HomeMy WebLinkAboutS1- The boys Club CITY OF D ' 15 RNAR[)11k'*) - REQUEST =OR COUNCIL. ACTION From: Mayor Minor Subject: Discuss and take possible action relative to repayment of General Dept: Fund monies to the State for disallowed costs relative to Date: September 15 , 1994 program funding to the Boys Club by JTPA. Synopsis of Previous Council action: I I Recommended motion: Discuss and take possible action relative to repayment to the State of California Employment Development Department, of $3 ,789 . 90 in General Fund monies for disallowed costs relative to program funding to the Boys Club by JTPA. Signature Contact person: Ernie Wilson Phone: 5004 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amcunt: Source: LAcct. No.) Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Disallowed Cost - Boys' Club In 1993 the San Bernardino Employment and Training Agency (SBETA) contracted with the Boys ' Club of San Bernardino. A unified audit was conducted by I Conrad and Associates in 1985, in which the auditors disallowed $10,782 from the Boys ' Club due to a lack of supporting documentation to justify general and administrative expenditures. In addition, the auditors attempted to meet with the Boys ' Club staff to assist them in reconstructing their records. However, it was reported that the Boys ' Club was unwilling to cooperate with the auditors; therefore, no costs were ever substantiated by the Boys ' Club. Nevertheless, SBETA continued to offer alternate methods to the State in lieu of said disallowed cost. Moreover, a stand-in cost method was used to repay the debt. However, documentation could only provide support for $6,999. 10, leaving an outstanding debt of $3,789.90, due and payable to the State of California Employment Development Department. According to JTPA Final Rule 627.435, Cost Principles and Allowable Costs, and JTPA Directive dated August 10, 1994, Allowable Cost Principles, the ' disallowed cost levied against the Boys ' Club cannot be paid with JTPA funds. Therefore, retribution must come from the City General Fund, Boys ' Club, or another funding source other tliaii JTPA. Please be informed that the Department of Labor refuses to prolong this matter any further. Please see attached letters dated July 5, 1994 and August 18, 1994. 75-0264 Y O F O r �, z . ;'i`, . B�pJ all ernardlno 'yDED IN� E M P L 0 Y M E N A N D T R A I N I N G A G E N C Y ( S S E T A ) G _ O R G __ _ i w A R A 7 0 R August 18, 199= Ms. Marsha Nakawatase Counsel Audit Resolution Technical Support Unit I Employment Development Department P.O. Box 826880 MIC 69 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 Dear Ms. Nakawatase, As previously discussed w;th Mr. David Simpson, Audit Resolution Representative, pertaining to the outstanding debt of $3,789.90, in which costs were disallowed as general and administrative to the Boys Club of San Bernardino. Please be informed that Mayor Tom Minor, of the City of San Bernadino, is currently reviewing the mechanism to close out said debt. If additional information is required, please contact me at (909) 888- 7881 . ' Sincerely, Ernest B. Dowdy Acting Executive Director EBD/bf cc:, Mayor Tom ,-Minor Ernie Wilson, Affirmative Action Officer Attachment: PRIDE IN 6 4 6 N v F n h = � n F A N A Y S A N 9t F N A R D I N 0, PROGRESS C A L I F: 0 F N ! A 2 a � 0 4 1 4 ( 9 0 9 } 8 8 8 - 7 8 8 1 ilia,, C-T.r OF 8s00-.0 067 ='•i IG=C� N.C. J .c �r_closed __ a cpv Of invoice we discussed during our _�-_ 9 . � chcr_e c�%, __�Gr^_ or. `?av 18, 1 9 We Tdould ?:'_ _°_C.3te ^av-_;ent of this outstanding debt c cCntaCt id,___ -._= Cl=neer oL the Resolution and Tec Technical Suppert Un__ discuss a pay- ent plan prior to jll_y 22 , _� �_ . '?=. Cu_^.=een Can be reached at (916) 654-%9C^ . .- Your p-c..ti= _ttentier_ tc this :;tatter is appreciated. 'iery tr___r ^L_ Counsel �nclosu=_ and ^ec_.ical Succor: Unit icb _a_--_:g Pa-tn=_shi p Division, ?IC 69 Linda Rece-4va'le Unit M 70