animal License Penalty 11 ,563 6,453 12,000 54% 12,000 0 1756 Animal Adoption Fee 17,007 6,825 19,000 36% 14,000 (5,000) 1757 Contractee Shelter Fee 35,747 68,203 29,000 235% 172,000 143,000 1758 Livestock Fee 275 72 300 24% 300 0 1759 Apprehension Fee 14,508 9,340 15,000 62% 17,700 2,700 1760 Board Fee 15,947 9,590 16,000 60% 18,500 2,500 1761 Field Service Fee 1 ,795 1 ,406 2,000 70% 2,500 500 1763 Owner Release Fee 19, 116 10,590 15,000 71% 17,500 2,500 1764 Vaccination Fee 12, 114 5,410 12,000 45% 11 ,000 (1 ,000) 1765 Microchip Fee 0 740 0 0% 1 ,500 1 ,500 1901 Miscellaneous Receipts 18,660 2, 113 19,000 11% 19,000 0 1909 Returned Check Charge 110 50 100 50% 100 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Animal Control Fund 323,467 197, 143 309,400 64% 455, 100 145,700 126 SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 107,309 11 ,249 30,000 37% 30,000 0 1610 State Aid-2106 593,446 292, 190 740,000 39% 700,000 (40,000) 1611 State Aid-2107 1 ,393,567 657,555 1 ,420,000 46% 1 ,420,000 0 1612 State Aid-2107.5 10,000 10,000 10,000 100% 10,000 0 1614 Prop 111-Highway Users 824,657 426,973 735,000 58% 800,000 65,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Gas Tax Fund 2,928,979 1 ,397,967 2,935,000 48% 2,960,000 25,000 127 REFUSE FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 120,955 20,948 40,000 52% 50,000 10,000 1830 Commercial Rubbish 257,484 113,912 252,600 45% 273,000 20,400 1831 Commercial Bin Rent 371 ,616 151 ,975 378,200 40% 364,700 (13,500) 1832 Commercial Bin Service 5, 171 ,213 2, 103, 123 5,217,300 40% 5,047,000 (170,300) 1833 Commercial Special 304,744 139,177 311 ,800 45% 334,000 22,200 1834 Commercial Municipal 163,552 68, 100 171 , 100 40% 163,000 (8, 100) 1836 Commercial Bin Malls 141 ,181 52,042 144,200 36% 125,000 (19,200) 1837 Automated Commercial 4,911 1 ,923 5,000 38% 4,600 (400) 1840 Residential Water 5,863,241 2,923,358 5,809,300 50% 5,846,000 36,700 1841 Residential "B" Acct 392,474 158,584 394,000 40% 381 ,000 (13,000) 1843 Dino Bin Service 1 ,302,303 523,496 1 ,316,700 40% 1 ,257,000 (59,700) 1848 Sale of Paper (68,673) 45,808 0 0% 50,000 50,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Refuse Fund 14,025,001 6,302,446 14,040,200 45% 13,895,300 (144,900) 128 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 1440 CVC Fine 162,151 7,339 174,000 4% 107,300 (66,700) 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 3,596 865 1 ,000 87% 1 ,000 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Traffic Safety Fund 165,747 8,204 175,000 5% 108,300 (66,700) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Attachment E3 MIDYEAR ►._VENUE REPORT FOR NON-GENERAL FU1,._� FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 REVISED OVER/ ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE (UNDER) DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY94 BUD ----------- --------- --------- --------- ----- -------- -------- 129 1/2 CENT SALES & ROAD TAX 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 19,088 5,045 15,000 34% 10, 100 (4,900) 1613 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 1 ,309,833 456,208 1 ,200,000 38% 1 ,200,000 0 1670 Measure I Arterial 2, 125,067 0 745,000 0% 745,000 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 3,453,988 461 ,253 1 ,960,000 24% 1 ,955, 100 (4,900) 130 PRO BASEBALL TEAM FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1521 Fiscalini Field Lease 30,616 21 ,622 40,000 54% 25,000 (15,000) 1522 Clubhouse Rental Fees 0 0 5,000 0% 0 (5,000) --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Pro Baseball Team Fd 30,616 21 ,622 45,000 48% 25,000 (20,000) 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 1630 State Aid-Street Constr 75,239 0 15,000,000 0% 15,000,000 0 1640 County-Street Construct 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1650 Fed. Aid-Street Constr. 