HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Development Department I VELOPMENT DEPARTME OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: KENNETH J. HENDERSON SUBJECT: CALIFORNIA INN (SRO) - Executive Director TERMINATION AGREEMENT DATE: March 2, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): The Community Development Commission and Redevelopment Committee, on September 20 and October 7, 1993 considered the technical default status of the California Inn DDA. The Committee developed recommendations for Community Development Commission consideration. On October 21, 1993 the Community Development Commission authorized staff to retain a professional consultant to prepare a Comprehensive Market Analysis on the proposed California Inn Single Room Occupancy (SRO) project. (SYNOPSIS CONTINUED TO NEXT PAGE...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(s): (Community Development Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission approve the attached Agreement terminating the existing Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and Main Street Inn, a California Limited Partnership (California Inn SRO). -- 7 t AA*1 Ad mistrator KENNETH J. H t NDERSON Executive Director --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. Henderson/David R. Edgar Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Central City North (CCN) Ward(s): One (1) Supporting Data Attached: Staff Report FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $180.000 Source: Twenty Percent Set-Aside Budget Authority: Approved 2/21/94 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission/Council Notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:ABE:paw:cainnsro.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 03/07/1994 Agenda Item Number: DEVELOPMENT DEPART ;NT REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/CC ICIL ACTION CALIFORNIA INN (SRO) PREPARED: MARCH 1, 1994 Page - 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s) Continued... On February 21, 1994 the Community Development Commission approved an Agreement in Principle for the Single Room Occupancy (SRO) project development agreement between Larcon Development and the Redevelopment Agency. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:ABE:paw:cainnsro.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 03/07/1994 Agenda Item Number: DE ` LOPMENT DEPARTN, NT STAFF REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- California Inn (SRO) - Termination Agreement As a result of factors beyond the control of Larcon Development and the Redevelopment Agency, The Housing Committee, Community Development Commission and staff of Larcon Development Company and the Agency have considered on numerous occasions various aspects of the California Inn Single Room Occupancy (SRO) project. The discussions regarding this project culminated in the approval and adoption by the Community Development Commission of an Agreement in Principle (Attachment "A") between the Agency and Main Street Inn, a California Limited Partnership. It is acknowledged for the record that Agency staff requested termination of the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Agency and the Main Street Inn, a California Limited Partnership. The developer eventually agreed to the termination based upon the deal points set forth in the attached Agreement in Principle. Based upon the Commission action of February 21, 1994 approving the Agreement in Principle, Agency Counsel prepared a formal Termination Agreement (Attachment "B") which was subsequently reviewed and executed by Larcon Development, the General Partner of the above referenced partnership. Base upon the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. yvl ' KENNETH J HENDERSON, Executive Director Development Department -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:ABE:paw:cainnsro.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 03/07/1994 Agenda Item Number: RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Sabo & Green, A Professional Corporation 6320 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, California 91367 Recordation Fee Not Applicable Pursuant to Government Code Section 6103 (Space Above For Recorder' s Use Only) TERMINATION AGREEMENT RE CALIFORNIA INN SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY PROJECT by and between REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO and MAIN STREET INN, a California limited partnership ATTACHMENT "B" TERMINATION AGREEMENT RE CALIFORNIA INN SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY PROJECT THIS TERMINATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of 77 , 1994, by and between the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (the "Agency") and MAIN STREET INN, a California limited partnership (the "Developer") , and is made with respect to the following recitals and terms: R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, the parties hereto previously entered into that certain Disposition and Development Agreement, executed as of January 15, 1992, and recorded in the offices of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County as Document No. 92-043753 (the "DDA") ; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto subsequently entered into that certain Amendment No. 1 to Disposition and Development Agreement dated August 17, 1992 (the "Amendment") , and recorded in the offices of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County as Document No. 92-363489; and WHEREAS, as a result of factors beyond the control of the parties hereto, �:^FF'y� s :.,:.ngQ- b-911ght _Ity Qic ; +-L. ^ QQ Qap1 n4-ad b, , tk e::e eee'�'exsZsee�ei'its Gfe t3i+D s��orialeck�—tho�r�zo.t n�i3t ! T- sui: AGY GGA iiilt.Yiit.i ►zr3r.�t_r:-edit 4-as; and WHEREAS, the Agency and the Developer have mutually agreed to terminate the contractual relationship set forth in the DDA and the Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Developer has diligently pursued development and financing plans and the acquisition of a Conditional Use Permit to be approved and issued by the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Developer has expended substantial moneys in an effort to complete its development and financing plans, which moneys are itemized in the Development Expense Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the costs set forth in Exhibit "A" do not include a salary for Developer's General Partner or the General Partner' s office overhead expenses; and -1- WHEREAS, Section 2.03c of the Amendment provides for the payment after the Close of Escrow of permissible costs as set forth in Section 2 . 