HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.N- Police .S.N RESOLUTION (ID # 3564) DOC ID: 3564 A CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO — REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Purchase Order From: Jarrod Burguan M/CC Meeting Date: 11/17/2014 Prepared by: Susan Stevens, Dept: Police Ward(s): All Subject: Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino Authorizing the Execution of a Service Agreement and Issuance of a Purchase Order to Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc., for Evidence Collection Not to Exceed $80,000 for FY 2014/2015 with Three Optional Renewal Years. (#3564) Current Business Registration Certificate: Yes Financial Impact: Account Budgeted Amount: $196,000.00 Account No. 001-210-0001*5505-0000 Account Description: Police Administration - Other Professional Services Balance as of: 10/29/2014 - $105,546.00 Balance after approval of this item: $50,046.00 Account Budgeted Amount: $4,500.00 Account No. 123-210-0081*5505-0984 Account Description: OTS STEP Grant - Other Professional Services Balance as of: 10/29/2014 - $4,500.00 Balance after approval of this item: 0.00 Motion: Adopt the Resolution. Synopsis of Previous Council Action: August 4, 2014 Resolution 2014-305 authorizing an RFQ for medical evidence collection and an emergency purchase order to Law Enforcement Medical Services adopted. October 6, 2010 Resolution 2010-334 authorizing an annual purchase order to Law Enforcement Medical Services adopted. March 3, 2009 Resolution 2009-41 authorizing an annual purchase order to Law Enforcement Medical Services adopted. Background: The San Bernardino Police Department has contracted with Law Enforcement Medical Services for evidence collection (phlebotomy and sexual assault examinations) since 2001. Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc., (LEMS), currently provides evidence collection for all law enforcement agencies within San Bernardino County. Updated: 11/12/2014 by Georgeann "Gigi" Hanna A Packet Pg.256 5.N 3564 r A notice inviting bids, RFQ F-15-11, was advertised on October 6, 2014. The bid notice was advertised in the San Bernardino Sun, on the City website, and with the San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce. Two quote packets were received; one from LEMS and one from Mission Career College. An evaluation of both quote packets was conducted with the conclusion that overall monthly costs will be lower with Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc., Exhibit "B" attached. Expenditures for FY 2014/2015 are expected to total approximately $75,500. The "not to exceed" limit is established at $80,000 to allow for any additional expenditures resulting from special programs, e.g., patrol programs, DUI checkpoints, grant programs. An emergency Purchase Order was issued to Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc., in July 2014 in the amount of$20,000 until the RFQ process could be completed. The Police Department is now requesting that the existing Purchase Order be increased to a total of $80,000. The Police Department's General Fund budget for FY2014/20015 includes adequate funding in the Administration, Other Professional Services, account number 001-210- 0001*5505, for this service, with a current balance of$105,546. Additionally, the 2014- 2015 Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant awarded to the San Bernardino Police Department on October 3, 2014, includes $4,500 for evidence collection to offset the increased cost of evidence collection as a result of DUI Checkpoints and other traffic safety programs. The grant account number is: 123-210-0081*5505-0984. City Attorney Review: Supporting Documents: Law Enforcement Medical Servics VSA Reso (DOC) agrmt 3564 (PDF) Bid Summary Sheet(PDF) Updated: 11/12/2014 by Georgeann "Gigi" Hanna A Packet Pg.257 o 1 RESOLUTION NO. °o 0 Go 2 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA o 3 BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE AGREEMENT a AND ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL 2 4 SERVICES, INC., FOR EVIDENCE COLLECTION NOT TO EXCEED $80,000 FOR FY in 2014/2015 WITH THREE OPTIONAL RENEWAL YEARS. E 5 .2 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL 6 OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: r- 0 E 7 SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the 0 8 City of San Bernardino a Vendor Service Agreement with Law Enforcement Medical Services, W 9 Inc. for evidence collection services with three optional renewal years, a copy of which is c 10 attached hereto, marked Exhibit"A" and incorporated herein. o 11 m SECTION 2. That the Director of Finance or his/her designee is hereby authorized and c 12 L directed to increase Purchase Order number 2015-00000946 to an amount not to exceed $80,000 a 13 N 14 utilizing account number 001-210-0001*5505-0000 for the additional amount of$55,500 and 0 account number 123-210-0081*5505-0984 in the amount of$4,500. a 15 16 O N 17 Q 18 j 19 Cn 20 21 c 22 23 0 w W 24 3 25 .� c E I Y r 1 Packet,Pg.258 5.N.a 0 1 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA 0 BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE AGREEMENT 00 2 AND ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL,o 3 SERVICES, INC., FOR EVIDENCE COLLECTION NOT TO EXCEED $80,000 FOR F 2014/2015 WITH THREE OPTIONAL RENEWAL YEARS. 4 m Cn I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and FU 5 :0 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, 20 6 held on the day of , 2014, by the following vote, to wit: E L 8 COUNCILMEMBERS: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT W 9 MARQUEZ 3 J 10 BARRIOS as VALDIVIA 11 0 SHORETT 12 NICKEL L 13 JOHNSON d N 14 MULVIHILL .L0 Q 15 v c0 Georgeann Hanna, City Clerk L 16 0 17 The foregoing Resolution is hereby approved this of , 2014. a 18 Cn R. Carey Davis, Mayor 19 City of San Bernardino Approved as to form: rn I 20 Gary D. Saenz, City Attorney j 21 By: 22 23 0 w c w 24 3 0 J 25 c N E t V lC w r+ Q 2 Packet Pg. 259 VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. FOR EVIDENCE COLLECTION SERVICES This Vendor Services Agreement is entered into this _day of by and 0 0 between Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc. ("CONTRACTOR") and the City of San c 00 Bernardino ("CITY" or"San Bernardino'). ,o a� WHEREAS,the Mayor and Common Council has determined that it is advantageous in and in the best interest of the CITY to contract for evidence collection; and a� WHEREAS,the CITY did agree to use pricing included in bid F-15-11 c a� E NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: L 0 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. w 3 For the remuneration stipulated, San Bernardino hereby engages the services of S L CONTRACTOR to provide those products and services as set forth on the Scope of 0 0 a) Services, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and incorporated herein. 2. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES. a a) N a. For the services delineated above, the CITY, upon presentation of an invoice, shall ,0 0 M pay the CONTRACTOR the amounts as set forth in Fees for Service, attached as Q Schedule "B" and incorporated herein. The total amount of this Agreement shall not M v exceed$80,000.00. M 2 E No other expenditures made by CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed by CITY. 3. TERM; TERMINATION. d E t The term of this Agreement is from November 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 with three a optional renewal years with pricing to be negotiated prior to exercising any option year. 1 Packet Pg.260 This Agreement may be terminated at any time by thirty (30) days written notice by either party. The terms of this Agreement shall remain in force unless mutually amended. 4. INDEMNITY. °o 0 0 Contractor agrees to and shall indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, employees, 0 agents or representatives, free and harmless from all claims, actions, damages and a liabilities of any kind and nature arising from bodily injury, including death, or property y M damage, based or asserted upon any actual or alleged act or omission of Contractor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors, relating to or in any way connected with the E accomplishment of the work or performance of services under this Agreement, unless the c w bodily injury or property damage was actually caused by the sole negligence of the City, its "' 3 M J wo elected officials, employees, agents or representatives. As part of the foregoing indemnity, o L Contractor agrees to protect and defend at its own expense, including attorney's fees, the p a� City, its elected officials, employees, agents or representatives from any and all legal L actions based upon such actual or alleged acts or omissions. Contractor hereby waives any a. w N L and all rights to any types of express or implied indemnity against the City, its elected°, 0 a officials, employees, agents or representatives, with respect to third party claims against LO the Contractor relating to or in any way connected with the accomplishment of the work or to Ln performance of services under this Agreement. E L 5. INSURANCE. r _ While not restricting or limiting the foregoing, during the term of this Agreement, E CONTTRACTOR shall maintain in effect policies of comprehensive public, general and a automobile liability insurance, in the amount of$1,000,000.00 combined single limit, and statutory workers compensation coverage, and shall file copies of said policies with the 2 Packet Pg.261 CITY's Risk Man alter prior to undertaking any work under this Agreement. CITY shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. The Certificate of Insurance furnished to the CITY shall require the insurer to notify CITY c co 0 at least 30 days prior to any change in or termination of the policy. 0 6. NON-DISCRIMINATION. In the performance of this Agreement and in the hiring and recruitment of employees, in li CONTRACTOR shall not engage in, nor permit its officers, employees or agents to engage in, discrimination in employment of persons because of their race, religion, color, national E origin, ancestry, age, mental or physical disability, medical condition,marital status, sexual L O w C gender or sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law. w 3 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. o L a� CONTRACTOR shall perform work tasks provided by this Agreement, but for all intents o d and purposes CONTRACTOR shall be an independent contractor and not an agent or L employee of the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall secure, at its expense, and be responsible a a� N for any and all payment of Income Tax, Social Security, State Disability Insurance 0 Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and other payroll deductions for LO CONTRACTOR and its officers, agents, and employees, and all business license, if any to are required, in connection with the services to be performed hereunder. w E L S. BUSINESS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS. c CONTRACTOR warrants that it possesses or shall obtain prior to execution of this E Agreement, and maintain a business registration certificate pursuant to Chapter 5 of the a Municipal Code, and any other licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approval of NWOF 3 Packet Pg.262 whatever nature that are legally required of CONTRACTOR to practice its business or profession. 