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1653 EDA Reimbursement 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1654 Fed BRG Replacement 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1655 Federal 4R 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1656 Fed Aid 203 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1657 Fed Aid-HES 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1658 Federal Aid-FAU 1 ,366,063 869,508 817,000 106% 900,000 83,000 1803 Traffic Systems Fees 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1901 Miscellaneous Receipts 248,635 0 0 0% 0 0 1903 Refunds and Rebates 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1945 Construction Reimbursmt 449,066 170,487 0 0% 170,500 170,500 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Street Constr. Fund 2,139,003 1 ,039,995 15,817,000 7% 16,070,500 253,500 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 30,053 2,633 3,600 73% 5,000 1 ,400 1620 State Aid-Park Develpmt 0 140,000 0 0% 140,000 140,000 1732 Park Development Fee 484,814 92,004 450,000 20% 182,000 (268,000) 1945 Construction Reimbursmt 449,066 16,500 0 0% 16,500 16,500 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Park Construction Fu 963,933 251 , 137 453,600 55% 343,500 (110,100) 244 CEMETERY CONSTRUCTION FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 827 192 0 0% 0 0 1778 Sale Cemetery Plots 8, 190 3,720 8,500 44% 7,500 (1 ,000) --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Cemetery Constr. Fd 9,017 3,912 8,500 46% 7,500 (11000) 245 SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 486,895 123, 126 240,000 51% 246,000 6,000 1510 Sale of Sewer Rights 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1624 State Aid-Relocate RT30 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1821 Sewer Lateral Fee 285 852 300 284% 1 ,200 900 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Attachment E4 MIDYEAR h-VENUE REPORT FOR NON-GENERAL FUN_, FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 REVISED OVER/ ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE (UNDER) DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY94 BUD ----------- --------- --------- --------- ----- -------- -------- 1822 Sewer Connection Fee 399,702 112,226 430,000 26% 225,000 (205,000) 1945 Construction Reimbursmt 0 17,392 0 0% 17,400 17,400 1670 EDA Reimbursement 0 0 500,000 0% 500,000 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Sewer Line Constr Fd 886,882 253,596 1 ,170,300 22% 989,600 (180,700) 246 INDIAN BINGO SETTLEMENT FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 33,123 9,938 13,000 76% 15,000 2,000 1902 Indian Bingo Contrib. 150,000 100,000 200,000 50% 200,000 0 1903 Refunds & Rebates 0 0 0 0% 0 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Indian Bingo Fund 183, 123 109,938 213,000 52% 215,000 2,000 247 CULTURAL DEVELOP CONST FD 1335 Cultural Devel . Fee 93, 165 87,806 109,500 80% 114,000 4,500 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 2,628 347 500 69% 600 100 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Cultural Devel Fund 95,793 88, 153 110,000 80% 114,600 4,600 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 201 ,641 45,240 88,000 51% 90,000 2,000 1818 Storm Drain Fee 514,736 168,055 352,300 48% 330,000 (22,300) 1945 Construction Reimbursmt 307 0 2,400,000 0% 2,400,000 0 1819 Drainage Fee 0 12,851 0 0% 12,900 12,900 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Storm Drain Fund 716,684 226, 146 2,840,300 8% 2,832,900 (7,400) 250 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTR FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 29,771 9,002 10,000 90% 15,000 5,000 1803 Traffic System Fees 318,607 231 ,631 300,000 77% 350,000 50,000 1901 Misc. Receipts 142,963 0 0 0% 0 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Traffic