03b(vi) of the Amendment and the payment of a developer fee to the Developer of $360,000, payable in monthly installments. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as set forth hereinbelow. T E R M S 1. Agency Termination of Rights and Obligations. The Agency hereby waives all of its rights as against the Developer as contained in the DDA and the Amendment, except for such rights as may be set forth in this Agreement. The Agency further waives any obligations which the Developer may have to the Agency under the terms of the DDA and/or the Amendment. 2 . Developer Termination of Rights and Obligations. The Developer hereby waives all of its rights as against the Agency as contained in the DDA and the Amendment, except for such rights as may be set forth in this Agreement. The Developer further waives any obligations which the Agency may have to the Developer under the terms of the DDA and/or the Amendment. 3 . Payment of Consideration. As and for consideration for the execution of this Agreement, and in recognition of the Developer's good faith expenditure of funds, the Agency hereby agrees to pay the Developer the sum of $180, 000, payable upon approval by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino of the terms of this Agreement and execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto. The Developer hereby waives any claim for any further compensation of any nature or amount, arising from the DDA, the Amendment, the project contemplated by the DDA and the Amendment, or this Agreement. 4 . Use of Agency Property. The parties hereto acknowledge that the New Property (as defined in the Amendment) which was contemplated to be used for the proposed project and which is presently owned by the Agency, is free of any claim, lien, easement, condition or covenant arising as a result of the DDA and/or the Amendment or this Agreement between the parties hereto. The Agency, after execution of this Agreement, shall be free to utilize the New Property for such purposes as the Agency may deem appropriate, and the Developer waives any claim with regard to the use of the New Property, and further waives any claim to title of the New Property. -2- i ; 1 5. Termination of Agency's Obligation for Contribution. The parties hereto further specifically agree that the Agency's obligation to make any contribution toward the Total Project Cost of the single room occupancy facility is hereby terminated. 6. Obligation to Execute Further Documents. The parties hereto agree that they shall, in the event reasonably requested to do so by the other party, execute any document or documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. 7. Release and Indemnification. Each of the parties hereto releases the other party from any claim of liability, based upon any provision of the DDA or the Amendment, except with respect to remaining obligations contained in this Agreement. Each of the parties hereto indemnifies the other party hereto against any loss, liability or claim arising out of the DDA or the Amendment. The Developer represents that there are no outstanding obligations owed with respect to the proposed project or the New Property, and that all such obligations have been heretofore been paid or will be paid from the amounts due to the Developer under Paragraph 3 above. Developer further specifically represents that no lien has attached or will attach to the New Property as a result of any of Developer's activities in connection with the New Property. The Developer represents that it will undertake to immediately pay or otherwise obtain the lease of any claim for lien against the New Property. Each of the parties hereto agrees that, with respect to any claim against which it has provided indemnification hereunder, it will hold the other party harmless from any cost, liability or damage, including attorneys ' fees arising with respect to such claim. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of Civil Code Section 1542 which provides as follows: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. Each of the parties hereto waives the provisions of Section 1542, intending that this Agreement shall resolve all issues, liabilities and claims as between the parties, with the exception of those claims arising out of the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. -3- 8. Default and Attorneys' Fees. In the event that either of the parties to this Agreement shall breach any provision hereof, the non-defaulting party may serve notice of such breach upon the defaulting party, which notice shall specify the nature of the breach and any action required to cure the breach, if any. Said breach shall be cured within ten (10) days of service of the appropriate notice upon the defaulting party, or if cure of said breach requires longer than ten (10) days, the cure shall be implemented by the defaulting party within said ten (10) day period and diligently pursued to completion. In the event that the defaulting party does not cure the breach as required under the provisions of this paragraph, the non-defaulting party may declare a default in this Agreement without further notice and proceed to pursue any and all legal remedies available to it, including, without limitation, an action for specific performance. In the event of a legal action between the parties hereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and costs as actually incurred by said party. 