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TO: James F. Penman, City Attorney
City Attorney's Office
FROM: Tom Minor, Mayor
DATE: November 5, 1993
SUBJECT: Colton Metromall
COPIES: Al Boughey, Director, Planning and Building Services;
Shauna Clark, City Administrator; Roger Hardgrave, City
Engineer; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to Mayor
Attached is a copy of the interoffice memorandum, from Al Boughey,
dated November 3 , 1993, together with the attachments, regarding
the Colton Metromall. The memorandum indicates that a courtesy
copy was also forwarded to you; however, I have enclosed a copy of
same for your convenience. Would you please let me know
immediately if you will be able to assist us on this matter.
Thank you.
Tom Minor, Mayor
r '
Planning and Building Services Department
Interoffice Memorandum
G' ; z Gs T14F
TO: Mayor Minor
FROM: Al Boughe irector, Planning and Building Services
SUBJECT: Colton Metromall
DATE: November 3 , 1993
COPIES: Jim Penma.i, City Attorney; Shauna Clark, City
Administrator; Roger Hardgrave, City Engineer;
Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor
As you are aware, in September we received a notice from the City
of Colton that they intended to adopt a Mitigated Negative
Declaration for their Metromall. We felt that their Initial Study
did not adequately address many of the environmental concerns and
submitted a letter to them to that effect. We also asked to be
notified of any meetings regarding the project.
After receiving no response, we contacted Colton and asked for an
update. We found out that the project was scheduled for action by
their Planning Commission on Tuesday, November 9, 1993 . We were
informed that the Planning Commission agenda was not available,
that the item would not be a public hearing item and that a staff
report would not be prepared. We were able to get a copy of the
conditions of approval, attached.
It appears that Colton is proposing to adopt a Mitigated Negative
Declaration, and in effect, approve the project. The environmental
concerns are being "resolved" through the conditions of approval,
after the fact. I am very concerned because the environmental
review was inadequate, not in compliance with CEQA, and will have
major impacts on the City of San Bernardino.
I request assistance from the City Attorney in preparing a letter
to the Colton Planning Commission, requesting that no action be
taken until adequate environmental review has been completed. I
intend to send a staff member to the Planning Commission meeting to
register our objections.
From: Councilman Ralph Hernandez Subject: Colton Metro Mall DDA
Dept: Council Office
Date: January 4, 1994
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
Recommended motion:
To discuss action of the City Attorney in reference to the Colton Metro Mall
Disposition and Development Agreement.
Contact person: Councilman Hernandez Phone: 5333
Supporting data attached: Correspondence Ward: 3
Source: (Acct. No.)
(Acct. Description)
Finance: _
Council Notes:
75-0262 Agenda Item No.
December 30, 1993
James F. Penman J;.r� -3 6
City Attorney
City of San Bernardino
300 N. D Street
San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001
Dear Mr. Penman:
I was surprised and dismayed that you would send your Deputy City Attorney CITY COUNCIL
Henry Empeno to our meeting of December 21, 1993 regarding our DDA with Frank A.Gonzales
Empire Metro Mall requesting our city to comply with the California MAYOR
Environmental Quality Act. Connie-Paddy-Cisneros
Please be apprised that we have every intention of meeting all the requirements as 2ndDDISSTTRIC Rios
we have in the past with all of our projects. We have always worked closely with Abe Beltran
our sister cities, i.e., San Bernardino. You are aware we are in a joint venture on 3rd DISTRICT
the RIX project with San Bernardino to alleviate our meeting our 3rd stage tertiary MAYOR PRO TEM Betty cook
treatment in compliance with the state. 41h DISTRICT
Deirdre Bennett
Based on the cooperation we have had amongst our two cities, I was very Stn DISTRICT
disturbed that your office would feel the need to challenge a project in our David Sandoval
community---Metro 2000. I would like to believe had you had a question am DISTRICT
regarding our project you would have had the courtesy to call and we would have Mark Lewis
answered your concerns. We have never interfered in San Bernardino's business
affairs and/or policies relative to projects within your city. Hopefully, in the
future if you have any questions regarding our business within our city limits or
any type of development, you will give us the courtesy of setting up a meeting or
giving me a call, and we will be more than happy to answer any of your concerns.
