ROGER G. HARDGRAVE, Director Authorization to Proceed: Fxtension of
From: Subject: City Wide Assessment District No. 994
Dept: --
Public Works/Engineering Street Lighting & Street Sweeping
Date: December 22, 1993
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
06-04-90 --- Resolution No. 90-207 was adopted, making a finding that the public
interest., convenience and necessity require the formation of a City-wide
street lighting and street sweeping assessment district, known as Assess-
ment District No. 994.
07-17-90 --- Resolution No. 90-323 adopted, creating Assessment District No. 994.
07-08-93 --- Resolution No. 93-236 adopted, confirming the 1993-94 Assessment Roll .
Recommended motion:
1 . That the City Engineer and the City Clerk are authorized to proceed with initiating
proceedings for the extension of City Wide Assessment District No. 994, and to
explore costs involved with expanding the scope to include other items, such as
graffiti removal and traffic signal maintenance.
2. That the City retain the services of GFB Fr:i.ederich & Associates for Assessment
Engineering services, and the services of Brown, Diven and Hentschke, for legal
consultant services, in connection with the extension and expansion of Assessment
District No. 994, at an estimated cost of $26;,000. K57
cc: Shauna Clark, City Administrator ignatu
Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance
Contact person: Les Fogassy _ Phone: 384-53_44
Supporting data attached: Staff Report _Ward: ALI,
FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $48,000 (Cost of proceedings ONLY)
Source: (Acct. No.) 257-672--53925 (Assessment District)
(Acct. Description) Assessment District No. 994 -- City-wide
Street Lighting/Street Sweeping Finance:
Council Notes:
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75-0262 / Agenda Item No.
City-wide Assessment District No. 994 was established in July of 1990, as a way of
raising funds for additional law enforcement services. This was accomplished by fund-
ing street lighting and street sweeping from district proceeds. These services were
previously funded from the General Fund . The money freed up from the General Fund was
to be used for law enforcement services.
Presently, the annual assessments generate a revenue of approximately 53,000,000. The
annual budgeted amounts for street lighting and once-a-month street sweeping services
are approximately $2,500,000. This savings to the General Fund is used for law en-
forcement services. The remaining $500,000 is used to fund the second monthly street
sweeping and all incidental costs associated with the administration of the assessment
district. The annual assessment for a single family residence is approximately $48.00,
and has changed very little since the district was established. Assessment amounts for
other types of property, such as commercial or vacant property, vary by a formula as
stated in the Engineer's Report. Annual increases are capped at either 5% or the
Consumer Price Index (C.P.I. ) , whichever is less.
One of the provisions of this assessment district was that after a period of 5 years,
the district would terminate, unless, after a public hearing, the Mayor and Common
Council -adopt the extension of the district. The existing district is scheduled to
terminate in July of 1995, and the last assessment roll will be filed in July of 1994,
for the 1994-95 fiscal year.
None of the areas that have been annexed to the City since the establishment of the
district have been included in the district. If it is determined that -the district
should be extended, consideration may he given to including these areas in the- dis-
Graffiti has become a major problem in the City, as it has in many other cities, and
the problem continues to grow. There was recent legislative change that allows graffi-
ti removal as a benefit that can be financed under districts established under the
Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. Even though this district would be established
under the City's Municipal Code Chapter 12.90, our proceedings generally follow and
reference the various State laws in effect regarding the various steps in establishing
a district and graffiti removal would be allowable under our proceedings. Consideration
can also be given to financing the annual cost of $300,000 for graffiti removal from
the District.
The crime bill proposed by the Clinton Administration provides additional federal
monies for law enforcement if the City or other agency provides matching funds. (These
funds are above the current level of funding being provided) . It has been suggested
that, if this program is approved, the local share be financed from the district.
Upon receipt of Authorization to Proceed, we will direct the Assessment Engineer to
develop different alternatives for the City's review. The firm of GFB Friedericb is
recommended, since they served in this capacity for- the initial proceedings in forming
the district.