HomeMy WebLinkAbout25- City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERNA 'I)INO REQUEST FC' COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson Subject: Agreement with American Cemetery/ Assistant City Administrator Mortuary Consultants, Inc. for Dept: representation of City in sale of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery. Date: October 4 , 1995 Synopsis of Previous Council action: r Recommended motion: 1 . Adopt resolution. 2 . Direct staff to proceed with sale of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery. �;' , Signature Contact person: F�� -a .,; i air Phone: 5122 � Supporting data attached: yes Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source:(Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: zo l/�& 75-0262 Agenda Item No. R5 STAFF REPORT The City of San Bernardino has owned and operated Pioneer Memorial Cemetery since 1852. In recent years, the cemetery has not generated enough revenue to meet expenses, and has begun to accumulate a negative fund balance. By the end of fiscal year 1995-96, the deficit is projected to reach $87,000. While a cemetery rate increase is on this same agenda, this increase is only expected to generate an additional $20,000 - 40,000 in annual revenue. It is the recommendation of staff that the City seek to divest itself of the cemetery property, and sell it to a private operator. In the course of researching this option, one offer for the property has already been received. It is difficult to evaluate this offer, though, because of the unique nature of the potential transaction, and staffs lack of experience in this area. Additionally, cemetery appraisal is a specialized field, and for the City to obtain such an appraisal would cost in excess of $5,000. Appraisal costs are high because the value of the cemetery's trust funds must be included. Since the City has not established separate trust fund for pre-need accounts, which is customary among private cemeteries, it is especially difficult to determine the cemetery's value. In order to ensure that cemetery services to the community are not negatively impacted by the sale, and to maximize the amount of revenue received for the cemetery, it is recommended that a firm be retained to act as the broker in the sale. Staff contacted three potential companies, and one expressed interest in representing the City. American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants (ACMC) has an extensive track record of successfully locating interested buyers, performing appraisals, and closing the sales of cemeteries throughout the United States and Canada. If this agreement is approved, ACMC will develop a package of information regarding Pioneer Cemetery, and will distribute the information to potential buyers. This package will include an appraisal of the property, which will be performed at no cost to the City. The firm will also assist City staff in reviewing the qualifications of the buyers, evaluating the offers received, and conducting necessary negotiations. ACMC has already identified several large, multi-national cemetery companies that may be interested in the property. As payment for these services, the City will agree to pay 6% of the gross sale price of the property to ACMC. If no suitable buyer is found for the property, or the Council does not accept any of the offers received, no fee will be paid to ACMC. It is recommended that the Mayor and Common Council: 1. Direct staff to proceed with the sale of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery; and 2. Adopt the resolution executing the agreement with American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants, Inc., to represent the City in the potential sale of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN CEMETERY/MORTUARY CONSULTANTS, 3 INC. , TO REPRESENT THE CITY IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE SALE OF PIONEER 4 CEMETERY, A CITY OWNED PROPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS : 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an 8 agreement with AMERICAN CEMETERY/MORTUARY CONSULTANTS, INC. , to 9 represent the City in negotiations for the sale of Pioneer 10 Cemetery, a city-owned property. 11 SECTION 2 . The authorization to execute the above 12 referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement 13 fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this 14 resolution. 15 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 16 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 17 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day 18 Of 1995, by the following vote, to wit: 19 / 20 / 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AGREEMENT WITH `4ERICAN CEMETERY/MORTUARY ')NSULTANTS, INC. 1 2 Councilmembers AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 3 NEGRETE 4 CURLIN 5 HERNANDEZ 6 OBERHELMAN 7 DEVLIN 8 POPE-LUDLAM 9 MILLER 10 11 City Clerk 12 13 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of 1995. 14 15 Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 16 Approved as to form 17 and legal content: 18 JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney 19 By: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- PROPOSED SUCCESSION PLANNING PACKAGE FOR PIONEER MEMORIAL CEMETERY SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 According to a Fall, 1989 article in the Pre-Arrangement Association magazine, . . "if you're selling your funeral home, take control of the process by building a case for your business - before talking to a single possible buyer. It's ten times more complicated to sell than to buy. If you want to set the conditions and terms for a sale that will bring the most benefits to you, then it takes a lot of work and preparation." i CONTENTS P- ale 1• Summary of Proposal i I1. Project Description 2 M. Project Team 4 IV. The ACMC Advantage 5 V. Succession Planning Package and Fees 6 VI. Exclusive Succession Planning Agreement 7 I- SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants (ACMC) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of San Bernardino for the succession planning of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery Bernardino, California. ry in San Our objective is to sell the cemetery on a timely basis while maximizing the financial retu to the City of San Bernardino. Accordingly, our services encompass the following: rn A. "Sellers Package." We will compile an information package to be distributed to potential buyers. The package will put the cemetery in the best possible light and emphasize the benefits of ownership. This prospectus", and who it will be sent