9. NOTICES. °o 0 0 Any notices to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be deposited with the United � L 0 States Postal Service, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: L TO THE CITY: TO THE VENDOR: in Allen J. Parker, City Manager Kris Rowney, Owner City of San Bernardino Law Enforcement Medical Services,Inc 300 North"D" Street 8285 Sierra Avenue #107 San Bernardino, CA 92418 Fontana, CA 92335 E Telephone: (909) 384-5122 Telephone: (909)428-7488 L 0 w c 10. ATTORNEYS' FEES w 3 J '^ In the event that litigation is brought by any party in connection with this Agreement, the L d prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the opposing party all costs and expenses, 0 a� including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the prevailing party in the exercise of any s L of its rights or remedies hereunder or the enforcement of any of the terms, conditions or a a� N provisions hereof. The costs, salary and expenses of the City Attorney and members of his .00 Q office in enforcing this Agreement. on behalf of the CITY shall be considered as LO "attorneys' fees"for the purposes of this paragraph. v 11. ASSIGNMENT. M E L CONTRACTOR shall not voluntarily or by operation of law assign, transfer, sublet or M c encumber all or any part of the CONTRACTOR's interest in this Agreement without E CITY's prior written consent. Any attempted assignment, transfer, subletting or a encumbrance shall be void and shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and cause for the termination of this Agreement. Regardless of CITY's consent, no subletting or 4 Packet'Pg.263 assignment shall release CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform all other obligations to be performed by CONTRACTOR hereunder for the term of this Agreement. o 0 co 12. VENUE. L The parties hereto agree that all actions or proceedings arising in connection with this a Agreement shall be tried and litigated either in the State courts located in the County of in la San Bernardino, State of California or the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, Riverside Division. The aforementioned choice of venue is intended by the E a� parties to be mandatory and not permissive in nature. o 0 c 13. GOVERNING LAW. W 3 ca J This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 14. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. o a� This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties to this s U L 3 Agreement and their respective heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns. a. d N L 15. HEADINGS. 0 w a The subject headings of the sections of this Agreement are included for the purposes of �o convenience only and shall not affect the construction or the interpretation of any of its Ln provisions. E L 16. SEVERABILITY. c If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be E U invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such determination shall not affect the validity or a enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or of the offending provision 5 Packet Pg.264 in any other circumstance, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 0 17. REMEDIES; WAIVER. g 0 00 All remedies available to either party for one or more breaches by the other party are and L' O tll shall be deemed cumulative and may be exercised separately or concurrently without L waiver of any other remedies. The failure of either party to act in the event of a breach of cn �a 2 this Agreement by the other shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach or a waiver of V future breaches, unless such waiver shall be in writing and signed by the party against aD whom enforcement is sought. c c 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. w J This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and the understanding between the ° parties, and supersedes any prior agreements and understandings relating to the subject o cc d matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written L 3 instrument executed by all parties to this Agreement. a� N 'i O Q t0 Ln M 111 d. UD Ln 111 ++ E L 111 i+ 111 E V ll/ a 111 111 b Packet Pg.265 5.N.b VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. FOR EVIDENCE COLLECTION SERVICES 0 0 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date o L set forth below. N d V L N Dated: , 2014 LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. c a� By: E L Its: _ W J O Dated , 2014 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 0 N t9 By: s City Manager a. m Approved as to Form: N Gary D. Saenz, City Attorney Q / �� � tn By= r M Ln M a+ E L 0 d E V i+ a 7 Packet Pg.266 5.N.b SCHEDULE A SCOPE OF SERVICES 0 0 0 I DEFINITIONS o LICENSED PERSONNEL: for purposes of this contract,"licensed personnel"will be defined in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 23158(a),as it may be amended from time .° to time. That section currently reads in part: y a� Only a licensed physician and surgeon, registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, duly licensed clinical laboratory scientist or clinical laboratory bioanalyst, a person who Cn has been issued a "certified phlebotomy technician"certificate pursuant to Section 1246 of the Business and Professions Code, unlicensed laboratory personnel regulated pursuant to Sections 1242, 1242.S, and 1246 of the Business and Professions Code, or certified paramedic acting at the request of a peace officer may withdraw blood for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content therein. L 0 This definition of Licensed Personnel extends to all blood withdrawals performed under w Vehicle Code violations. 3 DRY RUN: A "dry run" occurs when licensed personnel are called out for collection of C evidence and were not able to collect such evidence through no fault of their own. -c L SANE: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner—a Registered Nurse who has completed a course of study and preceptorship,in accordance with the State of California,Office of Criminal Justice Planning, Sexual Assault Medical Provider curriculum guidelines. a OCJP: State of California,Office of Criminal Justice Planning. N L O Z i+ II SCOPE OF CONTRACT LO A. Seoye of work-The medical evidence collection services required hereunder include: blood,urine and saliva collection;taser dart removal; sexual assault suspect examination and Iq sexual assault victim examination services. All of the required services will be provided on M an on-call basis,24 hours a day,7 days a week. CONTRACTOR,will respond to a requested E site,to include but not limited to: hospital,accident scene,Police checkpoint,Police station or detention center. Services may be rendered anywhere within the geographic boundaries of the City of San Bernardino. E B. Licensing—In the performance of services under this contract, CONTRACTOR shall: Q 1. Possess and maintain all appropriate licenses necessary in the performance of duties required under this contract and will ensure that all of CONTRACTOR'S staff, providing services under this contract,possess and maintain necessary licenses required in the performance of duties hereunder. CONTRACTOR will provide CITY OF SAN 8 Packet Pg.267 BERNARDINO with copies of licenses upon request. CONTRACTOR will provide City with a list of staff,including title and license number with each billing. 2. Possess and maintain, as required by law,all applicable medical waste permits issued by the San Bernardino County,Department of Public Health,Division of o Environmental Health,and any other necessary permits sufficient to encompass o CONTRACTOR'S total volume of medical waste generated and transported pursuant to paragraph F below. ° N N C. On-Call—CONTRACTOR must make available to City sufficient information to enable L City to contact on-call licensed personnel, including a 24-hour on-call telephone number, in alternate or backup number,and names and addresses of licensed personnel. �a D. Description of Services—CONTRACTOR will provide qualified personnel to perform the following services: _ a� E 1. Blood Withdrawal(including dry runs): Upon request of the City Police, U CONTRACTOR will respond to a designated site to collect blood samples. CONRACTOR will provide all necessary equipment for drawing of blood. Blood w alcohol specimens will be collected utilizing blood alcohol kits supplied by the J City. CONTRACTOR is responsible for ensuring that only Licensed Personnel(as o defined in section I)perform blood withdrawals for Vehicle Code violations. -a 2. Sample Collection for PC296 Sexual Offender Registrants: Upon request of the o City Police,CONTRACTOR will respond to a designated site to collect necessary samples from PC296 registrants.Penal Code Section 296 requires individuals 2 convicted of certain felony offenses to provide two blood samples and a saliva a' sample to the Department of Justice. Samples will be collected utilizing kits N supplied by the City. 0 3. Urine Collection: Upon the request of the City Police,CONTRACTOR will Q respond to a designated site to collect urine samples. CONRACTOR will collect V. said specimens in a method to both maintain the evidentiary integrity and the M individuals' dignity. Urine specimens will be collected utilizing kits supplied by the City. M 4. Taser Dart Removal:Upon request of the City Police,CONTRACTOR will E provide a Registered Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse to respond to the a requested site to remove taser darts. CONTRACTOR will document the c individual's level of consciousness and vital signs prior to and after removal of the E taser dart. Removal of taser darts will be done in a medically approved manner. a 9 Packet Pg.268 5.N.b a Sexual Assault Suspect Examinations: Upon request of the City Police, CONTRACTOR will respond to a designated Police station, hospital or detention center,to conduct forensic evidentiary examinations on suspects of sexual assault. CONTRACTOR will provide trained personnel to conduct these c examinations. Forensic evidence and reference samples will be collected in o accordance with the OCJP's guidelines utilizing sex kits supplied by the City. o Documentation of the examination and specimens will be prepared on OJCP 950 form. o The original will be given to the investigating officer, a photocopy is to be y submitted with the sex kit to the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Crime Laboratory, and a photocopy will be retained by the person conducting the examination. `n 6. Sexual Assault Victim Examinations: CONTRACTOR will provide a SANE- qualified Registered Nurse to conduct forensic evidentiary examination on alleged victims of sexual assault. Upon request of the City Police, CONTRACTOR'S SANE personnel will respond to an established examination site E to conduct these examinations. CONTRACTOR assumes the responsibility for c maintaining the evidential chain of custody during the examination. Forensic evidence and reference samples will be collected in accordance with w U OCJP guidelines utilizing sex kits supplied by the City. Documentation of the -J examination and specimens will be prepared on OJCP 923 form for ° adolescent/adult examinations and OCJP 925 for child examinations. The d original will be given to the investigating officer,a photocopy is to be submitted with p the sex kit to the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Crime Laboratory,and a photocopy y will be retained by the person conducting the examination. a) CONTRACTOR will be responsible for coordinating the area medical a. facilities for the ability to perform sexual assault victim examinations. N y 0 b) Photographic documentation of the examination will include colposcopic examination and general physical injuries. Evidential photo documentation Q will be conducted using 35mm print film and prints will be available to the investigating agency or the court,upon request,at no cost. CONTRACTOR will retain original negatives in a secured location. V LO C) CITY Police will incur no cost for testing of sexually transmitted diseases(STD)or pregnancy. 