However, I am pleased to have received a letter from the Mayor's office with his
signature and yours agreeing wholeheartedly of withdrawing your previously
stated objections to our development agreement concerning our project Metro-
v, �
cc: San Bernardino Mayor& Council
San Bernardino City Administrator
Colton City ouncil CNIC CENTER
Colton City Manager COLTON.CALIFORNIA 92324
(909)370-5154 FAX
„ f-
C * C I T Y O F
�n �.0 23 ,,, 9
O F F I C 1 O F T H E N A Y 0 R December 23, 1993
T O M M 1 N O R
Mayor Frank Gonzales
City of Colton
650 North La Cadena Drive
Colton, CA 92324
RE: Resolution No. 617
Disposition and Development Agreement, Empire Metro Mall
Redevelopment Agency / City Council Public Hearing
December 23, 1993
Dear Mayor Gonzales :
After further examination of the facts and issues regarding the
above-referenced Disposition and Development Agreement ( "DDA" ) and
after our recent discussions on this matter, I write to withdraw
our previously stated objections to the DDA based upon the
California Environmental Quality Act.
We hope that the City of Colton will fairly and thoroughly address
all of the environmental issues concerning the Metro Mall in the
forthcoming Environmental Impact Report. We trust that the DDA
will include additional language which will confirm Colton's
commitment to complete an Environmental Impact Report that will
achieve both of our Cities ' goals of protecting our environment.
Sincerely yours,
I agree wholeheartedly.
�' 1 � -�”\ ✓!lam;n,!� � �^.�--s-Y.y..
Tom Minor, Mayor James F. Penman,
cc: City of Colton: City Attorney
City Manager
City Attorney
City of San Bernardino
Shauna Clark, City Administrator
300 NORTH 0 ' S T R E E T SAN 8 E A N A A 0 1 N 0 PRIDE
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i A�O f f I C E 0 f T H E C I T Y A T T O Q N E Y -c c k.
December 21, 1993
Hani W. Gabriel
Economic Development Director
Redevelopment Agency for the City of Colton
650 North La Cadena Drive
Colton, California 92324
RE: Resolution No. 617
Disposition and Development Agreement, Empire Metro Mall
Redevelopment Agency/City Council Public Hearing
December 21, 1993
Dear Mr. Gabriel :
We submit this letter on behalf of the Mayor of the City of San
Bernardino regarding the above-referenced Resolution and proposed
Disposition and Development Agreement (hereinafter "DDA" ) . We
respectfully request that t!,,e Redevelopment Agency and the City
Council for the City of Co-lton withhold certification of the
Summary Report and adoption of the Resolution and the DDA until the
Agency complies with the state-mandated requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA" ) at Public Resources
Code §21000 et seq.
It is well accepted authority that the disposition of property by
a redevelopment agency is a discretionary action subject to the
provisions of CEQA unless a statutory or categorical exemption is
applicable ( See California Code of Regulations, Title 14, S§15260
et seq. , & 15300 et seq. ) . CEQA specifically recognizes
redevelopment as a special case because of the nature of the
redevelopment process and in particular because of the general
nature of a redevelopment plan.
Public Resources Code 521090 states:
"For all purposes of this division all public and private
activities or undertakings pursuant to or in furtherance
of a redevelopment plan shall be deemed a single
project. "
Clearly the Colton Redevelopment Agency's adoption of this
Resolution and the DDA is a project under CEQA. Both the
HE/js (Gabriel.Ltr] MIDE
3 0 0 N 0 A T H 0 $ T A E E T S A N 8 E A N A A 0 1 N 0
C 4 1 r p N N i A 9 2 J 1 8 0 0 0 7 1 • i 3 S 4 • 9 3 { 6
Hani W. Gabriel
Economic Development Director
Re: Disposition and Development Agreement, Empire Metro Mall
Page 2
Resolution and the DDA specifically reference the Redevelopment
Plan for the Cooley Ranch Redevelopment Project which was approved
by the Colton City Council on July 29, 1975 by Ordinance No. 148.
