HomeMy WebLinkAbout24- Public Works ,CITY OF SAN BERNA INO - REQUEST FC COUNCIL ACTION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Subject: Allocation of Funds for City ' s Share - Installation of Traffic Dept: Public works Signals at Northpark Boulevard Coyote Drive Date: 9-26-95 Synopsis of Previous Council action: WiiiN None. 17-5 F 43 Recommended motion: That the transfer of $45 , 000 , from Account No. 131-000-3405 , "Undesignated Balance, " to Account No. 126-3-69-5504 Traffic Signals at Northpark Boulevard and Coyote Drive, " be approved, in order to provide funds for the City ' s share of installing traffic signals and modifying the curbed median. cc: Shauna Clark Signature Contact person: Roger G. Hardgrave Phone: 5025 Supporting data attached: Staff Report & Letter Ward: 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $45 , 000 (Special Gas Tax Fund) Source: (Acct. No.) 126-369-5504- (Acct. Description) Traffic Signals -IIl-o-r/thpark Blvd & Coyote Drive Finance: Council Notes: Not included in Calpital Impro enent Program. 75-0262 J L� Ananria Itnm AI., 000111 7 CITY OF SAN BERNA..DINO - REQUEST FGA COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT A letter dated 9-5-95 was received from David DeMauro, Vice-President for Administration and Finance, California State University at San Bernardino. This letter was submitted as a formal request for traffic signals to be installed at Northpark Boulevard and Coyote Drive (private access driveway) . As stated in Mr. DeMauro' s letter, traffic to and from their parking lots has increased tremendously, due to expansion of their campus , in particular the recently completed Cousoullis Arena. An investigation by our Traffic Engineering section revealed that established traffic signal warrants are currently satisfied at this intersection. The university has agreed to finance 500 of the costs for installing traffic signals. In addition, they will do the necessary modifications to the curbed island in Northpark Boulevard to accommodate left turning vehicles . The preliminary estimate of cost for modifying these medians is $15 , 000 . We recommend that the transfer of $45 , 000 , from the Undesignated Balance, " in the Special Gas Tax Fund, be approved, to provide funds to finance the City' s share of this project. 9-27-95 lS�S v` j CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN BERNARDINO The California State University September 5, 1995 Roger Hardgrave Director of Public Works City of San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, Ca 92418 OFFICE OF THE Dear Mr. Hardgrave: VICE PRESIDENT Please accept this letter as a formal request to install a traffic signal on FOR Northpark Blvd. at the intersection of the roadway which enters the CSUSB ADMINISTRATION campus east of University Parkway. The subject roadway currently has no AND FINANCE name for identification. The University intends to name it soon. For clarification purposes a site plan is attached which designates the specific location. 909/880-5130 The traffic signal is requested to control the large number of vehicles which travel this intersection daily. The traffic at this intersection has increased tremendously over the last 5 yrs along with the growth of the University. The student population has grown from 8099 full time equivalent students in 1990 to the current enrollment of 8976 FTE. The campus infrastructure has also expanded from 650,000 sq. ft. to well over 1.2 million sq. ft. during the same period of time. The city's traffic dept. has been aware of the need and has observed the site and taken quantitative measurements of traffic counts. The University is currently completing plans to widen the subject campus access roadway to four lanes to accommodate current traffic flow. We will soon be sharing those plans with you for your information and any suggestions you may have to improve upon the project. Several traffic accidents have occurred at this intersection over the last year or two. Some of them have been serious, resulting in injuries and severe damage to the vehicles. An accident report is supplied as being representative of the problem. 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 0 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY The California SAN BERNARDINO State University There is also a critical need for a controlled pedestrian crossing at this intersection. The nearest intersection with a traffic signal is University Parkway. Because it is over 1/2 mile away, many students jaywalk across Northpark Blvd. to shorten their walk from nearby apartment houses to the University. The addition of the requested traffic signal and crosswalk would provide a safe method for them to travel Northpark Blvd. The signal is also needed to serve traffic coming to and from Cousoullis Arena. The recently completed arena will seat 5,000 people and generate approximately 1800 vehicles concentrated almost simultaneously. Lack of a signal will escalate the current problem at this intersection. OFFICE It is the desire of the University to participate with the city with sharing the construction cost of this project. The project is mutually beneficial to the city OF THE and the University is serving the public need for higher education and VICE PRESIDENT community service. FOR It would be highly desirable to pursue this project soon if possible. I will gladly ADMINISTRATION provide any additional information which may be needed. Thank you for you AND FINANCE continued support and interest in the University. We appreciate all of your assistance over the years. 909/880-5130 Sincerely, David DeMauro Vice President for Administration and Finance 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino,CA 92407-2397