to will be approved by the City of San Bernardino before distribution. B. National Exposure. We will achieve the maximum potential exposure for the cemetery through a two phased packaging approach that will not involve any advertising in cemetery/funeral home trade magazines. This approach will also ensure confidentiality which will help avoid disruptions in relationships with employees, customers and suppliers. Through our international reputation and contacts the initial phase will involve an offer process which will allow the potential buyers to submit an offer for the purchase of the assets/stock of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery. We believe that the offer process will create a competitive atmosphere causing the buyers to make their best offer. C. Close The Sale. After the City has identified the best offer, we will work with the buyer and seller to facilitate a smooth and expeditious close of the sale. Our professional experience will be helpful in avoiding problems and resolvin issues that might otherwise impede progress and disrupt the transaction. g i i w ' 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Overview. The succession planning for the cemetery as proposed by ACMC, will consist of preparing a Seller's Package, conducting an offer procedure, and assisting t in negotiations with the buyer leading to a close of the sale. 1 B. Seller's Package Elements. The sellers package will feature important information about the cemetery both historical and financial information, which will help to Iwiden the field of qualified buyers. The package includes: 1. A written prospectus. This written document will summarize in an orderly manner, the detailed financial information on the cemetery. The financial data will include historical results and pro-forma projections of various scenarios for the future. The format will be easy to follow and the projections will enable the buyer to readily understand the earning potential of the property. C. Identify the Buyer. 1. Qualify the Buyer. ACMC will discuss this opportunity with existing contacts as well as new contacts to identify those prospects with the highest levels of interest and the capability to buy the cemetery. The r Seller's Package will only go to those deemed to be "qualified" buyers (subject to approval by the City). I2. Offer procedure. Only those prospects who have signed a Non- Disclosure Agreement will be allowed to participate in the offer process. Prospects will be sent the complete Seller's Package including the written prospectus. In addition, prospects will receive information that sets forth the terms for the negotiation process. Among other things, this information will establish a time limit for acceptance of offers. Buyers will be instructed to submit their offers in the form of a Letter of Intent with the understanding that the seller reserves the right not to accept any offer. Once the offers have been received, ACMC will meet with the City to review all offers and determine the best offer considering price and qualifications of the buyer. Also as part of this process, ACMC will meet I with qualified buyers and give tours of the property. - 2 - II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) D. Assist in Negotiating and Closing the Sale. 1. Professional help in structuring the sale. • Support with legal documents. The customary representations and warranties in an acquisition agreement can be subdivided into six major areas: 1) Financial statements and accounting issues 2) Legal organization and capital structure 3) Condition and title of assets that will cover environmental issues including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, etc. 4) Contractual relationships 5) Employment and labor-related issues including union contracts, pension plans, and health benefits 6) Lawsuits and taxes. • Stock sale vs. asset sale. When a buyer acquires the stock of the corporation, it takes over the entity with whatever liability the corporation is subject to. In an asset transaction the buyer acquires only the assets subject to the liabilities that it is willing to assume. • Counsel the City of San Bernardino on issues relating to timing of the sale. • Inform potential buyer of pertinent cemetery and funeral laws of California. • Help draft any management contracts needed to retain key people. 2. Assist in negotiations between seller and buyer. • As quoted from American Cemetery_ Magazine, June 1990, on acquisitions, "The degree of responsibility a seller and buyer willingly assume depends on the bargaining leverage of the parties. It is hoped, that with assistance from experienced professionals, both sellers and buyers will be in better positions to negotiate transactions and avoid some of the problem areas.' • Meet with the City when necessary. • Provide ongoing stimulus to the buyer by providing recommendations for enhancing the operations of the property. - 'I - III. PROJECT TEAM A. Project Management. • American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants, Chicago, Illinois. ACMC will manage the project. ACMC's project team consists of: • Lawrence C. Anspach, President and Chief Operating Officer of ACMC and formerly Vice-President and owner of Chicago's Cedar Park Cemetery and Funeral Home. Mr. Anspach has been active with national, state, and regional associations in the death care industry since 1973. He has been featured in the Wall Street lournal U.S. News and World Report US Ma azine, USA Today and many others. He is a past board member of the Board of Directors of the American Cemetery Association and the Pre- Arrangement Association. • Mr. William C. Henning, who founded ACMC in 1961 and has served leading cemeteries and funeral homes in the United States and abroad with appraisal, brokerage, operational analysis' and general business consultation. • William N. Anspach, CPA, is past treasurer of the American Cemetery Association and its auditor for twenty five years, Mr. Anspach currently is Chairman of the Cemetery Care Advisory Board of the State of Illinois. He has advised many management groups, as well as federal and state taxing authorities on cemetery tax and other matters. • Richard B. Paskin, CPA has seventeen years of experience in management consulting, much of it with Touche Ross & Company. He has served companies of various sizes in diversified industries including Sears, United Airlines, and Bekin Van Lines. • William N. Anspach, Jr. is an attorney who specializes in pensions and corporate law. He has drafted stock and asset purchase agreements, for buyers and sellers in the death care industry. - 4 - 0 IV. THE ACMC ADVANTAGE Our proposed succession planning package offers the City of San Bernardino the following important advantages: 1. Extensive experience in the death care industry. • Our project team has many years of experience in the death care industry. This proven expertise offers assurance that the "sellers package" will reflect the highest standards of quality available. The impressive credentials of our principals include multiple national and state held offices in the death care industry. ACMC has been in business for 35 years and has performed over 1,000 cemetery and funeral home appraisals and brokered over $300,000,000 in sales. 