HomeMy WebLinkAboutS9- Council Office CITY OF SAN BEF-'VARDINO - REQUEST For ^OUNCIL ACTION From: Councilman Jerry Devlin, Fifth Ward Subject: Demolition of Boulevard Market - 3200 N. "E" St. )t: Council Office Date: October 11, 1995 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: To authorize the Director of Planning & Building Services to demolish the old "Boulevard Market" at 3200 North "E" Street immediately upon termination of the amount of time established by the Board of Building Commissioners. This applies if the building owner has not already met all the requirements placed upon him on October 5, 1995. Signature Contact Person: Councilman Jerry Devlin Phone: 5278 Supporting Data Attached: No Ward: 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct.No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: ncil Notes: AGENDA ITEM NO. "� CITY OF SAN BE-IJARDINO - REQUEST FOB "OUNCIL ACTION From: Councilman Jerry Devlin, Fifth Ward Subject: Demolition of Boulevard Market - 3200 N. "E" St. Dept: Council Office Date: October 11, 1995 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: To authorize the Director of Public Services to demolish the old "Boulevard Market" at 3200 North "E" Street immediately upon termination of the amount of time established by the Board of Building Commissioners. This applies if the building owner has not already met all the requirements placed upon him on October 5, 1995. I ,sum✓ Signature Contact Person: Councilman Jerry Devlin Phone: 5278 Supporting Data Attached: No Ward: 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct.No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: AGENDA ITEM NO. S— q mot •�.. City of San Bernardino Department of Planning and Building Services TO: Councilmemb Jerry Devlin FROM: Al Boughe Director of Planning and Building Services SUBJECT: Schedule for Demolition of Building at 3200 North "E" Street DATE: October 16, 1995 COPIES: Mayor Tom Minor Councilmembers Shauna Clark, City Clerk James Penman, City Attorney As you requested, a schedule follows regarding the process and time frame needed to demolish the building at 3200 North "E" Street. (Please note that the property owner has the right to appeal the decision of the Board of Building Commissioners until 10/28/95. In that case, this entire time frame would be invalid. ) 10/5/95 Board of Building Commissioners Action Property owner has 30 days to pull permits for demolition of structure. This time frame expires 11/13/95. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESS TO EFFECT DEMOLITION 10/12/95 Planning and Building Services Department solicited for bids for asbestos survey. 10/17/95 Bids for asbestos survey received and contract awarded. 10/24/95 Asbestos survey received by Planning and Building Services Department. 10/25/95 Requisition and asbestos survey submitted to Purchasing to solicit for formal bids for demolition. 10/26/95 Formal bid process commenced by Purchasing. * Starting bid process in this time frame would have to be authorized by Council 11/6/95 Job walk with contractors bidding on demolition. * Council may authorize waiver of ten-day advertising time frame. •J ` 1 6 /!; `l Memorandum to Counc�iman Jerry Devlin Demolition Schedule for Structure at 3200 North "E" Street October 16, 1995 Page 2 11/13/95 Bid opening Contract awarded and contractor directed to immediately notify AQMD of impending demolition. 11/14/95 Warrant is secured by Planning and Building Services and property is posted 24 hours in advance of demolition. Contractor pulls demolition permit. 11/24/95 Contractor begins demolition. Demolition to be completed within 15 days l� RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council direct staff to: 1) utilize an accelerated bidding process for demolition of the structure; 2) immediately prepare specifications and solicit for bids to effect the demolition; 3) award the demolition contract based upon the best bid, with staff to report back to Council as to the total amount of the contract and contractor; 4) expend an initial amount up to $150, 000 for the cost of the demolition and authorize the Finance Department to identify a source of funding; and that the Council ,R,r aj- 5) -d4-r - he City Attorney's office to contact the insurance carrier for the property to ensure that the City is reimbursed for costs incurred prior to any party with interest receiving any /settlement. prl�a ,7010 f a� �/ls/p�f✓ iOh © /12.�57�'� fal'Gled ovd de Pr-Bt he- 440/90l,2 ewl, mkf/223o �3200 N. E Street Ui 1. 