Paragraph 101 of the DDA states: " [t]he purpose of this Agreement
is to implement the Redevelopment Plan for the Cooley Ranch
Redevelopment Project by providing for the development by
Developer of certain real property in the Project Area. . . . " As
stated in Public Resources Code §21090, previously quoted above,
adoption of this proposed DDA is a public and private activity or
undertaking pursuant to or in furtherance of a redevelopment plan,
therefore the proposed DDA is a project subject to CEQA review.
Although the DDA references the 1975 Redevelopment Plan, it fails
to refer to the 1975 Environmental Impact Report. Your legal
counsel, Mr. Sabo, in any event, agrees that the 1975 EIR is too
outdated to function as a program EIR as permitted under Title 14
California Code of Regulations §15180. Because this proposed 70
acre mall will cause new significant adverse environmental effects
not analyzed in the 1975 EIR, a new or subsequent EIR is required.
The City of San Bernardino respectfully requests that you comply
with state law and with CEQA prior to approving the proposed DDA
that is before you tonight.
Deputy City Attorney
cc: City of Colton:
Mayor and Council
City Manager
City Attorney
City of San Bernardino:
Mayor Tom Minor
Council Members
James F. Penman, City Attorney
Shauna Clark, City Administrator
RE/is [Cabriel.Ltrl
ti �� 9i C I T Y p F
an Bernardino 2: 317
J A M E 5 F v E N M A N
November 24, 1993
David R. Zamora
Director of Community Development
City of Colton
650 North La Cadena Drive
Colton, California 92324
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No D 52 93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Dear Mr. Zamora:
We submit this letter pursuant to the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) as a public comment to the proposed Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the above-referenced project; in
furtherance of the City of San Bernardino's letters to your
department, dated October 4, 1993 and November 22, 1993; and in
reference to the revised Initial Study dated November 11, 1993, for
which the comment period has been set by the City of Colton
( "Colton" ) to expire on November 26, 1993.
The City of San Bernardino believes that a project of this
significance is not appropriately analyzed through a Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the detailed reasons set forth below.
This is especially true given the document's failure to
specifically address mitigation measures and to include the
necessary technical studies. Under CEQA, studies for mitigated
negative declarations must be completed prior to approval of the
negative declaration; otherwise the lead agency is unable to
determine: ( a) whether the project causes significant environmental
impacts and (b) whether any - such significant impacts have been
mitigated to a level of insignificance.
HE/Js [Zamora.Url PRIDE ISS 3 0 0 N O R T H D S T R E E T S A N 6 E R N A R D I N 0 IN PROD
C A L 1 F 0 R N i A 9 7 4 1 8 0 0 0 t 7 1 4 i 3 8 4 5 3 5 E
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No. D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 2
1. Technical Studies Must Pre-Date the Decision
The proposition that technical studies must be prepared before
approval of a mitigated negative declaration is well-established
under CEQA. See, Sundstrom v. County of Mendocino ( 1988 ) 202
Cal .App.3d 296 and Oro Fino Gold Mining Corporation v County of E1
Dorado ( 1990) 225 Ca1 .App.3d 872. In those cases, the courts held
that delaying technical studies until after project approval is
inappropriate because it prevents the public from participating in
review of the studies and it prevents the lead agency from
understanding the project's impacts. In the Oro Fino case,
delaying dust control, fire safety, erosion control and reclamation
plans until after project approval was held impermissible under
CEQA. The Oro Fino court also criticized the initial study's
cursory discussion of noise, traffic, and water supply issues. The
court held:
"There cannot be meaningful scrutiny of a mitigated
negative declaration when the mitigation measures are not
set forth at the time of project approval. "
225 Cal .App.3d at 884
Likewise in the Sundstrom case, the court held that the delay
of a hydrological study and sludge disposal plan until after
project approval violated CEQA' s policy that project impacts be
identified before a project 's momentum removes the agency's
flexibility to change its course of action. In Sundstrom, the
court held that the agency did not have sufficient data to
determine that significant effects would not occur and, therefore,
a negative declaration was inappropriate. The court in Sundstrom
also explained that the agency should not be allowed to hide behind
its failure to gather relevant data, as CEQA places the burden of
environmental investigation on the lead agency. 202 Cal .App.3d at
311 . As stated in the Sundstrom case:
"The requirement that the applicant adopt mitigation
measures recommended in a future study is in direct
conflict with the guidelines implementing CEQA . This
procedure, we repeat, is contrary to law.