9. Notices. Any notice provided under the terms of this Agreement shall be personally served or deposited, first class certified mail with return receipt requested, and addressed to the other party at the address set forth hereinbelow: If to Agency: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attn: Executive Director If to Main Street Inn: Larcon Development, Inc. 330 North "D" Street, Suite 110 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attn: B. Gilbert Lara, Jr. Either party may provide for a different address for notices hereunder by serving a written notice of said address upon the other party. -4- l Executed on the date first above written by the parties whose signatures are set forth hereafter. "AGENCY" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By Chairman APPROVED: Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: By: Special C n e to the Agency "DEVELOPER" MAIN STREET INN, a California limited partnership By: Larcon Development, Inc. General Partner By: �. B. Gilbert Lara, Jr. President SBEO/0001/DOCn38 2123194 1130 by -5- STATE OF C ,IF RNI ) COUNTY OF i ) On a before me f he a inse t na and title of the ficer) , ersona y app ared ��. , personally known to me_ (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person sa'f whose name ) is/-&re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/zheft4iey executed the same in his/lieerl heir authorized capacity(+es) , and that by his fh tr signature(A on the instrument the person) , or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and fficial se Signa ure ea-,VANDA#974738 a 11ddOOMM.�974738 Notcry Public—Califomia SAN BERNARDNO COUNN 61my Comm.Expires OCT 4.1996 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) On before me, (here insert name and title of the officer) , personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies) , and that by his/her/their signatures) on the instrument the person(s) , or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) 'FEB-23-94 WED 10:52 ECON DEVEL AGENCY FAX N0, 7148889413 P. 04 CALIFORNIA INN SRO DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE MARCH 1, 1991 TO FEBRUARY 15, 1994 i DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURE SALARY: D. Macken (3-91 to 4-93) 100.0% $49,052.00 S. Johnston (3--91 to 2-94) 40.0% 46,925.00 $95,977.00 i FEES; City, applications, consultants, legal etc, 6,702.00 I ACCOUNTING: Includes CPA fees for finan cial services 91313.00 , I MARKETING: Includes reproduction for marketing packages 4,962,00 ARCHITECTURE: Includes all schematic and partial development design 63,052.00 architectural contract services for Main Street Inn SRO and California Inn SRO ADMINISTRATIVE: SRO travel for design and financing $751.00 Reports, supplies, postage, miscellaneous 787.00 1,538.00 l FINANCE: Interest on SRO loan of$150,000.00 36.352.00 + (10-7-91 to 2-14-94) TOTAL SRO DEVELOPMENT COSTS $217,896.00 I I Note: Office overhead (phone, mail, supplies, rent etc.) and Mr. Lara's salary not included. Prepared 2-15--94 LARCON DEVELOPMENT INC. AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE CALIFORNIA INN SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY (SRO) PROJECT February 18, 1994 This Agreement in Principle proposes to establish the framework for the dissolution, termination or relinquishment of rights and forgiveness of obligations, which ever is applicable, of the Disposition and Development Agreement (the "Agreement") between the Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and Main Street Inn, a California Limited Partnership, ("developer") based upon the following recitals: WHEREAS, the Agency desires, and the developer has agreed, to mutually and amicably terminate the contractual relationship providing for the development of a two- hundred, sixty-five (265) unit SRO housing development; and WHEREAS, Agency agrees, and acknowledges, developer was requested by the then Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino to develop, with Agency assistance, and operate a 265 unit SRO housing project to be located at the northwest corner of 5th and "E" Streets in San Bernardino, CA; and WHEREAS, the developer has diligently pursued development and financing plans and the acquisition of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) which would be approved and issued by the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the developer has expended substantial monies in an effort to complete its development and financing plans as more accurately summarized in the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the costs incurred by developer do not include salary for developer's General Partner or the General Partner's office overhead expenses. WHEREAS, the Agreement between Agency and Developer provides for the payment, after the Close of Escrow of permissible costs as set forth in Section 2.03b(vi) of the Disposition and Development Agreement and the payment of developer fees on a monthly basis totalling $360,000. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. That the Agreement between Agency and developer be dissolved, terminated and/or provide for the relinquishment or rights and forgiveness of obligations, as applicable, with the understanding that no damage or harm will be done to the reputation of developer or Agency. ATTACHMENT "A" r 2. That full and complete consideration to be paid by Agency to developer has been established at $180,000, payable upon approval by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino and execution of the necessary and appropriate implementing agreement(s). KE J. NDERSON, Executive Director MAIN STREET INN Development Department a California Limited Partnership Economic Development Agency By: LARCON DEVELOPMENT, INC. General Partner B. Gilbert Lara, Jr. President KJH:Unp:agmtpri.sro CALIFORNIA INN SRO DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE MARCH 1, 1991 TO FEBRUARY 15, 1994 DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURE SALARY: D. Macken (3-91 to 4-93) 100.0% $49,052.00 S. Johnston (3-91 to 2-94) 40.0% 46,925.00 $95,977.00 FEES: City, applications, consultants, legal etc. 6,702.00 � f I ACCOUNTING: Includes CPA fees for financial services 9,313.00 i MARKETING: Includes reproduction for marketing packages 4,962.00 ARCHITECTURE: Includes all schematic and partial development design 63,052.00 architectural contract services for Main Street Inn SRO and California Inn SRO I i ADMINISTRATIVE: SRO travel for design and financing $751.00 Reports, supplies, postage, miscellaneous 787.00 1,538.00 i FINANCE: Interest on SRO loan of$150,000.00 36,352.00 (10-7-91 to 2-14-94) f TOTAL SRO DEVELOPMENT COSTS $217,896.00 t Note: Office overhead (phone, mail, supplies, rent etc.) and Mr. Lara's salary not included. i i (! J I Prepared 2-15-94 I LARCON DEVELOPMENT INC. EXHIBIT "A" (�,��