Systems Fund 491 ,341 240,633 310,000 78% 365,000 55,000 257 STREET LIGHT/SWEEPING DIST 3,040,412 0 2,800,000 0% 2,800,000 0 629 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 1670 EDA Reimbursement 50,000 105,000 105,000 100% 105,000 0 1897 Interdepartmental 2,284,676 1 , 141 ,152 2,409,500 47% 2,409,500 0 1901 Misc. Receipts 44,076 0 0 0% 0 0 1906 Water Department 0 9,295 20,300 46% 35,000 14,700 1924 Damage Claim Recovery 86,408 41 ,824 120,000 35% 135,000 15,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Liability Insurance 2,465,160 1 ,297,271 2,654,800 49% 2,684,500 29,700 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT FUND 1541 Telephone Commission 21 ,739 8,643 16,800 51% 16,800 0 1893 Water Dept. Receipts 0 7,590 106,500 7% 106,500 0 1670 EDA Reimbursement 0 19,183 86,900 22% 86,900 0 1897 Interdepartmental 766,487 219,604 538,300 41% 538,300 0 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Attachment E5 MIDYEAR r._✓ENUE REPORT FOR NON-GENERAL FUi._6 FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 REVISED OVER/ ACTUAL DEC YTD BUDGET FY94 ESTIMATE (UNDER) • DESCRIPTION 1992-1993 FY 93-94 FY 93-94 % COL FY 93-94 FY94 BUD ----------- --------- --------- --------- ----- -------- -------- 1901 Miscellaneous Receipts 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1903 Refunds and Rebates 4,982 433 0 0% 400 400 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Telephone Support Fd 793,208 255,453 748,500 34% 748,900 400 635 MOTOR POOL FUND 1896 Replacement Contrib. 737 156,588 303,700 52% 303,700 0 1897 Interdepartmental 3,275,557 1 ,636,510 3,254,000 50% 3,254,000 0 1924 Damage Claim Recovery 80,530 68,983 0 0% 80,000 80,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Motor Pool Fund 3,356,824 1 ,862,081 3,557,700 52% 3,637,700 80,000 678 WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 27,973 18,100 155% 18, 100 0 1897 Interdepartmental 1 ,861 , 145 892,558 1 ,747,700 51% 1 ,747,700 0 1899 Premiums 73,060 17,300 0 0% 0 0 1670 EDA Reimbursement 0 10,000 11 ,100 90% 11 , 100 0 1906 Water Department 0 43,631 53,500 82% 53,500 0 1924 Damage Claim Recovery 58,738 985 0 0% 11 ,000 11 ,000 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total Workers' Comp. Fund 1 ,992,943 992,447 1 ,830,400 54% 1 ,841 ,400 11 ,000 679 Management Information Services 1505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0% 0 0 1897 Interdepartmental 958,435 512,196 1 ,010,800 51% 1 ,010,800 0 1901 Miscellaneous Receipts 1 ,731 665 0 0% 0 0 1903 Refunds & Rebates 160 416 0 0% 0 0 1922 Sale of Property (6,386) 0 0 0% 0 0 --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- ------- Total MIS Fund 953,940 513,277 1 ,010,800 0% 1 ,010,800 0 GRAND TOTAL 40,706,980 15,980,201 54,182,100 29% 54,215,000 32,900 a Attachment F CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 -------------------------------- TRANSFERS - IN TO GENERAL FUND: *From Parking District For - $30,300 Installment payment for purchase of Parking Lot *From Special Gas Tax For - 2,200,000 Street Maintenance *From Traffic Safety For - 175,000 Police Costs *From 1/2 Cent Sales & Road Tax For - 200,000 Administration *From Cultural Development Fund For - 110,000 Funding Fine Arts and Civic and Promotional Costs *From Traffic Systems Constructions For - 200,000 Administration *From Asset Forfeiture For - 75,000 IRNET *From Street Light/Sweep Dist. For - 141 ,400 Administration Account Clerk *From Rideshare Fund For - 15,000 Engineering Costs TOTAL TRANSFERS INTO GENERAL FUND $3,146,700 TO ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: *From General Fund For - $350,200 Operating Costs TO LIBRARY FUND: *From General Fund For - 2,787, 100 Operating Costs Attachment F2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 -------------------------------- TRANSFERS - IN TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS: *From General Fund For - 435,700 Operating Costs TO PUBLIC PARK EXTENSION: *From General Fund For - 48,000 Park Facilities Improvements TO STREET CONSTRUCTION: *From 1/2 Cent Sales Tax For - 133,000 Matching funds for various Federal Projects TO PARKING DISTRICT: *From Parking & Business Improvement For - 121 ,000 Administration TO CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION: *From General Fund For - 107,700 CAD System TO DEBT SERVICE FUND: *From Telecommunications For - 175,600 COP Payment TOTAL OTHER FUNDS $4, 158,300 GRAND TOTAL TRANSFERS-IN $7,305,000 Attachment F3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 -------------------------------- TRANSFERS - OUT FROM GENERAL FUND: *To Aniamal Control Fund For - $350,200 Operating Costs *To Library Fund For - 2,787, 100 Operating Costs *To Telecommunications For - 435,700 Operating Costs *To Public Park Extension For - 48,000 Park Facilities Improvements *To Certificates of Participation For - 107,700 CAD System TOTAL GENERAL FUND $3,728,700 FROM TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND: *To Debt Service Fund For - 175,600 Certificates of Participation FROM PARKING DISTRICT FUND: *To General Fund For - 30,300 Installment payment for purchase of Parking Lot FROM SPECIAL GAS TAX: *To General Fund For - 2,200,000 Street Maintenance Costs FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY: *To General Fund For - 175,000 Police Costs FROM ASSET FORFEITURE: *To General Fund For - 75,000 IRNET Attachment F4 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 -------------------------------- TRANSFERS - OUT FROM STREET LIGHT/SWEEPING FUND: *To General Fund For - 141 ,400 Administration FROM RIDESHARE FUND: *To General Fund For - 15,000 Engineering Cost FROM 1/2 CENT SALES AND ROAD TAX: *To General Fund For - 200,000 Administration of Fund *To Street Construction Fund For - 133,000 Matching Funds for Various Federal Projects FROM PARKING & BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT *To Parking District For - 121 ,000 Administration of District FROM CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND *To General Fund For - 110,000 Funding Fine Arts and Civic and Promotional Costs FROM TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION *To General Fund For - 200,000 Administration of Fund TOTAL OTHER FUNDS $3,576,300 GRAND TOTAL TRANSFERS-OUT $7,305,000 1 i C I T Y OF S A N B E R N A R D I N O INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CI- - ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE DATE: February 17 , 1994 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator SUBJECT: FY 94/95 General Fund Budget COPIES : Shauna Clark, City Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ It is difficult to forecast the City' s fiscal position for FY 94-95 due to the inability to predict local economic conditions. In spite of this difficulty, a preliminary General Fund Balance Report has been prepared based on certain assumptions which are discussed in this report. If the assumptions contained in this report are realized, it is anticipated that a shortfall in the General Fund will exist for FY 94-95 in the amount of approximately $1, 424 ,700. (See Attachment I) . The following assumptions were used in making this projection: *Assumed revenue collections would remain at the same level as FY 93/94 . As noted in the mid year budget report, the major revenue sources including sales tax and utility users tax are estimated to come in either at or under budget. At this point in time, no provision was made for revenue growth since actual collections for the past two years in all major categories have been flat. In addition, no indicators have been feceived that, revenue wise, show we have reached the bottom of the recession. The City has also been using collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) monies for the past 3 years to help fund capital purchases. FY 93-94 was the last year those funds were available. The net impact of this revenue loss for FY 94-95 is $900, 000. *Assumed department expenditures would remain at FY 93-94 expenditure level . It should be noted that since FY 90/91, real department expenditures have been either flat or reduced anywhere from 5 to 10% depending on the department. *Assumed mandatory Charter Section 186 compensation set aside adjustment in the amount of $500, 000. 