7 Court Testimony: CONTRACTOR will be available to provide expert court testimony for all of the services provided. t U r a E.Handling of Evidence: CONTRACTOR will appropriately package and label all specimens and evidence obtained. to Packet Pg.269 F. Disposal of Waste: CONTRACTOR will dispose of all medical waste in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. City Police will provide sharps containers at the main Police Station for the disposal of used syringes. However, CONTRACTOR will be required,in certain instances,to dispose of medical waste(for example:Blood withdrawals performed at DUI o checkpoints,accident scenes,etc.). co G. Response Time: CONTRACTOR'S personnel will arrive at requested site within thirty(30) ° minutes of notification. CONTRACTOR'S SANE-qualified personnel will arrive at the designated examination site within forty-five(45)minutes. L v! R V Cd G E L W 3 J O L N O d N t9 t V L O a d N L O r.+ Q LO M qq co U1 M y E L W C E M V .V Q li 270 SCHEDULE B FEES FOR SERVICE NOVEMBER 1,2014-JUNE 30,2015 0 0 0 DESRIPTION QTY AMOUNT 0 L Blood Withdrawl each $50.00 Blood ETON Draw each $50.00 co Sample Collection-PC296 each $50.00 FU Blood Alcohol Kit each $5.00 Urine Collection each $50.00 Taser Dart Removal each $150.00 L ° Dry Run for Blood Sample each $40.00 c w a)Urine Sample each $40.00 3 ca J b)Sample Collection-PC296 each $40.00 0 L c)Taser Dart Removal each $50.00 °3 O Sexual Assault Suspect Exam each $225.00 �a Sexual Assault Suspect Dry Run each $50.00 L Sexual Assault Victim Exam each $675.00 nom. d N Sexual Assault Victim Dry Run each $200.00 0 Phlebotomy On Call per month $150.00 Q Nurse Stand-by Fee per hour $25.00 m Ln M Court Time for all services performed No Charge-(billed directly to District M Attorney) E L C E V Y Y a 12 Packet Pg.271 ZLZ '6d )PLd L � � co O , V L tB Z ca j co O D rt Gl � n S fD Q W O d Q- Q Z c th' �- U 2 l m CD Ln LO O LO LCD O Lo L() Lo O O O O O � Lo j " > CD Cfl C14 CA O 04 O O7 O N N N N N 0 O OD C ui 1 VI `� co / ,� (B U) > •• N U m LO w D — Cfl >- ca � @ 6c� 6F)- 6c)- 6l)- 6,:)- U)- 6C,4- 61), 60- 6ci- crr6c)- 6 J. c C) 0 0 U-) 0 0 0 0 0 o LO o U') o L(7 0 - ' v LO LO Lf) Lo U-) d' 't d' N Ln � N N O LL O 000 L L L O U O O O O O � c Lo Z (� p o IW " � v d 69- � � � � 641). 6q 6 W m o F- 0 O O .a F- CD co ❑ c Z c O O N c CO)CL cn U � to E N W ❑ x N V V O O V ° Ri d d E E L n, •> cn O O to us +r d °? O �' W O e4 3 p `+ >> 0 v E V v V �CL N O co N > > X CD 0 o C� Z `L° ❑ o d m a c a) (n L N � ->O v 0 W � cn a� ILU W O O O R ~ O w d (D t = CV L p o � o mmcnm ❑ i— ❑ � .cc� cncncncnaz oocn —i � N E N M to t� t� ryt3r X00 O!. tom- 5.N.c ccV Miuloncareercolle e 0 A CaIWORK's,EDA,WIA,VA.Deoart of Rehab. Vocational Educatlon Tralnina Service Contractor o 0 eo October 10, 2014 0 to Q> City of San Bernardino 300 North D Street rn Finance Department 4`"Floor Atli: Vanessa Sanchez San Bernardino, CA 92418 Re: OUOTE-RFO F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) a) Mission Career College (MCC) welcomes the opportunity to submit its Medical Evidence Collection o service RFQ F-15-11. MCC has the personnel with expertise to perform these collection services. Our w staff includes BSN-Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, Dialysis Registered Nurse, Home 3 Health Aide Nurse,Licensed Vocational Nurses and Phlebotomy Technicians. J 0 We have affiliations with medical clinics, hospitals, laboratories in San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, San Diego and Los Angeles counties. We have contracts with the County of San Bernardino (CalWORK's), City of San Bernardino (SBETA), County of Riverside, Employment Development o Department Workforce Development Agency,ETPL/WIA,and California Vocational Rehabilitation. CU s U We provide medical training programs in the areas: Nurse Assistant, Home Health Aide, Phlebotomy a Technician, EKG Technician, Monitor Technician, Clinical Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Chemical N Dependency Counselor,and Dialysis Technician(www.missioncareercolle e� com). o w The Bid Price submitted is valid for 120 days effective from the time of award through June 30, 2014. Q This quote is a firm offer subject to acceptance or rejection within 120 days minimum of award. LO Mission Career College proposes to provide qualified medical personnel to perform medical evidence collection services in support of the City of San Bernardino Police Department. Contracted services shall be provided on an on-call,24 hours per day seven days per week including holidays.Mission Career College Adheres to Scope of Services, and all Requirements of Contracted Services listed on pages 11 thru14 of the RFQ F-15-11. Mission Career College shall prosecute the work continuously and diligently and shall deliver the items at Cn the earliest possible date following the award of contract. MCC warrants/guarantees coverage of any -a factory,manufactures and/or dealer's product coverage. m c Respectfull Tino Abila, President/CEO 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bemsrdino,.CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegeCsbcalobal.net www.missioncarcercollege.com Packet Pg. 273 5.N.c RFQ F-I5-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) City of San Bernardino, Finance Department Purchasing Division c 0 RFQ F-15-11 o Medical Evidence Collection Service (SART Exams) 62 0 Bid Documents to Be Returned L �j � References [ ] Completed Technical Specifications—right-hand column (City Form) ® Signed Price Form (City Form) a E ® One (1) signed original of Quote in a SEALED ENVELOPE L 0 Q Two(2) copies of signed Quote in a SEALED ENVELOPE w 3 ® Authorized Binding Signature(s) J 0 ® Verifications of Addenda Received (City Form) 'v Forms L IV Forms O ® Listing of Proposed Subcontractor, if applicable (City Form) y Affidavit of Non-Collusion L f " 120 Day Minimum Proposal Validity Statement 'Additional Requirements,vi General specifcaticns#4 N all insurance Certificates°, (� Copy of Contractor License or other appropriate licenses, permits, qualifications and Q approvals that are legally required to provide services, and that such licenses and LO approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Contract. " Teen sperm a vl General Specifications#35 F, N d t N Offeror(s) are requested to submit this checklist completed with all bid documents. This list may not be inclusive of all documents needed to submit your RFQ. Please refer to E entire packet for additional documents. E W IM C as E t Q 3 Packet Pg. 274 5.N.c Mluion Career Colle 0 A CalWORK's,EDA,WIA,VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Education Tralnlna Servla Contractor o 0 CO L O w m L d V E d V L O REFERENCES W 3 J O L O R s L a as N O 7 Q d' t0 to M G? d t cc E >_ m Cn m w C d t V r Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegensbcglobal.net www.missioncareercollege.com Packet Pg. 275 5.N.c Affiliates/Contracts 1. California Department of Health Care Services & Laboratory Field Services (DCS)(LFS) CPT I- Certified Phlebotomy Technician 0 0 2. California Department of Public Health Services (DHS) o co Certified Nurse Assistant Home Health Aide .o N d 3. Veterans Administration(VA) Alcohol & Drug Counselor n Computer Office Specialist Massage Therapy Medical Assistant Nurse Assistant Pharmacy Technician E Phlebotomy Technician L Water Technology Management—Entry Level 17.7 Credit Units/246 Hours c 1. Water Treatment Operator 5.9 Credit Units /82 Hours w 2. Water Distribution Operator 5.9 Credit Units /82 Hours J 3. Wastewater or 5.9 Credit Units/82 Hours o w Water Technology Management-Advanced Level 17.7 Credit Units/246 Hours o 1. Water Treatment Operator-Advance 5.9 Credit Units 2. Water Distribution Operator-Advance 5.9 Credit Units 3. Wastewater Operator-Advance 5.9 Credit Units L a 4. California Indian Manpower Consortium (CIMC)-All programs N L O s 5. National Healthcare Association(NHA)—National & State License Exam: Q Phlebotomy Technician NCPT1, CPT1 Medical Assistant, NMA Pharmacy Tech, NPT 6. California Bureau of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technician-BVNPT LVN Program-Pending E 7. County of Riverside-EDA Contract: E Certified Nurse Assistant N Computer Office Training m EKG Technician Home Health Aide E Monitor Technician Acute Care Nurse Assistant NCLEX-RN a Alcohol & Drug Counselor Mobile Crane Operator-Certificate Mobile Crane Operator-National Certification Fork Lift Operator Fork Lift Operator -Re-Certification Packet Pg. 276 8. County of San Bernardino- CalWorks Contract Certified Nurse Assistant Computer Office Specialist Phlebotomy Technician o Fork Lift Operator o 9. City of San Bernardino-One-Stop Career w Certified Nurse Assistant Computer Office Training EKG Technician CD Cn Home Health Aide E Monitor Technician Acute Care Nurse Assistant NCLEX-RN Alcohol&Drug Counselor E Mobile Crane Operator-Certificate Mobile Crane Operator-National Certification Fork Lift Operator w Fork Lift Operator-Re-Certification J O 10. National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators(NCCCO) d Mobile Crane Operator o 11. Los Angels County Water&Power Authority-LACWPA Mobile Crane Operator L a 12. Department of Defense—Military Spouse Career Advancement Account Program(MyCAA) N ETPL- Programs .5 13. SEVIS-Homeland Security—I-20 School (Foreign Student Training)H-1 Status Q Certified Nurse Assistant o tn Home Health Aide Phlebotomy Technician a s 14. Eastern Municipal Water