By deferring environmental assessment to a future date,
the conditions run counter to that policy of CEQA which
requires environmental review at the earliest feasible
RE/is [Zamora.0 r)
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Protect,
No D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 3
stage in the planning process. " 202 Cal .App.3d at 306
and 307.
In this case, Colton is violating the law which is stated in
the Sundstrom case. In Colton' s Design Review Action Form on page
1 under the heading "Environmental Determination" its states:
"Mitigated Negative Declaration with stipulation that site plan and
elevations will precipitate an additional environmental review and
determination if warranted after re
( emphasis added) uired studies are completed. "
A list of the minimal technical studies necessary to properly
evaluate this Metro Mall project are set forth below:
Issue Expert Requesting
Traffic Study City of Colton, Engineer
Air Quality SCAQMD
Hydrology City of Colton, Engineer
Seismic-Geology City of San Bernardino, Planning
Electricity Infrastructure City of Colton, Electrical Dept.
Water Quality Riverside-Highland Water District
Socioeconomics City of Grand Terrace
In Colton' s response to the comment letter of the San
Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services,
Colton states:
"The City of Colton is requiring a TIA and traffic study
which has been contracted for as of this date. Other
studies are also being required as part of the conditions
of approval . "
( Letter from Colton to San Bernardino County, dated
November 4, 1993 ) .
What "other studies" are also being required as conditions of
approval? Obviously, Colton is delaying all necessary studies
until after project approval, which is inappropriate under CEQA.
2. Traffic Study is Required Before Approval
As you know, numerous parties, including the City of Colton's
own engineer and CalTrans, the County Department of Environmental
HE/Js (Zamora-Ur)
David R. Zamora
RE_ City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No D 52 93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 4
Health Services, SANBAG, the City of San Bernardino and other
cities, have requested that a traffic study be completed for this
Project. Although Colton has, according to your letter of November
4, 1993, contracted for a traffic study, that traffic study has
apparently not yet been completed. Colton's decision on this
Project must await both completion, and circulation to the public
and responsible agencies, of that traffic study, and its mitigation
measures. Delay pf that traffic study until after approval of the
project is unacceptable under CEQA, as the City will not be advised
of the significance of the traffic impacts, or the applicable
mitigation measures.
The project 's failure to discuss the capacity deficiencies on
Interstate 10 and 215 and the potential impacts of this project is
also inexcusable. As pointed out in the SANBAG letter on this
project, Colton must consider the capacity deficiencies in a
deficiency plan. The response by Colton that the deficiency plan
can be prepared after project approval is unacceptable in light of
the Oro Fino and Sundstrom cases.