6 The first year debt service payment for the new police facility was not factored into FY 94-95 since a capitalized interest fund was provided for in the bond issue. This fund will make its own payments for the first 18 months. The annual payments after this time frame will be approximately $450, 000 - $500, 000/year for 30 years. Provided in Attachment II is a summary of debt obligations to the General Fund. This summary lists all of the City' s mandatory debt service obligations. For FY 94-95, the total cost is $3 , 576, 774 which is included in the budget. STATE BUDGET IMPACT The Governor released his proposed 1994/95 budget on January 7, 1994 . Although this document does not directly impact cities in terms of revenue takeaways at this time, there are many assumptions in the Governor' s budget which make the budget outlook for cities much more unpredictable than it might appear from the initial reading. It is important to remember that the Governor' s proposed budget is only the starting point for discussion of the 1994-95 budget. The Legislature will propose various alternatives and the May 1994 revision of revenues and expenditures may change the budget picture significantly. One area which may slightly benefit the City is in fines and forfeitures. The Governor' s budget is proposing to give back to cities one hundred percent (100%) of these revenues. This revenue source represents approximately $50, 000 in additional revenue to the City although it appears that the City has not been receiving its share of fines and forfeitures since the settlement of a lawsuit between the County and the City. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GRANT FOR POLICE OFFICERS The City was notified on February 9 , 1994 , that it will be receiving $1, 439 , 000 in Federal Grant monies to pay for 17 additional police officers over a 3 year period. The matching cost to the City over the 3 years is broken out by fiscal year as follows: 2 Fiscal Year City Grant FY 93/94 $ 217 , 108 $ 22 , 293 94/95 $ 750, 000* $ 373 , 350 95/96 $ 546, 092 $ 486, 792 96/97 $ 533 , 958 $ 484 , 958 97/98 $ 119, 757 $ 101, 557 TOTAL $2 , 167 , 393 $1, 468 , 950 = $3,636,343 * includes one time vehicle acquisition and equipment costs These numbers are only estimates. They are based on the assumption that five law enforcement trainees will be put in the April 1994 Sheriff ' s Academy and that three lateral transfers will be hired at that same time. _in additional nine law enforcement trainees will be put into tae Academy beginning July 1994 . These numbers also assume that we will purchase four black and white police units, fully equipped, for this program in fiscal year 94/95. It is important to recognize that under the terms of the grant, the City is supposed to make every possible effort to retain these officers after the funding has expired. The annual cost to maintain the officers is approximately $1, 100, 000/year beginning in FY 97-98 . Options are currently being explored relative to funding the City' s share of this program. The attached General Fund Report, however, does not include the cost for this program. SUMMARY A General Fund shortfall for FY 94-95 is projected in the amount of approximately $1, 424 , 700 based on certain revenue and expenditure assumptions which have been