District—Perris, CA v' Water Treatment/Distribution/Wastewater-Internship 1. Temecula, CA E 2. San Jacinto, CA cn 3. Moreno Valley, CA m 4. Perris, CA a 15. County of Riverside Workforce Development Department-ESL/GED/Remedial Studies English as Second Language-Entry Level w English as Second Language-Intermediate Low a English as Second Language-Intermediate English as Second Language-Intermediate High English as Second Language-Advance Level Packet Pg.2 77 ar Mission Career College Attach #4: 9/16/14 Signed Copy of working agreement/contracts between practical/clinical extemship sites(listed in Item#4)and the trainining program (listem In item#1) Didactic Clinical _ Training Facility _ Physical Address,Zip Telephone Hrs Hrs Expiration Date — c Mission Career College 3975 Jackson Street,Suite 300 Riverside,CA 92503 951-688-7411 49 40 12/29/2013 0000 *Mission Career College 2211 Hunts Lane,Suite R 951.688.7411 Open � San Bernardino,CA 92408 865.609-0688 49 40 40. Riverside Medical Clinic 7117 Brockton Ave, Riverside,CA 951-321-6307 40 Open N m 92506 v Riverside Medical Clinic 6405 Day Street,Moreno Valley,CA 961.697-5494 40 Open L 92057 Riverside Medical Clinic 6250 Clay Street,Jurupa,CA 92609 951-360.5210 40 Open v Riverside Medical Clinic 830 Magnolia Ave.Corona,CA92879 951-493-6840 40 Open (D Whittier Hospital Medical Center 9080 Colima Rd.,Whittler,CA 90605 562-464-2992 40 Open d Sand Canyon Urgent Care 16100 Sand Canyon Ave.,Irvine,CA 949-417-0272 40 Open y 92618 Colton Valley Medical Group 502 W.Valley Blvd,San Bernardino, 909-825-3202 40 Open CA 92324 uJ Endeavor Clinical 10459 Mountain View St.Loma 909-478-0600 40 Open ?, Linda,CA 92345 J Rancho Specialty Hospital 10841 White Oak Ave.Rancho 909-581-6400 40 Open p Cucamonga,CA 91730 L Riverside-San Bernardino County Indian 11555'/:Potrero Rd.Banning,CA 951-849-4761 40 Open a) ialth,Inc. 92220 O aica Medica Familiar Magnolia 9939 Magnolia Ave.Riveside,CA 951-687-8802 40 Open y 92503 La Salle Medical Group 685 Carnigie Dr.,San Bernardino,CA 951-358-5774 40 Open v 408 Community Health Systems Inc. 18601 Valley Blvd.Bloomington,CA 909-546-7520 40 Open IL m N South Coast Midwifery&Women's 4650 Barrace Pkwy Open o Health Care Irvine,CA 92604 949-654-2727 40 s 11234 Anderson Street Open Q Loma Linda University Medical Center Loma Linda,CA 92354 909-558-3500 40 Nhan Hoa Comprehensive Health Care 14221 Euclid Street Suite H Open d Clinic Garden Grove,CA 92843 714-539-9999 40 u7 P.O.Box 70 Open Mountain Community Hospital Lake Arrowhead,CA 92352 909-436-3142 40 735 D Street, Open m Perris Valley Clinica Medica Familiar Perris,CA 92570 951-657-3177 40 fA Fontana Clinica Medica 17695 Arrow Blvd. Open Fontana,CA 909-854-3790 40 Clinica Guadalupana Medical 525 N.Laural Avenue Open E Ontario,CA 909-391-3616 40 E Magnolia Maternity Clinic 9939 Magnolia Ave Open N _ Riverside,CA 92503 951-343-2254 40 Chicago Maternity Clinic 4022 Chicago Ave Open m Riverside,CA 92507 951-369-0043 40 Clinica Medica Familiar de Montclair 10563 Mills Ave Open CD Montclair,CA 909-636-4020 40 South Coast Medical Center 31872 Coast Highway Open co Laguna Beach,CA 92651 949-499-1311 40 r Kleighborhood Health Care 425 N.Date Street Open Q Escondido,CA 92025 760-520-8324 40 ,r Valley Clinica Familiar Dr.Fancisco 15532 Bear Valley Open Jimenez Victorville,CA 92395 760-245-5959 40 1 Packet Pg. 278 Mission Career College Attach # 4: 9/16/14 Signed Copy of working agreement/contracts between practical/clinical extemship sites(listed In Item#4)and the trainining program(Iistem in Item#1) Rebecca Torress,M.D.A Medical Corp. 1530 W.6th Street,Suite 109 Open Corona,CA 92882 951-279-2171 40 __ o Imperial Clinical Laboratory 1738 W.Waterman Ave Suite 3 Open o San Bernardino,CA 92404 909-886-8090 40 C Valentine Medical Clinic 8990 Garfleld St.Ste.11,Riverside, Open 69 CA 951-343.1616 40 0 Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 900 Main St.Brawley,CA 92227 760-344.6471 40 Open N Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc, 321 Hobsonway,Ste.C,Blythe,CA Open 92225 760-922-4442 40 > Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 223 W.Cole Blvd.Calexico,CA Open to 922231 760-357-2020 40 Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 49-111 Hwy 111,Ste.4,Coachella, Open CA 92238 760-393-0555 40 Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 651 Wake Ave.El Centro,CA 92243 Open 760-352-2257 40 Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 91275 66th Ave.Ste.500,Mecca, Open y CA 92254 760-396-1249 40 E Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 8027 Hwy 111,Niland,CA 92257 760-359-0110 40 Open v Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 1289 So.Marina Drive,Ste.A,Salton Open 0 City,CA 92254 760-394-4338 40 = Clinicas De Salud Del Pubelo,Inc. 2133 Wlnterhaven Dr.Winterhaven, Open W CA 92283 760-572-2700 40 c�v Hesperia Clinica Medica Familiar 1588 Main Street,Suite 1128 Open 'J Hesperia,CA 92345 760-948-2242 40 Ironstone Medical Clinic 4121 Brockton Ave.Ste 108 Open (D Riverside,CA 92501 951-778-0032 40 O ;ta Medical Group 2071 Compton Avenue Corona,CA Open 92881 951-549-0900 40 y Vista Medical Group 12555 Central Avenue,Chino,CA Open = 91710 909-613-0100 40 L Lake Elsinor Clinica Medica Familiar 31739 Riverside Avenue Suite Al Open d Lake Elsinore,'Ca95530 951-245-0505 40 a) Corona Clinica Medica Familiar N •L 217 E Third Street Corona CA 92879 951-273-1188 40 Open s 407 E Gilbert St#1 San Bernardino San Bernardino Clinica Medica Familiar CA 92404 909-889-1136 40 Open a 1666 Medical Center Dr.#2 San Ralph R Vega M.D Family Practice Bernardino CA 92411 909-880-2491 40 Open CD Mervat Kelada MD,DBA De Anza Urgent Care 1001 Blair Ave Calexico CA 92231 760-768-5055 40 Open 460 West Putnam Avenue a� Crestview Clinical Laboratory Porterville,CA 93257 559-781-6975 40 Open N Danese F.Hayes Doing Business As: �+ Hayes Medical Clinic and Urgent Care* 310 W.B Street,Ontario CA 91762 909-391-3222 40 Open E 6200 Van Buran Street Riverside Market Clinic Riverside,CA 92503 951-368-0265 40 Open to 1311 S.Anaheim Blvd. 2 Anaheim Market Clinic ` Anaheim,CA 92806 714-636-6400 40 Open m 598 N.F Street San Bernardino,CA C Eunice Bolivar,MD 92410 909-888-8152 40 Open E E `New Sites v cv r a 2 Packet Pg. 279 5.N.c Mimion Career Colle e 0 0 A CaIWORK's.EDA.WIA.VA.Deoart of Rehab. Vocational Education Training Service Contractor ° 0 0 L O N a) U L N W fC U_ a) C a) d U L O v— C W t34 i J TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ° L 0 U L a a> N .L O Y Q L0 M N U t L 3 rn m C a) E z U r.+ Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email: o. miss ioncol1e e sbeglobal.net www.missioncargarralleze nam Packet Pg. 280 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exuma) PAYMENT PROCESS 0 0 All invoices must be submitted to 710 North"D" Street San Bernardino,California 92410 C Co FAILURE TO COMPLETE RIGHT HAND COLUMN WILL INVALIDATE BID ° a� CATEGORYI ACCEPTABLE AS SPECIFIED rn MEDICAL EVIDENCE COLLECTION SERVICE 1. SCOPE The Vendor shall provide qualified medical personnel to perform medical evidence collection �"�(/' "" 'G �s services in support of the City of San Bernardino Police Department. Contracted services shall be 0 provided on an on-call basis, 24-hours per day seven w days per week including holidays. The VENDOR 3 shall perform ALL of the required services. Proposals that DO NOT include costs for all of the o requested services shall be deemed non-responsive CD and disqualified. o 2. REQUIREMENTS Q) Contracted services include but are not limited to: • On-call services 24 hours per day, 7 days per L week, including holidays. a. • Sexual assault examinations for victims at an N appropriate Sexual Assault Response Team 0 (SART) facility under contact with the E VENDOR. • Blood draws, urine sample collection, // / ILO TASER dart removal, rape kit examinations ETC M on suspects, DNA evidence collection kits and other requested services at the San �1JtG Bernardino Police Department or other to requested locations. • Current duty roster with name and phone E number of on-call nurse and at least on back- �n up nurse shall be provided to the San -0 Bernardino Police Department. m • VENDOR'S personnel shall have a response c time of 30 minutes for Phlebotomist and 30 m minutes (ideal) to 60 minutes (maximum acceptable) for SART exams. Response time / Q is defined as the time lapse from point of contact with on-call nurse to their arrival at requested location. 11 Packet Pg. 281 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) • VENDOR'S personnel shall be certified in collecting and preserving evidence. SART o personnel shall complete a 40-hour training co course and be certified as meeting SART nurse examiner guidelines by a hospital or ,o medical training facility providing such a training and certification. Phlebotomists shall complete an 8-hour training course, conduct a minimum of 10 supervised blood draws and by certified as meeting 2 Phlebotomists guidelines by a hospital, technical medical school or medical training facility. a� • Before award of contract, the VENDOR shall provide written proof of all required training, �CC ey{�✓i+ `o copies of all licenses and certificates required w by law, as well as written copy of VENDOR'S procedures (chain of custody) �,.✓ for the collection, preservation and '�� transportation of evidence collected during examinations. 0 • At the time of submitting their proposals, N VENDOR'S shall have an agreement with an appropriate SART facility located within a fifteen-(15) mile radius of the central Police a Station. The proposal shall state in miles, N rounded off to nearest 1/10'' of a mile, the .00_ driving distance from the central Police Station located at 710 North D Street in San Bernardino California. LO • An appropriate SART facility is defined as a medical facility or doctor's office having a professional appearance and being equipped to handle all medical demands that may arise N during a SART EXAMINATION. The City reserves the right to inspect the SART E facility to make a determination that the cn facility meets the minimum technical -_ standards. m 3. SART AND SUSPECT RAPE EXAMINATIONS E • Completed SART and suspect rape kits shall Acav be given to the requesting officer to store as 7 a evidence. a-/p 12 Packet Pg. 282 5.N.c RFQ F-I5-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) • An additional blood sample shall be drawn in a medically acceptable manner for the o purpose of testing for sexually transmitted o co diseases at a private laboratory. L • Contractor must have arrangements with a w private laboratory certified to perform all v mandatory testing for sexually transmitted diseases on blood samples drawn during SART and rape kit examinations. (l• Mandatory testing shall include Chlamydia, -HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Pregnancy ° testing. VENDOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPENSATING n.bN THE LABORATORY FOR PERFORMING ALL MANDATORY TESTS. - • Optional testing, as requested by the Police w Department, may include Rohypnol and Methylenedioximet amphetamine(MDMA- commonly known as Ecstasy) or other drugs ° that may have contributed to the victim being sexually assaulted. VENDOR shall pL coordinate the transfer of blood samples to a N laboratory designed by the Police Department. The City shall bear all costs 3 associated with these optional tests. a- • VENDOR shall ensure that the laboratory o notifies individuals of any health issues arising from mandatory tests. Q • VENDR shall ensure that copies of all test results are forwarded to the Police LO Department. 