Page 7, Section 13 acknowledges the possibility of substantial
traffic impacts. Likewise, on page 10 of the Revised Initial
Study, under Section 13, the Initial Study states:
"The proposal will result in substantial, additional
vehicular movement the project will have a
substantial impact on existing transportation systems. "
Despite this, a traffic study will not be completed until after the
project approval and without any public circulation. That violates
3. Air Quality Discussion is Inadequate.
Of critical importance is Colton's failure to deal with air
quality impacts and the necessary mitigation. As succinctly set
forth in the South Coast Air Quality Management District's comment
letter of September 30, 1993, the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration for this project is inadequate because it does not
identify all of the impacts and necessary mitigation related to air
quality. Specifically, the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
fails to include baseline air data, fails to quantify air emissions
from construction equipment and grading, fails to quantify
operational air emissions such as vehicle trips, fails to compare
HE/js [Zamora.Ltrl
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 5
those total construction and operational emissions to the existing
baseline and arrive at conclusions on the significance of the air
quality impact, and fails to delineate any specific mitigation
measures for air quality (which comment is true for virtually all
mitigation areas) . The project clearly exceeds SCAQMD thresholds
for significant impacts. [See SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, Chapter 6,
(April, 1993)] .
In addition, page 4, item 1(d) of the Initial Study should be
checked "yes", given that the construction activities will create
additional erosion.
4_ Hydrology Study is Required Before Approval.
Like in the Sundstrom case, Colton has improperly delayed a
hydrology study and related mitigation measures. Such studies are
rewired prior to project approval. In fact, Colton's own
engineer's memorandum of September 23, 1993, specifically requires
a hydrology study, with mitigation measures, although Colton's
Condition of Approval number 11, under Public Works, requires that
the hydrology study must be completed before, not after project
5. Seismic Concerns
Regarding seismic concerns, both the City of San Bernardino
and the Riverside-Highland Water Company have pointed out that the
San Jacinto fault lies either on, or very near, the subject site.
Despite this, no geotechnical study has been prepared nor is there
any response on this issue from Colton. Such a geotechnical/
seismic report must be prepared and circulated for public review
prior to the decision by Colton, given the possibility of fault
ruptures on the project site.
6. Utility Infrastructure Needs Analysis.
Likewise, the demand for additional electricity and the
related necessary infrastructure must be analyzed in detail in a
CEQA document. Section 16a of the Initial Study, under Utilities,
is checked "no"; however, that is inappropriate as Colton's own
electrical department's memorandum dated September 20, 1993,
indicates that the analysis of the electrical infrastructure is
HE/js [Zamora.Ltr)
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 6
inadequate and potential upgrades may be necessary. Thus, the
Initial Study should have been checked "yes" under Section 16a, and
the necessary studies or mitigation discussed in the document.
7. Water Quality Impacts.
A national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES )
study and analysis should be conducted for this project. The
Possibility of groundwater contamination to the wells of the
Riverside-Highland Water Company is another reason to prepare an
Environmental Impact Report for this project. Here, under the
"other recommended studies" section of the "Design Review Action
Form" , Colton recommends a groundwater contamination study, which
would improperly post-date the project 's approval. In this case,
Condition of Approval No. 3 under grading requires preparation of
an erosion control plan. Under the Oro Fino case, that erosion
control plan, and its related mitigation measures, must be
circulated with the Initial Study.
8. Water Supply Impacts.
The project's impacts on water pipelines have not been
adequately addressed. For example, the City of Riverside's letter
regarding the possibility of breaks in a 42" water pipeline and the
Riverside-Highland Water Company's discussion of a 30" water line
on the site, have not been adequately considered nor mitigated.
The water supply impacts and the potential flooding of the site and
downgradient properties are potential significant impacts that must
be analyzed.
9. Noise Study is Required.
Colton's Conditions of Approval No. 1, under Noise, requires
a noise study. That noise study must be completed before, not
after, project approval pursuant to the Oro Fino case.
10_ Cumulative Impacts.
Obviously, a project of this magnitude can cause significant
cumulative effects, as set forth in the letter from the City of
Grand Terrace, in addition to the project's grown-inducing impacts,
HE/js [Zamora.Ltr[
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No D 52 93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 7
which require analysis in an EIR.