discussed in this report. As part of the FY 94/95 budget preparation process which will be underway in March, a revised projection will be made both for revenues and expenditures to better reflect the City' s actual budget status. It 3 is reasonable to assume that the budget picture may change from the initial forecasted shortfall based on a combination of factors including anticipated remittance of Cross Country Wireless utility users tax payments to the City; and departments will be requested to limit expenditures for the balance of the fiscal year. It is expected that budget deliberations by the Mayor and Common Colincil will be scheduled for June 1994 . IVRD#LSON Assistant City Administrator FAW/md 4 ATTACHMENT I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROJECTED GENERAL FUND BALANCE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1994-1995 VARIANCE MIDYR ESTIMATE ESTIMATE FAVORABLE/ DESCRIPTION FY 1993 - 1994 FY 1994 - 1995 (UNFAVORABLE) ----------- -------------- -------------- ------------- Beginning Balance 5,632,852 2,954,952 (2,677,900) Estimated Revenues * 68,612,800 67,712,800 (900,000) Transfers In 3, 146,700 3,200,000 53,300 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Available for Budget 77,392,352 73,867,752 (3,524,600) Projected Expenditure Budget ** 69,997,900 70,637,600 (639,700) 5% Department Budget Cuts 0 0 0 Police Building Debt Service 0 0 186 Compensation Adjustment 356,000 500,000 (144,000) 800MHz Public Safety Radio 354,800 354,800 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- Revised Expenditure Budget 70,708,700 71 ,492,400 (783,700) Transfers Out 3,728,700 3,800,000 (71 ,300) ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Budget Expenses 74,437,400 75,292,400 (855,000) Ending Balance 2,954,952 (1 ,424,648) (4,379,600) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- *Assumes same revenue collections as FY 93-94 minus $900,000 for CMO monies that will no longer be available. **Assumes Departments will receive for FY 94-95, the same budgets they have for FY 93-94. 5 Ln Oo O 000000000 0 o 00000000 0 0 00 0 LO n o 0 0 00 U) LO o 0 0 �D n Cl H E co O Ln M M H a co O V N a0 N N Cr) L1 W bq W O to to kA to tR to W W W z lD c_-c:) OV 00 00000o O O 000000100 Ln N O O I- r� O O N O �'o Ln N M 00 N O LO G LO O LO r- �o M - Ln U n O l0 O co O N V Ln LO N O E cO o- Ln M rte-+ N LO C� a co o v c Hcn M } L.L_ .si w esa «sa w w era w w w o va �.t N 00 00 00 MOOO 000 O O ON OM CON OM Ln V 00 O O O 0 0 CD E N O O O N n oo--i Ln N LO Ln Ol OM ON fro l0n ti 01 ISM O> M N N E N O Ol Ln N Ln Ln --�M .-+ N O Q- co O N N N n C� M } LL kA to b9 b9 to W to b9 b9 b9 b9 N Ln CY 0 0 O O m 0 0 o O Ol LO LO LO�O CO Ln f Ln 'Cl- 0 o M LO Ol co 00 oCNO M 0100 co O OLnM V r——MO N l0 Ln V f— NM OM O 0 LO N l01— Ol O NN OQi Ln M NOl M N M Ln �O +� O f—co O M O N O O M O O M M O Cl) LO cY Ol LD LO E Ol MV OOl Ln LO Ln Ln r-+M M N—Cl)N--N N Ln a N O N c7 N N O Ln Ol } a)N W kA Vi b9 tR O W Ia/ !H b9 tR b9 kH to M O� a)� M VN 00 CD C=)CV V 0 O O O1 tO lO LO LO co Ln 1- Ln ON n O L n MN 00 V V MN Ol00 LO O OLnM V r- --HMO N t0 OOl CO t- u - V N I- O Cl) Ln 0 LO Ln cV L0 I- co O N N O Ol Ln M N Ol Cl) N f-Cl) O rl O �v)M 4� OM NLO Vr+I-N-Y ri O MO OM OIL--QOM LO V NLO M LO L Q7 E Ol M N O al LO�--i co r-+co N r- N ti co N�--��--�N co �--��--� M 1- C.L C n- 4o O N �--� �--�N N L cn cc L Q) LL_ dq bq W !H W b9 b9 b9 tR 6A�R tR K p M o�Ql O Ql L T ro N - vr v M N LI l O CY QJ C O 'T O N -o Ln W N Ln al O LO O Ln l0 Ln'Ln O O V Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Lo Ln Ol I- > Ol N Ol N01 Q1 Ol 01 OlNN Ol 01 OI QI OI OI OI OI OI a) Ol OIOI 01 u r Q1 C L a r-r-- +� L T u r- = T C > L > Q) al a QJ ra U 7 O O 7) a. -D C C U o-7; ra U C rp Q) O O O D_ O p N W Ln �O '-7'�Q '�Q'-7'�'� O '-7 Q 7�O 7 O�Ln '� Z U L, U C Q 0. 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