4. BLOOD DRAWS • Blood draws to measure the toxicity of individuals arrested for being under the /�d`-Gp /1` C influence of narcotics and/or alcohol shall be drawn using medically acceptable practices. • The vial containing the drawn blood sample N shall be given to the requesting officer to store as evidence. m 5. SUPPLIES L ° • The VENDOR shall furnish all equipment �� // S E and supplies necessary for the performance of �""�/� U the contract with the exception of sex kits and Q DNA evidence kits that will be provided by -e°'- the City. 13 Packet Pg. 283 5.N.c RFQ F-15.11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) 6. DISPOSAL OF WASTE • The VENDOR shall dispose of all needles o and medical waste at no additional cost to the �' o City. .�. G co 7. BILLING PROCEDURES o 0 • The VENDOR shall forward invoices on a monthly basis; providing case number, date /� of service, patient name and copy of �// information sheet filled out by the C`1l � /i v W �n investigating officer. Invoices shall be 2 received no later than the 150 day following the end of the month. Payment shall be due to the VENDOR within 30 days of receipt of invoice. 8. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS o • In addition to regular insurance requirements w for general liability and worker's compensation found in the Services Agreement, the VENDOR shall also provide o and maintain in effect the following: e • Commercial auto liability and property ~ insurance covering any owned and/or rented vehicles used by VENDOR in the minimum amount of $1 million combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property a damage. N • Professional Iiability insurance covering .�0 errors and omissions on the part of the VENDOR at a minimum of $1 million each a occurrence. Delivery n s M Delivery of ordered materials must be without G unreasonable delay � / s e. E E 'tn c a� E U 4 14 Packet Pg. 284 Acareff lle e 0 0 A Cal WORK'S,EDA,WIA,VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Education Trainlna Service Contractor c 0 00 L O w to d U L v m c at E w v L 0 c w 3 J SIGNED PRICE FORM L 0 U L a m N O Y Q Y V`^J L E E V! tL .F+ (V E U r-� a Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegensbcglobal.net www.missioncueereollege.com Packet Pg. 285 S.N.c Mission Career College A CaIWORK'S.CalJOB's.EDD.WIA.VA.My AA Depart of Rehab.&SBETe Vocational Education Training Service Contractor 0 O O PRICE FORM o co Request for Quotes: RFO F-15-11 0 Description of RFQ: Medical Evidence Collection Service SARTO .y Company Name: Mission Career Collette a� Address: 2211 Hunts Lane Suite R San Berna•dino CA 408 r � d Authorized Representative: ino Abila,President/CEO,Frances Martinez Abila,CFO as FIRM FIXED FEE o # DESCRIPTION QTY AMOUNT a w 3 1 Blood Withdrawal each $ 65.00 J 0 2 Blood ETOH Draw each $ 65.00 0 3 Sample Collection-PC296 each $ 120.00 w 4 Blood Alcohol Kit each $ 95.00 2- a. 5 Urine Collection each $ 95.00 0 0 6 Taser Dart Removal each $ 120.00 Q 7 Dry Run-for Blood Sample each $ 95.00 a)Urine Sample each $ 95.00 M b Sample Collection-PC296 each $ 95.00 c Taser Dart Removal each $ 120.00 s U) 8 Sexual Assault Suspect Examination each $220.00 M E 9 Sexual Assault Suspect Dry Run each $ 120.00 E to 10 Sexual Assault Victim Examination each $220.00 m 11 Sexual Assault Victim Dry Run each = $ 120.00 E Z 12 Phlebotomy On Call each $ 65.00 0 r a 13 Nurse Stand-by Fee per hour 1 $ 95.00 14 Total Firm Fix Fee I pet hour $1,805.00 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane Suite R Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncoliege(cbatt.net www.missioncareercoll Packet Pg. 286 Mission Cuter Colle e 0 0 A CaIWORK's.EDA.WIA.VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Education Trainlna Service Contractor ° 0 0 L O w U L ,Q) N U W E U L 0 W 3 J AUTHORIZED BINDING SIGNATURES ° L a) O s U L 3 (L 0)N �L Q .c Q m u7 M w N d t Cn IB E E Cn m .i+ C d E U �W) tC a.+ a-� Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegnsbcplobal.net www.missioncargernal if-,Pre,rarn Packet Pg. 287 5.N.c hVLj Mladon Cancer Colle 0 0 A UWORK's.EDA.WIA.VA.Deoart of Rehab. Vocational Education Training Servlce Contractor 0 0 L 0 October 13, 2014 c°'i L Cn V AAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATION m c a� E Company: Mission Career College L 0 Legal Structure of Company: Corporation w 3 Address: (Corporate): 3975 Jackson Street,Suite 300 City: Riverside State:CA Zip:92503 0 Local Address (If different from above: 2211 Hunts Ln Suite R,San Bernardino,CA 92408 -�0a O Chief Officer/Officers of the Corporation: Tino Abila, President a) Chief Fiscal Officer/Accountant: Frances Martinez Abila, CFO n. Date organization began operations: 2/21/2006 Incorporated in the State of: California N I- 0 Federal Tax ID#: 26-3988287 State Tax ID#: 263-7064-3 Q v 0 LO M This is to certify that the above is true, complete and correct. It shall also serve to certify and verify that the signatures shown below is in fact the true signature of the Authorized Representatives,who have s the authority to enter into contractual agreements and to transact other business with the City of San L Bernardino,on its behalf. E 0 Cn no Abi a, President/CEO Frances Martinez Abila, CFO E s Date Date 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegensbcglobal.net www.missioncar Packet Pg. 288 5.N.c i i Mai Cce Cae e u 0 0 A CalWORK's.FDA.WIA.VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Educatlon Tralninit Service Contractor 0 0 L O U) CD U L C/) M _U U y C d U U L O w C W ?r t4 J VERIFICATIONS OF ADDENDA RECEIVED L oL N t4 t U L CL a) N .L O i+ a co M a3 U t U) R E E m C d E U r.+ a+ a 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollege@,sbcglobal.net www.missioneareercollege.com Packet Pg.289 5.N.c RFQ F-15.11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) 0 0 Verification of Addenda Received o 00 Addenda No: Received on: �° Addenda No: Received on: U) Addenda No: Received on: .; L N FIRM NAME: eK .. r,.0.r.i _o—T ADDRESS: L Phone: �'S� !p o 9 — 054 w Email: VAX 0.% <<4 e a G U O Fax: Authorized Signature: v Print Name: 4,F4 10 1TAa,'IW L d Title: N N O s IF SUBMITTING A"NO PROPOSAL", PLEASE STATE REASON (S) BELOW: a LO M w+ d d s to R E E Cn m c m E s U is r a 18 Packet Pg. 290 5.N.c Mtn CareerColle e 0 0 A_SalWORK's.EDA,WIA.VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Educatlon Training Service Contractor C 0 00 L O N N V L ,,W^^ V/ U_ N a.+ C d E d V L O w- C W tC J LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTOR L 0 N tSS t U L (L a) N �L O Q V7 M r-. N t U) L t6 E E 3 00 C d E .0 U w Q i 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegensbcglobal.net www.missioncareercollepe.com Packet Pg. 291 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) SUBCONTRACTOR'S LIST C 0 Co As required by California State Law, the General Contractor bidding will hereinafter state the subcontractor who will be the subcontractor on the job for each particular trade w or subdivision of the work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent of the General Contractor's total bid and will state the firm name and principal location of the mill, shop, or office of each. If a General Contractor falls to specify a subcontractor, or if he specifies more than one subcontractor for the same portion of work to be performed under the contract in excess of one-half of one percent, he agrees that he is fully qualified to perform that portion himself and that he shall perform that portion himself. a) DIVISION OF NAME OF FIRM OR LOCATION U WORK OR CONTRACTOR CITY o TRADE _ on w 3 J O cU L O N R t U L a a N 'C O Print Name nature of Bidder LO Company Name: VyL, stge e.✓ Address: � � . Z9'd� n3 E E REJECTION OF BIDS cn The undersigned agrees that the City of San Bernardino reserves the right to reject any 0° or all bids, and reserves the right to waive informalities in a bid or bids not affected by law, if to do seems to best serve the public interest. E a 19 Packet Pg. 292 5.N.c Miulon Career LCoUege 0 A Ca1WORWs,EDA.WIA.VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Education Tralnlna Servlce Contractor °c 0 eo L 0 U) d V a) U) ia V d .F+ d E d V L 0 W AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLLUSION 0 L 0 N cC t V L CL a� N �L 0 Q u7 M G1 d L U) R Co C d E V a 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel:1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncoilegenshcglobal.net www.missioncareercollege.com Packet Pg. 293 S.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ° C 0 00 TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO `� 0 In accordance with Title 23, United States Code, Section 112, the undersigned hereby CD states, under penalty of perjury: 3 That he/she has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken action In restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with RFQ F-15-11. E Business Name V.• 6 Jr 10 A 04t'#--4�0'0' .ll ii � ,0 / Business Address �.�� ua'�c ).. CA �✓�9✓�+���� ' w f2y Signature of bidder X 0 ,Q L Place of Residence L o. Subscribed and sworn before me this 1 day of 06—ral- 6A , 2014. N 0 z Notary Public in and for the County of 2,1 FR S i D 4 , State of California. Q My commission expires: Oeno13Elz 0Z,? , 201-7 Ln M N PATRICK NEHME Commission#►2047493 rn •� Notary Public-California L Riverside county `e My Comm.Expires Oct 29,2017+ E E Cn 2 m c aD E Q IV 20 Packet Pg. 294 5.N.c MLston Cuea Colle e 0 0 A CaIWORK's.EDA.WIA,VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocational Education Training Service Contractor c 0 0 L p U L a1 U_ N C a) E a> U L 0 W 3 R J 120 DAY MINIMUM PROPOSAL VALIDITY STATEMENT L L Q N iC U L 3 D. Q1 N �L 0 Q M a.