2. Proven results in acquisition/succession planning. • Our project team has successfully completed acquisitions for local and national buyers. This also results in smooth transitions for employees and business associates as well as avoiding disruption in day to day operations. Experience of American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants over the years has indicated that sellers get better results by using professional assistance. As a rule this is best accomplished by using the broker in his fullest capacities. The larger the field of prospects, the stronger the likelihood that simultaneous interest can be created, which usually leads to a better offer(s). A professional broker can deal objectively with all buyers, whereas the seller is usually a "prejudiced party' in any negotiations. 3. Extensive management experience. • Our project team possesses a breath and depth of management experience beyond that required to help sell/buy specific businesses. These backgrounds encompass executive and management level positions with organizations such as Touche Ross & Company (now Deloitte & Touche). This experience in managing the "bigger picture" ensures that the entire package will achieve its objectives and be delivered in the established guidelines. 4. Added value for the dollars invested. • Our proposed package will significantly increase the price of the stock. - 5 - V. SUCCESSION PLANNING PACKAGE AND FEES ACMC will sell Pioneer Memorial Cemetery as described in Section II and summarized below. As part of ACMC's package, all travel expenses, the prospectus, any other expenses, and time of the project team are included in the following fee schedule, the BUYER will pay our fee: Sale up to $1,000,000 Fee of 6% of gross Sale Price Sale between $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 Fee of 6% of first $1,000,000; plus 5% of any amount between $1,000,000 - $2,000,000 of gross sales price Sale between $2,000,000 - $3,000,000 Above schedule; plus 4% of any amount between $2,000,000 - $3,000,000 of gross sales price Sale between $3,000,000 - $4,000,000 Above schedule; plus 3% of any amount between $3,000,000 - $4,000,000 of gross sales price Sale between $4,000,000 - $5,000,000 Above schedule; plus 2% of any amount between $4,000,000 - $5,000,000 of gross sales price Sale over $5,000,000 Above schedule; plus 1% of any amount over$5,000,000 of gross sales price - 6 - VI. EXCLUSIVE SUCCESSION PLANNING AGREEMENT The American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants, Inc. hereinafter referred to as Agents, are hereby employed to sell the cemetery known as Pioneer Memorial Cemetery located in San Bernardino, California, hereinafter referred to as Seller, together with the control of all trust funds, all undeveloped land, and all other assets owned or controlled by said cemetery. The cemetery shall be offered for sale on the following terms and conditions: Cash For their services, the BUYER shall pay the Agents a commission according to the attached fee schedule of the gross sale, said commission to be paid when a sales contract has been executed by the Buyer and the transaction has been closed. It is understood and agreed that the Agents have the exclusive right to sell the above named cemetery for a period of three months from the date of this agreement. It is further understood and agreed that if negotiations have been started by Agents with a prospective purchaser any time before this agreement has expired that this agreement will be automatically extended to cover the full period of time necessary to complete negotiations and consummate a sale. - 7 - VI. EXCLUSIVE SUCCESSION PLANNING AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) It is further understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if at any time within three months after the expiration of this agreement should the Seller make a sale to any prospective Buyer with whom Agents had previously negotiated for the sale of the cemetery, the Agents shall be paid their full commission on the gross selling price the same as if the transaction had been closed during the term of this Agreement. It is further agreed that the seller is to furnish the Agents with copies of Articles of Incorporation, current financial statements, and any other information which, in the judgement of the agents, is needed to properly interest a prospective purchaser. Such information is to be regarded as confidential and is to be shown only to interested prospects for the purchase of the property. Witnesseth our hands this day of 19 i AMERICAN EMETE Y/M RTU Y CONS TA TS, I / SELLER By: By: JAuthorized Officer - 8 - C I T Y OF S A N B E R N A R D I N O INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE TO: Mayor and Common Council FROM: Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator DATE: October 13 , 1995 SUBJECT: Agenda Item #25 - Pioneer Cemetery Sale COPIES: Shauna Clark, City Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------- A recommendation was placed on the October 16 Council agenda for the hire of American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants (ACMC) to represent the City in the possible sale of Pioneer Memorial Cemetery. Since that time, it has come to my attention that the legal issues surrounding the sale need to be researched. In order to allow time for this research, and to ensure that the proposed sale is done in accordance with the Charter, it is recommended that a substitute motion be made to authorize ACMC to proceed with an appraisal of the cemetery, with a cost not to exceed $4, 500. This appraisal will be necessary in order to comply with the City Charter provisions related to the sale of real property. The appraisal process will include a site visit by ACMC staff, and a review of the financial condition of the cemetery. During the time it will take to complete the appraisal, we will work with the City Attorney's Office to address the legal issues. 04�yc-- - FW/ls