HomeMy WebLinkAboutS3- City Administrator MIMI CITY OF SAN BERNAiADINO — REQUEST FtoA COUNCIL ACTION From: Shauna Clark Subject: Request for waiver of fees City Administrator Temporary Use Permit -- Dept: Community and School Alliance Foundation School Carnival Date: October 10 , 1995 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommended motion: That the request for a waiver of the Temporary Use Permit fee of $292 . 00 to conduct a school carnival, October 26-29 , 1995 , at the site of 9th Street and Waterman Avenue, be approved; or That the request for a waiver of the Temporary Use" Permit fee of $292 . 00 to conduct a school carnival, October 26-29 , 1995 , at the site of 9th Street and Waterman Avenue, be denied. Signature Contact person: Va l P r i e Rn G G Phone: 5 0 5 7 Supporting data attached: i Ptt-Pr frnm applicant-- Ward: 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: /Z7 114- A5 STAFF REPORT The applicant, Community and School Alliance Foundation, has made application for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) as part of the application process to hold a carnival at the site of 9th Street and Waterman Avenue, on October 26-29 , 1995. Per the Planning Department, that fee is $292 . 00 The applicant has completed the necessary permit process through the Police, Public Services and Business License Division and approval to hold the event is expected. QUEST u COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL ALLIANCE FOUNDATION °v":� P. O.Box 22090 San Bernardino, CA 92406-0290 October 5, 1995 Honorable Mayor Tom Minor and Members of the San Bernardino City Council 300 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Minor and City Council Members: We would very much appreciate waiver of fees for a Temporary Use Permit for the All School Carnival to be held October 26, 27, 28, and 29, 1995. We will have Apollo Carnival on the site of Ninth and Waterman Avenues. We have the owner's permission (owned by Willis & Associates), and the insurance commitment is met . We are a volunteer board, that raises money for innovative projects in the classrooms for students. Ninety-seven percent of our funds go towards this, and the carnival is one of our major fund raisers. CaSA is a 501 (3)(c), non-profit organization, and has been such since 1985. Thank you for your consideration, Catherine Meister L ager Volunteer President Pas resident Catherine Meister,President- 909/875-4542,Message Phone -909/381-1250 Past President Lou Yeager,School Board Liaison 0 Vice President F.Douglas McDaniel,Court of Appeals 0 Treasurer Laura Nomura,Accountant 0 Board Members-Edna Angona,Retired Teacher;Frances Brown,Retired Teacher,David Dickey,Teacher,June Durr,Marketing Consultant;Francesca Hendrickson,Community Bank;Domta Hunter,Retired,SUN Company; Orval Winters,Fine Arts Representative;Peggy Lewis,Child Advocate;Mary Quanstrom,Del Rosa Flowers;Marilyn Stoffel,Aladdin's Acres 0 School Represen- tatives-Linda Campbell,Tim Dilday Phil Haley,Jan Bell