+ (D a) t a L c�c C E II�^ C/) M2_ W c� C U a 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegensbeglobal.net www.missioncareercollege.com Packet Pg. 295 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER 0 0 0 Effective on or about November 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 plus three (3) one-year co renewal options, for City's requirements. o Option year one, if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Option year two if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. i Option year three, if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 1i U_ Actual option year pricing shall be negotiated with the successful Bidder(s) prior to exercising of any given option year. Option years shall become effective only upon issuance by the City of a duly authorized Purchase Order. E U L Are there any other additional or incidental costs that will be required firm in 0 order to meet the requirements of the Proposal Specifications? Yes /b N (circle w one). If you answered "Yes", please provide detail of said additional costs: J O L e� L 0 Please indi a e any elements of the Proposal Specifications that cannot be met by your s firm. A- a a� N L Have you included in your proposal all informational items and forms as requeste . Yes / No (circle one). If you answered "No", please explain: a LO M w Q) Q) L This offer shall remain firm for 120 days from RFQ close date. L ns Terms and conditions as set forth in this RFQ apply to this proposal. E Cn Cash discount allowable % days; unless otherwise stated, payment terms :2 are: Net thirty (30) days. 0° In signing this proposal, Offeror(s) warrants that all certifications and documents s requested herein are attached and properly completed and signed. From time to time, the City may issue one or more addenda to this RFQ. Below, please a indicate all Addenda to this RFQ received by your firm, and the date said Addenda was/were received. 17 Packet Pg. 296 5.N.c i i Mission Career Colle e 0 0 A WWORWs.EDA.WIA.VA.Depart of Rehab. Vocatlonal Educatlon Trainlna Service Contractor 0 0 L O W N N U L VJ U_ N C O E d U L O w C W 3 ca INSURANCE CERTIFICATE L 0 cc U L a a) N .`O t Q tp tt� M U d L U) L E E W E U cv r Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncoilegcnsbcelobal.net www.missioncar Packet Pg. 297 A SCOfITSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATIONS Policy No. CPS1935042 Effective Date 05/14/2014 12:01 A.M.,Stand d Time c Named Insured MISSInN CAREER coLLLraLr. =Nc. Agent No. 00 00 L O Item 1. Limits of Insurance y Coverage Limit of Liabil v Aggregate Limits of Liability Products/Completed $ s, 000,o0o Operations Aggregate cn General Aggregate(other than $ 31000,000 ProduoW Completed Operations) Coverage A-Bodily Injury and any one occurrence subject Property Damage Liability to the Products/Completed E Operations and General $ 11000, 000 Aggregate Limits of Liability 0 W any one premises subject to the Coverage A occurrence and the General Aggregate Limits ° L Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit $ 100, 000 _ of Liability ° z ;overage B-Personal and any one person or organization 0 Advertising Injury Liability subjoct to the General Aggregate $ 1,000L000 Limits of Liability Coverage C,Medical Payments, any one person subject to the L Coverage A occurrence and a $ 5, 000 the General Aggregate Limits ' N L Item 2. Description of Business _ J Form of Business: Q ❑ Individual ® Partnership ❑ Joint Venture ❑ Trust ❑ Limited Liability Company ❑ Organization including a corporation(other than Partnership,Joint Venture or Limited Liability Company) Location of All Premises You Own,Rent or Occupy: see schedule of Locations a� t Item 3. Forms and Endorsements E E Forms)and Endorsements)made a part of this policy at time of issue: ° See Schad We of Forms and Endorsements 'a Item 4. Premiums m Coverage Part Premium: $ 2, 687 Other Premium: $ E Total Premium: $ 2,687 m THESE DECLARATIONS ARE PART OF THE POLICY DECLARATIONS CONTAINING THE NAME OF THE INSURED AND Q '4E POLICY PERIOD. Ito CLS-SD-1L(8-01) INSURED claedllf..fap Packet Pg. 298 Mtsslou Career Calle e 0 A Ca1WORWs.EDA,WIA.VA.Deoart of Rehab. Vocational Education Training Service Contractor 0 co L O W N d U L G! fC U_ N C 4) U L O v- i O W co LICENSE, PERMITS, QUALIFICATIONS, APPROVALS 0 L E 0 U L d N I •L O Q M d Q1 L Cn A L E E Cn W E U Q 3975 Jackson St.,Suite 300 2211 Hunts Lane#R&Q Riverside,CA 92503 San Bernardino,CA 92408 Tel:(951)688-7411 Tel: 1-855-609-0566 Email:missioncollegenr,sbcglobal.net www.missioncarcercollege.com Packet Pa. 299 5.N.c 600 North Arrowhead Avenue,Suho 300-San 8krnudlno,411fom1a 92401.1148.90!•883.7881•FAX 909.389.7333•wz .o 0 0 0 0 CO March 27, 2014 0 w m L V! Mr. Tino Abila, President U Mission Career College a 3975 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Riverside, CA 92503 RE: Contract for Training Services under WIA Individual Training Accounts r- Dear Mr. Abila: 3 J Enclosed is your executed copy of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) contract for training services under Individual Training Accounts (ITA) that covers eligible Adults and Dislocated Workers. By reference, this agreement incorporates your institutions' o training programs currently included on the State of California Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). This agreement also details procedures for the referral, enrollment and training of WIA customers. a If you have any questions regarding this training contract, please contact Regina Black, o Workforce Program Manger at (909) 888-7881. Thank you for you assistance. a Sincerely, M s v? L E E Ernest B. Dowdy Executive Director m Enclosure E BETA . Packet Pg. 300 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) City of San Bernardino, Finance Department Purchasing Division RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service (SART Exams) o 0 Bid Documents to Be Returned 0 w a� ❑ References •L a� ❑ Completed Technical Specifications—right-hand column (City Form) U ❑ Signed Price Form (City Form) a� ❑ One (1)signed original of Quote in a SEALED ENVELOPE E ❑ Two (2)copies of signed Quote in a SEALED ENVELOPE L 0 ❑ Authorized Binding Signature(s) w 3 ❑ Verifications of Addenda Received (City Form) ly Forms J 0 ❑ CD Listing of Proposed Subcontractor, if applicable (City Form) Iv Forms o ❑ Affidavit of Non-Collusion N F1 120 Day Minimum Proposal Validity Statement III Additional Requirements,VI General Specification s#4 -� a ❑ Insurance Certificates N L O F] Copy of Contractor License or other appropriate licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals that are legally required to provide services, and that such licenses and Q approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Contract. II•Tech Specs s VI General Specifications#35 cD Cl) U Offeror(s)are requested to submit this checklist completed with all bid documents. This list may not be inclusive of all documents needed to submit your RFQ. Please refer to y, entire packet for additional documents. E 0 a m c m E U .r 2 3 Packet Pg. 301 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection service(SART Exams) City of San Bernardino i TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0 BID SPECIFICATION NO. °o 0 co MEDICAL EVIDENCE COLLECTION SERVICE (SART EXAMS) o N d NOTICE: "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDER" N U) Services: 70 a� Bidder shall complete right hand column indicating brief reasoning for Exceptions to requirements when not acceptable. State"Acceptable" if E Requirements are agreeable as set forth on left hand column. L O Equipment: c w 3 Bidder shall complete right hand column indicating specific size and or Make and model of all components when not exactly as specified. State "As Specified"if item is exactly as set forth in the left hand column. a GENERAL o This specification describes the City of San Bernardino's requirement for Law Enforcement t Medical Services (LEMS). Bidders are expected to meet or exceed specifications in their entirety. The equipment is to be new(not used) and shall include all standard equipment. a as N Bid prices must be valid for 120 days due to processing requirements. 0 r Bid prices effective from time of award through June 30, 2015, plus a three single year renewal Q options. Actual option year pricing shall be negotiated with the successful bidder prior to LO exercising of any given option year. Option years shall become effective only upon issuance by the City of a duly authorized Purchase Order. a� s ORDERS n All orders must be delivered within 30 days after order date or as required by the City of San E Bernardino. The contractor shall maintain an inventory for each item delivered. cn DELIVERY m a� All completed orders must be delivered to 710 North"D" Street San Bernardino, California 92410 a 10 Packet Pg.302 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) PAYMENT PROCESS All invoices must be submitted to 710 North"D" Street San Bernardino, California 92410 0 FAILURE TO COMPLETE RIGHT HAND COLUMN WILL INVALIDATE BID C 0 co CATEGORYI ACCEPTABLE AS o SPECIFIED N a� MEDICAL EVIDENCE COLLECTION SERVICE 2 a� 1. SCOPE co The Vendor shall provide qualified medical U personnel to perform medical evidence collection services in support of the City of San Bernardino Police Department. Contracted services shall be provided on an on-call basis, 24-hours per day seven d days per week including holidays. The VENDOR shall perform ALL of the required services. Proposals that DO NOT include costs for all of the "' 3 requested services shall be deemed non-responsive and disqualified. o 2. REQUIREMENTS m Contracted services include but are not limited to: 0 • On-call services 24 hours per day, 7 days per N week, including holidays. • Sexual assault examinations for victims at an 3 appropriate Sexual Assault Response Team a (SART) facility under contact with the 4 •L VENDOR. _ • Blood draws, urine sample collection, a TASER dart removal, rape kit examinations on suspects, DNA evidence collection kits and other requested services at the San , Bernardino Police Department or other aO L'L requested locations. Cn • Current duty roster with name and phone number of on-call nurse and at least on back- E up nurse shall be provided to the San E Bernardino Police Department. N • VENDOR'S personnel shall have a response m time of 30 minutes for Phlebotomist and 30 minutes (ideal) to 60 minutes (maximum E acceptable) for SART exams. Response time is defined as the time lapse from point of contact with on-call nurse to their arrival at Q requested location. 