21 CASE NO. 6491 �'�� -�" This case was previously heard by the Board of Building Commissioners on February 2, 1995 . The Board found that the building and premises constituted a public nuisance . The Board' s order no. 2530 directed the owner to 1) secure and maintain the building to FHA board-up standards within 10 days, 2) to obtain a preinspection report to identify all violations, 3) to obtain all applicable permits and complete all required work within 60 days, 4) to remove all signs, and 5) to maintain landscaping and remove all weeds, overgrown vegetation, and debris within 10 days . The owner has failed to substantially comply with this order. On or about July 17, 1995 the south half of the building was destroyed by an arson fire. A Notice of Violation declaring the structure to be a Dangerous Building as defined by SBMC 15 . 28 . 010, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (UCADB) , Section 302, was issued on July 19, 1995 by Senior Building Inspector Jack Masters . The conditions that currently exist and that justify this determination include : 1 . The south portion of the building (which measures 100 ' X 851 ) has been severely damaged by fire to the extent that the structural strength and stability is significantly less than required by the Uniform Building Code. The roof and floor diaphragms have been destroyed which significantly diminishes the structure' s ability to resist lateral forces . (UCADB Section 302 .4) 2 . The remaining cast-in-place concrete walls of the south portion of the building, are likely to fail if subjected to probable wind and seismic loads, and due to their proximity, pose a threat to the public right-of-way (i .e . streets and sidewalks) . (UCADB 302 . 5, 302 . 6, 302 . 11) 3 . The remaining portion of the building which is not fire damaged, has been a continual public nuisance, has been abandoned in excess of six months, and constitutes an abandoned building and an attractive nuisance for children, or a harbor for vagrants or criminal activity. (SBMC 8 . 30 . 010A, SBMC 15 . 28 . 010, UCADB 302 . 12, 302 . 17, 302 . 18) The owner has failed to substantially comply with BBC Order No. 2530 and the Notice of Violation dated July 19, 1995 . Staff Recommendation: A. That the Board finds that the abandoned and partially destroyed structure on the property exists in violation of the San Bernardino Municipal Code, Sections 8 . 30 . 010A and 15 . 28 . 010 , UCADB Section 302 , and B . That the owner shall obtain building permits to rehabilitate, reconstruct, or demolish the fire damaged portion (i . e . the south half) of the building within 30 days, and shall commence construction or demolition within 40 days, and shall complete construction or demolition within 90 days, and C. That the owner shall obtain a Preinspection Report and all necessary permits for the rehabilitation of the north half of the building, or shall obtain permits to demolish the same within 30 days, and shall commence construction or demolition within 40 days, and shall complete construction or demolition within 90 days, or D. If the owner fails to rehabilitate or demolish the Dangerous Building within the specified timeframes, the City shall initiate action to abate the public nuisance by demolition, and E. The owner shall incur all current and future costs of enforcement and abatement in the form of a lien or personal obligation, which if not paid, shall be recorded with the County Tax Assessor as a special assessment on the property. r w NOkICE OF VIOLATION City of San Bernardino Department of Planning and Building Services 300 N.'D'St.,San Bernardino,California 92418-0001 (909)384-5071 • FAX(909)384-5463 Property location: 3200 North "E" Street 7/19/95 Date: Owner. Martin Hudler Address: 1269 West Pomona Road, Suite 102 City. Corona State: CA 91720 Zip Code: You are hereby notified that the following violations of the San Bernardino Municipal Code exist on the above referenced property: See attached addendum which by this reference becomes a part of this Notice of Violation. ❑ Permits Required (UAC 301a) ❑ Special investigation and fee required (UAC 304 (e)) ❑ Plans Required ❑ Other See Addendum The above listed violations must be corrected within days. Please notify the undersigned inspector when the corrections have been completed. If you have any questions, please call this Department. Thank you, your cooperation is appreciated. Inspector's Name �/!1 L Ph /D 8111— 570,2/2� on Legal Notices: you object to the determination concerning this notice,you must file a n otice. written APPEAL with the City Clerk within 10 days from the date of this n Failure to correct the listed violations may result in the City placing a NOTICE OF PENDENCY upon this property until such time as the violations j are corrected, or may result n other legal action as lI i 9 appropriate. Compliance with this notice,before,on,or after the above compliance date does not prevent prosecution by the City Attorney's Office on any of the above violations of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. Violations are punishable by a Fine of up to$500 and/or imprisonment in the county jail for a period of up to six(6)months. Olsvlbrtloo: WHRE•Mail to owner CANARY•Inspector PINK-Fil. WAar — e_-. (Attachment) NOTICE OF VIOLATION July 19, 1995 City of San Bernardino Department of Planning and Building Services 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418 (909) 384-5071 - FAX (909) 384-5051 Property Location: 3200 North "E" Street Owner: Martin Hudler 1269 W. Pomona Road, Suite 102 Corona, CA 91720 SBMC 15. 