11_ Socioeconomics.
Regarding socioeconomics, the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration must discuss the potential visual impact caused by the
Possible closure of stores along the Barton corridor, and the
impacts to other nearby regional malls caused by this project, as
required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15131 and Citizens Association
for Sensible Development of Bishop Area v. Coun of In o ( 198 5)
172 Cal .App.3d 151, 169. Page 6, Section 7(b) of Colton's Initial
Study even acknowledges a potential impact on established
commercial areas. " Again, the project's failure to provide specific
analysis and mitigation measures regarding these socioeconomic
impacts does not comply with CEQA
12. Lack of Attached Mitigation Measures to Initial Study.
Many commenters have pointed out the lack of mitigation
measures. Despite the fact that the Initial Study claims that
there are mitigation measures attached (see page 13. of the Initial
Study) , no such mitigation measures were attached to either the
September 14, 1993 nor the November 11, 1993 Initial Study. In
fact, the Conditions of Approval set forth in the Design Review
Action Form are dated October 25, 1993; one month after the
original Initial Study. Obviously, without such mitigation
measures, it is impossible for the public and responsible agencies
to adequately assess the potential impacts of this project [CEQA
Guidelines Section 15063(d)] .
13_ An EIR is Rewired.
Under CEQA, if a project may cause a significant effect on the
environment, the agency must prepare an Environmental Impact
Report. 14 CCR S 15063(b) ( 1 ) . The Metro Mall project may cause
significant effects, in the following areas, thus requiring an EIR;
1. Traffic impacts (See Section 2 above).
2. Air Quality Impacts (See Section 3 above).
3. Growth-inducement (catalyst for ancillary development)
HE/j: [zamora.Ltr]
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project;
No. D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 8
[Initial Study, page 3] .
4. Seismic/Geology ( See Section 5 above) .
5. Electricity ( See Section 6 above) .
6. Water supply ( See Section 8 above) .
7. Socioeconomics (See Section 11 above) .
8. Noise.
(Construction and operations, given nearby residential
projects, as heavy equipment can exceed State Department
of Health suggested decibel levels) .
9. Biological Resources.
(There was absolutely no discussion in the Initial Study
of potential biological impacts, although the project
site is predominately vacant land) .
10. Solid Waste.
(See the letter from the California Integrated Waste
Management Board concerning this project's generation of
solid waste, both during construction and post-
construction during operations) .
11 . Hydrology.
(See Section 4 above, and Drainage impacts into the Santa
Ana River and adjacent potable water well field) .
12. Historic Impacts.
(We believe that the project is located in the immediate
area of the Cooley Homestead, which existed in the
1800s) . This potential impact to historical resources
has been totally ignored in the Initial Study.
13. The document lacks an alternatives analysis which is
necessary to fully understand the impacts of the project.
For example, a no project alternative, a smaller project,
phasing+of the proposed project, etc. should be analyzed.
14. Cumulative impacts (including the impact of other
proposed or pending projects) .
The above items indicate that this project has numerous
RE/is (Zamora.Ltrj
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project;
No. D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 9
environmental impacts which all mandate preparation of an
Environmental Impact Report. Note that EIRs were prepared for: the
Montclair Plaza expansion ( 1984) , the Tyler-Galleria expansion
( 1988 ) , the recent mall in Moreno Valley ( 1990's) , and an EIR is
currently being prepared for the Inland Center Mall expansion
project ( 1993 ) . That all four of the above projects required an
EIR, clearly indicates that this Metro Mall project requires an
Environmental Impact Report to comply with CEQA.