11 Packet Pg.303 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) • VENDOR'S personnel shall be certified in collecting and preserving evidence. SART personnel shall complete a 40-hour training j course and be certified as meeting SART nurse examiner guidelines by a hospital or medical training facility providing such training and certification. Phlebotomists L C�.ti tit PI-I fe be �� shall complete an 8-hour training course, N conduct a minim iii �+um of 10 supervised blood ` - W 7 CI.v ' f{ , draws and by certified as meeting Phlebotomists guidelines by a hospital, L 1 L� h-� 3 �hG�i 'h i Cn technical medical school or medical training ((�L` 1,� F rU 3 b>✓n c=..fLt,'tQ'� r � � facility. P(i • Before award of contract,the VENDOR shall provide written proof of all required training, E copies of all licenses and certificates required by law, as well as written copy of c VENDOR'S procedures (chain of custody) for the collection, preservation and (L 3 transportation of evidence collected during examinations. • At the time of submitting their proposals, VENDOR'S shall have an agreement with an 0 appropriate SART facility located within a fifteen-(15) mile radius of the central Police Station. The proposal shall state in miles, ;C �}ti� 2 rounded off to nearest 1/10th of a mile, they JCL � N driving distance from the central Police 1 � Station located at 710 North D Street in San .0 0 Bernardino California. Q • An appropriate SART facility is defined as a medical facility or doctor's office having a professional appearance and being equipped to handle all medical demands that may arise during a SART EXAMINATION. The City s Cn reserves the right to inspect the SARI � - facility to make a determination that the E facility meets the minimum technical E standards. m 3.SART AND SUSPECT RAPE EXAMINATIONS c • Completed SART and suspect rape kits shall be given to the requesting officer to store asa. ' / evidence. w a 12 Packet Pg. 304 5.N.c HOW TO OBTAIN A"CERTIFIED PHLEBOTOMY TECHNICIANrCERTIFICATE GUIDE FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE DEPT.OF Public HEALTH,LABORATORY FIELD SERVICES(CA CDPH-LFS),PHLEBOTOMY PROGRAM**Note:The number of O hours of OTJE Is based upon the date the person applies to LFS for certification. C Co Mailing Address:CA CDPH-LFS,Phlebotomy Program,850 Marina Bay Parkway,Richmond,CA 94804-6403 00 Phone:510.620.3800 updated December 19,2012 0 0 to (D LwTeoPiuBoTowTEaoycun CeitW K"bomnty T.WJdan I(CPT1) Cvmnm PKXwTowTecmic,w 1(CPT Camed PNebmM Twnlden I(CPT 1) CERMW Pta.EBOrowTECwUCNN 2(CPT2) V No EXPERIENCE 1) Egral to or GrpNrlMn 1040 HouRs mow N Lou then 1040 town on • THE jobeverlance(OTJE)-'wMn IM peal rive IENCE (OTJE) wrrHIN THE yenn AST FIVE YEARS 76 High school graduate or GED High school graduate or GED or High school graduate or GED or High school graduate or GED or High school graduate or GED or U or Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent; y Qualified to be a CPT1 AND Obtained 1040 hours On-the-Job- Experience(OTJE)**within the C last 5 years () Submit documentation and an Submit documentation and an application Submit documentation and an Submit documentation and an Submit documentation and an E application to a CA approved to a CA approved Phlebotomy Training application to a CA approved application to a CA approved application to a CA approved Phlebotomy Training Program Program Phlebotomy Training Program Phlebotomy Training Program Phlebotomy Training Program. i O Complete the following; Attend a phlebotomy training program Attend a phlebotomy training Attend a phlebotomy training program Complete the following: _ and complete the following: program and complete the and complete 20 hours of advanced W 0 hours of basic classes at e C approved training program following: classes. i) 20 hours of advanced cusses at a 1) 20 hours of basic classes CA approved training program � 2) 20 hours of advanced classes 1) 20 tours of basic classes 2) 25 successful skin —I 3) 40 hours of practical training in a 2) 20 hours of advanced 2) 20 successful arterial punctures punctures In a clinical clinical setting classes under a licensed MD,PA,RN, �O setting on real patients a 4) 50 successful venipunctures AND CLB,CLS or RCP while training on >` through a training program 10 successful skin punctures on the job Q1 or onthejob real patients O IRNW N N Obtain a certificate of Obtain a certificate of completion from Obtain a certificate of completion Obtain a certificate of completion from Obtain a certificate of completion from completion from the the phlebotomy training program, from the phlebotomy training the phlebotomy training program the phlebotomy training program i phlebotomy training program program 3 Perform 25 successful skin Experience non-app iCa e. Perform 50 successful Periorn 50 successful venipunctures Perform 50 successful venipunctures d punctures in a clinical setting on venipunctures AND 10 successful AND 10 successful skin punctures on AND 10 successful skin punctures d real patients. skin punctures on actual patients, actual patients AND 20 arterial punctures on actual N patients r Obtain a certificate or loner Exper once documentation is non. Obtain documentation from Obtain documentation from employers) Obtain documentation from signed by a licensed MD,PA, applicable, employers)of 50 venipunctures of 50 venipunctures 8 10 skin punctures employer(s)of 50 venipunctures 810 RN,CLS or CLS stating 8 10 skin punctures-signed by signed by laboratory director/s skin punctures-signed by laboratory completion of 25 successful laboratory directods director(s)AND documentation of 20 Q skin punctures while on the job arterial punctures-signed by licensed (OTJ). MD,PA,RN,CL8,CLS,or RCP LO M w d 41) t Cn L cE G (n .M. tv U tt3 rr Q Packet Pg. 305 S.N c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) • An additional blood sample shall be drawn in , a medically acceptable manner for the ; purpose of testing for sexually transmitted •DT J S f, diseases at a private laboratory. �'►'�`� �`G` _ t`? o^ • Contractor must have arrangements with a `Vc'r.E /hot C private laboratory certified to perform all j�Cit-77L mandatory testing for sexually transmitted diseases on blood samples drawn during I.)�4 Ct`� SART and rape kit examinations. { r c� U • Mandatory testing shall include Chlamydia, V �, HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Pregnancy testing. VENDOR SHALL BE 1 2 RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPENSATING �� = � THE LABORATORY FOR PERFORMING t: ` '"` y s-�`�`� C '` ALL MANDATORY TESTS. • Optional testing, as requested by the Police Department, may include Rohypnol and o Methylenedioximet amphetamine(MDMA- -LU commonly known as Ecstasy)or other drugs 3 cc that may have contributed to the victim being sexually assaulted. VENDOR shall �L L L� t�`•1'��`-- o coordinate the transfer of blood samples to a laboratory designed by the Police p Department. The City shall bear all costs y associated with these optional tests. t • VENDOR shall ensure that the laboratory notifies individuals of any health issues a. arising from mandatory tests. a • VENDR shall ensure that copies of all test results are forwarded to the Police a Department. 4. BLOOD DRAWS LO • Blood draws to measure the toxicity of individuals arrested for being under the influence of narcotics and/or alcohol shall be v drawn using medically acceptable practices. • The vial containing the drawn blood sample ,�,(! L � l y�� E shall be given to the requesting officer to y store as evidence. in 5. SUPPLIES m • The VENDOR shall furnish all equipment and supplies necessary for the performance of the contract with the exception of sex kits and DNA evidence kits that will be provided by a the City. 13 Packet Pg.306 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) 6. DISPOSAL OF WASTE • The VENDOR shall dispose of all needles and medical waste at no additional cost to the Ci o 7. BILLING PROCEDURES °o • The VENDOR shall forward invoices on a co monthly basis, providing case number, date `� of service, patient name and copy of information sheet filled out by the investigating officer. Invoices shall be received no later than the 15fl' day following I() C �.l� in the end of the month. Payment shall be due rz to the VENDOR within 30 days of receipt of invoice. 8. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS • In addition to regular insurance requirements E for general liability and worker's L compensation found in the Services Agreement, the VENDOR shall also provide w and maintain in effect the following: J • Commercial auto liability and property o insurance covering any owned and/or rented vehicles used by VENDOR in the minimum / -a ,; amount of $1 million combined single limit q C �Li. �.� O per accident for bodily injury and property damage. L • Professional liability insurance covering a. errors and omissions on the part of the N VENDOR at a minimum of$1 million each o occurrence. Delivery Q Delivery of ordered materials must be without unreasonable delay w a� a� U) E E Cn 'm a) E a 14 Packet Pg.307 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) PRICE FORM REQUEST FOR QUOTES: `�- 0 DESCRIPTION OF RFQ: Medical Evidence Collection Service (SARTS) co 0 COMPANY NAME L } b.; (-tai f-o-.o c yl Chi ( , w ADDRESS: 0 A Ci Jn PRINT NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE iZ S c(.iM E�� Provide pricing that is a Firm Fixed Fee E # DESCRIPTION QTY AMOUNT L 1 Blood Withdrawal each 0 v w 3 2 Blood ETOH Draw each 6-6 , () o c 3 Sample Collection-PC296 each 4 Blood Alcohol Kit each , C? o` 5 Urine Collection each - 0 C3 L 6 Taser Dart Removal each i 7 Dry Run-for Blood sample each 4m 6 L 0 a Urine Sample each / 1 a b Sample Collection-PC296 each C j} c Taser Dart Removal each Ln Sexual Assault Suspect .� 8 Examination each ` , Li iJ co 9 Sexual Assault Suspect Dry Run each E 10 Sexual Assault Victim Exam each 'r7 �j , 11 Sexual Assault Victim D run each 12 Phlebotomy On Call per Meter �j 'r Z) _ a 13 Nurse Stand-by Fee per hour 14 TOTAL FIRM FIXED FEE �. 16 Packet Pg.308 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER Effective on or about November 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 plus three (3) one-year o renewal options, for City's requirements. o 0 Option year one, if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. t4 Option year two, if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. ,0 Option year three, if exercised, shall be effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. U i G1 Actual option year pricing shall be negotiated with the successful Bidder(s) prior to exercising of any given option year. Option years shall become effective only upon issuance by the City of a duly authorized Purchase Order. Are there any other additional or incidental costs that will be required b --Y-our firm in E order to meet the requirements of the Proposal Specifications? Yes / No (circle 0 one). If you answered "Yes", please provide detail of said additional costs: 0 w 3 J O N Please indicate any elements of the Proposal Specifications that cannot be met by your firm. �... , �c: cu �c t� _�F ii o •��. � L. (U �ll� T t U I L V a Hp_ve you included in your proposal all informational items and forms as requested? Yes N o. . (circle one). If you answered "No", please explain: `o IL CC U a to U) M This offer shall remain firm for 120 days from RFQ close date. v U) Terms and conditions as set forth in this RFQ apply to this proposal. E Cash discount allowable % days; unless otherwise stated, payment terms are: Net thirty (30) days. 'm In signing this proposal, Offeror(s) warrants that all certifications and documents requested herein are attached and properly completed and signed. E U From time to time, the City may issue one or more addenda to this RFQ. Below, please r indicate all Addenda to this RFQ received by your firm, and the date said Addenda a was/were received. 17 Packet Pg. 309 RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) Verification of Addenda Received o Addenda No: Received on: o Addenda No: Received on: Addenda No: Received on: c 2 2 FIRM NAME: �l ADDRESS: D 3� :�tL` 1 � � Alm &�K,Ka- U 'i �/ C Phone: `l(�UCi) `�t Li � 0 E U L Email: t -L N (1- C� C HA t C'.f� C LU .