28. 010, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (UCADB) , Section 302 - Dangerous Building. This building is hereby deemed to be a dangerous building for the following reasons: 1. The south portion of the building (which measures 100' X 851) has been severely damaged by fire to the extent that the structural strength and stability is significantly less than required by the Uniform Building Code. The roof and floor diaphragms have been destroyed , which significantly diminishes the structure's ability to resist lateral forces. (UCADB Section 302 . 4) 2 . The remaining cast-in-place concrete walls, are likely to fail, and, due to their proximity, pose a threat to the public right-of-way (i.e. streets and sidewalks) . UCADB 302 . 5, 302 . 6, 302 . 11) 3 . The stucco and wood-frame walls above the concrete walls are severely fire damaged, and are likely to collapse onto public right-of ways. Therefore they pose an imminent threat to public safety. (UCADB 302 .5) 4 . The remaining portion of the building which is not fire damaged, has been a continual public nuisance, and constitutes an attractive nuisance for children, or a harbor for vagrants or criminal activity. Steps should be taken to secure this structure immediate) rehabilitate the same in accordance with the Y. and to the Board of Building Commissioners of the City previous San eBernardino. (UCADB 302. 12, 302 . 17, 302 . 18) The above listed dangerous conditions and violations must be corrected within the time limits set forth below: Item 1 and 2 above shall be accomplished within 72 hours. The fire damaged portion of the building must be removed. Item 3 shall be accomplished within 24 hours. The second story fire-damaged wood and stucco walls must be removed. Item 4 shall be accomplished in accordance with the Board's Order. NOV/3200 NoM E St • CH"P�4RRHL IN'v'ESTMENTS 909695i'705 P. 01 i - l .fors Supply Corp- September ln�ern�f on,-1 �o�6, 1995 VIA FAX (909) 384-5155 HOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS 300 North "Y' Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 A'rTN: Mr. Joseph Lease RE: BBC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 1995, 9:OOAM 3200 NORTH "E" S'T'REET, SAN BERNARDINO, CA. Dear Board Members: This letter will acknowledge my receipt of your letter dated August 23, 1995 regarding the scheduled hearing of September 7, 1995 concerning the property located at 3200 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, CA. I had not planned on attending the hearing inasmuch as I have retained the services of The Greenspan Company, Public Adjusters, to represent the interests of myself and International Doctors Supply, Corp. concerning matters such as the hearing scheduled for tomorrow. However, at 1:45pm this afternoon my office received a cad from The Greenspan Company informing us that our adjuster, Mr. Steve Severaid, was stranded out of the country due to hurricane Luis, and that he would be unable to attend the hearing tomorrow. In light of this information, which 1 did not personally receive until 3:00pzn this afternoon, I thought it would be best to inform you that I am still unable to break a prior meeting scheduled for 11:00am tomorrow in Los Angeles and therefore still unable to be present for the hearing tomorrow. I at all times expected Mr. Severaid to attend on our behalf. Regardless, I am respectfully requesting the following: 1. That Martin L. Hudler / FBO / IDS be granted an additional 75 days to inform the City of San Bernardino of our intentions with respect to the property. We have not received our final estimates for costs of repair and replacement and therefore we have not made any decision concerning the economic feasibility to either rebuild the existing structure or raze the existing structure and then rebuild. 1312.1 Poncl+o\X' Un;11) • Tr,necula, CA • 92590 • Tel 909-694.5897 • fax 9C9-695-7603 CHAPARRAL INVESTMENTS 9096957603 P - 02 Board of Building Commissioners September b, 1995 Page Two (2) For your convenience, I have attached a copy of our Structural Summary Report for your review. It states that the building "AS IS TODAY" with respect to the remaining walls is structurally sound and can be rebuilt. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and I can assure you that all parties are moving as quickly as possible to mitigate the concerns of the city as well as of our neighbors. In the past I have always responded to your complaints about the building and I was in the process of clean-up and remodel when this loss occurred. Thank you again for your consideration. I remain, Sincerely yours, �f Martin L. Hudler Vice President cc: John D. Barnett, Esq. Ron Rus, Esq. Steve Severaid MLI-I:pv CHAFARRHL IN',ESTMENT3 9096957603 P. 03 :NDSEY MORDEN%SRN DDG ID : 714-$33-6132 SEP 0u ' 95 15 : 56 No . 007 P .01 13001rylFo Avenvfl Suite,310 Newport Be"li,CA 92660-3108 (71417b2-6246 FAX(7141?b2.2S46 r� A X Mad , )Knenpers & Associates, Construction Cowult&nta & Engineers STRUCTtTRAT• SI1;jNIA-RY REPORT �o'i\ )PROJECT� California 3200 Nortb. 'E' Streat ;mac BLS CH/ ,;Z S San Bernardino, Clifo ^. NIP"A N'o.. 95408 Na.3072 GX,IEN'�� Lindsey Morden Claim Sorvices, Inc. �xa.3131196 1,911 Com.mercenter E, Suite 309 '� ,c7RvruJa������� Post Office Box 658 . �jFOe C, San Bernardino, CA 92412 Attention: Mr. Steve Sera Njadsen, Kneppers & Associates, Inc. (Mr�A), was requested to have a structural engineer to observe a fire loss, which occurred narat he commercial property located at 3200 North 'E' Street, San California on July 18, 1995' Jim Tsao, MNA's structural engineer: observed the property on July 25,1995. The property consists of corzZmet�cial/retail spaces on the first he bas d P second floor apartments over the two outer one te1ds 00 feet by SG structure. The footprint of the structure is app feet. The property has reportedly, been utloccupied for about three (3) years as ld was found to be boarded up and in a general state of disrepair, p the second floor apartments and the northerly half of the first floor. severely the south half of the property to the extent that The fir e y only the concrete portions of the structure app ear to be salvageable- In the fire damaged Area, three (3) specific types of construction were found. These are noted on sketch number 2 and are as follows: Denver Sin Fraoeisco Loy An;�t46 Fort Ln uderialo Chlca=o San Disca Sscranleoto Salt LO C�tY CHAPARRAL INVESTMENTS 9096957603 P. 04 -INDSEY MORDEN/SRN 5DO IL - ?14-888-6132 SEF ,6 '95 15 57 No .007 P . o2 Madsen, Kneppers & Associates, lac. Construction Consultants&Engineers Mr. Steve$era Lindsey btarden Claim Services, fr:c. 3200 North 'E' Street MKA No.: 95408 August 2, 1995 Page 2 (i) Concrete exterior columns with spandrel beams, concrete interior columns with wood beams, low roof and floor wood framing, first floor level. (ii) Concrete columns with suspended concrete floor slab and concrote beam, first floor level. (iii) Concrete wall two story height with wood-frame floor and roof in the south west corner. With the exception of the southwest corner apartment unit, all apartments were conventional wood framed construction. From our preliminary visual observation, we found, in general, that the concrete members described above appeared to be structurally sound. However, we did observe manor concrete spalling and cracks at various locations where wood floor beams were connected to the top of the concrete columns in the ground-floor commercial space on the south and southeast corner of the complex. The fire could have caused the observed damage. We recommend to repair these columns as follows: (a) Carefully chip off the top two feet of these concrete columns without cutting the existing vertical steel rebars. Provide a minimum of three No. 3 horizontal square hooks within the first 5 inches of the top of the columns. CHAPARRAL INVESTMENTS 9096957603 P. 05 LINDSLY MORDEN/SRN BDO ID - 114-888-6132 S`P „6195 13 : 57 No1007 P .03 Madsen, Kneppers & Associates, Inc. _.... Construction Consultants&Engineers Mr. Steve Bera .Lindsey ,3 torden Claim Services, Inc. 3240 Nortn 'E' Street NiXA No.: 95403 August 2, 1993 Page 3 (b) Set new steel beam seats and straps to receive new wood beams on top of the columns. (e) Pour new concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. The north half of the building is structurally undamaged by the fire. It should be noted that our structural opinions regarding the concrete structural members described above, are provided without the benefit of confirming supporting data from concrete testing in the zxjost fire affected areas. CHAPARRAL IN'-/ESTMENT.S 90'9G 5 c.��' P_ 96 • t DATE g 6 TIME aM. FOR (� M • OF 17.1.1 S l�L f PHONE ( ) f EXT. ' ❑FAX OVEIGILE LJPAGER ( ) MESSAGE ' am �n rrpuJ • AVERY C SIGNED i