Colton's original Initial Study, dated September 14, 1993,
acknowledged on page 9, in its Mandatory Findings of Significance
the possibility of significant impacts, thus requiring preparation
of an Environmental Impact Report. The revised Initial Study's
change of the conclusions of Sections 22(c) and (d) to answer "no"
is not supported by the facts in this case. The revised Initial
Study contains no analysis to support the changed conclusions. In
fact, there is little factual information to support whether any of
the relevant environmental impacts are or are not significant,
given the limited information on all issues. Thus, with the
possibility of such significant environmental impacts, and the lack
of mitigation measures, this project must be treated as
significant, triggering the need for an Environmental Impact
Finally, the numerous studies required by Colton's own
Conditions of Approval for traffic, noise, hydrology, ground water
contamination, erosion control, electrical loads, drainage, and
geology are compelling evidence that this project requires an EIR
That an Environmental Impact Report is required was also
pointed out in the comment letters of San Bernardino County; the
SCAQMD; the City of Grand Terrace; the City of Riverside; and the
Riverside-Highland Water Company.
14. The Revised Initial Study Must Be Recirculated for Thirty
The Metro Mall is s regionally significant project because it
will employ 5, 200 employees and encompass over one million square
feet of floor space, which is five times the threshold of employees
and over double the amount of floor space threshold set forth for
a regionally significant project under CEQA. 14 CCR S15206(b)(2) .
Regionally significant projects must be submitted to the State
Clearinghouse for review. 14 CCR S15206(a) . The original Initial
RE/is [Zamora.Ur)
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project,
No. D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 10
Study for this project was circulated to the State Clearinghouse,
however, the revised Initial Study must also be recirculated to the
State Clearinghouse, because there has been a significant change in
the conclusion given in the mandatory findings of significance.
The change in the revised Initial Study of the mandatory
findings of significance from "yes" and "maybe" to "no" , is a
significant change in the conclusions and position of the Negative
Declaration, which triggers recirculation. Therefore, the revised
Initial Study must be recirculated to the State Clearinghouse for
the required 30 day review period for Negative Declarations.
Public Resources Code Section 21091(b) , 14 CCR SS15073(d) and
15106. Here, the proposed circulation period from November 11,
1993 through November 26, 1993, is only 15 days. Likewise, the
original Initial Study of September 14, 1993, only had a 20 day
review period through October 4, 1993 which was also insufficient.
15_ Alternatively, The Revised Initial Study Must Be
Recirculated For At Least Twenty-One Days.
Public Resources Code Section 21091(b) states:
"The public review period for a negative declaration
shall not be less than 21 days. . . . "
Thus state law requires that the Revised Initial Study must be
available for public review and comment for at least 21 days rather
than the 15 day period provided by the City of Colton. The City's
failure to comply with the public notice requirements invalidates
a subsequent adoption of a Negative Declaration and its
conclusions. Plaggmier v. City of San Jose ( 1980) 101 Cal .App.3d
842, 854.
16. The Project Cannot Be Divided.
Under Citizens for Sensible Development of Bishop Area v Inyo
County such splitting of a project into multiple phases is
unacceptable under CEQA. 172 Cal.App.3d at 167. In the Bishop
case, Inyo County approved two negative declarations, one for a
general plan amendment and zoning charge and the second for a
tentative tract map. 172 Cal.App.3d at 156.
Although the record is confused, Colton may be attempting to
HE/js (Zamora.Ltr]
David R. Zamora
RE: City of Colton Redevelopment Agency Metro Mall Project;
No. D-52-93
Planning Commission Meeting - November 30, 1993
Page 11
divide the Metro Mall into two parts, a conceptual plan ( see Colton
Design Review Action form p. 1 ) and a site and architectural review
( see Initial Study, p. l, Section 1 ) .
For all of the above reasons, we respectfully request that the
Planning Commission require an Environmental Impact Report for this
project. Please provide us with copies of any additional
environmental documentation and notices of any applicable public
hearings in this matter.
Deputy City Attorney
cc: City of Colton:
Mayor and Council
Planning Commission
City Manager
City Attorney
City of San Bernardino:
Tom Minor, Mayor
James F. Penman, City Attorney
Shauna Clark, City Administrator
HE/Js [Zamora.Ltr]