� Fax: 0 Authorized Signature: t`� Print Name: �� � R Title: I�i�'1; �� a d N IF SUBMITTING A "NO PROPOSAL", PLEASE STATE REASON (S) BELOW: 0 LO M w d d t Cn tC E E 3 Cn Co C d E V r+ w Q 18 Packet Pg.310 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) SUBCONTRACTOR'S LIST As required by California State Law, the General Contractor bidding will hereinafter o state the subcontractor who will be the subcontractor on the job for each particular trade o or subdivision of the work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent of the co General Contractor's total bid and will state the firm name and principal location of the o mill, shop, or office of each. If a General Contractor fails to specify a subcontractor, or if N he specifies more than one subcontractor for the same portion of work to be performed under the contract in excess of one-half of one percent, he agrees that he is fully qualified to perform that portion himself and that he shall perform that portion himself. DIVISION OF NAME OF FIRM OR LOCATION WORK OR CONTRACTOR CITY TRADE E U i O r- C W 3 c� J O i O L 0 a.d U Print Name &bnature of Bidder a Company Name: �!At)10,_� ��J1C-- LO Address: Cn L REJECTION OF BIDS E E The undersigned agrees that the City of San Bernardino reserves the right to reject any Cn or all bids, and reserves the right to waive informalities in a bid or bids not affected by in law, if to do seems to best serve the public interest. E Q 19 Packet Pg. 311 5.N.c RFQ F-15-11 Medical Evidence Collection Service(SART Exams) NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO o co0 0 In accordance with Title 23, United States Code, Section 112, the undersigned hereby states, under penalty of perjury: ° fn That he/she has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated 2 in any collusion, or otherwise taken action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with RFQ F-15-11. r Business Name C P-� �� "� i C. . ,'7,�7 tj E ► _ 2- Business Address �. � 1 eU� )t�'IJE Z -3 o Signature of bidderJC` t-tip 3 J _2 L Place of Residence 0 aD N R Subscribed and sworn before me this /S day of QC �I i' , 20 2 a Notary Public in and for the County of �u''� `r/t�/c���(d , State of California. o i � s My commission expires: �G a �/ � . 20 /49 . a L0 M W d t Cn cv E E N I � m C Q E t v tC i 20 I I Packet Pg. 312 5.N.c CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California 2 County of J �—/�u% � D °o C 0 CO r l-�2e �r�'P� Lyi d¢ar�I �i�bli�- o On c6v �� before me, 0- (Here insert name and title of the icer) to y W personally appeared /�M ,�/"/S�� Oi who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personfA whose names$ ii are subscribed to U the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heWthey executed the same in his/their authorized capacity, and that by his/,4D/their signaturef4 on the Instrument the personM, or the entity upon behalf of which the personW acted, executed the instrument. E I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ° ........ L»«ET SNIPP 3 ' :- ; Commission No. 1995783 z -� WITNESS my hand and official seal � . NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA n �O SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY L ( My Comm.Expires OCTOBER 27,2016 Signature of Notary Public 0 d N s ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM d Any acknowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as N_ DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT appears above in the notary section or a separate acknowledgment form must be `- properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if a c t7`f _ �r�� A mu ' document is to be recorded outside of California.In such instances,any alternative :3 (Title or description of attached document) acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the Q verbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in ItT California (i.e. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check the to (Title or description of attached document continued) document carefully for proper notarial wording and attach this form if required. to C9— /Drj�/1 • State and County information must be the State and County where the document Number of Pages p, Document Date signer(s)personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. d • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s)personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. (Additional information) • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title(notary public). E • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of E notarization. 3 • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms b crossing off incorrect forms t e N CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER g P Y g (�. � 11 Individual(s) he/she/tl*e -is/ere)or circling the correct forms.Failure to correctly indicate this .a m information may lead to rejection of document recording, ❑ Corporate Officer • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines.If seal impression smudges,re-seal if a m (Title) sufficient area permits,otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. E • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of V ❑ Partner(s) � the county clerk. ❑ Attorney-in-Fact Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this Q ❑ Trustee(s) acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. ❑ Other 4 Indicate title or type of attached document,number of pages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer,indicate the title(i.e.CEO,CFO,Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document 2008 Version CAPA v12.10.07 800-873-9865 www.NotaryClasses.com Packet Pg. 313 EG Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc. �iv 8285 Sierra AvenLie, Suite 107 -' - Fontana, CA 92335-3550 ir✓ 7 www.1et-ns4n6.corn email: 1enis4n6@?grr1aH.c_om (909) 428-7488 FAX (909) 428-7486 0 0 ao L O N 15 October 2014 d co =a City of San Bernardino Finance Department c d 300 North D Street E m San Bernardino, CA 92418 0 C w RE: RFQ F-15-11 3 ca J 0 The enclosed quote for services provided by Law Enforcement Medical Services, Inc. shall remain valid for a term of no less than O 120 days from today' s date. N ca t Resp c- : -'i Submitted a. m N �L 0 s Rowney, RN Q President �r co M a) N t CO) R E E m C d E t V r+ r Q Packet Pg. 314 SAc Policy Number: 00044917-4 Date Entered: A�& CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). c PRODUCER NTACT CO O KEVIN PECK INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC P.O. Box 78736 PHONE • (951)284-5664 F�Not: (951)284-5667 Q 0o e , kpeckinsurance @aol.com to Corona,Ca 92877 s_ INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL t 0 INSURER A:James River Insurance Co— 12203 1 N INSURED Law Enforcement Medical Services,Inc. INSURER River Insurance Co. 12203 INSURER C:James River insurance Co. 12203 > 8285 Sierra Avenue INSURER D:state Compensation Insurance Pond d Suite 107 N Fontana, CA 92335 INSURERE: James River insurance Co. 122 INSURER F: V COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: d THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD Sc INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS .. CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES_LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 0) INSR AD L UBR E LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMIDIDY� MMIDIDmYY LIMITS 4) GENERAL LIABILITY _ V EACH OCCURRENCE 11,000,000 L' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY O PR MI ES Ea occurrence $50 000 = A CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR 00044917-4 9/14/2014 9/14/2015 MED EXP(Anyone person) $Excluded LL PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $3 J PRODUCTS- $Included O GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO LOC $ y AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea acciden $1,000,000 i- ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ O ALL OWNED SCHEDULED N AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ to HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS Per accident $ U 9/14/2013 9/14/2014 $ UMBRELLALIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 D' G. EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE 00044917-4 9/14/2014 9/14/2015 AGGREGATE $3.000.000 N DED IX RETENTIONS $ .L WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- 0TH- 0 AND EMPLOYERS'LUIBILITY Y/Nom'' ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE 07/01/2014 07/01/2015 E.L.FACHACCIDENT $1,000,000 D OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? a N/A < (Mandatory In NH) 9104855-14 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,Q00 •• yes,de scribe under RIPTION OF OPERATIONS below D E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S1 000 000 CEO to ESC E Sexual or Physical 00044917-4 9/14/2014 9/14/2015 Per Occurance $100,000 Liability Aggregate $300,000 Iv m DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space Is required) t Certificate Holder and Blanket Additional Insured 30 Day Notice of Cancellation to E E 3 N CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION m c SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE San Bernardino Police Dept. THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN E 710 N D St. ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. L) V San Bernardino,Ca 92404 r AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Q Kevin Peck ©1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Producedusing Forms Boss Plus soft ware.www.FormsBoss.comlmpressivePublishinp 800.208-1977 Packet Pg. 315 5.N.c CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUSINESS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT This 13minm Registration Certificate does not indicate the legal operation of this bmiuu. et this location. Othcr approwl. by otbcr City ACCT NO. 10399 - depanments, such as Development services may be required. This Certificate is issued without verification that the certificate is subject to or NUMBER axempt from licrnsing by the State ofCalifomi.. DATE PAID 01/21/201 103993 RENEWAL The Business Owner is rapemible for timely renewal. Not receiving a renewal notice for any reason dots not relieve responsibility for timely peymant.If not paid within 30 days of the expiration date shown,a 50%penalty will be imposed. 575 $60.00 BUSINESS CLASS: CONSULTANT(OUTSIDE) EXPIRATION DATE PEN $30.00 DATE PAID NOTES: 11/30/2014 SB1186 $1.00 0 01/21/2014 BUSINESS LOCATION: 8285 SIERRA AVE STE 107 0 CD 00 OWNER.FIRM OR LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL SERVICE 613 CORPORATION i --^— 0 BALANCE $0.0I N IN BUSESS NAME LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL SERVICE V ATTENTION MAILING ADDRESS 8285 SIERRA AVE STE 107 N FONTANA, CA, 92335-3550 U_ N a.. C E U L 0 LU 3 J 0 L O N tC t V 3 a 0 N L 0 i� Q LO M a+ d N s >+ a- m E E a� W .I.r E .L V .F+ a Packet Pg. 316